Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cenas"" "subject:"penas""
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Kiaulių genetinių žymenų įtaka produktyvumo savybėms / Association of pig genetic markers with performance traitsJokubka, Ramūnas 22 November 2005 (has links)
The study presents evaluation of pig genetic markers (MHS and MC4R) associated with performance traits in the Lithuanian White pig breed. The study presents a direct approach the testing and explanation of the quantitative part of the trait and QTL with marker based on estimated breeding values in the Lithuanian White population. Information about the strategies for association analysis and improvement can be applied for further characterization of the Lithuanian White population. The use of breeding values instead of single measurements reduces the bias in the recorded performance traits, therefore, the results obtained by using the marker for the Lithuanian White population gives animal breeders the opportunities for realization of a short-term goal in their selection criteria.
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Desenmascarando experiencias de racismo y sexismo en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres Mayas Q?eqchi?es de Cahab?n, Alta Verapaz. GuatemalaChirix Garc?a, Ofelia Nohem? January 2007 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Mag?ster en Estudios de G?nero y Cultura en Am?rica Latina menci?n Humanidades / La investigaci?n se divide en tres cap?tulos. En el primer capitulo abordar? sint?ticamente la manera c?mo las nociones de raza, etnia y grupo ?tnico han sido abordadas desde distintos enfoques, posturas y disciplinas diversas, que siguen generando debate. La intenci?n es contribuir y exponer las interacciones entre la etnia y el g?nero como planos de an?lisis convergentes. En el segundo cap?tulo, se hace referencia al racismo institucional en el ?mbito macro social desde una perspectiva hist?rica. La idea fundamental fue hacer visible el racismo que normalmente queda invisible, con el fin de identificar la l?gica de la articulaci?n de los conceptos y su uso instrumental por parte del Estado para legitimar el racismo y el poder. Por ?ltimo, el tercer cap?tulo, recoge las experiencias de sexismo conjugadas con el racismo en la vida cotidiana. Se parti? de la necesidad de conocer a las sujetas de investigaci?n en su cotidianidad en relaci?n a las discriminaciones de etnia y g?nero como opresiones que est?n muy articuladas en los grupos socio-culturales de Guatemala.
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Kiaulių augimo hormono geno polimorfizmas ir jo ryšys su mėsos kokybiniais bei kiekybiniais rodikliais / Pig growth hormone gene polymorphism and it‘s relation to meat quantitative and qualitative traitsVarnauskaitė, Birutė 19 March 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - ištirti augimo hormono geno įvairovę kiaulių tarpe ir nustatyti polimorfizmo įtaką kiaulių produktyvumo savybėms. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Surinkti ir išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą apie kiaulių augimo hormoną bei jo genetinį pagrindimą. 2. Įdiegti kiaulių augimo hormono geno tyrimo metodiką LVA K.Janušausko Gyvūnų genetikos laboratorijoje. 3. Ištirti augimo hormono geno (GH) įvairovę kiaulių tarpe, naudojant sumodeliuotus pradmenis pagal geno seką. 4. Suformuoti fenotipinių požymių duomenų bazę. 5. Ištirti augimo hormono geno įvairovės įtaką kiaulių produktyvumo savybėms LVA Gyvūnų genetikos laboratorijoje įdiegta kiaulių augimo hormono geno, ištyrimo metodika. Pirmą kartą ištirtas augimo hormono geno polimorfizmas bei jo variantų įtaka kiaulių produktyvumo savybėms. Įdiegta metodika leidžia ištirti kiaulių genome augimo hormono geną, nustatyti alelių polimorfizmą ir įvertinti jo poveikį kiaulių fenotipinėms savybėms. Siūloma atsižvelgti į kiaulių genome esančio augimo hormono geno polimorfizmą, atrenkant ir parenkant gyvulius, turinčius ekonomiškai naudingus alelius, kad būtų galima pagerinti produktyviąsias savybes. / Object and tasks of work. 1. Analyse and summarize literature about growth hormone and it genetic background. 2. Introduce pig GH and GHR genes research methodology at K. Janušauskas Laboratory of Animal Genetics, LVA. 3. Investigate GH and GHR genes polymorphism and distribution of different alleles at Lithuanian pig population by PCR-RFLP method. 4. Create datebase of pig phenothypical traits 5. Determine correlation between restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in GH and GHR genes and pig phenothypical traits.
