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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieffektivisering inom transportsektorn : En fallstudie på ett företagsfordonspark

Isak, Eklöv January 2021 (has links)
Energy efficiency within the transport sector - A case study on the vehicle fleet of a companyIsak EklövThe environmental objective of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045 asdecided by the Swedish parliament establishes a framework for a standard thatimplies a demand for considerable changes within many sectors at both technical and political level. The need for long term efficiency solutions with respect tosustainability to be able to reach this goal is great and one step towards this couldpotentially be an adaption to an increased amount of vehicles with alternative fuelsin the vehicle fleet of Sweden. This thesis examined the potential for companiesto reduce their life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as the total cost ofownership (TCO) for their vehicles by changing the composition of their vehiclefleet.The project started with a literature review of a general character where data forlife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as TCO for different vehicle typeswas examined and collected. Then the life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases andTCO were calculated for the different vehicle types through a case study on thevehicle fleet of a company. Finally a programming script was developed to increasethe efficiency of the process which was then used to create scenarios with differentcompositions of the vehicle fleet. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to evaluate the robustness of the life cycle calculations where the parameters individuallywere altered and the effect on the final result was examined.The result of the case study showed that alternative fueled vehicles are expected tolead to lower life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases compared to the conventionalalternatives for all vehicle types where alternative fuels are commercially available.The only exception for this was the electric fringe benefit vehicle with a 100 kWhbattery which was expected to lead to higher life-cycle emissions than its fossilalternatives. The result of the cost analysis showed a similar pattern but in thiscase the service vehicle fueled with gas was expected to lead to a higher value ofTCO than its fossil alternatives. The sensitivity analysis for life-cycle emissionsof greenhouse gases showed that production of lithium-ion batteries, vehicle base production and tailpipe emissions were the most contributing parameters forfringe benefit vehicles. The purchase cost was found to be the most contributingparameter for TCO.The result of the scenario analysis showed that there is a potential to decreaseiiilife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases by 22 % of the total life-cycle emissionsfor the vehicle fleet according to the Base-case scenario. The potential to decreaseTCO was found to be 1,1 %. The other scenarios showed a potential decrease forlife-cycle emissions of 37 % and a cost decrease of 7 % individually.Key words: greenhouse gas emissions, alternative fuels, electric vehicles, totalcost of ownership, life cycle assessment, sustainable vehicle fleet

The Impact of Insulation Materials on a Climate Declaration : A Study of a Swedish Preschool

