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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio del comportamiento físico-mecánico de estratos intermedios en intervenciones generales del soporte textil en pintura sobre tela: aplicabilidad en el ciclo pictórico de Gaspar de la Huerta en la Galería Dorada del Palau Ducal de Gandía

Robles de la Cruz, Cristina 20 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] El inicio de esta tesis doctoral parte de los trabajos de investigación desarrollados en el proceso de restauración llevado a término en el conjunto de pinturas de la Galería Dorada del Palau Ducal de Gandia. Se trata de un ciclo pictórico de gran formato instalado en el techo y realizado con la técnica al óleo sobre lienzo, en sustitución de lo que en realidad debería de haber sido solucionado con una técnica al fresco. Los condicionantes establecidos por su tamaño y ubicación comprometieron a través del tiempo su estabilidad, tanto dimensional como estructural, derivando el trabajo de restauración hacia la solución de estos problemas mediante el estudio de sistemas de entelado y testados a través de mediciones físico-mecánicas en el laboratorio. Esta, ha sido la finalidad de nuestra investigación, la de tratar de racionalizar los materiales y técnicas que participan de esta disciplina de la restauración sobre soporte textil, en orden a optimizar recursos de manipulación y soluciones a la siempre controvertida tarea de los entelados. Históricamente, estos procesos tuvieron su origen en Italia y Francia a finales del siglo XVII y comúnmente fueron realizados a través de la utilización de engrudos mediante mezclas de adhesivos naturales a base de colas de pasta, receta que fue rápidamente divulgada en todo occidente. Más adelante, en los Países Bajos, debido a las condiciones medioambientales y geográficas, se modificaron los ingredientes con la inclusión de mezclas de cera resina. Estas dos fórmulas básicas, fueron tomadas como patrón hasta bien entrado el siglo XX, donde a partir de la segunda mitad se empieza a experimentar e introducir paulatinamente los adhesivos a base de resinas sintéticas. Nuestro principal interés y aportación a través de la presente investigación ha sido el estudio de las antiguas técnicas de entelado, así como de sus alteraciones y problemáticas, para dar respuesta a las actuales necesidades en esta materia, y más concretamente en lo referente a las obras de gran formato. La fórmula a través del denominado entelado tipo sándwich ha sido la opción, que después de nuestro testado, ha respondido de forma más idónea a las expectativas abiertas. Mediante la incorporación de este estrato intermedio se ha pretendido alcanzar un nivel óptimo de estabilidad en el soporte, así como de reversibilidad de los tratamientos y, para evitar en última instancia, la interposición de texturas entre estratos. A través del testado de los tres grupos fundamentales de materiales que conforman este tipo de entelado, constituido por: estratos intermedios, tejidos de refuerzo y sistemas adhesivos, se ha elaborado un protocolo de acciones tendentes a la observación de las opciones de mayor garantía para su implantación. Se ha tratado de establecer en este sentido como resultado final, un modelo básico para atender las necesidades de estos sistemas extraordinarios, pero necesarios en los procesos de entelado de gran formato. / [CA] L'inici d'aquesta tesi doctoral part dels treballs de recerca desenvolupats en el procés de restauració dut a terme en el conjunt de pintures de la Galeria Daurada del Palau Ducal de Gandia. Es tracta d'un cicle pictòric de gran format instal·lat en el sostre i realitzat amb la tècnica a l'oli sobre tela, en substitució del que en realitat hauria d'haver sigut solucionat amb una tècnica al fresc. Els condicionants establerts per la seua grandària i ubicació van comprometre a través del temps la seua estabilitat, tant dimensional com estructural, derivant el treball de restauració cap a la solució d'aquests problemes mitjançant l'estudi de sistemes de reentelat i testats a través de mesures físic-mecànics en el laboratori. Aquesta, ha sigut la finalitat de la nostra investigació, la de tractar de racionalitzar els materials i tècniques que participen d'aquesta disciplina de la restauració sobre suport tèxtil, en vistes a optimitzar recursos de manipulació i solucions a la sempre controvertida tasca dels entelats. Històricament, aquests processos van tindre el seu origen a Itàlia i França a les acaballes del segle XVII i comunament van ser realitzats a través de la utilització d'engruts a partir de mescles d'adhesius naturals