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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La dimension émotionnelle véhiculée par le cinéma dans l'enseignement - apprentissage du Français langue étrangère : considérations sur la trilogie cognition-émotion-culture / Cinema's emotional dimension in the teaching process of French as a foreign language : the cognition-emotion-culture trilogy

Del Olmo, Claire 24 September 2014 (has links)
Le document filmique, largement utilisé par les enseignants de Français langue étrangère depuis les années 1970, constitue un inducteur d'émotions extrêmement puissant ainsi qu'un moyen de montrer l'expression des émotions. Or comme la cognition, la culture et l’émotion sont étroitement liées, il est pertinent d'appréhender l'intérêt de l'exploitation d'extraits de films émotionnellement chargés auprès des apprenants de FLE.Afin de voir s’il est avantageux d'exploiter un extrait de film émotionnel auprès des apprenants, un corpus d’extraits de films d'auteurs de la Nouvelle Vague est constitué.L'induction émotionnelle des extraits et la focalisation de l'attention par les extraits induisant des émotions négatives sont testées chez 60 sujets étrangers ayant acquis un niveau B2 en français. Une expérience est menée pour observer dans quelle mesure il est propice d'exploiter un extrait de film induisant des émotions. 51 sujets chinois y participent. Il est constaté comment 28 d'entre eux ont des difficultés à être empathiques en situation de communication interculturelle avec un natif. L’effet de la théâtralisation d’un extrait sur la capacité d’empathie est appréhendé.La recherche montre l'intérêt d'un usage didactique de l'émotion. Les extraits induisant des émotions négatives focalisent l'attention des apprenants. Des sujets qui théâtralisent ce type d’extrait mémorisent de façon optimale les gestes des personnages. Discuter des émotions induites par un extrait conduit les apprenants à développer leur sentiment de proximité sociale avec l'enseignant. La recherche signale aussi que des apprenants, exploitant le dialogue d'un extrait comprenant des termes du lexique émotionnel, se rappellent mieux du matériel verbal affectivement chargé. Les résultats montrent enfin que l'émotion peut être un objet d'apprentissage au vu des difficultés des apprenants à être empathiques envers des natifs.Il est attesté que la théâtralisation d'un extrait de film peut développer leur capacité d’empathie. / The filmic document, widely used by teachers of French as a Foreign Language (FFL) since 1970, is an extremely powerful inducer for emotions and a way to show their expression. Since cognition, emotion and culture are closely related, it is relevant to understand the interest of the use of emotionally charged film clips to teach FFL learners.In order to see if it is advantageous to use an emotional movie extract in the teaching process, a corpus of clips taken from New Wave films was formed. The emotional induction with these extracts and the focus of attention induced by negative emotions inducing extracts are tested in 60 B2 level foreign participants. An experiment was conducted to observe the extent to which it is suitable to use an emotion inducing film clip. 51 Chinese participants were involved. It was noted that 28 of them have difficulty in being empathic while experiencing intercultural communication with a native speaker. The effect of thedramatization of an extract on the ability to empathise is apprehended.This research shows the importance of an educational use of emotion. Extracts inducing negative emotions focus learners' attention. Participants that dramatize this type of extract optimally memorize gestures of the characters. Discussing the emotions induced by an extract leads learners to develop their sense of social proximity with the teacher. The research also indicates that learners, after viewing a dialogue in an extract comprising terms of emotional lexicon, remember better emotionally loaded verbal material. Finally, the results show that emotion can be taught, when learners are having difficulties be empathic towards natives. It is also determinated that the dramatization of a film clip can develop their empathy ability.

L'influence des didacticiens russes sur la formation des professeurs de français et sur l'enseignement du français en russie / The influence of Russian educationalists on the training of French teachers and the teaching of French in Russia

