Spelling suggestions: "subject:"galaxy."" "subject:"galaxyp.""
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Modeling Forbidden Line Emission Profiles from Colliding Wind Binaries.Ignace, Richard, Bessey, R., Price, C. 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents calculations for forbidden emission-line profile shapes arising from colliding wind binaries. The main application is for systems involving a Wolf–Rayet (WR) star and an OB star companion. The WR wind is assumed to dominate the forbidden line emission. The colliding wind interaction is treated as an Archimedean spiral with an inner boundary. Under the assumptions of the model, the major findings are as follows. (i) The redistribution of the WR wind as a result of the wind collision is not flux conservative but typically produces an excess of line emission; however, this excess is modest at around the 10 per cent level. (ii) Deviations from a flat-toped profile shape for a spherical wind are greatest for viewing inclinations that are more nearly face-on to the orbital plane. At intermediate viewing inclinations, profiles display only mild deviations from a flat-toped shape. (iii) The profile shape can be used to constrain the colliding wind bow shock opening angle. (iv) Structure in the line profile tends to be suppressed in binaries of shorter periods. (v) Obtaining data for multiple forbidden lines is important since different lines probe different characteristic radial scales. Our models are discussed in relation to Infrared Space Observatory data for WR 147 and γ Vel (WR 11). The lines for WR 147 are probably not accurate enough to draw firm conclusions. For γ Vel, individual line morphologies are broadly reproducible but not simultaneously so for the claimed wind and orbital parameters. Overall, the effort demonstrates how lines that are sensitive to the large-scale wind can help to deduce binary system properties and provide new tests of numerical simulations.
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The Polarization Signature from Microlensing of Circumstellar Envelopes in Caustic Cossing EventsIgnace, Richard, Bjorkman, J., Bryce, H. 11 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, it has been shown that microlensing is a powerful tool for examining the atmospheres of stars in the Galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds. The high gradient of magnification across the source during both small impact parameter events and caustic crossings offers a unique opportunity for determining the surface brightness profile of the source. Furthermore, models indicate that these events can also provide an appreciable polarization signal: arising from differential magnification across the otherwise symmetric source. Earlier work has addressed the signal from a scattering photosphere for both point mass lenses and caustic crossings. In a previous paper, polarimetric variations from point lensing of a circumstellar envelope were considered, as would be suitable for an extended envelope around a red giant. In this work, we examine the polarization in the context of caustic crossing events, the scenario that represents the most easily accessible situation for actually observing a polarization signal in Galactic microlensing. Furthermore, we present an analysis of the effectiveness of using the polarimetric data to determine the envelope properties, illustrating the potential of employing polarimetry in addition to photometry and spectroscopy with microlensing follow-up campaigns.
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Models of Forbidden Line Emission Profiles from Axisymmetric Stellar Winds.Ignace, Richard, Brimeyer, A. 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
A number of strong infrared forbidden lines have been observed in several evolved Wolf–Rayet (WR) star winds, and these are important for deriving metal abundances and testing stellar evolution models. In addition, because these optically thin lines form at large radius in the wind, their resolved profiles carry an imprint of the asymptotic structure of the wind flow. This work presents model forbidden line profile shapes formed in axisymmetric winds. It is well known that an optically thin emission line formed in a spherical wind expanding at constant velocity yields a flat-topped emission profile shape. Simulated forbidden lines are produced for a model stellar wind with an axisymmetric density distribution that treats the latitudinal ionization self-consistently and examines the influence of the ion stage on the profile shape. The resulting line profiles are symmetric about line centre. Within a given atomic species, profile shapes can vary between centrally peaked, doubly peaked, and approximately flat-topped in appearance depending on the ion stage (relative to the dominant ion) and viewing inclination. Although application to WR star winds is emphasized, the concepts are also relevant to other classes of hot stars such as luminous blue variables and Be/B[e] stars.
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Optically Thick Clumps – Not the Solution to the Wolf-Rayet Wind Momentum Problem?Brown, J., Cassinelli, J., Li, Q., Kholtygin, A., Ignace, Richard 01 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The hot star wind momentum problem eta = M-upsiloninfinity/(L/c) much greater than 1 is revisited, and it is shown that the conventional belief, that it can be solved by a combination of clumping of the wind and multiple scattering of photons, is not self-consistent for optically thick clumps. Clumping does reduce the mass loss rate. M, and hence the momentum supply, required to generate a specified radio emission measure epsilon, while multiple scattering increases the delivery of momentum from a specified stellar luminosity L. However, in the case of thick clumps, when combined the two effects act in opposition rather than in unison since clumping reduces multiple scattering. From basic geometric considerations, it is shown that this reduction in momentum delivery by clumping more than offsets the reduction in momentum required, for a specified epsilon. Thus the ratio of momentum deliverable to momentum required is maximal for a smooth wind and the momentum problem remains for the thick clump case. In the case of thin clumps, all of the benefit of clumping in reducing lies in eta reducing. M for a given epsilon so that extremely small filling factors f approximate to 10(-4) are needed. It is also shown that clumping affects the inference of M from radio epsilon not only by changing the emission measure per unit mass but also by changing the radio optical depth unity radius R-rad, and hence the observed wind volume, at radio wavelengths. In fact, for free-free opacity proportional to n(2), contrary to intuition, R-rad increases with increasing clumpiness.