a base de cues de pasta, recepta que va ser ràpidament divulgada en tot occident. Més endavant, als Països Baixos, a causa de les condicions mediambientals i geogràfiques, es van modificar els ingredients a partir de la inclusió de mescles de cera resina. Aquestes dues fórmules bàsiques, van ser preses com a patró fins a ben entrat el segle XX, on a partir de la segona meitat es comença a experimentar i introduir gradualment els adhesius a base de resines sintètiques. El nostre principal interés i aportació a través de la present investigació ha sigut l'estudi de les antigues tècniques d'entelat, així com de les seues alteracions i problemàtiques, per a donar resposta a les actuals necessitats en aquesta matèria, i més concretament referent a les obres de gran format. La fórmula a través del anomenat reentelat tipus sandvitx ha sigut l'opció, que després del nostre testat, ha respost de forma més idònia a les expectatives obertes. Mitjançant la incorporació d'aquest estrat intermedi s'ha pretés aconseguir un nivell òptim d'estabilitat en el suport, així com de reversibilitat dels tractaments i, per a evitar en última instància, la interposició de textures entre estrats. A través del testat dels tres grups fonamentals de materials que conformen aquest tipus de reentelat, constituït per: estrats intermedis, teixits de reforç i sistemes adhesius, s'ha elaborat un protocol d'accions tendents a l'observació de les opcions de major garantia per a la seua implantació. S'ha tractat d'establir en aquest sentit com a resultat final, un model bàsic per a atendre les necessitats d'aquests sistemes extraordinaris, però necessaris en els processos de reentelat de gran format. / [EN] The beginning of this doctoral thesis is part of the research work developed in the restoration process carried out in the set of paintings of the Golden Gallery of the Ducal Palau of Gandia. It is a large-format pictorial cycle installed on the ceiling and made with oil technique on canvas, replacing what should have actually been solved with a fresco technique. The constraints established by its size and location compromised over time its stability, both dimensional and structural, referring the restoration work to the solution of these problems by studying entealing systems and tested through physical-mechanical measurements in the laboratory. This has been the purpose of our research, to try to rationalize the materials and techniques involved in this discipline of restoration on textile support, in order to optimize handling resources and solutions to the always controversial task of the entealing. Historically, these processes were originated in Italy and France in the late 17th century and were commonly performed through the use of paste from natural adhesive mixtures based on paste glues, recipe that was quickly disseminated throughout the West. Later, in the Netherlands, due to environmental and geographical conditions, the ingredients were modified from the inclusion of resin wax mixtures. These two basic formulas were taken as a pattern until well into the 20th century, where from the second half we begin to experiment and gradually introduce adhesives based on synthetic resins. Our main interest and contribution through this research has been the study of the old entealing techniques, as well as their alterations and problems, to respond to the current needs in this matter, and more specifically with regard to large-format works. The formula through the so-called sándwich type entealing has been the option, which after our testing, has responded more appropriately to open expectations. The incorporation of this intermediate layer has sought to achieve an optimal level of stability in the support, as well as reversibility of the treatments and, to avoid ultimately, the interposition of textures between layers. Through the testing of the three fundamental groups of materials that make up this type of entealing, consisting of: intermediate layers, reinforcing fabrics and adhesive systems, a protocol of actions has been drawn up with a view to observe the most secure options for its implementation. As a results, an attempt has been made to establish a basic model to meet the needs of these extraordinary systems, but necessary in large format entealing processes. / Robles De La Cruz, C. (2022). Estudio del comportamiento físico-mecánico de estratos intermedios en intervenciones generales del soporte textil en pintura sobre tela: aplicabilidad en el ciclo pictórico de Gaspar de la Huerta en la Galería Dorada del Palau Ducal de Gandía [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183517

