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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plan de negocios para la implementación de una tienda de conveniencia en el Distrito de San Isidro

Chamorro Martínez, Jossi Lorena, Mc Lean Alcedán, Erica Patricia, Periche Amaya, Yuri Vladimir, Ramírez Aragón, Luz Maribel 17 June 2021 (has links)
La actual coyuntura social y sanitaria ha llevado al consumidor urbano de alimentos a tomar mayor consciencia sobre características saludables y condiciones sanitarias de los productos y compras con mínimo contacto. Nuestra investigación busca cubrir las necesidades identificadas a través de la implementación de una tienda de conveniencia, que englobe propuestas de alimentos predominantemente saludables, amigables con el medio ambiente, contribución a marcas solidarias, practicidad de compra y eficiente interacción digital. Se denominará Sentido Natural, frase que envuelve conceptos de valores sociales y medioambientales, que definen nuestra propuesta. Para nuestra investigación empleamos metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas a través de encuestas y observaciones en campo, que concluye en una necesidad de mercado con potencial de crecimiento. El público objetivo está definido por personas con estilo de vida saludable cuyas edades oscilan entre los 18 a 55 años, pertenecientes al NSE A, B y C, que residen y visitan la zona 4 del distrito de San Isidro, donde se encuentra la mayor concentración de tráfico diario de público, residentes y flotantes. De acuerdo con nuestra en encuesta, el 84% considera que la alimentación saludable es importante o muy importante; y al 98% le gustaría encontrar alimentos saludables en una tienda de conveniencia. Se emplearán canales digitales como redes sociales y páginas web para conectar con el segmento objetivo. Contará con 2 canales de venta: tienda física y tienda virtual (e-commerce). Realizamos un estudio de factibilidad que demuestra que el proyecto es viable en los aspectos: comercial, operativo y financiero, con una inversión de S/ 286,472.00, financiado en un 71% de capital propio y un 29% financiado con un préstamo bancario con un plazo de 3 años, y una tasa de interés de 11.20%; obteniendo un VAN positivo y un TIR superior al costo de oportunidad de los socios. Asimismo, el payback de la inversión es en 3.6 años, el cual consideramos que es un tiempo razonable y refuerza la atractividad del negocio. / The current social and health situation has led urban food consumers to become more aware of the healthy characteristics and sanitary conditions of the products and purchases with minimal contact. Our research seeks to cover the needs identified through the implementation of a convenience store, which encompasses predominantly healthy food proposals, friendly to the environment, contribution to solidarity brands, practicality of purchase and efficient digital interaction. It will be called Natural Sense, a phrase that involves concepts of social and environmental values, which define our proposal. For our research we use qualitative and quantitative methodologies through surveys and observations in the field, which concludes in a market need with growth potential. The target audience is defined by people with a healthy lifestyle whose ages range from 18 to 55 years old, belonging to NSE A, B and C, who reside and visit zone 4 of the San Isidro district, where the highest concentration is found. daily traffic of public, residents and floating. According to our survey, 84% consider that healthy eating is important or very important; and 98% would like to find healthy food at a convenience store. Digital channels such as social networks and web pages will be used to connect with the target segment. It will have 2 sales channels: physical store and virtual store (e-commerce). We carried out a feasibility study that shows that the project is viable in the aspects: commercial, operational and financial, with an investment of S / 286,472.00, financed by 71% of its own capital and 29% financed with a bank loan with a term 3 years, and an interest rate of 11.20%; obtaining a positive NPV and an IRR higher than the opportunity cost of the partners. Likewise, the payback of the investment is in 3.6 years, which we consider to be a reasonable time and reinforces the attractiveness of the business. / Tesis

Plan de negocios para la implementación de una tienda virtual de postres saludables / Business plan for the implementation of a virtual store of healthy desserts

