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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad får dig att stanna? : En studie om varumärkeslojalitet hos konsumenter av livsmedelsprodukter i dagligvaruhandeln / What makes you stay? : A study of brand loyalty among consumers of food products in grocery stores

Denckert, Emilia, Pankko, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
Författare: Emilia Denckert och Linnéa Pankko Handledare: Universitetsadjunkt Åsa Lindström Examinator: Professor Bertil Hultén Fakultet: Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet Program: Civilekonomprogrammet med inriktning marknadsföring Kurs: Examensarbete i marknadsföring för Civilekonomprogrammet 30 hp Examensarbetets titel: Vad får dig att stanna? Forskningsfråga: Vilka attribut ligger till grund för en varumärkeslojalitet hos konsumenter av livsmedelsprodukter i dagligvaruhandeln? Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera och fastställa vilka attribut hos en produkt och ett varumärke som bidrar till att konsumenter bygger upp en lojalitet gentemot varumärket ifråga. Studien kommer att förklara vardera attribut, samt kombinationer av dessa, och klargöra huruvida de ligger till grund för konsumenters lojalitet till varumärken på livsmedelsprodukter som säljs i dagligvaruhandeln. Vidare ämnar studien uppfylla ett delsyfte, vilket är att ge implikationer till Smiling Group AB beträffande vilka attribut som genererar en varumärkeslojalitet. Resultatet av denna studie kommer därmed även att bistå med underlag till företags utvecklande av marknadsföringsstrategier som i sin tur kan påverka varumärkeslojaliteten positivt. Metod: Detta examensarbete har en deduktiv ansats. Vidare har kombinationer av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder använts. Insamlingen av studiens primärdata har tagit sig form dels som en enkätundersökning, och dels som djupintervjuer. Resultat och slutsats: Vi har konstaterat att kvalitet och pris är de attribut som till störst del ligger till grund för en varumärkeslojalitet hos konsumenter av livsmedelsprodukter i dagligvaruhandeln. Vidare har vi fastställt tre olika kombinationer av de fem attribut som ingått i studien samt vilken grupp av konsumenter som föredrar vilken kombination. Teoretiskt och praktiskt bidrag: Studiens teoretiska bidrag består dels av att vi identifierat några av de attribut vilka ligger till grund för en varumärkeslojalitet hos konsumenter av livsmedelsprodukter i dagligvaruhandeln. Vi har också tillfört konsumenters engagemang som en aspekt, vilken bör tas i beaktning när denna typ av varumärkeslojalitet studeras. Vi har praktiskt bidragit genom implikationer till Smiling Group AB om hur de bör förhålla sig till studiens fem attribut, och kombinationer av dessa, för att generera varumärkeslojala kunder. Detta bidrar även praktiskt till andra företag i branschen, då de kan använda studiens resultat och slutsats som underlag vid utformning av framtida marknadsföringsstrategier.  Nyckelord: Varumärkeslojalitet, varumärke, lojalitet, attribut, konsumenter, dagligvaruhandeln, livsmedelsbranschen / Authors: Emilia Denckert and Linnéa Pankko Supervisor: Lecturer Åsa Lindström Examiner: Professor Bertil Hultén Faculty: School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University Programme: Business Administration and Economics Programme Course: Degree Project in Marketing, The Business Administration and Economics Programme Title: What makes you stay? Research question: What attributes are the basis for brand loyalty among consumers of food products in grocery stores? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and determine the attributes of a product and a brand that helps consumers build up a loyalty to that brand. The study will explain each attribute, as well as combinations of these, and clarify whether they are the basis of consumers’ loyalty to brands of food products sold in grocery stores. Furthermore, the study intends to fulfill a subsidiary aim, which is to give implications to Smiling Group AB about what attributes that generates brand loyalty. The result of this study will thus also assist with data for corporate development of marketing strategies, which in turn can affect brand loyalty positively. Method: This thesis has a deductive approach. Furthermore, combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods have been used. The collection of the study's primary data has taken shape both as a survey, and as in-depth interviews. Results and conclusions: We have stated that the quality and price are the attributes that to the greatest part is the basis for brand loyalty among consumers of food products in grocery stores. Furthermore, we have established three combinations of the five attributes that are included in the study and what groups of consumers who prefer which combination. Theoretical and practical contributions: The theoretical contribution partly consists of identification of some of the attributes which form the basis of a brand loyalty among consumers of food products in grocery stores. We have also added consumer engagement as an aspect which should be taken into consideration when this type of brand loyalty is studied. We have practically contributed by implications to Smiling Group AB about how they should relate to the study’s five attributes, and combinations thereof, to generate brand loyalty. This also contributes practically to other companies in the industry, since they can use the study's findings and conclusions as a basis for the design of future marketing strategies.  Key words: Brand loyalty, brand, loyalty, attribute, consumers, grocery store, food industry

