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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigação biométrica em imagens digitais para detecção de faces humanas através da proporção divina / Biometric investigation in digital images for the detection of human faces by divine proportion

Junior Leal do Prado 23 December 2004 (has links)
O crescimento da utilização de sistemas de reconhecimento no mundo contemporâneo exige processos de detecção cada vez mais robustos e ágeis. Aplicáveis desde sistemas de teleconferência empresarial até mecanismos de segurança e vigilância, a detecção e o reconhecimento de pessoas tornaram-se uma constante. Na tentativa de buscar caminhos alternativos, tanto para os problemas de detecção, quanto para os de reconhecimento, este trabalho propõe a utilização de medidas biométricas, mensuradas em imagens digitalizadas de faces humanas. A partir do estudo de tais medidas, torna-se possível a verificação de proporções existentes na face, especialmente a proporção divina, podendo constituir, no futuro, a base para algoritmos de detecção e/ou reconhecimento que usufruam das informações trazidas por tais proporções. Diante de uma reduzida quantidade de publicações no meio científico que utilizam a proporção divina como meio de detecção e/ou reconhecimento em processamento de imagens, esta investigação vem contribuir com alguns passos nessa direção / The increase of recognition systems in the contemporary world has demanded robust and agile detection processes. From teleconference systems to security and monitoring mechanisms, the detection and recognition of people have became constantly used and applied. In attempt to search for alternative ways to solve both detection and recognition problems, this work proposes the utilization of biometric measures, taken in digital image of human faces. From the study of such measures, it’s possible to verify face proportions, especially the divine proportion, which could allows, in the future, to implement the detection and/or recognition algorithms that utilize such proportions. Due to small amount of scientific publications that use the divine proportion as a way of detection and/or recognition in image processing, this investigation contributes with some steps in this direction

Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

Hoffman, Anna January 2011 (has links)
A variety of demands have to be considered in the design of a new opera house in Galärvarvet. All possible viewpoints are important to be aware of, as is the need for the new building to be a contrast to the already existing opera house in Stockholm. The restricted site also makes a multitude of demands on the building's design. By rationalizing the layout and structure and also by making the footprint smaller, the complex building of over 30 000 square meters can be fitted and blended into the existing physical context. Unlike the existing opera house in Stockholm, the new opera house shows the rationality and the advanced technology that lies behind the scenes and becomes the character of the entire building. Through the dynamic façade, the new opera can convey any character it so desires, just like scenes do through different settings. The result is that the new opera house helps present the magic of any opera performance of any era or artistic content. / En ny operabyggnad i Galärvarvet ställer en rad olika krav på byggnaden. Den måste inte bara kunna betraktas från många olika vinklar och avstånd, utan också stå i kontrast till den redan befintliga operabyggnaden i Stockholm. Den trånga tomten ställer också en rad olika krav på byggnadens utformning. Genom att rationalisera planlösningen, strukturen och våga bygga på höjden kan det komplexa projektet på över 30 000 kvm få plats på tomten och smälter skalmässigt in i miljön. Till skillnad från den befintliga operan i Stockholm, knyter den nya Galäroperan an till rationaliteten och den avancerade tekniken som döljer sig bakom scenerna och görs här synlig för besökarna. Genom den smarta fasaden kan Galäroperan inta vilken karaktär den så önskar, på samma sätt som scenen ändrar karaktär genom scenografi. Galäroperan blir på så sätt spännande att betrakta från olika perspektiv och den dynamiska fasaden hjälper till att föra fram operans magi.

