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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Var arbetar den kvinnliga kocken?

Lindqvist, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Som utbildad kock och flitig besökare på restauranger av utvald kvalité, tycker jag mig se att det är en övervägande majoritet av män som huserar i våra restaurangkök. Syftet med denna fallstudie var att ta reda på vad de kvinnor som utbildat sig för ett arbete inom restaurangbranschen arbetar med sju år efter avslutad gymnasieutbildning. Jag använde mig av personliga, bandade intervjuer med sex slumpvis utvalda kvinnor från avgångsklasserna på HR-programmet år 2000. Med detta ville jag ta reda på: vad, var och varför de arbetar med det de gör just nu. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet av min fallstudie att ingen av de intervjuade kvinnorna arbetar som kock i ett restaurang-varmkök. Resultatet av denna begränsade undersökning antyder även att deras val är genusrelaterad.

Sustainability and branding : An analysis of Nike and H&M’s CSR-strategies

Sjöbom, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Some of the most common threats in society today are climate change, struggling world economies and starving people. Today most consumers seek out sustainable products that are produced under fair conditions. These requirements on companies mean that their work with Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming increasingly important to fit consumers demands. Previous research shows that CSR strategies are consequently used for companies work with marketing communication, partly to cope with crises but also to create a relationship with consumers and create a sustainable message to other actors. Nike and H&M are two companies that have been struggling with crises and criticism for not contributing to protection of the environment, not following standard work environment regulations and for not taking human rights into account. This study investigates, through a multimodal analysis, three separate communication materials from each company which are taken from Nike's campaign “Move to Zero” and H&M´s campaign “Buttons with impact”. This method is used to answer how the companies are implementing CSR into their campaigns. A survey is used to analyze what the consumers think of Nike´s and H&M´s work with CSR and if the two companies' CSR-strategies could be counted as successful. The results show that both Nike and H&M are well aware of how to use CSR-strategies although the customers doesn´t appear to be convinced. Apparently some of the CSR- strategies are noticed but the fact still remains, the companies profile, identity and image are not fully compliant with each other.

H&M - det hållbara valet? : En fallstudie av H&Ms CSR-kommunikation via Instagram

Sjökvist, Amanda, Tjernberg, Ann-Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Under de senaste åren har H&M utsatts för kritik från många håll. De har anklagats för att inte alltid handla etiskt eller ta sitt sociala ansvar och har bland annat anklagats för rasism och greenwashing. Detta väckte intresse att studera hur H&M egentligen tar sitt ansvar och hur CSR-arbetet tas emot av intressenterna. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur H&M, på Instagram, kommunicerat sitt CSR-arbete i förhållande till hur de beskriver arbetet i sina års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar. Vidare undersöks hur CSR-arbetet tas emot av H&Ms intressenter. Genom teorierna sex dimensioner av CSR och Reputation Management undersökte studien förhållandet mellan H&Ms agerande och intressenternas uppfattning. Metod och material: För studien har en kombination av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och en kvalitativ diskursanalys gjorts. Material har samlats in via kommentarer från CSR-relaterade inlägg som publicerats på Instagram under 2021 och 2022. Den kvalitativametoden har baserats på material insamlat från H&Ms års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar 2021och 2022. Huvudresultat: Huvudresultatet pekar på att H&M, i förhållande till teorin, genomför ett effektivt CSR-arbete. Men i förhållande till organisationens intressenter, verkar uppfattningen inte alltid vara densamma. I samband med att H&M publicerar Instagram-inlägg med gröna anspråk, är intressenternas reaktioner ofta negativa. Vilket kan tolkas som att CSR-arbetet i praktiken inte är så effektivt.

