Spelling suggestions: "subject:"golden"" "subject:"holden""
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Evaluation of landscape level habitat characteristics of golden eagle habitat in Northwestern MexicoBravo Vinaja, Maria Guadalupe 27 November 2012 (has links)
Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos canadensis Linnaeus 1758) are declining in some areas throughout their Nearctic range (Sauer et al. 2011). This reduction is linked to changes in their habitat caused by human activities. Golden eagles inhabit an extensive range of environments (Watson 1997, Kochert et al. 2002). In the American Continent, the golden eagle's range encompasses Alaska, Canada, the United States and the Northern and Central portions of Mexico. Northern golden eagle populations migrate during winter to southern grounds, crossing international boundaries of Canada, the US and Mexico and therefore, their conservation is of trilateral concern. Golden eagles are protected by domestic laws in the three North American countries where they occur (FWCA 1997, BGEPA 1940, MBTA 1918, Lacey Act 1900, DOF 2002) and although the IUCN list the species as Least Concern, the A. c. canadensis subspecies has been protected by CITES since 1975 (Birdlife International 2012).
While intensively studied in the United States, very little is known in Mexico about golden eagle ecology and their populations. As the national bird of Mexico, its conservation has been a priority for the Mexican government since its inclusion in the Endangered Species List in 1994 (SEDESOL 1994). Several threats jeopardize golden eagle populations throughout their range in North America: habitat alteration and fragmentation, electrocution, collisions with vehicles, collision with windmills and wires, poisoning from lead ingestion, drowning, shooting and trapping, and poaching for illegal wildlife trade. Mexican experts believe that a dramatic decline occurred over recent decades and that the remaining pairs have been restricted to remnant suitable habitat patches (SEMARNAP-INE 1999). Long-term survival of golden eagles largely depends on the effectiveness of current conservation efforts of habitat at a landscape level. Successful conservation and management requires accurate information on ecology of the species upon which decisions can be based. This study investigated habitat characteristics of the areas occupied by golden eagles and developed strategies for habitat management and protection to improve golden eagle viability in Chihuahua State.
I surveyed a portion of Chihuahuan Desert Ecoregion in Mexico to locate golden eagle territories during 2009 and 2010. I located 30 golden eagle nesting territories and found similar composition of cover type, vegetation structure and prey indices between the territory cores and their buffer zones. Distance to most anthropogenic disturbance sources was similar between golden eagle sites and random areas (n=60). Grassland was the most common cover type, occurring in 100% of the nesting territories, and comprising 58% of the territories' area, suggesting a disproportionate use of this cover type compared to its overall availability (25% of the state area).
I used landscape attributes such as topographic characteristics and human disturbances to model the probability of occurrence of golden eagles across the landscape. I used logistic regression to model the occurrence of golden eagles at two different landscape scales and selected the best model at a home range scale based on AIC values to develop a predictive map of golden eagle distribution in Chihuahua, Mexico. I found that at a home range scale, golden eagles' occurrence was positively related to open areas and terrain ruggedness and negatively to human settlements, while at a larger scale it was positively related to open areas and negatively related to forested areas. The results confirm that golden eagles are dependent on grasslands and rugged terrain. I developed predictive maps of golden eagle occurrence using a logistic regression and a Mahalanobis distance approach using the variables from the model chosen to compare the performance and output with logistic regression modeling.
I analyzed the Mexican National Plan for Golden Eagle Recovery (PACE - Ã guila Real) and proposed a conservation strategy oriented to protect golden eagle populations and their habitat in Chihuahua, Mexico. This strategy integrates ecologic knowledge developed in the first two chapters and incorporates social participation of all stakeholders. The strategy recognizes the potential limitations of conservation implementation programs in Mexico and explores the potential opportunities to protect golden eagles populations and their habitat. / Ph. D.