Undersökning av en rullstols totala miljöpåverkan / Analysis of the environmental impact of a wheelchair

Karlsson, Emma, Tram, Madelen January 2019 (has links)
Företaget X etablerades under andra halvan av 1900-talet med målet att utveckla högkvalitativa hjälpmedel som till exempel rullstolar. Det företaget strävar efter är att användaren ska kunna sitta på ett sådant sätt att de kan uppnå maximal rörelseförmåga och aktivitetsgrad utifrån de individuella förutsättningarna. Syftet med projektet är att undersöka den totala miljöpåverkan hos en av Företaget X’s rullstolar, med en användning på 13 år, med hjälp av en livscykelanalys samt även skapa en grund för vidare hållbarhetsarbete. Utifrån resultatet av livscykelanalysen skulle förslag på förbättringar som, om möjligt, minskar produktens miljöpåverkan tas fram. Undersökningen är baserad på två marknader, marknad 1 där rullstolen resthanteras efter varje användare, och marknad 2 där rullstolen rekonditioneras samt återanvänds efter varje användare tills det att den resthanteras. Den insamlade informationen visade att en användare använder en rullstol i ungefär 4,3 år, vilket innebär att den, under sin livstid, används av tre användare innan den slutligen resthanteras. I marknad 1 undersöks därför tre rullstolar som resthanteras efter 4,3 år och i marknad 2 undersöks en rullstol som återanvänds samt rekonditioneras två gånger och slutligen resthanteras efter tredje användaren. Projektet är indelad i två faser, fas 1 där undersökning och analyser med hjälp av datorprogrammet SimaPro genomförs samt fas 2 där förslag på förbättringar tas fram med hjälp av LCA-verktygen, 10 Golden Principles och 5-Layer Approach. Resultaten från fas 1 visade att tillverkningsfasen samt ramen hade högst påverkan, och att det som orsakade de höga värdena var tillverkningsprocessen av aluminium. Värdena från SimaPro visade även att marknad 1 hade en påverkan som var ungefär 60% högre än marknad 2 med avseende på bland annat koldioxidutsläpp, vattenanvändning samt energianvändning. För att uppfylla kraven för examensarbetet tillämpades en designdel, där moduler eller komponenter med mixat material separerades och omkonstruerades, i detta fall var det armstödet samt stålhylsan i ramen som undersöktes. Då resultaten Examensarbete TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:669 Undersökning av en rullstols totala miljöpåverkan Emma Karlsson Madelen Tram iii visade att ramen hade den största påverkan och dess tillverkning var det som orsakade det mesta av denna påverkan valdes dess material- och tillverkningsfas för vidare undersökning i fas 2 där även designförslagen undersöks. Det nya material och tillverkningsprocess som undersöktes var en aluminiumkomposit samt tillverkningsprocesserna svetsning, extrudering och CNC. Undersökningen visade att byte av material skulle leda till en ökad miljöpåverkan men förlängd livslängd, vilket skulle minska miljöpåverkan per år och ett byte av tillverkningsprocessen skulle leda till det motsatta. Det vill säga en minskning i miljöpåverkan men även i livslängden vilket gör att miljöpåverkan per år skulle öka. De två framtagna designförändringarna skulle ge en minskad miljöpåverkan. För att åstadkomma en minskning av den totala miljöpåverkan rekommenderas att förlänga livslängden på rullstolens samtliga moduler. / Company X was established in the second half of the 20th century with the goal to develop high-quality medical aids such as wheelchairs. The company strives for their users to be able to sit in a way that maximises their ability to move as well as their activity rate based on their individual prerequisites. The purpose of the project was to examine the total environmental impacts of one of Company X’s wheelchairs, used during 13 years, using a lifecycle analysis as well as providing a good foundation for future sustainability work. Based on the results gained from the lifecycle analysis suggestions that could, if possible, lower the impacts of the product should be examined. The analysis was based on two different markets. In market 1 the wheelchair is disposed of after one use, in market 2 the wheelchair is reconditioned and reused at least once before disposal. The information that was collected in the beginning of the project showed that one user uses the wheelchair for 4,3 years on average. This means that one wheelchair is used by about three users during its lifetime. In market 1, therefore, three wheelchairs that are disposed of after 4,3 years are examined and in market 2 one wheelchair that is reconditioned and reused twice before being disposed of after the third user has been examined. The project is divided into two phases, phase 1 where the wheelchair is analysed using the program SimaPro and phase 2 where suggestions to lower the impact was examined using the methods 10 Golden Principles and the 5-Layer Approach. The result from phase 1 showed that the manufacturing phase and the frame stood for the largest impact and that the reason for the high values was the manufacturing process X of aluminium. The results also showed that market 1 had an impact that was about 60% higher than that of market 2 when looking at categories such as carbon footprint, water and energy usage. To fulfil the design demands of the master thesis two redesign proposals were developed on modules and components where there were mixed materials, one was the armrest, the other the frame and the casted in leg rest sleeve. Due to the fact that the results showed Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:669 Analysis of the environmental impact of a wheelchair Emma Karlsson Madelen Tram v that the frame had the greatest impact and that the manufacturing of it was what caused the high numbers its material and manufacturing-phase was chosen for further examination during phase 2. The developed design proposals were also examined further during this phase. The new material and manufacturing processes that were proposed and analysed were an aluminium composite and the manufacturing prosses welding, extrusion and CNC. The analysis showed that exchanging the material would lead to an increased environmental impact but a longer life span. This would result in a reduced environmental impact per year whilst an exchange of the manufacturing process would result in the opposite. The environmental impact would be reduced but so would the life span which means that the environmental impact per year would be increased. Implementing the two design proposals would lead to a reduction of the environmental impact. To reduce the total environmental impact, it is recommended to lengthen the life span of all the modules that make up the wheelchair.