Hallkvist, Isabelle, Nilsson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
To reach the net-zero carbon goal by 2045, the Swedish government want to push the building and construction sector to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. This push is performed by implementing a law requiring building developers to perform a climate declaration over greenhouse gas emissions, to receive a building’s final clearance. The climate declaration is limited to only include emissions from material extraction until completed building. However, there is a varying knowledge level in the industry regarding how to perform a climate declaration as well as how different materials impact the result. Therefore, this study aims to bring clarity concerning the topic, by investigating where the major and minor climate impacts occur in a building process. Additionally, the impact of different insulations materials and how they influence the result of a climate declaration is studied. To answer the research questions, a climate declaration is performed on a Swedish preschool. The insulation material in the building is altered between glass wool, stone wool, cellulose fibre, foam glass, and polystyrene insulation in different scenarios to see how it impacts the result. The stone wool scenarios use both carbon neutral and non-carbon neutral insulation. Cellulose fibre uses both loose wool with data from an EPD and board insulation with data from Boverket’s climate database in the scenarios. The major climate impact derives from the product stage (A1–A3), meaning material selection have a significant impact on the climate declaration result. The building element with the highest climate impact is the inner walls followed by the foundation, while the floor construction, roof and outer walls have the lowest climate impact. On a material level, plaster board, building plywood and concrete have the highest climate impact in the reference building. The cedar panel have the lowest climate impact and is the only carbon negative material in the reference building. However, this is due to different assumptions made in the climate impact data concerning the binding of carbon in organic materials. The results showed that the insulation material with the highest climate impact is non-carbon neutral stone wool that is 16 % higher than the original construction with glass wool, while loose cellulose wool has the lowest climate impact. The climate impact from the scenario with non-carbon neutral stone wool in the wall and roof construction is 33 % higher compared to the corresponding loose cellulose wool scenario. The scenario with the lowest climate impact, with loose cellulose wool, is approximately 13 % lower than the corresponding glass wool scenario. The carbon neutral stone wool scenario has a similar result to glass wool. Foam glass has a 9.5 % higher climate impact compared to polystyrene insulation in the foundation. Regarding the selection of insulation material, it influences the climate declaration by changing the climate impact. The influence derives from a combination of climate impact per unit and material quantity used in the building. The material quantity is partly dependant on the thermal conductivity (λ-value) of the insulation material. The climate declaration shows a limited view of a building’s environmental impact for a limited part of its lifecycle. Therefore, we would recommend additional lifecycle stages and environmental impacts to be part of the climate declaration in the future, as a means to avoid suboptimization and unintentional problem shifting. / För att nå klimatneutralitetsmålet 2045 vill den svenska regeringen driva bygg- och fastighetssektorn till att sänka sina växthusgasutsläpp. Denna insats utförs genom att införa en lag som kräver att byggherrar utför en klimatdeklaration över växthusgasutsläpp för att få ett slutbesked för byggnaden. Klimatdeklarationen är begränsad till att endast omfatta utsläpp från materialutvinning fram till färdig byggnad. Det finns dock en varierande kunskapsnivå i branschen om hur en klimatdeklaration utförs samt hur olika material påverkar resultatet. Därför syftar denna studie till att ge klarhet angående ämnet genom att undersöka var de större och mindre inflytandena på klimatpåverkan förekommer i en byggprocess. Dessutom studeras effekterna av olika isoleringsmaterial och hur de påverkar resultatet av en klimatdeklaration. För att besvara frågeställningarna utförs en klimatdeklaration på en svensk förskola. Isoleringsmaterialet i byggnaden ändras mellan glasull, stenull, cellulosafiber, skumglas och cellplast i olika scenarier för att se hur det påverkar resultatet. I stenullscenarierna används både koldioxidneutral och icke-koldioxidneutral isolering. Cellulosafibrer använder både lösull med data från en EPD och skivisolering med data från Boverkets klimatdatabas i scenarierna. Den största klimatpåverkan kommer från produktstadiet (A1–A3), vilket innebär att materialvalet har en betydande inverkan på klimatdeklarationsresultatet. Byggnadselementet med störst klimatpåverkan är innerväggarna följt av grunden, medan bjälklaget, taket och ytterväggarna har lägst klimatpåverkan. På materialnivå har gipsskivor, plywood och betong den högsta klimatpåverkan i referensbyggnaden. Cederpanelen har lägst klimatpåverkan och är det enda koldioxidnegativa materialet i referensbyggnaden. Detta beror dock på olika antaganden i klimatpåverkan angående bindningen av kol i organiska material. Resultaten visade att isoleringsmaterialet med den högsta klimatpåverkan är icke-koldioxidneutral stenull, som är 16 % högre än originalkonstruktionen med glasull, medan lös cellulosaull har lägst klimatpåverkan. Klimatpåverkan från scenariot med icke koldioxidneutral stenull i vägg- och takkonstruktion är 33 % högre jämfört med motsvarande scenario med lös cellulosaull. Scenariot med lägst klimatpåverkan, med lös cellulosaull, är cirka 13 % lägre än motsvarande glasullscenario. Det koldioxidneutrala stenullscenariot har ett liknande resultat som glasull. Skumglas har 9,5 % högre klimatpåverkan jämfört med cellplasten i grunden. När det gäller valet av isoleringsmaterial påverkar det klimatdeklarationen genom att förändra klimatpåverkan. Påverkan härstammar från en kombination av klimatpåverkan per enhet och mängden material som används i byggnaden. Mängden material beror delvis på isoleringsmaterialets värmekonduktivitet (λ-värde). Klimatdeklarationen visar en begränsad bild av en byggnads miljöpåverkan under en begränsad del av dess livscykel. Därför rekommenderar vi att ytterligare livscykelstadier och miljöindikatorer ingår i klimatdeklarationen i framtiden, för att undvika suboptimeringar och oavsiktliga problembyten.

