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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perfil de expressão gênica da micróglia humana e suas alterações relacionadas ao glioma / Human microglia expression profile and its alterations related to glioma

Thais Fernanda de Almeida Galatro 12 September 2016 (has links)
A micróglia é essencial para a homeostase do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), função neuro-imune inata, e exerce papel importante na neurodegeneração, envelhecimento cerebral e tumorigênese. Gliomas difusos são tumores cerebrais primários caracterizados por crescimento infiltrativo e altas taxas de heterogeneidade, o que torna a doença praticamente incurável. Avanços em análises genéticas caracterizaram alterações moleculares relacionadas ao tempo de sobrevida e à resposta clínica desses pacientes, especialmente em glioblastomas (GBM). No entanto, a tumorigenicidade dos gliomas não é controlada unicamente por suas alterações genéticas. As interações entre as células tumorais, a micróglia residente e os macrófagos/monócitos infiltrados desempenham um papel crucial na modulação do crescimento e agressividade do glioma. Neste estudo, analisamos o fenótipo de ativação da micróglia/macrófagos em gliomas, incluindo astrocitomas e oligodendroglimas de diferentes graus de malignidade, apresentamos o perfil de expressão gênica da população pura de micróglia cortical e do tecido cerebral total correspondente. Usando sequenciamento de DNA de alta performance, classificamos as amostras de GBM em Proneural, Clássico e Mesenquimal. Em seguida, avaliamos os status de ativação da micróglia/macrófagos dessas amostras. Apesar do alto grau de heterogeneidade, pudemos observar níveis mais altos dos marcadores mielóides (IBA1, CD11b and CD68) em tumores astrocíticos comparados a tumores de origem oligodendrocítica e ao tecido não-neoplásico. Marcadores de anti-inflamação, como CD163, foram mais abundantes em astrocitomas, bem como em GBMs do subtipo Mesenquimal e Clássico; enquanto que marcadores de pró-inflamação, como IL1-beta, mostraram uma expressão mais heterogênea entre as amostras. Em seguida, micróglia foi isolada de 25 amostras de córtex parietal provenientes de autópsia de indivíduos cognitivamente preservados e foi feito o RNA-seq. Os resultados foram comparados à micróglia de camundongo e a outras células mielóides. Boa parte dos genes expressos pela micróglia humana foram similares àqueles expressos pela micróglia murina, como CX3CR1, P2YR12 e ITGAM. Porém, foram identificados genes de característica imune, abundantemente expressos na micróglia humana e não identificados na micróglia de camundongos, como TLR, Fcy, receptores do tipo SIGLEC, e fatores de transcrição NLRC5 e CIITA. A comparação dos dados de expressão gênica da micróglia com monócitos e macrófagos identificou novos marcadores que distinguem a micróglia humana de outras células mielóides. Nossos dados sobre a micróglia em gliomas sugerem características de imunossupressão e de pró-crescimento em tumores de pior prognóstico, ligado a um fenótipo específico de ativação das células mielóides. Este é o primeiro estudo a identificar o transcriptoma da micróglia humana pura, demonstrando que ela é claramente diferente da micróglia murina e de outras células mielóides. Esses resultados abrem portas para estudos de populações específicas de células mielóides em gliomas / Microglia are essential for central nervous system (CNS) homeostasis and innate neuroimmune function, and play important roles in neurodegeneration, brain aging and tumorigenesis. Diffuse gliomas are primary brain tumors characterized by infiltrative growth and high heterogeneity, which renders the disease mostly incurable. Advances in genetic analysis have characterized molecular alterations leading to impact on patients\' overall survival and clinical outcome, particularly in glioblastoma (GBM). However, glioma tumorigenicity is not controlled uniquely by its genetic alterations. The crosstalk between tumor cells, resident microglia and infiltrating monocytes/macrophages plays a crucial role in modulating glioma growth and aggressiveness. Here, we assess the activation status of microglia/macrophages in gliomas,including astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas of different grades of malignancy, and present the gene expression profile of pure cortical human microglia and corresponding unsorted brain tissue. Using high-throughput DNA sequencing, we have classified GBM samples in Proneural, classical and mesenchymal. Next, we evaluated the activation status of microglia/macrophages within these samples. Despite the great heterogeneity, we observed higher levels of myeloid markers (IBA1, CD11b and CD68) in astrocytic tumors compared to oligodendrocytic ones and to non-neoplastic (NN) tissue. Anti-inflammation markers, such as CD163, are also more abundant in astrocytomas, as well as in the mesenchymal and classical GBM subtypes, while pro-inflammation markers, such as IL1-beta, show a more widespread expression throughout samples. Next, microglia were isolated from the parietal cortex of 25 autopsy samples of cognitively preserved humans and RNA sequenced. Overall, genes expressed by human microglia are similar to mouse microglia, such as CX3CR1, P2YR12, and ITGAM. Interestingly, a number of immune genes, not identified as mouse microglia signature genes, were abundantly expressed in human microglia, such as TLR, Fcy and SIGLEC receptors and NLRC5 and CIITA transcription factors. Comparison of microglia to monocyte and macrophage expression data underscored the CNS-specific functions of microglia and new markers were identified that distinguish human microglia from other myeloid cells. Our glioma-related data suggests an immune-suppressive and growth supportive characteristic for tumors with worse clinical outcome, linked to an activation profile of myeloid cells. This data is the first comprehensive pure human microglia gene expression profile; human microglia clearly differ from mouse microglia and other myeloid cells. These results will help further studies focusing on pure myeloid cells populations in glioma