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Il cibo come critica sociale nella narrativa italiana del secondo dopoguerraFänger, Vera Marie 10 April 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the symbolism of food in the Italian narrative during the economic miracle of the 1950s and 1960s. It explores how food and hunger in selected texts reflect historical, social, and anthropological changes during Italy's transition from an agricultural to an industrial nation. Through works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italo Calvino, Luciano Bianciardi, Luigi Meneghello and Fabrizia Ramondino the study analyses the representation of food, or lack thereof, to criticise the emerging consumer society, reflect on the concept of homeland and emotions such as nostalgia, and examines generational, gender and class differences. The thesis further explores the inventions of traditions, as well as the connection between myth and tradition in relation to food culture. The selected literature primarily consists of works where food appears to be less relevant on first reading. At last, the aim of this thesis is to work out the strong symbolic power of food, especially for this period and in these works, and to demonstrate to what extent "si può parlare del cibo o attraverso Il cibo" (Ghiazza, Silvana: Le diverse funzioni del cibo nel testo letterario, p. 10).
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Narration et écriture de l'histoire : étude comparative de deux romans historiques canadiensLessard, Marie January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Le mythe des Argonautes dans le théâtre du Siècle d'or espagnol / The myth of the Argonauts in Spanish Golden Age theaterGallego, Josée 17 March 2018 (has links)
Le mythe de la Toison d'or est le récit d'une aventure maritime jusqu'au bout du monde pour y rapporter un emblème de royauté. Chassé par un oncle usurpateur, Jason triomphe des épreuves qui lui sont imposées grâce à l'amour de la magicienne Médée. Tamis des orpailleurs, trésor caché, parchemin sacré, constellation ou Saint-Graal, le bélier volant qui sauva Hellé et Phryxos de la noyade a été l’objet de nombreuses interprétations.En 1430, le duc de Bourgogne, Philippe le Bon, fonde l'ordre de la Toison d'or pour fédérer les princes de la chrétienté. À l'issue de la cérémonie d'intronisation, un collier est remis au nouveau chevalier. Pourtant, l'évêque de Chalon se récrie face au choix de ce héros parjure, et l'on décide de lui adjoindre Gédéon, dont les brebis s'étaient couvertes de rosée mariale, en signe de la victoire prochaine sur les mécréants.Par le jeu des alliances matrimoniales, le titre de Souverain de l'ordre échoit à Charles Quint qui ajoute à ses armoiries le « Plus Oultre ». Lors de la bataille de Lépante, en 1571, la Galera Real Argo proclame, à coups de décorations, fresques, statues et devises, le projet de la monarchie catholique de terrasser le dragon qui s'est emparé des territoires chrétiens, assimilés au mouton doré du mythe.Quand la saga des Argonautes arrive sur les planches du théâtre auriséculaire, elle jouit d'un immense avantage. Le héros est connu dans son aspect le plus lumineux et le traitement bourguignon alimente la résistance face aux hérétiques de toutes sortes.Si le mythe se prête aux innovations les plus spectaculaires et relaie les valeurs de la monarchie, il entretient une singulière relation avec la politique menée par ses princes, tandis que les guerres laissent attendre l'âge d'or tant espéré, que la dette se creuse, que la cour mène un train de vie dispendieux et que la corruption gagne progressivement toute la société.Avec l'Art Nouveau de faire des comédies, Lope de Vega ouvre une brèche qui permet de voir derrière les ors et les fastes de la cour la lente désagrégation de la monarchie. / The story of Jason is a most ancient myth and survives in various forms. A more widespread interpretation relates the myth of the fleece to a method of washing gold from streams. More often, the Golden Fleece represents royal power, the spring-hero or a book on alchemy. According to Apollonius of Rhodes, a flying golden ram rescued Phrixus and Helle as their stepmother wantedto kill them. Phrixus safely reached Colchis where he sacrificed the ram and gave its skin to Aetes. Meanwhile, Pelias had usurped the throne of Eson and as his son reclaimed it, sent him to fetch the Golden Fleece. Jason assembled a remarkable group of heroes on board the Argo. At Colchis, the witch Medea helped Jason to complete the mortal tasks. Upon returning, she plotted the death of Jason's uncle, so both took refuge with their children in Corinth. There, the hero betrayed her as he fell in love with Creusa. The witch got rid of this rival, burnt the palace and slaughtered their chidren.In 1430, the Duke of Burgundy founded the Order of the Golden Fleece. As a shield, a sheepskin was suspended from a jeweled collar of firesteel linked by flints. But the choice of Jason caused controversy, so Bishop of Chalon linked it to the fleece of Gideon. As part of the Burgundian inheritance, the Order was a welcomed instrument to the ambitious Habsburgs to strengthen the bonds and Charles V added as a motto « Plus Oultre ».Performances of the Spanish Golden Age Theater were used to develop the ideology of the Catholic Monarchy. When Lope de Vega published el “Arte nuevo”, he introduced the tradition of the « Mirror for Prince » giving opportunity to express one's point of view, despite the censure.
