Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trace"" "subject:"grace""
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Efficient global gravity field determination from satellite-to-satellite trackingHan, Shin-Chan 07 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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[EN] In this thesis it is introduced a method to filter GNSS height time series from vertical displacements derived from load variations in the Earth's surface, obtained from the monthly geopotential coefficients from the GRACE mission. These load variations are originated mainly by the seasonal hydrological variations as it can be confirmed from the hydrological GLDAS model. This filtering method is based on spectral analysis techniques that allow the manipulation of time series in both time and frequency domains.
To test this method data from 66 IGS Core Network reference stations have been used. The origin of the GNSS data are the weekly solutions provided by the First Data Reprocessing Campaign carried out by IGS. Monthly level-2 data from GRACE Mission provided by GFZ, with a time-span of more than 11 years, have been used to generate hydrological load and equivalent water thickness monthly time series at every reference station from which GNSS data are available. In addition, soil water content time series have also been created from monthly GLDAS data.
With the periodograms of the four time series datasets a signal with frequency close to 1 cycle per year is detected in the GNSS height, load, equivalent water thickness and GLDAS time series. As this signal has the same frequency in the equivalent water thickness and GLDAS time series it is confirmed that its origin is the hydrological cycle. Therefore the variations observed in the GNSS height and load time series can be explained, at least part of it, by these hydrological variations.
The spectral filtering technique introduced in this thesis is based on the detection and isolation of the annual signal in the load time series from GRACE data. This process is done in the frequency domain by using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Using the linearity property of the DFT, the isolated annual signal from the load time series is subtracted from the DFT of the GNSS height time series in the frequency domain. The new time series in the frequency domain is the GNSS height without the annual signal generated by the hydrological variations in the GNSS reference station area.
After testing the spectral filter with times series dataset from 66 reference stations, it is demonstrated that for stations in areas with important hydrological activity the GNSS height time series reduce their WRMS by 18 % on average, with some special cases where WRMS reduction is higher than 25 %. Other parameters like GNSS height vs. GRACE load correlation before and after the filtering process show a reduction of the correlation from 53.9 % to 15.0 % In areas where the hydrological variations are not clearly detected by GNSS and GRACE, like islands, coasts or deserts, there is no WRMS reduction, and other parameters do not show any improvement in the GNSS height time series after the filtering process. / [ES] En esta tesis doctoral se presenta un método de filtrado de series temporales de altura GNSS a partir de los desplazamientos verticales derivados de las variaciones de carga sobre la corteza terrestre obtenidas a partir de los modelos geopotenciales mensuales de la misión GRACE. Estas variaciones de carga vienen provocadas, principalmente, por las variaciones estacionales hidrológicas tal como se comprueba a partir del modelo hidrológico GLDAS. El método de filtrado se basa en el análisis espectral, que permite manipular las series temporales tanto en el dominio del tiempo como de las frecuencias.
Para comprobar la validez del método se han utilizado datos de 66 estaciones de referencia pertenecientes al IGS Core Network. Estos datos son las soluciones semanales de coordenadas obtenidas por la 1 a campaña de reprocesado de datos IGS. Por otro lado también se han utilizado datos nivel-2 de la misión GRACE proporcionados por GFZ y que cubren un periodo de tiempo de más de 11 años, para generar la series temporales de carga hidrológica y lámina de agua en cada una de las estaciones de referencia analizadas. Por último también se han utilizado datos mensuales de contenido de agua en superficie generados por GLDAS a partir de los cuales también se han generado series temporales en las estaciones de referencia.
Mediante el análisis de los espectros de amplitudes de los cuatro tipos de series temporales se detecta una señal con frecuencia cercana a 1 ciclo por año que se encuentra presente en las series temporales de altura elipsoidal, carga hidrológica GRACE, lámina de agua GRACE y contenido de agua en superficie GLDAS. Como la señal se encuentra presente tanto en las series temporales de lámina de agua y contenido de agua en superficie, se confirma que su origen es el ciclo hidrológico. Por tanto las variaciones observadas en las series temporales de altura elipsoidal y carga hidrológica pueden ser explicadas, al menos en parte, por las variaciones hidrológicas.