Análise da expressão de galectina-3 em células de glioma expostas a condições hipóxicas e seu papel no desenvolvimento de tumores in vivo / Analysis of galectin-3 expression in glioma cells exposed to hypoxic conditions and its role in tumor development in vivo

Rafael Yamashita Ikemori 06 May 2014 (has links)
A galectina-3 (gal-3) pertence a uma família de proteínas com domínios de ligação a beta-galactosídeos e está relacionada com diversos aspectos tumorais, como proliferação e adesão celular, angiogênese e proteção contra morte celular. Estudos mostram sua relação com o fenômeno da hipóxia, característica de diversos tumores sólidos que apresentam altas taxas de proliferação celular. A adaptação à hipóxia é mediada principalmente pelo Fator Induzido por Hipóxia (HIF-1), a qual atua na indução de diversos genes de sobrevivência em ambientes com baixas concentrações de oxigênio. Além de HIF, outros fatores são importantes nesse processo, como NF-kB, por exemplo, sendo um fator de transcrição responsivo a diversos estresses celulares, entre eles, a hipóxia. Alguns modelos tumorais apresentam-se ideais para o estudo dos efeitos da hipóxia no microambiente tumoral, como os glioblastomas. Estes são tumores do sistema nervoso central com altas taxas de letalidade, são refratários aos principais métodos de tratamento por sua plasticidade, crescimento infiltrativo e heterogeneidade. Histologicamente, estes tumores apresentam atipia nuclear, altas taxas de mitose e áreas de pseudopaliçada. Postula-se que estas áreas sejam compostas por células migrantes de ambientes necróticos, os quais são também hipóxicos devido a sua distância de vasos sanguíneos e é demonstrado que estas células expressam tanto HIF-1alfa quanto gal-3. Ensaios in vitro realizados por nosso grupo demonstraram que a gal-3 é positivamente regulada pela hipóxia em uma linhagem de glioma híbrido, NG97ht, além de demonstrar que esta proteína é um fator chave na proteção destas células contra a morte celular induzida pela privação de oxigênio e nutrientes, mimetizando condições necróticas de pseudopaliçada in vivo, destacando-se as habilidades antiapoptóticas desta proteína. Embora uma de suas possíveis funções tenha sido elucidada, os mecanismos de atuação e de indução da gal-3 ainda são obscuros. Deste modo, este projeto visa explorar os papéis pró-tumorais da gal-3, podendo torná-la um possível alvo em terapias anti-neoplásicas, entendendo melhor seus mecanismos de proteção contra a morte celular e controle de expressão em ambientes hipóxicos, além de estudar suas possíveis funções in vivo no desenvolvimento de tumores, e também estendendo seus estudos para outras linhagens de glioblastoma. Nossos resultados demonstraram que a gal-3 está co-localizada com mitocôndrias nestas linhagens de glioma, podendo sofrer alterações pós-traducionais em hipóxia, como a fosforilação e que houve acúmulo de HIF-1alfa nuclear nestas células em hipóxia. Vimos também que a gal-3 na linhagem NG97ht apresentou-se proveniente de dois alelos diferentes e que fatores intermediários deveriam ser expressos previamente pela célula antes da indução de gal-3 em hipóxia. Também demonstramos que houve dependência de NF-kB na indução transcricional de gal-3 nestas condições. Estes experimentos também demonstraram que a exposição de células à hipóxia e privação de nutrientes é capaz de induzir tanto espécies reativas de oxigênio como o aumento da autofagia nestas células, fatores importantes na indução da morte celular, além de demonstrar que na linhagem NG97ht a indução da morte nestas condições ocorreu por necrose, sem apresentar apoptose celular. Expandimos esta teoria da participação da gal-3 como molécula protetora contra a morte em hipóxia e privação de nutrientes para outra linhagem de glioma humano, a T98G. E finalmente, demonstramos que a diminuição da expressão