Research methodology. 1. DNA extraction from hair roots. 2. PCR to amplify GH and GHR genes. 3. RFLP method. 3. Electrophoresis in agarose gel. 4. Staining with Etidium bromide. 5. Genotyping. 6. Stasitical analysis of data.
Results and conclutions. Growth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes have been found to be polymorphic in tested pig population what gives possibility to use them as genetic markers. According to agregated GHRH/GHR1/GHR2 genotype the largest carcass and bacon half length had pigs with genotype ABG1G1G3G3, the lowest fat thickness with genotype BBG1G1G4G4, the largest muscularity with genotype BBG1G1G4G4, the largest makeweight had pigs with genotype ABG1G1G3G3, the smallest feed intake for 1 kg makeweigth had pigs with AAG2G2G3G4 genotype. Unifactorial analysis showed that the largest percent of meat traits variation explains agregated genotype GHRH/GHR1/GHR2 – from 10,8 percent to warm carcass weight to 29,2 percent to fat... [to full text]
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Žmogaus baltymo p14.5 ir jo geno struktūra bei funkcija normaliose ir onkoproliferuojančiose ląstelėse / Human protein p14.5 gene structure and function in normal and oncoproliferating cellsPozdniakovaitė, Natalija 21 June 2006 (has links)
Human p14.5 perchloric acid-soluble protein (PSP) is a member of family (YER057c/YJGF family) of small proteins. The highly conserved throughout evolution proteins are characterized as multifunctional proteins comprised of ~ 80 homologues exhibiting varying degrees of sequence homology from 38% to 93%. The proteins involved in different cellular pathways of lower and higher eukaryotes. The biological role of these proteins is not yet well characterized. Human p14.5 protein is homologue of UK114 protein extracted from goat liver and characterized as tumor antigen. Antibodies against UK114 mediate in vitro complement-depended cytolysis of human cancer cells. This suggests that the expression of human p14.5 protein on the cells membrane might be an event related to neoplasmic transformation. The involvement of PSP into cellular growth and proliferation was discussed in several recent studies. All presented research findings demonstrate that human p14.5 gene acts as human cancer antigen and is involved into cellular proliferation events. Human p14.5 gene has been characterized by a differentiation-dependent mRNA and protein expression based on the observation of a low expression in a variety of liver and kidney tumor cells and a high expression in fully differentiated cells. At the beginning of the research study only kDNA sequence of human p14.5 gene was available. No data were available about human p14.5 gene full structure, coding protein p14.5 structure, biological functions... [to full text]
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Hist?ria e educa??o de mulheres remanescentes ind?ginas de miss?o do Sahy.Paz, Maria Gl?ria da 15 March 2009 (has links)
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MariaGP.pdf: 1386683 bytes, checksum: 3676fa8dd90576c620cfe7445c402e3f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-03-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / El estudio Historia y educaci?n de mujeres ind?genas que quedan em Miss?o do Sahy pretende comprender, a trav?s de recerdos y memorias, la transmisi?n de costumbres y pr?cticas educativas de un grupo de mujeres en sus relaciones con la familia, la escuela y la religi?n. El enfoque te?rico-metodol?gico utilizado fue la Historia Oral, un enfoque que oferece la oportunidad de trabajar con la historia de mujeres y la memoria, tratando de reconstruir algunas de las experiencias de estas mujeres que tienen la custodia de las historias y los conocimientos transmitidos por los antepasados, como activistas en las actividades de la Comunidad, los partidos pol?ticos, en la direcci?n de las asociaciones de la comunidad y los mantenedoras de la iglesia. La encuesta se realiz? en el Distrito de Miss?o do Sahy, un asentamiento franciscano instalado en 1697 y abolida en 1863, em el territorio de Las
