Spelling suggestions: "subject:"footprint"" "subject:"footprints""
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Proposta de métrica de valoração ambiental para reservas legais e áreas de preservação permanente / Proposal for environmental valuation metric for legal reserves and permanent preservation areasLucas Jose Machado dos Santos 16 August 2013 (has links)
A Contabilidade Financeira busca informações confiáveis que sejam razoavelmente livres de erros, viés e mostrem, fielmente, o que visam representar. A obtenção de valores ambientais com menos viés possíveis, mais acurados e comparáveis poderia, talvez, se constituir em parâmetro para definição de serviços ambientais, ensejar discussões quanto ao tratamento contábil da área do bioma preservado e, também, comercialização de certificado ambiental baseado na preservação do meio ambiente e, de forma geral, servir de subsídios para tomada de decisões empresariais e governamentais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor métrica de valoração de Reservas Legais e Áreas de Preservação Permanente em propriedades agrícolas, no seu estado natural, puro e ainda livre dos efeitos das ações humanas. A métrica foi desenvolvida com base no método de Custo de Oportunidade (CO), Contabilidade Emergética e Curva Ambiental de Kuznets (CAK). A referida métrica constitui-se da soma do valor do C.O. ao Valor Total do Bioma (VTB). Porém, o valor do C.O. é descontado pelo risco do negócio analisado. O VTB é estimado pela Contabilidade Emergética, sendo considerada a área do hectare preservado, em RL e/ou APP, e a área remanescente do bioma estudado. Então, o VTB é ponderado pela CAK, esta estimada pela variação dos preços da cultura agrícola analisada. Visando sua validação, estimou-se a área preservada em hectares de Reservas Legais e Áreas de Preservação Permanente de cada bioma terrestre brasileiro referente às dez culturas agrícolas que possuem maior área plantada. Das culturas utilizaram-se os dados sobre os valores brutos de produção, a variação dos preços em média nacional e a extensão territorial das unidades federais brasileiras. Utilizaram-se também os dados dos biomas terrestres brasileiros referentes às suas áreas totais e áreas remanescentes preservadas. Informações estas obtidas em consulta ao site do IBGE, IBAMA e Agrolink. Na sequência, foi aplicada a métrica para valorar os biomas preservados em nível nacional e sobre cinco culturas reais de dados coletados de empresas agrícolas. Entre os resultados obtidos com a métrica, o maior valor foi para o bioma Pampas sobre a cultura agrícola de mandioca no ano de 2010 (R$1.754,03) e o menor para o bioma Cerrado sob a cultura de trigo no ano de 2005 (R$ 53,67). A tentativa era expressar os valores, por meio da métrica proposta, que diferentes indivíduos atribuiriam aos biomas e, com isso, estimular a preservação ao viabilizar um mercado que remunere os preservadores. Trata-se de uma proposta inovadora, e os valores podem ser utilizados para auxiliar legisladores a viabilizar a regulamentação das legislações que preveem a concessão de compensações pela prestação de serviços ambientais, além de servirem como instrumentos de gestão ambiental interna às empresas, principalmente, pelo reconhecimento do potencial de benefícios dos recursos sob suas responsabilidades. / The Financial Accounting search reliable information that is reasonably free errors, bias and show, faithfully, what aim at represents. Obtaining environmental values with less bias possible, more accurate and comparable could, perhaps, constitute parameter for defining environmental services, give rise to discussions about the accounting treatment of the biome area preserved and, also, marketing of environmental certificate based on preservation the environment and, in general way, serve as support for business decisions take and government. This work aims to propose metric valuation of Legal Reserves and Permanent Preservation Areas on agricultural properties, in their natural state, pure and yet free from the effects of human actions. The metric was developed based on the method of Opportunity Cost (OC), Accounting Emergy and Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). The metric constitutes themselves from the sum of the value of O.C. to the Biome Total Value (BTV). However, the value of O.C. is discounted by business risk analyzed. The BTV is estimated by Emergy Accounting, considering the area hectare preserved in RL and / or APP, and the remaining area of the biome studied. So, the VTB is weighted by EKC, estimated by this change in the prices of agricultural crops analyzed. Aiming validation, estimated the preserved area in hectares of Legal Reserves and Permanent Preservation Areas of each terrestrial biome Brazilian referring to the ten crops that have greater acreage. From the cultures used the data on gross production, the price variation in average national and territorial scope of the federal units of Brazil. Were also used data from the Brazilian terrestrial biomes with respect to their total areas and remaining areas preserved. Information they obtained by consulting the IBGE site, IBAMA and Agrolink. Further, we applied the metric to value biomes preserved in national and over five real cultures data collected from agricultural enterprises. Between the results obtained with the metric, the highest value was for the Pampas biome on the cassava crop in 2010 (R $ 1,754.03) and lowest for the Cerrado biome in the wheat crop in 2005 (R $ 53.67). The attempt was to express the values, through the proposed metric, which would assign individuals on different biomes and, thereby, encouraging the preservation by allowing a market to remunerate preservers. This is an innovative proposal, and the values can be used to assist legislators to enable the regulation of the laws that predict the granting compensation the provision of environmental services, besides serving as instruments of internal environmental management firms, mainly, by recognition of the potential benefits of the resources under their responsibility.