de gal-3 em células tumorais da linhagem U87MG levou a diminuição das taxas de estabelecimento e crescimento tumoral in vivo / Galectin-3 (gal-3) belongs to a family of proteins with beta-galactoside binding domains and is related to various tumoral aspects, such as cell proliferation and adhesion, angiogenesis and protection against cell death. Studies show its relationship with the hypoxia phenomenon, a characteristic of many solid tumors that have high cell proliferation rates. The adaptation to hypoxia is mainly mediated by Hypoxia Induced Factor (HIF-1), which acts in the induction of several survival genes in environments with low oxygen concentrations. In addition to HIF, other factors are important in this process, such as NF-kB, for example, which is a transcription factor responsive to various cellular stresses, including hypoxia. Some tumor models are ideal for studying the effects of hypoxia in the tumor microenvironment, e.g. glioblastomas. These central nervous system tumors with high mortality rates are refractory to the main treatment methods due to their plasticity, heterogeneity and infiltrative growth. Histologically, these tumors exhibit nuclear atypia, high mitotic rates and pseudopalisading areas. It is postulated that these areas are composed of migrating cells out of necrotic microenvironments, which are also hypoxic due to their distance from the blood vessels and it is shown that these cells express both HIF-1alfa and gal-3. In vitro assays performed by our group demonstrated that gal-3 is positively regulated by hypoxia in a hybrid glioma cell line, NG97ht, and demonstrated that this protein is a key factor in protecting these cells against cell death induced by oxygen and nutrient deprivation conditions mimicking necrotic pseudopalisading areas in vivo, highlighting the pro-survival abilities of this protein. Although one of its possible functions has been elucidated, gal-3 mechanisms of action and induction are still unclear. Thus, this project aims to explore the gal-3 pro-tumoral effects, which may make it a possible target for anti-neoplastic therapies, better understanding the mechanisms of protection against cell death and expression in hypoxic environments, and also study its possible functions in vivo, extending these studies to other glioma cell lines. Our results demonstrated that gal-3 is located within the mitochondria in these glioma cell lines and may undergo posttranslational modifications in hypoxia, such as phosphorylation and that there is accumulation of nuclear HIF-1alfa in these cells under hypoxia. We have also seen that gal-3 in the NG97ht cell line presents two different alleles and that intermediate factors must be expressed previously by the cell before gal-3 induction in hypoxia. We also demonstrated that there is dependence on the NF-kB transcriptional factor for the gal-3 induction under these conditions. These experiments also demonstrated that exposure of cells to hypoxia and nutrient deprivation is capable of inducing reactive oxygen species and increased autophagy in these cells, which are important factors in the induction of cell death. In addition, we demonstrated that the induction of the NG97ht cell death in these conditions is due to necrosis. We expanded this theory of the participation of gal-3 as a protective molecule against cell death in hypoxia and nutrient deprivation to another human glioma cell line, T98G. And finally, we demonstrated that decreased expression of gal-3 in the U87MG glioma cell line leads to lower tumor establishment rates and decreased growth in vivo

Ação do gene supressor de tumor e de metástase RECK no processo de invasão tumoral: modelo de interação célula-matriz extracelular em gliomas humanos / Role of RECK tumor and metastasis suppressor gene: cell-extracellular matrix interaction model in human glioma

