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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle de sistemas passivos de resfriamento de emergencia de reatores nucleares por meio de linhas de desvio

MACEDO, LUIZ A. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:45:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Seismic stratigraphy and fluid flow in the Taranaki and Great South Basins, offshore New Zealand

Chenrai, Piyaphong January 2016 (has links)
This study utilises seismic data to improve understanding of the subsurface fluid flow behaviour in the Taranaki and Great South Basins offshore New Zealand. The aim of this study is to characterise fluid flow features and to investigate their genesis, fluid origins and implications for subsurface fluid plumbing system by integrating seismic interpretation and 3D petroleum systems modelling techniques. After an early phase studying Pliocene pockmarks in the Taranaki Basin, this study has been focused on the subsurface fluid plumbing system and on the fluid expulsion history in the Great South Basin. The Taranaki Basin lies on the west coast and offshore of the North Island, New Zealand. The seismic interpretation revealed that paleo-pockmark formation in the study area relates to fluid escape due to a rapid sediment loading environment in a distal fan setting. Seismic analysis rules out any links between the paleo-pockmarks and faulting. The relationship between paleo-pockmark occurrence and fan depositional thickness variations suggests that pore-water expulsion during overburden progradation is the most likely cause of the paleo-pockmarks. The rapid sediment loading generated overpressure which was greatest on the proximal fan due to a lateral gradient in overburden pressure. Fluids were consequently forced towards the fan distal parts where, eventually, the pore pressure exceeded the fracture gradient of the seal. The Great South Basin lies off the southern coast of the South Island of New Zealand and is located beneath the modern shelf area. Evidence for past and present subsurface fluid flow in this basin is manifested by the presence of numerous paleo-pockmarks, seabed pockmarks, polygonal fault systems, bright spots and bottom simulating reflections (BSR), all of which help constrain aspects of the overburden plumbing system and may provide clues to deeper hydrocarbon prospectivity in this frontier region. The various types of fluid flow features observed in this study are interpreted to be caused by different fluid origins and mechanisms based on evidences from seismic interpretation in the study area. The possible fluid origins which contribute to fluid flow features in the Great South Basin are compactional pore water as well as biogenic and thermogenic hydrocarbons. Using 3D seismic attribute analysis it was possible to highlight the occurrence of these features, particularly polygonal faults and pockmarks, which tend to be hosted within fine-grained sequences. Paleo- and present-day fluid flow features were investigated using 3D basin and petroleum systems modelling with varying heat flow scenarios. The models predict that thermogenic gas is currently being generated in mid-Cretaceous sedimentary sequences and possibly migrates along tectonic faults and polygonal faults feeding present-day pockmarks at the seabed. The models suggest that biogenic gas was the main fluid source for the Middle Eocene paleo-pockmarks and compactional pore fluid may be the main fluid contributor to the Late Eocene paleo-pockmarks. Different heat flow scenarios show that only mid-Cretaceous source rocks have reached thermal maturity in the basin, whilst Late Cretaceous and Paleocene source rocks would be largely immature. The observations and interpretations provided here contribute to the ongoing discussion on basin de-watering and de-gassing and the fluid contributors involved in pockmark formation and the use of pockmarks as a potential indicator of hydrocarbon expulsion. It is clear from this study that seismically-defined fluid flow features should be integrated into petroleum systems modelling of frontier and mature exploration areas in order to improve our understanding on fluid phases, their migration routes, timings and eventual expulsion history.