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Investigação biométrica em imagens digitais para detecção de faces humanas através da proporção divina / Biometric investigation in digital images for the detection of human faces by divine proportionPrado, Junior Leal do 23 December 2004 (has links)
O crescimento da utilização de sistemas de reconhecimento no mundo contemporâneo exige processos de detecção cada vez mais robustos e ágeis. Aplicáveis desde sistemas de teleconferência empresarial até mecanismos de segurança e vigilância, a detecção e o reconhecimento de pessoas tornaram-se uma constante. Na tentativa de buscar caminhos alternativos, tanto para os problemas de detecção, quanto para os de reconhecimento, este trabalho propõe a utilização de medidas biométricas, mensuradas em imagens digitalizadas de faces humanas. A partir do estudo de tais medidas, torna-se possível a verificação de proporções existentes na face, especialmente a proporção divina, podendo constituir, no futuro, a base para algoritmos de detecção e/ou reconhecimento que usufruam das informações trazidas por tais proporções. Diante de uma reduzida quantidade de publicações no meio científico que utilizam a proporção divina como meio de detecção e/ou reconhecimento em processamento de imagens, esta investigação vem contribuir com alguns passos nessa direção / The increase of recognition systems in the contemporary world has demanded robust and agile detection processes. From teleconference systems to security and monitoring mechanisms, the detection and recognition of people have became constantly used and applied. In attempt to search for alternative ways to solve both detection and recognition problems, this work proposes the utilization of biometric measures, taken in digital image of human faces. From the study of such measures, its possible to verify face proportions, especially the divine proportion, which could allows, in the future, to implement the detection and/or recognition algorithms that utilize such proportions. Due to small amount of scientific publications that use the divine proportion as a way of detection and/or recognition in image processing, this investigation contributes with some steps in this direction
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Hur korrelerar GIH:s Pyramidtest med VO2max på rullband för elitorienterare?Edlund, Elin, Wiik, Robert January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka för elitorienterare resultaten vid och korrelationen mellan ett så kallat 5 minuters pyramidtest (5MPT) och ett maximalt test för bestämning av maximalt syreupptag (VO2max) på rullband. Frågorna vi ställde oss var: Vilken korrelation föreligger mellan 5MPT och ett bestämt VO2max på rullband hos elitorienterare? Hur ser en jämförelse ut mellan uppmätt samt beräknat VO2max? Vilken är reliabiliteten för 5MPT? Hur ser ekvationen ut för att beskriva sambandet mellan dessa två olika maxtester? Metod I valideringsstudien deltog 16 elitorienterare (6 kvinnor och 10 män) i åldrarna 17 till 37 år. De två testerna som genomfördes var 5MPT och bestämning av VO2max på rullband. 5MPT är ett skytteltest som är fem minuter långt, där testpersonen (tp) tar sig fram och tillbaka mellan två stolpar (sträcka 5.5 m) där en vertikal trappa (formad likt en pyramid) passeras under varje vända. Antalet vändor, skattad ansträngning samt hjärtfrekvens (HF) registrerades. Utvecklad power (effekt) erhölls genom produkten av vikt, gravitation, antal vändor, höjd på högsta plinten (0,62 m) dividerat med total duration i 5MPT. Testet för att bestämma VO2max utfördes med löpning på ett motordrivet rullband. Under den första minuten av testet sprang tp på en hastighet av 8km/h (kvinnor) respektive10km/h (män) utan lutning. För varje minut ökades hastigheten med 1km/h. Lutningen