Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap"" "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap10""
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Women’s Perspectives on Pathway to Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis : Women Voices from Community Level in UgandaWikström, Git January 2011 (has links)
Objectives: A qualitative study to explore the perceptions and ideas of women at community level in Uganda, about factors influencing their health care-seeking behaviour when symptoms that could indicate pulmonary tuberculosis. To let the women identify barriers to health care-seeking and to let them present ideas how to overcome barriers. Method: Focus Group Discussions (72 informants) and In Depth Interviews (19 informants) were conducted in rural Uganda with women of reproductive age. For triangulation purposes discussions and interviews also included health care providers, traditional healers and a few men. Main Results: The data showed a wide range of health care-seeking behaviours including no action at all, self-treatment using traditional herbs or western medicines, consulting traditional healers and consulting various formal or informal healthcare facilities. The data also identified many barriers that could prevent women from getting a proper diagnosis, including lack of financial resources, lack of power, male supremacy in decision-making, lack of knowledge, perceived corruption in healthcare facilities, fear of stigma and this fear heavily boosted by the idea that PTB equates HIV/AIDS. Conclusion: These data support the idea that successfully fighting PTB among Ugandan women and increasing case finding, demands recognition that tuberculosis is a multifaceted disease: economical, social, psychological and medical. Therefore, approaches to eradicating tuberculosis must target different sectors and reach all levels of society / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-19-5</p>
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Barnevern og beslutninger, stress og mestring : En komparativ studie av barnevernsarbeid i en dansk og en norskkommune / Stressors and coping strategies in child protection services : A comparative studyLerum, Arve January 2011 (has links)
Studiens formål: Hensikten med studien var å sammenligne hvordan barneverntjenesten i en dansk og en norsk kommune arbeider når det gjelder å ta beslutninger, hvilke stressfaktorer som forekommer og hvilke mestringsstrategier som benyttes. Metode: Det ble holdt to fokusgruppeintervjuver, et i den danske kommunen og et i den norske. Erfarne barnevernarbeidere deltok. Begge fokusgruppeintervjuvene ble transkribert og analyert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Resultat: Studien viser at barneverntjenesten i den norske kommunen har mindre formalisert samarbeid med andre kommunale tjenester, oftere tar gruppebaserte beslutninger og baserer seg mer på kolleger sammenlignet med barneverntjenesten i den danske kommunen. Barneverntjenesten i den danske kommunen har strukturert og formalisert samarbeid med andre kommunale tjenester, og baserer seg mindre på internt samarbeid sammenlignet med barneverntjenesten i den norske kommunen. Stressfaktorer i begge barneverntjenester er 1) mangel på gode resultater og 2) at det er vanskelig å vurdere den foreliggende informasjon om et barn med behov for tiltak fra barnverntjenesten. Mangel på gode resultater er stressfaktor i begge land og barnevernarbeidere i begge kommuner finner barneverntjenesten det vanskelig å ta den riktige beslutningen vedr. et konkret barn. Viktige mestringsstrategier i beslutningsprosessen i begge kommuner er støtte fra kolleger og støtte fra ledelsen. Konklusjon: Den danske barneverntjenesten har formeldt samarbeid med andre kommunale tjenester. Beslutningene baserer seg på egne vurderinger og vurderinger fra andre kommunale tjenester. Barneverntjenesten i Norge baserer seg i større grad på egene vurderinger. For begge barneverntjenester er det utfordrende å ta den riktige beslutningen for et konkret barn som har behov for hjelp. Begge tjenester søker støtte hos kolleger og ledelse. / Aim: This study aimed to compare the practice of the child protection services in a Danish and a Norwegian municipality. We sought to increase understanding about (i) the decision making processes of child protection services, (ii) the stressors encountered by child protection workers, and (iii) the coping mechanisms such workers use.Methodology: Child protection workers with 10 or more years of work experience participated in two focus group discussions, one held in a Norwegian municipality with four participants and the other in a Danish municipality with three participants. Discussion transcriptions were analysed using quality content analysis.Results: The data showed