Tatiana Caroline Silveira Corrêa 02 September 2005 (has links)
A invasão de células tumorais para o tecido cerebral sadio é a marca patológica dos gliomas e contribui para o fracasso das modalidades terapêuticas atuais (cirurgia, radioterapia e quimioterapia). As células da glia transformadas apresentam os padrões clássicos do processo invasivo, incluindo adesão celular aos componentes da matriz extracelular (MEC), locomoção celular e a capacidade de remodelar o espaço extracelular. As metaloproteases de matriz (MMPs) são essenciais para o remodelamento adequado da MEC e para a invasão. O proteína supressora de tumor e metástase RECK regula pelo menos três diferentes membros da família das MMPs, especificamente: MMP-2, MMP-9 e MMP-14. Com o propósito de mimetizar o processo invasivo in vivo, as linhagens celulares de glioma humano A172 e T98G, respectivamente não invasiva e invasiva, foram plaqueadas em plástico (controle), colágeno tipo 1 ou Matrigel - membrana basal reconstituída, e incubadas por 3 e 7 dias, para estabelecer o processo invasivo. Nossos resultados mostram uma diminuição das taxas de proliferação e alterações morfológicas quando estas células foram cultivadas na presença de colágeno ou Matrigel. Microscopia eletrônica de transmissão das células T98G, cultivadas por 7 dias em colágeno, evidenciam invaginações de membrana similares ao que foi recentemente descrito como podossomos. Este novo tipo de estrutura é encontrado tipicamente em células que precisam cruzar barreiras teciduais, já que são sítios de degradação da MEC. A presença destas estruturas reforça o caráter invasivo da linhagem T98G. Ensaios de PCR em tempo real revelaram maior expressão de mRNA de RECK nas células A172, quando comparadas às células T98G, nas três condições de cultivo. Interessantemente as células A172 apresentaram maior expressão de RECK no colágeno tipo 1, enquanto a T98G demonstra uma tendência de aumento na expressão de RECK para colágeno tipo 1 e Matrigel. As MMPs são mais expressas e possuem maior atividade nas células T98G, e também são induzidas pelo substrato de colágeno. Estes resultados sugerem: 1) a expressão de RECK é diminuída pelo caráter invasivo apresentado por T98G, 2) o uso de substratos de MEC, como colágeno tipo 1 (A172 e T98G) e Matrigel (T98G), permite modular a expressão de RECK nestas linhagens de glioma. Como foi estabelecida uma correlação positiva entre a expressão de RECK e a taxa de sobrevida de pacientes para vários tipos tumorais, nossos resultados podem contribuir para o esclarecimento dos complexos mecanismos do processo invasivo no modelo de gliomas / The invasion of neoplastic cells into healthy brain tissue is a pathologic hallmark of gliomas and contributes to the failure of current therapeutic modalities (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy). Transformed glial cells display the common attributes of the invasion process, including cell adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components, cell locomotion, and the ability to remodel the extracellular space. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are essential for proper ECM remodeling and invasion. The tumor and metastasis suppressor RECK protein regulates at least three members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) family, namely: MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14. In order to mimic the in vivo invasion process, A172 and T98G, respectively, non-invasive and invasive human glioma cell lines were plated onto either plastic (control), or collagen type I gel or Matrigel™-basement membrane reconstituted, and incubated for 3 and 7 days, to establish the invasion process. Our results indicate decreased growth rates and morphological alterations regarding the invasive phenotype when these cell lines are cultured onto collagen gel and Matrigel™. Electronic transmission microscopy of T98G cells, cultured for 7 days onto collagen, pointed out membrane invaginations that are similar to what was recently described as podosomes. These new structures are typically found in cells that have to cross tissue boundaries, since they are sites of ECM degradation. The presence of these structures reinforces the invasive behavior of T98G cell line. Real time PCR assays revealed higher RECK mRNA expression in A172 cells, when compared to T98G cells in all three different substrate conditions. Interestingly, A172 cells displayed the upregulation of RECK expression in collagen gel, while in T98G high RECK expression was observed both in collagen and in Matrigel™. MMPs appear more expressed and more active for T98G cells, and are also upregulated by collagen. These results suggest that: 1) RECK expression is downregulated in the invasion process displayed by T98G cells, 2) coating of the substrate with ECM elements, such as collagen in the case of A172, and Matrigel™ and Collagen for T98G cells, can modulate RECK expression in glioma cell lines. Since positive correlation between RECK expression and survival of patients has been noted in several types of tumors, our preliminary results can contribute to elucidate the complex mechanisms of the glioma invasiveness process.

