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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da eficiência dos sistemas de compartimentação vertical externa por afastamento entre janelas e por projeções horizontais segundo as exigências normativas brasileiras / Analysis of the efficiency of the external vertical compartmentation systems for separation between windows and external horizontal projections according to brazilian’s fire safety codes

Rodrigues, Eduardo Estevam Camargo January 2009 (has links)
Os códigos brasileiros de segurança contra incêndio e pânico (SCIP) possuem inúmeras divergências no que tange aos detalhamentos exigidos para a instalação de diversos sistemas de prevenção e proteção. Dentre eles, existe o sistema estrutural de compartimentação vertical externa, o qual prescreve afastamento vertical entre janelas ou construção de projeções horizontais externas entre as aberturas, para limitação da propagação do fogo aos pavimentos acima consecutivos. Comprovadamente, as normas referenciam a necessidade de resistência ao fogo dos materiais constituintes do sistema, no entanto, não indicam a eficiência ao objetivo proposto, confinar o fogo em seu compartimento de origem ou retardar sua propagação. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, sob a ótica da dinâmica de propagação do incêndio, a eficiência do sistema de compartimentação vertical externa por afastamento entre as janelas e por implantação de projeções horizontais como continuidade dos pisos, segundo os detalhamentos exigidos nas normas brasileiras. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de campo em escala reduzida (1/3), com diferentes configurações de fachadas e cargas de incêndio, sem vento, utilizando-se termopares, termografia e fotografia. Também, foi utilizado o simulador computacional da dinâmica do incêndio Fire Dynamics Simulator 5, onde foram analisados cenários desenvolvidos conforme as exigências normativas nacionais. Ambos programas experimentais apresentaram dados coerentes, podendo ser potenciais ferramentas para análise da eficiência de outros sistemas. Os resultados confirmaram que a geometria da edificação e das aberturas modificam a dinâmica de propagação do fogo. Para a carga de incêndio classificada como risco baixo, mostraram-se satisfatórias todas as configurações com afastamentos de 3 m e de 1,2 m para aberturas estreitas, bem como as projeções horizontais de 90 cm. Como risco médio, à exceção do afastamento de 3m, com pédireito convencional, os demais não contiveram adequadamente a propagação do fogo Também, para ambas geometrias de abertura, a projeção horizontal externa de 90 cm aperfeiçoou os resultados, retardando o aquecimento consideravelmente. / The Brazilian’s fire safety Codes have much discrepancy about the installation details of the several fire safety systems. The external vertical compartmentation is one of them, which determine vertical separation between windows or placement of external horizontal projections in continuity with floors, to limits the spread of fire toward upper habitations. The fire resistances of the materials constituent these systems are confirmed in the Brazilian’s fire safety Codes. However, there aren’t mentions about the efficiency to restrict the fire in initial compartment or to retard it spread. In this context, the study’s objective is to analyze, in the fire spread dynamic’s view, the efficiency of the external vertical compartmentation systems for separation between windows and external horizontal projections according to the Brazilian’s fire safety Codes. For it, were carried out field tests in reduce-scale compartments (1/3), with different façade settings and loads fire, no wind, using thermocouples, thermography and photography. Also, was used the software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), 5th version. In the FDS were developed and analyzed fire sceneries, which contemplated all settings of the national standards. Both experimental programs can be potential tools to analysis of the efficiency another fire safety systems, because they showed coherent data’s. The results confirmed that building’s geometry and openings configuration modify the fire spread dynamics. For load fire classified as low risk, all separations between windows with distance 3 m, 1,2 m with square windows and external horizontal projection with length 90 cm showed satisfactory results. For load fire classified as medium risk, the separation between openings didn’t restrain the fire spread, except the arrangement with distance 3m, square windows and lower ceiling. Also, the horizontal projection with 90 cm length showed best results for both window forms, delaying the heating.

