Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fire rescue"" "subject:"dire rescue""
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Vstup do uzavřených prostor a objektů při zásazích jednotek HZS ČR / Entry into confident spaces and objects in the intervention of Fire Rescue Units of the Czech RepublicWINOGRODZKI, Lubomír January 2013 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis undertakes problems of the entrance of Fire Rescue Service forces to the closed areas and objects. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis focuses on problems of Integrated Rescue System, shows its units cooperated during the actions with the necessity of the entrance to the closed areas and specifies legislation focused to this type of incidents. It names the ways of entrance to the closed areas according to possible fire-fighting accesses, admission port to the objects and their technical provision in case of defalt in rescue of people. The main part of the diploma thesis in theoretical part is shot to the specification of fire-fighting technics, technical and material means, used for emergency entrance to the closed areas at Fire Rescue Service Moravian-Silesian Region, Regional Fire Rescue Service Karviná. At the conclusion of the theoretical part there are the most important aspects of tactics of Fire Rescue Service forces in actions described, where they are obliged to open closed obstructions for the entrance and to enter the closed areas regarding to solve technical help, fires or rescue of people. Because Police of the Czech Republic is the component of the Integrated Rescue System it takes part in most cases of Fire Rescue Service´s actions. That is the reason why I introduced the tactics in the actions of Fire Rescue Service force relating to the Fire Protection, very interesting methods of entrance to the closed areas used by special Police force. In the practical part of the diploma thesis there are methods and ways of emergency entrance to the closed areas using modern methods and technical support. To explain described methods of entrance and making obstructions up, I used the experiences obtained during my professional Fire Rescue Service. After the analysis of the separate methods there is an evaluation of their implementation and risks or complications during the actions. All methods and ways of emergency entrance are illustrated by photos. Then there is a summary of events from 2007 to 2012 when I was included to Regional Fire Rescue Service in Karviná. This summary shows frequency of actions in entrance to the closed areas in Moravian-Silesian Region in 2012. Next there is an analysis of means of Regional Fire Rescue Service in Karviná, used for opening and entrance to the closed areas. The effect of the analysis is to detect facilities for effective implementation of actions. On the basis of results the optimalisation was suggested to guarantee preparedness for these actions. In conclusion a ?door and window opener? is designed, including the verification of functionality. The technical documentation and direction for use are in enclosures. In conclusion of the practical part of the diploma thesis there is a discussion and evaluation of all aims of the work as practical processes of emergency entrance of Fire Rescue Service (FRS) forces to closed areas, evaluation of different types of rescuing people, FRS data processing and designing of the ?door and window opener?. At the end of the discussion the exploratory question was confirmed which evaluated facilities of FRS for emergency entrance to the closed areas, their insufficiency or necesity of inovation and, of course, if the door and window opener suggested in this work will improve the entrance to the closed areas and the action standard. Read more
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Logistické zabezpečení ve veřejné správě se zaměřením na ochranu obyvatelstva / Logistic management in public sector with focus on citizen protectionKUBÁT, Robert January 2013 (has links)
We live in the time when humanity is often threatened by exceptional affairs, which affect health or lives all of us. To stop or overcome dangerous impacts of these exceptional affairs in society logistic system is built, which eliminated these impacts. This thesis is focused just on this system which is prepared to solve exceptional affairs its devices and resources. In the Czech Republic it is secured solution of the affairs by public administration, which provides basic logistic support. The Fire Rescue Brigade of the Czech Republic is a basic link of a logistic chain. Last years the population of the Czech Republic could make sure about need of logistic support either during devastating floods or tragic accidents. The knowledge of procedures and practical skills of an activity of precautions of protection of population is one of the basic conditions its successful realization while an exceptional affair occurs. The aim of the thesis was to find out and to evaluate the state of a logistic support in a section of protection of the population in public administration with a focus on municipalities with extended activities on a base of crisis management department staff and inhabitants given municipalities. The whole research was aimed so, that after accomplishment of research with the aid of conducted interviews with public administration staff was obtained information about logistic support of particular towns. The view of knowledge and awareness of inhabitants of particular towns was gained by analysis of data obtained by questionnaire survey. Simultaneously this information reflects a general view of a real state of awareness of these inhabitants from the side of council halls. The municipalities with extended activity Týn nad Vltavou, Písek and Tábor include lots of other municipalities. If the thesis should dedicated all of them in a detail, the work would be very comprehensive. That is why it is focused with only particular towns. The methodology of work consisted of collecting theoretical information obtained especially from professional literature, websites and valid laws. In order to find out logistic support and state of awareness of inhabitants conducted interviews (included 21 questions) with crisis management department staff were accomplished. Afterwards the questionnaire, which focused on this issue, was handed over chosen inhabitants. Read more
