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Health Education Learning Program for Sexual Assault in Rural Appalachia HELP SARA HRSA Grant # T96HP32504- Goals of the grant and how it will impact NE TNMcCook, Judy G. 24 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Cultural Competence Lessons for Engineering Students Working on Global Virtual TeamsAlexander, Jennifer Alyce 12 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology at BYU has been furthering their research on Global Virtual Teams. After Cultural Competence lessons were implemented into the classroom setting in 2010, it was decided that teaching the lessons online asynchronously could have advantages in decreasing the time professors needed to cover the content in class. In 2011, Jennifer Alexander teamed with faculty involved with the NSF grant to design and develop online Cultural Competence lessons. Beginning in August 2011 students at BYU and other cooperating campuses participated in the online Cultural Competence lessons. The online lessons were complete and ready for implementation on time; changes were made after implementation based on feedback given in student interviews; and the lessons are now ready for further development and implementation. The lessons will be shared openly with a global audience through Global Hub beginning in summer 2012.
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The Political Thought and Activity of Heber J. Grant, Seventh President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsAydelotte, Loman Franklin 01 January 1965 (has links) (PDF)
Heber J. Grant reflected, both consciously and unconsciously, a Mormon agrarian background and ideology. His moral fervor and idealism was in the tradition of his father, Jedediah Morgan Grant, the leading figure of the 1856 "Mormon Reformation." Grant's belief in self-sufficiency, thrift, solvency, and laissez faire government reflected the frontier environment and his business training; however, the dominant force of his life was the principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, especially after he was appointed an Apostle and later President of that organization. His outstanding traits were his straight-forward outspokenness and his persistence which largely explain his political behavior.The years 1882 to 1901 were Grant's most active political years with the exception of the prohibition movement which came at a later date. Although he held only two political offices--a term in the Utah Territorial Legislature and two terms as a Salt Lake City Councilman--he figured conspicuously in public affairs. In 1895 he had the opportunity, which he did not accept, of running in the first statehood election as Democratic candidate for governor of Utah. The Republican candidate for that position believed Grant would have won had he chosen to make himself available. However, Grant chose to devote himself to his Church. He later turned down two nominations for United States Senator.The prohibition movement in Utah from 1908 to 1917 witnessed Grant's active participation and represented his major excursion into political affairs. He stood for total abstinence as opposed to the local option laws and the unrestricted sale of liquor. Grant figured prominently in initiating the movement, remained interested in the movement during its nine year span--although with varying degree of activity--and again was conspicuous in the triumphant conclusion for prohibitionists. During these years he held several state posts in various temperance organizations; and the fact he held a prominent position in the Mormon Church made his prohibition stand an asset to the movement, although his position also kept him from being as active as he would have liked to have been. Because he was the most outspoken of the General Authorities, many times his opinions clashed with those of fellow Apostle, Senator Reed Smooth, a local optionist.After Grant became President of the Church in November, 1918, the once strained relationship between him and Reed Smoot was replaced by one of co-operation as Grant became converted to Smoot's importance to the Church and to Utah; and Grant often voiced his support.The New Deal met hostility from Grant because of the repeal of prohibition, the liberal legislation enacted, and the careless and overly generous public relief measures which he saw as sapping the pioneer initiative from the Mormons. At this time Grant introduced the Church Welfare Program.President Grant's political ideas were dominated by their moral overtones. Also reflected was the Mormon pioneer tradition of self-sufficiency. Grant's idea of "Church influence" was different from the views generally held, and he pictured himself a figure of forebearance. The restraint he did show was probably due in large measure to negative public reaction.