Apukhtina, Maria 20 September 2019 (has links)
La thèse aborde la question de la spécificité de la didactique des langues, et plus précisément du français, en Russie. Les différences linguistiques importantes entre le russe et le français, une des langues étrangères les plus populaires en Russie, ont amené les didacticiens russes à proposer des pistes méthodologiques plus ou moins différentes de celles communément en cours en occident. La première partie propose une étude diachronique des divers courants méthodologiques qui ont jalonné l’histoire de l’enseignement des langues étrangères en Russie. La deuxième partie étudie en quoi ces courants spécifiques y irriguent actuellement l’enseignement du français. La troisième partie contient l’analyse de l’influence des idées théoriques sur le système moderne d’enseignement des langues étrangères en Russie. / The following doctoral thesis contains information about foreign language didactics specified in the French language teaching in Russia. Inspite of some major linguistic distinctions, French has always been one of the most popular languages among Russian people. This fact resulted in wide methodological procedures difference from the European educational system. The first part of the thesis provides a diachronic research on various methodologic streams, which gave a new direction for foreign languages teaching in Russia. The second part shows the current situation in teaching French for Russians. The third part is dedicated for analysis of theoretical ideas influencing on present day educational system of foreign languages.

Le théâtre, un outil pédagogique pertinent dans l'apprentissage du français par des débutants en Suède

Béchy, Galaxie January 2019 (has links)
This study examines if theatre is a relevant tool for helping language students in the learning of the French language in Sweden. The theatre is considered and used as a dramatic and creative play for educational purposes, not for representational purposes. The aim of the study is to get an understanding of how theatre can be used in class by beginner students for learning French as a foreign language and comply with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the Swedish educational plan of the National Directorate of Schools (Skolverket) : What learning skills and activities in a French class can theatre teaching correlate with? What learning possibilities and positive effects are noteworthy? The theoretical analysis is based mainly on C. Puren, A. Kazeroni, E.M. Rollinat-Levasseur, J.P. Cuq, I. Gruca and L. Vygotski. A small case study was carried out in situ which allow to report an experiment with Swedish-speaking beginners in French as a foreign language. The study is therefore deployed in theory and in practise to discuss the possibilities of learning the French language by the means of theatre on the target audience. The present results highlight positive effects on students. Learning by theatre is integrated into a theoretical and practical didactic perspective and makes it possible to develop the objectives of the different skills of the learner. Hence, the study identified that learning French as a foreign language through theatre for beginner learners in Sweden is relevant because it fits easily into the development of an educational project or a learning task from an action perspective and responds to the goals defined by the CEFR and the Swedish educational plan.

Contribution à l'histoire du français langue étrangère au prisme des idéologies linguistiques (1945-1962) / Contribution to French as a Foreign Language History seen through the Linguistic Ideologies (1945-1962)

Cros, Isabelle 05 December 2016 (has links)
Bien que la didactique du français langue étrangère ne soit reconnue comme telle que vers 1960, ses prémices sont à chercher dans les années d’après-guerre, période d’une rénovation en profondeur de la politique culturelle française à l’extérieur et de l’enseignement de la langue. À l’instigation conjointe du ministère des Affaires étrangères, des acteurs privés de la diffusion du français, des organisations de coopération culturelle internationale (Conseil de l’Europe et Unesco) et des pays francophones nouvellement indépendants, se répand dans le champ du FLE l’idéologie d’un français utile, pratique, courant – vivant, en somme – supplantant celle du français langue de culture qui tendait à se scléroser en même temps que l’image de la civilisation française. Pourtant, loin d’opposer ces deux idéologies linguistiques – français langue de culture / langue pratique – le champ du FLE va chercher à les concilier. Grâce à la déterritorialisation du français et à l’ouverture à l’altérité linguistique qui la caractérise, la francophonie fait figure de creuset à la fois pragmatique et humaniste qui donne un souffle nouveau au mythe messianique et universel du français. / Even though French as a Foreign Language was acknowledged as a science only in the late 1950’s, its first fruits are to be sought in the post Second World War years, when a great renovation took place in the French cultural policy and the teaching of French. At the instigation of the Foreign Office, private protagonists of the French dissemination, international organisations for cultural cooperation (European Council and UNESCO), and newly independent francophone countries, is spread in that field the idea of an efficient, pragmatic and vivid French language, supplanting the one of a cultural language, which tended to ossify as well as the image of French civilisation itself. Nevertheless, far from opposing these two ideologies, the French as a Foreign Language field is going to try and conciliate them. Thanks to the exteritorialisation of French and to the interest for alterity that goes with it, francophony appears as the pragmatic and humanist melting-pot which revitalizes the universal messianic myth of French.