Schellhas, Daniel H. 26 March 2007 (has links)
No description available.

“Den här sommaren blir inte en vanlig sommar” : En jämförande fallstudie om oljeutsläppet från passagerarfartyget Marco Polo i Pukaviksbukten, 2023. / “This summer won't be a normal summer” : A comparative case study about the oil spill from the passenger ship Marco Polo in Pukaviksbukten, 2023.

Isaksson, Sandra, Persson, Katja, Flodin, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar på att undersöka hur Sveriges myndigheter arbetar med krishantering med fokus på oljeutsläpp till havs. Tidigare forskning visar att Sverige har ett fungerande nätverk när det kommer till krishantering (Pålsson m.fl. 2018), men i det tvärsektionella arbetet brister Sverige i sin hantering. En definierad och strukturerad ledningskultur behövs för att spara tid, för att undvika okunskap och felinformation vid krishantering som exempelvis vid oljeutsläpp. Genom innehållsanalyser av utvärderingar från två tidigare oljepåslag, Fu Shan Hai i Ystad, 2003 och Golden Trader i Tjörn, 2011 samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med berörda aktörer vid händelsen av Marco Polo’s grundstötningar i Sölvesborg, 2023 har processerna analyserats och jämförts. Med berörda aktörer syftar denna studie på myndigheter, kommuner och organisationer som verkar och samarbetar runt händelser som exempelvis oljeutsläpp. Genom en sammanvägd analys kom det fram att samverkan i händelsen med Marco Polo har förbättrats, dock förekommer brister inom kommunikation och statlig satsning för krishantering till havs, och behöver utvecklas vidare. / This study aims to examine how Swedish authorities work with crisis management, with a focus on oil spills at sea. Previous research indicates that Sweden has an effective network for crisis management (Pålsson et al., 2018), but shortcomings exist in its cross-sectional work. A defined and structured leadership culture is needed to save time, and to avoid ignorance and misinformation during crisis management, such as in the event of oil spills. By conducting content analyses of evaluations from two previous oil spills, Fu Shan Hai in Ystad, 2003, and Golden Trader in Tjörn, 2011, as well as semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders involved in the Marco Polo grounding in Sölvesborg, 2023, the processes were analyzed and compared. By relevant stakeholders, this study refers to authorities, municipalities, and organizations that operate and collaborate around events such as oil spills. The comprehensive analysis revealed that cooperation during the Marco Polo incident has improved; however, deficiencies in communication and state investment in maritime crisis management persist and need further development.