Cartesian grid methods for viscoelastic fluid flow in complex geometry

Yi, Wei January 2015 (has links)
Viscoelastic fluid flow with immersed boundaries of complex geometry is widely found both in nature and engineering processes. Examples include haemocytes moving in human blood flow, self-propulsion of microscopic organisms in complex liquids, hydraulic fracturing with sand in oil flow, and suspension flow with viscoelastic medium. Computational modelling of such systems is important for understanding complex biological processes and assisting engineering designs. Conventional simulation methods use conformed meshes to resolve the boundaries of complex geometry. Dynamically updating the conformed mesh is computationally expensive and makes parallelization difficult. In comparison, Cartesian grid methods are more promising for large scale parallel simulation. Using Cartesian grid methods to simulate viscoelastic fluid flow with complex boundaries is a relatively unexplored area. In this thesis, a sharp interface Cartesian grid method (SICG) and a smoothed interface immersed boundary method (SIIB) are developed in order to simulate viscoelastic fluids in complex geometries. The SICG method shows a better prediction of the stress on stationary boundaries while the SIIB method shows reduced non-physical oscillations in the computation of drag and lift forces on moving boundaries. Parallel implementations of both solvers are developed. Convergence of the numerical schemes is shown and the implementations are validated with a few benchmark problems with both stationary and moving boundaries. This study also focuses on the simulation of flows past 2D cylindrical or 3D spherical particles. Lateral migration of particles induced by inertial and viscoelastic effects are investigated with different flow types. Equilibrium positions of inertia-induced migration are reported as a function of the particle Reynolds number and the blockage ratio. The migration in the viscoelastic fluid is simulated from zero elastic number to a finite elastic number. The inclusion of both inertial and viscoelastic effects on the lateral migration of a particle is the first of its kind. New findings are reported for the equilibrium positions of a spherical particle in square duct flow, which suggest the need for future experimental and computational work.

Simulação de escoamentos viscosos utilizando mapeamentos entre equações / Viscous flow simulations using diferential equation mappings

Santiago, Gustavo Fuhr January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho faz uma nova proposta de método para solucionar a equação advectivodifusiva tridimensional que descreve os escoamentos viscosos incompressíveis. Este método usa um esquema analítico baseado em split seguido de gênese de equações diferenciais. A solução do problema é efetuada em duas etapas distintas. A primeira etapa consiste na aplicação de um split não-homogêneo sobre as Equações de Navier-Stokes, no qual uma das equações do sistema resultante contém a derivada temporal e o termo viscoso, constituindo uma equação diferencial linear não-homogênea. A solução dessa equação é obtida via mapeamento em uma equação de primeira ordem, fornecendo o formato do campo de velocidades. A partir deste se obtém o formato da função corrente para fins de gênese. Desta forma faz-se com que simulações possam ser obtidas usando computadores portáteis e, mesmo assim, requeiram tempo de processamento pequeno para a solução de problemas ditos de engenharia. Estas vantagens podem ser diretamente traduzidas em aplicações práticas de simulação como, por exemplo, a possibilidade de tomada de decisão em tempo real sobre o controle de um processo em andamento numa planta industrial, respostas transientes num escoamento turbulento ou na previsão da dispersão de poluentes em rios e mananciais críticos à saúde da população. / This work proposes a new method to solve the three-dimensional advective-diffusive equation which describes incompressible viscous flows. The proposed solution uses an analytical method based in the split of the original equation, followed by a genesis of differential equa tions. The problem is solved in two distinct steps. The first step consists of applying a nonhomogeneous split on the Navier-Stokes equations, which results in one non-homogeneous partial differential equation containing the time derivative and the viscous term. This equation is solved by mapping it into a first order equation that provides the velocity field format. Using this result we are able to obtain the stream function format, which will be used in the following genesis. This sequence allows the use of portable computers to achieve simulation results for engineering problems in small enough processing time. These advantages can be used in applications such as real- time decision making about industrial processes variables, transient turbulent flow calculations or pollution dispersion simulations in rivers or other water sources critical to the population.