La técnica de filtrado espectral presentada en esta tesis se basa en la detección y aislado de la señal anual en las series temporales de carga hidrológica. Este proceso se realiza en el dominio de las frecuencias mediante la Transformación Discreta de Fourier (DFT) realizada con los algoritmos de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT). Gracias a la propiedad de linealidad de las transformadas de Fourier, la señal anual aislada es restada de las series temporales de altura elipsoidal también en el dominio de las frecuencias. La serie temporal resultante es la serie temporal de alturas elipsoidales sin la señal anual de la carga hidrológica.
Tras realizar el filtrado espectral con las estaciones de referencia se demuestra que en las estaciones en áreas con una importante actividad hidrológica las series temporales de altura GNSS reducen su error medio cuadrático ponderado (WRMS) un 18 % en promedio, con casos destacables que superan el 25 %. Otros parámetros como la correlación entre altura elipsoidal y carga hidrológica antes y después del filtrado también muestran una importante variación, pasando de un 53.9 % al 15.0 %. En áreas donde las variaciones hidrológicas no son tan claramente observadas por GNSS ni por GRACE, como por ejemplo en islas, zonas costeras o desiertos, no hay reducción de WRMS, ni el resto de parámetros indican mejora en las series temporales de altura elipsoidal tras el filtrado. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral es presenta un mètode de filtrat de sèries temporals d'altura GNSS a partir dels desplaçaments verticals derivats de les variacions de càrrega sobre l'escorça terrestre obtingudes a partir del models mensuals de geopotencial de la missió GRACE. Aquestes variacions estan provocades principalment per les variacions hidrològiques estacionals tal i com es pot comprovar a partir del model hidrològic GLDAS. Aquest mètode es basa en l'anàlisi espectral, que permet manipular les sèries temporals tant en el domini del temps com en el domini de les freqüències.
Per a comprovar la validesa del mètode s'han utilitzat dades de 66 estacions de referència pertanyents a l' IGS Core Network. Aquestes dades són les solucions setmanals de coordenades obtingudes per l' 1a campanya de reprocessat de dades IGS. D'altra banda també s'han utilitzat dades nivell-2 de la missió GRACE, proporcionats per GFZ i que cobreixen un període de temps de més d'11 anys, per a generar la sèries temporals de càrrega hidrològica i làmina d'aigua en cadascuna de les estacions de referència analitzades. Finalment també s'han utilitzat dades mensuals de contingut d'aigua en superfície generades per GLDAS, a partir dels quals també s'han generat sèries temporals en les estacions de referència.
Mitjançant l'anàlisi dels espectres d'amplitud dels quatre tipus de sèries temporals, es detecta un senyal amb freqüència propera a 1 cicle per any que es troba present en les sèries temporals d'altura el·lipsoïdal, càrrega hidrològica GRACE, làmina d'aigua GRACE i contingut d'aigua en superfície GLDAS. Com el senyal es troba present tant en les sèries temporals de làmina d'aigua i contingut d'aigua en superfície, es confirma que el seu origen és el cicle hidrològic. Per tant les variacions observades en les sèries temporals d'altura el·lipsoïdal i càrrega hidrològica poden ser explicades, si més no en part, per les variacions hidrològiques.
La tècnica de filtrat espectral presentada en aquesta tesi es basa en la detecció i aïllament del senyal anual en les sèries temporals de càrrega hidrològica. Aquest procés es fa en el domini de les freqüències mitjançant la Transformació Discreta de Fourier (DFT) feta amb els algorismes de la Transformada Ràpida de Fourier (FFT). Gràcies a la propietat de linealitat de les transformades de Fourier, el senyal anual aïllat és restat de les sèries temporals d'altura el·lipsoïdal, que es troba també en el domini de les freqüències. La sèrie temporal resultant és la sèrie temporal d'altures el·lipsoïdals sense el senyal anual de la càrrega hidrològica.