höjdes med en grad efter minut ett och därefter med 0,5 grader/minut. Testet pågick till dess tp nått sin VO2max. Var 15:e sekund registrerades tp:s HF, VO2 (l/min), VCO2 (l/min), VO2 (ml/kg/min) och respiratorisk kvot (RER) med hjälp av ett datoriserat syreupptagningssystem. Resultat Korrelationen var signifikant och hög (r = 0,89, p<0,0001) mellan utvecklad power på 5MPT och VO2max (l/min) och även mellan antalet vändor på 5MPT och VO2max (l/min) (r = 0,89, p<0,0001) på detta material av elitorienterare. Följande formler, baserade på resultaten från elitorienterarna, kan användas för att predicera VO2max efter genomfört 5MPT: VO2max (l/min) = (5MPTPOWER – 50,914) / 25,795 VO2max (l/min) = (5MPTVÄNDOR – 74,447) / 9,7668 Slutsats 5MPT uppvisar en stark korrelation med bestämd VO2max sett till power och/eller antalet genomförda vändor. Beräkningsformler för prediktion av VO2max har varit möjligt att beskriva. Se resultatdelen för andra resultat och samband mellan 5MPT och VO2max. / Abstract Aim The aim of this study was to investigate for elite orienteers the results in and the correlation between a so called 5-minutes-pyramid test (5MPT) and a specific maximum oxygen uptake test (VO2max) on a treadmill. The questions we asked ourselves were: Which correlation exists between 5MPT and a specific VO2max on the treadmill for elite orienteers? How would a comparison look like between measured and estimated VO2max? What is the reliability for the 5MPT? How would an equation look like that describe the correlation above? Method In the validity the study 16 elite orienteers (6 women and 10 men) aged 17 to 37 years participated. The two tests that have been carried out were the 5MPT and determined VO2max during running on a treadmill. The 5MPT is a 5-minute-shuttle test, in which the participant moves back and forth in a short interval (5.5 m) over boxes (highest height: 0.62) formed like a pyramid. Power in the pyramid test (5MPTPOWER) was calculated as the product of numbers of laps, body weight, gravity and highest box level divided by time. To determine VO2max the method running on a treadmill was performed. During the first minute the running speed was 8km/h (women)/10 km/h (men) without elevation. Each minute the velocity increased with 1 km/h. The elevation increased with 1 degree after the first minute and thereafter with 0,5 degrees/minute. The test was finished when the participant had reached her VO2max. Every 15 second the participants heart rate, VO2 (l/min), VCO2 (l/min), VO2 (ml/kg/min) and RER, was registered by means of an online system. Results The correlation between the developed power of the 5MPT and measured VO2max (l/min) was high (r = 0.89, p<0,0001) and also between the number of laps in the 5MPT and measured VO2max (l/min) (r = 0.89, p < 0,0001). The following formulas can be used to predict VO2max after completed 5MPT: VO2max (l/min) = (5MPTPOWER – 50,914) / 25,795 VO2max (l/min) = (5MPTLAPS – 74,447) / 9,7668 Conclusions 5MPT show a strong correlation with VO2max determined in terms of power and/or the number of completed laps. Calculated formulas for prediction of VO2max have been possible to describe. See results section for other results and relationships between 5MPT and VO2max. / Maximal Aerobic Power versus Performance in Two Aerobic Endurance Tests among Young and Old Adults.Andersson E, Lundahl N, Wecke L, Lindblom I, Nilsson, J.
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Travel motives of tourists to selected national parks in South Africa / B. BothaBotha, Belinda January 2011 (has links)
The tourism industry is becoming increasingly more competitive, making it essential
for tourism destinations to understand why tourists travel to specific destinations.
Travel motives are seen as important factors affecting tourist behaviour.