Etude de l’influence des écoulements dans le bain de fusion sur les mécanismes de solidification en soudage sur l'alliage Cu30Ni / A study of the influence of fluid flow in the weld pool on the mecanisms of solidification during welding on Cu30Ni alloy

Chiocca, Alexis 24 June 2016 (has links)
Les conditions de solidification de la matière au cours d’une opération de soudage sont très particulières. Le phénomène se produit en effet à des vitesses de croissance de grains élevées, en présence de forts gradients de températures, et surtout de forts écoulements dans le bain liquide, qui peuvent modifier les mécanismes de solidification.Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire est une contribution à la compréhension des couplages pouvant exister entre écoulements et mécanismes de solidification, en relation avec les paramètres de soudages, à l’échelle macroscopique du bain, mais aussi à l’échelle microscopique des grains en cours de solidification.Une étude expérimentale est menée, basée sur l’observation in-situ d’un bain liquide traversant généré sur une tôle mince d’alliage Cu30Ni à l’aide d’une torche de soudage TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas), dans deux configurations :une configuration statique générant un bain de fusion axisymétrique, et une configuration en translation générant une ligne de fusion.Pour chaque configuration, la morphologie du front de solidification et les écoulements autour du front sont observés à l’échelle microscopique à l’aide d’une caméra rapide équipée d’un objectif à fort grossissement.A l’échelle macroscopique, le bain dans son ensemble est observé à l’aide d’une caméra infra-rouge et de deux caméras filmant dans le visible.La première permet d’obtenir le champ de température dans le solide sur la face envers, tandis que les deux autres permettent de déterminer la frontière du bain sur les faces supérieure et inférieure.Les observations synchronisées ont permis d’extraire une grande quantité de données permettant de discuter les interactions entre mécanismes de solidification et écoulements pour plusieurs conditions de soudage.Pour finir, les résultats expérimentaux sont confrontés aux résultats issus de modélisations analytiques et numériques, afin de discuter la validité de ces modèles et de tenter de mieux comprendre les analyses. / In welding processes, solidification is very specific. This phenomenon leads to high grain growth rates, in presence of high temperature gradients and strong fluid flows in the liquid, that can change the solidification mechanisms.This work investigates the coupling between fluid flows and solidification mechanisms, related to welding parameters, at weld pool scale (macroscale) and at grains scale (microscale).An experimental study is carried out, based on in-situ observations of a fully penetrated weld pool, generated on a thin Cu30Ni plate with a GTAW torch in two configurations :a static configuration generating an antisymmetric weld pool and a translating configuration generating a weld bead.For each configuration, the solidification morphology and the fluid flows in the solidification front area are observed at microscopic scale, with a high speed camera coupled with a high magnification lens.At macroscopic scale, the whole weld poll is observed with an infra-red camera and two cameras in visible range.We can then obtain on one hand the temperature field on the bottom of the plate and on the other hand the weld pool boundaries on the top and the bottom of the plate.The synchronised observations give access to an important quantity of data allowing the discussion of the interactions between solidification mechanisms and fluid flows for several welding conditions.Finally, the experimental results are compared to theoretical results obtained from analytical and numerical simulations, in order to discuss the possible limitations of models and try to better understand the analysis.

Controls on the distribution of gas hydrates in sedimentary basins

Paganoni, Matteo January 2017 (has links)
Natural gas hydrates store a substantial portion of the Earth's organic carbon, although their occurrence is restricted by thermobaric boundaries and the availability of methane-rich fluids. The complexity of geological systems and the multiphase flow processes promoting hydrate formation can result in a mismatch between the predicted and the observed hydrate distribution. The purpose of this research is to achieve a better comprehension of the factors that influence the distribution of gas hydrates and the mechanism of fluid movements beneath and across the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). Therefore, this study integrates seismic, petrophysical and geochemical data from different gas hydrate provinces. This work provides evidence that hydrates can occur below bottom-simulating reflectors, in the presence of sourcing thermogenic hydrocarbons. The relationship between fluid-escape pipes and gas hydrates is further explored, and pipe-like features are suggested to host a significant volume of hydrates. The host lithology also represents a critical factor influencing hydrate and free gas distribution and, in evaluating a natural gas hydrate system, needs to be considered in conjunction with the spatial variability in the methane supply. The three-dimensional distribution of gas hydrate deposits in coarse-grained sediments, representing the current target for hydrate exploration, is shown to be correlated with that of the underlying free gas zone, reflecting sourcing mechanisms dominated by a long-range advection. In such systems, the free gas invasion into the GHSZ appears controlled by the competition between overpressure and sealing capacity of the gas hydrate-bearing sediments. Globally, the thickness of the free gas zones is regulated by the methane supply and by different multi-phase flow processes, including fracturing, capillary invasion and possibly diffusion. In conclusion, this research indicates that geological, fluid flow and stability factors interweave at multiple scales in natural gas hydrate systems.