Després de fer el filtrat espectral amb les estacions de referència, es demostra que a les estacions en àrees amb una important activitat hidrològica, les sèries temporals d'altura GNSS redueixen el seu error quadràtic mitjà ponderat (WRMS) un 18 % en mitjana, amb casos destacables que superen el 25 %. Altres paràmetres com la correlació entre l'altura el·lipsoïdal i la càrrega hidrològica abans i després del filtrat també mostren una important variació, passant d'un 53.9 % al 15.0 %. En àrees on les variacions hidrològiques no són tan clarament observades per GNSS ni per GRACE, com per exemple en illes, zones costaneres o deserts, no hi ha reducció de WRMS, ni la resta de paràmetres indiquen una millora en les sèries temporals d'altura el·lipsoïdal després del filtrat. / Ros Valiente, L. (2016). EVALUACIÓN DEL DESPLAZAMIENTO VERTICAL DE ESTACIONES GNSS PRODUCIDO POR LA CARGA HIDROLÓGICA A PARTIR DEL ANALISIS ESPECTRAL Y FILTRADO DE LAS SERIES TEMPORALES GNSS, GRACE Y GLDAS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61290
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The meaning of the expression having died to sin in Romans 6:1-14Mabelane, Kolena Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The letter to the Romans conveys a message of God's love and
how through his grace, he has prepared a way to liberate
mankind from a life of sin to a life of righteousness. But
the way the message is presented, this grace may easily be
misunderstood as an encouragement for people to live in sin.
In Chapter 6:1-14, a concise but detailed outline of the
message of the epistle unfolds into two main sections,
namely, the Indicative and the Imperative. Key statements in
these sections are: 'How can we who have died to sin,
continue to live in it?' (6:2), and 'Consider yourselves dead
to sin and alive to God' (6:11). Failure to distinguish the
separate meanings of these statements may lead to the
conclusion that the pericope encourages libertinism.
In outlining the:meaning of this expression, 'We have died to
sin ... ', I hope to make a contribution for a better
understanding of the message of this pericope, namely: The
grace of God that enables believers to live a righteous / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Theology)
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Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen normativer Ethik und dem Grundprinzip der Gnade mit Bezugnahme auf Scheidung und Wiederheirat innerhalb der christlichen Kirchen und Gemeinschaften / Bridging the gap between normative ethics and the concept of grace with special reference to the question of divorce and remarriage within Christian churches and communitiesBinder-Wüstiner, Beatrice, 1958- 05 1900 (has links)
German text / Die vorliegende Arbeit schlägt eine Brücke über den Graben zwischen dem normativ-ethischen
Anspruch an die Lebenslänglichkeit einer Ehe und Gottes gnädigem Handeln gegenüber dem
scheiternden Menschen. Anhand des Umgangs der Kirchen und Glaubensgemeinschaften mit
Ehescheidung und Wiederheirat wird dieser Graben aufgezeigt. Es ergibt sich, dass die bestehende
Spannung jeweils durch die einseitige Betonung von Norm oder Gnade aufgelöst wird.
Die Grundlage für die Diskussion bilden das massgebende Eheverständnis sowie die Bestimmung
des Verhältnisses zwischen theologischer Ethik und dem Konzept der Gnade als Handlungsprinzip
Gottes. Darum werden in dieser Forschungsarbeit zuerst die theologiegeschichtlich
gewachsenen Eheverständnisse und die unterschiedlichen Normen- und Gnadenverständnisse
der römisch katholischen Kirche, der evangelischen Kirchen und der evangelikalen Gemeinschaften
in Bezug auf den Umgang mit Scheidung und Wiederheirat untersucht. Aufgrund
der herausgearbeiteten Übereinstimmungen und Unterschiede wird anschliessend anhand eines
von der Vergebung ausgehenden Denkansatzes der Graben zwischen normativer Ethik und dem
Konzept der Gnade überbrückt, die Spannung aber nicht aufgehoben. Daraus werden mögliche
Auswirkungen im Umgang mit Scheidung und Wiederheirat für die Kirchen und Gemeinschaften
abgeleitet. / The present thesis bridges the gap between the normative-ethical standard of lifelong marriage
on the one hand and God’s grace for men‘s failures on the other hand. Considering the practices
of churches and communities with regard to divorce and remarriage, this gap is demonstrated.
