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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FÖRSVARSMAKTENS MARKNADSFÖRING: FRÅN MANLIG TILL MÅNGFALDIG? : En jämförande studie av reklamkampanjer före och efter att värnplikten blev könsneutral / SWEDISH ARMED FORCES´ MARKETING: MASCULINE OR INCLUDING? : A comparative study of marketing campaigns before and after the conscription became gender neutral.

Långström, Angelina January 2023 (has links)
The thesis aims to examine how gender structures are portrayed in the Swedish Armed Forces' advertising campaigns before and after 2018, because that is when the conscription became gender neutral. Furthermore, the thesis will discuss the potential consequences of these portrayals. To do so the methodology of the study consists of a critical discourse analysis complimented by a semiotic approach. The main finding suggests that the films prior to 2018 to some extent reproduce male-dominated discourses of how a soldier should be and reinforce traditional gender structures. In contrast, the films from 2018 and onwards challenge these dominant discourses by including more women and other signs that are not typically coded as masculine. It is assumed that this will lead to more women being recruited, as the profession of a soldier is no longer perceived as being exclusively for men, and a more inclusive environment is introduced. These assumptions are based on previous research on gender structures in military institutions, which historically have been structured around male norms and values which force women in the military to adjust to patriarchal rules. The topic is important, as a gender-equal military is believed to lead to increased safety and efficiency, which is desirable for various reasons.

Könsstereotyper och könsroller i marknadsföring inom sport- och hälsobranschen : En undersökning kring hur könsstereotypisk reklam inom sport- och hälsobranschen påverkar konsumenters syn på varumärket samt köpintentionen.

Islam, Mehreen, Ngao Loembe, Kevine, Kaur, Neha January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekterna av könsstereotypisk marknadsföring inom sport- och hälsobranschen. Forskningsfrågorna tar upp effekterna av både könsstereotypisk och icke-könsstereotypisk marknadsföring på varumärkesimage samt hur det påverkar konsumenters köpintention. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken typ av marknadsföring som är mest fördelaktig för varumärkesimage och köpintentionen: könsstereotypisk reklam eller icke-könsstereotypisk reklam. Studien använde en kvantitativ forskningsansats där primärdata samlades in genom en digital enkätundersökning med 80 respondenter. Data analyserades med hjälp av korrelationsanalys och sample t-test. Resultaten visar att varumärkesimage och köpintention påverkas negativt av extrem könsstereotypisk reklam, positivt av förebyggande reklam som inte använder könsstereotyper, men förblir oförändrade vid mindre tydliga könsstereotypiska reklamannonser. Företag bör vara medvetna om de negativa effekterna av extrem könsstereotypisk marknadsföring på varumärkesimage och köpintention. Istället kan förebyggande reklam som inte använder sig av könsstereotyper vara mer fördelaktig för att skapa en positiv varumärkesimage och påverka köpintentionen hos konsumenterna positivt. / This study examines the impact of gender-stereotypical marketing in the sports and health industry on a company's brand image and purchase intention. The research questions address the effects of both gender-stereotypical and non-gender-stereotypical marketing on brand image, as well as the influence on consumers' purchase intention. The aim of the study is to determine whether using gender-stereotypical or non-gender-stereotypical advertising is more beneficial for brand image and purchase intention. A quantitative research approach was employed, and primary data was collected through a digital survey completed by 80 respondents. The collected data was analyzed using correlation analysis and sample t-tests in the statistical software SPSS. The findings indicate that brand image and purchase intention are negatively affected by extreme gender-stereotypical advertisements, positively influenced by non-gender-stereotypical preventive advertisements, but remain unchanged with less explicit gender-stereotypical advertisements. Thus, companies should be cautious about using extreme gender-stereotypical marketing, as it can have detrimental effects on their brand image and purchase intention.

Du féminin et du masculin dans quatre séries de BDs de science-fiction franco-belges : analyse de la requête.