Understanding the travel motives of tourists is essential information for the
development of a tourism product and its marketing strategy. Tourists to different
destinations have different internal reasons for doing so, and wish to fulfil certain
needs. These needs motivate tourists to choose a certain destination and, therefore,
identifying the travel motives of tourists to tourism destinations will help the
destination to better target their marketing strategies to tourists with common
motives. The aim of this study is to determine the travel motives of tourists to
selected national parks in South Africa as well as to determine whether there are
differences and/or similarities between these motives. The parks concerned are the
Addo Elephant-, Augrabies Falls- and Golden Gate Highlands National Parks. This
will assist SANParks in their future marketing efforts and help to better understand
why the tourists choose to visit the respective parks.
A literature review regarding tourist behaviour was carried out to achieve Objective 1,
which was to conduct a theoretical analysis of tourist behaviour. The primary reasons
for understanding tourist behaviour are to be able to retain your customer for life, to
fulfil the tourists’ needs and to develop better target marketing strategies. To
understand tourists’ travel motives better, studying tourist behaviour becomes
important. The tourist’s decision-making process (that forms part of the tourism
behaviour model) is divided into six stages. These are, awareness of a need; seeking
information; evaluation of information; decision making; action or buying and postpurchase
evaluation. The tourist behaviour model consists of a number of factors that
influence this decision-making process, including internal (for example perception,
learning and motivation) and external (for example culture, social class and family)
influences as well as personal (race, gender and age) and market-related (climate,
economy and government) influencers. The most important influence relevant to this
study is motivation.
To achieve Objective 2, which was to conduct a theoretical analysis of travel motives
of tourists to nature based products, a literature review concerning the travel motives
of tourists was carried out. This revealed that a number of different travel motives to
tourism destinations have been identified. Internal needs motivate tourists to travel to
specific destinations, in the hope of fulfilling these needs. Research on travel motives
is based on a number of theories, and some of the important motives that arose
were: nature, wildlife, escape, relaxation, education, novelty, socialisation, family
recreation and destination attractions. In conclusion, there are similarities as well as
differences in the travel motives of tourists to different natural areas.
Objectives 3 and 4 included determining the profiles as well as the travel motives of
tourists to the selected national parks. Secondary data was used to determine the
profiles and travel motives of the tourists. The first section focused on the profiles of
the tourists, which proved to be quite similar in all three parks, with minor differences
regarding province of residence and the languages spoken. The second section
focused on the travel motives of these tourists, and a factor analysis was used to
extract six factors from the data. These factors were: relax and socialise, park
attractions, nature and wildlife, knowledge-seeking, photography and park activities.
The factors of tourists to each park were compared by means of a practical
significance test (ANOVA) to determine the differences in travel motives to each
park. The results revealed that certain travel motives were more important to certain
of the three selected national parks, for example: knowledge-seeking is more
important to tourists visiting the Addo Elephant National Park, relax and socialise is
more important to tourists visiting the Augrabies Falls National Park, and park
activities are more important to tourists visiting the Golden Gate Highlands National
By determining the differences and similarities in travel motives to the three selected
national parks, the aim of this study was achieved. The results are in agreement with
other researchers’ findings that there are a number of travel motives motivating
tourists to visit certain destinations, and this study determined that these motives
differ from destination to destination. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Travel motives of tourists to selected national parks in South Africa / B. BothaBotha, Belinda January 2011 (has links)
The tourism industry is becoming increasingly more competitive, making it essential
for tourism destinations to understand why tourists travel to specific destinations.
Travel motives are seen as important factors affecting tourist behaviour.
Understanding the travel motives of tourists is essential information for the
development of a tourism product and its marketing strategy. Tourists to different
destinations have different internal reasons for doing so, and wish to fulfil certain
needs. These needs motivate tourists to choose a certain destination and, therefore,
identifying the travel motives of tourists to tourism destinations will help the
destination to better target their marketing strategies to tourists with common
motives. The aim of this study is to determine the travel motives of tourists to
selected national parks in South Africa as well as to determine whether there are
differences and/or similarities between these motives. The parks concerned are the
Addo Elephant-, Augrabies Falls- and Golden Gate Highlands National Parks. This
will assist SANParks in their future marketing efforts and help to better understand
why the tourists choose to visit the respective parks.