It is found that the associated tension is eliminated by an unilateral choice of either the
normative aspect or the principle of grace. The basis for the discussion is provided by the relevant
understanding of marriage and the determination of the relationship between theological
ethics and grace as the principle of God's action towards mankind. Therefore, this thesis investigates
the evolution of the theological understanding of marriage during history and the different
understandings of norms and grace in the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church and the
Evangelical Free Communities with regard to their handling of divorce and remarriage. Considering
the resulting similarities and differences, I propose – building on the fact of God’s forgiveness
– how to bridge the gap between normative ethics and the concept of grace without
eliminating the obvious tension. Finally, possible consequences for how to handle divorce and
remarriage by churches and communities are drawn. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)
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The meaning of the expression having died to sin in Romans 6:1-14Mabelane, Kolena Solomon 11 1900 (has links)
The letter to the Romans conveys a message of God's love and
how through his grace, he has prepared a way to liberate
mankind from a life of sin to a life of righteousness. But
the way the message is presented, this grace may easily be
misunderstood as an encouragement for people to live in sin.
In Chapter 6:1-14, a concise but detailed outline of the
message of the epistle unfolds into two main sections,
namely, the Indicative and the Imperative. Key statements in
these sections are: 'How can we who have died to sin,
continue to live in it?' (6:2), and 'Consider yourselves dead
to sin and alive to God' (6:11). Failure to distinguish the
separate meanings of these statements may lead to the
conclusion that the pericope encourages libertinism.
In outlining the:meaning of this expression, 'We have died to
sin ... ', I hope to make a contribution for a better
understanding of the message of this pericope, namely: The
grace of God that enables believers to live a righteous / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Theology)
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Custos com a hospitalização por síndrome coronariana aguda no âmbito da saúde suplementarNunes, Tássia Camilla Santos 05 August 2016 (has links)
Background – The sustainability of the health system requires the development of cost reduction strategies and effectiveness in serviçe provide. The formulation of effective planning is only possible through studies analyzing the profile of the assisted population for allocating resources strategically.
Objective - Assess the value chain associated to hospitalization due to Acute Coronary Syndrome in Private Health System.
Methods and Results - A transversal, documental study, using quantitative approach was done in a private hospital and in a health insurance company. Individuals admitted due to acute coronary syndrome in the years 2013 and 2014 in the researched hospital that had not been treated in another health unit or didn’t die were included in this study. The GRACE score version 2.0 was calculated and the invoices with all the hospitalization costs, discriminated in six taxonomies. The relation between the costs and GRACE score was obtained through Kruskal Wallis test, considering significant differences smaller than p<0.05. Sixty-four patients were included, most of which were female, mean age 67.3± 14,2 years exhibiting mainly unstable angina and low GRACE score. The mean cost per patient with acute coronary syndrome was R$ 31.199,38 and the median hospital stay was 5.0 days, influencing the costs (p: 0,041). There was no statistical significance between the costs and the GRACE score (p: 0,170), the cost variability in the same GRACE score was high and the taxonomy that most affected the costs were the non standard materials.
Conclusion - The identified mean cost per patient was R$ 31.199,38, there was no statistical relation between the GRACE score and the costs, with large variations in the same GRACE score. The taxonomic category that most impacted the costs were the non standard material. / Fundamento – A sustentabilidade do sistema de saúde impõe a elaboração de estratégias de redução de custos e eficácia na prestação de serviço, para isso a criação do planejamento eficaz só é possível por meio de estudos que analisem o perfil da população assistida para a alocação de recursos de forma estratégica.
Objetivo - Analisar a cadeia de custos com a hospitalização por Síndrome Coronariana Aguda no âmbito da Saúde Suplementar.
