Spelling suggestions: "subject:"footprint"" "subject:"footprints""
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Integrering av ekologiska aspekter vid produktutveckling av AI-baserade produkter / Integration of environmental aspects during the product development of AI-based productsMULK, MAISHA, SKÄRBO JONSSON, AMANDA January 2020 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har artificiell intelligens fått allt större uppmärksamhet. Företag väljer att implementera system med kognitiva egenskaper för att kunna reglera energianvändning och därmed reducera det ekologiska fotavtrycket. Fyra stora internationella företag har intervjuats för att undersöka hur AI i produkter påverkar det ekologiska fotavtrycket och hur integreringen av ekologiska faktorer tas i beaktande under produktutvecklingsprocessen. Utöver intervjustudien har en kvalitativ litteraturstudie genomförts för att både belysa hur företag arbetar kring ämnet men också för att återspegla olika synvinklar från olika forskare. Studien visar att respondenterna delar en likvärdig mening om att ekologisk hållbarhet innefattar tillvaratagandet av resurser över hela produktutvecklingsprocessen. Företagen tillämpar både linjära och cirkulära modeller för hållbarhet. Verktygen som används för att integrera ekologisk hållbarhet förhåller sig både storskaligt på hela produktionskedjan och småskaligt på specifika produktegenskaper. Det visar sig att metoderna inte är säregna för AI-baserade produkter utan snarare för ekologiskt hållbara produkter. Drivkrafterna till att implementera denna konstgjorda intelligens är att systemet möjliggör för hantering, sortering och utplockning av meningsfull data som används för att optimera produkter under längre användning. Dessutom kan produkter agera självorganiserat, självstyrt och vara fullt anpassningsbar vilken kan möjliggöra tjänstefiering. En förutsättning för att AI-baserade produkter ska bidra till reducering av det ekologiska fotavtrycket, jämfört med applikationer utan artificiell intelligens är integrering av den kognitiva beslutsfaktorn. Tillämpningen av AI-baserade produkter bygger främst på teknisk acceptans, att användaren tillåter systemet att ta beslut. / In the last decade, artificial intelligence has received increasing attention. Companies are choosing to implement systems with cognitive properties to be able to regulate energy use in order to reduce the environmental footprint. Four large international companies have been interviewed to explore how artificial intelligence in products affects the environmental footprint, and how integration of environmental factors is taken into account during the product development process. In addition to the interview study, a qualitative literature study was conducted to elucidate how companies work on the subject but also to reflect different viewpoints from different researchers. The study shows that the respondents share an equal opinion that environmental sustainability includes the utilization of resources throughout the product development process. The companies apply both linear and circular models for sustainability. The tools used to integrate environmental sustainability relate to large-scale operations throughout the production chain and small-scale to specific product traits. It turns out that the methods are not specific for AI-based products but rather to environmentally sustainable products. The driving forces in implementing artificial intelligence is that the system enables the managing, arranging and extraction of meaningful data that can be used to optimize products for longer use. In addition, products can act self-organizing, self-running and fully adapting which can enable the products being remotely. A prerequisite for AI-based products to contribute to reducing the environmental footprint, compared to applications without artificial intelligence, is the integration of the cognitive decision-making factor. The application of AI-based products is mainly based on technology acceptance, that the user allows the system to make decisions.
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Participatory Modelling for Carbon Footprint Analysis : A Case Study at DeLava / Participativ modellering för analys av koldioxidutsläpp : En fallstudie på DeLavalDeckner, Emil, Mailer, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Because of global warming, companies have started to tackle sustainability issues within their operations, but major uncertainties exist on how to establish a quantitative baseline of the current environmental performance of companies. Numerous investigations have been made to assess the carbon footprint of companies with a variety of methods, tools and strategies. However, the lack of transparency in the methods used and the assumptions made could prevent companies to replicate methods and to analyse the results. Because of this, we will investigate how participatory modelling could be used to create a model of the carbon emissions of a company, but also how this method enables the company to understand the methods used and the results from the investigation. By doing this, we also aim to clarify how the process could be set up, which stakeholders that need to be involved and what data sources that could be used. The thesis was conducted as a single case study at a manufacturing company named DeLaval. A participatory modelling process with three major phases was carried out according to proposed methodologies in previous research. In the first phase, a conceptual model of the system accounting for the emissions was created. In the second phase, a quantitative model of the system was developed by gathering data and validating the calculation methodologies with operational stakeholders within the company. In the third phase, the results were verified, and the company could set up sustainability targets based on the findings. The outcomes of the case study showed that there are major benefits with applying participatory modelling because different perspectives throughout the organisation could be gathered efficiently to create a representable model of the company. The modelling strategy had more benefits in organisational areas characterised by high complexity with numerous of different stakeholders with different roles or by geographical distribution. To create the model, primary data consisting of master product data and transactional data was used, together with secondary data, consisting of carbon emission coefficients and gap filling data created by the modellers. By basing the calculations on the methodology set up by the GHG protocol and anchoring the root definition of the system with strategic stakeholders, the results were trusted by the organisation. / På grund av den globala uppvärmningen har företag börjat att hantera hållbarhetsutmaningar inom sin verksamhet, men stora frågetecken kvarstår gällande hur en kvantifierad bild av företagets nuvarande utsläpp ska beräknas. Flertalet studier har genomförts för att undersöka koldioxidavtrycket på företag, med flertalet olika metoder och verktyg. Metoderna och antaganden som gjorts har dock bristande transparens, vilket hindrar andra företag från att replikera beräkningarna och