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Ekotoxikologické hodnocení kalů z čistíren odpadních vod / Ecotoxicological evaluation of the sludges from water treatment plantsHellingerová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Evaluation of the sewage sludges from different sewage water treatments will be performed by means of available ecotoxicity tests. The evaluation will be done in accordance with the valid legislation. On the basis of the obtained values the sludges will be classified into the respective grades of leachability and the dangerous property of the sewage sludges ecotoxicity will be evaluated.
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The Relationship of the Turnover of Teachers and College TrainingBoren, Clyde 08 1900 (has links)
A study to determine whether there is any relationship between teacher training and college training, between turnover of teachers and departmental training, and between grade point average, honor society students, and turnover of teachers.
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STEM-Literacy Integration: Paper and Digital Interactive Notebooks in Grades 3-8Robertson, Laura, Tai, Chihche, Lester, Lindsay, Keith, Karin, Moran, Renee M. 11 April 2019 (has links)
We will share strategies for paper and digital interactive notebooks to deepen student thinking and promote learning through hands-on investigations that meet the NGSS.
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Betygsskillnaden mellan flickor och pojkar i idrott och hälsaSjöqvist, Josefin, Barakji, Sabrine January 2019 (has links)
Länge har pojkar dominerat i betygen inom kunskapsämnet Idrott och Hälsa i skolan. Påsenare år har man kunnat se en förändring av detta då pojkar tenderar att i allt högreutsträckning inte uppnå betyget E eller högre enligt Skolverkets betygsstatistik. Syftetmed detta examensarbete är att presentera orsaker som kan leda till skillnaderna mellanflickors och pojkars betyg inom skolämnet idrott och hälsa i grundskolan ur ettlärarperspektiv och den övergripande frågeställningen är följande; Vad berorförändringen mellan flickors och pojkars betygsresultat i idrott och hälsa på, enligt lärarepå fältet?Fokus har varit att genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju behörigaidrottslärare, som arbetat med grundskolans senare år, få insikt i hur de tänker kring denna förändring och vilka orsaker de tror kan ligga bakom. Studien tar avstamp i genusteorioch resultatet visar att lärarna tror på snarlika orsaker till varför betygsstatistiken ser utsom den gör. Lärarna betonade framför allt att läroplansskiftet 2011 var enbakomliggande orsak till denna förändring. Skiftet gjorde ämnet mer teoretiskt vilketlärarna tror gynnar flickorna mer. Detta kopplar de i de flesta fallen till flickornas tidigareoch högre mognadsgrad. Att teoretiska arbetsmoment gynnar flickor lyfts även iuppsatsen under “tidigare forskning”. Här lyfts också hjärnans utveckling och mognad,vilket generellt sett sker två år tidigare hos flickor än pojkar, som en bidragande orsak tillatt flickor presterar bättre i alla skolans ämnen än vad pojkar gör.I diskussionen vävs tidigare forskning och resultat samman med våra egna tankar. Det ärtydligt att det finns en tanke kring flera bakomliggande orsaker till varför betygsresultatenser ut som det gör hos de idrottslärare vi intervjuat. I de flesta fall har lärarna sett enutveckling i sin egen betygssättning som speglar den som återges av Skolverkets statistik.Mer forskning behövs göras för att kunna vända en eventuell negativ trend där allt fler imindre utsträckning blir godkända. Detta är dock något som behöver diskuteras inom allaskolans olika ämnen. / For a long time, boys been most successful when it comes to grading in the subject ofSport and Health in school. In recent years, we have been able to see a change in thegrading’s since boys tend to increasingly not achieve the grade E or higher according tothe National Agency for Education's grading statistics. The purpose of this study is topresent reasons that could contribute to the difference between the grades of girls andboys in Sport and Health in elementary school, from a teacher's perspective. Thecomprehensive question of issue is; What is the cause of the change between gradesamong girls and boys in Sports and Health, according to teachers on the field? The studyhas been focused at teacher in the secondary school, from year seven to nine.The study is based on gender-scientific theory and through qualitative semi-structuredinterviews, seven qualified sports teachers have been interviewed about the reasons theybelieve could be the reason behind the change. The result shows that the teachers believe in similar reasons why the grading statistics look like they do. Factors such as theintroduction of the new curriculum, the students 'and teachers' expectations of the sportssubject and the concept of gender are highlighted as common themes in almost allinterviews.