that the child protection service in Norway used only limited collaboration with other municipal services. Moreover, Norwegian child protection workers were more likely to rely on their colleagues and make group decisions. In contrast, the child protection service in the Danish municipality collaborated structurally and sustainably with other municipality services. Both groups experienced stress when they (i) were unable to achieve good outcomes and (ii) could not easily assess the situation and available information for a child in need. Child protection workers in both municipalities reported difficulty in making appropriate decisions regarding children. Important coping strategies for workers during the decision-making process involved support from colleagues and management.Conclusion: The decision-making process of Danish child protection workers relies on both individual assessments and collaboration with other municipal services. Conversely, Norwegian child protection workers are more self-reliant. Both services struggle to make appropriate decisions regarding the care of children in need, and all workers seek support from colleagues and management. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-15-7</p>
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Sammenhæng i genoptræning : relateret til rygsygdom og den danske strukturreform / The cohesiveness of rehabilitation : related to low back pain and the Danish structural reformWiberg Larsson, Bodil January 2010 (has links)
Baggrund: Sammenhæng i sundhedsvæsenets aktiviteter er et aktuelt fokusområde. Den danske strukturreform af 2007 tilsigtede, udover at videre udvikle et demokratisk styret offentligt sundhedsvæsen, at skabe sammenhæng, effektivitet og kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet. Denne undersøgelse ser nærmere på begrebet sammenhæng. Formål: Belyse fænomenet sammenhæng i genoptræning i relation til rygsygdom og i relation til strukturreformen. Metode: Undersøgelsen rummer kvalitative gruppeinterviews af patienter og sundhedsprofessionelle og en modificeret fænomenologisk analysemodel. Teorigrundlaget er tre forskellige perspektiveringer; et sundhedsplanlæggende-, et subjekt- og et integrationsperspektiv. Resultater: Sammenhæng i genoptræning er når udgangspunktet for genoptræningen er en klar diagnose, når genoptræningen subjekt orienteres, når ræsonnementer vedrørende ressourcer tænkes ind i genoptræningen og når den faglige kapacitet udnyttes maximalt. Konklusion: En klar diagnose er helt central for sammenhængen både for patienter og terapeuter. Strukturreformen har forandret rammerne og ansvarsfordelingen for genoptræning, men har ikke i sig selv forbedret sammenhængen. Sammenhæng kan relateres til evalueringsmodellen indeholdende struktur, proces og resultat. / Background: Cohesiveness in health care activities is a current topic. The Danish structural reform of 2007 intended to create coherence, efficiency and quality in health care and to further the development of Denmark´s democratically run public health care system. Purpose: This study aimed to look more closely at the phenomenon of cohesive rehabilitation in relation to the structural reform, particularly regarding low back pain. Method: The investigation used group interviews with patients and health professionals, and a modified fenomenological model of analyses. Its theory is based on three different perspectives: a health planning perspective, a particular subject perspective and an integration perspective. Results: Cohesive rehabilitation exists when the basis for rehabilitation includes an evident diagnosis, subject orientated, considerations of resources, and completely exploited professional knowledge. Conclusion: An evident diagnose is a crucial aspect of cohesive rehabilitation for both patients and health professionals. Although reform changed the settings and responsibilities of rehabilitation it did not increase cohesiveness. Cohesiveness can be related to the model of evaluation including structure, process and outcome. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-04-1</p>