Developing adaptive political capabilities for high political uncertainty contexts : a study of strategic responses in the international operations of food firms in Latin America

de Villa, Maria Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The corporate political activity field has focused on the study of political capabilities that allow firms to influence governments and regulators. Building on previous studies, this thesis examines a set of capabilities that allow host firms to adapt to rather than influence political environments. Specifically, this set of adaptive political capabilities can be used by firms to confront host country political contexts in emerging economies that share two characteristics: authoritarian regimes and weak institutions. The findings of this thesis show that host firms can develop and use adaptive political capabilities rather than political capabilities to start and sustain their operations in this type of political contexts. This entails attuning firm processes, structures, and practices to local norms and political behaviors, rather than attempting to shape the host country political environment in its own likeness. Our results suggest host firms can develop adaptive political capabilities to enhance their strategic repertoire when starting or sustaining operations in emerging economies with such characteristics. Our contribution is that by using mixed methods, we provide and test several exploratory propositions that support the conceptualization of a framework to guide the development of adaptive political capabilities by host firms and we make explicit a taxonomy of corporate adaptive political strategies that can enable firms to envision how they can adapt to host political contexts.

在尼加拉瓜馬拿瓜市開設Alfresco有機沙拉醬公司 / Alfresco Organic Salad Dressings in Managua, Nicaragua

顏莎, Aguilar, Xaviera Unknown Date (has links)
Alfresco LLC is a startup business based in Managua, Nicaragua. The aim of Alfresco is to help create healthy nutrition habits in Central America’s homes by providing fresh, organic, high quality products with no sugar added and free of lactose and gluten. The salad dressing industry in Nicaragua is relatively mature and it’s characterized by a medium level of fragmentation. However, organic salad dressings are currently inexistent, therefore, this would be a disruption in the lifecycle of the industry. Moreover, since there are no competitors in the organic segment, there is a market gap that has not been covered yet; that is exactly the segment that Alfresco will target. An initial investment of $4,362 is required to start the business. As shown in the financial section, we forecast to recover the investment in year 3. One important risk is the fact that there are a lot of substitutes for salad dressings. However, the busy consumers’ lifestyle backed with the heavy advertising efforts and the high quality of our product, will help us overcome this obstacle and succeed in the industry. Overall, we believe that there is a big opportunity in this industry and we expect to break even before the forecasted time.

A case study of tonic food drink marketing strategy

Poon, Yuk-lam, Francis., 潘煜林. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Enhanced food traceability: promoting food safety, quality and consumer choice

Burnett, Margaret J. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning and Environmental Management / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

食品業國際進入模式及行銷策略之個案研究 -台灣及泰國之跨國比較 / A Case Study of Food Industry International Entry Mode and Marketing Strategies– A Comparison between Taiwan and Thailand

朱玉潔, Cheewapruck, Sutthicha Unknown Date (has links)
泰國以及台灣之食品業近年來的海外擴張數目越來越多,同時2015年已經成立的 “東協經濟共同體” (Asean Economic Community:AEC), 台灣以及泰國得到東協經濟共同體所帶來的關稅優惠以及其他貿易障礙的減少。 本研究想從兩國食品業的角度去研究泰國和台灣到對方國家發展的進入策略以及進入了之後使用的行銷策略與方法。本研究目的在於透過兩個市場四家企業來研究問題並了解台灣以及泰國的跨國進入策略以及行銷策略 。本研究用訪談的方式搜集資料同時也是進行搜集次級資料,最後整理出個案公司進入國際市場的策略以及國際市場的行銷策略。另一方面,本研究提供2013年泰國消費者的食品消費行為的調查結果,為了能夠讓讀者更了解兩國食品消費行為之差別。 本研究結果發現:兩國之間雖然在食品消費行為上面差異不大,不過每家企業還是選擇「在地化策略」。在國際行銷策略也是同樣的,訪談企業都選擇了「產品在地話策略」,通路策略選擇「適應性/地主國導向(Adaption/ Polycentric) ),國際通路策略每一家至少要有「實體店面」,最後促銷策略,每一家訪談企業的促銷策略都積極去參加國際食品商展並「進行價格促銷」。 關鍵字:國際進入模式、國際行銷策略 / Recently, There are more and more oversea expansion of Thailand and Taiwan Food Industry. At the same time, The Establishment of Asean Economic Community(AEC) in 2015, Thailand and Taiwan got a lot of advantages due to the tariff preference and the reduction of trade barriers. This research focus on the International Entry-Mode and also the International Marketing Strategies of Food Industry in this two countries. This research chose four food industry in two countries to do research. This research used research interview to be the research method. On the other side, This research also provide statistic of Thai consumer behavior of food consumtion in 2013. The result of this study showed that: Althought, we found that There are not too much differnces of food consumer behavior between Thailand and Taiwan, but their considuration before entry Thailand/Taiwan market is to use Localization Strategies. For Marketing Strategies is in the same way, For International Product Strategies, they used Product Localization Strategies. For International Price Strategies, they used Adaption/ Polycentric Strategies。 For International Place Strategies, they chose to have at least Physical Store. And Finally, for International Promotional Strategies, they chose to participate International Food Fair and also chose Price Reduction Strategies. Key words: International Entry Mode, International Marketing Strategies