Uso de técnicas de proteoma e genoma funcional para revelar as bases moleculares da ação anti-tumoral de ácido retinóico / Use of proteomics and functional genomics to unravel the molecular mechanisms of retinoic acid as an anti-tumor agent

Wagner Ricardo Montor 09 March 2005 (has links)
Controlar a proliferação celular de tumores é um objetivo que vem sendo perseguido há décadas, com moderado sucesso na maioria dos casos. Dentre os diversos tipos de tumores que atingem a humanidade, alguns gliomas são considerados os mais fatais, por haver pouca ou nenhuma alternativa de tratamento efetivo. Agentes que apresentam propriedades anti-tumorais, como glicocorticóides (GC) e a forma all-trans do ácido retinóico (ATRA) são utilizados como adjuvantes no tratamento de alguns tipos de glioma. Entretanto, apesar de serem moléculas bastante conhecidas, pouco se sabe sobre seu mecanismo de ação como anti-tumoral. Para endereçar este problema, nosso laboratório se propôs a isolar e caracterizar genes regulados por estes agentes, utilizando modelos celulares, como as linhagens C6 e ST1 de glioma de rato, e as linhagens T98G e A172 de glioma humano. A linhagem C6 apresenta características de células transformadas e tumorais em cultura, e responde a GC, ou ATRA, com inibição de crescimento e achatamento celular. A linhagem ST1, variante derivado da C6, é hiper-responsiva ao tratamento com GC e, aparentemente, mais responsiva ao tratamento com ATRA, passando por um processo de completa reversão fenotípica tumoral-normal, devido ao expressivo aumento do tempo de dobramento, diminuição da densidade de saturação, recuperação da dependência de fatores de crescimento presentes no soro fetal bovino e da dependência de ancoragem para proliferação e perda do potencial tumorigênico, além de sofrer alterações morfológicas, como um maior achatamento celular e reorganização em feixes paralelos, que a aproximam do fenótipo normal. No presente trabalho buscou-se alterações moleculares induzidas por ATRA em células ST1, para melhor compreender a cascata de eventos desencadeada por ação deste fármaco. Em paralelo foram realizados estudos da ação de ATRA sobre as células T98G, buscando-se correlacionar os dados obtidos em modelo celular murino com modelos humanos. Para tanto, duas metodologias de estudo foram aplicadas: a) análise proteômica através de eletroforese bidimensional de proteínas (2D-PAGE), acoplada à espectrometria de massa (MALDI-TOF), para gerar perfis de expressão protéica na ausência e na presença de ATRA, permitindo comparação e identificação de proteínas moduladas no processo; b) construção de vetores plasmideais e retrovirais para super-expressar ou bloquear a expressão de um inibidor de serina protease de rato (serpinb6), descrito previamente no laboratório como estando potencialmente envolvido no processo de reversão fenotípica de ST1 induzido por ATRA. A abordagem proteômica permitiu a identificação de sete proteínas potencialmente reguladas por ATRA no modelo celular ST1, como as proteínas envolvidas em proliferação celular (c-Fos e SCGF), as proteínas de citoesqueleto (actina e tubulina), as proteínas envolvidas em estresse celular (GRP78 e Hsc70) e a proteína TCTP, classicamente reprimida em processos de reversão do fenótipo tumoral. O uso de construções plasmideais e retrovirais permitiu a obtenção de populações celulares que super-expressam serpinb6 e a análise de fenótipo destas células indicou que serpinb6 também pode ter função citoprotetora em células ST1, o que a coloca junto com as proteínas GRP78 e Hsc70 identificadas, evidenciando a importância desta classe de proteínas no processo estudado. / Control of tumor cell proliferation is an objective that has been pursued for decades, with modest or no success in the majority of the cases. Among the several kinds of tumors that develop in humans, some gliomas are considered the most fatal, due to the lack of alternatives for effective treatment. Anti-tumor agents, such as glucocorticoids (GC) or all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) are used in combination with other drugs in some glioma cases. However, besides being very known molecules, their anti-tumor mechanism is not completely understood. In order to address this problem, our laboratory decided to isolate and characterize genes regulated by these agents, using cellular models, such as the C6 and ST1 rat glioma cell lines and the T98G and A172 human glioma models. The C6 cell line is fully transformed and tumoral in culture and responds to GC or ATRA treatment, showing growth inhibition and cell flattening. The ST1 variant is hyper-responsive to the treatment with GC and, apparently, more responsive to the treatment with ATRA, when compared to C6. Upon treatment with these agents, it undergoes a complete tumoral to normal phenotypic reversion, characterized by an increase in doubling time, decrease of saturation density in culture, recovery of dependence of serum factors for proliferation and anchorage for colony formation, besides inhability to form tumors in nude mice and morphological changes. Here we present the efforts undertaken towards better understanding of the molecular changes induced by ATRA in ST1 cells. Aiming at the correlation of the data obtained from a rat model with human models, all the studies were performed in parallel with the T98G human glioma cell model. To this end, two study methodologies were applied: a) proteomic analysis through bidimensional electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF identification, to generate protein expression profiles in the presence and absence of ATRA, allowing comparison and identification of proteins modulated in the process; b) construction of plasmid and retroviral vectors to overexpress or block the expression of a serine protease inhibitor (serpinb6), previously described in the laboratory as being potentially involved in the process of tumoral to normal phenotypic reversion promoted by ATRA in ST1. The proteomics approach allowed the identification of seven proteins potentially regulated by ATRA in ST1, such as the proteins involved in cell proliferation (c-Fos and SCGF), cytoskeleton organization (actin and tubulin), cellular stress (GRP78 and Hsc70) and the tumor related protein TCTP, classically repressed in tumoral to normal reversions, and related to the three groups of proteins mentioned above. By using plasmid and retroviral vectors it was possible to obtain recombinant cell populations over-expressing serpinb6. The phenotype analysis of these populations indicated that serpinb6 can also have cell protection effects in ST1, which would classify it together with GRP78 and Hsc70 as an anti-stress protein highlighting the importance of this protein class in the process studied.