Jacobinas, la ciudad de Senhor do Bonfim, en el norte de Bahia. El estudio demostr? que todav?a hay uma fuerte presencia de la pr?ctica de los Padres Franciscanos, los creadores del
pueblo, tambi?n mostr? que las orientaciones religiosas han contribuido significativamente a fortalecer el papel de la mujer en Miss?o do Sahy como madre y esposa. Este estudio tambi?n
mostr? que el sesgo afecta a las m?s j?venes remanescentes que - ni india ni negra - todavia son victimas de discriminaci?n, un hecho que quiz?s tiene su origen el desconocimiento de la
identidad de estas mujeres. Varios autores han contribuido en este estudio: Halbwachs (2006), Bosi (1994) y Pollak (1989) contribuy? a la construcci?n del estudio de la memoria, Perrot
(1988, 2006, 2007) y Del Piore (2007) proporcionaron la base para la historia de la mujer; Machado y otros autores regionales (1993, 2007), Louren?o Pereira da Silva (1906, 1915),
Adolfo Silva (1971), Edith Davis (1997), Joseph Davis (2001), Da Paz (2001, 2004), Oro (2008) , Santos (2007), Araujo (2002) y (2008 Vieira Filho) contribuyeron a la construcci?n
de una historiograf?a de la zona de la investigaci?n. Cronistas Frei Martinho de Nantes (1979) y Frei Venancio Willeke OFM (1994), adem?s de te?rico Norbert Elias (1993), de Michel de
Certeau (1994) y Philippe Aries (1981), que presentan elementos importantes para el an?lisis de las pruebas. / O estudo Hist?ria e Educa??o de Mulheres Remanescentes Ind?genas de Miss?o do Sahy tem como objetivo compreender, atrav?s de reminisc?ncias e lembran?as, a transmiss?o de
costumes e pr?ticas educativas de um grupo de mulheres em suas rela??es com a fam?lia, a escola e a religi?o. O aporte te?rico-metodol?gico utilizado foi a Hist?ria Oral, uma abordagem que oportunizou trabalhar com a hist?ria de mulheres e a mem?ria, buscando reconstituir algumas experi?ncias por elas vividas enquanto detentoras da guarda das hist?rias e dos saberes transmitidos pelas antepassadas, como ativistas em atividades comunit?rias e em partidos pol?ticos, e na dire??o de associa??es comunit?rias e zeladoras da igreja. A pesquisa foi realizada no distrito de Miss?o do Sahy, um antigo aldeamento franciscano instalado em 1697 e extinto por volta de 1863, situado no Territ?rio das Jacobinas, no Munic?pio de Senhor do Bonfim, norte da Bahia. O estudo mostrou que ainda h? uma forte presen?a das pr?ticas
dos padres franciscanos, criadores do aldeamento; revelou ainda que as orienta??es religiosas contribu?ram de forma substancial para a consolida??o do papel da mulher de Miss?o do Sahy como m?e e esposa. Este estudo tamb?m evidenciou o preconceito que atinge as reanescentes mais jovens que, nem ?ndias nem negras, continuam a serem vitimadas pela discrimina??o, fato que possivelmente tem origem no desconhecimento da identidade destas mulheres. V?rios autores auxiliaram neste estudo: Halbwachs (2006), Bosi (1994) e Pollak (1989) contribu?ram para a constru??o do estudo da mem?ria; Perrot (1988, 2006, 2007), e Del Piore (2007) embasaram a hist?ria de mulheres; os autores regionais Machado (1993, 2007), Louren?o Pereira da Silva (1906, 1915), Adolfo Silva (1971), Edith Freitas (1997), Jos? Freitas (2001), Da Paz (2001, 2004), Dourado (2008), Santos (2007), Ara?jo (2002) e Vieira
Filho (2008) contribu?ram para a constru??o de uma historiografia do local da pesquisa. Os cronistas Frei Martinho de Nantes (1979) e Frei Ven?ncio Willeke O.F.M. (1994), al?m dos
te?ricos Norbert Elias (1993), Michel de Certeau (1994) e Philipe ?ries (1981), que apresentaram importantes elementos para a an?lise dos depoimentos.