Studium proudění vzduchu v objektu pro chov hospodářských zvířat metodami počítačového modelování

VÁCHA, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of air flow in stables. The research part is devoted to ventilation requirements in livestock breeding, fluid flow problems and the possibility of prediction of this flow through computer modeling methods. The following chapter focuses on the COMSOL Multiphysics software in which theo bject model was created. In the practical part of the diploma thesis is described model of air flow in stable object, including all partial steps necessary for it ssuccessful numerical realization. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to comparison of obtained results with value smeasured in real breeding.

Simulação de escoamentos viscosos utilizando mapeamentos entre equações / Viscous flow simulations using diferential equation mappings

Santiago, Gustavo Fuhr January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho faz uma nova proposta de método para solucionar a equação advectivodifusiva tridimensional que descreve os escoamentos viscosos incompressíveis. Este método usa um esquema analítico baseado em split seguido de gênese de equações diferenciais. A solução do problema é efetuada em duas etapas distintas. A primeira etapa consiste na aplicação de um split não-homogêneo sobre as Equações de Navier-Stokes, no qual uma das equações do sistema resultante contém a derivada temporal e o termo viscoso, constituindo uma equação diferencial linear não-homogênea. A solução dessa equação é obtida via mapeamento em uma equação de primeira ordem, fornecendo o formato do campo de velocidades. A partir deste se obtém o formato da função corrente para fins de gênese. Desta forma faz-se com que simulações possam ser obtidas usando computadores portáteis e, mesmo assim, requeiram tempo de processamento pequeno para a solução de problemas ditos de engenharia. Estas vantagens podem ser diretamente traduzidas em aplicações práticas de simulação como, por exemplo, a possibilidade de tomada de decisão em tempo real sobre o controle de um processo em andamento numa planta industrial, respostas transientes num escoamento turbulento ou na previsão da dispersão de poluentes em rios e mananciais críticos à saúde da população. / This work proposes a new method to solve the three-dimensional advective-diffusive equation which describes incompressible viscous flows. The proposed solution uses an analytical method based in the split of the original equation, followed by a genesis of differential equa tions. The problem is solved in two distinct steps. The first step consists of applying a nonhomogeneous split on the Navier-Stokes equations, which results in one non-homogeneous partial differential equation containing the time derivative and the viscous term. This equation is solved by mapping it into a first order equation that provides the velocity field format. Using this result we are able to obtain the stream function format, which will be used in the following genesis. This sequence allows the use of portable computers to achieve simulation results for engineering problems in small enough processing time. These advantages can be used in applications such as real- time decision making about industrial processes variables, transient turbulent flow calculations or pollution dispersion simulations in rivers or other water sources critical to the population.

Metodologia para analise termo-hidraulica de reatores de pesquisa tipo piscina com combustivel tipo placa

UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06910.pdf: 5255495 bytes, checksum: 2b74036eb572f767eaeba0ba5d1da193 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Hidrodinâmica do escoamento nos canais catódicos de um célula a combustível de membrana polimérica condutora de prótons / Hydrodynamics flow channels in the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell

SKODA, SANDRO 10 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2014-11-10T12:39:03Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T12:39:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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