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A Study of the 1947 American Council on Education Psychological Examination and Its Usefulness in Predicting the Grades of Utah State Agricultural College FreshmenBateson, Russell B. 01 May 1949 (has links)
prediction of future percormance is attempted in almost every field of endeavor. The accuracy varies in different lines of study, and perhaps none is as subject to variability as those attempted with human beings as subjects. When an attempt is made to ascertain in advance the performance of college students in their schoolwork, a multiplicity of complicating problems are introduced. Whereas intelligence can be fairly well isolated, it is difficult to control or even enumerated all the other factors that come into the problem of predicting grades from scores received on an intelligence examination. Among the factors that are difficult to objectively measure or control are the transference of past learning, levels of aspiration, efficiency of study habits and time spent in studyingy, attentiveness in class, as well as specific aptitudes of disabilities, varying difficulty of different academic courses, and susceptibility to or freedom fromphysiological or paychological disorders. Evn though correlations between scholastic grades and intelligence test scores will be, due to various factors of limitation, only moderately high at best, their values cannot be doubted. With high correlations, a definite relationship can be established. With lower correlations, trends can be noted. A segment analysis also may prove to be of value in establishing areas of relative stringth and weaknesses in the predictive structure. The thesis problem is one of determining certain predictive values of the American Council on Education Psychological Examination. Inasmuch as specificity is a virtue in educational measurement, the American Council test is a definite step in this direction. The aim of the test is to measure what the authors of hte test consider to be schoolastic aptitude. The purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of this scholastic aptitude test in predicting grade-point averages of Utah State Agricultural College freshmen students in their first quarter in college.
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Standards-Based Grading: A Correlational Study Between Grades and End-of-Level Test ScoresPoll, Tyler R. 01 May 2019 (has links)
As students move from grade level to grade level and onto college, their grades have an impact on the number of opportunities available to students. The competition for entering college and earning a scholarship are at an all-time high and the grades students earn have a direct impact on future opportunities. Grading practices vary by teacher causing students’ grades to mean different things.
Standards-based grading practices focus on removing teacher bias and puts emphasis on the learning students can demonstrate. Students are given assessments to determine learning and are given multiple opportunities to show what they have learned. Emphasis is placed a student’s most current knowledge rather than an average of scores during the grading period.
This study focused on how student learning was impacted when secondary math, science, and language arts teachers use standards-based grading practices in their classrooms. Student learning was measured by term grades and end-of-level SAGE test scores. Results show students who attended a classroom with standards-based grades earned higher GPAs, performed better on the end-of-level test, and had more learning growth over the course of the school year, than their peers who participated in traditional grading classrooms.
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Psykisk ohälsa i skolan / Mental health in schoolSalihi, Mine, Shiravand, Niki January 2022 (has links)
A person's mental health can significantly affect their everyday life for better or for worse. In recent times, it has been shown that more and more pupils have suffered from poor mental health which leads to negative consequences for their school work. The purpose of this study was to further examine what previous research has said about mental health and its effects on grades as well as school performance. The question at issue we chose to be able to further investigate this is the following; What does previous research say about the correlation between mental health and grades as well as school achievement? Furthermore, our method for this study was to look into precious inquiries regarding mental health and its correlation to lower grades and lower school performance. Regarding the research, we used both qualitative and quantitative articles. Also, we made sure to be source critical during the duration of this entire study. For example, we mostly used sources that came from a trustworthy database that our college Malmö University offers. The rest of the sources that were not a part of the mentioned database were carefully picked out and made sure to be trustworthy. Moreover, we took other precautions regarding being source critical such as making sure the article or book had been peer reviewed. In relation to the results, the research showed that poor mental health in younger pupils tends to follow them when they get older. Also, getting a low grade can lead to poor mental health and having a poor mental health can lead to low grades displaying that the issue goes both ways. Some pupils may be drawn to alcohol and/or drugs when they are feeling depressed which leads to a lack of performance in school. Moreover, the research indicates that there is a “need” to get good grades and receive a higher education to be able to fit in. The pupils who lack this can therefore be looked upon as failures. To sum this up, this study can enlighten individuals on how important it is with mental health and the negative results a poor mental health can have on school performance. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that mental health can arise from other things as well, however, the study shows that school can be a factor to why pupils are feeling depressed.