A literature review regarding tourist behaviour was carried out to achieve Objective 1,
which was to conduct a theoretical analysis of tourist behaviour. The primary reasons
for understanding tourist behaviour are to be able to retain your customer for life, to
fulfil the tourists’ needs and to develop better target marketing strategies. To
understand tourists’ travel motives better, studying tourist behaviour becomes
important. The tourist’s decision-making process (that forms part of the tourism
behaviour model) is divided into six stages. These are, awareness of a need; seeking
information; evaluation of information; decision making; action or buying and postpurchase
evaluation. The tourist behaviour model consists of a number of factors that
influence this decision-making process, including internal (for example perception,
learning and motivation) and external (for example culture, social class and family)
influences as well as personal (race, gender and age) and market-related (climate,
economy and government) influencers. The most important influence relevant to this
study is motivation.
To achieve Objective 2, which was to conduct a theoretical analysis of travel motives
of tourists to nature based products, a literature review concerning the travel motives
of tourists was carried out. This revealed that a number of different travel motives to
tourism destinations have been identified. Internal needs motivate tourists to travel to
specific destinations, in the hope of fulfilling these needs. Research on travel motives
is based on a number of theories, and some of the important motives that arose
were: nature, wildlife, escape, relaxation, education, novelty, socialisation, family
recreation and destination attractions. In conclusion, there are similarities as well as
differences in the travel motives of tourists to different natural areas.
Objectives 3 and 4 included determining the profiles as well as the travel motives of
tourists to the selected national parks. Secondary data was used to determine the
profiles and travel motives of the tourists. The first section focused on the profiles of
the tourists, which proved to be quite similar in all three parks, with minor differences
regarding province of residence and the languages spoken. The second section
focused on the travel motives of these tourists, and a factor analysis was used to
extract six factors from the data. These factors were: relax and socialise, park
attractions, nature and wildlife, knowledge-seeking, photography and park activities.
The factors of tourists to each park were compared by means of a practical
significance test (ANOVA) to determine the differences in travel motives to each
park. The results revealed that certain travel motives were more important to certain
of the three selected national parks, for example: knowledge-seeking is more
important to tourists visiting the Addo Elephant National Park, relax and socialise is
more important to tourists visiting the Augrabies Falls National Park, and park
activities are more important to tourists visiting the Golden Gate Highlands National
By determining the differences and similarities in travel motives to the three selected
national parks, the aim of this study was achieved. The results are in agreement with
other researchers’ findings that there are a number of travel motives motivating
tourists to visit certain destinations, and this study determined that these motives
differ from destination to destination. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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O estado empresário: regime jurídico das tradicionais e novas formas de atuação empresarial do estado na economia brasileira / The state as entrepreneur: local status of traditional and new forms of economic interventionCarolina Barros Fidalgo 26 June 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre limites para a intervenção do Estado na economia sob a forma empresarial e os controles a ela aplicáveis. Além de abordar o papel do Estado como acionista de sociedades privadas e a compatibilidade dessa forma de intervenção com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, promove-se uma releitura da doutrina e jurisprudência sobre as sociedades de economia mista e sobre as empresas públicas. Estuda-se as razões que levam o Estado a intervir na economia de uma maneira geral, seja de forma direta ou indireta, a partir das teorias econômicas normativas e descritivas sobre a intervenção estatal na economia. Discorre-se sobre os fundamentos constitucionais à intervenção do Estado na economia e os possíveis motivos para a criação de empresas estatais e participação minoritária em sociedades privadas, bem como sobre os condicionamentos impostos pelo princípio da