Sistema de gestão da segurança contra incêndio e pânico nas edificações : fundamentação para uma regulamentação nacional / Management system of fire safety in buildings : fundamentation for a national regulation

Rodrigues, Eduardo Estevam Camargo January 2016 (has links)
As leis e regulamentos de segurança contra incêndio e pânico (SCIP) foram construídos ao longo dos anos, incentivados, em sua maioria, por grandes incêndios, os quais mostraram que a evolução tecnológica e a verticalização das cidades aumentaram sobremaneira os riscos à vida dos usuários das edificações, exigindo do poder público e da sociedade técnica e científica o aprimoramento concomitante das medidas, sistemas construtivos e equipamentos que mitigassem tais riscos a níveis aceitáveis. Com o advento de mais uma tragédia recente, o incêndio na casa noturna (boate) Kiss em 2013, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, iniciaram-se novamente discussões a nível nacional sobre a necessidade de atualização das legislações estaduais, e principalmente sobre a relevância em estabelecer requisitos únicos que garantam a eficiência, eficácia e efetividade da segurança contra incêndios no Brasil. A presente pesquisa teve o objetivo de estudar a viabilidade de elaboração de uma regulamentação técnica nacional, transformando-se em um instrumento motivador através da fundamentação teórica acerca das responsabilidades da gestão pública em proporcionar a segurança contra incêndio aos cidadãos, bem como pela apresentação de uma visão sistêmica da SCIP, necessária para a sua evolução técnica e científica contínua. Também, foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre todas as regulamentações técnicas brasileiras, priorizando os requisitos de classificação das edificações, exigências das medidas de segurança contra incêndio e pânico e detalhamentos técnicos requeridos para os principais sistemas de proteção, conjuntamente com a verificação da percepção dos gestores técnicos da SCIP nas edificações do Brasil, por meio de entrevista aplicada, sobre a relevância e a viabilidade de implantação de uma regulamentação técnica nacional. Com base no estudo comparativo, concluiu-se que apesar das discrepâncias encontradas, os regulamentos possuem fundamentações semelhantes que possibilitam a elaboração de uma redação única no país, por meio de um trabalho conjunto e sistematizado, com todos os setores envolvidos e com os gestores da regulamentação, os quais expressaram representativamente a intenção de padronização nacional. / The Fire Safety Regulations have been built over the years, encouraged mostly by large fires, which showed that the technological evolution and the verticalization of cities greatly increased the risks to the lives of the users of the buildings, requiring concomitant improvement of measures from the government and the technical and scientific society, as well as building systems and equipment to mitigate these risks to acceptable levels. With the advent of a recent tragedy, the fire at the nightclub Kiss in 2013 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, discussions have begun again, at national level on the need for updating state laws, and especially on the relevance in establishing unique requirements to ensure the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of fire safety in Brazil. This research aimed to study the feasibility of developing a national technical regulation, becoming a motivational tool by the theoretical foundation about the responsibilities of public administration in providing fire safety to citizens, as well as the presentation of a systemic view of fire safety in buildings (FSIB) necessary for their ongoing technical and scientific developments. Also, we conducted a comparative study of all Brazilian technical regulations, giving priority to the classification requirements of buildings, requirements of safety measures against fire and panic and technical details required for the main protection systems, together with the verification of the perception of FSIB managers of Brazil, through the interview on the relevance and feasibility of implementing a national technical regulations. Based on the comparative study, it was concluded that despite the discrepancies found, the regulated have similar foundations that make possible the establishment of a single redaction in the country, requiring a joint effort of all sectors involved and public technical managers who have shown representatively the intention of national standardization.

Análise da eficiência dos sistemas de compartimentação vertical externa por afastamento entre janelas e por projeções horizontais segundo as exigências normativas brasileiras / Analysis of the efficiency of the external vertical compartmentation systems for separation between windows and external horizontal projections according to brazilian’s fire safety codes