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Ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan ur ett lärarperspektiv : en kvalitativ studie / School-Based Health Promotion. Teachers’ Perspective : a qualitative studyTörnblom, Cia January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolan har visat sig vara en viktig arena för hälsofrämjande arbete. Det hälsofrämjande projektet Hälsoverkstaden genomfördes i 13 skolor i Helsingfors med omnejd under åren 2006-2008 med temaområdena kost, fysisk aktivitet och sömnvanor.Syftet: Att undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av engagemang och deltagande i Hälsoverkstadsprojektet.Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och fokusgrupper användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med 20 lärare från projektskolorna. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: En god kommunikation och samverkan inom skolan och med projektorganisatören avgjorde hur fruktbart projektet i skolan hade varit. Faktorer som påverkade engagemanget var, hur skolan vid starten hade förbundit sig (commitment) och hur kollegiet förhöll sig, stödjande eller mindre stödjande, till projektarbetet. Commitment påverkades också av kommunikationen och informationsflödet. Ledarskapet i skolan hade en inverkan på organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan, vilket inverkade på hanterbarheten och lärarnas engagemang. Lärarna önskade väl utarbetade verktyg som utgick från skolans behov och var formade för att integreras i undervisningen. Skolan upplevdes som en bra arena för att arbeta med hälsa och de valda levnadsvanorna upplevdes som meningsfulla. Projektprocessen hade upplevts som fragmenterad, men också som logisk och lätt. Skolornas målsättningar för projektet var oklara, vilket också kom fram i svårigheten att beskriva implementeringen av verktygen. Trots detta upplevde lärarna att de hade fått nya insikter, positiva erfarenheter och mycket hade genomförts under projektåren.Slutsatser: En god kommunikation och dialog mellan alla berörda parter stöder engagemang och delaktighet i ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan. Ändamålsenligt utarbetat material och organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan gör det hanterbart och begripligt för lärarna / Background: Schools have long been considered a good arena for health promotionactivities. The Health workshop was a health promotion project that was implemented in 13schools in the Helsinki area during 2006–2008. The three health habits used were physicalactivity, nutrition and sleeping patterns.Aim: This study aimed to explore how teachers experienced their participation andengagement in the Health Workshop project.Results: Good communication between schools and project administrators was crucial for afruitful process. Factors such as initial commitment and teachers’ approach, whethersupportive or unsupportive, influenced their experience, and communication andinformation flow influenced their commitment to the project. Internal management figuredimportantly in the project organization, affecting teachers’ ability to manage and participatein the work. Teachers wanted well-designed and easily integrated tools based on theparticular needs of the school. They perceived school as a good arena for health promotion,and they experienced the chosen health habits as meaningful. They ranked the projectprocess as logical and easy, but also as fragmented. The schools’ goals for the project wereunclear, making it difficult to describe the implementation of the tools. However, theteachers’ felt that they gained new insights and positive experiences, and that much had beenaccomplished during the project period.Conclusion: Good communication and active dialogue among all participants supportinvolvement and participation in school-based health promotion projects. Appropriatelydesigned tools and well-organized tasks make health promotion both manageable andunderstandable for teachers. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-96-2</p>
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Helsefremmende lederskap : en utforskende studie blant førstelinjeledere ved et norsk helseforetak / Health promoting leadership : an explorative study among first-line managers employed at a Norwegian health trust.Palm, Marianne January 2010 (has links)
Formål: Å få frem førstelinjelederes oppfatninger om hva som ligger til grunn for måten de utøver sitt lederskap på, og om det helsefremmende aspektet spiller inn i forhold til hvordan de utøver sin personalledelse. Metode: Studien er gjennomført som en singel case studie. Data er innhentet fra et helseforetak med flere driftsenheter i Norge. Det er brukt data- og metodetriangulering. Spørreskjemaer ble sendt ut til 15 førstelinjeledere. Svarene fra disse dannet grunnlaget for intervju med tre førstelinjeledere. Dokumenter som handlingsplaner og funksjonsbeskrivelser ble hentet inn og gransket. Intervjuene ble analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Resultater: Tilretteleggelse for et helsefremmende lederskap hadde stor plass i arbeidet som leder. Lederne hadde stort fokus på å tilrettelegge for et godt både fysisk- og psykososialt arbeidsmiljø. De opplevde seg som rollemodeller, og mente at deres lederstil kunne ha betydning både for trivsel og i noen grad produktivitet og måloppnåelse. Valg av lederstil var basert på kunnskaper og erfaring, men krav til aktivitet og effektivitet var også styrende elementer i utøvelsen av