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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elevers tolkningar av övergången mellan vissa representationer av funktionsbegreppet

Nalbantic, Nadja January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att upptäcka vilka föreställningar eleverna har om funktionsbegreppet genom att undersöka elevers tolkningar av övergången mellan representationsformerna graf, situation och formel. I undersökningen användes enkät och kvalitativ intervju för att undersöka detta. Resultatet visade att de undersökta eleverna som befann sig i slutfasen av Matematik B har svårigheter med att översätta från en representationsform till en annan men även att eleverna har missuppfattningar kring funktionsbegreppet. Det var inte möjligt att göra en generalisering av elevers missuppfattningar om funktioner. Dock belyser denna undersökning de svårigheter dessa elever har. / This work is to discover what ideas students have on the functioning of the concept by examining the students' interpretations of the transition between the graph representation of shapes, position and formula. The study used survey and qualitative interviews to investigate this. The results showed that the surveyed students who were in the final phase of Mathematics B, has difficulties in translating from one representation form to another but also that students have misconceptions about the concept of function. It was not possible to make a generalization of students' misconceptions about functions. However, this study highlights the difficulties these students have.

Comparison study on graph sampling algorithms for interactive visualizations of large-scale networks

Voroshilova, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Networks are present in computer science, sociology, biology, and neuroscience as well as in applied fields such as transportation, communication, medical industries. The growing volumes of data collection are pushing scalability and performance requirements on graph algorithms, and at the same time, a need for a deeper understanding of these structures through visualization arises. Network diagrams or graph drawings can facilitate the understanding of data, making intuitive the identification of the largest clusters, the number of connected components, the overall structure, and detecting anomalies, which is not achievable through textual or matrix representations. The aim of this study was to evaluate approaches that would enable visualization of a large scale peer-to-peer video live streaming networks. The visualization of such large scale graphs has technical limitations which can be overcome by filtering important structural data from the networks. In this study, four sampling algorithms for graph reduction were applied to large overlay peer-to-peer network graphs and compared. The four algorithms cover different approaches: selecting links with the highest weight, selecting nodes with the highest cumulative weight, using betweenness centrality metrics, and constructing a focus-based tree. Through the evaluation process, it was discovered that the algorithm based on betweenness centrality approximation offers the best results. Finally, for each of the algorithms in comparison, their resulting sampled graphs were visualized using a forcedirected layout with a 2-step loading approach to depict their effect on the representation of the graphs. / Nätverk återfinns inom datavetenskap, sociologi, biologi och neurovetenskap samt inom tillämpade områden så som transport, kommunikation och inom medicinindustrin. Den växande mängden datainsamling pressar skalbarheten och prestandakraven på grafalgoritmer, samtidigt som det uppstår ett behov av en djupare förståelse av dessa strukturer genom visualisering. Nätverksdiagram eller grafritningar kan underlätta förståelsen av data, identifiera de största grupperna, ett antal anslutna komponenter, visa en övergripande struktur och upptäcka avvikelser, något som inte kan uppnås med texteller matrisrepresentationer. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera tillvägagångssätt som kunde möjliggöra visualisering av ett omfattande P2P (peer-to-peer) livestreamingnätverk. Visualiseringen av större grafer har tekniska begränsningar, något som kan lösas genom att samla viktiga strukturella data från nätverken. I den här studien applicerades fyra provtagningsalgoritmer för grafreduktion på stora överlagringar av P2P-nätverksgrafer för att sedan jämföras. De fyra algoritmerna är baserade på val av länkar med högsta vikt, av nodar med högsta kumulativa vikt, betweenness-centralitetsvärden för att konstruera ett fokusbaserat träd som har de längsta vägarna uteslutna. Under utvärderingsprocessen upptäcktes det att algoritmen baserad på betweenness-centralitetstillnärmning visade de bästa resultaten. Dessutom, för varje algoritm i jämförelsen, visualiserades deras slutliga samplade grafer genom att använda en kraftstyrd layout med ett 2-stegs laddningsinfart.

Students understanding of integral calculus

Alionte, Florentina January 2013 (has links)
Det här arbetet har haft som syfte att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar eleverna på en Komvuxskola har om integralkalkyl. I undersökningen medverkade 28 elever och fyra av dem blev intervjuade. Jag använde mig av ett skriftligt test och kvalitativa ostrukturerade intervjuer som undersökningsmetoder. Studiens resultat visade att endast några elever tolkade begreppen primitiv funktion samt integral som ett objekt och utvecklade relationell förståelse. De andra eleverna som på det skriftliga testet kunde tillämpa reglerna för att bestämma primitiva funktioner och för att beräkna integraler, uppfattade begreppen som en process och utvecklade instrumentell förståelse. De felaktiga svaren grundade sig på svårigheter med: algebraiska manipulationer, grundläggande algebra och hantering av grafräknaren. När det gäller elevernas förståelse om sambandet mellan funktionens och primitiva funktionens graf visade eleverna svårigheter med övergången från den grafiska till den symboliska representationsformen. De eleverna som använde sig av grafräknaren på ett effektivt sätt fick bättre resultat än de andra som skrev att grafräknaren inte kom till någon användning.