Rodrigues, Eduardo Estevam Camargo January 2009 (has links)
Os códigos brasileiros de segurança contra incêndio e pânico (SCIP) possuem inúmeras divergências no que tange aos detalhamentos exigidos para a instalação de diversos sistemas de prevenção e proteção. Dentre eles, existe o sistema estrutural de compartimentação vertical externa, o qual prescreve afastamento vertical entre janelas ou construção de projeções horizontais externas entre as aberturas, para limitação da propagação do fogo aos pavimentos acima consecutivos. Comprovadamente, as normas referenciam a necessidade de resistência ao fogo dos materiais constituintes do sistema, no entanto, não indicam a eficiência ao objetivo proposto, confinar o fogo em seu compartimento de origem ou retardar sua propagação. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, sob a ótica da dinâmica de propagação do incêndio, a eficiência do sistema de compartimentação vertical externa por afastamento entre as janelas e por implantação de projeções horizontais como continuidade dos pisos, segundo os detalhamentos exigidos nas normas brasileiras. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de campo em escala reduzida (1/3), com diferentes configurações de fachadas e cargas de incêndio, sem vento, utilizando-se termopares, termografia e fotografia. Também, foi utilizado o simulador computacional da dinâmica do incêndio Fire Dynamics Simulator 5, onde foram analisados cenários desenvolvidos conforme as exigências normativas nacionais. Ambos programas experimentais apresentaram dados coerentes, podendo ser potenciais ferramentas para análise da eficiência de outros sistemas. Os resultados confirmaram que a geometria da edificação e das aberturas modificam a dinâmica de propagação do fogo. Para a carga de incêndio classificada como risco baixo, mostraram-se satisfatórias todas as configurações com afastamentos de 3 m e de 1,2 m para aberturas estreitas, bem como as projeções horizontais de 90 cm. Como risco médio, à exceção do afastamento de 3m, com pédireito convencional, os demais não contiveram adequadamente a propagação do fogo Também, para ambas geometrias de abertura, a projeção horizontal externa de 90 cm aperfeiçoou os resultados, retardando o aquecimento consideravelmente. / The Brazilian’s fire safety Codes have much discrepancy about the installation details of the several fire safety systems. The external vertical compartmentation is one of them, which determine vertical separation between windows or placement of external horizontal projections in continuity with floors, to limits the spread of fire toward upper habitations. The fire resistances of the materials constituent these systems are confirmed in the Brazilian’s fire safety Codes. However, there aren’t mentions about the efficiency to restrict the fire in initial compartment or to retard it spread. In this context, the study’s objective is to analyze, in the fire spread dynamic’s view, the efficiency of the external vertical compartmentation systems for separation between windows and external horizontal projections according to the Brazilian’s fire safety Codes. For it, were carried out field tests in reduce-scale compartments (1/3), with different façade settings and loads fire, no wind, using thermocouples, thermography and photography. Also, was used the software Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), 5th version. In the FDS were developed and analyzed fire sceneries, which contemplated all settings of the national standards. Both experimental programs can be potential tools to analysis of the efficiency another fire safety systems, because they showed coherent data’s. The results confirmed that building’s geometry and openings configuration modify the fire spread dynamics. For load fire classified as low risk, all separations between windows with distance 3 m, 1,2 m with square windows and external horizontal projection with length 90 cm showed satisfactory results. For load fire classified as medium risk, the separation between openings didn’t restrain the fire spread, except the arrangement with distance 3m, square windows and lower ceiling. Also, the horizontal projection with 90 cm length showed best results for both window forms, delaying the heating.

Simulations aux grandes échelles de panaches libre et impactant / Large eddies simulation of free and impinging plumes