Teisseire, Audrey 06 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses recherches empiriques montrent que la façon dont les locuteurs et locutrices parlent peut varier en fonction du contexte, des dispositions mentales des locuteurs·trices, du type de la relation interpersonnelle (horizontale ou verticale) qu’entretiennent interlocuteurs·trices, de l’environnement culturel, etc. Mais en continuant d’exposer le grand public à des données incomplètes s’appuyant sur des stéréotypes de genres, les médias continuent d’entretenir l’idée, que les hommes et les femmes parlent différemment ; il y a donc une discordance entre la réalité des pratiques langagières et la représentation que les individus s’en font (Freed 2014). Notre étude du masculin et du féminin dans quatre séries de BDs de science-fiction franco-belges a pour but de vérifier si les héros et héroïnes de ces quatre séries sont représenté·e·s selon des stéréotypes de genre. Concernant le physique, comment héroïnes et héros sont-ils représentés ? Y a-t-il une frontière nette entre représentation de la féminité et de la masculinité ? Et, concernant la requête du type demande de faire, les héroïnes et héros formulent-ils différemment leurs requêtes ? Ces trois questions nous permettent de savoir si le lectorat des quatre séries de BDs analysées est exposé aux stéréotypes de genre. Les seuls stéréotypes de genre exposés s’appliquent aux corps et au vêtements (sauf dans une série). Pour le reste, attitudes, comportements, façons de parler, les stéréotypes sont globalement évacués. Il en ressort que la féminité et la masculinité s’inscrivent sur un continuum du genre. Pour ce qui est de la requête, dans deux séries les héroïnes se distinguent de leurs partenaires masculins du point de vue du fond de la requête (c.-à-d. de son objet), mais pas du point de vue de la forme et ce schéma est un corrélat de l’absence de leadership des partenaires masculins et révèle l’état mental de ces derniers ou la crainte de la prise de risque. Nous parlons alors de schémas de requêtes différenciées (et non genrées). Dans la troisième BD, le schéma des requêtes est genré dans la forme (et non dans le fond) dans la mesure où l’héroïne emploie davantage de requêtes indirectes que le héros, mais ce schéma n’est aucunement corrélé au manque de pouvoir de l’héroïne, qui, bien au contraire, jouit d’un grand pouvoir symbolique (probablement raison pour laquelle, le fond de ses requêtes est identique à celui du héros). Dans la quatrième série, celle où la représentation corporelle des hommes et des femmes est globalement similaire, on ne trouve ni schéma de requête genré ni schéma de requête différencié. La variation stylistique qui caractérise la nature directe ou indirecte des requêtes des personnages fictifs étudiés est fonction de l’urgence de la situation (contextuel), de leur expertise ou pouvoir (relation verticale) ou de leur état mental. Ils et elles privilégient la sauvegarde des faces à mesure que le caractère anxiogène du contexte de l’énonciation s’éloigne ou s’ils·elles entretiennent une relation interpersonnelle horizontale avec leur(s) allocutaire(s). Nos résultats sur la requête sont ainsi conformes avec les recherches empiriques : dans un cas ils illustrent la manifestation d’un des aspects du style langagier féminin et dans les trois autres, ils invalident l’existence de stéréotypes langagiers féminins dans le sens ou ces derniers sont dépassés par le contexte situationnel ou la relation interpersonnelle. / A significant number of case studies have shown that the way individuals speak, be they men or women, varies according to variables as the kind of relationship (vertical or horizontal) existing between interlocutors, mental state of speakers, context, culture and so forth. However, as Freed (2014) states, the mass media keep exposing their large audience to incomplete or erroneous data and stereotypes concerning the way men and women speak. Thus, individuals keep thinking that there is such a thing as «women and men speak differently». To put it in a nutshell, the way men and women speak is at odds with what occurs in reality. Our study about masculinity and femininity within four series of Franco-Belgian science-fictional comics aims at verifying how masculinity and femininity are represented in the four heroines and their male counterpart or partner(s). On the ground of non-linguistics representation, how are the female and male characters represented ? And does a clear line delineate masculinity and femininity ? Second, on the ground of linguistics, do the heroines phrase their requests differently than do the hero or male partner(s) ? In other words, are female characters more enclined than male characters to formulate indirect requests ? These three questions lead us to determine if the lectorate is exposed to gendered stereotypes. Our results show that stereotypes are only confined into the bodies (and at a certain point, the clothing). Other than that, attitudes and the way the characters speak are not bound to gendered stereotypes. Concerning the analysis of the requests, in two of our series, there is a difference between the requests made by the heroine and the ones made by the male in terms of the content of the requests. Therefore, we say that their request schema is not gendered but differentiated. That is to say, the content of the requests made by the males is correlated to their lack of power and reveal either their mental states or their being concerned with risk taking. In the third comic, we observe indeed a gendered schema of requests between the heroine and her male counterpart, the latter phrasing more direct requests. Conversely to the two previously mentioned comics, here, the stylish gendered request schema is not correlated with the heroine lack of power, that’s probably why both characters’ content of requests is the same. In the fourth series, which is the one where men and women are almost physically alike, we neither observe differentiated pattern of request nor gendered pattern of requests. Globally, in the four series, male and female characters articulate direct requests according to the emergency (contextual), their expertise or power (vertical relationship with interlocutor) or their mental state ; moreover, they indulge themselves into face-saving speech strategies as the emergency diminishes or disappears or if they have an horizontal type of relationship with their interlocutors. Thus, the variation is either stylistic or due to interpersonal relationship. Our results are not at odds with the empirical data : in one case, they illustrate the display of one aspect of the feminine language stereotype, and in the three other ones they invalidate the existence of stereotyped language styles in the sense that the stereotypes are overcome by the context or the interpersonal relationship.