lederskapet. I spørreskjemaundersøkelsen svarte nesten alle lederne at de hadde faste treffpunkter med de ansatte, alle svarte at de involverte dem i planlegging og målarbeid. Imidlertid kom det frem at det ikke var like enkelt for alle lederne å ta selvstendige avgjørelser. I dokumentgranskningen kom det frem at overordnede ledere forventet at førstelinjeledere skulle legge til rette for et godt arbeidsmiljø, dette for både å sikre de ansatte gode arbeidsforhold, og for å sikre god kompetanse og kvalitet i utøvelse av arbeidsoppgavene. Konklusjon: Funnene tyder på at førstelinjelederne var bevisste i forhold til å ha et helsefremmende perspektiv i sitt lederskap. Men det kom også frem at det å sitte som førstelinjeleder, kan sammenlignes med ”å sitte mellom barken og veden”. / Intention: This study aimed to explore the perceptions of first-line managers regarding the reasons they practice leadership, and to determine whether health-promoting aspects are essential to personnel management skills. Method: The study was conducted as a single case study that triangulated both data and methods. Data were collected from a multi-site health trust in Norway. I sent questionnaires to 15 first-line managers, whose responses provided the basis for interviews with three first-line managers. I also collected and examined documents such as action plans and work instructions. I used content analysis to analyze interviews. Results: Arrangements for health-supporting leadership were a major focus in the leaders’ daily work. They also focused on arrangements that could figure importantly in attaining good physical and psychosocial working environments. The leaders considered themselves role models, and they thought that their way of practicing leadership could influence the well-being of their employers as well as worker productivity and goal attainment. While their options for practicing leadership were based primarily on knowledge and experience, demands concerning activity and effectiveness were also important elements of their leadership. Results from the questionnaires showed that almost all first-line managers met regularly with their employers, and all respondents indicated that they involved their employers in the determination of plans and goals. However, making independent decisions did not come easily for all first-line managers. Examination of work instructions showed that their superiors expected first-line managers to emphasize arrangements that would lead to good working environments, thus ensuring good working conditions, and securing professional competence and high quality service provision. Conclusion: Findings indicate that first-line managers want to include a health-promoting aspect in their leadership skills. Interestingly first-line managers feel they -“sit between the devil and the deep sea”-. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-83-2</p>
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Evaluering av læringsutbytte av etterutdanning for helsesøstre og jordmødre i samliv, seksualitet og prevensjon / Evaluating the effect of learning by public health nurses and midwives during a qualifying postgraduate course in sexual relationships, sexuality, and oral contraceptivesJacobsen, Sissel January 2009 (has links)
Formål: Vurdere om etterutdanningen, som gir helsesøstre og jordmødre rekvireringsrett for p-piller til jenter i alderen16 til og med 19 år, har bidratt til økte kunnskaper om p-piller, endret holdning til ungdom og seksualitet og økt interesse for å tilby veiledning i samliv og seksualitet. Metode: Datamaterialet er fra en tidligere undersøkelse innhentet ved bruk av spørreskjemaer blant helsesøstre og jordmødre før og etter kvalifiserende etterutdanning. Resultater: Svarprosenten var 94. Studentene har tilegnet seg signifikant mer kunnskap om p-pillers virkning og fysiske og psykiske bivirkninger, men de har ikke tilegnet seg signifikant mer kunnskap om risiko for alvorlige sykdommer ved p-pillebruk. Etter kurset var det 58 og 50 % som svarte at tenåringsjenter trenger informasjon om faren for blodpropp i henholdsvis bein og lunger ved bruk av p-piller. Studentene var relativt liberale i sitt syn på ungdom og seksualitet før kurset og dette hadde ikke endret seg signifikant etter kurset. Etter kurset var studentene signifikant mer positive til å tilby veiledning i samliv og seksualitet. Konklusjon: Resultatene viser at målet om at kurset skulle gi studentene faglig oppdatering er bare delvis nådd. Studentene er blitt bedre kvalifisert til å informere om p-pillers virkning og fysiske og psykiske bivirkninger, mens deres kunnskap om risiko for alvorlige sykdommer ved p-pillebruk er uforandret etter kurset. Studentene viser etter kurset signifikant større interesse for å tilby veiledning i samliv og seksualitet / Purpose: To examine whether the qualifying postgraduate course, which authorizes public health nurses and midwives to prescribe oral contraceptives to teenage girls 16–19 years of age has increased the students’ knowledge of oral contraceptives, contributed to changing their attitude to adolescence and sexuality, and increased their motivation for offering teenage girls counselling in sexuality and sexual relationships.Method: The data set used for this study is a previously existing survey collected among public health nurses and midwives through questionnaires administered before and after they completed the course.Results: The response rate was 94 %. The students significantly increased their knowledge about effects and physical and psychological side effects of using oral contraceptives, but did not about the risk of serious diseases that accompanies oral contraceptive use. After the course, 58% and 50 % of the students found it necessary to inform teenage girls about the risk of blood clots in legs and lungs, respectively, when using oral contraceptives. The students’ attitudes towards youth and sexuality were quite liberal before the course and the course did not significantly change those attitudes. Moreover, students were significantly more positive about offering teenage girls counselling regarding sexual relationships and sexuality.Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the purpose of the course, i.e. upgrading students’ qualifications, is only partly successful. Although the students are significantly better qualified to inform teenage girls about oral contraceptives effects and their side effects, their knowledge about the risk of serious diseases did not increase significantly. The students show significantly more interest in offering counselling about sexual relationships and sexuality after completing the course. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-71-9</p>
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Ældres opfattelse og håndtering af at falde samt motivation for faldforebyggende tiltag / Older people’s perception of and coping with falling, and motivation for fall-prevention initiativeHøst, Dorte January 2009 (has links)
Formål: Formålet var at beskrive variationen i ældres opfattelse af at falde, hvordan ældre håndterede fald, samt hvad der påvirkede ældres motivation til at deltage i faldforebyggende tiltag med henblik på at kunne målrette fremtidige indsatser. Metode: Der blev foretaget en kvalitativ interviewundersøgelse med 14 ældre mennesker over 65 år som efter et fald henvendte sig på en skadestue på et universitetshospital i Danmark. Fænomenografi blev anvendt som analysemetode. Resultater: Der blev dannet fem beskrivende kategorier med tilsammen 15 underkategorier. De fem kategorier var: Følelsesmæssig opfattelse af at falde; at falde har konsekvenser; tager hånd om situationen; støtte fra omgivelserne; og motivation og demotivation.Undersøgelsen viste variation i ældres opfattelse af at falde. De ældre accepterede at falde fordi de var blevet ældre. Opfattelsen var, at fald både var flovt og pinligt og havde en forklaring. Nogle ældre oplevede frygten for at falde som dominerende. De ældre opfattede ikke fald som en risikofaktor, der skulle tages hånd om, men håndterede situationen ved at begrænse deres bevægemuligheder eller ved at fravælge aktiviteter. Hvis kravene oversteg de ældres ressourcer, søgte de hjælp fra de pårørende eller den praktiserende læge. De ældre fik støtte, anerkendelse og accept til at foretage valgene af omgivelserne. De ældre blev motiveret af forhold, som autonomi, kompetence og sociale relationer og foretrak aktiviteter, der spredte glæde og nydelse og helst i sociale sammenhænge. De ældre værnede om deres identitet med at ville være medbestemmende om, hvad de deltog i, men mødte forhold i omgivelserne, som var hæmmende for deres motivation. Konklusion: Fremtidige faldforebyggende tiltag skal målrettes ældres behov og tage højde for, at der ikke er én måde men mange måder at opfatte fald på, og at ældre i høj grad selv klarer at håndtere fald, men at de valgte strategier, ikke nødvendigvis er de mest hensigtsmæssige. De ældres netværk og den praktiserende læge kan med fordel spille en aktiv rolle i forbindelse med faldforebyggelse. Ved planlægningen af faldforebyggende interventioner skal der tages hensyn til, at ældres motivation påvirkes af, i hvilken omfang programmerne understøtter de ældres behov for autonomi, kompetence og sociale relationer. / Aim: This study aimed to describe variations in elderly people’s perceptions of falling, and how they coped with falls. To target future initiatives to needs of the elderly, we also sought to determine what motivated them to participate in fall-prevention initiatives. Method: We collected data using semi-structured