Value Enhancers and Inhibitors for Green Purchasing Behavior : Attitudes towards green products within the food industry among young Swedish consumers.

Gustafsson, Hannah, Karim, Lawko, Säll Fuglerud, Helmie January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Problem: Food consumption represents the largest contributor to climate change in Sweden, with activities that contribute to excess waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Although studies indicate positive attitudes towards green purchasing behavior among young Swedish consumers, inconsistency between green purchasing intent and actual behavior have been noticed.   Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative research paper was to understand and identify underlying enablers and inhibitor to green purchasing behavior amongst young Swedish adults. Furthermore, the authors sought to understand the inconsistency between purchasing intent and actual purchasing behavior, of young Swedish consumers.   Method: To answer the research question a qualitative research was conducted with a deductive approach. Focus groups with semi-open interview questions were used to collect empirical data. The target group for this research were young Swedish adults between the ages of 20-26.   Conclusion: This research identified knowledge as the main inhibitor and enhancer of green purchasing behavior, as well as other factors that can be traced back to the amount and accessibility of knowledge. It was also concluded that companies have failed in delivering their green marketing strategies, as young consumers display confusion and mistrust towards green products.

How do we make make Swedish consumers adhere to a plant-based diet? : An exploratory study on how companies in the food industry can influence flexitarians in the transition towards a plant-based diet.

Røsand, Karoline, Moradian, Alice January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative research paper was to explore how companies who offer plant-based meat and dairy substitutes in the Swedish market, can influence flexitarians towards a more plant-based diet. This was based on the conflict between the need to substitute animal products with more plant-based alternatives and the current resistance among consumers to change from traditional eating patterns. A qualitative research approach was adopted, where seven semi-structured interviews were conducted in the empirical data collection process. The sample included six leading brands in the Swedish market, namely Oatly, Oumph!, Sproud, Violife, Fry and ICA, and one industry expert named Mattias from Vegomagasinet. The research identified seven themes where two of them were most significant; the need to direct the communication to flexitarians and the importance of creating a taste and texture that is similar to meat and dairy. The five remaining influential factors concerned collaborations with stakeholders, challenging packaging design, transformative marketing, earned media and premium prices.

Promoção da saúde: ações das indústrias de alimentos no Brasil / Health promotion: activities of the food industry in Brazil