Lamalle, Damien 12 December 2014 (has links)
Lors des études de désenfumage, le recours à la mécanique des fluides numérique, par l’emploi de codes tridimensionnels (CFD), est de plus en plus employé. Cependant, suite aux études de Dalmarnock (2007) et d’Arcueil (2009), il a été montré que les résultats numériques peuvent s’éloigner de façon significative des résultats expérimentaux. Ces différences peuvent être notamment induites par des faibles erreurs de certains paramètres clés, ce qui limite l’utilisation prédictive de ces codes dans les études d’ingénierie de la sécurité incendie. Dans ce cadre, cette thèse est consacrée à la simulation numérique d’écoulement induit par une source de chaleur. Les simulations sont réalisées avec le code FDS, largement utilisé par la communauté incendie, afin d’étudier sa capacité à reproduire la dynamique de ces écoulements. L’étude se porte principalement sur la simulation d’un panache, créé par une plaque chauffante, avec une comparaison détaillée à des résultats expérimentaux. Les résultats des simulations montrent que, les profils radiaux des statistiques en un point de vitesse et température d’ordre 1 et 2, sont en très bon accord avec les résultats de la littérature. Les évolutions des flux de masse, de flottabilité et de quantité de mouvement, ainsi que celle du nombre de Richardson du panache, sont également bien reproduites. Après avoir validé la simulation, l’évolution du coefficient d’entraînement avec la hauteur a pu être examinée en détail, montrant que ce coefficient diminue en s’éloignant de la source de chaleur, passant de 0.4 en partie proche de la source à 0.1 en partie éloignée. Cette évolution a pu être expliquée par une dépendance du coefficient d’entraînement avec le nombre de Richardson local du panache et le rapport des masses volumiques entre le panache et l’air ambiant. La thèse a également permis de montrer que les variables étudiées sont sensibles à différents modèles de sous maille. Pour finir, une méthodologie a été proposée pour étudier la sensibilité de différents paramètres d’entrée de simulation et appliquée sur un cas réaliste d’incendie dans un bâtiment. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs paramètres explicites (paramètres définis en concertation avec le propriétaire du bâtiment, les services d’incendie et les autorités compétentes) qui modifient les résultats de la simulation : la puissance du foyer, le débit d’extraction des gaz chauds, mais également certains paramètres implicites (paramètres définis par le modélisateur) comme le débit d’insufflation au niveau des entrées d’air frais. / Fire Safety Engineering studies often rely on the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics, but several recent studies (e.g. Dalmarnock 2007, Arcueil Numérique 2009) have highlighted significant differences between experimental data and the results of numerical simulations. The numerical models are often rather sensitive to the choice of boundary conditions, and may depend on key parameters which are poorly understood. The research presented in this thesis addresses some of these questions, using the CFD code FDS to simulate a set of experimental test cases, and to test the sensitivity of the simulations to different input parameters. The general configuration studied is that of a thermal plume generated by a heated plate, either rising freely or else impacting on a ceiling. Radial profiles of 1st and 2nd order statistics of temperature and velocity agree well with published data, as does the axial variation of Mass, Momentum and Buoyancy fluxes, and the local Richardson number. A detailed study of the entrainment coefficient shows that this varies with distance from the heat source, between about 0.4 and 0.1; this is explained by the dependence of entrainment on the local Richardson number and the density difference between the plume and the ambient air. The comparison between simulations has also been used to investigate the applicability of different sub-grid scale models for this type of flow. Finally, a methodology has been developed for evaluating the sensitivity of the calculations to different input parameters, and the method has been applied to a test configuration representing a fire in a building. The results show the relative importance of both explicitly-defined parameters that characterize the situation (thermal power of the fire, ventilation regime inside the building) and implicit model parameters.