Mediating Pedagogies for Teaching and Learning Language and Culture as Discourse: A Multiliteracies-Based Global Simulation in Intermediate French

Michelson, Kristen E., Michelson, Kristen E. January 2015 (has links)
Contemporary notions of literacy understand communication as a culturally, historically, and socially situated practice of using and interpreting a variety of linguistic and semiotic resources as they combine within oral and written textual genres to fulfill particular social goals within a given cultural context (Gee, 1998, 2012; Cope & Kalantzis, 2000; Kern, 2000; Kramsch, 1993, 1995; New London Group, 1996). These more recent views of literacy have important implications for foreign language (FL) teaching, and call for pedagogies which promote language learning as a socially and culturally situated practice. Despite this, lower level FL teaching in the US continues to feature instructional practices that promote decontextualized, transactional language usage with attention skewed toward oral communication (Byrnes, Maxim, & Norris, 2010; Kern & Schultz, 2005; Schulz, 2006) through materials that locate conversations in students' own contexts rather than in target language discourse contexts (Liddicoat, 2000; Magnan, 2008b). Further, foreign language (FL) departments contain bifurcated curricula where lower-level (LL) courses rooted in instrumental views of language focus on skills of communication, and upper-level (UL) courses primarily center around the study of canonical literature. In 2007 an Ad Hoc Committee of the Modern Language Association (MLA) problematized these divisions, calling upon departments to transform traditional structures toward a more coherent curriculum where language, culture, and discourse are taught holistically (MLA, 2007).This dissertation responds to this call with a curricular design project for intermediate collegiate-level French through a Global Simulation (GS) carried out through a genre-based approach and a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies (New London Group, 1996). For the duration of the course, students adopted character roles through which they enacted contextually- and identity-bound discourse styles within a culturally-grounded fictitious world. Informed by sociocultural theory, this research took a socio-constructivist qualitative approach to analysis of data from learner artifacts, participant written reflections, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires to explore learners' responses to this fusion of pedagogies from three perspectives: 1) how prior experiences combined with goals and beliefs about language shaped learners' engagement and learning outcomes, 2) how the characters, context, tasks, and textual genres worked in combination to evoke situated language use, and 3) how character-adoption and reflective engagement with LC2 textual meanings invited cross-cultural perspective-taking in the discussion of contemporary social issues. Findings from these three inquiries demonstrate that despite the prevalence of traditional beliefs about language, culture, and FL study, learners are indeed inclined to adapt to new instructional contexts. Further, the combination of pedagogical activities - character, texts, tasks, and critical reflection - can foster second language learners' abilities to recognize culture, context, and identity in communication, and to appropriate language and other symbolic forms selectively for communication of particular meanings across different discourse contexts. These findings point to both the viability and the need to continue ongoing efforts to shape FL curricula and materials in ways which recognize the integral links between language, culture and discourse.

L'enseignement du français dans les universités américaines : Étude des représentations, des attentes et des besoins des étudiants / French Instruction in American Universities : Students' Representations, Expectations, and Needs