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Efectos del cambio climático en la economía, el comercio internacional y la estrategia empresarial / Efeitos das mudanças climáticas sobre a economia, o comércio internacional e a estratégia de negócios / Effects of climate change on the economy, international trade and the business strategyDuarte Cueva, Franklin 10 April 2018 (has links)
The impact of climate change produces variations in the production of goods and services, modifies consumption patterns ofbuyers, affects the strategies of private companies and influences the environmental policies of governments. In this context, the return expected by shareholders or partners cannot be achieved due to uncontrollable factors that often generate threats or opportunities for companies, according to which industry they operate. On the other hand, international trade is affected by climate change by increasing sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of governments, retail business associations and consumers. This situation leads to redefine business strategies and to the implementation of standards by international organisms,directly or indirectly related to climate change, seeking to adapt or mitigate its effects on life in the planet. / El impacto del cambio climático produce variaciones en la producción de bienes y servicios, modifica los patrones de consumo de los compradores, afecta las estrategias de los empresarios privados e influye en las políticas ambientales de los gobiernos. En este contexto, la rentabilidad esperada por los accionistas o socios puede no lograrse debido a factores incontrolables, que muchas veces generan amenazas u oportunidades para las empresas, según la industria en la que operen. Por otro lado, el comercio internacional es afectado por el cambio climático al aumentar las exigencias sanita- rias de parte de los gobiernos, las asociaciones de negocios retail y los consumidores. Esta situación conduce a redefinir estrategias de negocios y a la implementación de normas, por parte de organismos internacionales relacionados directa o indirectamente al cambio climático, en la búsqueda de adaptar o mitigar sus efectos sobre la vida en el planeta. / O impacto da mudança climática produz variações na produção de bens e serviços, modifica os padrões de consumo doscompradores, afeta as estratégias dos empresários privados e influencia as políticas ambientais dos governos. Neste contexto, a rentabilidades esperada pelos acionistas ou sócios não pode ser alcançada devido a fatores incontroláveis, que muitas vezes geram ameaças ou oportunidades para as empresas, de acordo com o setor em que atuam. Por outro lado, o comércio interna- cional é afetado pelas mudanças climáticas através do aumento dos requisitos de saúde dos governos, associações de empresas varejistas e consumidores. Isto leva a as organizações internacionais a redefinir estratégias de negócios e as normas, direta ou indiretamente relacionados às mudanças climáticas, procurando adaptar-se ou atenuar seus efeitos sobre a vida no planeta.