att göra analyser av resultatet. Baserat på detta kommer denna studie att undersöka hur participativ modellering kan användas för att skapa en modell av koldioxidutsläppen från ett företag, men också hur denna metod underlättar för företaget att förstå metoderna som använts och resultaten från undersökningen. Genom detta ämnar vi att bringa klarhet gällande hur processen kan se ut, vilka intressenter som ska vara delaktiga och vilka datakällor som kan vara användbara. Studien genomfördes som en enkel fallstudie på det producerande företaget DeLaval. En participativ modelleringsprocess med tre faser genomfördes i enlighet med etablerade modelleringsprinciper från tidigare studier. I den första fasen utvecklades en konceptuell modell av systemet för estimering av koldioxidutsläppen. I den andra fasen utvecklades en kvantitativ modell as systemet genom att samla in data och validera beräkningsmetoderna tillsammans med operative intressenter på företaget. I den tredje fasen verifierades resultaten och företaget hade möjlighet att sätta upp hållbarhetsmål baserat på resultatet. Utfallet av fallstudien visar att det finns stora fördelar med att använda participativ modellering eftersom olika perspektiv i organisationen kunde inhämtas på ett effektivt sätt för att skapa en representativ modell av företaget. Modelleringsstrategin hade större fördelar i delar av företaget som karakteriserades av hög komplexitet, med många olika intressenter med olika roller eller av geografisk utspriddhet. För att skapa modellen krävdes primärdata innehållande produktinformation och transaktionsdata samt sekundärdata, innehållande utsläppsfaktorer och överbryggande data skapad av modellerarna. Genom att basera beräkningarna på metodiken skapad av GHG protocol och förankra syftet med systemet tillsammans med strategiska intressenter, skapades en tillit till resultaten inom organisationen.
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Green Cloud Transition & Environmental Impacts of Stock Exchanges : A Case Study of Nasdaq, a Global Stock Exchange Company / Grön molnövergång & miljöpåverkan av börser : En fallstudie av Nasdaq, ett globalt börsföretagFrisk Arfvidsson, Nils, Östlin, David January 2020 (has links)
To address the issues of climate change and reduce the emissions released into the atmosphere, society and companies, including the financial markets, need to adjust how they act and conduct business. The financial markets are vital in the transition towards a more sustainable society and stock exchanges are a central actor to enhance green finance, enabling green securities to be traded. For stock exchange companies to stand tall and encourage a green transition, they need to be aware of their own internal environmental impact. As society is changing to become more serviceoriented, so is stock exchanges. A part of enabling servitization is the usage of cloud services which not only enable companies to focus more on their core business, it also has the potential to reduce companies’ environmental footprint. This study examines the environmental impact of a stock exchange company and how it can be reduced by transitioning to cloud computing. The study uses Nasdaq as a case company and examines environmental performance data from major stock exchanges worldwide. The study furthermore uses the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) to understand what enables and disables a cloud transition for stock exchanges. This study concludes that the main environmental impact of a stock exchange is Business Travel, electricity and heat for Office Buildings and Data Centres, although the order of these varies throughout the industry. Further, it is concluded that a stock exchange can reduce its environmental footprint by transitioning to cloud computing, in the best-case scenario, emissions are reduced with 10 percent and electricity usage reduced with almost 30 percent of the total usage. However, the impact of a transition is dependent on the rate of renewable energy used for the data centre. The study finds that a cloud transition includes enablers and disablers on all three levels on the MLP and it will most likely be incremental innovations together with a business model shift and technical traits of cloud that will enable and open the window of opportunity for a regime shift. It is concluded that technology or IT-security of cloud computing is not hindering a cloud transition, rather it is organizational culture, assumptions, financial lock-ins, and landscape protectionism that are disablers for a transition. To overcome those, and reduce the environmental footprint, stock exchanges need to work together with cloud providers to create use cases that are in line with the regulatory and financial requirements of a stock exchange. / För att hantera klimatförändringar och reducera utsläppen i atmosfären måste samhället och företag, inklusive de finansiella marknaderna anpassa hur de agerar och bedriver verksamhet. De finansiella marknaderna är vitala för övergången till ett mer hållbart samhälle och börser är en central aktör för att utveckla grön finans och möjliggöra handel av gröna värdepapper. Om börsbolag ska stå rakryggade och uppmuntra till en grön övergång måste de vara medvetna om deras egen interna miljöpåverkan. I takt med att samhället förändras till att bli mer serviceinriktat, förändras också börserna. En faktor för att möjliggöra servitisering är användningen av molntjänster, som inte bara möjliggör mer fokus på kärnverksamhet utan har också potential att minska företags miljöpåverkan. Denna studie undersöker miljöeffekterna av ett börsföretag och hur det kan minskas genom en övergång till molntjänster. Studien använder Nasdaq som ett caseföretag samt undersöker data om miljöpåverkan från de stora börserna världen över. Vidare, för att förstå vad som möjliggör och förhindrar en molnövergång för börser använder studien Multi-Level Perspective (MLP). De viktigaste resultaten från denna studie är att den största miljöpåverkan av en börs är affärsresor, el och värme för kontorsbyggnader samt datacenter, dock varierar ordningen på dessa mellan börser. Studien konkluderar att en börs kan minska deras miljöpåverkan genom att övergå till molntjänster, i bästa fall kan molntjänster minska utsläppen med 10 procent och minska elanvändningen med nästan 30 procent av den totala användningen. Effekterna av en övergång är dock mycket beroende av andelen förnybar energi som användas av de olika datacentren. Studien konstaterar flertalet faktorer på alla tre nivåer av MLP som både möjliggör och förhindrar en molnövergång. Det kommer sannolikt vara inkrementellinnovation tillsammans med affärsmodellsförändringar och tekniska egenskaper för molntjänster som möjliggör och öppnar fönstret till regimskifte. Studien konkluderar att det inte är tekniken eller IT-säkerheten för molntjänster som förhindrar en molnövergång utan det är organisationskulturen, förutfattade meningar, ekonomiska inlåsningar och landskapsprotektionism som förhindrar en molnövergång. För att övervinna dessa och minska miljöpåverkan måste börserna samarbeta med molntjänsteleverantörer för att skapa use cases som är i linje med lagstiftningen och de finansiella kraven på en börs.