Investigation of Fire Safety Characteristics of Alternative Aviation Fuels

Vikrant E Goyal (8081456) 05 December 2019 (has links)
<div>Due to the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and emission challenges associated with its usage, there is a need for alternative aviation fuels for future propulsion. The alternative fuels with handling, storage and combustion characteristics similar to conventional fuels can be used as “drop-in” fuels without significant changes to the existing aviation infrastructure. Fire safety characteristics of alternative aviation fuels have not been studied intensively and therefore research is needed to understand these characteristics. In this study, fire safety characteristics namely hot surface ignition (HSI) and flame spread phenomena are investigated for alternative aviation fuels. </div><div><br></div><div>HSI is defined as the process of a flammable liquid coming in contact with a hot surface and evaporating, mixing and reacting with the surrounding oxidizer with self-supporting heat release (combustion). If all the conditions are adequate, the fuel may completely turn into combustion products following the ignition process. This work presents results from more than 5000 ignition tests using a newly developed reproducible test apparatus. A uniform surface temperature stainless steel plate simulating the wall of a typical exhaust manifold of an aircraft engine is used as the hot surface. Ignition tests confirmed that the ignition event is transient and initiates at randomly distributed locations on the hot surface. The results show many significant differences and some similarities in the ignition characteristics and temperatures of the different fuels. In this work, hot surface ignition temperatures (HSITs) are measured for nine hydrocarbon liquids. Five of these fuels are piston engine based, three fuels are turbine-engine based and one fuel is a pure liquid, heptane. The piston engine based fuels are given by FAA and are confidential and hence labeled as test fuels A, B, C, D for this study. The HSITs of these fuels are measured and compared against a baseline fuel 100 LL aviation gasoline (100LL Avgas). HSITs of conventional turbine engine based fuels namely Jet-A, JP-8, and JP-5 are also measured. </div><div><br></div><div>Flame spread along liquid fuel has been one of the important combustion phenomena that still requires more in-depth research and analysis for the deep understanding of the chemical processes involved. Flame spread rate determines how fast the flame spreads along the fuel surface and it is an important parameter to study for fire safety purposes. For the flame spread rates study, a novel experimental apparatus is designed and fabricated. The experimental apparatus consists of a rectangular pan, a fuel heating system, an autonomous lid actuation system, a CO2 fire extinguisher system, and a laser ignition system. The flame spread phenomenon is studied for a conventional aviation fuel namely, Jet-A and three alternative aviation fuels namely, hydro-processed ester fatty acids (HEFA-50), Fischer-Tropsch – IPK (FT-IPK) and synthetic iso-paraffin (SIP). The experiments are conducted for a wide range of initial fuel temperatures ranging from 25°-100°C for Jet-A, HEFA-50, FT-IPK and from 80-140°C for SIP as the flash-point of SIP is 110°C and is ~3 times higher than that of other three fuels. The flame spread rate of all fuels increases exponentially with increasing fuel’s initial temperature. Flame spread rate is as low as ~5 cm/sec for Jet-A, HEFA-50, FT-IPK for 25°C initial fuel temperature and goes to as high as 160 cm/sec for 80°C initial fuel temperature. For SIP based jet fuel, flame spread rate is ~160 cm/sec for initial fuel temperature of 140°C. Additionally, it was also found that the flame propagation consists of two types of flames: a precursor blue flame located ahead of the main yellow flame. These flames are more evident over the fuels’ surface with initial fuel temperatures higher than their respective flash-points. The precursor blue flame propagates like a premixed flame and the main yellow flame propagates like diffusion combustion.</div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation includes eight chapters. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the work done until now in the field of hot surface ignition. Following this review, the experimental apparatus designed and fabricated for this study are discussed in Chapter 2. This chapter also talks about the test matrix, data acquisition tools and concludes with the data analysis method. In Chapter-3, HSITs of 3 turbine engine based fuels and 5 piston engine based fuels are reported. This chapter also discusses the effect of drop height and curvature (flat v/s cylindrical) for two fuels, Jet-A, and heptane. This concludes the work done in the field of HSI in this dissertation. Chapter 4 talks about the past work reported by various researchers in the field of flame spread phenomenon and key learnings from their work. Chapter 5 discusses the experimental apparatus designed and fabricated for flame spread phenomenon study. In chapter-6, flame spread rates of 4 alternative aviation fuels are reported. This chapter also discusses the flame spread mechanism associated with slower (liquid-phase controlled) and faster (gas-phase controlled) flame propagation. Chapter 7 discusses flame propagation which consists two types of flames: a precursor blue flame and a main yellow flame. Chapter 8 concludes the key findings of the hot surface ignition and flame spread phenomenon study in this research work </div><div><br></div>

Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Precursor Fire Safety Evacuation Skills to Children with Autism

Foxman, Amy 05 1900 (has links)
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have challenges with communication, changes in routine, and processing social information and communication that can affect their ability to learn and respond successfully to safety threats. When given behavioral skills training (BST), children with and without ASD have demonstrated gains in safety responding skills. Although the prevalence of ASD has risen, few studies exist on the acquisition of fire safety skills for children with ASD. This study built on current literature by utilizing a multiple probe design across participants to teach a precursor fire safety evacuation procedure using BST. Additionally, it evaluated if the behaviors gained generalize to another environment and maintain over time, as generalization and maintenance are critical for real-world application of the safety skills. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if an intervention using BST for teaching a precursor fire alarm evacuation procedure was effective for children with ASD in acquiring, maintaining, and generalizing the procedure. The study showed that the BST procedure for teaching precursor fire safety skills was effective for three of four participants. Only 50% of participants demonstrated generalization of skills learned to an alternate location and fire alarm sound, and 75% of participants maintained skills after 4 weeks. According to the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) single-case design standards, the study met standards without reservations and demonstrated moderate evidence of a causal relation.