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Ciclo de vida do produto e a geração de ecoinovações: desafios para o BrasilMotta, Wladmir Henriques 04 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Priscilla Araujo (priscilla@ibict.br) on 2016-10-10T18:49:24Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-04 / A geração de bens e serviços se desenvolve à custa da utilização dos recursos naturais e da produção e geração de descartes ao longo do processo produtivo, o que trouxe como consequências o aquecimento global e o esgotamento crescente dos recursos naturais, dentre outros graves problemas que provocam a deterioração das condições de vida no planeta. Analisar e compreender melhor o processo de geração e adoção de ecoinovações para um planeta sustentável é uma condição necessária para o enfrentamento desta crise ecológica e é nesse contexto que a revisão das práticas industriais se torna um importante elemento para revelar as áreas onde o esforço inovativo pode se concentrar. Esta tese discute a avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV), uma abordagem de avaliação dos impactos ambientais que vem ganhando cada vez mais aceitação e que examina os impactos ambientais de um produto / serviço, a partir de suas origens, desde a extração das matérias-primas, considerando a produção e uso, até o seu descarte. A tese busca identificar a dinâmica que levou a sua difusão no mercado internacional, compreender seu atual estágio no Brasil, investigar a relação entre a ACV e a ecoinovação, identificar os condicionantes para a efetiva disseminação e uso da ACV no Brasil, identificando assim oportunidades para tal. Assim, seu objetivo principal é identificar as barreiras e oportunidades para a adoção das ferramentas relacionadas à abordagem do ciclo de vida do produto no Brasil, tendo em vista as possibilidades de geração de ecoinovações daí decorrentes. O campo teórico utilizado foi pautado em torno (i) da crise ecológica, com uma crítica ao atual modelo capitalista baseado no crescimento contínuo da produção e consumo; (ii) da ACV, uma metodologia que vem se tornando elemento chave de políticas ambientais ou de ações voluntárias em diversos países; e (iii) da ecoinovação, entendida como um tipo de inovação que resulta, através de sua vida útil, em uma redução do risco ambiental, da poluição e de outros impactos negativos quanto ao uso de recursos naturais. A metodologia da presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir do levantamento teórico e sua discussão, e de uma pesquisa de campo de âmbito nacional e internacional, com utilização de questionários aplicados a especialistas na área de ACV. Os dados coletados a respeito da ACV ajudaram a apontar os condicionantes para seu uso, os impactos ambientais mais contemplados em seus estudos e suas complexidades. Ainda foi
validada a inter-relação entre a ACV e a ecoinovação, identificando o ecodesign como a prática que mais evidência este vínculo. Os resultados apontam como determinantes para o uso da ACV: a regulamentação; o mercado; e a utilização das informações provenientes do estudo como insumo para a tomada de decisão. A fim de trazer uma proposta que colabore com a implementação da ACV no Brasil, o estudo sugere a pegada de carbono como precursora de estudos de ACV nas empresas brasileiras. / The generation of goods and services develops at the expense of use of natural resources and the production and generation of discharges during the production process, which brought as consequences global warming and the increasing depletion of natural resources, among other serious problems that cause the deterioration of living conditions on the planet. Analyze and better understand the process of generation and adoption of eco-innovations for a sustainable planet is a necessary condition to face this ecological crisis and it is in this context that a review of industry practices becomes an important element to reveal the areas where innovative efforts can concentrate. This thesis discusses the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), an evaluation approach of environmental impacts impacts of a product / service from its origins, from the extraction of raw raw, considering the production and use to disposal, that is gaining more acceptance. The thesis seeks to identify the dynamic that led to its spread in the international market, understand its current state in Brazil, investigate the relationship between the LCA and eco-innovation, identify constraints and opportunities to the effective dissemination and use of LCA in Brazil. The main goal of this thesis is to identify the barriers and opportunities for the adoption of product life cycle approach methodologies in Brazil, considering the possibilities for eco-innovation generation arising therefrom. The theoretical field used was guided around (i) the ecological crisis, with a critique of the current capitalist model based on continued growth in production and consumption; (ii) LCA, a methodology that is becoming a key element of environmental policies or voluntary activities in different countries; and (iii) eco-innovation, understood as a kind of innovation that results through its life cycle, in a reduction of environmental risk, pollution and other impacts on the use of natural resources. The methodology of this research was developed from theoretical research and discussion, and a national and international field research, using questionnaires given to profissionals and experts in the LCA field. The data collected about LCA helped point out conditioners for it use, the environmental impacts more included in their studies and the LCA complexities. Yet it has been validated the interrelationship between the LCA and eco-innovation, identifying the ecodesign as the practice that more evidence this link. The results show as drivers for LCA use: regulation; the market; and the use of information from the study as an input for decision making. In order to bring a proposal to collaborate with the implementation of the LCA in Brazil, the study suggests the carbon footprint as a precursor of LCA studies in Brazilian companies.