Ainzuain Rodriguez, Yamile, Mena Nieves, Rosalia Victoria, Ramirez Vega, Herick Christian, Gandelman Furman, Joseph Nissim, García Caro, Giovanna de Quiroz 11 January 2021 (has links)
El presente plan de negocio tiene por finalidad la creación de la empresa Dulces Pedidos, empresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de postres saludables a través de plataformas virtuales y entrega vía delivery. Dulces Pedidos nace con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades de aquellas personas que les gusta comer postres bajos en calorías y con insumos naturales, buscando cuidar su salud o que desean cuidar su imagen a través de una dieta balanceada. De acuerdo con el análisis de mercado realizado, existe un segmento de clientes interesado en llevar un estilo de vida saludable sin privarse de algunos gustos como el consumo de postres. Esta tendencia en la alimentación, así como la gran oportunidad de crecimiento en comercio electrónico generó nuestro interés por implementar un modelo de negocio dirigido principalmente a personas entre 30 y 51 años, del sector socioeconómico A y B. El plan de negocio presenta como ventaja competitiva la oferta de postres en diferentes presentaciones elaborados con ingredientes saludables de alta calidad, adicionalmente se ofrecerá la venta directa de insumos para la elaboración de postres en casa. Se diseñaron estrategias de marketing para lograr crecimiento y desarrollo de mercado. A nivel de Operaciones, se ha identificado la infraestructura, equipos y procesos para el funcionamiento del negocio. Finalmente, la estructura de financiamiento es 100% capital propio y la inversión asciende a S/.222,408 soles. La inversión está compuesta por los costos de maquinaria, equipos y otros gastos necesarios para la constitución y operatividad de la empresa. / The purpose of the present business plan is to create the company Dulces Pedidos, company dedicated to the dessert elaboration and selling through virtual platforms and delivery system. Dulces Pedidos was born with the purpose of satisfying the needs of the people who like eating low-calorie and natural-ingredient desserts, looking for taking care of someone’s health or who are looking forward taking care of their image through a balanced diet. According to the market research undertaken there is a growing segment of clients who are interested in carrying a healthy lifestyle without depriving themselves form some treats, like the intake of sweets. In the usual diet this trend, as well as the big change of growing in the e-commerce, generated an interest in implementing a business model principally aimed at people from 30 to 51 years old from the A and B socio-economic sectors. The business plan presents the offer of desserts in different presentations which are made by high quality healthy ingredients, additionally, the direct sale of consumables for the elaboration of desserts at home will be offered. Marketing strategies were designed to be able to achieve the market growth and development. Regarding operations, the infrastructure, equipment and processes have been identified for the functioning of the business. Finally, the financial structure is 100% own capital and the investment ascends to S/. 222,408 soles. The total investment is composed of machinery, equipment and other expenses which are necessary for the company constitution and operability / Trabajo de investigación


Licetti Solano, Pamela Liliana, Meléndez Lazo, Teresa Inés, Velásquez Calderón, María Claudia 13 July 2020 (has links)
Bocaditto se dedica principalmente a la comercialización de snacks de fruta deshidratada, cubierta en 75% cacao orgánico y es 100% peruano. En un primer escenario, tendrá una tienda virtual, mediante su página web y fan page. Asimismo, contará con una cobertura inicial a los distritos que pertenecen a Lima Moderna. Esta idea de negocio, nace por una premisa de una necesidad insatisfecha del consumidor que cuida y busca mantener una alimentación saludable. Sin embargo, en su vida cotidiana, ya sea en su trabajo u hogar, cuando hace una pausa, y necesita recargar energías, no encuentra en el supermercado, bodega, etc., un snack saludable que sea de agradable sabor, aportes nutrientes y pueda brindarle las energías suficientes para seguir en su rutina debido a que, en su mayoría, solo se encuentra golosinas con un gran valor calórico pero cero valores nutricionales. Este consumidor suele ir a tiendas saludables, orgánicas y/o veganas, etc. para ver opciones de snack. Es por ello que, en la actualidad, el crecimiento y apertura de este tipo de negocio también se ha expandido. Por ende, Bocaditto busca ofrecer un producto de alta calidad y precio competitivo, que satisfaga la necesidad insatisfecha del consumidor que opta por un Estilo de Vida saludable. También, se compromete a brindar satisfacción a sus clientes al momento de su compra, con una respuesta inmediata a cualquier tipo de consultas, a través de todas sus plataformas virtuales. Finalmente, la empresa cuenta con grandes profesionales cuyos aportes serán imprescindibles para el éxito del negocio. / Bocaditto, is mainly dedicated to the commercialization of dehydrated fruit snacks, covered in 75% organic cocoa and is 100% Peruvian. In a first scenario, you will have a virtual store, through its website and fan page. Likewise, it will have an initial coverage to the districts that belong to Modern Lima. This business idea is born from a premise of an unmet need of the consumer who cares for and seeks to maintain a healthy diet. However, in your daily life, whether at work or home, when you take a break, and need to recharge, you do not find in the supermarket, warehouse, etc., a healthy snack that is pleasant in taste, provides nutrients and can provide you with enough energy to continue in your routine because, for the most part, you only find sweets with a high caloric value but zero nutritional values. This consumer usually goes to healthy, organic and / or vegan stores, etc. to see other snack options. That is why, at present, the growth and opening of this type of business has also expanded. Therefore, Bocaditto seeks to offer a high-quality product at a competitive price that meets the unmet need of the consumer who opts for a healthy Lifestyle. Also, it is committed to providing satisfaction to its customers at the time of their purchase, with an immediate response to any type of query, through all its virtual platforms. Finally, the company has great professionals whose contributions will be essential for the success of the business. / Trabajo de investigación

Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa de helados artesanales en el marco de la Ley de Alimentación Saludable / Business plan for the creation of a craft ice cream company under the healthy food law

Chavez Valqui, Sarita Amelia, Izaguirre Vivanco, Giuliano Eduardo, Lucioni Maristany, Claudia Alicia 19 August 2020 (has links)
Actualmente se encuentra en vigencia en Perú la ley Nº 30021, cuyo objetivo es mejorar la salud de la población mediante la promoción de una alimentación saludable, reduciendo las enfermedades vinculadas con sobrepeso y obesidad, mediante octógonos en los alimentos en base a parámetros de grasas saturadas y azúcar; asimismo, existe una tendencia hacia una alimentación saludable en el consumidor peruano. Ice Fit es una paleta de helado artesanal y saludable, sin octógonos debido a su bajo contenido en grasas saturadas y en azúcar, con ingredientes novoandinos y superfood resultando beneficiosos para la salud, con entrega mediante delivery. Ice fit busca posicionarse en el mercado de los centros empresariales del distrito de Surco, en Lima. Nuestro mercado objetivo está conformado por 25,280 personas, de las cuales 16,881 consumirían helados saludables. Se ha asumido un 30% de captura. La estrategia de Ice Fit es diferenciarse por la ausencia de octógonos en toda su línea manteniendo un muy buen sabor y textura con el uso de ingredientes novoandinos y superfood valorados por el cliente al ser la entrega del producto por delivery de manera gratuita y sin condicionar un pedido mínimo. El análisis financiero para una inversión inicial de S/. 154,026 proyectada a cinco años, muestra indicadores de rentabilidad como un valor actual neto (VAN) de S/. 37,857 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de 14.7%, estos valores concluyen que el proyecto es viable y rentable. / Currently, Law No. 30021 is in force in Peru, whose objective is to improve the health of the population by promoting healthy eating, reducing diseases related to overweight and obesity, using octagons in food based on parameters of: saturated fat and sugar. Likewise, there is a trend towards healthy eating in the Peruvian consumer. Ice Fit is an artisanal and healthy ice cream palette, without octagons due to its low content in saturated fat and sugar, with Novo-Andean ingredients and superfood resulting in health benefits, delivered by delivery. Ice fit seeks to position itself in the market of the business centers of the Surco district, in Lima. Our target market is made up of 25,280 people, of which 16,881 would consume healthy ice cream. 30% catch has been assumed. Ice Fit's strategy is to differentiate itself by the absence of octagons throughout its line, maintaining a very good flavor and texture with the use of Novo-Andean ingredients and superfoods valued by the customer as the product is delivered by free delivery and without conditioning a minimum order. The financial analysis for an initial investment of S /. 154,026 projected over five years, shows profitability indicators as a net present value (NPV) of S /. 37,857 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 14.7%, these values conclude that the project is viable and profitable. / Trabajo de investigación

Zdravý životní styl v kurikulu dětí předškolního věku / Healthy lifestyle in curriculum of preschool-age

Obstová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Title: Healthy lifestyle in curriculum of preschool-age Goal: The aim of this thesis was to determinate an extent of attention to healthy lifestyle in curriculum of preschool-age children. Futhermore the thesis monitored an attitude of selected kindergarten towards issues of healthy lifestyle of children. Research: A quantitative (non-standardized questionnaire) and a qualitative (interview) method as the research method was used. Results: In conclusion, selected kindergarten pay sufficient attention to various parts of healthy lifestyle of preschool-age children. We discovered differences by Montessori kindergarten among the others. Keywords: kindergarten, curriculum of preschool education, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, healthy diet, mental peace, healthy environment

Use of Simulation to Investigate Muscle Forces and Contributions to the STS transfer and Sensitivity to Muscle Weakness during the STS Transfer