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Carbon Footprints & Consumer Purchasing Decisions Online : A Case Study at Klarna Bank AB / Koldioxidavtryck & Konsumentköpbeslut OnlineBobert, Axel, Fofana, Alpha January 2022 (has links)
Sustainable consumption is used to describe consumer behaviors which aim to reduce environmental impact. One way of measuring sustainable consumption is by tracking products’ carbon footprint. Today however, there is limited research on how carbon footprint information is influencing consumers online, and few online tools which allow consumers to track carbon footprints for specific products before the point of purchase. The purpose of the thesis is to design a sustainability tool which contains product level carbon footprint information as well as to test and evaluate how the information affects sustainable consumption. Theory from the fields of Human Computer Interaction and Carbon Footprint research was used in a multi-method qualitative study. Expert interviews and qualitative usability tests were conducted during the thesis as means of collecting empirical data. The study concludes that carbon footprint information should be introduced in the search phase of the consumer journey. The information should then progressively become more detailed as the consumer approaches the point of purchase. The study found that displaying carbon footprint information affects sustainable consumption positively in the tested online environment. However, personal preference and cost constitute a large part of consumers' choices as well. The study extends the research on carbon footprints by including results from an online environment. Future research should be conducted using quantitative methods to validate the results of this study on larger samples. Other product categories should also be tested as a way of investigating if the same consumption patterns emerge across different product categories. / Hållbar konsumtion används för att beskriva konsumentbeteenden med syfte att minska miljöpåverkan. Ett sätt att mäta hållbar konsumtion är genom att spåra produkters koldioxidavtryck. I dag är dock forskningen kring hur koldioxidavtrycksinformation påverkar konsumenter online begränsad, och få verktyg tillåter konsumenter att spårasina koldioxidavtryck för specifika produkter innan köp. Syftet med studien är att designa ett hållbarhetsverktyg med information om koldioxidavtryck på produktnivå samt att testa och utvärdera hur informationen påverkar hållbar konsumtion. Teori från områdena Människa-datorinteraktion samt Koldioxidavtrycksforskning användes i en kvalitativ multimetodstudie. Expertintervjuer samt kvalitativa användbarhetstester genomfördes under studien som ett sätt att samla in empirisk data. Slutsatsen från studien visar att information om koldioxidavtryck bör introduceras i sökfasen av konsumentresan. Koldioxidinformationen bör sedan successivt bli mer detaljerad när konsumenten närmar sig köptillfället. Studien påvisar att koldioxidavtrycksinformation påverkar hållbar konsumtion positivt i den testade onlinemiljön. Dock påverkar även personlig preferens samt kostnad konsumenternasval. Studien utökar forskningen om koldioxidavtryck genom att inkludera resultat från en onlinemiljö. Framtida forskning bör utföras med hjälp av kvantitativa metoder för att validera resultaten av denna studie på en större urvalsgrupp. Även andra produktkategorier bör testas som ett sätt att undersöka om samma konsumtionsmönster uppstår över olika produktkategorier.
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Diet, Emission and Diabetes : A treelet transform pattern analysis on Västerbotten Intervention ProgramJemberie, Wossenseged Birhane January 2018 (has links)
Objective: Researches which studied the relation of dietary greenhouse gas emissions with health outcomes are few, inconsistent and most of them are modelling studies which have not investigated empiric dietary emission patterns. In this study, we employ a posteriori data dimension reduction method, treelet transform, to identify dietary and diet related emission patterns concurrently. We aim to evaluate if these patterns are correlated, if they areassociated with diabetes and if emission patterns can be used as a proxy for dietary patterns for assessment of association with diabetes. Design: Food items from dietary questionnaire were aggregated to 34 food groups. GHGE was estimated by linking food intakes with life cycle assessment data on emission. Dietary and emission patterns were identified by employing treelet transform on food intake and corresponding greenhouse gas emission data. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to investigate associations between quintiles of dietary patterns and diabetes. Adjusted mean values of emission estimates were obtained for the identified dietary patterns. Adjusted proportions of diabetes across quintiles of emission patterns were computed. Setting: Västerbotten Intervention Program Subjects: women (n 38,118); men (n 36,042) between the age of 35 and 65 years Results: Four dietary and four corresponding emission patterns in women, five dietary and five corresponding emission patterns in men were identified. Moderate to strong correlations were observed between dietary and corresponding emission patterns. Prudent dietary pattern (PP) in women was inversely associated with dysglycemia [ORQ5 vs. Q1 = 0.82 (95% CI 0.69—0.97, Ptrend =0.003)]. PP in women was also inversely associated with diabetes [ORQ5 vs.Q1 = 0.37 (95% CI 0.17—0.78, Ptrend = 0.002)]. However, adherence to this dietary pattern was associated with higher dietary emission. Finally, none of the corresponding emission patterns, were associated with adjusted proportions of either dysglycemia or diabetes. Conclusion: Treelet transform produces correlated dietary and emission patterns which are sparse and easily interpretable. However, some differences in loading structures between dietary and emission patterns result in different conclusion regarding the association with diabetes, rendering the usage of emission patterns as proxies of dietary patterns inappropriate. Results from our study also show that healthy dietary patterns do not necessarily reduce greenhouse gas emission.