interviews with 14 elderly individuals (65 years +) who had contacted the emergency ward at a university hospital in Denmark. We analyzed the data using a phenomenographic approach that focused on describing varying perceptions by the elderly on the phenomenon of “falling.” Results: Five categories and 15 subcategories emerged from the interviews. The five main categories included emotional perceptions of falling; falling has consequences; handling the situation; support from the social network; motivation and demotivation. The study showed that older people’s perceptions of falling vary. Individuals accepted falling because they had become older. Falls were embarrassing and could be explained. The fear of falling was the foremost concern of some individuals. The elderly did consider falls a meaningful risk factor, but coped by restricting movements or dropping activities to prevent falls in the future. If demands exceeded resources, they asked their relatives or the GP for help. The elderly gained support, approval, and acceptance from their social network when deciding which coping strategies to use. The elderly were motivated by autonomy, competence, and relatedness and they preferred activities that increased happiness and enjoyment, preferably in a social atmosphere. The elderly protected their identity self-determining their activities, but they often encountered factors in their surroundings that restricted motivation. Conclusion: Future fall-prevention initiatives must target the needs of the elderly and consider that there are not one but many ways of perceiving falling. Further, the coping strategies that elderly individuals develop are not necessarily convenient. Social networks and the GP can play active roles in encouraging the elderly to participate in fall-prevention initiatives. When planning fall-prevention interventions, one should consider the extent to which such programs support the elderly individual’s need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, because these factors affect motivation. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-70-2</p>
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The role of organizational culture in employees´ work-life balance as an aspect of healthOlafsdottir, Steingerdur January 2008 (has links)
Organizational culture defines how employees should behave in a given set of circumstances. The purpose of this study involved analyzing the organizational culture of an Icelandic software consultancy company in relation to employees´ work-life balance as an aspect of health, and explaining the process for creating and sustaining a supportive work-life culture. Achieving this purpose required answers to several research questions, What are the components of the existing organizational culture? What is the managers´ role in creating and sustaining this organizational culture? What are the challenges in sustaining this organizational culture? This case study used both quantitative and qualitative methods, and four data sources for triangulation purposes. The methodological approaches included a questionnaire-based survey, completed by 72 employees (90%); semi-structured interviews with eight employees; observations conducted during two separate weeks; and document analysis of various documents dating back a maximum of two years. The results suggest that the case organization´s culture was work-life supportive, i.e., the organization supported and valued employees´ integration of work and private life. The components of the existing organizational culture were defined as: fun, ambition, flexibility, international character, openness, cooperation, informality, flat organizational structure, responsibility, trust, understanding, support, and pride. The managers´ role in creating and sustaining this culture involved availability, supportiveness, understanding, trusting, and giving feedback. Among the main challenges in sustaining the culture was the growth of the organization, which could affect considerably the informal culture. Description of the components of the case organization’s existing culture includes description of the culture’s enablers, according to the purpose of explaining how a supportive work-life culture can be created and sustained. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-57-3</p>