La tragédie de la femme d'après Gustave Flaubert et Léon Tolstoi : "Madame Bovary" et "Anna Karenine"

Kunz, Maria Judith. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Safe for whom? : a feminist deconstructionist reading of the felix culpa in Leo Tolstoy's "Father Sergius"

Simonson, C. J'Lyn 01 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.


NADIA MIRANDA LESCHKO 11 April 2019 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese definimos o que vem a ser Memória Gráfica Brasileira a partir de entrevistas com pesquisadores do campo. E apresentamos abordagens e formas de atuar neste campo emergente por meio da identificação, registro e análise do rastro gráfico e oral de um evento memorável: a passagem do dirigível Graf Zeppelin pelo Brasil. Este rastro se constitui de manifestações gráficas recolhidas em acervos do país e também de relatos partilhados ao longo deste estudo que revelam o impacto desse evento na memória coletiva. O primeiro capítulo aborda o levantamento realizado com objetivo de verificar a existência e o âmbito do campo da Memória Gráfica Brasileira através de quatro vetores de investigação: termos e conceitos que o definem, teóricos, métodos e objetos de estudo. O segundo capítulo contextualiza o leitor no evento que é o fio condutor da tese: a passagem do dirigível Graf Zeppelin pelo Brasil nos anos 1930. O quarto capítulo apresenta o rastro gráfico deixado pelo Zeppelin na Imprensa Brasileira, categorizado em manifestações documentais e simbólicas. O quinto e último capítulo apresenta o rastro oral da passagem do dirigível pelo Brasil através de relatos colhidos no percurso desta tese. / [en] In this thesis we define what Brazilian Graphic Memory is through interviews with researchers in the field. We also present approaches and means of acting in this emerging field by identifying, recording and analyzing the graphic and oral trace of a memorable event: the passage of the Graf Zeppelin airship in Brazil. This trace is composed of graphic materials gathered from national archives and also from stories shared throughout this study, which reveal the impact of that event in the collective memory. The first chapter addresses the survey conducted in order to verify the existence and scope of the field of Brazilian Graphic Memory via four research vectors: terms and concepts that define it, theorists, methods and objects of study. The second chapter puts the reader into the context of the event which is the underlying theme of this thesis: the passage of the Graf Zeppelin airship in Brazil in the 1930s. The fourth chapter presents the graphic trace left by the Zeppelin in the Brazilian Press, categorized into documental and symbolic manifestations. The fifth and final chapter presents the oral trace of the passage of the airship in Brazil from accounts collected in the course of this thesis.

Logistika a řízení dopravního podniku / Logistics and transportation management company

PEŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
In this work specifically to deal with companies MEZADO Jan Pesek and its new services offered by the individual is assisted transportation of handicapped persons.The aim of this work is to analyze the design and service for its effectiveness.I decided to conduct a survey.The questionnaire was created database. The customers suggest extending the car fleet. The key to solving this problem is to extend the portfolio of customers.Instrument to acquisition new customers is a gain promotion.I suggest introduction of new form of propagation with leaflets and already created presentation. The leaflets and presentations will be distributed free of charge in the districts that need the increase in promotion.

Modern Methods for Tree Graph Structures Rendering / Modern Methods for Tree Graph Structures Rendering

Zajíc, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Tento projekt se věnuje problematice zobrazení velkých hierarchických struktur, zejména možnostem vizualizace stromových grafů. Cílem je implementace hyperbolického prohlížeče ve webovém prostředí, který využívá potenciálu neeukleidovské geometrie k promítnutí stromu na hyperbolickou rovinu. Velký důraz je kladen na uživatelsky přívětivou manipulaci se zobrazovaným modelem a snadnou orientaci.

Statistické zhodnocení dat / Statistical data evaluation

Fadrný, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis evaluates and processes data from final device checks. All the devices are similar types of thermal overcurrent relays by the ABB company. For appropriate statistical data processing, the Minitab 14 statistical software was used and various statistical methods were applied. Results are always listed for each device type and each method used. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first one analyzes the methods used and the second part states the method results. There is also an overall evaluation of the processed data.

Studijní statistiky na portálu / Study Statistics for Portal

Gruzová, Michaela Unknown Date (has links)
The master's thesis discusses the project and implementation of study statistics of the Portal of Brno University of Technology. It analyses the structure of the BUT portal and the technologies used for its creation. The technologies we are speaking about are the server-side scripting language PHP, query language SQL and cascading style sheets CSS. It describes the Oracle database technology and the st01 database scheme, a large scheme containing data used by information systems. It analyses the initial state of web applications and the situation at single faculties. The thesis analyses different solutions of certain parts of the application and studies the most appropriate ones. At the end it describes the implementation of study statistics and its integration into the central information system.

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