livre iniciativa à intervenção do Estado na economia, em especial à luz da jurisprudência dos Tribunais Superiores. Foram abordados, ainda, os princípios da eficiência, da livre concorrência e da proporcionalidade, que também constituem fundamentos e limites gerais à intervenção do Estado na economia, além da necessidade de autorização legal. Além de apresentarmos um breve resumo da discussão histórica sobre a criação das empresas estatais no Brasil e os motivos para a escolha de um ou outro tipo de sociedade estatal, analisa-se o regime jurídico aplicável a essas entidades, à luz dos dispositivos constitucionais e da jurisprudência sobre o tema, incluindo-se o estudo do seu regime de pessoal, de bens, tributário, licitações, contratual, responsabilidade civil e falência. Estudaremos, ainda, as formas de controle incidentes sobre essas entidades. Por fim, a dissertação também abrange o estudo da intervenção do Estado como acionista minoritário em sociedades privadas, abordando os motivos para essa participação societária, bem como a natureza dessa intervenção. Trata-se de empresas controladas pela iniciativa privada, mas que têm algum grau de participação estatal em seu capital. São muitos os motivos que podem levar o Poder Público a participar sem poder de controle em empresas privadas. A participação minoritária pode visar a permitir um maior controle do Estado sobre a empresa participada, ou mesmo a tomada de controle gradual de determinada companhia, mas também pode constituir uma forma de parceria entre a iniciativa estatal e a privada, como forma mais eficiente de fomento de atividades consideradas de interesse público ou de compartilhamento de riscos e custos envolvidos em determinada atividade explorada pelo Poder Público e pela iniciativa privada. Aborda-se a relação das sociedades meramente participadas com a Administração pública, bem como os condicionamentos constitucionais à participação minoritária estatal sem controle em sociedades privadas (proporcionalidade, eficiência, necessidade de autorização legal, realização de procedimento licitatório com vista à escolha do parceiro privado, e controle do Tribunal de Contas da União). / This dissertation discusses the limits imposed to State intervention in the economy under corporate form and the respective control enforced. Further, to approach the role played by the State as shareholder on private Companies and the compatibility of this form of intervention with the Brazilian legal order, it promotes a doctrine and jurisprudential rereading over joint capital Companies and public capital Companies. It studies the reasons for a direct or indirect State intervention in the economy, from a normative and descriptive economic perspectives. It also analyses the constitutional fundaments for the economic intervention and possible reasons for the creation of state-owned enterprises and public-private companies without state control. It also approaches the principles of free market, efficiency, competition and proportionality, that constitute fundaments and general limits for the state interventionism on the market, besides the necessity of legal authorization. After a brief introduction about the historical discussion over Brazilian state owned enterprises, it analyzes the applicable law for those entities, according to constitutional jurisprudence over this theme, including the regime of labor, goods, taxes, bidding, contracts, liability and bankruptcy. It also encompasses the study of the forms of control falls on those entities. Finally, this dissertation also reaches the State as a minority shareholder on private Companies, landing reasons for this shareholder intervention. These companies, as not being controlled by the state partner, are not included in private and public joint stock companys definition given by the Decree-law n200/67. Its about corporations controlled by the private initiative, but with some degree of state participation on their capital. There are many reasons that may take the Public Power to participate without control power in private companies. The minority participation may aim to allow a bigger control by the State over the under-taking company, or even the gradual investiture of control on determined company, but may also constitute a way of partnership between public and private initiatives, as a more efficient way of promotion of activities considered of public interest or sharing risks and costs involved in certain activity explored by the Public Power and by the private initiative. This study gives special attention to the constitutional basis and limits for this kind of State intervention on the economy, as well as the incident control over it, with emphasis on the control done by the Brazilian Superior Audit Institution.