Llanos, Maria Fernanda Elias 10 September 2014 (has links)
A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) estabeleceu medidas direcionadas para as indústrias de alimentos enfatizando o papel do setor privado na obtenção de metas de saúde e enfrentamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever e avaliar as ações dos principais fabricantes de alimentos na promoção da saúde no Brasil, além de comparar as iniciativas locais com as globais. A pesquisa teve abordagem qualitativa, com características exploratória e descritiva. As fontes utilizadas para pesquisa documental foram os documentos e relatórios sociais corporativos locais, referentes ao ano de 2012, obtidos nos sítios das empresas na Internet. A seleção das empresas foi realizada por meio da participação em vendas no mercado brasileiro no ano de 2012 (valor de venda varejo). A coleta de dados foi efetuada por meio de um roteiro estruturado de perguntas. Paralelamente, com o objetivo de verificar as distribuições de frequências de respostas, foi realizada uma análise de escala nominal aplicando o método estatístico não paramétrico de tabulação cruzada. O trabalho evidenciou o comprometimento das empresas com a responsabilidade social corporativa, incluindo o engajamento na promoção da saúde e na melhoria da qualidade de vida dos colaboradores e da sociedade como um todo, conforme recomenda a OMS. Observou-se também um maior destaque nas ações direcionadas às crianças, especialmente por meio de atividades de educação nutricional, desenvolvimento de produtos com perfil nutricional mais saudável e adoção de códigos de conduta voluntários. / The World Health Organization (WHO) established measures directed at the food industry, emphasizing the role of the private sector in the achievement of health goals and confrontation of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs). Thus, the aim of this study was to describe and evaluate the activities of the leading food manufacturers in promoting health in Brazil, and to compare local with global initiatives. The research had a qualitative approach and exploratory and descriptive characteristics. Documental research was made through local statements and corporate social responsibility reports from 2012 obtained on the websites of the companies on the Internet. The main players were selected by market share analysis considering 2012 sales retail value. A structured script of questions was used to collect data. Also, with the aim of verifying the frequency distributions of responses, an analysis of nominal scale was applied using the non-parametric statistical method of cross-tabulation. This research was able to demonstrate the commitment of the leading food manufactures in Brazil to corporate social responsibility, including engagement in promoting health and improving the quality of life of employees and the whole society, as recommended by WHO. It was also possible to notice that companies give more emphasis on activities directed to children, especially through nutrition education programs, development of products with healthier nutritional profile and the adoption of voluntary codes of conduct.

Estratégias de concorrência da indústria alimentícia e seus desdobramentos na dimensão nutricional / Competition Strategies of Food Industry and its Deployments in the Nutritional Dimension

Machado, Flavia Mori Sarti 19 December 2003 (has links)
O objetivo da tese é analisar a relação entre modificações no padrão alimentar da população da cidade de São Paulo (demanda por alimentos) e padrão e intensidade da concorrência no setor alimentício (oferta de alimentos). Metodologia. Dados das Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares da Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas da USP constituem a base analítica da evolução da demanda alimentar em São Paulo. O nexo causal entre demanda e oferta de alimentos é estabelecido pelo estudo do comportamento dinâmico da concorrência entre firmas do setor, número de produtos disponíveis, evolução dos preços e renda da população. O foco em laticínios deve-se à importância nutricional como fonte alimentar de cálcio. Resultados. A análise dos dados comprova a ocorrência de importantes mudanças no padrão alimentar paulistano, destacando-se elevação da disponibilidade de alimentos de alto teor protéico. A dinâmica da concorrência entre empresas de alimentos e a evolução dos preços dos laticínios denotam o emprego de estratégias de concorrência extra-preço, como diferenciação de produto, que influenciaram positivamente a demanda por laticínios. Conclusão. A adequação nutricional da dieta populacional é função direta da composição da demanda alimentar, variável altamente correlacionada a fatores econômicos, com destaque ao comportamento estratégico das firmas na determinação da estrutura de oferta alimentar. Os resultados demonstram a extensão da influência de estratégias de empresas alimentícias sobre o padrão de aquisição de alimentos pelo consumidor e, em conseqüência, o hábito alimentar da população. / The objective of the dissertation is to analyze the relation between modifications in dietary patterns of the population living in the city of São Paulo - Brazil (food demand) and pattern and intensity of the competition inside Brazilian food industrial sector (food supply). Methodology. Data from Families Budget Inquiry (POFs) of Foundation Institute of Economic Research from University of São Paulo (FIPE-USP) are the analytical base of food demand evolution in São Paulo. The causal nexus between food demand and supply is established through the study of dynamic behavior of variables as competition among food firms, number of food products available, evolution of food prices and population income. The focus on dairy products\' sector was performed because of its nutritional significance as food source of calcium. Results. Data analysis demonstrates occurrence of important changes in dietary patterns in São Paulo, emphasising the increase in high protein foods availability. The dynamics of food industrial sector competitive environment and the dairy prices evolution indicate the adoption of non-price competition strategies, such as product differentiation, which influenced positively dairy demand. Conclusion. Nutritional adequacy of the population\'s diet is a direct function of food demand composition, a variable highly correlated to economic factors, highlighting the role of firms strategic behavior in determining the food supply structure. Results show the extension of food firms strategies influence on consumers\' buying patterns and, therefore, on population\'s dietary habits.

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