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Does it matter where and when you will be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation? : A study on CPR skills in FinlandKämäräinen, Leena January 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study was to look at the psychomotor skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and relate the results to sex, age and type of training. Place of training had three different categories: training at Finnish Red Cross (FRC) courses for general public, training at workplace or training at both places. The study was conducted on 310 trainees on different first aid courses and events in Finland. The psychomotor skills were evaluated by observation with help of a CPR evaluation standardized checklist with 11 moments. Age showed to have an impact on the skills. Age groups 20, 30 and 40 performed the skills better than the age group 50 and above. To explain the difference with anxiety is not likely, as 41.1 % of the trainees informed not to be afraid in a real situation and only 27.8% answered to be or did not know if they would be afraid. More likely the difference can be explained by self confidence to act as well as by the fact that different age groups need different teaching methods. Repeating has also a big role with the competence. Trainees with health care background or active at FRC succeeded to get better results. They also managed better with the essential moments like calling for help and opening the airways. Obvious is that those with 3-6 passed first aid courses managed to get better results than those with 0-2 courses. Motivation to have skills in CPR have an impact when comparing the skills and place where you got the training. All 11 moments right had 43.8% of the trainees who got their training at a FRC course, and 28.0% of those who were trained at workplace. Same difference can be shown when comparing skills with the essential moment, opening the airways. Out of the trainees at FRC courses 89.9% performed it right and 62.7% of trainees at courses at workplaces. When evaluating the skills it is just not enough to look at the right moments, but as well at the crucial, life saving, measures. In order to save more lives by CPR training an essential factor in the training is confidence to intervene in the event as well as repetition together with different teaching methods for different target groups. CPR skill tests are an important tool for the future development of the quality of the teachers. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-096-6</p>
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Att bli jämngammal med sin mamma : Unga kvinnors upplevelser av bröstcancerbehandling / To be at the same age as your mother : Young women’s experiences of breast cancer treatmentKlaeson, Kicki January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva unga kvinnors upplevelser av förtidig menopausefter cytostatika- och/eller hormonbehandling. Ett ytterligare syfte var att beskriva hursexualiteten upplevdes efter dessa behandlingar. Undersökningen genomfördes i två etapper med fenomenologisk metod. Öppna individuella intervjuer valdes i delstudie 1. I delstudie 2 användes fokusgrupp. Sammanlagt deltog nio kvinnor i studien. Dessa kvinnor var yngre än 45 år vid diagnosen och hade slutat att menstruera pga. behandling. Essensen befanns vara: Att inte känna igen sig själv, med delkomponenterna den fertila sexuella kroppen, den åldrande kroppen, sårbarhet och bekräftelse. I fokugruppsintervjun utvecklades essensen: Utanförskap med delkomponenterna att inte vara hemma i sin egen ålder, stigma, sexuell lust och intima relationer, existentiell oro samtbekräftelse. Slutsatsen som dras är att man inom sjukvården bör utveckla samtalsformer som riktar uppmärksamhet mot dessa kvinnors upplevelser av identitetsförvirring och utanförskap. Vissa data tydde på att kunskap omsexualitet samt kroppskännedom mildrade de upplevda svårigheterna. / The purpose of this study was to describe young women’s experiences of premature menopause after chemotherapy and/or treatment of hormones. A further purpose was to describe the women’s experiences of sexuality due to these treatments. The study was conducted in two steps with phenomenological method. Unstructured individual interviews were chosen in part 1. In part 2 focus group interviews were used. Nine women in all participated in the study. These women were younger than 45 years at time of diagnoses and had stopped menstruate due to treatment. The essence that emerged: Not recognizing oneself consisting of the following components: the fertile body, the aging body, vulnerability and confirmation. In the focus group the essence turned out to be: feeling marginalized consisting of the following components: not being at home in your own age, stigma, desire and intimate relationships, existential anxiety and confirmation. The conclusion was that health care services should provide room for the women to discuss feelings of identity confusion and marginalization. Some data indicated that beeing knowledgable about sexuality and the functioning of one’s own body helped in coping with the difficulties caused by drug-induced menopaus / <p>ISBN 91-7997-104-0</p>
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