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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die houding van standerd 8-leerlinge van Afrikaanse sekondêre skole in Pretoria teenoor Duits

Van Rooyen, Danielina Johanna 13 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Applied Linguistics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Fehleranalyse : Untersuchungen an afrikaanssprachigen Studienanfängern im Fach Deutsch

Annas, Rolf 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1980. / No Abtsract Available

Liedertexte im fremdkulturellen Literaturunterricht : eine textwissenschaftliche und -didaktische Untersuchung

Zappen-Thomson, Marianne,1956- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1985. / No abstract available

An investigation into the validity of mobile technologies as a support structure for first year students studying German as a foreign language in a South African context

Stander, Alison Gretchen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Modern Foreign Languages. Hypermedia for Language Learning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The high penetration rate of mobile devices all over the world, and especially in South Africa, has significantly increased the relevance of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). The objective of this study is to ascertain the viability of incorporating MALL technology to enhance the language learning experience of South African university students who are studying a foreign language. The students enrolled for the beginners’ German course at Stellenbosch University served as participants in this study, and surveys and interviews were used to establish their exposure to mobile devices, as well as their experiences in relation to the incorporation of Short Messages Service (SMS) into their German course. The results indicate that although the vast majority of students are mobile device owners, only a few students will embrace the idea of using these devices to improve their language skills without any incentive. Without constant motivation and encouragement to use mobile technologies, and the willingness from everybody involved in both teaching and learning a foreign language, mobile technology as a support structure cannot be implemented successfully. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weens die hoë indringingsaanslag van mobiele toestelle regoor die wêreld, en so ook in Suid-Afrika, het die relevansie van Mobiele Ondersteuning vir Taal Onderrig (MOTO) aansienlik verhoog. Die uitkoms van die studie is om te bepaal wat die lewensvatbaarheid is, van die inkorporering van MOTO tegnologie om die taal aanleer ervaring van Suid-Afrikaanse studente wat `n vreemde taal aanleer te verhoog. Die studente wie geregistreer was vir die Duits beginners klas by die universiteit van Stellenbosch, het gedien as deelnemers aan die study. Opnames en onderhoude was gebruik om die studente se blootstelling ten opsigte van mobiele toestelle vas te stel, so ook hul ervaring van die inkorporering van kortboodskapdienste (SMSe) in die Duitse module. Die resultate toon dat alhoewel die meeste studente eienaars is van een of ander mobiele toestel, dat daar slegs `n paar studente is wat die konsep van die gebruik van hierdie toerusting vir die verbetering van taal vermoë, sonder enige insentief, aangryp. Sonder konstante motivering en aanmoediging om mobiele toestelle te gebruik, en die bereidheid van almal wie betrokke is in beide die leer en die onderrig van ’n vreemde taal, sal die implementering van mobiele tegnologie as ’n ondersteuningsmiddel nie suksesvol geskied nie.

Suggestopaedie als alternative Methode in der aktuellen Diskussion zu Fremdsprachenmethoden : Theorie und Praxis im sudafrikanischen DaF-Kontext