Camredon - Van Berten, Christine 01 October 2010 (has links)
Certains étudiants américains, à Washington notamment, déclarent arrêter l’apprentissage du français ou renoncer à se spécialiser en français, car ils estiment que les cours proposés ne correspondent pas à leurs attentes. Le but principal de cette recherche a été d’essayer de formuler des propositions pour enseigner le français de la manière la plus motivante et la plus efficace dans le contexte universitaire washingtonien où nous enseignons. A cette fin, nous avons tenté de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques dominantes des représentations, des attentes et des besoins des étudiants, afin de pouvoir définir les objectifs principaux à retenir pour l’élaboration de nouvelles offres de cours. Nous avons également voulu témoigner du fait que l’enseignement-apprentissage d’une langue étrangère est indissociable de son contexte social et historique, et que cette interdépendance contribue à déterminer le contenu du curriculum proposé aux étudiants. Le français représente tout d’abord une langue de culture et ensuite une langue internationale. Les étudiants attendent une offre de cours variés, en rapport avec leurs intérêts de vie future et la carrière professionnelle qu’ils envisagent [politique internationale, diplomatie]. Les thèmes abordés ainsi que la compétence de communication sont revendiqués comme objectifs prioritaires dans l’élaboration des programmes. Cependant, les étudiants n’attendent pas uniquement des cours de langue en rapport avec leurs sujets d’étude. Ils sont également demandeurs, en majorité, de cours de littérature, mais d’une littérature vivante, communicative. La structure multipolaire des représentations explique les demandes complexes des étudiants. / Some American students, in Washington in particular, have decided to stop studying French or have abandoned plans to specialize in French because they think that the courses offered do not correspond to their expectations. The primary goal of this research is to offer strategies to teach French in the most motivating possible way given the context of the Washington, DC-based universities that form the basis of this research. With this goal in mind, this research examines the dominant characteristics of students’representations, expectations, and needs in order to most accurately define the main objectives which are to be taken into consideration when developing new course offerings. This research also highlights that the teaching and learning of a foreign language is dependent on its social and temporal context, and that this interdependence helps determine the content of the curriculum offered to the students. French is, above all, a language of culture and, secondly, an international language. Students expect a wide variety of course offerings that relate to their interests and their intended career paths [eg, international politics or diplomacy]. When developing French programs, subject matter and communicative competency should be the priority considerations. However, students are not exclusively interested in language courses related to their primary area[s] of study. The majority of students are also interested in literature, but in literature that is alive and communicative. Students’ complex desires can be explained by the multipolar structure of their representations of the French language.

Frânces Língua Estrangeira online: o papel do professor na concepção e realização de um curso em uma plataforma síncrona / French as a Foreign Language online: the teacher\'s role in designing and developing a course in a synchronous platform

Hernandes, Roberta Miranda Rosa 02 April 2013 (has links)
O ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras em ambientes virtuais apresenta, como questão central de reflexão e pesquisa, os aspectos teórico-metodológicos que envolvem a concepção de cursos e, sobretudo, as mudanças no papel do professor e do aluno na sala virtual. Esta pesquisa, desenvolvida no contexto de um curso-piloto online de Introdução ao Francês como Língua Estrangeira, realizada em uma escola privada de idiomas localizada na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, no estado de São Paulo, tem como objetivo principal discutir as questões que envolvem a concepção e a realização de um curso online de francês, predominantemente na plataforma síncrona Elluminate, sob o ponto de vista da análise papel do professor. Como princípio metodológico orientador, adotamos a pesquisa-ação, que apresenta como uma de suas características a participação do pesquisador. Para analisar e discutir os dados obtidos na pesquisa, utilizamos como referencial teórico noções ligadas à organização da Internet; ao ensinar e ao aprender virtual; a possíveis abordagens pedagógicas, dentre elas o estar junto virtual (Valente, 2003), que se aproxima da abordagem por tarefas proposta pelo Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (QECRL) e concretizada pela realização de Feuilles de Route (Mangenot; Louveau, 2006); aos planos e sujeitos envolvidos na elaboração e realização de um curso online. / The foreign language teaching and learning on virtual environments present, as a central reflection and research question, the theoretical and methodological aspects that involve the course design and, mainly, the changes in the role of both teacher and student in the virtual class. This research, developed in the context of an online Introduction to French as a Foreign Language pilot course, implemented at a Sao Bernardo do Campo city language institute, in the state of Sao Paulo, aims at discussing the issues that involve the design and development of an online French course, mainly on the synchronous platform Elluminate, based on the analysis of the teacher\'s role. We had the research-action as the main methodological principle, which presents the researcher\'s participation as one of its characteristics. In order to analyze and discuss the research data, we used theoretical references related to Internet organization, to virtual teaching and learning, to possible methodological approaches - for example, the estar junto virtual (Valente, 2003), which is similar to the task-based approach proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and developed by the Feuilles de Route (Mangenot; Louveau, 2006) -, and to the plans and people involved in the course design and development.