Neural mechanism of play fighting – neural circuitry, vasopressin, and CRH – in juvenile golden hamsters

Cheng, Shao-Ying 19 October 2009 (has links)
Play fighting is common in juvenile mammals as a peri-pubertal form of agonistic behavior preceding adult aggressive behavior. In golden hamsters, play fighting peaks in early puberty around postnatal day 35 (P-35), and gradually matures into adult aggression in late puberty. Though extensively studied, the neural mechanisms underlying play fighting remains poorly understood. My dissertation focuses on identifying the neural circuitry and neural transmitter systems that mediate this behavior in juvenile golden hamsters. Based on behavioral similarities between the offensive components of play fighting and adult aggression, I predicted that the neural circuitries mediating both behaviors shared common components. This possibility was tested by quantifying the immunolabeling of c-Fos expression in juvenile hamsters after the consummation of play fighting. In support of my hypothesis, I found that areas previously associated with offensive aggression in adult hamsters, including the ventrolateral hypothalamus (VLH), the posterior dorsal part of the medial amygdala (MePD), and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), also showed enhanced c-Fos expression after play fighting, which supported my hypothesis. Vasopressin (AVP) facilitates aggression in adult hamsters. Therefore, I hypothesized that AVP also activates play fighting. To test my hypothesis, juvenile male golden hamsters were tested for play fighting after they received central microinjections of an AVP V1A-receptor antagonist into the anterior hypothalamus (AH). Also, immunocytochemistry was performed to identify possible AVP neurons associated with this behavior. I found that the AVP antagonist selectively inhibited the attack components of play fighting in experimental animals. In addition, AVP cells in the nucleus circularis (NC) and the medial division of the supraoptic nucleus (mSON), which were associated with offensive aggression, also showed increased c-Fos activity after play fighting. Together, these results show that AVP facilitates offensive behaviors throughout hamster development, from play fighting in juveniles to aggression in adults. A recent study shows that oral administration of a CRH receptor antagonist inhibits aggression in adult hamsters. Therefore, I predicted that CRH plays a similar role in play fighting. To test my prediction, juvenile hamsters were tested for play fighting after central microinjections of a CRH receptor antagonist. I found that microinjections of the CRH receptor antagonist within the lateral septum (LS) resulted in an inhibition of several aspects of play fighting. The possible source of CRH affecting the behavior was tested through combined immunocytochemistry to CRH and c-Fos. I found CRH neurons in the diagonal band of Broca (DBB), an area with extensive connections with the LS, were particularly activated in association with play fighting. In conclusion, I find that shared neural elements participating in the “vertebrate social behavior neural network” are associated with both aggression and play fighting in hamsters. This circuitry is activated before the onset of puberty and is affected by rising levels of steroid hormones during the developmental period leading to adult behaviors. Within the circuitry, vasopressin release in the AH appears to control the activation of play fighting attacks. In contrast, CRH release in the LS affects a broader range of aspects of play fighting, including not just consummatory aspects of the behavior, but apparently also appetitive components in the form of contact duration. / text

Structure of Golden Gate Mountain, Pima County, Arizona

Assadi, Seid Mohamad January 1964 (has links)
Golden Gate Mountain appears as a spur projecting westward from the Tucson Mountain range. It is made up of the capping Cat Mountain Rhyolite, the slope - forming Amole Formation, and a variety of intrusions of differing compositions. The emplacement of the andesitic portion of the intrusions occurred during, and probably lasted long after, the deposition of Amole Formation. The hot magma fluidized the wet sediments. Part of the fluidized materials formed pipes and dikes of tuffisites and part was brought up into the basin and contributed to the sedimentation of Amole Formation. During upper Amole time the intrusion of andesite increased in intensity. Part of the basin rapidly subsided and thick deltaic sediments and graywacke were formed. The development of a hinge line accompanied this subsidence. The hinge line controlled the occurrence of fluidization which undercut the Amole beds. The beds slumped into the fluidized parts. The process culminated in forming a large orifice through which the Cat Mountain Rhyolite welled up. The orifice is reflected in the sedimentary beds by the development of a funnel- shaped structure in the central part of which the capping of Cat Mountain Rhyolite is located. The bordering brecciated Amole beds represent the associated slump effects.