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PRODUCT SERVICE SYSTEMS AND MODULAR DEVELOPMENT : Implications and Opportunities in the Construction Equipment Industry / Produkt och Servicesystem med Modulär utveckling : Konsekvenser och Möjligheter i Entreprenad-branschenGustafsson, Rikard, Blomqvist, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Volvo Construction Equipment is considering applying modular design to their organisation in order to constrain the growing intangible information and parts assortment within the company, and as well to enable a rearrangement of production, sales and logistics in the near future of organisational growth and industrial footprint. Hence the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the opportunities and threats of implementing modular design to Volvo Construction Equipment. The analysis is scoped on the generic aspects of modularity and the organisational weaknesses within Volvo CE towards implementing a new organisational structure, product design and production with modular design. Modularity enables the company to move towards decupling the constraints of tangible sales and provides an opportunity to offer Product Service Systems as a Total Solution for each individual customer. By implementing the authors common knowledge and education within engineering revolving tangible and intangible products and services alongside with innovation, together with informal interviews of stakeholders, the results of the thesis was reached. The analysis of the results was reached by implementing Design Research Methodology to the structure of the thesis, research method and interviews made. There is a distinct opportunity for Volvo CE to implement modular design since the informational flows, innovation, research and development is enhanced by a correct modular design. Although there is a distinct risk in changing a well-established product design, development process and organisational structure, the opportunities to create a product service system strategy and to re harvest and recycle value within the company with modularity outweigh the risk. Incomprehension of how to optimize a modular design may amplify the reasons why Volvo CE is considering revising their products and organisation with modularity, thus the authors recommend implementing a generic and specific education in modularity within Volvo CE to ensure a shared language of modularity and enhance traceability of the development within the company. In order to enhance the organisational velocity around development, the authors also recommend a new computer environment which enables the different disciplines of engineering and marketing to modularise the product, services and processes while keeping the comprehension of the subject close to hand. This enables the organisational structure to change and improve towards modular deployment and to further accelerate Volvo CE’s growth, market share and revenue. / Volvo Construction Equipment överväger att tillämpa en modulär design till sin organisation i syfte att begränsa den växande immateriella information och det växande sortiment av delar inom företaget som finns idag. Volvo ser även till möjligheterna med modulär design för att möjliggöra en omflyttning av produktion, försäljning och logistik inom den närmaste framtiden för organisatorisk tillväxt och för att minska det industriella fotavtrycket. Därav syftet med denna uppsats; att undersöka möjligheter och hot för att genomföra modulär design i Volvo Construction Equipment. Analysen är fokuserad på generiska aspekter på modularitet och organisatoriska svagheter inom Volvo CE mot att genomföra en ny organisationsstruktur, produktdesign och produktion med modulär design. Modularitet möjliggör för företaget att gå mot att minska begränsningen av materiell försäljning och ger en möjlighet att erbjuda system med Product och Service lösningar som en helhetslösning för varje enskild kund. Genom att implementera författarnas gemensamma kunskap och utbildning inom teknik roterande kring materiella och immateriella produkter samt tjänster tillsammans med innovation, och med informella intervjuer av intressenter, har resultaten i denna avhandling uppnåtts. Analysen av resultaten uppnåddes genom att implementera metodiken Design Research Methodology till strukturen, forskningsmetod och gjorda intervjuer i avhandlingen. Det finns en tydlig möjlighet för Volvo CE att genomföra modulär design eftersom de informativa flöden, innovation, forskning och utveckling förstärks av en korrekt modulär design. Även om det finns en klar risk i att ändra en väletablerad produkts design, utveckling process och organisations struktur, är möjligheterna i att skapa en produkt strategi med servicesystem och att återvinna återvinna värde i företaget med modularitet väl värt risken. Oförståelse för hur man optimerar en modulär design kan innebära ytterligare risker och förklarar varför Volvo CE överväger revidera sina produkter och organisation med en ny design, och då kanske en modulär struktur. Detta har lett till att författarna rekommenderar att genomföra en allmän och specifik utbildning i modularitet inom Volvo CE för att säkerställa ett gemensamt språk för modularitet och öka spårbarheten av utvecklingen inom företaget. För att öka den organisatoriska hastigheten kring utveckling, rekommenderar författarna också en ny datormiljö som gör att de olika disciplinerna i teknik och marknadsföring ligger närmre till hands för att modularisera produkter, tjänster och processer samtidigt som förståelsen av ämnet blir enklare att uppnå. Detta maximerar effektiviteten i den organisatoriska strukturen för att förändra och förbättra mot en modulär utbyggnad och att ytterligare påskynda Volvo CE : s tillväxt , marknadsandelar och intäkter
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Bioreducer use in blast furnace ironmaking in Finland:techno-economic assessment and CO₂ emission reduction potentialSuopajärvi, H. (Hannu) 13 January 2015 (has links)
Most of the steel produced in the world is based on the integrated blast furnace-converter route, which is based on the use of virgin raw materials. Large amounts of fossil-based, carbon containing reductants are used in blast furnaces, which results in carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Fossil carbon dioxide emissions from steel production can be reduced by new technologies or moving from non-renewable to renewable energy sources. Biomass-based reductants could be one way to reduce the specific emissions from blast furnace-based steel production.