L'énergie entre les opportunités de développement et les risques de la dégradation de la qualité de l'environnement : cas du gouvernorat de Sfax (Tunisie) / The energy between development opportunities and risks of the deteriorating quality of the environment : the case of Sfax (Tunisia)

Ben Hamida, Rania 05 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse répond à un double objectif, elle s’est concentrée d’une part sur le rôle joué par l’énergie dans le développement industrielle et économique des pays et d’autres parts sur les retombées de son usage sur l’environnement et l’état de santé des individus. Nous avons élaboré et exploité une base de données relative à la région de Sfax, qui a été utilisée pour l’analyse empirique adaptée à chaque axe de recherche. Le cheminement suivi pour argumenter cette thèse nous a amené à constituer trois chapitres. Au niveau du premier chapitre, nous avons particulièrement apprécié le rôle que l’énergie a préoccupé dans le développement économique des nations. Suite à notre analyse empirique, deux résultats principaux sont annoncés, d’abord, la présence d’un effet de long terme entre la consommation de l’énergie et le développement économique dans la région de Sfax impliquant ainsi sa dépendance économique à l’énergie, ensuite, l’existence d’une relation de causalité unidirectionnelle partant de la consommation de l’énergie vers la croissance économique. Dans un deuxième chapitre, nous nous sommes intéressés à étudier l’impact de la consommation de l’énergie sur la détérioration de la qualité de l’environnement. Deux points sont mis en valeur. Premièrement, une corrélation est détectée entre la consommation de l’énergie et les polluants suivants : PM10, SO2 et NO2. Deuxièmement, la présence de l’O3 troposphérique dans l’air n’est pas subordonnée à la consommation de l’énergie mais plutôt aux réactions photochimiques impliquant le NO2 et l’oxygène sous l’effet des rayons solaires ultra-violets. Finalement, les facteurs météorologiques et surtout la température (T) et l’humidité relative (HR) agissent sur la dispersion des polluants et leur accumulation autour de leurs sources d’émissions. Le dernier chapitre s’est focalisé sur l’analyse de l’impact sanitaire de la pollution atmosphérique. Adapté au contexte de la région de Sfax, trois constats principaux sont détectés. Tout d’abord, les maladies cardiovasculaires sont affectées par les émissions de S02 tandis que les maladies respiratoires sont influencées par les émissions de SO2 et O3. Ensuite, une corrélation est justifiée entre l’O3 te le NO2 qui confirme la réaction chimique de piégeage de l’ozone déjà indiquée. Enfin, nous avons déduit que la vitesse de vent (VV) impacte la distribution des polluants principalement le NO2, le SO2 et les PM10. La température (T) affecte à son tour les admissions hospitalières pour motif cardiovasculaire. / This thesis has a dual purpose; it focused on the one hand on the role of energy in the industrial and economic development of the country and on the other hand on the impact of its use on the environment and health status of individuals. We developed and operated a database on the Sfax region, which has been used for empirical analysis suited to each area of ​​research. The path followed to argue this thesis has led us to establish three chapters.At the first chapter, we particularly appreciated the role of energy in economic development of nations. Following our empirical analysis, two main results are announced, first, the presence of a long-term effect between energy consumption and economic development in the region of Sfax implying its economic dependence on energy. Then the existence of unidirectional causal relationship starting from energy consumption to economic growth. In the second chapter, we are interested in studying the impact of energy consumption on the deterioration of the environment quality. Two points are emphasized, first, a correlation is found between energy consumption and the following pollutants: PM10, SO2 and NO2. Secondly, the presence of tropospheric ozone (O3) in the air is not conditional on the energy consumption but rather to photochemical reactions involving NO2 and oxygen under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. Finally, weather factors, especially temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) affect the dispersion of pollutants and their accumulation around their emission sources. The last chapter is focused on the analysis of the health impact of air pollution. Adapted to the region of Sfax, three main findings are detected. First, cardiovascular diseases are affected by S02 emissions and while respiratory diseases are influenced by emissions of SO2 and O3. Then, a correlation is justified between O3 NO2, confirming the chemical reaction of ozone scavenging already indicated. Finally, we concluded that the wind speed (VV) affects the distribution of pollutants mainly NO2, SO2 and PM10. Temperature (T) in turn affects hospital admissions for cardiovascular reasons.