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On Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment: from Conventional Sustainability to Regeneration and Glocal ArchitectureQuintana Gallardo, Alberto 17 December 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La idea general de esta tesis es estudiar el papel que el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) puede jugar como una herramienta para la toma de decisiones durante la fase de proyecto de una obra de construcción. El ACV es una metodología que permite el cálculo de los impactos ambientales de cualquier actividad humana. Este trabajo está construido en tres niveles, el estudio de materiales de construcción individualmente, las soluciones constructivas y por último el conjunto del edificio. A medida que los capítulos progresan, el foco del estudio se aleja desde las particularidades asociadas con los materiales hasta llegar al estudio del ciclo de vida de los edificios. El capítulo uno corresponde con el primer nivel. En este capítulo, varios biocomposites que contienen resina bio-epoxi se comparan con la placa de yeso laminado en términos de sus impactos medioambientales y sus propiedades mecánicas. En el caso de las soluciones constructivas, esta tesis analiza, además de los impactos ambientales, otros parámetros relevantes, tales como el comportamiento acústico y térmico. Sin un comportamiento adecuado en esos aspectos. las soluciones constructivas sostenibles no pueden considerarse una alternativa a las convencionales. En el caso del capítulo 2, se comparan varios tipos de particiones que combinan los biocomposites estudiados en el primer capítulo con absorbentes acústicos convencionales y no convencionales en términos de sus impactos medioambientales y su aislamiento a ruido aéreo. El tercer capítulo continúa tratando las soluciones constructivas. En este caso se analiza el uso de paneles de fachada formados a partir de residuo de paja de arroz generada en el parque natural de la Albufera. Una fachada compuesta por estos paneles se compara a una fachada de doble hoja de ladrillo. El estudio lidia con la comparación de sus impactos ambientales, su aislamiento a ruido aéreo y su transmitancia térmica. Además se analiza el comportamiento higrotérmico de la fachada de paja. El último capítulo compara los impactos ambientales de una casa de madera pensada para ser una referencia de la media europea en cinco ciudades diferentes. Las ciudades estudiadas son Munich, Ljubljana, Portorož, Madrid, and Valencia. El propósito es comprender como las barreras hacia la sostenibilidad regenerativa cambian dependiendo de la ubicación. En referencia a los resultados, el primer capítulo indica que los composites propuestos pueden ser una alternativa sostenible a la placa de yeso laminado al reducir un 50% su impacto ambiental. El segundo capítulo muestra que reemplazar la placa de yeso laminado y la lana mineral de las particiones por los biocomposites y con un material basado en residuo de lana de oveja puede reducir las emisiones de carbono un 60%. El tercer capítulo señala la importancia de encontrar manera de utilizar la paja de arroz de la albufera como materia prima. Además, la fachada de paja de arroz analizada demuestra no solo ser beneficiosa para el medio ambiente (evita la emisión de 52 kg de CO2 eq. por metro cuadrado), sino también demuestra ser una alternativa adecuada en términos de su comportamiento acústico, térmico e higrotérmico. Debido a los beneficios ambientales que el uso de los paneles de paja supone para el medio ambiente, la paja de arroz puede ser considerada como un material glocal. El último capítulo muestra que las medidas de sostenibilidad convencional, como el uso de la madera en la estructura y el aumento del aislamiento, no son suficientes para llegar a construir edificios regenerativos ni de emisiones de carbono neutras (NZED). El uso de materiales de base biológica, un correcto diseño y nuevas tecnologías enfocadas a la eficiencia energética son fundamentales para alcanzar el objetivo de la sostenibilidad regenerativa.
En general los resultados enfatizan la necesidad de utilizar el ACV como una herramienta para
la toma de decisiones en fase de proyecto de un edificio. El ACV es la única metodología capaz
de ofrecer una representación fiable de la influencia que un edificio tiene sobre el medio ambiente / [CA] La idea general d'aquesta tesi es estudiar del paper que l'Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) podria jugar com a ferramenta per a la pressa de decisions durant la fase de projecte d'una obra de construcció. El ACV és una metodologia que permet el càlcul dels impactes ambientals de qualsevol activitat humana. Aquest treball està construït en tres nivells, el estudi de materials de construcció de manera individual, les solucions constructives i per últim l'edifici com a conjunt. A mesura que els capítols progressen, el focus s'allunya des de les particularitats dels materials fins arribar a l'estudi del cicle de vida dels edificis. El capítol 1 es correspon amb el primer nivell. En aquest capítol. diversos biocomposites formats amb resina bio-epoxi es comparen amb la placa de guix laminat en termes dels seus impactes ambientals y les propietats mecàniques. En el cas de les solucions constructives, aquesta tesi analitza, a més dels impactes ambientals, uns altres paràmetres rellevants, com el comportament acústic i tèrmic. Sense un comportament adequat en eixos aspectes, una solució constructiva composada de materials sostenibles no pot ser considerada una alternativa al mètodes de construcció convencional. En el cas del segon capítol, diversos tipus de particions que combinen els biocomposites estudiats en el primer capítol amb absorbents acústics convencionals i no convencionals en termes dels seus impactes ambiental i el seu aïllament a soroll aeri. El tercer capítol continua analitzant solucions constructives. En aquest cas s'analitza l'ús de panels de façana composats de residu de palla d'arròs generada al parc natural de l'Albufera de València. Una façana composta d'aquestos panells es compara amb una façana de doble fulla de maó. L'estudi tracta la comparació dels seus impactes ambientals, el seu aïllament acústic i la transmitància tèrmica. A més s'analitza el comportament higrotèrmic de la façana de palla.L'últim capítol compara els impactes ambientals de una casa de fusta pensada com una referència de la mitjana europea en cinc ciutats diferents. Les ciutats estudiades són Múnich, Liubliana, Portorož, Madrid, and València. L'objectiu es comprendre com les barreres cap a la sostenibilitat regenerativa canvien depenent de la ubicació del edifici.