O papel das entrevistas de aloconfrontação na formação de professores iniciantes de francês como língua estrangeira / The role of allo-confrontation interviews on the development of French as a foreign language beginning teachers

Duarte, Naiara Alves 10 October 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar o processo de formação de professores iniciantes de francês como língua estrangeira (FLE) sob o enfoque do ensino como trabalho. De forma mais específica, pretendemos analisar o papel das entrevistas de aloconfrontação (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004) nesse processo, identificando os questionamentos dos professores quando se veem diante de dilemas do trabalho de ensino vividos por outros professores e a forma como essas entrevistas podem contribuir para a construção de noções sobre o trabalho do professor de FLE. Para a compreensão desse processo sob o ponto de vista dos próprios professores, realizamos nosso estudo no contexto de um curso de francês em extensão universitária. Fizemos uso da aloconfrontação (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004), um método de intervenção formativa baseado na noção de confrontação entre o sujeito e sua atividade realizada por outros, em que, primeiramente, realizamos reuniões de discussão sobre o trabalho a fim de identificar os questionamentos dos professores desse contexto e, em um segundo momento, convidamos quatro professores a assistirem a vídeos de aulas de outros professores e comentarem-nos, possibilitando, assim, que eles verbalizassem seus questionamentos. O corpus desta pesquisa consiste nos textos das reuniões e das entrevistas e foi analisado segundo os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2004; BULEA, 2010). Adotamos como referência pesquisas produzidas no Brasil que consideram o ensino como um trabalho (LOUSADA, 2006, 2011; MACHADO, 2004, 2007) contamos, também, com aportes teóricos da Clínica da Atividade (CLOT, 1999, 2001a, 2008) e da Ergonomia da Atividade (FAITA, 2004, 2011; AMIGUES, 2002, 2004; SAUJAT, 2004). Os resultados de nossas análises permitiram-nos identificar alguns questionamentos dos professores iniciantes de FLE que participaram de nossa pesquisa e observar o posicionamento deles diante de suas dificuldades. Além disso, pudemos observar a construção de noções sobre o trabalho do professor de FLE propiciadas pelas verbalizações e generalizações da experiência vivida dos participantes. Entre outras contribuições, destacamos que a pesquisa confirmou o papel das aloconfrontações como um instrumento (VYGOTSKI, 1934/1997) que contribui para a reflexão sobre outras maneiras de realizar o trabalho do professsor de FLE , portanto para sua formação. / This dissertation goal is to study the process of development of beginning teachers of French as a foreign language (FLE) under the focus of teaching as work. In a more specific way, we aim at analyzing the role of allo-confrontation interviews (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004) in this process. To do so, we tried to identify teachers queries when they face teaching dilemmas lived by other teachers and to study how these interviews can contribute to the construction of notions about the FLE teachers work. In order to understand this process from the point of view of the teachers, we conducted our study in the context of a French open course at the University. We used allo-confrontation (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004), a method of formative intervention based on the concept of confrontation between the subject and its activity performed by others. First, we made some discussion meetings about the work in order to identify teachers queries in this context and, in a second moment, we invited four teachers to watch and to comment recorded classes from other teachers, making it possible for them to verbalize about their own queries. Our research corpus consists of texts from these meetings and interviews which were analyzed according to the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Socio-Discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999, 2004; BULEA, 2010). Our study is also based on studies produced in Brazil which consider teaching as work (LOUSADA, 2006, 2011; MACHADO, 2004, 2007), as well as in many theoretical contributions from Clinic of Activity (CLOT, 1999, 2001a, 2008) and Ergonomics of Activity (FAITA, 2004, 2011; AMIGUES, 2002, 2004; SAUJAT, 2004). The results of our analyzes led us to two conclusions: we could observe some queries from the beginning teachers of FLE who participated of our research and their opinion on their own difficulties. Besides that, we could observe that the fact participants verbalized and generalized their lived experience allowed the construction of notions of the teacher of FLEs work. Among other contributions, we highlight that our research confirmed the role of the allo-confrontation as an instrument (VYGOTSKI, 1934/1997) that contributes to think about ways of doing teachers of FLE work and to their development.