La décroissance appliquée à la musique des jeux vidéo

Viricel, Josselin 07 1900 (has links)
Mon mémoire portera sur la musique des jeux vidéo dans le cadre d’un effondrement systémique ou d’une autre forme de décroissance de l’économie. C’est dans ce cadre que j’exposerai mes idées quant aux différentes formes que pourraient prendre l’industrie vidéo-ludique et sa musique dans un contexte qui semble difficile à envisager. Quelles sont les sources de créativité dans un monde où les indicateurs liés aux sociétés modernes auront vraisemblablement changé du tout au tout ? Comment envisager que le jeu vidéo puisse rester attrayant, intéressant et passionnant dans un modèle économique décroissant ? Ce sont les problématiques auxquelles je vais tenter d’apporter des réponses ici. / My thesis consists on confronting video-game music with a case of systemic collapse or economical degrowth. Regarding these environmental and societal problematics, I’ll suggest ideas concerning the way we could look at the future of video-games, by thinking on the form the medium and its music could take in a context that we often fail to contemplate. How can creativity still emerge in a world where common society’s indicators will most likely be totally different from what they are today? Could we find ways for video-games and video-game music to be as interesting and inspiring as it is today in a context of economical degrowth? Those are problematics that I’ll specifically address in my thesis, by trying to find an approach and potential answers that suits a realistic future state of the world.

Optimization of design efficiency by implementing Design for Excellence : A Case Study for Optimizing Rottne Industri AB:s current harvester cabin production / Optimering av konstruktionseffektivitet genom implementering av Design for Excellence : En fallstudie för att optimera Rottne Industri AB:s nuvarande skördarhyttsproduktion

Berggren Turesson, Adam, Holmberg, Alex January 2023 (has links)
The effects of humanity's actions on the environment have been a viral topic for many years. The efficiency of refining raw materials is crucial in reducing these effects. This thesis was thereby tasked with improving the assembly efficiency of Rottne Industri AB:s harvester cabin. Various theories were utilized to improve the design, with Design for Excellence being the most notable. By implementing a seven-step product development process, concepts could be generated and later scored based on the customer's comments and discovered issues. The authors selected the idea with the highest score and developed it until they achieved a concept meeting the product's objectives. The concept was then validated by performing simulations and calculations related to its assembly efficiency, environmental impact, and cost. The redesign resulted in an idea possessing a design efficiency 135% higher than the original, a 72% shorter assembly time, 13% less weight, a 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and a 41% reduction in assembly and material costs.