The aim of this thesis was to examine the techno-economic and CO₂ mitigation potentials of using bioreducers in blast furnace ironmaking. Bioreducer feasibility was analyzed in the Finnish context, but the research methods used can be applied more widely. The metallurgical properties of bioreducers were evaluated and compared to fossil-based reductants. The impact of bioreducers on blast furnace behavior and on other steel plant processes was evaluated, with an emphasis on the reductions achieved in CO₂ emissions at the plant scale. The CO₂ emissions, energy consumption and production costs of bioreducers were evaluated, as was the availability of energy wood for bioreducer production.
The results show that solid, liquid and gaseous bioreducers can be produced with thermochemical conversion technologies. However, their suitability for blast furnace use varies greatly. The highest substitution of fossil-based reductants in a blast furnace is achieved with charcoal injection. The carbon footprint of torrefied wood, charcoal and Bio-SNG is moderate compared to fossil-based reducing agents and their production is energetically feasible. The economic feasibility of bioreducers is currently weak in comparison to fossil-based reducing agents, but competitive when compared to other CO₂ emission reduction measures such as carbon capture and storage. The biomass availability assessment revealed that sufficient amount of energy wood could be available for bioreducer production in the areas where Finnish steel plants are situated. The feasibility of bioreducer production could be improved by producing a number of products from the biomass and taking advantage of the process of integration possibilities. / Tiivistelmä
Suurin osa maailmassa tuotetusta teräksestä valmistetaan integroidulla masuuni-konvertteri reitillä, joka perustuu neitseellisten raaka-aineiden käyttöön. Masuuniprosessissa käytetään suuri määrä fossiilisia, lähinnä hiilipohjaisia pelkistimiä, jotka aiheuttavat hiilidioksidipäästöjä ilmakehään. Fossiilisia hiilidioksidipäästöjä voidaan teräksenvalmistuksessa vähentää uusilla teknologioilla tai siirtymällä uusiutumattomista energialähteistä uusiutuviin. Biomassasta valmistetut pelkistimet voisivat olla yksi mahdollinen keino alentaa masuunipohjaisen teräksenvalmistuksen ominaispäästöjä.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tarkastella biopelkistimien käytön teknistaloudellista potentiaalia masuunikäytössä ja aikaansaatavia hiilidioksidipäästövähenemiä eri systeemirajauksilla. Työssä keskityttiin tarkastelemaan biopelkistimien hyödynnettävyyttä lähinnä Suomen tasolla, vaikka käytetyt tutkimusmetodit ovat sovellettavissa myös laajemmin. Työssä arvioitiin biopelkistimien metallurgisia ominaisuuksia, niiden vaikutusta masuuniprosessiin ja laajemmin muihin terästehtaan prosesseihin, pääpainon ollessa saavutettavan CO₂ päästövähenemän tarkastelussa. Työssä tarkasteltiin biopelkistimien valmistuksen CO₂ päästöjä, energiankulutusta ja tuotantokustannuksia sekä energiapuun saatavuutta biopelkistimien tuotantoon.
Tulokset osoittavat, että biomassasta voidaan valmistaa kiinteitä, nestemäisiä ja kaasumaisia pelkistimiä termokemiallisilla konversioteknologioilla, joiden soveltuvuus masuunikäyttöön vaihtelee suuresti. Masuuniprosessissa suurin fossiilisten pelkistimien korvaavuus saavutetaan käyttämällä puuhiili-injektiota. Torrefioidun puun, puuhiilen ja Bio-SNG:n hiilijalanjälki on varsin maltillinen verrattuna fossiilisiin pelkistimiin ja niiden tuotanto on energeettisesti järkevää. Biopelkistimien taloudellinen kannattavuus verrattuna fossiilisiin pelkistimiin on tällä hetkellä heikko, mutta kilpailukykyinen verrattuna muihin CO₂ päästöjen vähennyskeinoihin, kuten hiilidioksidin talteenottoon ja -varastointiin. Energiapuun saatavuus biopelkistimien valmistukseen on suurin alueilla, jotka sijaitsevat lähellä Suomen terästehtaita. Biopelkistimien tuotannon kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa tuottamalla useita tuotteita ja hyödyntämällä prosessi-integraatiota.