Métodos e Resultados- Estudo transversal, documental, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em hospital privado e operadora de plano de saúde. Foram incluídos indivíduos admitidos com síndrome coronariana aguda nos anos 2013 e 2014 no referido hospital, que não tivessem sido atendidos em outra unidade de saúde na vigência do episódio e que não evoluíram ao óbito. Foi calculado o escore GRACE versão 2.0 e obtidas faturas com todos os custos hospitalares, discriminadas em seis categorias taxonômicas. A relação entre os custos e níveis do escore GRACE foi obtida por meio do teste de Kruskal Wallis, considerando significativas diferenças inferiores a p<0,05. Foram incluídos 64 pacientes, maioria mulheres, com idade média de 67,3± 14,2 anos que apresentaram principalmente angina instável e escore de risco baixo. O custo médio por paciente com síndrome coronariana aguda foi R$ R$ 31.199,38 e a mediana de permanência hospitalar de 5.0 dias, a qual influenciou nos custos (p: 0,041). Não houve relação de significância estatística entre os custos e o escore GRACE (p: 0,170), a variabilidade dos custos em um mesmo escore de risco GRACE foi alta e a categoria taxonômica que mais impactou na fatura foram órteses/próteses/materais especiais.
Conclusão: Foi identificado um custo médio de R$ 31.199,38 por paciente, não houve relação estatística entre o escore GRACE e os custos, inclusive houve grande variação de custos em um mesmo escore e a categoria taxonômica que mais impactou financeiramente foram órteses/próteses/materiais especias.
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Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen normativer Ethik und dem Grundprinzip der Gnade mit Bezugnahme auf Scheidung und Wiederheirat innerhalb der christlichen Kirchen und Gemeinschaften / Bridging the gap between normative ethics and the concept of grace with special reference to the question of divorce and remarriage within Christian churches and communitiesBinder-Wüstiner, Beatrice, 1958- 05 1900 (has links)
German text / Die vorliegende Arbeit schlägt eine Brücke über den Graben zwischen dem normativ-ethischen
Anspruch an die Lebenslänglichkeit einer Ehe und Gottes gnädigem Handeln gegenüber dem
scheiternden Menschen. Anhand des Umgangs der Kirchen und Glaubensgemeinschaften mit
Ehescheidung und Wiederheirat wird dieser Graben aufgezeigt. Es ergibt sich, dass die bestehende
Spannung jeweils durch die einseitige Betonung von Norm oder Gnade aufgelöst wird.
Die Grundlage für die Diskussion bilden das massgebende Eheverständnis sowie die Bestimmung
des Verhältnisses zwischen theologischer Ethik und dem Konzept der Gnade als Handlungsprinzip
Gottes. Darum werden in dieser Forschungsarbeit zuerst die theologiegeschichtlich
gewachsenen Eheverständnisse und die unterschiedlichen Normen- und Gnadenverständnisse
der römisch katholischen Kirche, der evangelischen Kirchen und der evangelikalen Gemeinschaften
in Bezug auf den Umgang mit Scheidung und Wiederheirat untersucht. Aufgrund
der herausgearbeiteten Übereinstimmungen und Unterschiede wird anschliessend anhand eines
von der Vergebung ausgehenden Denkansatzes der Graben zwischen normativer Ethik und dem
Konzept der Gnade überbrückt, die Spannung aber nicht aufgehoben. Daraus werden mögliche
Auswirkungen im Umgang mit Scheidung und Wiederheirat für die Kirchen und Gemeinschaften
abgeleitet. / The present thesis bridges the gap between the normative-ethical standard of lifelong marriage
on the one hand and God’s grace for men‘s failures on the other hand. Considering the practices
of churches and communities with regard to divorce and remarriage, this gap is demonstrated.