Karantininių bulvinių nematodų paplitimas Vilniaus regione / The Spread of Potato Cyst Nematodes in Vilnius Region

Šuminaitė, Justina 09 June 2010 (has links)
2007-2009 metais buvo tiriamas auksinio bulvinio nematodo ir blyškiojo bulvinio nematodo paplitimas Vilniaus regione. Tyrimai buvo atliekami Vilniaus regiono bulvių augintojų, dekoratyvinių, sodo ir miško augalų augintojų ir šiltnamių kontroliuojamuose ūkiuose. Iš vieno hektaro buvo imami 4 dirvožemio pavyzdžiai, o iš bulvių sėklininkystės ūkių ir ūkių, kuriuose auginama dauginimui skirta sodinamoji medžiaga, buvo imami 8 pavyzdžiai. Valstybinės augalų apsaugos tarnybos Fitosanitarinių tyrimų laboratorijoje pavyzdžiai buvo ištirti naudojant centrifugavimo Schuiling‘o centrifugos metodą. Apibendrinus 2007-2009 metų tyrimų duomenis nustatyta, kad buvo ištirtas dirvožemis 428-iuose kontroliuojamuose ūkiuose, kurių bendras tirtų laukų plotas buvo 877,51 ha. Iš viso buvo paimta 4343 pavyzdžiai. Iš kurių 652 buvo užkrėsti auksiniu bulviniu nematodu. Globodera pallida nebuvo identifikuota. Daugiausiai užkrėstų pavyzdžių nustatyta Švenčionių ir Trakų rajonuose (37,5 ir 33,6 % nuo tirtų tame rajone pavyzdžių). Mažiausiai užkrėstas Ukmergės ir Širvintų rajonų (12,03 ir 11,69 % nuo tirtų tame rajone pavyzdžių) dirvožemis. / The research of the spread of Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens and Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens was conducted in the Vilnius region in 2007 - 2009. It was done by potato cultivators of the Vilnius region, by cultivators of decorative, garden and forest plants as well as by controlled greenhouse farms. During the research 4 samples were taken from each 1 hectare and 8 samples from potato seed farms as well as farms where planting material was cultivated for the reproduction purposes. Each sample was tested in the Phytosanitary Research Laboratory of the State Plant Protection Service by using the Schuiling centrifuge method. When summarising the research data of 2007 - 2009 it was found out that the soil test was conducted in 428 controlled farms with the total tested field area of 877.51 ha. 4343 samples were taken in total, 652 of which were contaminated with the Golden Nematode. Pale cyst Nematode was not identifyed. The highest number of contaminated samples was found in Švenčionių and Trakų districts (37.5 % and 33.6 % of the tested samples respectively). Meanwhile the least contaminated soil was in Ukmergės and Širvintų districts (12.03% and 11.69% of the tested samples respectively).

Development of Advanced Acquisition and Reconstruction Techniques for Real-Time Perfusion MRI

Roeloffs, Volkert Brar 16 June 2016 (has links)
Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit der methodischen Entwicklung von Akquisition- und Rekonstruktionstechniken zur Anwendung von Echtzeit-Bildgebungstechniken auf das Gebiet der dynamischen kontrastmittelgestützten Magentresonanztomographie. Zur Unterdrückung unerwünschter Bildartefakte wird eine neue Spoiling-Technik vorgeschlagen, die auf randomisierten Phasen der Hochfrequenzanregung basiert. Diese Technik erlaubt eine schnelle, artefaktfreie Aufnahme von T1-gewichteten Rohdaten bei radialer Abtastung. Die Rekonstruktion quantitativer Parameterkarten aus solchen Rohdaten kann als nichtlineares, inverses Problem aufgefasst werden. In dieser Arbeit wird eine modellbasierte Rekonstruktionstechnik zur quantitativen T1-Kartierung entwickelt, die dieses inverse Problem mittels der iterativ regularisierten Gauß-Newton-Methode mit parameterspezifischer Regularisierung löst. In Simulationen sowie in-vitro- und in-vivo-Studien wird Genauigkeit und Präzision dieser neuen Methode geprüft, die ihre direkte Anwendung in in-vitro-Experimenten zur "first-pass"-Perfusion findet. In diesen Experimenten wird ein kommerziell verfügbares Phantom verwendet, dass in-vivo-Perfusion simuliert und gleichzeitig vollständige Kontrolle über die vorherrschenden Austauschraten erlaubt.