Rodent FDG-PET imaging for the pre-clinical assessment of novel glioma therapies

Assadian, Sarah January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Functional aspects of modified nucleosides in tRNA

Xu, Hao January 2015 (has links)
Transfer ribonucleic acids (tRNAs) are extensively modified, especially their anticodon loops. Modifications at position 34 (wobble base) and 37 in these loops affect the tRNAs’ decoding ability, while modifications outside the anticodon loops, e.g. m1A58 of tRNAMeti, may be crucial for tRNA structure or stability. A number of gene products are required for the formation of modified nucleosides, e.g. at least 26 proteins (including Elongator complex) are needed for U34 modifications in yeast, and methyl transferase activity of the Trm6/61p complex is needed to form m1A58. The aim of the studies which this thesis is based upon was to investigate the functional aspects of tRNA modifications and regulation of the modifying enzymes’ activity. First, the hypothesis that ncm5U34, mcm5U34, or mcm5s2U34 modifications may be essential for reading frame maintenance was investigated. The results show that mcm5 and s2 group of mcm5s2U play a vital role in reading frame maintenance. Subsequent experiments showed that the +1 frameshifting event at Lys AAA codon occurs via peptidyl-tRNA slippage due to a slow entry of the hypomodified tRNA-Lys. Moreover, the hypothesis that Elp1p N-terminal truncation may regulate Elongator activity was investigated. Cleavage of Elp1p was found to occur between residue 203 (Lys) and 204 (Ala) and to depend on the vacuolar protease Prb1p. However, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA) during protein extraction abolished the appearance of truncated Elp1p, showing that its truncation is a preparation artifact. Finally, in glioma cell line C6, PKCα was found to interact with TRM61. RNA silencing of TRM6/61 causes a growth defect that can be partially suppressed by tRNAMeti overexpression. PKCα overexpression reduces the nuclear level of TRM61, likely resulting in reduced level of TRM6/61 complex in the nucleus. Furthermore, lower expression of PKCα in the highly aggressive GBM (relative to its expression in less aggressive Grade II/III glioblastomas) is accompanied by increased expression of TRM6/61 mRNAs and tRNAMeti, highlighting the clinical relevance of the studies.

PKCα interagit avec la sous-unité catalytique de la m1A58 ARNt méthyltransférase Trm6-Trm61 / PKCα interacts with the catalytic subunit of the tRNA m1A58 methyltransferase Trm6-Trm61.