Representación de la vida y rapto de Elías profeta (1629), de Matías de los Reyes: Edición anotada del texto y análisis desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar

Álvarez-Vélez, Bety 05 1900 (has links)
Representación de la vida y rapto de Elías profeta est une comédie hagiographique en trois actes écrite par Matías de los Reyes (1575- c.1640), publiée pendant le Siècle d'or espagnol (XVIIe siècle). Basée sur les livres 1 et 2 des Rois de l'Ancien Testament, cette pièce a été imprimée par Pedro de la Cuesta à Jaén en 1629. La seule version connue est conservée à la Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), mais aucune édition moderne annotée n'a encore été réalisée. Le but de cette thèse repose sur deux objectifs principaux. Premièrement, faire la première édition annotée de Vida y Rapto de Elías Profeta, à partir de la version numérisée de la BNE du volume imprimé en 1629. Deuxièmement, offrir au lecteur moderne une étude préliminaire qui facilite la lecture et l'interprétation de la comédie en analysant ses éléments dramatiques, théologiques et psychologiques. Pour cette édition annotée, diverses sources critiques ont été consultées, dont la Bible et des œuvres de théologie catholique, des œuvres lexicographiques (comme le Diccionario de autoridades ou le Tesoro de Covarrubias), et d'autres textes pertinents afin de fournir un contexte historique adéquat. Les annotations ont pour but d’approfondir la compréhension des passages de la comédie où Matías de los Reyes réinterprète ou fait allusion à des textes bibliques, et se réfère à des personnages historiques, mythologiques ou à des lieux géographiques. Les annotations visent également à éclaircir les termes et expressions caractéristiques de l'espagnol classique du XVIIe siècle. Pour entreprendre une analyse contemporaine de Vida y Rapto de Elías Profeta, il est proposé d’adopter une méthode pluridisciplinaire qui associe trois perspectives complémentaires : la sémiotique théâtrale d'A. Ubersfeld, l'analyse et l'interprétation des comédies selon E. W. Hesse, et la psychocritique de Ch. Mauron. En outre, la méthode intègre des concepts de théologie morale catholique, telles que la Sainte Trinité, les vertus et les vices capitaux, ainsi que de la psychologie clinique, notamment le narcissisme aristocratique, le harcèlement moral ou psychologique, le mobbing et le harcèlement sexuel, tels qu'ils ont été définis par des experts contemporains de la psychologie clinique. Cette section de la thèse, dans une perspective aussi particulière, vise à démontrer l'universalité et l'actualité du théâtre de l'âge d'or, et son potentiel à illustrer des concepts associés à des phénomènes psychologiques et sociaux contemporains sérieux. La combinaison de disciplines aussi diverses confère à cette étude une approche novatrice et enrichissante du théâtre du Siècle d'or, soulignant sa pertinence pour les études littéraires et les contributions qu'il apporte à d'autres domaines de recherche. / Representación de la vida y rapto de Elías profeta is a hagiographic comedy in three acts written by Matías de los Reyes (1575- c. 1640), published during the Spanish Golden Age (17th century). Based on books 1 and 2 of Kings of the Old Testament, this play was printed by Pedro de la Cuesta in Jaén in 1629. The only known version is preserved at the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), yet no modern annotated edition has been produced to date. The purpose of this thesis focuses on two main objectives. First, to produce the first annotated edition of Vida y rapto de Elías profeta, using the digitized version of the volume printed in 1629 from the BNE. Second, to provide the modern reader with a preliminary study that assists in reading and interpreting the comedy by analyzing its dramatic, theological and psychological elements. Various critical sources were consulted for this annotated edition, including the Bible and works of Catholic theology, lexicographical works (such as the Diccionario de autoridades or the Tesoro de Covarrubias), and other relevant texts to provide an adequate historical context. The annotations aim to deepen understanding of the passages in the comedy where Matías de los Reyes reworks or alludes to biblical texts, and refers to historical and mythological figures or geographical locations. The annotations also seek to clarify terms and expressions typical of 17th-century classical Spanish. To undertake a contemporary analysis of Vida y rapto de Elías profeta, a multidisciplinary approach is proposed that integrates three complementary perspectives: the theatrical semiotics of A. Ubersfeld, the analysis and interpretation of comedies according to E. W. Hesse, and the psychocriticism of Ch. Mauron. Additionally, this method incorporates concepts from Catholic moral theology, such as the Holy Trinity, virtues, and capital vices, as well as from clinical psychology, including aristocratic narcissism, moral or psychological harassment, mobbing, and sexual harassment, as defined by contemporary experts in clinical psychology. From such a particular perspective, this section of the thesis seeks to demonstrate the universality and timeliness of the Golden Age theater, and its potential to illustrate concepts associated with serious contemporary psychological and social phenomena. The combination of such diverse disciplines lends this study an innovative and enriching approach to Golden Age theater, underscoring its significance for literary studies and its contributions to other fields of research. / Representación de la vida y rapto de Elías profeta es una comedia hagiográfica en tres actos escrita por Matías de los Reyes (1575- c. 1640), publicada en pleno Siglo de Oro español (siglo XVII). Basada en los libros 1 y 2 de Reyes del Antiguo Testamento, esta obra fue impresa por Pedro de la Cuesta en Jaén en 1629. La única versión conocida está preservada en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), pero hasta ahora no se ha llevado a cabo una edición moderna anotada. El propósito de esta tesis se centra en dos objetivos principales. Primero, producir la primera edición anotada de Vida y rapto de Elías Profeta, a partir de la versión digitalizada de la BNE del volumen impreso en 1629. Segundo, ofrecer al lector moderno un estudio preliminar que facilite la lectura e interpretación de la comedia, mediante el análisis de sus elementos dramáticos, teológicos y psicológicos. Para esta edición anotada, se han consultado diversas fuentes críticas, incluidas la Biblia y obras de teología católica, obras lexicográficas (como el Diccionario de autoridades o el Tesoro de Covarrubias) y otros textos relevantes para proporcionar un contexto histórico adecuado. Las anotaciones pretenden profundizar en la comprensión de las partes de la comedia en las que Matías de los Reyes reelabora o alude a pasajes bíblicos y hace referencia a personajes históricos y mitológicos o a lugares geográficos; asimismo, dichas anotaciones buscan aclarar términos y expresiones propios del español clásico del siglo XVII. Para efectuar un análisis contemporáneo de Vida y rapto de Elías profeta, se propone un enfoque multidisciplinario que integra tres perspectivas complementarias: la semiótica teatral de A. Ubersfeld, el análisis e interpretación de comedias según E. W. Hesse, y la psicocrítica de Ch. Mauron. Además, este método incorpora varios conceptos de la teología moral católica, como la Santa Trinidad, la virtud y los vicios capitales, y de la psicología clínica, incluyendo el narcisismo aristocrático, el acoso moral o psicológico, el mobbing, y el acoso sexual, definidos por expertos contemporáneos en psicología clínica. Esta sección de la tesis, desde una perspectiva tan particular, tiene como finalidad demostrar la universalidad y actualidad del teatro del Siglo de Oro, y su potencial para ilustrar conceptos asociados con serios fenómenos psicológicos y sociales contemporáneos. La combinación de disciplinas tan diversas confiere a este estudio un enfoque innovador y enriquecedor del teatro del Siglo de Oro, subrayando su importancia para los estudios literarios y sus aportaciones a otros campos de investigación.