Les liens entre l'adhésion aux stéréotypes de genre en mathématiques et en français, la motivation, les buts d'apprentissage, le choix de carrière envisagé et le rendement

Plante, Isabelle January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

The exploration of stereotypes within selected South African organisations / Lizelle Brink

Brink, Lizelle January 2014 (has links)
After the first democratic election that took place in South Africa in 1994, numerous changes occurred within the labour force. The labour force has become increasingly diverse with individuals from different races, genders and ages now fulfilling various positions within organisations. Consequently, organisations have become more focused on managing this diverse workforce and eliminating stereotypes, and consequently discrimination that accompanies this diversity. Stereotypes that are formed within organisations can be based on various criteria and, if not addressed, can lead to various negative consequences for both the individual and the organisation. It therefore seems that stereotypes are an important topic to research, specifically within the unique South African context. The objective of this study was to explore the prevalent stereotypes and the experiences thereof among individuals working in selected South African organisations. Within the social constructivism paradigm using an emic perspective, qualitative research from both a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach was employed to achieve the objectives of this study. Both purposive and convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study after utilising a multiple case study strategy. Employees of selected South African organisations (N = 336) were involved in this research study. These organisations formed part of the following employment sectors: banking, higher education institutions, mining, municipalities, nursing, police services, primary and secondary schools, and restaurant industry. Data was collected by making use of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was achieved by means of thematic analysis. The results of this study indicated that individuals working in selected South African organisations are familiar with the meaning of stereotypes and that they are consciously aware of the origin of stereotypes. Results indicated that although not all of the participants have had direct experiences with stereotyped groups, they are well aware that stereotypes are also caused by indirect sources. The results of this study also illustrate that various stereotypes exist within selected South African organisations. It was explored on an out-group and in-group level. It was found that not only do employees stereotype others (out-group), they are also well aware of being stereotyped themselves (in-group). The most prevalent stereotypes were based on race, gender, age, occupation, and other work-related dimensions. Stereotypes based on race, gender and age were based on the internal dimensions of diversity. Stereotypes were also based on the external and organisational dimensions of diversity and included occupation, physical appearance, position, qualification, and duration in organisation. Interesting to note is that with in-group occupational stereotyping, most employees felt they are also stereotyped on their internal dimensional characteristics (race, gender and age). Stereotyped occupations include: academics, administration staff, educators, engineers, finance, human resources, librarians, mining, nursing, police and restaurant waitrons. The findings of this study also showed that when individuals experience in-group stereotypes, they react to these stereotypes on a cognitive, behavioural or emotional level. Results indicated that participants mostly reacted to stereotypes in a cognitive manner and most of these experiences were negative in nature. Recommendations with regard to future research and practice were made. Managers within organisations should eliminate stereotypes from organisational practices and decision-making by not focusing on irrelevant personal differences, but rather on performance-related information. Employees should be trained and educated by the organisation regarding stereotypes and the effects thereof. Employees should also be provided with an opportunity to interact with diverse people within the organisation. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The exploration of stereotypes within selected South African organisations / Lizelle Brink