Hur H&M, monki och Arket kommunicerar hållbarhet i sina reklamkampanjer / How H&M, Monki and Arket communicate sustainability in their campaigns

Ersgården, Emelie, Carlsson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how H&M, Arket, and Monki communicates sustainability in their campaigns on IGTV, and how they work with sustainable marketing to highlight their ethical capital. To investigate this, a thematic semiotic analysis has been applied. Based on the analysis, the chosen theme can see how different brands communicate sustainability. The semiotic analysis is applied to interpret the meaning of the material and how the visuals can be presented as sustainable. With the help of Bourdieu's theory of capital, an in-depth analysis has been made of how the companies communicate sustainability and what potential differences could depend on. The discussion answers how companies work with sustainable marketing to highlight their ethical capital. The conclusion is that companies' sustainable marketing can increase the company’s ethical capital. On the other hand, we also conclude that campaigns cannot contribute to an ethical entrepreneurship, but merely to increased value creation for companies.

The Race to the Bottom : A Minor Field Study of H&M’s CSR in practice

Karlsson, Selina January 2019 (has links)
CSR has become a tool for global corporations to justify their outsourcing practices in other countries. Despite these CSR policies, reports reveal that labor rights violations are common in these supply chains, and not at least in the garment industry. The purpose of this study is therefore to explore how a global clothing company’s CSR policy on labor rights is working on the ground and which factors that influence its implementation. Interviews with factory workers and experts on the topic have taken place in one of India’s largest garment hubs. The findings are based on thematical analysis and the analysis suggests that the global brand (H&M) could improve the situation by taking certain actions though several external factors also have an affect. The responsibility for poor labor conditions needs to be divided between multiple actors who all have a duty to act within their spheres of influence. The study concludes that the underlying problem of economic exploitation must be brought to an end through increased cooperation between global companies.

Sustainability and branding: : Sustainability and branding: An analysis of Nike and H&M`s CSRcommunication strategies”

Sjöbom, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Some of the most common threats in society today are climate change, struggling world economies and starving people. Today most consumers seek out sustainable products that are produced under fair conditions. These requirements on companies mean that their work with Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming increasingly important to fit consumersdemands. Previous research shows that CSR strategies are consequently used for companies work with marketing communication, partly to cope with crises but also to create a relationship with consumers and create a sustainable message to other actors. Nike and H&M are two companies that have been struggling with crises and criticism for not contributing to protection of the environment, not following standard work environment regulations and for not taking human rights into account. This study investigates, through a multimodal analysis, three separate communication materials from each company which are taken from Nike's campaign “Move to Zero” and H&M´s campaign “Buttons with impact”. This method is used to answer how the companies are implementing CSR into their campaigns. A survey is used to analyze what the consumers think of Nike´s and H&M´s work with CSR and if the two companies' CSR-strategies could be counted as successful. The results show that both Nikeand H&M are well aware of how to use CSR-strategies although the customers doesn´t appear to be convinced. Apparently some of the CSR- strategies are noticed but the fact still

Automated sperm identification using MetaSystems Metafer imaging system

Alao, Itunu 13 February 2024 (has links)
Thousands of sexual assault cases in the United States are backlogged. This has been a growing issue for years that has increased the difficulty of solving these cases and providing closure to the victims. The analysis process for each case includes the identification of body fluids, presumptive testing, confirmatory testing, and DNA extraction. The only confirmatory method for semen identification is a microscopic visualization of sperm cells. The time spent on microscopic analysis varies depending on the complexity of the samples and the skills of the analyst. While the identification of sperm cells is informative, it can be very time-consuming and labor intensive. Some forensic laboratories choose to skip this step and submit samples directly for DNA analysis. Conducting DNA analysis on unscreened samples can increase the cost of testing when negative samples are analyzed as well as the time it takes to process each case. Automated microscopy has been available for decades and more recently has been paired with artificial intelligence to detect sperm cells on microscope slides. In this research, the MetaSystems automated microscope was used to analyze slides that mimic forensic sexual assault samples. Slides were also examined using traditional microscopy. The automated system quickly provided an accurate quantification of the number of sperm cells present in a sample, which can inform downstream DNA testing. The software was successful in identifying sperm cells treated with Christmas tree and hematoxylin and eosin stains, even among epithelial cells and various contaminants. Results demonstrated that an artificial intelligence-driven forensic sperm cell detection microscope can significantly reduce the time it takes to locate and identify sperm cells and estimate sperm cell quantity compared to a lengthier and more tedious manual search. Drawbacks to the system include the relatively high cost and reduced ability to accurately detect sperm cells amid contaminants that are of similar morphology.