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Microlensing of Circumstellar Envelopes III. Line Profiles from Stellar Winds in Homologous Expansion.Hendry, M., Ignace, Richard, Bryce, H. 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines line profile evolution due to the linear expansion of circumstellar material obsverved during a microlensing event. This work extends our previous papers on emission line profile evolution from radial and azimuthal flow during point mass lens events and fold caustic crossings. Both “flavours” of microlensing were shown to provide effective diagnostics of bulk motion in circumstellar envelopes. In this work a different genre of flow is studied, namely linear homologous expansion, for both point mass lenses and fold caustic crossings. Linear expansion is of particular relevance to the effects of microlensing on supernovae at cosmological distances. We derive line profiles and equivalent widths for the illustrative cases of pure resonance and pure recombination lines, modelled under the Sobolev approximation. The efficacy of microlensing as a diagnostic probe of the stellar environs is demonstrated and discussed
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The Effects of Clumps in Explaining X-Ray Emission Lines from Hot Stars.Cassinelli, J., Ignace, Richard, Waldron, W., Cho, J., Murphy, N., Lazarian, A. 20 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
It is now well established that stellar winds of hot stars are fragmentary and that the X-ray emission from stellar winds has a strong contribution from shocks in winds. Chandra high spectral resolution observations of line profiles of O and B stars have shown numerous properties that had not been expected. Here we suggest explanations by considering the X-rays as arising from bow shocks that occur where the stellar wind impacts on spherical clumps in the winds. We use an accurate and stable numerical hydrodynamic code to obtain steady state physical conditions for the temperature and density structure in a bow shock. We use these solutions plus analytic approximations to interpret some major X-ray features: the simple power-law distribution of the observed emission measure derived from many hot star X-ray spectra and the wide range of ionization stages that appear to be present in X-ray sources throughout the winds. Also associated with the adiabatic cooling of the gas around a clump is a significant transverse velocity for the hot plasma flow around the clumps, and this can help to understand anomalies associated with observed line widths, and the differences in widths seen in stars with high and low mass-loss rates. The differences between bow shocks and the planar shocks that are often used for hot stars are discussed. We introduce an ‘‘on the shock’’ approximation that is useful for interpreting the X-rays and the consequences of clumps in hot star winds and elsewhere in astronomy.
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Neon Abundances from a Spitzer/IRS Survey of Wolf-Rayet Stars.Ignace, Richard, Cassinelli, J., Tracy, G., Churchwell, E., Lamers, H. J. 01 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
We report on neon abundances derived from Spitzer high resolution spectral data of eight Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars using the forbidden line of [Ne III] 15.56 μm. Our targets include four WN stars of subtypes 4–7, and four WC stars of subtypes 4–7. We derive ion fraction abundances γ of Ne2+ for the winds of each star. The ion fraction abundance is a product of the ionization fraction Qi in stage i and the abundance by number AE of element E relative to all nuclei. Values generally consistent with solar are obtained for the WN stars, and values in excess of solar are obtained for the WC stars.
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Magnetic field measurements of O stars with FORS 1 at the VLT.Hubrig, S., Schöller, M., Schnerr, R., González, J., Ignace, Richard, Henrichs, H. 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Context.The presence of magnetic fields in O-type stars has been suspected for a long time. The discovery of these fields would explain a wide range of well documented enigmatic phenomena in massive stars, in particular cyclical wind variability, Hα emission variations, chemical peculiarity, narrow X-ray emission lines, and non-thermal radio/X-ray emission. Aims.To investigate the incidence of magnetic fields in O stars, we acquired 38 new spectropolarimetric observations with FORS 1 (FOcal Reducer low dispersion Spectrograph) mounted on the 8-m Kueyen telescope of the VLT. Methods.Spectropolarimetric observations were obtained at different phases for a sample of 13 O stars. Ten stars were observed in the spectral range 348−589 nm, HD 36879 and HD 148937 were observed in the spectral region 325−621 nm, and HD 155806 was observed in both settings. To prove the feasibility of the FORS 1 spectropolarimetric mode for the measurements of magnetic fields in hot stars, we present in addition 12 FORS 1 observations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field in θ1 Ori C and compare them with measurements obtained with the MuSiCoS, ESPaDOnS, and Narval spectropolarimeters. Results.Most stars in our sample, which were observed on different nights, show a change of the magnetic field polarity, but a field at a significance level of 3σ was detected in only four stars, HD 36879, HD 148937, HD 152408, and HD 164794. The largest longitudinal magnetic field, Bz = −276 ± 88 G, was detected in the Of?p star HD 148937. We conclude that large-scale organized magnetic fields with polar field strengths larger than 1 kG are not widespread among O-type stars.
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Phase-Dependent X-ray Observations of the beta Lyrae System: No eclipse in the soft band.Ignace, Richard, Oskinova, L., Waldron, W., Hoffman, J., Hamann, W.-R. 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Aims.We report on observations of the eclipsing and interacting binary beta Lyrae from the Suzaku X-ray telescope. This system involves an early B star embedded in an optically and geometrically thick disk that is siphoning atmospheric gases from a less massive late B II companion. Methods.Motivated by an unpublished X-ray spectrum from the Einstein X-ray telescope suggesting unusually hard emission, we obtained time with Suzaku for pointings at three different phases within a single orbit. Results.From the XIS detectors, the softer X-ray emission appears typical of an early-type star. What is surprising is the remarkably unchanging character of this emission, both in luminosity and in spectral shape, despite the highly asymmetric geometry of the system. We see no eclipse effect below 10 keV. The constancy of the soft emission is plausibly related to the wind of the embedded B star and Thomson scattering of X-rays in the system, although it might be due to extended shock structures arising near the accretion disk as a result of the unusually high mass-transfer rate. There is some evidence from the PIN instrument for hard emission in the 10-60 keV range. Follow-up observations with the RXTE satellite will confirm this preliminary detection.
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Continuum Polarization in Circumstellar MediaIgnace, Richard 08 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
See http://www.asu.cas.cz/~wg2prague/
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