The Nuclear Dilemma : A Study on the Nuclear Energy Growth Nexus and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Karlsson, Pontus, Uebel, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth has been a popular topic in recent studies, with a considerable amount of literature conducted, although there still is no consensus regarding the relationship. Few studies have analysed the nuclear energy growth nexus with greenhouse gas emissions, and none have used the same method, data, and sample period. Therefore, there are still gaps in the literature regarding the Energy Growth Nexus, and this study provides a unique insight into the Swedish nuclear dilemma.   The purpose of this paper is to study the causal relationship between economic growth and nuclear energy consumption, and the causality between greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear energy consumption, in Sweden. The results of which are used to discuss the future consequences a continued shutdown of Sweden’s nuclear power could have. Seven EU nations and two non-EU nations are included to be able to make comparisons to Sweden. This paper is based on a method of time series analysis by conducting Ordinary Least Squares-regressions in combination with Granger causality tests.    Our results indicate that nuclear power granger cause growth in Belgium and the United Kingdom. Additionally, this study finds a bidirectional granger causality between greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear energy in the USA. The causal relationship between nuclear energy, economic growth, and greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden is still unclear. However, the Swedish energy market is facing multiple challenges including global warming, increased energy demand, and a transition towards a completely renewable energy mix. The role of nuclear power in the Swedish energy mix is still unclear. It is therefore the authors belief that a decision regarding the future of the Swedish energy supply is needed. / Förhållandet mellan energikonsumtion och ekonomisk tillväxt har varit ett populärt ämne i nutida forskning, detta då en avsevärd mängd litteratur har författats på ämnet, dock har forskningen ännu inte funnit konsensus gällande det påstådda förhållandet. Få studier har emellertid analyserat energi-tillväxt sambandet med växthusgaser, inga av dessa studier har använt samma metod, data och tidsperiod. Med grund i detta finns det ändock ett tomrum i forskningen och litteraturen gällande energi-tillväxt sambandet och denna studie tillhandahåller en särskild insikt i det svenska kärnkraftsdilemmat.    Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera det kausala förhållandet mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och kärnkraftskonsumtion, samt kausaliteten mellan utsläpp från växthusgaser och ekonomisk tillväxt, i Sverige. Resultaten av denna uppsats har använts för att diskutera och analysera framtida konsekvenser av en fortsatt kärnkraftsnedstängning i Sverige. Sju EU-nationer samt två länder utanför EU har inkluderats för att kunna genomföra jämförelser med Sverige. Denna uppsats är baserad på en metod av tidsserieanalys som regression kallad Minsta Kvadratregressioner i kombination med Granger kausalitets-tester.   Uppsatsens resultat indikerar att kärnkraft Granger-kauserar tillväxt i Belgien och Storbritannien. Studien finner även en dubbelriktad Granger-kausalitet mellan växthusgasutsläpp och kärnkraft i USA. Det kausala sambandet mellan kärnkraft, ekonomisk tillväxt och växthusgasutsläpp i Sverige är fortsatt otydligt. Den svenska energimarknaden står emellertid inför flera utmaningar som främst inkluderar global uppvärmning, ökande efterfrågan på energi samt en pågående övergång till en helt förnybar energimix. Rollen kärnkraft kommer ha i den svenska energimixen är fortfarande oklar. Det är därför författarnas uppfattning att ett beslut angående hur det framtida energiutbudet ska se ut måste tas.

Collaboration and Climate Action at the Local Scale

Lyshall, Linda 25 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Decarbonizing Public Bus Transport – a case study on Curitiba, Brazil