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Modelling Spatial Patterns of Landsacape DynamicsAithal, Bharath H January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Landscape is a heterogeneous collection of visibly distinct features of various elements of land and its various forms on the earth surface. Its pattern is subjected to disturbances and undergo rapid alterations in its grain sizes. The evolving patterns of landscape define and decide various parameters for the planning and management of resources. These dynamic systems possess both spatial and temporal complexity. Exploitation of natural resources and drastic land cover changes have given rise to significant impacts on ecosystem structure and dynamics. The functional abilities (bio-geo chemical cycling, hydrological cycling, etc.) of the landscape are basically dependent on the structure and its complexity. This necessitates inventorying, mapping and modeling of landscape dynamics. Patterns and scale are central issues that are essential to understand complex interactions and driving forces. Large scale changes have been rapid and occurring since industrialization and urbanisation in the last century. The exponential growth of cities has been noticed since the industrial revolution and as transport sector changed the mobility of the masses drastically. Urbanisation interacts with the neighboring landscape structures in the form of commuter’s flow, pollution, obtaining food grain, which create dispersed growth or sprawl in between the metropolis and the semi urban area, and these areas are often devoid of basic amenities due to lack of prior information and necessitates predictions of such growth while planning, policy and decision-making. Planning determines appropriate future action through a sequence of choices that tend to occur. To understand uncertain conditions, planners and city managers need vital comprehensive information about the temporally evolving landscape and try to predict the future, for effective decisions. The quality of planning and its decision processes can be substantially improved when the required information is handled appropriately and efficiently. This explains that an effective planning requires descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive information inputs for sustainable resource management. Therefore, modeling future trends becomes a necessary part of planning. Urban growth models help in modelling future trends that can be an efficient and effective support tool. In recent years, the confluence of developments in Remote sensing, Geographic Information System and Image processing, Computational Urban Growth and Urban Land-use Modeling has made possible in timely provision of information inputs to planners.
In the context of Indian cities, this research attempts to study the patterns of urban growth and the rate of change of that growth using various techniques such as Land use, land cover models, Gradient and zonal approach, spatial metrics and urban growth models. Indian cities are divided based on population into various categories. These categories were considered separately and dealt with sample number of cities. This works helps in understanding the change pattern of rapidly urbanising, moderately urbanising and rural landscape is accomplished using various metrics and gradients. The research, is mainly aimed at understanding the pattern of growth and device computational urban growth model using well known techniques and develop a suitable technique in order to understand the context of agents and their role in modelling future urban growth and estimate the rate of loss of other land use categories due to urban growth. Satellite images for different time series was used to study the pattern of urban growth in the study areas. Well know indicators were derived from the data. This was further used to model one of the rapidly urbanising cities based on scenario no agents/factor and with agents of growth using city development plans and in absence of it. This adaptation to Indian context will help in gaining better understanding of the urban growth system in various levels of cities classified, and thus help in providing inputs and specific information of future growth for urban planners and city managers to provide better basic amenities and for sustainable growth of cities.
The objective of the proposed research is to understand and model the spatio temporal patterns of landscape dynamics. This involves
i. Analysis of Landscape dynamics using multi-resolution (spatial, temporal and spectral) data.
ii. Quantifying landscape dynamics using landscape metrics and associated landscape parameters.
iii. Modeling and geo-visualisation of landscape dynamics in rapidly urbanizing, moderately urbanising and rural landscape using these parameters.
iv. Model the landscape dynamics using soft computing techniques.
The thesis consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the basic concepts such as landscape, landscape dynamics, use of spatio-temporal data to monitor landscape dynamics, geo-visualisation of landscape dynamics, research gaps and motivation for taking up the research in this domain.
Chapter 2 presents the study region, which are broadly grouped as (i) Rapidly urbanizing landscapes (corresponding to Tier I Cities in India), (ii) Moderately urbanizing landscapes (Tier II cities, chosen select Tier II cities in Karnataka), and
(iii) Landscape experiencing minimal urbanisation (rural landscape).