El Houfi, Younas 23 March 2011 (has links)
La protéine kinase C alpha (PKCα) est une sérine/thréonine kinase ubiquitaire. Elle intervient dans la régulation de différentes fonctions cellulaires en interagissant avec de nombreuses protéines. Parmi ces dernières, nous avons réussi à identifier Trm61, la sous-unité catalytique de la m1A58 ARNt méthyltransférase qui joue un rôle essentiel dans la stabilité de l'ARNtiMet. Les études de localisation de PKCα et des deux sous-unités Trm6 et Trm61 ont permis de démonter que ces deux sous-unités ne partagent pas toujours les mêmes compartiments cellulaires : si la sous-unité Trm6 est toujours nucléaire, la Trm61 est pancellulaire et se co-localise avec PKCα dans le cytoplasme. Nous avons apporté la preuve que l'augmentation de l'expression de PKCα entraîne une diminution de Trm61, alors que la diminution de l'expression de PKCα s'accompagne d'une augmentation aussi bien de Trm61 que d'ARNtiMet et se traduit par une importante augmentation de la prolifération à forte densité cellulaire. Ce travail a permis également de démontrer que la sous-unité Trm61 est essentielle pour la survie des cellules C6. La surexpression de Trm6 et/ou de Trm61 a permis de pointer la Trm6 comme le déterminant essentiel du niveau de la m1A58 ARNt méthyltransférase fonctionnelle et de suggérer un rôle secondaire de Trm61 cytoplasmique dans la régulation de la prolifération de façon indépendante de l'action du complexe Trm6-Trm61. De façon intéressante, les gliomes de bas grade présentent des taux plus élevés d'ARNm PKCα que les glioblastomes et inversement pour les taux des ARNm TRM6 et TRM61, apportant un argument en faveur de la relevance de nos observations dans la tumorigenèse gliale humaine. / Protein kinase C alpha (PKCα) is a ubiquitous serine/threonine kinase. It is involved in the regulation of various cellular functions by interacting with many intracellular proteins. Among these, we were able to identify Trm61, the catalytic subunit of the tRNA m1A58 methyltransferase which plays an essential role in the stability of the tRNAiMet. Localization studies of PKCα, Trm6 and Trm61 demonstrated that these two subunits do not always share the same subcellular compartment: while Trm6 is strictly nuclear, Trm61 is both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm where it co-localizes with PKCα. We also provided the evidence that the increased expression of PKCα induces a decrease in that of Trm61, while reduced PKCα expression is accompanied by an increase in both Trm61 and tRNAiMet levels. These changes in expression are accompanied by a significant increase in cell proliferation at high-density. This work has also shown that Trm61 subunit is essential for the survival of the C6 glioma cell line. Our results suggest that Trm6 is the essential determinant of functional tRNA m1A58 methyltransferase level and we discuss the possibility of a secondary role for cytoplasmic Trm61 in the regulation of the proliferation independently of Trm6-Trm61 action. Interestingly, human grade II and III gliomas expressed higher levels of PKCα mRNA than glioblastomas and inversely for TRM6 and TRM61 mRNA levels, arguing for a relevance of our observations for human gliomagenesis.


Chidambaram, Archana 22 April 2011 (has links)
Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated the expression of WT1 in a significant number of glioma cells and established its role in promoting tumor cell proliferation. Here, we noted the effect(s) of manipulating WT1 levels on the expression levels of genes that were previously shown to be regulated by WT1. We found no correlation between the expression levels of WT1 and PDGF-A, Snai1 and E-cadherin and a consistent inverse correlation between WT1 and IGF-1R expression in U251-MG cells. To ascertain whether the increased IGF-1R levels resulting from WT1 silencing could account for decreased cellular proliferation, we utilized siRNA mediated knockdown of IGF-1R and found a modest decrease in cellular proliferation. Gene expression profiling in U251-MG cells was then used to identify candidate target genes for WT1. Several genes whose levels directly correlated with WT1 were observed to have putative or established oncogenic role(s) in glioma cells or other malignancies. Among the genes correlated inversely, meanwhile, a tumor-suppressor role was attributed to some. Real time RT-PCR helped to substantiate these microarray findings in U251-MG cells. We also characterized the expression and function of WT1 in U1242-MG and GBM6 cells. Interestingly, in these cells WT1 facilitated cell invasiveness but had no discernible influence on cellular proliferation. The expressions of the candidate WT1 target genes were studied also determined in these 2 cell lines. At least 3 genes were consistently down-regulated with WT1 silencing in the three cell lines- INPP5A, CD97, and TYMS. To determine whether CD97 assisted WT1 in facilitating cellular invasion, we silenced CD97 expression using siRNA and noted a significant decrease in the cells’ ability to invade through Matrigel-coated filters. We propose that WT1 profoundly impacts the glioma cells’ invasive ability, and this function is mediated by CD97 alone or in conjunction with other pro-invasive molecules. Our findings argue for the oncogenic role of WT1 in the specific context of glioma cells. They also point to a novel pro-invasive protein- CD97- in glioma cells. Further studies are necessary to confirm the mechanism by which CD97 promotes invasion as well as to explore its potential as a diagnostic and/or therapeutic target.