Brink, Lizelle January 2014 (has links)
After the first democratic election that took place in South Africa in 1994, numerous changes occurred within the labour force. The labour force has become increasingly diverse with individuals from different races, genders and ages now fulfilling various positions within organisations. Consequently, organisations have become more focused on managing this diverse workforce and eliminating stereotypes, and consequently discrimination that accompanies this diversity. Stereotypes that are formed within organisations can be based on various criteria and, if not addressed, can lead to various negative consequences for both the individual and the organisation. It therefore seems that stereotypes are an important topic to research, specifically within the unique South African context. The objective of this study was to explore the prevalent stereotypes and the experiences thereof among individuals working in selected South African organisations. Within the social constructivism paradigm using an emic perspective, qualitative research from both a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach was employed to achieve the objectives of this study. Both purposive and convenience sampling was used for the purpose of this study after utilising a multiple case study strategy. Employees of selected South African organisations (N = 336) were involved in this research study. These organisations formed part of the following employment sectors: banking, higher education institutions, mining, municipalities, nursing, police services, primary and secondary schools, and restaurant industry. Data was collected by making use of semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was achieved by means of thematic analysis. The results of this study indicated that individuals working in selected South African organisations are familiar with the meaning of stereotypes and that they are consciously aware of the origin of stereotypes. Results indicated that although not all of the participants have had direct experiences with stereotyped groups, they are well aware that stereotypes are also caused by indirect sources. The results of this study also illustrate that various stereotypes exist within selected South African organisations. It was explored on an out-group and in-group level. It was found that not only do employees stereotype others (out-group), they are also well aware of being stereotyped themselves (in-group). The most prevalent stereotypes were based on race, gender, age, occupation, and other work-related dimensions. Stereotypes based on race, gender and age were based on the internal dimensions of diversity. Stereotypes were also based on the external and organisational dimensions of diversity and included occupation, physical appearance, position, qualification, and duration in organisation. Interesting to note is that with in-group occupational stereotyping, most employees felt they are also stereotyped on their internal dimensional characteristics (race, gender and age). Stereotyped occupations include: academics, administration staff, educators, engineers, finance, human resources, librarians, mining, nursing, police and restaurant waitrons. The findings of this study also showed that when individuals experience in-group stereotypes, they react to these stereotypes on a cognitive, behavioural or emotional level. Results indicated that participants mostly reacted to stereotypes in a cognitive manner and most of these experiences were negative in nature. Recommendations with regard to future research and practice were made. Managers within organisations should eliminate stereotypes from organisational practices and decision-making by not focusing on irrelevant personal differences, but rather on performance-related information. Employees should be trained and educated by the organisation regarding stereotypes and the effects thereof. Employees should also be provided with an opportunity to interact with diverse people within the organisation. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Career aspirations of female engineering students at an FET institution