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Det långsiktiga investeringsstödet – Ett bostadspolitiskt misslyckande? / The Investment Support – A Housing Policy Failure?Hanna, Jacoub Jack, Purasell, Michael January 2019 (has links)
Den svenska bostadsmarknaden är minst sagt bristfällig. Utbudet av prisrimliga bostäder ärbegränsat i mer eller mindre hela landet. De lägenheter som finns tillgängliga är dyrabostadsrätter eller nyproducerade hyresrätter med höga hyror. Den begränsadebostadstillgängligheten har resulterat i subventioner för att öka tillgängligheten avhyresbostäder. Investeringsstödet infördes som ett försök till att, bland annat, erbjuda billigahyresrätter till hushåll med låg eller genomsnittlig inkomst och pressa ner byggkostnader.Uppsatsen har som utgångspunkt att beskriva bostadssituationen i dagsläget samt utvärderainvesteringsstödet. Arbetet består både av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie där de kvalitativamomenten består av en teoretisk litteraturstudie och semi-strukturerade intervjuer medsakkunniga inom området. Det kvantitativa momentet bygger på en områdesbaseradkassaflödeskalkyl. Det vill säga att nyckeltal och antaganden som använts i kalkylerna beror påvilket område i landet som det fiktiva projektet genomförs i.Resultatet påvisar att investeringsstödets genomförbarhet är områdesberoende, det vill säga attdet styrs av hyresnivåerna i området. Respondenterna betraktade investeringsstödet som enkortsiktig lösning. Långsiktigt måste innovationen i byggbranschen utvecklas därbyggkostnaderna och byggrätterna är två hämmande faktorer i dagsläget.Med utgångspunkt från litteraturstudien och resultatet belyses den aktuella bostadsbrist ochdisfunktionalitet som grundar sig i en avsaknad av en tydlig bostadspolitisk plan. Resultatet avdetta är att det finns ett behov av subventionering på bostadsmarknaden. Om investeringsstödetär rätt lösning är argumenterbart. Stödet har inte haft en nämnvärd effekt på bostadsbyggandetoch bestraffar, genom en överkompensationsmodell, fastighetsutvecklare som kan pressa nerbyggkostnader. Vidare är det svårt att uppfylla målen med stödet när subventionering är riktadmot utbudssidan. Av dessa anledningar är investeringsstödet inte en bra lösning på dagensbostadsbrist. Subventioneringen bör genomföras på ett annorlunda sätt, möjligtvis genom attrikta subventioneringen mot efterfrågesidan.+ / The Swedish housing market is flawed. The supply of affordable housing is limited throughoutthe country. The available apartment stock consists of either expensive condominiums or newlyproduced rental apartments with high rents. The limited stock has resulted in subsidies toincrease the availability of rental apartments. The investment support was implemented as anattempt to increase the stock of affordable housing for low- to mid-income households and topressure real estate developers to minimize buildings costs.The essay aims to describe the current housing situation and to evaluate the investment support.Both a quantitative and qualitative study will be conducted where the qualitative parts consistof a theoretical literature review and semi-structured interviews with experts within the subjectarea. The quantitative segment of the essay consists of an area-based cash-flow simulationwhere the key figures and assumptions are dependent upon the chosen area.The results show that the investment supports feasibility is highly dependent on location. Theinterviewees consider the subsidy to be a short-term solution. In the long-term the intervieweesbelieve that innovation in the building sector is necessary to reduce building costs.The literature review and the results show that there is a clear housing supply shortage as aresult of the dysfunctionality that has emerged from the lack of a clear housing policy. This hasled to the need of housing subsidies. Whether the investment support is the right way tosubsidize housing is questionable. The subsidy has not had a notable effect on the housingsupply and decreases the profitability for real estate developers that have achieved low buildingcosts. Furthermore, it is quite difficult to achieve the goals that have been set when the subsidyis addressed towards the supply-side. For these reasons the investment support is not a goodsolution for the current housing supply shortage. The subsidy should be carried out in a differentmanner, possibly by subsidizing the demand-side.