Düllmann Vasques Pereira, Joana Lena January 2018 (has links)
Air pollution is becoming a major issue in cities across the world, its common cause being the use of fossil fuel combustion engines in both private and collective transport modes. However, alternative technologies, such as biofuels, hybrid and battery electric vehicles, are on the rise. The objective of this thesis is to assess the optimal system’s configuration – a combination of electric traction and the use of biofuels – in a sub-group of Curitiba’s public bus network through the application of two optimisation models – least energy consumption and least cost. Based on these models, total energy, cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be calculated for different scenarios to identify the advantages of switching to a low-carbon system. Furthermore, these models can be used by planners and decision makers as a starting point in defining the path towards a cleaner transport system. The results from the energy optimisation indicate that electrification is key in reducing total energy consumption, as this technology is by far the most energy efficient. A 12% reduction could be achieved, when compared to the current scenario (only using diesel B7), and CO2 emissions could be cut by 74%. The cost optimisation shows that electrification is not yet cost competitive compared to other biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas), as biodiesel is the only technology selected by the model due to its overall lower cost. Nonetheless, if electricity costs are reduced, which can be achieved, for example, through a reduction or abolition of taxes, electrification becomes an attractive alternative to biofuels. Under these conditions (40% lower electricity price), energy consumption is reduced by 5% and GHG emissions are cut down to 30%. Political will and strategies to decrease the cost of vehicles turn out to be essential in supporting electrification in public transport. Furthermore, adaptations in the time schedules and the organisation of the main transport hubs are required to accommodate battery electric buses.  The number of fast charging stations is usually on a par with the number of bus routes to be electrified. Cost synergies achieved by sharing the cost of a charger among electrified routes with a common start/end stop are crucial to secure the attractiveness of e-mobility. This underlines the importance of analysing infrastructure needs in public transport networks holistically. / A poluição atmosférica é um problema sério em praticamente todas as grandes cidades do mundo, sendo a sua origem mais comum, o uso de combustíveis fósseis em motores de combustão, tanto em veículos de uso privado como em veículos de transporte coletivo. No entanto, tecnologias alternativas, tais como o uso de biocombustíveis, e a utilização de veículos híbridos e elétricos, estão em expansão. Esta tese tem como objectivo avaliar a configuração ideal do sistema, utilizando, num subgrupo da rede de transportes de Curitiba, uma combinação de tração elétrica e de uso de biocombustíveis. Esta avalição é feita através da aplicação de dois modelos de optimização: menor consumo energético e menor custo global. Com base nestes dois modelos, o consumo energético e os custos globais, bem como as emissões de gases de efeito de estufa (GEE), podem ser calculados para os diferentes cenários, de modo a se identificarem as vantagens da transição para um sistema de baixo carbono. Acresce que estes dois modelos podem ser usados por planeadores e decisores, como ponto de partida na definição do caminho a seguir para a transição para um sistema de transporte mais ecológico. Os resultados da otimização do consumo energético, indicam que a eletrificação é fundamental para reduzir o consumo total de energia, pois esta tecnologia é, de longe, a mais eficiente em termos energéticos. Uma redução do consumo total de energia em 12% poderá ser alcançada em relação ao cenário actual (que use apenas o diesel B7) e as emissões de CO2 poderão ser reduzidas em 74%. Na otimização de custos, os resultados mostram que a eletrificação ainda não é competitiva em termos de custos, quando comparada com o uso de biocombustíveis (biodiesel, bioetanol e biogas), uma vez que o biodiesel é a única tecnologia selecionada pelo modelo por ter menores custos associados. No entanto, se os custos da eletricidade forem reduzidos, nomeadamente, através da diminuição ou supressão de impostos, a eletrificação torna-se uma solução atrativa. Numa situação de redução do preço da energia elétrica em 40 %, o consumo de energia é reduzido em 5% e as emissões de GEE são reduzidas para 30%. Vontade política e estratégias destinadas a diminuir o custo dos veículos elétricos, tornam-se essenciais para promover a eletrificação dos transportes públicos. Acresce que, a adaptação dos horários e a organização dos principais terminais de transporte, são necessários para possibilitar a  operacionalidade dos ônibus elétricos. De acordo com os resultados dos dois modelos, o número de estações de recarga rápida é aproximadamente igual ao número de rotas de ônibus a serem eletrificadas. A redução de custos alcançada, partilhando um carregador entre rotas electrificadas com paragens inicial/final comuns, é crucial para garantir a atratividade da mobilidade eléctrica. Isto sublinha a importância dos benefícios de uma análise holística da infrastrutura de recarga nas redes de transporte público coletivo. / Luftföroreningar är en stor utmaning i städer runt om i  världen. Den gemensamma orsaken är användningen av förbränningsmotorer med fossila bränslen i både privata och kollektiva transportsätt. Dock alternativt teknik, såsom biobränslen, hybrid- och batterielektriska fordon, har uppmärksammats och deras användning ökar. Syftet med denna avhandling är att bedöma det optimala systemets konfiguration - en kombination av elektrisk drivkraft  och användningen av biobränslen - i Curitibas allmänna bussnät genom tillämpning av två optimeringsmodeller – en som minimiserar  energiförbrukning och en som minimizerar kostnader. Baserat på dessa modeller, de totala utsläpp och energiförbrukningen, samt deras respektiva kostnader kan beräknas för olika scenarier. På detta sätt  fördelarna med att byta till ett kolfrisystem identifieras. Dessutom kan dessa modeller användas av planerare och beslutsfattare som utgångspunkt för att definiera strategier mot en renare transportsystem. Resultaten från energioptimering indikerar att elektrifiering är nyckeln till att minska  systemets energiförbrukning, eftersom denna teknik är överlägset mest energieffektiv. En minskning på 12% skulle kunna uppnås, jämfört med det utgångsscenariot (endast med diesel B7) och koldioxidutsläppen skulle kunna minska med 74%. Kostnadsoptimeringen visar att elektrifiering ännu inte är kostnadseffektiv jämfört med andra biobränslen (biodiesel, bioetanol och biogas). I detta scenario är biodiesel den enda tekniken som valts av modellen på grund av dess lägre kostnad. Men om elkostnaderna minskas blir elektrifiering ett attraktivt alternativ till biobränslen. Detta skulle kunna uppnås, till exempel, genom skattebefrielse.  Under dessa förutsättningar (40% lägre elpris) minskas energiförbrukningen med 5% och utsläppen minskar med30%. Politisk vilja och strategier för att minska fordonskostnaden visar sig vara avgörande för att stödja elektrifiering av kollektivtrafiken i Curitiba. Dessutom anpassningar av tidstabellerna och organisationen av de viktigaste bytespunkter är nödvändiga. Antalet snabba laddstationer är vanligtvis i linje med antalet busslinjer som ska elektrifieras. Kostnadssynergier uppnås genom att dela kostnaden för en laddare bland elektrifierade linjer med ett gemensamt start / slutstopp. Det är avgörande för att säkerställa e-mobilitetens attraktivitet. Det visar också vikten av att analysera infrastrukturbehoven i kollektivtrafiknätet holistiskt.