Analysis of the Mechanism by which YKL-40 Promotes Glioma Cell Migration

Osrah, Bahiya 06 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis elucidates the crucial role of YKL-40 in enhancing glioma cell migration and invasion in vitro. Increased levels of YKL-40 are specifically associated with the increased invasive capacity of glioma multiforme (GBM) tumors and lower survival rate of GBM patients. In order to examine the effects of YKL-40 on the migration and invasion of GBM cells, we overexpressed YKL-40 in three different glioma cell lines. The overexpression of YKL-40 significantly enhanced glioma cells migration and invasion in vitro and also increased ERK phosphorylation, which is believed to enhance glioma cell survival, and invasiveness. Although receptors for YKL-40 are still unknown, YKL-40 induces interactions between integrin αvβ3 and syndecan-1 in endothelial cells. However, syndecan-1 does not mediate YKL-40-induced migration and invasion of glioma cells since it is expressed at very low levels, in comparison to other syndecans. In contrast, we found that syndecan-4 is expressed at high levels in all glioma cells we tested. Importantly, down-regulation of syndecan-4 dramatically reduced YKL-40-induced migration of U373 cells, suggesting that syndecan-4 may mediate the effect of YKL-40. Since inflammation has been associated with the progression of many cancers, including GBM, we studied the effect of major pro-inflammatory cytokines on the expression of both YKL-40 and syndecans. Interestingly, OSM and IL-1 synergistically enhanced both YKL-40 and syndecan-4 expression in glioma cells. This suggests that this synchronous induction of YKL-40 and syndecan-4 by OSM and IL-1 may enhance invasion of GBM in-vivo. In summary, we propose a mechanism through which YKL-40 may function under pro-inflammatory conditions. Increased expression of YKL-40 and syndecan-4 in glioma cells leads to the subsequent activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway and results in glioma cell invasion.

The Influence of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism In The Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Promoter on Glioma Biology

McCready, Jessica 01 January 2006 (has links)
Glioblastomas are an incurable type of brain tumor with a mean survival time of 9-12 months following diagnosis. One of the reasons for this poor prognosis is the ability of tumor cells to invade the surrounding normal brain tissue. Enzymes responsible for this invasive nature include the matrix metalloproteinase family. MMP-1 is a member of this family which has been well studied in many types of invasive tumors, with gliomas being an exception. We studied a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the MMP-1 promoter that may influence glioma biology. This SNP consists of the presence (2G) or absence (1G) of a guanine nucleotide at position -1607. The additional guanine nucleotide creates a binding site for ETS transcription factors and combined with the AP-1 binding site at position -1602 creates a Ras Responsive Element. We determined that the distribution of the MMP-1 genotype differed significantly between the healthy population and the glioblastoma patient population, with the 2G/2G genotype more prevalent in the glioblastoma patients. In addition, MMP-1 mRNA and protein examined in a select group of patient tissue had significantly higher levels when compared to normal brain controls, however, there was no correlation with genotype. Promoter reporter assays indicated that the 2G promoter was approximately three times more active than the 1G promoter in three different glioma cell lines.We investigated potential signaling mechanisms responsible for increases in MMP-1 transcription due to the presence of the RAS responsive element. Treatment of glioma cell lines with hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) led to significant increases in MMP-1 transcription, via the MAP kinase ERK pathway. AP-1 transcription factor proteins, cJun and cFos were increased in response to HGF treatment but not Ets-1 and ETV-1. HGF/SF treatment of glioma cell lines differing in their MMP-1 genotype affected binding of ETS and AP-1 proteins to the endogenous MMP-1 distal promoter. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we identified these differentially DNA-bound AP-1 and ETS proteins. The data presented indicate that the MMP-1 SNP (-1607) is important in glioma biology and may contribute to tumor function and future investigations into its role in glioma biology is warranted.

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