En el referent als resultats, el primer capítol indica que els compòsits proposats poden ser una alternativa sostenible a la placa de guix laminat al reduir un 50% el seu impacte ambiental. El segon capítol mostra que reemplaçar la placa de guix laminat i la llana mineral de les particions amb els biocomposites i amb un material basat en residu de llana d'ovella pot reduir les emissions de carboni un 60%. El tercer capítol senyala la importància de trobar maneres d'emprar la palla d'arròs de l'Albufera com a matèria prima. A més, la façana de palla d'arròs analitzada demostra ser no sols beneficiosa per al medi ambient (evita la emissió de 52 kg de CO2 eq. per metre quadrat), sinó també demostra ser una alternativa adequada en termes del seu comportament acústic, tèrmic i higrotèrmic. L'últim capítol mostra que mesures de sostenibilitat convencional, com emprar estructura de fusta i augmentar l'aïllament, no son suficients per arribar a construir edificis d'emissions neutres de carboni (NZEB). L'ús de materials de base biològica, un correcte disseny i noves tecnologies enfocades a l'eficiència energètica són fonamentals per arribar a la sostenibilitat regenerativa.
En general, els resultats emfatitzen la necessitat d'utilitzar el ACV com a una ferramenta per a la pressa de decisions en la fase de projecte d'un edifici. El ACV és l'única metodologia capaç d'oferir una representació fiable de la influència que un edifici te sobre el medi ambient. / [EN] The overarching idea of this thesis is to analyze the role of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a project decision-making tool. LCA is a methodology to conduct a sustainability analysis of any human activity. This work is constructed in three levels, the study of building materials individually, the constructions, such as façades and partitions, and finally, the whole building. As the chapters progress, the focus of the study zooms out from the particularities associated with materials until arriving at the study of the life cycle of buildings. Chapter one corresponds with the first level. In this chapter, several composite boards with bio-epoxy resin and natural fibers are compared to plasterboard in terms of their environmental impact and mechanic characteristics. In the case of constructions, this thesis analyzes some important aspects related to their performance, such as acoustic and thermal insulation. Without at least a competent performance in those parameters, constructions composed of new sustainable materials cannot be considered alternatives to the conventional solutions. In chapter 2, several partition typologies combining the biocomposites and new and conventional acoustic absorbents are compared in terms of their environmental impacts and their airborne acoustic insulation. The third chapter, which also deals with constructions, analyzes the use of façade panels built using rice straw waste from the Albufera park in Valencia and compares it to the most common façade typology in Valencia, the double-layered brick wall. The study assesses the airborne acoustic insulation and the thermal transmittance of the straw construction experimentally. The hygrothermal performance of this material is also analyzed. The last chapter deals with the environmental impacts of buildings as a whole by comparing a European reference wood house in different locations in Europe. The environmental impacts of this house are studied over its whole life cycle in Munich, Ljubljana, Portorož, Madrid, and Valencia to understand how barriers towards regenerative sustainability change depending on location.
When it comes to the results, the first chapter indicates that the bio-epoxy composites proposed can be a sustainable alternative to plasterboard by reducing the environmental impact by around 50%. The second chapter shows that replacing the plasterboard and the mineral wool in a drywall partition with the bio-composites and a sheep wool acoustic absorbent can reduce carbon emissions by almost 60%. The third chapter highlights the importance of finding ways of using the rice straw from the Albufera park as a raw material. Moreover, the rice straw façade analyzed demonstrated to be not only beneficial for the environment (avoids the emission of 52 kg of CO2e to the atmosphere per square meter), but also perfectly adequate to be a sustainable alternative to the most common façade typologies in Valencia in terms of acoustic, thermal and hygrothermal performance. Because of the environmental benefits of its use and the fact that it is a proximity material, the rice straw façade panels can be considered a glocal material. The last chapter shows that conventional sustainability measures, such as a wooden frame and high thermal insulation, are not enough to successfully build neither regenerative nor Nearly Zero Emissions Buildings (NZEB). The use of bio-based materials, designing towards passive efficiency, and new technologies are necessary to reach regenerative sustainability.