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Srovnání znalostí laické a odborné veřejnosti z jaderné fyziky pro ochranu obyvatelstva / Comparison of knowledge from nuclear physics for protection of inhabitants at laical and expert communityBARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis was to achieve comparison of knowledge of nuclear physics for population protection between general and professional public. This idea is based on the assumption of the possible existence of extraordinary events with occurring ionizing radiation and for this reason it is necessary to train specialists for the eventuality of these cases. These professionals should have wider knowledge of nuclear physics than general lay population. This issue has not been examined with lay and professional public yet, as well as there has been no comparison of the two listed groups. Another objective of this thesis was to structure the basics of nuclear physics for workers in civil protection training. For this purpose, the author of this work created a model of nuclear physics, reflecting the basic knowledge of nuclear physics, based on the analysis of the curricula for the IRS. The author explored the forms of studies of university program for the public protection, of members of the Fire and Rescue Service, of university study program for paramedics, of staff of the Anti-organised crime department of Police of the Czech Republic and of the Customs Administration. The analysis showed the widest expected range of knowledge at the technicians of the Chemical Service of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic (the chemist), who are professionally trained in the handling of hazardous substances and ionizing radiation sources. These members have become the monitored representatives for the professional community in the survey of this thesis. Lay general public was represented by people from the social circle of the author of this work, i.e. they were an unrepresentative sample of the general public. The theory of physics curricular process was also used, the application of which served to create an alternative test from nuclear physics, which was presented to the respondents. The questionnaires were filled in by 52 technicians of the Chemical Service of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic from different parts of the country and by 50 people of the lay public. It should be noted that the questionnaire was created considering the training of the technicians of the Chemical Service, in which nuclear physics has only a supporting role. One of the objectives of the thesis also included the subsequent statistical evaluation of the applied tests of the knowledge of nuclear physics. For validating mainly the non-parametric and parametric hypotheses tests were used. For the theoretical division of knowledge among professionals the existence of the Poisson distribution (the distribution of "rare" cases) was assumed and the theoretical division of investigating the general public should be close to a normal distribution. Also the difference between the knowledge of laymen and experts was investigated. To meet the defined objectives of this work three hypotheses were set, for their verification the methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics were used. Hypotheses were set as follows: H1. Theoretical distribution of knowledge among the general public will be close to normal distribution. H2. Theoretical distribution of knowledge among professionals will not have a normal distribution. H3. Comparison of knowledge in both groups by using the parametric tests will lead to the adoption of alternative hypothesis. All three defined hypotheses were verified via statistical survey and accepted positively. The test, however, does not show the ability or inability of the tested experts to carry out practical tasks associated with their profession. This thesis only aimed to discover theoretical knowledge of nuclear physics, which is based on the theoretical assumption that specialists dealing with adverse events with occurring ionizing radiation pass through a variety of specialized courses that include introduction to the theory of nuclear physics. Read more
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Porovnání činnosti základních složek IZS v operačním řízení v Pardubickém a Královéhradeckém kraji v letech 2008 - 2012 / Comparing the activity of basic IRS operating procedures in Pardubice and Hradec Králové Region in 2008 - 2012PÁTKOVÁ, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, is compared to the basic operation of the integrated rescue system operating procedures in Pardubice and Hradec Králové region in the years 2008-2012 for the thesis were two objectives, the first objective is to assess the activities of the essential components of the integrated rescue system operating procedures, the second goal a proposal on measures to improve the activities that facilitate the work of the basic components of the integrated rescue system with mutual cooperation. It was determined one hypothesis, the basic operation of the integrated rescue system operating procedures in Pardubice and Hradec Králové