Britz, Lize 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following thesis aims to contribute to the field of teaching German as a foreign language. It investigates the evolutionary history of Suggestopaedia, an alternative teaching method which originated during the late 1970s. The Bulgarian psychiatrist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, discovered that relaxation and a stress-free environment promote both accelerated learning and memory retention. Further research proves that the combined elements and techniques of this method play a significant role to positively manipulate brain activity as well as individual perceptions, which could eventually result in the development of the personality. The author of this study analyses both the contributions and shortcomings of Suggestopaedia, reporting from personal experience gathered while teaching at a university in South Africa, and subsequently suggests an altered version of the suggestopaedic teaching ways. Various foreign language teaching methodologies are examined and evaluated while the main focus remains on Suggestopaedia and its principle of holistic learning. By exploiting the eclectic aspects of the suggestopaedic teaching method, this thesis investigates to what extent selected elements of different conventional methods can be integrated into Suggestopaedic teaching. Thereby the author ultimately proposes a holistic, enriched and modernized variant of Lozanovs Suggestopaedia for the teaching of German at schools in South Africa, by demonstrating practical examples executed at a private school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis poog om ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die gebied in die onderrig van Duits as ʼn vreemdetaal. Dit ondersoek die evolusionêre geskiedenis van Suggestopedie wat as „n onderrigmetode in die laat 1970‟s ontstaan het. Die Bulgaarse psigiater, dr. Georgi Lozanov, het bevind dat „n ontspanne en stresvrye omgewing beide versnelde leer en geheue retensie bevorder. Verdere navorsing toon dat die gekombineerde elemente en tegnieke van hierdie metode „n betekenisvolle rol speel om brein-aktiwiteit positief te manipuleer en individuele persepsies positief te beïnvloed, wat ten slotte ʼn persoonlikheidsontwikkeling tot gevolg kan hê. Die skrywer van hierdie studie analiseer sowel die bydrae asook die tekortkominge van Suggestopedie aan die hand van persoonlike ervaring wat versamel is tydens onderrig aan „n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit. Hieruit word dan „n gewysigde weergawe van suggestopediese onderrig voorgestel. Verskeie vreemdetaal-onderrigmetodes word ondersoek en geassesseer, terwyl die fokus steeds op Suggestopedie en die beginsel van holistiese leer bly. Deur gebruik te maak van die eklektiese aspek van die suggestopediese leermetode, ondersoek die skrywer tot watter mate geselekteerde elemente van verskillende konvensionele metodes geintegreer kan word met Suggestopedie. Met bogenoemde navorsing inaggeneem, stel die skrywer gevolglik „n holistiese, verrykte en gemoderniseerde weergawe van Lozanov se Suggestopedie voor, aan die hand van praktiese voorbeelde wat by „n privaatskool toegepas is.

Zur Rolle von Metaphern im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache auf A1 Niveau : eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Lehrwerks Menschen

Engelbrecht, Natasha 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (German) in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Stellenbosch University and for the degree of Master of Arts (Deutsch als Fremdsprache im deutsch-afrikanischen Kontext) in the Faculty of Philology at Leipzig University in terms of a double degree agreement. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to make a contribution to the field of teaching German as a foreign language. It investigates the role of metaphors in language and more specifically in foreign language learning. Firstly it advocates the inherent, although often invisible, presence of metaphors in all types of language by exploring the cognitive linguistic theories of Lakoff and Johnson, among others. Secondly it explores the necessity of integrating metaphor-awareness raising by looking at the current situation of German at South-African universities, as well as referring to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In addition it is argued that by experiencing the metaphorical nature of language from the onset of language learning (A1-level), learners can develop and improve their linguistic-, literary- and cultural competencies, as well as developing the ability to independently reflect on language. To demonstrate how metaphor-awareness raising can be integrated into language teaching by using existing textbooks, two conceptual lessons are developed for adult learners at university level by using two sections from the textbook Menschen A1. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis poog om n bydrae te lewer tot die onderrig van Duits as n vreemdetaal. Dit ondersoek die rol van metafore in taal en meer spesifiek die aanleer van n vreemdetaal. Eerstens berus dit op die beginsel van o.a. Lakoff en Johnson dat metafore inherent is tot taal, alhoewel dit nie altyd sigbaar is nie. Tweedens word die noodsaaklikheid om metafoorbewusmaking in vreemdetaal-onderrig te integreer ondersoek, deur te kyk na die huidige duitse aanbod aan suidafrikaanse universiteite en deur te kyk na die ”Common European Framework of References of Languages“. Daarop word geargumenteer dat leerders hulle linguistise-, letterkundige-, en kulturele vermoëns kan verbeter, asook om onafhanklik oor taal te reflekteer, deur die metaforiese natuur van taal alreeds vanaf beginnersvlak (A1) te ervaar. Om te demonstreer hoe metafoor-bewusmaking met vreemdetaal-onderrig geintegreer kan word deur die gebruik van bestaande handboeke, word twee konseptuele lesse vir volwasse leerders op tersiëre vlak ontwikkel deur twee afdelings in die Menschen A1 handboek aan te pas.