Chapter 3 discusses the material and method adopted for understanding landscape dynamics and geo-visualisation of landscape dynamics
Chapter 4 presents the landscape dynamics in rapidly urbanizing landscape (Bangalore) in India. Spatial pattern analyses are done through metrics using zonal- gradient approach.
Chapter 5 analyses the environmental sustainability aspects considering one case study of rapidly urbanizing landscape – Bangalore
Chapter 6 discusses urbanisation process and patterns across macro cities in India. Similarly Chapter 7 discusses the urbanisation pattern in Tier II cities (in Karnataka) and Chapter 8 presents the rural landscape dynamics
Geo-visualisation of a rapidly urbanizing landscape (Bangalore) through techniques such as Cellular Automata – Markov Chain, land change modeler (LCM), Geographical land use change modeler (GEOMOD), Markov Cellular automata based process of deriving agent’s behavior using Fuzziness in the dataset and Analytical Hierarchal process. Further research in progress in this domain focusses on integration of various agents and evaluation of proposed development plans and likely scenario of integrating land use with mobility.
Keyword: landscape, landscape dynamics, urbanisation, urban growth, urban sprawl, urban footprint, modelling, geo-visualisation
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Design Of Truthful Allocation Mechanisms For Carbon Footprint ReductionUdaya Lakshmi, L 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Global warming is currently a major challenge faced by the world. Reduction of carbon emissions is of paramount importance in the context of global warming. There are widespread ongoing efforts to find satisfactory ways of surmounting this challenge. The basic objective of all such efforts can be summarized as conception and formation of protocols to reduce the pace of global carbon levels. Countries and global companies are now engaged in understanding systematic ways of achieving
well defined emission targets. In this dissertation, we explore the specific problem faced by a global industry or global company in allocating carbon emission reduction units to its different divisions and supply chain partners in achieving a required target of reductions in its carbon reduction program. The problem becomes a challenging one since the divisions and supply chain partners are often autonomous and could exhibit strategic behavior. Game theory and mechanism design provide a natural modeling tool for capturing the strategic dynamics involved in this problem.
DSIC (Dominant Strategy Incentive Compatibility), AE (Allocative Efficiency), and SBB (Strict Budget Balance) are the key desirable properties for carbon reduction allocation mechanisms.
But due to an impossibility result in mechanism design, DSIC, AE, and SBB can never be simultaneously achieved. Hence in this dissertation, we offer as contributions, two elegant solutions to this carbon emission reduction allocation problem. The first contribution is a mechanism which is DSIC and AE. We first propose a straightforward Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism based solution to the problem, leading to a DSIC and AE reverse auction protocol for allocating carbon reductions among the divisions. This solution, however, leads to a high level of budget imbalance. To reduce budget imbalance, we use redistribution mechanisms, without affecting the key properties of DSIC and AE. The Cavallo-Bailey redistribution mechanism, when applied to the above reverse auction protocol leads to reduced budget imbalance. To reduce the imbalance further, we propose an innovative forward auction protocol which achieves less imbalance when combined with the Cavallo-Bailey redistribution mechanism. The forward auction protocol also has the appealing feature of handsomely rewarding divisions that reduce emissions and levying appropriate penalties on divisions that do not participate in emission reductions.
The second contribution is a DSIC and SBB mechanism. Even though the first mechanism tries to reduce the budget imbalance, there is always a surplus which cannot be distributed among divisions and is wasted. So, in this part, by slightly compromising on efficiency, we propose a mechanism which is DSIC and SBB. The SBB property guarantees that there is no need for any monetary support from an external agency for implementing the mechanism and there is no leakage of revenue.
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Data Fusion Based Physical Layer Protocols for Cognitive Radio ApplicationsVenugopalakrishna, Y R January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis proposes and analyzes data fusion algorithms that operate on the physical layer of a wireless sensor network, in the context of three applications of cognitive radios: 1. Cooperative spectrum sensing via binary consensus; 2. Multiple transmitter localization and communication footprint identification; 3.Target self-localization using beacon nodes.
For the first application, a co-phasing based data combining scheme is studied under imperfect channel knowledge. The evolution of network consensus state is modeled as a Markov chain, and the average transition probability matrix is derived. Using this, the average hitting time and average consensus duration are obtained, which are used to determine and optimize the performance of the consensus procedure.