Hughes, Megan Elizabeth January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Zdravý životní styl a výživa jako prevence vzniku civilizačních nemocí / Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition as Prevention of Civilization Diseases

Rudolf, David January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition in connection with the prevention of civilization diseases. It describes the causes of these diseases, the risks and possibilities of prevention. It also draws attention to the principles of correct eating habits, the pitfalls of various diets, the consequences of overeating, the danger of overweight and obesity, the negative influence of stress on our health, and ways and principles of healthy weight reduction. It summarizes advices and recommendations of professionals for optimal composition of our diet, a change of lifestyle, and the significance of correct breathing, relaxation, exercise, positive thinking and sleep for health. The practical part contains a description of the case of a woman suffering from overweight and health problems, and an analysis of the causes and manifestations of an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. It provides steps for resolving the situation and a proposal of suitable therapy for reducing stress recommended by an expert. The work further describes a course of treatment and a risk assessment, and also proposes appropriate measures for maintaining an optimal weight in the future, including recommendations of a suitable diet. The thesis points out the problem of growing of overweight and obesity,...

"Desenvolvimento e utilização de jogo educativo sobre a prevenção de doenças respiratórias no seguimento de crianças menores de cinco anos para a capacitação dos agentes comunitários de saúde" / Developing and use of educational game on the illness breathing prevencion the babies under five years old following up to Healthy Communal Agents capacitation.

Andrade, Raquel Dully 23 December 2004 (has links)
No Brasil, as doenças respiratórias infantis são importantes causas de morbi-mortalidade das crianças menores de cinco anos. Considerando o enfrentamento dessa realidade no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde, o Programa de Saúde da Família traz um novo trabalhador de saúde, representado pelo Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS), com suas necessidades e demandas dentro dos serviços de saúde, tornando importante o estudo sobre instrumentos dirigidos à sua capacitação. Assim, esse estudo buscou desenvolver um jogo educativo sobre doenças respiratórias infantis, bem como avaliar a sua utilização no processo ensino-aprendizagem dos ACS. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, sendo a primeira descritiva sobre o desenvolvimento do jogo educativo e a segunda trata-se de um estudo de intervenção ou experimentação, com delineamento pré e pós-teste, de forma que a coleta de dados foi feita através de monitoramento contendo 22 questões, aplicadas antes e depois do jogo educativo. O conhecimento dos agentes foi classificado em insuficiente, regular, bom e ótimo, de acordo com a porcentagem de acertos. Teve como participantes a população de 101 ACS que trabalham nas 17 equipes de PSF de Passos-MG. O jogo foi estruturado em forma de casos de crianças e famílias, apresentando definições sobre doenças respiratórias infantis, assim como cuidados para a sua prevenção e recuperação. O material educativo foi composto de tabuleiro, cartas, piões e dados. A atividade educativa foi realizada de duas em duas equipes. No préteste sobre doenças respiratórias infantis houve média de 59,5% de acertos e no pós-teste de 79,3%. Predominou no pré-teste o conhecimento classificado como bom (77,2%) e no pósteste o conhecimento classificado como ótimo (67,3%). A metodologia utilizada envolveu aspectos lúdicos, facilitando a participação e interação entre os jogadores, favorecendo o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem a partir de suas experiências prévias. Constatou-se que o jogo educativo desenvolvido se mostrou eficaz como processo metodológico a ser utilizado em atividades de educação permanente com ACS. / In Brazil, the children’s breathing illness are important cause of children’s illness and deaths under five years old. Considering the facing up to this reality in the context of the primary attencion to the healthy, the Family Healthy Program (FHP) gives a new worker in the healthy, represented by the Helthy Communal Agent (HCA), with their necessities and demandes into the healthy devices, becoming important the study on devices carried on their capacity. So, this study seek to develop an educational game on children’s breathing illness, as weel as to evaluate its use in the HCA teaching-learning process. The study was achieved in two stages: the first was descriptive about the educational game developing and the second was an intervention or experimental study, with the pre-test and post-test outline, so that the informations collection was done through monitoration containing 22 questions on, applied before and after the educational game.The Agents knowledge was classified as insufficient, regular, good and best, acording to correct answers percentage These educational devices application near to 101 HCA who work in the 17 FHP teams in Passos – MG. The game was structured based on children and families’ cases, showing definitions about children’s breathing illness, as well care about their prevention and recuperation. The educational material was composed by board, cards, tops and dice. The educational activity was achieved two teams by two teams. In the pre-test on children’s breathing illness there were an average of 59.5% of the correct answers and in the post-test an average of 79.3%. The knowledge classified as good prevails in the pre-test (77.2%) and the knowledge classified as best prevails in the post-test (67.3%). The used methodology wrapped playful aspects, facilitating the participation and interation among the players, in favour the learning developing from their previous experiences. It was noticed that the developed educational game proves oneself efficient as a methological process to be used in permanent educational activities to HCA.