ZwischenSprachen Zum Potenzial exophonischer Literatur für eine Didaktik der Literarizität im universitären DaF-Unterricht in Südafrika

Junker, Rebekka Susanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Between Languages – Exploring the potential of exophonic literature for the implementation of didactics of literariness in German foreign language teaching at tertiary level in South Africa This thesis aims to make a contribution to the field of literature study in foreign language teaching in South Africa. It investigates the practical implications of Claire Kramsch’s theory of “symbolic competence” of the multilingual subject, Michael Dobstadt’s and Renate Riedner’s theory of a “Didaktik der Literarizität” as well as theories of multilingualism and exophony. Specifically this thesis looks at how these approaches can be combined and then implemented at advanced levels in foreign language teaching (B1 and B2), namely German modules at Stellenbosch and other South African universities where a multilingual background of language learners is the norm. The thesis thus explores how exophonic literature as an educational tool can help students to improve their language learning and shows the range of possibilities that exophonic literature offers in the field of foreign language learning. On the basis of the theories and a survey amongst the students studying German in their third year in Stellenbosch, two sets of lesson plans are developed for university students with B1/B2 level in Stellenbosch. The literature used was Maja Haderlap‘s poem “Als mir die Sprache abhanden kam” as well as Yoko Tawada’s Essay “Bioskoop der Nacht”. These lesson plans shall serve as examples on how Dobstadt/Riedner’s and Kramsch’s theories can be implemented in practise using exophonic literature in a multilingual environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie tesis beoog om ‘n bydra tot die gebied van literatuurstudie in vreemde taal-onderrig in Suid-Afrika te lewer. Dit bestudeer die praktiese implikasies van Claire Kramsch se teorie “simboliese kompetensie” van veeltaligheid, Michael Dobstadt en Renate Riedner se teorie van ‘n “didaktiek van letterkundigheid” asook ander teorieë van veeltaligheid en “eksofonie”. Daar word veral gefokus op hoe hierdie benaderinge gekombineer kan word en dan toegepas moet word op hoër vlakke van vreemde taal-onderrig (B1 en B2); naamlik by die Duitse modules van Stellenbosch en ander Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, waar studente met ‘n veeltalige agtergrond die norm is. Die tesis ondersoek dus hoe “eksofoniese” literatuur as onderrigmiddel studente met verbetering van taalvaardighede kan help. Verder stel dit die omvang van moontlikhede ten toon wat “eksofoniese” literatuur in die gebied van vreemde taal-onderrig kan bied. Gebaseer op die bogenoemde teorieë en ‘n opname onder studente wat in hul derdejaar Duits aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch studeer, word twee lesplanne vir Stellenbosch studente op B1/B2 vlak ontwikkel. Die literatuur wat gebruik is, is Maja Haderlap se gedig “Als mir die Sprache abhanden kam” sowel as Yoko Tawada se essay “Bioskoop der Nacht”. Hierdie lesplanne sal dien as voorbeelde van hoe Dobstadt/Riedner en Kramsch se teorieë prakties toegepas kan word deur die gebruik van “eksofoniese” literatuur in ʼn veeltalige omgewing.

An neue Sprachufer übersetzen: Zur Didaktik der Literarizität und dem Potential eines erweiterten Übersetzungskonzeptes im Kontext von Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Wichmann, Laura 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015

Sequential second language acquisition for speech production implicit learning processes and knowledge bases and instructional exemplifications for German

Heinsch, Dieter Paul. January 1999 (has links)
Department of Modern Languages Bibliography: leaves 309-390

Database system for teaching German

Burghardt, Josef January 1992 (has links)
It is not revolutionary to say that repetition and practical experience is a very important aspect in learning about and understanding a topic. This is especially true for languages, particularly from the point of view of vocabulary.Like in many other processes that deal with gaining knowledge, studying foreign words involves a lot of side work: For instance the selection of words, or their presentation for the actual training.The purpose of this thesis is to automate the study of vocabulary. To do so, an intelligent software package was developed. Divided into three parts the project takes into account the aspects from the language point of view, from the studying point of view, and from the computer science point of view.The fundamental idea to accomplish the goal is a relational database system. It is utilized by software programs that solve their tasks in respect to data management, data manipulation, storage and retrieval, in an efficient way.The system is developed for English speaking persons studying German as a foreign language. And with every language having its own nature, it naturally influences all levels and aspects of design and utilization of the database.l: / Department of Computer Science

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