Overall, the results emphasize the need to use LCA as a decision-making tool during the project stage of a building. LCA is the only tool that can provide an accurate representation of the influence a building will have on the environment over its lifespan. / The authors gratefully thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, for
funding the project BIA2013-41537-R (BIAEFIREMAT ‘Development of new sustainable eco-
materials and building systems for the building industry, based on the use of residues and
renewable raw materials’). The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund
and it is included in the R+D National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of
Society. Authors EMS, EPN, and MDB gratefully acknowledge the European Commission for funding
InnoRenew CoE (grant agreement #739574), under the H2020 Widespread-Teaming programme
and Republic of Slovenia (investment funding of the Republic of Slovenia and the European
Union’s European Regional Development Fund). Author AQG was supported in part by a STSM
grant from COST Action CA16114 – Rethink Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy
(RESTORE). / Quintana Gallardo, A. (2021). On Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment: from Conventional Sustainability to Regeneration and Glocal Architecture [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180176 / Compendio
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Water security and ecosystem-based adaptation in the headwaters of Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil / Segurança hídrica e adaptação baseada em ecossistemas nas bacias de cabeceira do Sistema Cantareira, BrasilTaffarello, Denise 26 August 2016 (has links)
Water quantity, availability and, particularly, quality of Brazilian freshwater is under progessive degradation due to Anthropocene\'s environmental changing conditions. Strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) are essential to mitigate these impacts. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model of water resources management, thereby integrating selfpurification and ecohydrologic processes to evaluate ecosystem services from watershed under change. In Chapter 2, this thesis examinates the payment for hydrologic cosystem services (Water-PES) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and points ecohydrologic variables useful for assessing and further valuing hydrologic services. In Chapter 3, this thesis discusses proposals for freshwater monitoring plan which integrate quali-quantitative aspects for EbA and Water-PES projects. Therefore, in Chapter 4 experimental quali-quantative freshwater data from in-situ field observations are investigated according land-use/land-cover (LULC) in headwaters of water supply systems. In Chapter 5, through simulated impacts on freshwater yield from scenarios of LULC change, the grey water footprint (greyWF) is assessed, as well as environmental sustainability of sub-basins is depicted from a new ecohydrologic index for assessing hydrologic services. The methodology is performed using through field sampling and lab-analysing of physico-chemical, biologic and hydraulic variables in nested sub-basins draining to the Cantareira Water Supply System, in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. These areas participate in the Water-PES projects Water Producer/PCJ and Water Conservator at headwaters of Piracicaba watershed, during recent severe drought conditions between years 2013-15. The greyWF is estimated from outputs of time series simulated through ecohydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Under assumption of continuity of Water-PES projects, and using the same series of hydrometorological records for a common period (2008-2014), freshwater quali-quantitative impacts are performed through three LULC scenarios: past situation \"S1\" (year 1990), current situation \"S2\" (year 2010) and future situation \"S2+EbA\" (year 2035). From these scenarios, flow and load duration curves, mean water yields, greyWF and seasonal variabilities, were simulated. Through this research, continuous-monitoring Data Collecting Stations were installed in public-private partnership encompassing EESC/USP, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC, WWF and local mayors. This continuous monitoring is addressed to increase the system resilience, based on better decision-making for water security, in strategic headwaters not only for water supply, but also for environmental conservation. This doctoral thesis brings contributions to a better comprehension of anthropic impacts on water resources and for strategies of EbA in front of progressive rates of losses of ecosystem services. This PhD. thesis was part of three research initiatives which partly granted activities: (1) Thematic Project FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil and Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP Núcleo de Apoio às Pesquisas em Mudanças Climáticas) and (3) \"Água Brasil\" Project, Banco do Brasil Foundation, WWF Brazil, ANA & FIPAI/EESC-USP. / A quantidade, a disponibilidade e, em particular, a qualidade da água doce está em degradação progressiva devido às mudanças ambientais no Antropoceno. Estratégias de adaptação baseadas em ecossistemas (EbA) são essenciais para reduzir estes impactos. Propõe-se um novo modelo de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos que integre a pegada hídrica cinza e processos ecohidrológicos para avaliação dos serviços hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas sob mudanças. As etapas da pesquisa são: Capítulo 2 – análise dos projetos de pagamentos por serviços ambientais de proteção às bacias hidrográficas na Mata Atlântica brasileira e, no contexto de EbA, indicação de variáveis ecohidrológicas úteis na quantificação e futura valoração dos serviços hidrológicos; Capítulo 3 – desenvolvimento de plano de monitoramento ecohidrológico que integra aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos dos recursos hídricos para projetos de EbA; Capítulo 4 – provisão de dados experimentais de qualidade e quantidade da água, além de observações in-situ, para investigação das influências das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo nas cabeceiras de mananciais, estratégicos para o abastecimento público e a conservação ambiental; Capítulo 5 – estimativas da pegada hídrica cinza para nitrato, fósforo total e sedimentos a partir do monitoramento de variáveis quali-quantitativas em bacias com diferentes condições de uso e ocupação de solo. Foi realizada a instalação de três Plataformas de Coleta de Dados, por meio de parceria entre EESC, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC e WWF, visando aumentar a resiliência do sistema, decorrente de futuro aprimoramento da gestão, para a segurança hídrica. A metodologia incluiu coletas em seis diferentes períodos, durante dois anos, e análises das variáveis condutividade elétrica, cor, DQO, DBO5,20, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, fosfato, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, medidas de vazões e velocidades médias em seções transversais. O método foi aplicado em microbacias participantes dos projetos Produtor de Água/PCJ e Conservador das Águas, dentre outras, com áreas de drenagem entre 7 e 1.000 km2, que contribuem para a bacia do rio Piracicaba (12.530 km2). Dados primários, medidos em recente período de severa estiagem no Sistema Cantareira (2013-14), foram integrados aos bancos de dados de órgãos gestores federais e estaduais. A produção de água foi maior em sub-bacias menos florestadas. Foi possível aprimorar a regionalização de cargas poluidoras por área de drenagem na região do Cantareira. A pegada hídrica cinza (WF) foi estimada a partir de simulações no modelo ecohidrológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Curvas de permanência de vazões e carga poluidora por área de drenagem foram elaboradas. Supondo-se a continuidade dos projetos \"Produtor de Água/PCJ\" e \"Conservador das Águas\", foram investigados os impactos de cenário futuro de uso do solo. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido novo índice ecohidrológico para quantificação dos serviços hidrológicos e avaliação a sustentabilidade das sub-bacias, a partir da pegada hídrica cinza composta. Assim, usando ferramentas de vanguarda tecnológica (SWAT e WF), a tese fornece subsídios para uma melhor compreensão dos impactos antropogênicos sobre os recursos hídricos e novas estratégias de adaptação baseada em ecossistemas, frente às progressivas taxas de perda de serviços ambientais. Esta tese esteve vinculada a três projetos de pesquisa, dos quais obteve apoio financeiro: (1) Projeto Temático FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil & Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP) e (3) Projeto \"Água Brasil\", Fundação Banco do Brasil, WWF Brasil, ANA e FIPAI/EESC-USP.