Microscopic Assessment Of Transportation Emissions On Limited Access Highways

Abou-Senna, Hatem 01 January 2012 (has links)
On-road vehicles are a major source of transportation carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas emissions in all the developed countries, and in many of the developing countries in the world. Similarly, several criteria air pollutants are associated with transportation, e.g., carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). The need to accurately quantify transportation-related emissions from vehicles is essential. Transportation agencies and researchers in the past have estimated emissions using one average speed and volume on a long stretch of roadway. With MOVES, there is an opportunity for higher precision and accuracy. Integrating a microscopic traffic simulation model (such as VISSIM) with MOVES allows one to obtain precise and accurate emissions estimates. The new United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) mobile source emissions model, MOVES2010a (MOVES) can estimate vehicle emissions on a second-by-second basis creating the opportunity to develop new software ―VIMIS 1.0‖ (VISSIM/MOVES Integration Software) to facilitate the integration process. This research presents a microscopic examination of five key transportation parameters (traffic volume, speed, truck percentage, road grade and temperature) on a 10-mile stretch of Interstate 4 (I- 4) test bed prototype; an urban limited access highway corridor in Orlando, Florida. iv The analysis was conducted utilizing VIMIS 1.0 and using an advanced custom design technique; D-Optimality and I-Optimality criteria, to identify active factors and to ensure precision in estimating the regression coefficients as well as the response variable. The analysis of the experiment identified the optimal settings of the key factors and resulted in the development of Micro-TEM (Microscopic Transportation Emissions MetaModel). The main purpose of Micro-TEM is to serve as a substitute model for predicting transportation emissions on limited access highways in lieu of running simulations using a traffic model and integrating the results in an emissions model to an acceptable degree of accuracy. Furthermore, significant emission rate reductions were observed from the experiment on the modeled corridor especially for speeds between 55 and 60 mph while maintaining up to 80% and 90% of the freeway‘s capacity. However, vehicle activity characterization in terms of speed was shown to have a significant impact on the emission estimation approach. Four different approaches were further examined to capture the environmental impacts of vehicular operations on the modeled test bed prototype. First, (at the most basic level), emissions were estimated for the entire 10-mile section ―by hand‖ using one average traffic volume and average speed. Then, three advanced levels of detail were studied using VISSIM/MOVES to analyze smaller links: average speeds and volumes (AVG), second-bysecond link driving schedules (LDS), and second-by-second operating mode distributions (OPMODE). This research analyzed how the various approaches affect predicted emissions of CO, NOx, PM and CO2. v The results demonstrated that obtaining accurate and comprehensive operating mode distributions on a second-by-second basis improves emission estimates. Specifically, emission rates were found to be highly sensitive to stop-and-go traffic and the associated driving cycles of acceleration, deceleration, frequent braking/coasting and idling. Using the AVG or LDS approach may overestimate or underestimate emissions, respectively, compared to an operating mode distribution approach. Additionally, model applications and mitigation scenarios were examined on the modeled corridor to evaluate the environmental impacts in terms of vehicular emissions and at the same time validate the developed model ―Micro-TEM‖. Mitigation scenarios included the future implementation of managed lanes (ML) along with the general use lanes (GUL) on the I-4 corridor, the currently implemented variable speed limits (VSL) scenario as well as a hypothetical restricted truck lane (RTL) scenario. Results of the mitigation scenarios showed an overall speed improvement on the corridor which resulted in overall reduction in emissions and emission rates when compared to the existing condition (EX) scenario and specifically on link by link basis for the RTL scenario. The proposed emission rate estimation process also can be extended to gridded emissions for ozone modeling, or to localized air quality dispersion modeling, where temporal and spatial resolution of emissions is essential to predict the concentration of pollutants near roadways