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O estado empresário: regime jurídico das tradicionais e novas formas de atuação empresarial do estado na economia brasileira / The state as entrepreneur: local status of traditional and new forms of economic interventionCarolina Barros Fidalgo 26 June 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre limites para a intervenção do Estado na economia sob a forma empresarial e os controles a ela aplicáveis. Além de abordar o papel do Estado como acionista de sociedades privadas e a compatibilidade dessa forma de intervenção com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, promove-se uma releitura da doutrina e jurisprudência sobre as sociedades de economia mista e sobre as empresas públicas. Estuda-se as razões que levam o Estado a intervir na economia de uma maneira geral, seja de forma direta ou indireta, a partir das teorias econômicas normativas e descritivas sobre a intervenção estatal na economia. Discorre-se sobre os fundamentos constitucionais à intervenção do Estado na economia e os possíveis motivos para a criação de empresas estatais e participação minoritária em sociedades privadas, bem como sobre os condicionamentos impostos pelo princípio da livre iniciativa à intervenção do Estado na economia, em especial à luz da jurisprudência dos Tribunais Superiores. Foram abordados, ainda, os princípios da eficiência, da livre concorrência e da proporcionalidade, que também constituem fundamentos e limites gerais à intervenção do Estado na economia, além da necessidade de autorização legal. Além de apresentarmos um breve resumo da discussão histórica sobre a criação das empresas estatais no Brasil e os motivos para a escolha de um ou outro tipo de sociedade estatal, analisa-se o regime jurídico aplicável a essas entidades, à luz dos dispositivos constitucionais e da jurisprudência sobre o tema, incluindo-se o estudo do seu regime de pessoal, de bens, tributário, licitações, contratual, responsabilidade civil e falência. Estudaremos, ainda, as formas de controle incidentes sobre essas entidades. Por fim, a dissertação também abrange o estudo da intervenção do Estado como acionista minoritário em sociedades privadas, abordando os motivos para essa participação societária, bem como a natureza dessa intervenção. Trata-se de empresas controladas pela iniciativa privada, mas que têm algum grau de participação estatal em seu capital. São muitos os motivos que podem levar o Poder Público a participar sem poder de controle em empresas privadas. A participação minoritária pode visar a permitir um maior controle do Estado sobre a empresa participada, ou mesmo a tomada de controle gradual de determinada companhia, mas também pode constituir uma forma de parceria entre a iniciativa estatal e a privada, como forma mais eficiente de fomento de atividades consideradas de interesse público ou de compartilhamento de riscos e custos envolvidos em determinada atividade explorada pelo Poder Público e pela iniciativa privada. Aborda-se a relação das sociedades meramente participadas com a Administração pública, bem como os condicionamentos constitucionais à participação minoritária estatal sem controle em sociedades privadas (proporcionalidade, eficiência, necessidade de autorização legal, realização de procedimento licitatório com vista à escolha do parceiro privado, e controle do Tribunal de Contas da União). / This dissertation discusses the limits imposed to State intervention in the economy under corporate form and the respective control enforced. Further, to approach the role played by the State as shareholder on private Companies and the compatibility of this form of intervention with the Brazilian legal order, it promotes a doctrine and jurisprudential rereading over joint capital Companies and public capital Companies. It studies the reasons for a direct or indirect State intervention in the economy, from a normative and descriptive economic perspectives. It also analyses the constitutional fundaments for the economic intervention and possible reasons for the creation of state-owned enterprises and public-private companies without state control. It also approaches the principles of free market, efficiency, competition and proportionality, that constitute fundaments and general limits for the state interventionism on the market, besides the necessity of legal authorization. After a brief introduction about the historical discussion over Brazilian state owned enterprises, it analyzes the applicable law for those entities, according to constitutional jurisprudence over this theme, including the regime of labor, goods, taxes, bidding, contracts, liability and bankruptcy. It also encompasses the study of the forms of control falls on those entities. Finally, this dissertation also reaches the State as a minority shareholder on private Companies, landing reasons for this shareholder intervention. These companies, as not being controlled by the state partner, are not included in private and public joint stock companys definition given by the Decree-law n200/67. Its about corporations controlled by the private initiative, but with some degree of state participation on their capital. There are many reasons that may take the Public Power to participate without control power in private companies. The minority participation may aim to allow a bigger control by the State over the under-taking company, or even the gradual investiture of control on determined company, but may also constitute a way of partnership between public and private initiatives, as a more efficient way of promotion of activities considered of public interest or sharing risks and costs involved in certain activity explored by the Public Power and by the private initiative. This study gives special attention to the constitutional basis and limits for this kind of State intervention on the economy, as well as the incident control over it, with emphasis on the control done by the Brazilian Superior Audit Institution.
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