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Mem?rias em disputa: comemora??es do Dia do ?ndio nos jornais Correio da Bahia e Tribuna da Bahia (1990-2000)Souza, Rafaela dos Santos 27 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-10-07T23:55:20Z
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DISSERTA??O FINAL (2) RAFAELA DOS SANTOS SOUZA.pdf: 1576436 bytes, checksum: ff7923de624d7a26178be6a96b2d6495 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-07T23:55:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTA??O FINAL (2) RAFAELA DOS SANTOS SOUZA.pdf: 1576436 bytes, checksum: ff7923de624d7a26178be6a96b2d6495 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This paper analyzes the discourses and images of indigenous peoples conveyed by the newspaper Correio da Bahia and Tribuna da Bahia from Indian Day celebrations during the decade of 1990-2000. This decade was marked by debates on national and international levels, providing greater visibility to indigenous issues. We propose a reflection on the images broadcast from the celebrations of April 19, aiming to question the production of discourses on these subjects in the construction and maintenance of memories about the indigenous peoples, reflecting on the social role of the celebrations. For its political character, the celebrations are here understood as construction of social memory. Think the holidays as creating memory of these people makes it possible to reflect on the role of Bahia written press has played with regard to indigenous peoples. We also analyzed the possible dialogues and influences between the discursive productions evidenced through the analysis of materials of the newspapers Correio da Bahia and Tribuna da Bahia Bahia and speeches produced by authors in Brazilian history during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the construction of images about the Indians who contribute the formation and perpetuation of memories about these subjects. / Esse trabalho analisa os discursos e as imagens do povo ind?gena, veiculados pelos jornais Correio da Bahia e Tribuna da Bahia a partir das comemora??es do Dia do ?ndio durante a d?cada de 1990-2000. Essa d?cada foi marcada por debates no ?mbito nacional e internacional, proporcionando maior visibilidade ?s quest?es ind?genas. Propomos uma reflex?o sobre as imagens difundidas a partir das comemora??es do 19 de Abril, visando questionar a produ??o de discursos sobre esses sujeitos na constru??o e manuten??o de mem?rias acerca dos povos ind?genas, refletindo sobre o papel social das comemora??es. Por seu car?ter pol?tico, as comemora??es s?o aqui compreendidas enquanto construtoras de mem?ria social. Pensar as datas comemorativas como criadoras de mem?ria sobre esse povo possibilita refletir sobre o papel que a imprensa escrita da Bahia vem desempenhando no que diz respeito aos povos ind?genas. Analisamos tamb?m os poss?veis di?logos e influ?ncias entre as produ??es discursivas evidenciadas atrav?s das an?lises das mat?rias dos jornais Correio da Bahia e Tribuna da Bahia e os discursos produzidos por autores da historiografia brasileira durante os s?culos XIX e XX na constru??o das imagens acerca do ind?gena, que contribuem para a forma??o e a perpetua??o de mem?rias sobre esses sujeitos.
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Hist?ria, cinema e representa??es sobre ind?genas: uma an?lise de Caramuru, a inven??o do BrasilSouza, Mabel Freitas Araujo de 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-11-21T22:15:07Z
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Disserta??o Mabel.pdf: 11411644 bytes, checksum: 84f68e1889b6c843240b13dde16da945 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-21T22:15:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Disserta??o Mabel.pdf: 11411644 bytes, checksum: 84f68e1889b6c843240b13dde16da945 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This paper discusses the relationship between fictional cinema and Brazilian historiography in the construction and perpetuation of representative images on indigenous peoples. We seek to map the first representations regarding these people and how they are still present in the collective imagination . The filmCaramuru, a inven??o do Brasil, the main source and object of this work was taken as an example of filmic production of the period (1995-2005), the analyzed emphasizing the celebrations of 500 years of Brazil. It sought to explore the historical context in which the film was produced and launched, aiming to understand the forms of representation and also highlight the similarities of the filmic discourse in relation to the discourses contained in some works of Brazilian historiography. / Esse trabalho discute a rela??o entre a cinematografia ficcional e a historiografia brasileira na constru??o e perpetua??o das imagens representativas sobre os povos ind?genas. Objetivou-se mapear as primeiras representa??es a respeito desses povos e como ainda est?o presentes no imagin?rio coletivo. O filme Caramuru, a inven??o do Brasil, principal fonte e objeto desse trabalho, foi tomado como exemplo de produ??o f?lmica do per?odo em quest?o (1995-2005) e analisado com ?nfase nas comemora??es dos 500 anos do Brasil. Al?m disso, buscou-se explorar o contexto hist?rico em que a pel?cula foi produzida e lan?ada, visando perceber suas formas de representa??o e ainda destacar as similaridades do discurso f?lmico em rela??o aos discursos contidos em algumas obras da historiografia brasileira.