Miljöpåverkan från efterbehandling av förorenade områden : En livscykelanalys av schaktsanering ur ett klimat- och resurshanteringsperspektiv / Environmental impact from remediation of contaminated areas

Oleskog, Astrid January 2023 (has links)
I Sverige finns det idag cirka 86 000 inventerade områden som är eller misstänks vara förorenade. Ett förorenat område kan ha en skadlig effekt på människor, djur och miljö vid exponering av föroreningarna. Områden som är förorenade kan därför behöva behandlas för att lokalt förbättra markkvalitén och för att minska risker. Ett problem som börjat uppmärksammas i branschen är att saneringar av mark också kan leda till betydande negativa konsekvenser som till exempel utsläpp av växthusgaser och nyttjande av fossila resurser. Bland annat riskeras det svenska miljömålet ”Begränsad klimatpåverkan” att inte uppnås om ingenting förändras. Den vanligaste metoden för att efterbehandla ett förorenat område i Sverige är genom schaktsanering. Studiens syfte var att undersöka klimatpåverkan och resurshanteringen från schaktsanering genom att göra en livscykelanalys på metoden. Metodens klimatpåverkan jämfördes också med andra saneringsmetoder. Resultaten visade att för schaktsanering bidrog transport och deponiarbetet till den största klimatpåverkan och resursanvändningen. Genom minskade transportavstånd, användning av fordon med lägre energiåtgång per transportarbete eller utbyte mot mer förnyelsebara drivmedel sågs miljöpåverkan minska. Deponering av massor sågs dessutom vara energikrävande, varpå incitament för att återvinna och återanvända massor i högre utsträckning än vad det görs idag efterfrågas. I jämförelse med andra saneringsmetoder sågs biokol vara den metod som gav upphov till en relativt liten klimatpåverkan. Dessutom medförde biokol en mer resurseffektiv avfallshantering i och med minskad deponering av jord, organiskt avfall och uttag av jungfruliga råvaror för återfyllnad. / In Sweden, there are currently approximately 86,000 inventoried sites that are identified as being contaminated. A contaminated site can have a harmful effect on humans, animals and the environment when exposed to the contaminants. Contaminated areas may therefore need to be remediated to locally improve soil quality and to reduce risks. A problem that has been noticed in the industry is that remediation of land can also lead to significant negative environmental consequences, such as the release of greenhouse gases and the use of fossil resources. For example, the Swedish environmental quality objective "Reduced climate impact" might not be achieved unless there are improvements. The most common method to remediate a contaminated site in Sweden is through “dig and dump”. The purpose of this study was to investigate the climate impact and resource usage from “dig and dump” by performing a life cycle assessment of this most common remediation method. The climate impact of the method was also compared with other remediation methods. The results showed that for “dig and dump”, transports and landfill of the soil contributed to the greatest climate impact and resource use. Through reduced transport distances, use of vehicles with lower energy consumption or exchange for more renewable fuels, the environmental impact was reduced. Landfilling of excavated soil was also energy demanding, and incentives to recycle and reuse soil to a greater extent than is done today are preferred. In comparison with other remediation methods, biochar was a method that caused a relatively small climate impact. In addition, biochar led to a more resource-efficient waste management through reduced disposal of soil, organic waste, and extraction of virgin raw materials for refilling.

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