Vnímání krásy - biologické vs. kulturní determinanty / Perception of beauty - biological vs. cultural determinants

Obdržálková, Zita January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of biological and cultural determinants influencing perception of beauty. It attempts to find out if there is a common biological basis of perception of beauty or if beauty represents merely a sociocultural construct - product of a specific culture. With respect to biological determinants it concerns biological processes significantly influencing perception of beauty. In this context, these processes include probably innate evolutionary adaptations, effects of brain cognitive systems and neural correlates processing perceptions of beautiful objects. In connection with cultural determinants it presents studies emphasizing cross-cultural differences in perception of beauty. Further subject of the thesis is an aesthetic conception of subjective and objective beauty and related concept of beauty based on mathematical relations. In this connection, the creation of universally beautiful objects based on fixed mathematical rules as well as the possibility of exact measurement of beauty are discussed.

The Art of Printing and the Culture of the Art Periodical in Late Imperial Russia (1898-1917)

Chuchvaha, Hanna Unknown Date
No description available.

Actor Alone: Solo Performance in New Zealand

Parker, George January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores solo performance in New Zealand. That solo performance has been widely used in New Zealand's relatively brief theatre history is usually ascribed to the economy, manoeuvrability and adaptability of the form - common reasons for the popularity of solo performance elsewhere as well. But this thesis considers solo performance as a kind of theatre that has been suited to New Zealand in a distinctive way. In particular, I argue that solo performance has emerged on the margins of mainstream theatre in New Zealand as a means of actively engaging with a sense of isolation that typifies the post-colonial New Zealand experience. The ability of the solo performance to move between remote rural settlements and urban centres has connected these New Zealand communities in a way that is unusual for theatre in New Zealand. Furthermore, a solo performer speaking directly to an audience about the experience of living in New Zealand allows for an intimate interaction with a traditionally stoic and laconic masculine society. In this thesis, I make a case for three solo performances where it is possible to see, in the representation of a search for what it means to be a New Zealander, a theatrical contribution to nation-building: The End of the Golden Weather (1959), Coaltown Blues (1984) and Michael James Manaia (1991). However, in a subsequent chapter, I look at solo performances in New Zealand that might better be understood within global movements such as feminism and multiculturalism. I argue that this shift has depleted the power that the form once held to comment upon New Zealand identity and to assist in the search for national identity. I conclude the thesis by considering how ongoing theatre practice may be informed by the experience of solo performance in New Zealand.