It is found that the associated tension is eliminated by an unilateral choice of either the
normative aspect or the principle of grace. The basis for the discussion is provided by the relevant
understanding of marriage and the determination of the relationship between theological
ethics and grace as the principle of God's action towards mankind. Therefore, this thesis investigates
the evolution of the theological understanding of marriage during history and the different
understandings of norms and grace in the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church and the
Evangelical Free Communities with regard to their handling of divorce and remarriage. Considering
the resulting similarities and differences, I propose – building on the fact of God’s forgiveness
– how to bridge the gap between normative ethics and the concept of grace without
eliminating the obvious tension. Finally, possible consequences for how to handle divorce and
remarriage by churches and communities are drawn. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)
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[pt] Esta tese reflete sobre o estatuto contemporâneo da voz no cinema a partir do
tratamento a ela dispensado em um recorte de trabalhos audiovisuais cujos
procedimentos artísticos singulares convidam à investigação — em especial no que
tange ao que se tem reconhecido como manifestações espectrais da voz acusmática. O
trabalho se compõe de três ensaios complementares, que investigam de que maneiras e
com que efeitos estético-políticos as produções em exame subvertem formas
historicamente calcificadas de destituir a palavra de qualquer corporeidade, o que
inclui a materialidade da voz. Com esse horizonte, o estudo se debruça sobre as
seguintes criações: A paixão de JL (2016), de Carlos Nader; Hilda Hilst pede
contato (2018), de Gabriela Greeb; Imagem e palavra (2018), de Jean-Luc Godard;
e Vaga carne (2019), de Grace Passô e Ricardo Alves Jr. Por atenção aos modos como
esses filmes trabalham e pensam a matéria vocal, distinguem-se e exploram-se três
manifestações interligadas da voz acusmática: (1) propomos pensar
como vocobiografias espectrais os tratamentos dados por Nader e Greeb aos arquivos
de voz de Leonilson e Hilst, com destaque para os movimentos que se ali
desdobram entre presença e ausência, indivíduo e coletivo, ficção e realidade; (2)
derivamos a noção de um vozerio tátil dos procedimentos com que Godard atende ao
imperativo pensar com as mãos, que abre Imagem e palavra, no plano da miríade de
vozes ali convocadas; e por fim, (3) refletimos sobre a invenção de uma voz
polimorfa no média-metragem de Grace Passô e Ricardo Alves Jr., que, disparado por
encenação (2016) e livro (2018) homônimos de autoria da atriz e dramaturga, tem
como surpreendente protagonista uma voz com o poder de transitar por
diferentes matérias. Mostra-se como, ao mobilizarem a materialidade da voz por
diferentes caminhos e com diferentes ênfases, os filmes estudados agem no sentido de
deslocar modos arraigados – e passivos – de escuta. / [en] This thesis reflects on the status of the voice in contemporary cinema by
examining a selection of audiovisual works whose unique artistic procedures invite
investigation — especially with regard to what has been recognized as spectral
manifestations of the acousmatic voice. The work is composed of three complementary
essays, which investigate how and with what aesthetic-political effects
these productions subvert historically calcified forms of depriving the word of any
corporeality, notably of the materiality of the voice. With this horizon, the study delves
into the following creations: JL s passion (2016), by Carlos Nader; Dead ones, do you
live? (2018), by Gabriela Greeb; The image book (2018), by Jean-Luc Godard;
and Dazed flesh (2019), by Grace Passô and Ricardo Alves Jr. By attending to the ways
in which these films work with and think about the vocal matter, we distinguish and
explore three interconnected manifestations of the acousmatic voice: (1) we propose to
think about the treatments given by Nader and Greeb to the voice archives of Leonilson
and Hilst as spectral vocobiographies, with emphasis on what evolves in between
presence and absence, individual and collective, fiction and reality; (2) we derive the
notion of a tactile buzz from the singular ways in which Godard combines the myriad
of voices he summons, as yet another means to respond to the imperative that opens
the film, namely, to think with the hands; and finally, (3) we reflect on the invention
of a polymorphous voice in the medium-length film by Grace Passô and Ricardo Alves
Jr., which, triggered by homonymous staging (2016) and book (2018) by Passô, has
as its surprising protagonist a voice with the power to transit through different
subjects. I show how, by mobilizing the materiality of the voice through different paths
and with different emphases, the studied films act in order to displace entrenched —
and passive — modes of listening.
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A PROEMINÊNCIA DA JUSTIFICAÇÃO PELA FÉ NA TEOLOGIA DE PAULO AOS ROMANOS 5,12-21.Vieira, Misael Juvenil 12 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-12 / The Romans 5.12 to 21 text is revisited from the general context of the Charter. Are
peripheral issues and intentions that hide behind the texts that help to outline the
central theme of the Charter, which is grace, as God s gift, which results in
justification by faith. The Letter to the Romans shows Paul as a person plural and
with strong collective sense. The Romans 5.15 to 21 text display goes against the
idea of a wrathful Paulo, resentful, sad and melancholy. In this passage we see the
flow of an overflowing joy, which he wants to pass on to the communities that are still
tied to the concept of salvation gained from the works of the law. The sin, which
results in death , is only remembrance for those who reach the kingdom entrance life.