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A resist?ncia da Aldeia Maracan?: um ponto de oxida??o pela ?revolu??o ferrugem? / The Aldeia Maracan? Resistance: an oxidation point for the ?rust revolution?SANTOS, Vinicius Pereira dos 11 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-11T19:01:11Z
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2016 - Vinicius Pereira dos Santos.pdf: 3504871 bytes, checksum: b4d64d98dcd03da82970f200d2ae1972 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-11T19:01:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Vinicius Pereira dos Santos.pdf: 3504871 bytes, checksum: b4d64d98dcd03da82970f200d2ae1972 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-11 / This present work is about the social and political movement known as Aldeia Maracan? Resistance. That?s an urban indigenous movement that acts from the city of Rio de Janeiro, developed by Indians and supporters since the political struggle involving the removal of the indigenous occupation called Aldeia Maracan?, destroyed in the year of 2013 by an alliance of political and economic powers, that continues to promote an urban reform justified by the realization of sporting mega-events. Our goal is to comprehend how this indigenous movement acts within the group of libertarian and autonomist social movements acting intensively through the last years, strengthen by that moment of intense political activities in the year of 2013, in Brazil. This research was made especially by field observations, with direct participation in planning, projects, political acts and events promoted by the movement we study, besides presence in academicals events, seminars and interviews. The direct approach was complemented by reading books that could help on the analysis of the movement and its insertion in bigger social and political contexts and historical processes. Once the movement we study is part of webs of political movements that do not appear to fight for positions of hegemony, power or control, but for a world of cooperative coexistence between existing or in development diversities we propose, at the end, the metaphor of the ?rust revolution?, where these groups acts like oxidation points, slowly corroding the current social and economic system. / O presente trabalho ? uma reflex?o sobre o movimento Resist?ncia da Aldeia Maracan?. Trata-se de um movimento ind?gena urbano que atua a partir da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, desenvolvido por ind?genas e apoiadores a partir da luta pela manuten??o da Aldeia Maracan?, ocupa??o ind?gena destru?da em 2013 por uma articula??o entre governo e empresas que v?m promovendo uma intensa reforma urbana na cidade, em fun??o da realiza??o de megaeventos esportivos. O objetivo ? compreender como esse movimento ind?gena se insere no conjunto de movimentos sociais de cunho libert?rio e autonomista extremamente atuantes nos ?ltimos anos, fortalecidos pelo momento de forte efervesc?ncia pol?tica no pa?s no ano de 2013. A pesquisa foi realizada principalmente a partir de observa??o em campo, com participa??o direta em planejamentos, projetos, atos e eventos do movimento, presen?a em palestras e semin?rios e realiza??o de entrevistas. A viv?ncia direta foi complementada com a leitura de diversos autores que permitiram um aprofundamento da an?lise sobre o movimento e sua inser??o em contextos s?cio-pol?ticos e processos hist?ricos mais ampliados. Fazendo parte de redes de movimentos de luta e contesta??o que, em seus discursos, n?o buscam hegemonia ou disputas por posi??es de poder e controle, mas a realiza??o de uma situa??o de coexist?ncia cooperativa entre diversidades existentes e em constru??o, propomos, ao final, a met?fora da ?revolu??o ferrugem?, indicando que diversos movimentos atuam como pontos de oxida??o, corroendo lentamente o sistema econ?mico e social vigentes.
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Entre a inova??o e a tradi??o: interculturalidade e t?cnica de produ??o/cultivo de alimentos na comunidade ind?gena de Umaria?u II, Tabatinga-AM / Between innovation and tradition: interculturality and food production / cultivation technique in the indigenous community of Umaria?u II, Tabatinga-AMBRAND?O, Eliel Guimar?es 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-02-09T16:19:53Z
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2016 - Eliel Guimar?es Brand?o.pdf: 1573488 bytes, checksum: 91595715d575c0989c4ef215a1ffdab1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-09T16:19:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Eliel Guimar?es Brand?o.pdf: 1573488 bytes, checksum: 91595715d575c0989c4ef215a1ffdab1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / The contribution of indigenous peoples to the country?s historical process, extends from the arrival of the first settlers to these lands. Although there was an exchange of knowledge between these indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, what prevailed were the concepts and practices implemented by the 'white men', which directly influenced the history of local