Le clic en français parlé dans une perspective linguitique et interculturelle franco-japonaise / The click in spoken french from a linguistic and franco-japanese intercultural perspective

Inoue-Morita, Misato 28 May 2018 (has links)
Le clic dans le discours français spontané n’a pas encore fait l’objet de recherches détaillées. Il peut représenter pour certains apprenants en FLE un obstacle dans leur communication avec des francophones. Les fonctions et les usages du clic sont analysés d’un point de vue linguistique en recourant aux méthodes de la phonétique expérimentale, de la sociolinguistique et de la comparaison diachronique appliquées au corpus ESLO. De plus, en vue de caractériser les différences de perception,nous avons réalisé des enquêtes interculturelles franco-japonaises. Cette recherche montre que le clic en français peut être bilabial, dental ou apico-alvéolaire. Il apparaît à la jonction de deux segments en cooccurrence avec des fillers, des ligateurs(Morel et Danon-Boileau 1998) et des pauses courtes. Il est commun à tous les francophones depuis au moins une quarantaine d’années. Néanmoins, sa fréquence dépend du contexte et il existe une forte variation interindividuelle. On a proposé une distribution du clic selon qu’il assure une « Fonction réflexive », l’« Organisation du discours conditionnée parla syntaxe » ou une « Fonction conative ». Il est la plus phonétique des conduites co-gestuelles, ou le moins phonétique des sons du langage parlé. Nous le définissons comme « péri-lexical » : une unité de segmentation qui n’est ni phonologique ni lexicale mais qui est susceptible de recevoir une interprétation. Ce son est surtout perçu par les apprenants japonais ayant un filtre affectif élevé, en particulier ceux qui manquent de confiance en eux dans leurs échanges en français. / The click consonant in French spontaneous discourse has never been researched in depth, but students of the French language can find this phenomen on quite daunting when communicating with native French speakers. This PhD thesis will provide a linguistic analysis of the functions and usages of the click, through the use of the ESLO (Enquête Sociolinguistique à Orléans: Socio-Linguistic Survey in Orléans) corpus as well as experimental phonetics, sociolinguistics and diachronic comparison methods. Intercultural surveys amongst French and Japanese candidates were also conducted in order to define differences inperception.This research will show that the click can be bilabial, dental or apico-alveolar. It occurs at the junction between two segments, and accompanies fillers, ligateurs (Morel and Danon-Boileau 1998) and brief pauses.It appears to be common to all native French speakers since at least forty years. Nevertheless, its frequency depends on contexts, and variations can be noted between individuals. It can perform three main roles: reflexive function, discourse organization conditioned by syntax or conative function.It is the most phonetic phenomenon in gestural behavior and the least phonetic in the spoken language. We define it as a perilexical element: a segmentation unit which is neither phonological nor lexical, but which is open to interpretation.This sound is perceived both by Japanese students of the French language who possess high affective filters, and by those who lack self-esteem when communicating in French.

O ensino da compreensão oral em Francês Língua Estrangeira: desenvolvimento de estratégias e formação do professor crítico-reflexivo / The teaching of listening comprehension in French as a Foreign Language: development of strategies and training of the reflexive-critical teacher