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Water security and ecosystem-based adaptation in the headwaters of Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil / Segurança hídrica e adaptação baseada em ecossistemas nas bacias de cabeceira do Sistema Cantareira, BrasilDenise Taffarello 26 August 2016 (has links)
Water quantity, availability and, particularly, quality of Brazilian freshwater is under progessive degradation due to Anthropocene\'s environmental changing conditions. Strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) are essential to mitigate these impacts. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model of water resources management, thereby integrating selfpurification and ecohydrologic processes to evaluate ecosystem services from watershed under change. In Chapter 2, this thesis examinates the payment for hydrologic cosystem services (Water-PES) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and points ecohydrologic variables useful for assessing and further valuing hydrologic services. In Chapter 3, this thesis discusses proposals for freshwater monitoring plan which integrate quali-quantitative aspects for EbA and Water-PES projects. Therefore, in Chapter 4 experimental quali-quantative freshwater data from in-situ field observations are investigated according land-use/land-cover (LULC) in headwaters of water supply systems. In Chapter 5, through simulated impacts on freshwater yield from scenarios of LULC change, the grey water footprint (greyWF) is assessed, as well as environmental sustainability of sub-basins is depicted from a new ecohydrologic index for assessing hydrologic services. The methodology is performed using through field sampling and lab-analysing of physico-chemical, biologic and hydraulic variables in nested sub-basins draining to the Cantareira Water Supply System, in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. These areas participate in the Water-PES projects Water Producer/PCJ and Water Conservator at headwaters of Piracicaba watershed, during recent severe drought conditions between years 2013-15. The greyWF is estimated from outputs of time series simulated through ecohydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Under assumption of continuity of Water-PES projects, and using the same series of hydrometorological records for a common period (2008-2014), freshwater quali-quantitative impacts are performed through three LULC scenarios: past situation \"S1\" (year 1990), current situation \"S2\" (year 2010) and future situation \"S2+EbA\" (year 2035). From these scenarios, flow and load duration curves, mean water yields, greyWF and seasonal variabilities, were simulated. Through this research, continuous-monitoring Data Collecting Stations were installed in public-private partnership encompassing EESC/USP, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC, WWF and local mayors. This continuous monitoring is addressed to increase the system resilience, based on better decision-making for water security, in strategic headwaters not only for water supply, but also for environmental conservation. This doctoral thesis brings contributions to a better comprehension of anthropic impacts on water resources and for strategies of EbA in front of progressive rates of losses of ecosystem services. This PhD. thesis was part of three research initiatives which partly granted activities: (1) Thematic Project FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil and Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP Núcleo de Apoio às Pesquisas em Mudanças Climáticas) and (3) \"Água Brasil\" Project, Banco do Brasil Foundation, WWF Brazil, ANA & FIPAI/EESC-USP. / A quantidade, a disponibilidade e, em particular, a qualidade da água doce está em degradação progressiva devido às mudanças ambientais no Antropoceno. Estratégias de adaptação baseadas em ecossistemas (EbA) são essenciais para reduzir estes impactos. Propõe-se um novo modelo de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos que integre a pegada hídrica cinza e processos ecohidrológicos para avaliação dos serviços hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas sob mudanças. As etapas da pesquisa são: Capítulo 2 – análise dos projetos de pagamentos por serviços ambientais de proteção às bacias hidrográficas na Mata Atlântica brasileira e, no contexto de EbA, indicação de variáveis ecohidrológicas úteis na quantificação e futura valoração dos serviços hidrológicos; Capítulo 3 – desenvolvimento de plano de monitoramento ecohidrológico que integra aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos dos recursos hídricos para projetos de EbA; Capítulo 4 – provisão de dados experimentais de qualidade e quantidade da água, além de observações in-situ, para investigação das influências das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo nas cabeceiras de mananciais, estratégicos para o abastecimento público e a conservação ambiental; Capítulo 5 – estimativas da pegada hídrica cinza para nitrato, fósforo total e sedimentos a partir do monitoramento de variáveis quali-quantitativas em bacias com diferentes condições de uso e ocupação de solo. Foi realizada a instalação de três Plataformas de Coleta de Dados, por meio de parceria entre EESC, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC e WWF, visando aumentar a resiliência do sistema, decorrente de futuro aprimoramento da gestão, para a segurança hídrica. A metodologia incluiu coletas em seis diferentes períodos, durante dois anos, e análises das variáveis condutividade elétrica, cor, DQO, DBO5,20, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, fosfato, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, medidas de vazões e velocidades médias em seções transversais. O método foi aplicado em microbacias participantes dos projetos Produtor de Água/PCJ e Conservador das Águas, dentre outras, com áreas de drenagem entre 7 e 1.000 km2, que contribuem para a bacia do rio Piracicaba (12.530 km2). Dados primários, medidos em recente período de severa estiagem no Sistema Cantareira (2013-14), foram integrados aos bancos de dados de órgãos gestores federais e estaduais. A produção de água foi maior em sub-bacias menos florestadas. Foi possível aprimorar a regionalização de cargas poluidoras por área de drenagem na região do Cantareira. A pegada hídrica cinza (WF) foi estimada a partir de simulações no modelo ecohidrológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Curvas de permanência de vazões e carga poluidora por área de drenagem foram elaboradas. Supondo-se a continuidade dos projetos \"Produtor de Água/PCJ\" e \"Conservador das Águas\", foram investigados os impactos de cenário futuro de uso do solo. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido novo índice ecohidrológico para quantificação dos serviços hidrológicos e avaliação a sustentabilidade das sub-bacias, a partir da pegada hídrica cinza composta. Assim, usando ferramentas de vanguarda tecnológica (SWAT e WF), a tese fornece subsídios para uma melhor compreensão dos impactos antropogênicos sobre os recursos hídricos e novas estratégias de adaptação baseada em ecossistemas, frente às progressivas taxas de perda de serviços ambientais. Esta tese esteve vinculada a três projetos de pesquisa, dos quais obteve apoio financeiro: (1) Projeto Temático FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil & Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP) e (3) Projeto \"Água Brasil\", Fundação Banco do Brasil, WWF Brasil, ANA e FIPAI/EESC-USP.