Measuring Skill Decay in Fire Ground Commanders

Bonnell, Joe 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite improved technology and equipment and a steady decline of structure fires, firefighter line-of-duty deaths and injury rates have increased over the past 10 years. Independent reports indicated poor decision-making by fire ground incident commanders (FGCs) as the primary cause of deaths and injuries. FGCs are vulnerable to skill decay given the expertise needed to manage an incident and limited opportunities to remain proficient. Guided by skill decay theory, the purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between skill decay among FGCs and experience, drilling and training opportunities (overlearning), years of experience, and time since initial training. A web-based survey was used to collect data from a convenience sample of 376 certified fire department officers. Findings from multiple linear regression analysis indicated that time since initial training in a fire command training program was significantly related to skill retention among FGCs (p = .008). Experience, drilling and training opportunities (overlearning), and years of experience in the fire service were not significantly related to skill retention. Findings may be used to strengthen fire service policies and reduce loss of life and property damage in the fire service and communities.

Förbättring av brandprojektering för arkitekter : En studie av samordningen mellan arkitekter och brandkonsulter samt framtagning av lathund angående brandfrågor / Improving the fire planning for architects : A study of the collaboration between architects and fire consultants, and also the making of a lighter manual regarding fire planning.

Blixt, Sofie, Svanteson, Karl January 2014 (has links)
I alla byggprojekt som behandlas är arkitekter och brandkonsulter två viktiga aktörer. Arkitekternas huvudsyfte är att ge människor ett gestaltningsmässigt intryck av en byggnad, men även att ge den ett praktiskt och tryggt användande. Brand-konsulternas roll är bland annat att hjälpa arkitekterna med den del som innefattar brandsäkerhet. Idag är samarbetet mellan arkitekter och brandkonsulter inte optimalt men det finns enkla förändringar som skulle effektivisera arbetsmetodiken. Detta examensarbete har resulterat i en lathund gällande brandprojektering som riktar sig till arkitekter. Lathunden baseras på kapitlet om brandskydd i Boverkets Byggregler (BBR), de omfattande handböckerna som används vid projektering samt statistik gällande de vanligaste problemen mellan aktörerna idag. Underlaget baserar vi på enkätundersökningar, intervjuer samt litteraturstudier. Lathunden syftar till att bli ett tydligare verktyg för arkitekterna, till skillnad mot de handböcker som används idag. Vi tar även fram alternativ och förslag för möjliga förbättringar gällande brandprojektering. Detta resulterar i en ekonomisk och tidsmässig vinst för inblandade parter. / Two important roles in all construction projects active today are the architects and the fire consultants. The architect´s main purpose is to give people a strong esthetic impression of the building but at the same time make it practical and safe for people to use. The fire consultant’s role is to help and support the architects to make the building safe to use, considering fire safety. This collaboration is not as effective as it could be in the current situation, and a few easy changes can be made to improve this working methodology. This bachelor thesis results in a lighter manual regarding fire planning, addressed to architects. The manual is based on the chapter in Boverkets Byggregler (BBR), which regulates the fire planning, the heavier handbooks that are being used today and also statistics regarding the most common difficulties between the two roles. The statistics are based on basic questionnaire surveys, interviews and literature studies. The manual will be a clearer tool for the architects, compared to the handbooks that are being used today. We are also going to introduce some alternatives and suggestions for possible improvements to the fire planning. This will result in a financial and temporal win for all parties involved.


Park, Jeanhyuk 01 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Fighting Fire with Fire: Redefining the Interior Design Value Proposition

Setser, Katherine 28 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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