Medeiros, Hyanna Carollyne Dias de 04 April 2017 (has links)
Com o avanço das tecnologias, dos processos de internacionalização das universidades e da crescente possibilidade de interação em contextos profissionais, as situações de comunicação em língua estrangeira têm sido cada vez mais presentes. Inserido nesse cenário, o indivíduo deve ser capaz de compreender documentos orais e escritos, expressar-se e interagir em uma determinada língua estrangeira. No âmbito do ensino-aprendizagem do Francês Língua Estrangeira, estudos realizados apontam a compreensão oral como uma das competências mais difíceis de desenvolver e uma das mais indispensáveis para favorecer a interação em língua francesa (GREMO; HOLEC, 1990, PORCHER, 1995; CORNAIRE, 1998; CUQ; GRUCA, 2009). Tal constatação nos levou a refletir, a discutir e a investigar quais seriam as questões centrais relacionadas à compreensão oral que deveriam integrar a formação inicial do professor de francês visando seu desenvolvimento para o ensino dessa competência em sala de aula a partir do uso de documentos orais autênticos. As referências teóricas adotadas basearam-se nos estudos acima sobre compreensão oral, sobre a postura crítico-reflexiva do professor (BROWN, 1997; SHÖN, 2000; PERRENOUD, 2002; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997, 2000, 2006) e, também, sobre o desenvolvimento e mobilização do sentido de plausibilidade (PRABHU, 1987, ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997). Para a realização desta pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa-interpretativista, selecionamos o método pesquisa-ação (THIOLLENT, 1986). Inserida em contexto de formação inicial de professores, esta pesquisa integrou a disciplina Atividades de Estágio, do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras/Francês da Universidade de São Paulo por meio da elaboração e aplicação do módulo Ensino da compreensão oral em Francês. Com o auxílio de instrumentos formativos metarreflexivos, que configuraram espaço de reflexão crítica, os participantes foram levados a analisar as proposições de atividades de compreensão oral elaboradas e apresentadas pelo professor-pesquisador com objetivo de conscientizar o futuro professor a respeito dos critérios a serem considerados para seleção, análise e didatização de documentos orais. Ademais, durante o desenvolvimento do módulo, os participantes foram levados a propor atividades de compreensão oral que foram igualmente analisadas dentro da perspectiva teórica adotada. O corpus desta pesquisa foi constituído, portanto, pelas respostas dos participantes registradas nos questionários e nas fichas metarreflexivas utilizadas ao longo da formação, bem como pelas atividades elaboradas por eles. Num primeiro momento, as análises dos resultados mostraram a necessidade de reforçar o ensino da compreensão oral como item de formação didático-metodológica nas disciplinas de Licenciatura dos Cursos de Letras, o que significa discutir as etapas de seleção, análise e didatização de documentos orais junto aos licenciandos. Num segundo momento, a análise dos dados obtidos demonstrou que os instrumentos de metarreflexão utilizados na pesquisa favoreceram a participação dos futuros professores e contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de sua reflexão-crítica. Por último, a conscientização dos procedimentos didático-metodológicos, visando o desenvolvimento da compreensão oral em língua estrangeira, aproxima o aluno em formação de situações de sala de aula e permite, no espaço de formação inicial na Licenciatura, que vários questionamentos sejam realizados, gerando mais aprendizado e promoção de autonomia nos futuros professores. / With the advance of technologies, the internationalization process of the universities and the increasing possibility of interaction in professional contexts, the situations of communication in foreign language have been more and more present. Inserted in this scene, the individual must be able to comprehend oral and written documents, express him/herself and interact in certain foreign language. In the scope of the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language, the studies pointed out the Listening as one of the most difficult skills to develop and one of the most essential to favor the interaction in French language (GREMO ; HOLEC, 1990; PORCHER, 1995; CORNAIRE, 1998; CUQ e GRUCA, 2009). Such confirmation led us to reflect, discuss and investigate what would be the central questions related to Listening comprehension that should take part in the initial formation of the French teacher aiming his/her development to teach this skill in class by using authentic oral documents. The theoretical references used were based on the Listening studies above, on the teachers critical reflective practice (BROWN, 1997; SHÖN, 2000; PERRENOUD, 2002; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997, 2000, 2006) and also on the development and mobilization of the sense of plausibility (PRABHU, 1987; ALMEIDA FILHO, 1997). To carry this research out, a qualitativeinterpretative one, we selected the action research method (THIOLLENT, 1986). Inserted in a context of teachers initial formation, this research was part of the discipline Atividades de Estágio, from the undergraduate course in Languages/French of the University of São Paulo by means of elaborating and applying the module Ensino da compreensão oral em Francês. With the help of metareflective formative instruments, that define the space of critical reflection, the participants were encouraged to analyze the Listening activities propositions elaborated and presented by the teacher-researcher with the objective to make the future teacher aware of the criteria to be considered in selecting, analyzing and using oral documents. Furthermore, during the development of the module, the participants were led to propose listening activities that were analyzed in the same way considering the theoretical perspective adopted. This research corpus was constituted, though, by the participants answers filled in the questionnaires and metareflective cards used during the formation, as well as the activities made by them. At a first moment, the results analyses revealed the necessity to reinforce the teaching of Listening as an educational-methodological formation item in the disciplines of the undergraduate course in Languages, which means to discuss the stages of selecting, analyzing and using oral documents with the undergraduate students. At a second moment, the collected data analysis showed that the instruments of metareflection used in the research encouraged the participation of the future teachers and contributed towards the development of their reflection-critic. Finally, the awareness of the educationalmethodological procedures, aiming the development of Listening in foreign language, bring the student in formation closer to class situations and stimulate, in the space of the undergraduate initial formation, the formulation of many questions, generating more learning and the promotion of autonomy in future teachers.

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