Värderingar styr företagens sociala hållbarhetsarbete - Mänskliga rättigheter som en del av företagens samhällsansvar

Sundberg, Rebecca January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats har jag studerat vad Corporate Social Resonsibility (sv. företags samhällsansvar) fyller för funktion när det kommer till implementeringen av de mänskliga rättigheterna i de land som multinationella företag har verksamhet i. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i, och har sin teoretiska förankring i FN:s deklaration om de mänskliga rättigheterna samt teorin om Corporate Social Responsibility. En fördjupad teoridel presenteras också där begrepp som det transnationella ansvarighetsglappet presenteras och även en kort diskussion kring den ansvarsutvidgning som skett och inte stater kan ses som enda aktörer för att förverkliga de mänskliga rättigheterna. Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med beskrivande inslag, vilket innebär att jag genom studien haft ett tolkande synsätt på den data som använts. Jag har läst en mängd litteratur för att få en överblick över diskursen för att senare fördjupa mig i delar som jag anser är väsentliga och har passat mina frågeställningar. Jag använder företagen Hennes & Mauritz, IKEA och Volvo för att såväl illustrera som styrka mina argument. Förutom akademisk litteratur har jag använt mig av företagens års- och hållbarhetsrapporter samt en del källor hämtade från internet.Uppsatsen diskuterar vilken roll CSR fyller för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Olika exempel på CSR verksamhet diskuteras med exempel från företagens verksamhet. Bland annat lyfts för vad och för vem företagen anser sig ansvariga för och även vilka områden företagen konkret arbetar för i sitt CSR-arbete. De valda företagen har valt att ansluta sig till FN-initiativet Global Compact vilket uppsatsen också berör. Det finns många argument mot CSR och bland annat företagens motiv kritiseras. Trots att CSR står inför utmaningar när det gäller att förverkliga de mänskliga rättigheterna ser jag i min studie goda resultat av CSR-arbete. Jag ser i min slutsats ingen anledning att förkasta CSR men uttrycker att det bör ses som ett komplement till nationell lagstiftning. Ett starkt civilt samhälle och ett ökat samarbete mellan parter anser jag också är en förutsättning för att tillgodose de mänskliga rättigheterna. / In this paper I have researched the role of Corporate Social Responsibility when implementing human rights in countries where multi-national organizations act. The papers basis and theoretical foundation is the United Nation declaration of human rights along with theories regarding Corporate Social Responsibility. A deepened theoretical section will be presented where the transnational responsibility gap is explained. This section will be followed by a discussion regarding the changing area of responsibility that has take place, where not only governments should be viewed as actors when realizing the human rights. I have used a qualitative research method combined with descriptive elements. The choice of method has impacted the study be me having an interpreting point of view upon the data that has been used. Throughout the research I have studied a variety of literature in order to create an overview of the discourse. Following the literature study, I have chosen parts that I have found the most relevant and fitting for my problem. I have used the companies Hennes & Mauritz, IKEA and Volvo to exemplify as well as strengthen my arguments. In addition to academic literature I have used the companies’ annual reports, sustainability reports and sources from the Internet.The paper discusses the role of CSR when realizing human rights. A variety of examples of CSR- projects will be presented and discussed. The examples are chosen from the previously presented organizations operations. Views of for what and for whom the companies feel responsibility for and what companies actually do in their CSR-projects will be presented. The presented companies have chosen to connect themselves to the UN Global Compact initiative, the paper will also touch upon this. There is criticism against CSR, one of them is questioning the motives of the companies. Although CSR stands before a challenge when realizing human rights I have found positive results from CSR-work. In my conclusion I have found no reason to discard CSR, however it should be viewed as an addition to national law. I believe that a strong society and an increased collaboration between actors is a requirement to achieve realization of human rights.