Le Sentier d'Or : vision du destin dans Dune de Frank Herbert

Bera, Tristan 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet le concept et les modalités du destin tel qu'il est articulé dans le Cycle de Dune de Frank Herbert. Le destin est une des interrogations les plus anciennes de l'humanité. Initiatrice des grands questionnements de l'être sur sa liberté et sur lui-même, la pensée sur le destin est intimement liée au développement des civilisations. Marque des chan- gements majeurs au cœur de l'être, l'évolution du concept de destin se lie également avec les grandes découvertes scientifiques: les nouveaux savoirs sur la nature et le monde changent la manière qu'a l'humain de se considérer lui-même dans cet environnement; il se redéfinit avec chaque découverte, devient restrictif ou expansif, offre l'idée d'une liberté humaine inexistante ou ne souffrant d'aucune limite autre que la mort. Penser le destin, c'est penser l'humain dans sa plus intime conception. Sur cette toile de fond, la première partie de cette étude porte sur l'évolution du concept de destin dans la pensée occidentale, de la civilisation grecque à l'épo- que moderne, en passant par les réflexions métaphysiques sur le rôle de la transcendance dans la vie de l'humain. Au travers de cette étude diachronique, le destin est analysé afin de mettre en avant l'idée que l'individu cherche toujours plus de liberté dans son existence. La deuxième partie aborde l'évolution de la science et l'impact de cette évolution dans la pensée de l'humain sur le monde et lui-même. Dans le contexte de cette deuxième partie, la thèse explicite le rôle joué par la science, ainsi que par le discours de la science-fiction, dans les efforts humains de prendre en main son destin, de devenir de plus en plus libre. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, l'analyse du Cycle de Dune sous l'angle des trois personnages que sont Paul, Alia et Leto 2 met en avant une vision transhistorique du concept de destin, afin de pouvoir aborder son évolution prochaine, qui ne le limite plus à l'individu, mais qui place l'humain dans l'univers. / This thesis examines the concept and modalities of destiny as it is articulated in Frank Herbert's Dune series. Destiny constitutes one of humanity's most ancient themes. Instigator of the human being's wide-ranging questioning with regard to its freedom and selfhood, thought about destiny is intimately linked to the emergence of civilizations. As a sign of major changes in existence, the evolution of the concept of destiny is also linked with the important scientific discoveries: new knowledge about nature and the world change the way in which human be- ings consider themselves in their surrounding world; destiny is redefined at every discovery, becoming in turn limited or expansive, offering ideas of an inexistent human freedom or a freedom subjected to no limit other than death itself. Thinking about destiny means thinking about the human in what it holds most intimate. Against this backdrop, the first part of this study deals with the evolution of the con- cept of destiny in Western thought, from Greek civilization to the modern period, including metaphysical reflections on the role of transcendence in human life. Throughout this dia- chronic study, destiny is analyzed in emphasizing the notion of the individual’s attempt to in- crease human freedom. The second part takes on the evolution of science and the impact of its development on human thought about the world and humanity itself. In the context of this part, the thesis explicates the role played by science, as well as by the discourse of science fic- tion, in human efforts to take control of destiny and possess ever greater freedom. In the final part, by means of interpreting Dune’s three principal characters - Paul, Alia, and Leto 2 -, the analysis of the Dune series foregrounds a transhistorical perspective of the concept of destiny in order to trace out the imminent mutations of destiny that go beyond the individual, situating the human in the broader universe.

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