agriculture. Thus, the present work aimed at accompanying an experience based on the proposal to promote the development of crops planted by local indigenous people. The present research was carried out in the indigenous community of Umaria?u II, located in Tabatinga-AM municipality. This work was aimed at observing and monitoring indigenous family farmers and / or indigenous collectors residing in the community of Umaria?u II, who were invited to participate in a demonstration unit in S?tio Homem Imitador. Based on the activities carried out in the demonstrative unit, contact points that were analyzed by this study were selected, as well as an iconographic section of the intercultural scenes lived there. The follow-up of this unit has continued throughout its implementation, from clearing the land, preparing the soil, planting and follow-up visits, as well as harvesting, socializing, returning the area to local farmers and the status of the unit after contributors. Thus, one can get to know the cultural encounters generated throughout the process, as well as the relationship built with the indigenous community, where scientific values and thoughts were communicated, seeking dialogue among cultures. / A contribui??o dos povos ind?genas, para o processo hist?rico do pa?s, se estende desde a chegada dos primeiros colonizadores ? essas terras. Embora tenha ocorrido uma troca de saberes entre essas ind?genas e n?o-ind?genas, o que prevaleceu foram os conceitos e pr?ticas implementados pelos ?homens brancos?, que influenciaram diretamente a hist?ria da agricultura local. Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou acompanha uma experi?ncia fundamentada na proposta de promover o desenvolvimento dos cultivos plantados pelos ind?genas locais. A presente pesquisa foi realizada na comunidade ind?gena de Umaria?u II, localizada no munic?pio Tabatinga-AM. Este trabalho destinou-se a observar e acompanhar agricultores familiares ind?genas e/ou coletores ind?genas, residentes na comunidade de Umaria?u II, que foram convidados a participar de uma unidade demonstrativa no S?tio Homem Imitador. Com base nas atividades realizadas na unidade demonstrativa, elegeu-se pontos de contato que foram analisados por esse estudo, al?m de realizar uma se??o iconogr?fica das cenas interculturais vividas ali. O acompanhamento dessa unidade prolongou-se por toda sua implanta??o, desde a limpeza do terreno, preparo do solo, plantio e visitas de acompanhamento, bem como a colheita, socializa??es, a devolu??o da ?rea para os agricultores locais e o estado da unidade ap?s repassada aos colaboradores. Assim, pode-se conhecer os encontros culturais gerados ao longo do processo, bem como o relacionamento constru?do com a comunidade ind?gena, onde foram comunicados ali valores e pensamentos cient?ficos, buscando o di?logo entre as culturas.
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STAT 5 geno aptikimas ir jo polimorfizmo nustatymas Lietuvoje veisiamose galvijų veislėse / Investigation of STAT 5 gene polymorphism in cattle bred in LithuaniaŽalinkevičiūtė, Odeta 19 March 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - ištirti STAT 5 geno įvairovę Lietuvoje auginamų galvijų tarpe. LVA Gyvūnų genetikos laboratorijoje įdiegta galvijų STAT 5 geno, ištyrimo metodika. Pirmą kartą ištirtas STAT 5 geno polimorfizmas Lietuvoje auginamų galvijų tarpe Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Surinkti ir išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą apie mėsinių galvijų STAT 5 geną ir ištirti jo įtaką produktyviosioms savybėms, ieškoti straipsnių internetinėse svetainėse nagrinėjama tema; 2. Įdiegti galvijų STAT 5 geno tyrimo metodiką LVA K.Janušausko Gyvūnų genetikos laboratorijoje; 3. Ištirti STAT 5 geno įvairovę Lietuvoje auginamų galvijų tarpe, naudojant sumodeliuotus pradmenis pagal geno seką; 4. Nustatyti STAT 5 geno aleli�� ir genotipų dažnius skirtingose galvijų veislėse. / Object and tasks of work. Analyse and summarize literature about STAT 5 gene in cattle. Introduce bovine STAT 5 gene research methodology at K. Janušauskas Laboratory of Animal Genetics, LVA..Investigate STAT 5 gene polymorphism and distribution of different alleles and genotypes in cattle breeds bred in Lithuania. Research methodology. DNA extraction from hair roots; PGR to amplify STAT 5 gene; RFLP method-STAT 5 – enzyme AvaI; Electrophoresis in agarose gel; Staining with etidium bromide; Genotyping; Statistical analysis of data. Results and conclusions. Two alleles C and T were found in tested cattle group identified by PGR-RFLP method. There was found a bit lower heterozigosity than expected in STAT 5 gene locus. The frequency of C allele was 0,89, T allele – 0,11, CC genotipe – 0,79, Ct genotipe -0,21. TT genotipe was not found. In all tested cattle breeds prevailing was found C allele and CC genotipe varying from 50 percent in Sharole breed to 100 percent in simental breed. CT heterozygote genotipe in pargest frequency 0,5 found in Sharole breed and lowest frequency 0,03 in Lithuanian black and white.
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