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Comparison of different aluminium casting processes from an environmental perspective : Case study on plaster mould castings produced in Mid SwedenSchaub, Henning January 2018 (has links)
While Aluminium has lots of unique properties and is seen as a material of the future, its production and manufacturing has significant environmental impacts. For complex and dimensional shapes casting remains the main manufacturing method and in this study the environmental pressure of different casting techniques is compared. A screening LCA is conducted to determine the environmental impacts of plaster mould castings in a case study at the Ventana Hackås AB foundry in Mid Sweden. The findings are compared to models of sand, pressure die and lost wax castings, based on literature datasets. The most relevant factors for the environmental performance are identified as the production of the aluminium alloy and the amount and source of energy. For plaster mould castings additionally the plaster consumption is significant, while lost wax castings are dominated by the mould production and general processes. Under similar circumstances a relatively similar performance was found for all casting techniques except the lost wax process, which is at least 3 times more emission intensive. Of the remaining techniques pressure die castings performed the best and plaster mould castings the worst, but different sources of uncertainties have been identified in this comparison. In addition a carbon footprint interface is created based on these findings, to enable specific comparisons of different casting method setups. Customizable variables allow the adaptation of three scenarios to real world conditions. As the main influencing factors the aluminium alloy, source of electricity and casting technique have been identified. / <p>2018-10-10</p>
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Geografies del capitalisme balear: poder, metabolisme socioeconòmic i petjada ecològica d’una superpotència turísticaMurray Mas, Ivan 06 July 2012 (has links)
Es presenta una recerca activista de geografia crítica sobre el capitalisme balear: el poder, el seu procés d’internacionalització, els fluxos de materials del seu metabolisme social i la seva petjada ecològica. En primer lloc, es vinculen l’economia ecològica i la geografia crítica, amb l’estudi de les mesures biofísiques, les lògiques espacials i els processos socials del capitalisme balear. En segon lloc, es pretén situar el turisme en un lloc central en la via d’acumulació capitalista, desxifrar la seva dinàmica sociopolítica, la geografia de la seva globalització neoliberal i els conflictes socials que genera, particularment la seva contribució a la crisi socioecològica global. En tercer lloc, s’ha pretès esbrinar l’evolució geohistòrica del capitalisme balear, amb l’anàlisi de les geometries del poder, una comptabilitat biofísica, les solucions geogràfiques del capital –deslocalitzacions productives i desplaçaments de les extraccions– i els conflictes socials associats. / Se presenta una investigación activista de geografía crítica sobre el capitalismo balear: el poder, su proceso de internacionalización, los flujos de materiales de su metabolismo social y su huella ecológica. En primer lugar, se vinculan la economía ecológica y la geografía crítica, con el estudio de las medidas biofísicas, las lógicas espaciales y los procesos sociales del capitalismo balear. En segundo lugar, se pretende situar el turismo en un lugar central en la vía de acumulación capitalista, descifrar su dinámica sociopolítica, la geografía de su globalización neoliberal y los conflictos sociales que genera, particularmente su contribución a la crisis socioecológica global. En tercer lugar se ha pretendido averiguar la evolución geohistórica del capitalismo balear, con el análisis de las geometrías del poder, una contabilidad biofísica, las sociones geográfics del capital –deslocalizaciones productivas y desplazamientos de las extracciones– y los conflictos sociales a él asociados. / We are submitting a critical geography activist research paper on Balearic capitalism: the power, its internationalization process, the flows of materials of its social metabolism and its ecological footprint. Firstly, ecological economics and critical geography are linked with the study of biophysical measurements, spatial logics and the social processes of Balearic capitalism. Secondly, an attempt is made to situate tourism in a central place in the path of capitalist accumulation, deciphering its socio-political dynamic, the geography of its neoliberal globalization and the social conflicts generated, particularly its contribution to the global socio-economic crisis. Thirdly, we have attempted to discover the geohistorical evolution of Balearic capitalism, by analyzing the geometries of power, biophysical accounting and the geographical solutions of the capital – relocation of production and movement of the extractions – and associated social conflicts.
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