Second, using the fact that a typical communication footprint map admits a sparse representation, two novel compressed sensing based schemes are proposed to construct the map using 1-bit decisions from sensors deployed in a geographical area. The number of transmitters is determined using the K-means algorithm and a circular fitting technique, and a design procedure is proposed to determine the power thresholds for signal detection at sensors.
Third, an algorithm is proposed for self-localization of a target node using power measurements from beacon nodes transmitting from known locations. The geographical area is overlaid with a virtual grid, and the problem is treated as one of testing overlapping subsets of grid cells for the presence of the target node. The column matching algorithm from group testing literature is considered for devising the target localization algorithm. The average probability of localizing the target within a grid cell is derived using the tools from Poisson point processes and order statistics. This quantity is used to determine the minimum required node density to localize the target within a grid cell with high probability.
The performance of all the proposed algorithms is illustrated through Monte Carlo simulations.
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Har skolmaten från Härryda kommuns gymnasieskola blivit mer miljömässigt hållbar sedan 1993? / Have the school meals in Härryda kommun become more environmental sustainable since 1993?Rosenlind, Susanna January 2020 (has links)
Inledning- Det har satts upp mål på både global och nationell nivå för att bekämpa klimatförändringarna som sker på vår planet. Mat och måltider berörs direkt och indirekt av flera av dessa mål. På avdelningen Måltidsservice i Härryda kommun har arbete med att miljöutveckla skolmaten skett i mer än ett decennium, något som de ansvariga önskade en uppföljning på. Syfte- Att undersöka om och i så fall hur klimatavtrycket från skolmaten i Härryda kommuns gymnasieskola har förändrats från år 1993 till 2020. Ett andra syfte är att undersöka eventuella förändringar i skollunchernas innehåll med avseende på livsmedel under samma tidsperiod. Material och metod- För att undersöka eventuella förändringar i klimatavtryck över tid har skolluncher från stickprov i tidsperioden 1993-2020 klimatberäknats. För att se eventuella förändringar i skollunchernas innehåll har frekvenser på fem utvalda livsmedel studerats. Resultat- Det finns ingen signifikant skillnad i CO₂emellan period 1 (1993+1998+2003) och period 2 (2013+2018+2020). Där finns svaga tendenser som tyder på minskning i skolmatens klimatavtryck under det senaste decenniet. Förekomsten av rent nötkött, produkter av gris och ris har minskat i skolluncherna medan vegetabiliskt protein och kött från fågel har ökat. Slutsats-Någon signifikant skillnad i klimatavtryck mellan 1993 och 2020 kunde inte fastställas. Det fanns tydliga förändringar i skollunchernas innehåll med avseende på livsmedel under samma tidsperiod. / Introduction-Targets have been set at both global and national levels to fight the climate changes that are happening on our planet. Food and meals directly and indirectly affect several of these goals. For more than a decade the Meal service-department in Härryda kommun have been working on making their school meals more sustainable and now they want a follow-up on that. Aims- To investigate if and in that case how the carbon footprint from the high school of Härryda kommun’s school meals has changed from 1993 to 2020. A second purpose is to investigate any changes in the content of the school lunches referred to foods. Materials and methods-In order to investigate possible changes in carbon footprints over time, samples of school lunches in the time period 1993-2020 have been calculated. In order to see any changes in the content of the school lunches, frequencies of five selected foods have been studied. Results-There is no significant difference in CO₂e between period 1 (1993 + 1998 + 2003) and period 2 (2013 + 2018 + 2020). There are small tendencies that indicate a decrease in carbon footprint from the school meals in the last decade. The presence of pure beef, products of pig and rice have decreased in the school meals, while plant-based protein and meat from birds have increased. Conclusion-No significant difference in climate imprint between 1993 and 2020 could be determined. There were obvious changes in the content of the school lunches with regard to food during the same time period.
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Uhlíková stopa ve stavebnictví a její teoretická hodnota / The carbon footprint of the building industry and its theoretical valueHalama, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
Presented theses dealing with the complex influence of human activity on the environment. Particularly provides the calculation of carbon footprint volume consumed during manufacturing of raw materials used for a normal and a low-energy house. The calculation of the energy performance certificate for both variants is also included. To evaluate of economical demanding investment to both mentioned houses including carbon dioxide disposal, the theoretical calculation of the price of carbon footprint equivalent has to be determined. The aim of this study is an investigation of carbon footprint in construction industry focusing on the production of carbon dioxide during the realization of a normal and low-energy house.
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