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Utvärdering av teknik relaterad till rening av PFASsom installerats med stödet av statsbidraget för bättrevattenhushållningBayati, Homera January 2023 (has links)
Per- och polyfluorerade alkylsubstanser (PFAS) är vidd spridd och har upptäckts i miljön i Sverige och Europa (Naturskyddsföreningen, 2023). På vissa ställen har det uppmätts höga halter i vattentäkter för dricksvatten till exempel nära brandövningsplatser. Många PFAS-ämnen har negativ påverkan på immunförsvaret och misstänks vara cancerframkallande. Livsmedelsverkets dricksvattenföreskrifter har gränsvärden för PFAS som ska tillämpas från 1 januari 2026. Många vattenverk där råvattnet innehåller PFAS kommer därför behöva införa ytterligare rening. År 2019 införde regeringen ett statligt stöd för bättre vattenhushållning och säkrad tillgång till dricksvatten, där upp till 50% av kostnaden kunde täckas av bidraget. Fler än 600 projekt genomfördes. Nio av projekten var relaterade till PFAS. PFAS är persistenta och bioackumulerande föreningar och delas ofta upp i tvågrupper, de med korta eller långa kolkedjor. Membrantekniker som nanofiltreringoch omvänd osmos, adsorptiva metoder som aktivt kol och jonbytefilter kan användas för att avlägsna PFAS från vatten. Ozonering och skumfraktionering är också metoder som skulle kunna användas. Effektiviteten hos flera av dessametoder varierar beroende på längden på PFAS kolkedjan. I ett av de 9 projekten relaterade till statsstödet och PFAS, har Växjö kommun installerat ett nytt reningssteg i Åryds vattenverk som består av två tryckfilter med aktivt kol för att minska förekomsten av PFAS i dricksvattnet. Mätningar av PFAS11 gjordes före och efter reningssteget, i tre brunnar och vid utgående renat dricksvatten från vattenverket. Effektiviteten av reningen var hög enligt de mätningar av PFAS11 som gjordes i projektet. Miljönyttan är hög med aktivt kolfilter eftersom det ger möjligheten att destruera PFAS-föroreningarna helt genom förbränning. Samhällsnyttan av renare och mer hälsosamt dricksvatten är hög, men det är en ekonomisk kostnad att lägga till reningssteg. Projektet som genomförts med stöd av statsbidraget gav samhällsnytta i form av renare dricksvatten och därmed minskat intag av PFAS för de människor som försörjs a vvattenverket och en tryggare och säkrare vattenförsörjning. / Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are widespread and have been detected in the environment in Sweden and Europe (Naturskyddsföreningen,2023). High concentrations have been measured in some drinking water sources, such as near firefighting training sites. Many PFAS substances have a negative impact on the immune system and are suspected to be carcinogenic. The National Food Agency's drinking water regulations (Livsmedelsverketsdricksvattenföreskrifter) have set limits for PFAS to be applied from January 1,2026. Therefore, many water treatment plants where the raw water contains PFAS will need to introduce additional purification.In 2019, the government introduced state aid for better water management and secured access to drinking water, covering up to 50% of the cost with a grant. More than 600 projects were implemented. Nine of the projects were related to PFAS. PFAS are persistent and bioaccumulative compounds often divided into two groups, those having short or long carbon chains. Membrane techniques such asnanofiltration and reverse osmosis, adsorptive methods like activated carbon andion exchange filters can be used to remove PFAS from water. Ozonation and foam fractionation are also methods that could be used. The efficiency of several of these methods varies depending on the length of the PFAS carbon chain. In one of the nine projects related to state aid and PFAS, Växjö municipality has installed a new purification stage at Åryd's water treatment plant consisting of two pressure filters with activated carbon to reduce the occurrence of PFAS in the drinking water. Measurements of PFAS11 were made before and after the purification step, in three wells and at outgoing purified drinking water from the water treatment plant. The effectiveness of the PFAS removal was high based on the measurements of PFAS11 made in the project. The environmental benefit is high with an activated carbon filter as it allows for the complete destruction of PFAS pollutants through incineration. The societal benefit of cleaner and healthier drinking water is high, but there is a financial cost to adding a purification stage. The project carried out with the support of state aid provided societal benefits in the form of cleaner drinking water and thus reduced intake of PFAS for the people supplied by the water treatment plant, and a safer and more secure water supply. / <p>20230602</p>
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A critical examination of the successes of child support grant : a case of Ha-Mulima, Limpopo (South Africa)Baloyi, Caiphus January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Sociology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / In most developing countries including South Africa, the anti-poverty programmes aim to enhance and improve the living condition of the helpless people in the society (DSD, SASSA and UNICEF,2012). In addressing children poverty after the apartheid era, the Child Support Grant (CSG) was implemented in 1998 subsequently the State Maintenance Grant (SMG) was abolished after the review in 1997 by the Lund Committee (Grinspun, 2016 and Xaba, 2016). After twenty-two years of CSG existence, this study aimed to examine the successes of CSG in addressing child poverty and vulnerable households at Ha-Mulima. The study was guided by Structural functional theory as a theoretical framework and a qualitative research methodology was applied to examine the ways or mechanisms through which the Child Support Grant has been successful in attending to the problem of child and household poverty.