is the same. The results will be presented with the basic elements of the integrated rescue system both regions to implement their own analysis, and streamline their operations. In the theoretical part of the thesis presents the basic components of the integrated rescue system, their brief description, basic tasks and historical development in the regions. Counties are also briefly described. In this work we discuss the operational management, Performance Operations and Information Centre of the Integrated Rescue System, Operations and Information Centre Fire Brigade, Integrated Operations Centre of the Czech Police and Health Operations Centre. Subsequently, the individual hotlines operating in the Czech Republic. The last section describes the basic types of intervention. The practical part deals with the comparison of the activities of the essential components of the integrated rescue system in Pardubice and Hradec Králové region in the years 2008 2012. Since the failure to obtain materials from emergency medical services in Pardubice and Hradec Králové, comparisons focused on the evaluation of cooperation Fire and Rescue choirs Pardubice and Hradec Králové region and the Police in both counties. On the basis of data obtained from statistical yearbooks affect activities of fire protection from the years 2008-2012 is compared cooperation Fire and Rescue Service and the Police regions of the Czech Republic in Pardubice and Hradec Králové, and cooperation Fire and Rescue Service regions and emergency medical services in Pardubice and Hradec Králové. The next section is compared cooperation Fire and Rescue Service Pardubice and Hradec Králové region and cooperation of the Police of the Czech Republic in Pardubice and Hradec Králové on the basis of information obtained from structured interviews with officials of both institutions. Planned statistical analysis, using bivariate methods has been carried out with regard to the lack of basic materials provided by the integrated rescue system. The research data collected from statistical yearbooks Pardubice and Hradec Králové region, and based on structured interviews with members of the Fire and Rescue Service Pardubice and Hradec Králové region as members of the Police of the Czech Republic in Pardubice and Hradec Králové, given hypothesis is confirmed. The activities of the essential components of the integrated rescue system is in operational management in Pardubice and Hradec Králové almost identical, with small variations. Read more
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Dekontaminační pracoviště na evakuačních trasách ze zóny havarijního plánování po zrušení záchranných praporů / Organization and Activity of Decontaminating Workplace on the Evacuative Run from the Zone of the Critical Planning after the Abolition of Rescue BattalionsSEVEROVÁ, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Abstrakt The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of securing serviceability of decontamination sites using the forces and the means available after cancellation of rescue battalions, and on the current position of the Fire Rescue Service. The objective of the thesis was to draw attention to the problem arising from insufficient securing of decontamination after cancellation of the rescue battalions intended for this activity. The output of the analysis of the present state and the state before cancellation of the rescue batallions is the finding that the solution currently used to secure decontamination is less effective. Therefore I have proposed a more effective solution based on maintaining rescue battalions together with the Fire Rescue Service. The raised hypotheses were confirmed through the concise charts that addressed the capabilities of the rescue units and the communication between individual brigades and departments will be verified in the planned exercise ZÓNA 2010 that will take place from 22 to 23 September 2010. In my thesis I made use of the available literature, findings from my bachelor thesis and from exercises ZÓNA 2007 and ZÓNA 2008, observations of experts, and terrain reconnaissance leading to proposing a suitable decontamination site. The thesis includes a proposal of a decontamination site in Hluboká nad Vltavou {--} Zámostí. I believe that there would be justification for submission of this proposal to the competent bodies. I regard my thesis as a good material for assessing the current state of this issue, proposing various solutions, and returning to greater care of citizens, as it used to be in previous year. Read more
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Analýza komerčního využití Wireless Mesh Network / Commercial use analysis of Wireless Mesh NetworkBystřická, Radka January 2011 (has links)
There is a constant development and continuous progress in the wireless technology field as it is in the all fields of information and communication technologies. One of the latest trends is the wireless mesh network. This type of network brings new features into the wireless field such as multihop, self-configuration, self-organization and self-healing. This enables the usage of wireless networks in new fields and industries or the upgrade of current implementations to meet new market demands. This thesis summarizes theoretical findings from this field from the users' point of view and functionality dimension. This is followed by a summary of possible applications, available technologies and known standards. The second half of the thesis consists of a requirement analysis of a chosen user group (the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic) focusing on application of wireless mesh network for rescue operations. The analysis also includes test criteria and principles for test procedures for this application.