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The Impact of Blended Learning on Student Motivation, Engagement and AchievementWard, Sarah Elizabeth 28 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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VAD ÄR EN LIKVÄRDIG SKOLA? -En jämförande fallstudie mellan Göteborgs stad och Laxå kommunFriberg, Julia, Söderberg, Maria January 2020 (has links)
This paper has investigated the right to equivalent education in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. What has been investigated is what is the right to equivalent education and factors such as finances, equivalent and quality within two Swedish municipalities. The study has examined with the help of New public management and implementation theories to investigate how two municipalities work with implementing political decisions but also how they are steering, controlling and the evaluation of school administration and pupils. The study concludes that a policy on equivalent education may be needed to increase the equivalent for students in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study has also concluded that there are two key concepts that increase equivalence for students in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities, it's the need of the pupils and their knowledge development to enchur equivalent education. The two municipalities and the school administration need to work on is: to have a good foundation in the schools' systematic quality work to achieve the requirements of the Education Act and the curriculum from the National Agency for Education, the goal of new public management to be achieved. It turns out that the municipalities' financial management is partly crucial for the school's development especially with teacher density and competent staff. Neither municipality has a successful implementation due to the municipalities being in different phases in the policy process for the systematic quality work and the work in the school administration.Something from the two municipalities is that it is complex to work and manage the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities where the state of Gothenburg works with a systematic work to follow the law and curriculum while Laxå municipality works more on a value- based system on students' needs. To have a clear path on what equivalent education for pupils in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities it's that they need both the structure that the state of Gothenburg has and the value- based system on needs Laxå municipality has. There is a need for further research on what type of policy to ensure equivalent education in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities.
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Från elev till medborgare : En läromedelsanalys av hur demokratiuppdraget framställs i läromedel för samhällskunskapsämnet åk 4–6 / From pupil to citizen : A textbook analysis of how the democracy mission is presented in Citizenship Education textbooks grades 4–6Gunnarsson, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
Students should be given the opportunity to learn about, through, and for democracy in order to be able to act in the present and the future. In the subject of social studies, students should be given the opportunity to develop factual knowledge about democracy, and this should be done through democratic methods. According to Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre Lgr 22 (the Swedish curriculum, 2022a), stu- dents should be developed into democratic citizens with good values and skills. In order for students to develop into that, they need to learn about, through and for democracy. When students acquire factual knowledge about democracy and learn through democratic methods, they learn for democracy, and both of the school's main missions are pursued. To answer the purpose and research questions regarding how the democracy mission is de- scribed in textbooks for social studies in grades 4-6, Biesta and Dewey's views on educa- tion and democracy are used.The study was conducted using a qualitative method in the form of a qualitative text anal- ysis of the textbooks. The collected data from the seven textbooks generated an analysis of text and tasks to determine how the democracy mission was presented and described. The results showed that parts of the democracy mission were presented in all textbooks, but there were two textbooks that presented the entire mission about, through, and for de- mocracy. It emerged that the teacher's role in instruction is important for students to be given the opportunity to learn about the democracy mission, as not all textbooks covered the entire mission. / Elever ska ges möjlighet att lära om, genom och för demokrati för att kunna verka i samti- den och framtiden. I samhällskunskapsämnet ska elever ges möjlighet att utveckla fakta- kunskaper om demokrati och detta genom demokratiska arbetssätt. Läroplan för grundsko- lan, förskoleklassen fritidshemmet Lgr 22 (Skolverket, 2022a) skriver att elever ska ut- vecklas till demokratiska medborgare med goda värderingar och färdigheter. För att elever ska utvecklas till det behöver de lära sig om, genom och för demokrati. När elever får faktakunskaper om demokrati och lära genom demokratiska arbetssätt lär de sig för demo- krati och hela skolans två huvuduppdrag arbetas utifrån. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar kring på vilka sätt och hur demokratiuppdraget beskrivs i läromedel för samhällskunskap i årskurs 4–6 används Biesta och Deweys syn på utbildning och demo- krati.Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod i form av en kvalitativ textanalys av läro- medel. Insamlade data från de sju läromedlen genererade i en analys av text och uppgifter för att få fram hur demokratiuppdraget framställdes och beskrevs. Resultatet visade på att delar av demokratiuppdraget framställdes i alla läromedel men det var två läromedel som framställde hela uppdraget om, genom och för demokrati. Det framkom att lärarens roll i undervisningen är viktig för att elever ska ges möjlighet att lära kring demokratiuppdraget då alla läromedel inte täckte hela uppdraget.
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