An exploratory case study approach was used as a research design and the participants were selected through a purposive sampling procedure. In addition, data was collected from participants through semi-structured interviews and focus groups, while thematic content analysis was employed to analyse the findings. The findings of the study show that there are positive outcomes of CSG in relation to the utilisation of grant to eradicate child poverty and household poverty. The study found that the CSG has a positive impact in reducing child poverty since it reduces hunger, children access education and caregivers utilize the money to buy clothes for them. Regardless of caregiver’s dietary diversity in the households, the CSG has positive impacts on food insecurity and improved food consumption since families can use the money to buy food. The findings indicated that the CSG promotes self-reliance in communities whereby the caregivers create their own jobs and affiliate to various stokvels with the aim to empower themselves financially to avoid the dependability on the grant. The significance of the study lies in the way it has the potential of unravelling the dynamics of the Child Support Grant in rural communities. / HW SETA PHARMACY PRO
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From Pilot to Permanent: A Case Study of the Institutionalization of a Grant-Funded Transition Program for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in a Public Research Institution in the Midwest of the United StatesKavulic, Michael A. 05 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Markåtkomst för ledningar i praktiken : Upplåtelseformer, prövning och tillstånd / Land Acquisition for Utility Lines in PracticeJama, Kayd January 2022 (has links)
Markåtkomst för nybebyggelse av allmänna ledningar sker på flera olika sätt. Användning av markområdet kan säkerställs genom ett tvångsvis ägobyte med expropriation enligt expropriationslag. Främst används dock ledningsrätt via en lantmäteriförrättning eller frivilliga överenskommelser som grundas i upplåtelseformerna avtalsservitut eller nyttjanderätt. Markupplåtelse innebär att ledningsägaren har rätt att nyttja marken inom avtalets ramar. Innan byggstart är det nödvändigt att det projekterade underlaget prövas och att tillstånd meddelas av tillsynsansvarig. När de obligatoriska villkoren är uppfyllda är det möjligt att påbörja anordnandet. Arbetet är avgränsat till fyra olika ledningstyper, elektroniska kommunikations-ledningar, elledningar, VA-ledningar och fjärrvärmeledningar. Var och en representerar en av de totalt fyra kategorierna för vilka allmännyttiga ledningar kan upplåts med ledningsrätt (ledningsrättslagen 2 § 1 st.). För att få en uppfattning om förfarandet i praktiken intervjuas åtta personer som har hand om markåtkomsten för olika ledningsägare. Utredningen innehåller en jämförelse av tillvägagångssättet för större ledningar som förstärker nätet med en lång sträckning. Gentemot ledningar inom ett lokalnät, båda i tätorter och utanför, som ansluts direkt till kunden. Jämförelsen utförs med avseende på ledningstyp. Utifrån det samlade underlaget är det tydligt att ledningsägarna vill träffa frivilliga överenskommelse med fastighetsägaren i alla situationer. Ledningstyp har en viss påverkan, i synnerhet gällande ledningar som omfattas av linjekoncession. Fiberbolag (elektronisk kommunikation) använder sig nästintill uteslutet av nyttjanderätt. Markåtkomstprocessen för VA-ledningar, fjärrvärmeledningar och elledningar är slående lika. Bolagen för all tre ledningstyperna använder markavtal på kommunalägd mark. En skillnad är att VA-anläggningar är kommunalägda eller styrda av kommunala bolag. Därför är samarbetet starkare med kommunen. För lokalnät vill ledningsägarna helst använda sig av avtalsservitut (markupplåtelseavtal) för privata fastighetsägare samt standardiserade markavtal för kommun och större fastighetsägare. Gällande större distributionsledningar strävar ledningsägarna efter att träffa frivilliga överenskommelse först som sedan omvandlas till ledningsrätt. Fjärrvärmeledningar och elledningar upprättar sina avtal med hjälp av branchorganisationen Energiföretagen Sveriges standardmallar. / For new construction of public utility lines, land can get claimed in different ways. Use of the land area can be secured through a forced change of ownership with expropriation according to the Expropriation Act. Primarily, utility easements are used with a land surveying procedure or voluntary agreements that are based on the grant forms contractual easements or usufruct. With a land grant, the utility line owner gets the right to use the land according to the agreement. Prior to the construction of the utility line, it is necessary that the projected basis is tested and permission issued. When the mandatory conditions are met, it is possible to start the construction. This paper is limited to four different line types, electricity lines, VA lines, district heating lines and electronic communication lines. Each one represents one of the totals of four categories for which utility lines are granted according to the Utility Easement Act. To get an idea of the procedure in practice, eight people who are in charge of land access for utility line owners are interviewed. The purpose is to investigate the approach when it comes to larger regional lines that reinforce the network and have a long coverage that does not branch out too much. Compared to lines within a local network both in built-up and outside built-up areas, that connect direct to the customers. Based on the collected information, it is clear that the utility line owner wants to reach a voluntary agreement with the property owner. Utility line type has a certain influence, in particular for line concession lines. Fiber lines (electronic communication) are used almost exclusively with usufruct. VA lines, district heating lines and power lines ground access process is strikingly similar. One difference is that VA facilities are municipally owned or managed by municipal companies. Therefore, the collaboration is stronger with the municipality, however, all public utility lines owners strive to form land agreements on municipally owned land. For local networks, the managers prefer to use contractual easement for private property owners and special land agreements (usufruct) for municipalities and larger property owners. Regarding larger distribution lines, they strive to reach voluntary agreements which are then converted into utility easements. District heating lines and power lines companies draw up their agreements with the help of the branch organization Energiföretagen Sverige's standard templates.