Le patriotisme économique à l'épreuve du droit de l'Union européenne / The legality of economic patriotism under the European Union law

Simen, Martial 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le patriotisme économique relève davantage du discours politique que d’un concept juridique. Il fait référence aux comportements des citoyens, des entreprises et des États. Celui des États peut en substance être défini comme la défense par ces derniers de leurs entreprises stratégiques. Ainsi précisée, cette notion se traduit en pratique par l’institution de dispositifs nationaux de contrôle des investissements étrangers, par la stabilisation de l’actionnariat des entreprises stratégiques au travers des prises de participations des fonds stratégiques d’investissement, ou encore, par l’octroi de droits exclusifs ou spéciaux. De tels comportements peuvent contrarier les principes de la libre circulation - capitaux, établissement - et de la libre concurrence. Ces principes souffrent cependant de tempéraments qui laissent une certaine marge de manœuvre aux États, laquelle est cependant étroite. Cette étroitesse conduit ces derniers à être sans cesse inventifs pour défendre leurs entreprises. Le droit des sociétés offre de ce point de vue des outils pertinents pouvant servir ce dessein. Mais, la protection des entreprises stratégiques en dehors des exceptions ou dérogations prévues par le traité, qui traduit la persistance des replis nationaux, n’est pas sans relever les limites de l’opposition systématique aux patriotismes économiques nationaux. De plus, une telle faculté risque de fragiliser l’achèvement du marché intérieur. Pour ces raisons, il importe pour les autorités de l’Union européenne, d’engager une dynamique permettant de mieux prendre en compte les préoccupations patriotiques des États. Agrégée à un concept cohérent, à savoir le patriotisme économique européen, une telle démarche consisterait à instaurer une politique d’investissement commune qui sache conjuguer ouverture aux capitaux étrangers et préservation des secteurs stratégiques. Mais, l’efficacité d’une telle politique est relative. C’est pourquoi, on doit lui adjoindre un cadre autonome de contrôle des investissements en provenance des pays tiers. / Economic patriotism is more a political speech than a legal concept. It refers to behaviors of citizens, companies and governments. Concerning States, this concept can essentially be defined as defense of strategic companies. In practice, this notion is reflected by the institution of national systems of foreign investments control, by stabilizing the shareholding of companies through strategic investment funds, or by granting exclusive or special rights. These behaviors can antagonize the European Union law. However, this law allows exceptions that offer opportunities to States. But the flexibility of States is close. This narrowness leds them to be constantly inventive to defend their strategic companies. Business law allows such an approach. But the protection of strategic companies without the exceptions or derogations permitted by the treaty, which reflects the persistence of domestic markets partitioning, is not without showing the limits of systematic opposition to national economic patriotisms. In addition, such a power may weaken the completion of the internal market. For these reasons, it is important for the authorities of the European Union, to initiate a dynamic that can permit to take better account of the States patriotic concerns. Aggregate to a coherent concept, namely the european economic patriotism, such an approach will permit to establish a common investment policy that can combine openness to foreign investments and preservation of strategic sectors. But, the effectiveness of such a policy is relative. That’s why, it’s crucial to add to it an autonomous control framework for investments coming from non-member countries.

A hidden life : how EAS (Era Appropriate Science) and professional investigators are marginalised in detective and historical detective fiction

Dormer, Mia Emilie January 2017 (has links)
This by-practice project is the first to provide an extensive investigation of the marginalisation of era appropriate science (EAS) and professional investigators by detective and historical detective fiction authors. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse specific detective fiction authors from the earliest formats of the nineteenth century through to the 1990s and contemporary, selected historical detective fiction authors. Its aim is to examine the creation, development and perpetuation of the marginalisation tradition. This generic trend can be read as the authors privileging their detective’s innate skillset, metonymic connectivity and deductive abilities, while underplaying and belittling EAS and professional investigators. Chapter One establishes the project’s critique of the generic trend by considering parental authors, E. T. A Hoffmann, Edgar Allan Poe, Émile Gaboriau and Wilkie Collins. Reading how these authors instigated and purposed the downplaying demonstrates its founding within detective fiction at the earliest point. By comparing how the authors sidelined and omitted specific EAS and professional investigators, alongside science available at the time, this thesis provides a framework for examining how it continued in detective fiction. In following chapters, the framework established in Chapter One and the theoretical views of Charles Rzepka, Lee Horsley, Stephen Knight and Martin Priestman, are used to discuss how minimising EAS and professional investigators developed into a tradition; and became a generic trend in the recognised detective fiction formula that was used by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Freeman Wills Crofts, H. C. Bailey, R. Austin Freeman, Agatha Christie, Ruth Rendell and P. D. James. I then examine how the device transferred to historical detective fiction, using the framework to consider Ellis Peters, Umberto Eco and other selected contemporary authors of historical detective fiction. Throughout, the critical aspect considers how the trivialisation developed and perpetuated through a generic trend. The research concludes that there is a trend embedded within detective and historical detective fiction. One that was created, developed and perpetuated by authors to augment their fictional detective’s innate skillset and to help produce narratives using it is a creative process. It further concludes that the trend can be reimagined to plausibly use EAS and professional investigators in detective and historical detective fiction. The aim of the creative aspect of the project is to employ the research and demonstrate how the tradition can be successfully reinterpreted. To do so, the historical detective fiction novel A Hidden Life uses traditional features of the detective fiction formula to support and strengthen plausible EAS and professional investigators within the narrative. The end result is a historical detective fiction novel. One that proves the thesis conclusion and is fundamentally crafted by the critical research.