This is why Paul should not be read as the author of the theology of death, but of life.
The struggle to attain the fullness of grace and justification by faith is a struggle for
freedom, quite appropriate topic to deal with the Roman imperial oppression. This joy
transcends the individual and expands the community and social sphere. Receiving
the grace of God for man allows this serve and love the Lord by choice and not by
institutional constraints. The deeper symptom of freedom manifests that serving with
joy. Paul does not prioritize individuals in their theology, but a free society. A
company achieved the freedom of grace and righteousness of God s justice,
certainly, is a society ready to live the reality of social justice. / O texto de Rm 5,12-21 é revisitado a partir do contexto geral da Carta. São os temas
periféricos e as intencionalidades que se escondem por detrás dos textos que
ajudam a delinear o tema central da Carta, que é a graça, como dom de Deus, da
qual resulta a justificação pela fé. A Carta aos Romanos mostra Paulo como uma
pessoa pluralizada e com forte noção coletiva. A exposição do texto de Rm 5,15-21
contraria a ideia de um Paulo iracundo, ressentido, triste e melancólico. Nessa
passagem vemos o fluir de uma alegria transbordante, a qual ele deseja repassar às
comunidades que ainda se vinculavam ao conceito da salvação adquirida através
das obras da Lei. O pecado, do qual resulta a morte, é apenas lembrança, para os
que alcançam a entrada do reino da vida. Por isto Paulo não deve ser lido como
autor da teologia da morte, mas da vida. A luta para alcançar a plenitude da graça e
da justificação pela fé é uma luta pela liberdade, tema bastante apropriado para
fazer frente à opressão imperial romana. Essa alegria transcende o indivíduo e se
expande à esfera comunitária e social. O recebimento da graça de Deus pelo
homem permite que este sirva e ame ao Senhor por opção própria e não por
imposições institucionais. O sintoma mais profundo de liberdade se manifesta
naquele que serve com alegria. Paulo não prioriza indivíduos na sua teologia e sim
uma sociedade livre. Uma sociedade alcançada pela liberdade da graça e da retidão
da justiça de Deus, certamente, é uma sociedade pronta para viver a realidade da
justiça social.
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Augustine, City of God 14 : an interpretative studyTrettel, Adam Michael January 2018 (has links)
This thesis provides an interpretative study of Augustine of Hippo’s City of God, book 14. The introduction explains how the thesis demonstrates that Augustine only partially endorses a model of emotional control through reason, and asserts that the key to his emotions doctrine is not to be found in an affections-passions dichotomy. It also addresses Augustine’s engagement with Platonism in the text, and, using work by Volker Drecoll, explains how the commentary-style project is able to situate City 14 within the Pelagian controversy ca. A.D. 419. The following seven chapters proceed uninterruptedly through City 14, clarifying Augustine’s argumentative aims and making use of secondary scholarship and philological tools to investigate points of fine detail. Chapter 1 explores City 14.1, his recapitulation of City 11-13 and his setting out of the initial two-cities dichotomy. Chapter 2 explores City 14.2-5, in which Augustine critiques Manichean or Platonist positions that the body is bad or evil. Chapter 3 explores City 14.6-9, and Augustine’s explication of the Biblical doctrine of emotions. Chapter 4 explores City 14.10-15, and the theme of the primal Fall and the will being ‘spontaneous’. Chapter 5 explores City 14.16-20, and Augustine’s exploration of the disobedience of the genitals in all forms of sex, including married life. Chapter 6 explores City 14.21-25, in which Augustine discusses the workings of Adam and Eve’s hypothetical sexual experience in the Pre-Fall Paradise. Chapter 7 explores City 14.26-28, in which Augustine recapitulates City 14.10-25, and comments on the workings of Providence, before hurtling towards the final dichotomy about the two cities being separated by their ‘loves’. A conclusion reviews the main points of the thesis. The thesis makes extensive use of German and French scholarship, of the CCL 48 Latin text, and the tools of the CAG 3 Augustine database; it occasionally contests the chapter divisions found in modern editions.
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