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Tools of the "En-Eh-Mee:" Grant Morrison's Utopia and the Means to End ThereEdwards, Jordan Z. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis analyzes the impact of the Dark Age of comics on Grant Morrison’s comic book series The Invisibles, specifically arguing that the traditional superhero figure enacts a certain narrative violence on the characters and text itself, both through direct violence and in the limiting of potential narratives. The first chapter establishes The Invisibles’ contemporary comic tropes, establishing Dark Age superheroes as an exceptionalist figures who use extreme violence to separate themselves from a perceived corrupt society. As such, this thesis moves from a psychoanalytic approach to heroism towards a schizoanalytic approach found in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus, demonstrating how similar cycles of pathologization found in their critique of psychoanalysis also apply to The Invisibles’ attempt to innoculate itself against its own sensationalized violence. In doing so, the series eventually purges itself of the hero’s underlying ideological violences and attempts to actualize a Morrison’s own notions of utopia through the medium of comics, valuing multiplicities and the production of narratives to inform the experience of reality over a limitation of narratives based on violent conflict.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)
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Improving the Pipeline for Students of Color at 1862 Colleges of Agriculture: A Qualitative Study That Examines Administrators’ Perceptions of Diversity, Barriers, and Strategies for SuccessSilas, Michael Antonio 08 December 2016 (has links)
Due to an impending STEM shortage facing the United States, it is critically important that students of color are recruited to scientific disciplines. This STEM shortage affects agricultural fields, as many agricultural disciplines are scientifically based. There is currently a lack of students of color within agricultural disciplines when compared to the increasingly diverse make-up of the United States. This qualitative study utilizes the path-goal theory of leadership (House, 1971) and reasoned action theory (Fishbein and Azjen, 2010) to examine the perceptions of administrators regarding the barriers that students of color face within colleges of agriculture at 1862 land-grant institutions. Another important purpose of this study is to identify strategies that department heads, deans, and administrators within colleges of agriculture can use to increase the recruitment and retention of students of color. The study utilized phenomenology, as this method focuses on participants' subjective experiences and interpretations of the world. Eighteen participants at 17 institutions were interviewed about their perceptions of diversity, the barriers that students of color face within colleges of agriculture, and strategies for success. The findings of this study reveal that (1) diversity is a multifaceted and evolving concept that varies from individual-to-individual, (2) students of color face barriers to access, (3) successful recruitment and retention strategies for students of color require investments from administrators, and (4) data validates program success. / Ph. D. / The United States is facing an impending shortage in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. There will not be enough professionals to fill various roles that impact society in a variety of important and meaningful ways. This STEM shortage affects agricultural fields, as many agricultural disciplines are scientifically based. Students of color are currently underrepresented in agricultural disciplines when examining the increasingly diverse make-up of the United States. It is essential that students of color are utilized to fill these vacancies, not only for the sake of representation and inclusion, but to ensure that the United States can remain competitive in a global market and address the various scientific challenges that the country will have to face. This study examines the perceptions of college administrators relating to recruitment and retention barriers that students of color face within colleges of agriculture. This study also examines the strategies that are used to assist students in circumventing these barriers. Eighteen participants at 17 institutions were interviewed about their perceptions of diversity, the barriers that students of color face within colleges of agriculture, and strategies for success. The findings of this study reveal that (1) diversity is a multifaceted and evolving concept that varies from individual-to-individual, (2) students of color face barriers to access, (3) successful recruitment and retention strategies for students of color require investments from administrators, and (4) data validates program success.
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