“She said she was called Theodore” : -        A modality analysis of five transcendental saints in the 1260’s Legenda Aurea and 1430’s Gilte Legende

Atterving, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores modalities in two hagiographical collections from the late Middle Ages; the Legenda Aurea and the Gilte Legende by drawing inspiration from post-colonial hybridity theories.. It conducts a close textual analysis by studying the use of pronouns in five saints’ legends where female saints transcend traditional gender identities and become men, and focuses on how they transcend, live as men, and die. The study concludes that the use of pronouns is fluid in the Latin Legenda Aurea, while the Middle English Gilte Legende has more female pronouns and additions to the texts where the female identity of the saints is emphasised. This is interpreted as a sign of the feminisation of religious language in Europe during the late Middle Ages, and viewed parallel with the increase of holy women at that time. By doing this, it underlines the importance of new words and concepts when describing and understanding medieval views on gender.

Kořeny moravské urbanistické struktury / Roots of Moravian Urban Structure

Mohelník, Ladislav Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis has been written on the basis of main architectural concepts and their application in real life within a historical context investigation. Main architectural concepts are represented in a harmony of architectural composition that deals with relations among form, structure and space in the unique art work. Genius loci play very important role in the architectural creation - it represents a special and extra-ordinary urban locality and its architectural value in the historical, geographical and cultural context. The origin of Ostravice village within the historical frame concept of Moravia domain is the topic of this thesis. Other historical documents gave information about Bruneswerde as the Brno Castle. That means Brno Castle had to be founded not in Brno (as it has been consid-ered for many years) but it was located in Beskydy at Ostravice. The sacred city – Civitas Dei had been located in Bruneswerde region in early ages as the centre of European culture, education and spiritual life. Civitas Dei – divine Jerusalem in the transcription of St. Augustine's book De civitate Dei – is not only glorification of God and religious fantasy. It is also one of significant clues for recognition of historical architecture. The depiction of unknown settlement from the book of unde-fined origin is a superb testimony about extinct architectural works. They are legible from cadastral maps. Brno Castle - residence of nobility and power served shelter to St. Vojtěch, St. Prokop, St. Václav and St. Ludmila as it is obvious for the mentioned picture. Three major temples, three com-position axes symbolized by three towers on coins are in analogical relation to Brno triangle of four saints - the Saint family of Brno temples. Powerful ambitions of Brno City principals and clergy are inscribed into the urban structure in the way of composition relations which are legible to them who devoted themselves to the mystery of harmony. The absence of historical continuity affects personal attitudes and also identity of the whole community. The architecture truly reflects the past state of polis and it is eloquent even after its death. The architectural composition relations influence the natural environment for long time, longer than the architectural work existence. The geometric order of Renaissance Brno existence has not been in attention of architects so far. The features were discovered in characteristic paintings by Albrecht Durer. They are evidently secret works of the genius. A meaningful collaborator and follower in the extensive project was also his friend Jan Čert from Brno and lately from Vienna. His noble genealogy played a significant role in history of Silesia and Moravia for centuries. It is tendency to consider him as Austrian or even German architect. It is because of the fact that the genealogy tree of his noble family had roots in Moravia. It is supposed that Durer with Jan Čert´s support created the extraordinarily monumental architectural and urban works in Brno. A remarkable consensus in the urban composition of two squares and transition of traditional urban structure of Ostravice Civitas Dei into the modern Brno is also confirmed due to the identification of noble creators and owners, who were at the foundation, transformation and extinction of elements of the Moravian urban structure.

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