Foster, Vuyiswa Xoliswa Nontuthuzelo 30 November 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to describe factors that influence black females to choose engineering as a career. It transpired from the literature study that enabling environment, gender of role models, self-efficacy and socialization are important factors in terms of causing and attracting females into the fields of science and engineering study. From the empirical study it came out clearly that family members, female role members, and confidence in mathematics and science were factors that caused the females in engineering group to choose it as a career. Findings also revealed that gender stereotypes did not deter them from choosing engineering and that they were content with their career choice. For the above factors to be addressed incentives exclusive to females should be launched by government so as to attract more females to the fields of science and engineering. Schools also need to pursue programmes that expose learners to these fields. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.

An intervention programme to improve the self-concept and attitudes of prospective mathematics teachers

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 06 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to design and implement an intervention programme to improve the self-concepts and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers. The possible effects of the programme were researched by means of a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. A questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the programme was also designed. Important findings of this study are that: (a) the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient indicated a 0,9 reliability of the designed questionnaire; (b) the average self-concepts of prospective teachers improved after the intervention programme was implemented, though not significantly and (c) the self-concepts of prospective teachers not majoring in Mathematics also improved after the intervention, though not significantly. A focus group interview was conducted to improve the intervention programme. On the basis of the responses of the participants in the focus group interview as well as of the quantitative study and of the literature reviewed, an improved version of the intervention programme was designed. According to the research, the programme should include: cooperative learning; everyday life contexts; manipulatives; hands-on activities, encouraging the asking of questions; a positive relationship between lecturer and student; writing assignments before doing a new topic; content relevance; a positive communication of assessment; games; various approaches to solving problems; understandable language; gender sensitivity and positive role modeling. The intervention programme implemented in this study was tested over a period of three months; hence the recommendation in this research for the replication thereof over a longer period. The study further recommends that since the study was conducted in one college of education only, there is a need for it to be conducted in a number of colleges, in order to elicit a broader and more representative picture of the impact of the intervention programme. The findings of this study advocate the need to combine both quantitative and qualitative research in studies: the results of the quantitative research did not conclusively indicate a positive impact of the intervention programme. However, the qualitative research saw respondents expressing improved confidence and attitudes. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

The Nollybook phenomenon / a vindication of popular culture

Kohaly, Dawn Felicity 01 1900 (has links)
English Studies / M.A. (English)

Étude comparative sur les manifestations du genre dans les crimes d’empoisonnement au Québec à la fin du XIXe siècle

Courtemanche, Stéphanie 04 1900 (has links)
Au XIXe siècle émerge une criminologie naturalisante qui définit l’empoisonnement comme un crime féminin. L’étude proposée explore le lien qui s’établit entre le sexe de la personne criminelle, son genre et le moyen de perpétration de son acte meurtrier par l’analyse des procès pour empoisonnement répertoriés au Québec pour la période allant de 1867 à 1900. Comparant les procès d’empoisonneurs aux procès d’empoisonneuses, confrontant les acteurs historiques à leurs situations vécues, la recherche parcourt les manifestations du genre dans les méthodes criminelles employées par les accusé-e-s ainsi que dans les discours produits à leur endroit tout au long du processus judiciaire. Les résultats sont révélateurs des normes sexuelles en vigueur dans la société québécoise à la fin de l’époque victorienne et s’insèrent dans la lignée des études sur la régulation sociale au Québec. / In the nineteenth century emerges a naturalizing criminology which defines poisoning as a female crime. The proposed study explores the relationship developed between the gender of the criminal person, the kind and the commission of his murderous act and that, through the analysis of trials for poisoning listed in Quebec from 1867 to 1900. Comparing the male poisoners’ trials to the female poisoners’ trials as well as the historic players to their life situations, the search runs through the events of its kind in the criminal methods employed by defendants and in the resulting speeches concerning them throughout the judicial process. The results are indicative of sexual norms in Quebec society at the end of the Victorian era and fit into the tradition of social regulation studies in Quebec.

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