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Vyhodnocení zásahů jednotek Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR k dopravním nehodám v regionu / Evalution of Fire Rescue Service Responses in Traffic Accidents in the South Moravia RegionSvoboda, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the road accident interventions carried out by Fire fighting units and emphasizes average adjustments as well as the problems of forensic engineering. Within the Southern Moravia region, it analyses the statistical data of the Fire Rescue Brigade of the Czech Republic with relation to the road accident interventions, and it analyses the position of the individual units of the Fire Rescue Brigade of the Southern Moravia in the above system. The dissertation discusses relation between the forensic engineering and the Fire Rescue Brigade of Czech Republic and stresses the possibilities of cooperation.
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Ideál hasiče záchranáře a ideál supervizanta - snášejí se? / The Ideal of Firefighter and The Ideal of Supervisee - do they endure?Majzlíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Mgr. Jana Majzlíková - Ideál hasiče a ideál supervizanta - snášejí se? ABSTRACT The work focuses on the question whether it is appropriate to the environment work with firefighters to implement supervision and, if so, how. For this purpose, the work compared the ideal of firefighters, what firefighters have themselves, and the ideal of supervisee what have supervisors, and examined their mutual compatibility. The research design was based on a qualitative approach. The data obtained from interviews with firefighters, supervisors, and from the focus group with firefighters were analyzed using analysis of qualitative data (open coding, thematic analysis). First, research has shown that the ideal of firefighters dominates gratitude for their work and willingness to help others. There is experience in supervision and open sharing stories about clients in the first place of the ideal of supervisee. Next, in both cultural ideals in addition include a common interest in people, understanding for others, tolerance, responsiveness to the needs of clients and people affected by a critical incident, empathy, empathic listening, interest in discussion and accessibility to the opinions of others. In both studied cultural environments courage is also appreciated. The supervisee must have the personal bravery "have skin... Read more
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Součinnost složek integrovaného záchranného systému při dopravních nehodách silničních dopravních prostředků hromadné přepravy osob / Cooperation of Integrated rescue system units in road traffic accidents of means of passenger transitKROUPA, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of collaboration of the Integrated Rescue System at coordination of its units intervention in larger traffic accidents, to be specific in coach traffic accidents with a bigger number of the injured and the dead. In the thesis two significant traffic accidents and cooperation training of the units of the Integrated Rescue System are compared at intervals of last five years. Following the analysis it is possible to monitor not only the increasing level of technical and material equipment of single units, but also the increasing level of coordination of their activities. The main aim of the thesis is evaluation of the current level of collaboration of the units of the Integrated Rescue System in a larger traffic accident, eventually a proposal of possible adjustment or modification of currently already used type activities of the units of the Integrated Rescue System.
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Ochrana osob před dopady závažných chemických havárií / Population Protection against Impacts from Major Chemical AccidentsPopelová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Population Protection againts Impacts from Major Chemical Accident in recent years is an important area to address. This thesis focuses on the current situation and preventive security measures in protecting the population against the effects of serious chemical accidents. Specifically, it focuses on the Czech Republic and toxic industrial chemicals, explosive and flammable. A detailed analysis of the current situation in the Czech Republic with risk areas relating to chemical industry and hazardous chemicals was worked out. An analysis of the current status of population protection from the effects of serious chemical accidents is prepared. On the basis of the analysis measures are suggested to improve the current situation in accordance with legislation. The work was carried out research on their own knowledge of the population in this in pre-selected location.
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