Rapportering som verktyg för hållbarhetsarbete inom klädindustrin : En fallstudie på H&M Group:s hållbarhetsrapporter under åren 2002–2020 / Reporting as a tool for sustainability work within the fashion industry : A case study of H&M Group's sustainability reports during 2002-2020

Djerf, Fanny, Ringdahl, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Because of the growing pressure and expectations on companies' social and ecological responsibility from society, sustainability has become anincreasingly important aspect to integrate within companies. This study has analyzed how sustainability reporting can function as a tool for companiesto communicate their sustainability work. A content analysis was conducted on four of H&M Group’s sustainability reports from the years of 2002,2008, 2014 and 2020. Through the lens of a theoretical framework the analysis studied how the reports had changed over time, which themes couldbe distinguished and how they reflected good sustainability reporting according to science. The results of the analysis showed that H&M Group´ssustainability reports had an overall focus on responsibility, the value chain and the impact from external events. Furthermore, the focus shifted frombeing on the social aspects to including more of the ecological aspects over time. The results correlated with what science considers as good sustainability reporting. / I och med samhällets ökande press och förväntningar på företags sociala och ekologiska ansvarstagande har hållbarhet blivit en allt viktigare del förföretag att integrera. Den här studien har analyserat hur hållbarhetsrapportering kan fungera som ett verktyg för företag att kommunicera sitt hållbarhetsarbete. En innehållsanalys genomfördes på fyra av H&M Group:s hållbarhetsrapporter, år 2002, 2008, 2014 samt 2020. Genom stöd i ettteoretiskt ramverk undersöktes hur rapporterna hade förändrats över tid, vilka teman som kunde ur-skiljas samt hur de återspeglade forskningens synpå god hållbarhetsrapportering. Resultatet påvisade att H&M Group:s hållbarhetsrapporter hade ett övergripande fokus på ansvarstagande, värdekedjan samt påverkan från omvärlden. Vidare skiftade fokus från att ligga på de sociala aspekterna till de ekologiska aspekterna i rapporterna övertid. Resultatet gick i linje med vad som, enligt forskningen, anses som god rapportering.

Is Fast Fashion out of Fashion? : A case study on the H&M Group´s sustainability practices and its influence on the consumer behaviour

Tubic, Borna, Von Jutrzenka, Sophia January 2024 (has links)
The fast fashion industry is valued as one of the largest industries globally, with its enormous production significantly contributing to environmental injustice. This study investigates the role of fast fashion organisations in addressing consumer demands for sustainability, focusing on the H&M Group as a case study. Despite the organisational efforts towards sustainable practices, consumers require more honesty and transparency in the way fast fashion organisations communicate their actions.The study begins with an introduction to the environmental impact of the fashion industry and the research problem, followed by introducing the H&M Group as a single case study. The literature review is used to provide an overview of existing research and contextual information followed by a conceptual framework incorporating CSR, the triple bottom line, the concept of sustainability, and corporate sustainability. The study draws on the social constructivist methodology with an abductive approach, utilising both quantitative and qualitative data.This research uses the H&M Group’s sustainability reports from 2020 to 2022, analysing how the organisation communicates and constructs its sustainability practices. Additionally, a survey was conducted to capture consumer perspectives on the sustainability efforts of fast fashion organisations.The case study is further detailed before describing the methods of data collection and analysis, including discourse and thematic analysis. The data sets, comprising H&M Group’s sustainability reports and the survey results, are furthermore presented. The findings reveal a significant paradox and complexity for both consumers and organisations. Consumers distrust fashion organisations’ sustainability claims yet continue to purchase low-cost products. The fast fashion industry faces the challenging task of balancing profitability with genuine sustainability, while mainly highlighting possible future actions.

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