Školní stravování žáků 2. stupně základní školy - Plzeňský kraj / Boarding of second grade elementary schools in Pilsen region

Mašková, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with eating habits of pupils of the 2nd grade of elementary school located in the Pilsen region. The results of the research are evaluated in terms of healthy diet of pupils. The eating habits of children in the school environment are strongly influenced by several determinantsthat are discussed in the work. The aim of the thesis was to map the eating habits of children at the second grade of elementary school and to suggest possibilities that the school could use to support healthy school meals for its pupils and thus to influence the healthy lifestyle. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the state's attitude to the protection and promotion of health and disease prevention through the basic document Národní strategie ochrany a podpory zdraví a prevenci nemocí Zdraví 2020. Emphasis is placed on the state's attitude to healthy school meals through laws, decrees, standards and elaborated the national strategy. The vision and strategic objectives of the above pass into the school environment through the support of programs and projects and through the education of pupils to health and healthy eating. In the practical part of the thesis, the questionnaire survey investigates school meals for pupils of the second grade of elementary school. If we want to improve the...

The Effects of Perceived Barriers to Healthy Eating on Dietary Consumption among Parents of Elementary-School Aged Children

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Background: Healthy eating plays critical roles in the prevention of many chronic diseases, but there are many barriers in life that prevent people from adopting and maintaining healthy diets. Thus, identifications of barriers that people perceive they have in trying to eat healthy can guide the strategies for dietary behavior change interventions by taking account of the barriers. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify and quantify the perceived barriers to healthy eating (PBHE), to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic factors and PBHE, and to explore the associations between PBHE and dietary intake among parents of elementary-school aged children living in South Phoenix, AZ. Methods: Socioeconomic factors and PBHEs were obtained via survey and diet was assessed by two interviewer-assisted 24 h diet recalls. The associations between employment and PBHEs, education and PBHEs, and household monthly income and PBHEs were analyzed by Mann-Whitney Test, Kruskal Wallis Test, and Spearman’s correlation test, respectively. The relationship between PBHEs and dietary intake were analyzed by Spearman’s correlation test. Linear regression was used to assess the associations between total PBHE, and dietary intake (including added sugar, fruit and vegetable), adjusted by covariates (including socioeconomic status, birth country, age and gender). Results: Of 149 participants who completed the survey (mean age = 38.47±7.08 y), 136 completed the 24 h diet recalls. The mean reported total, social support, emotions and daily mechanics PBHE scores were 2.63±0.91, 2.52±1.16, 2.71±1.06, and 2.58±0.95, respectively, out of a 5-point scale. Daily fruit, vegetable, sugar-sweetened beverage, sweetened foods, and added sugar intake were reported as 1.66±1.56 servings, 2.45±1.43 servings, 1.19±1.30 servings, 2.02±2.12 servings and 49.93±31.17 g, respectively. Employment status was significantly associated with total PBHE (Z = -2.28, p=0.023), and support PBHE (Z = -2.623, p=0.009). Education was significantly related to total PBHE (χ2 = -7.987, p=0.046), and daily mechanics PBHE (χ2= 11.735, p=0.008). Household monthly income levels were significantly correlated to daily mechanics PBHE (r = -0.265, p=0.005). Added sugar was positively correlated with total PBHE (r=0.202, p=0.020), emotions PBHE (r=0.239, p=0.006), and daily mechanics PBHE (r=0.179, p=0.040). Sugar sweetened beverage intake was significantly related to emotions PBHE (r=0.183, p=0.035). When adjusting for socioeconomic factors in the regression analysis, there was no significant association between PBHE and diet intake. Conclusion: Overall, results suggest PBHEs listed in this study are mainly associated with socioeconomic factors, but they are not related to diet intake. Future studies will focus on the precise role of overcoming some identified barriers in improving healthy eating behaviors, and the causality between barriers and healthy eating. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Nutrition 2018

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