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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lactate Impairs Vascular Permeability by Inhibiting HSPA12B Expression via GPR81-Dependent Signaling in Sepsis

Fan, Min, Yang, Kun, Wang, Xiaohui, Zhang, Xia, Xu, Jingjing, Tu, Fei, Gill, P Spencer, Ha, Tuanzhu, Williams, David L., Li, Chuanfu 01 October 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Sepsis impaired vascular integrity results in multiple organ failure. Circulating lactate level is positively correlated with sepsis-induced mortality. We investigated whether lactate plays a role in causing endothelial barrier dysfunction in sepsis. Methods: Polymicrobial sepsis was induced in mice by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Lactic acid was injected i.p. (pH 6.8, 0.5 g/kg body weight) 6 h after CLP or sham surgery. To elucidate the role of heat shock protein A12B (HSPA12B), wild-type, HSPA12B-transgenic, and endothelial HSPA12B-deficient mice were subjected to CLP or sham surgery. To suppress lactate signaling, 3OBA (120 μM) was injected i.p. 3 h before surgery. Vascular permeability was evaluated with the Evans blue dye penetration assay. Results: We found that administration of lactate elevated CLP-induced vascular permeability. Vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin), claudin 5, and zonula occluden 1 (ZO-1) play a crucial role in the maintenance of endothelial cell junction and vascular integrity. Lactate administration significantly decreased VE-cadherin, claudin 5, and ZO-1 expression in the heart of septic mice. Our in vitro data showed that lactate (10 mM) treatment disrupted VE-cadherin, claudin 5, and ZO-1 in endothelial cells. Mechanistically, we observed that lactate promoted VE-cadherin endocytosis by reducing the expression of HSPA12B. Overexpression of HSPA12B prevented lactate-induced VE-cadherin disorganization. G protein-coupled receptor 81 (GPR81) is a specific receptor for lactate. Inhibition of GPR81 with its antagonist 3OBA attenuated vascular permeability and reversed HSPA12B expression in septic mice. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated a novel role of lactate in promoting vascular permeability by decreasing VE-cadherin junctions and tight junctions in endothelial cells. The deleterious effects of lactate in vascular hyperpermeability are mediated via HSPA12B- and GPR81-dependent signaling.

Räumlich-zeitliche Dynamik der laserinduzierten Hsp70-Expression in einem humanen Hautexplantatmodell

Konz, Maximilian 29 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Narbenbildung des Hautorgans stellt für die gegenwärtige Medizin weiterhin eine schwierige Aufgabe dar. Die frühzeitige Beeinflussung des Wundheilungspro- zesses hin zu einer verminderten oder narbenlosen Heilung scheint von entschei- dender Bedeutung. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz ist die präoperative Laserthe- rapie und dadurch erzeugte Hitzeschockantwort. Auf molekulare Ebene kommt es u.a. zur Expression von Hitzeschockproteine. Die vorliegende in-vitro Studie beschäftigte sich mit der laserinduzierten Hochregulation des Hitzeschockproteins 70 in den epidermalen Schichten. Hierfür wurden drei nicht ablative Lasersysteme mit insgesamt 12 verschiedenen Parametereinstellungen verwendet (1.540-nm Er:Glass- , 755-nm Alexandrit-, 1.064-nm Nd:YAG-Laser). Mithilfe eines humanen Hautexplantatmodells sollte unter gleichbleibenden Bedingungen Zeitpunkt und Konzentration der maximal induzierten Hsp70-Expression sowie epidermale Schä- digungen dargestellt werden. In der verfügbaren Literatur waren hierzu nur begrenzt Daten vorhanden. Alle drei Lasersysteme zeigten signifikante Hsp70-Expressionen. Der Zeitpunkt der maximalen Hsp70-Expression konnte zwischen Tag 1 und 3 festgehalten werden. Dabei zeigten die Lasersysteme unterschiedliche Hsp70- Maxima und unterschiedliche Epidermisschädigungen. Die Ergebnisse ließen schlussfolgern, dass eine potenzielle präoperative Narbenprävention tendeziell ein Tag vor dem chirurgischen Eingriff und mit den stärkeren Parametereinstellungen des 1.064-nm Nd:YAG Lasers durchgeführt werden sollte.

Régulation du contrôle de qualité de NKCC2 par les interactions protéine-protéine / Regulation of NKCC2 quality control by protein-protein interactions

Seaayfan, Elie 27 September 2017 (has links)
Le co-transporteur Na+-K+-2Cl- spécifique du rein et sensible au bumétanide, NKCC2, joue un rôle essentiel dans l’homéostasie hydro-électrolytique et acido-basique de l’organisme. Les mutations inactivatrices de NKCC2 induisent le syndrome de Bartter anténatal de type 1, une grave maladie rénale caractérisée par une hypotension artérielle associée à des anomalies électrolytiques. À l’opposé, une activité accrue de NKCC2 est associée à une hypertension artérielle sensible au sel. Pourtant, peu est connu sur la régulation moléculaire de NKCC2. Le but de ces travaux de thèse a donc été l’identification des déterminants moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation de l’expression et du trafic intracellulaire de NKCC2, plus spécifiquement dans le contrôle de qualité de ce co-transporteur. Suite au criblage par la technique de double hybride chez la levure d’une banque d’ADNc de rein humain, nous avons identifié OS-9 en tant que partenaire de NKCC2. La léctine OS-9 est un facteur clé de régulation du contrôle de qualité des protéines au niveau du RE. Les analyses de co-immunoprécipitation dans les cellules rénales ont montré qu’OS-9 interagit principalement avec la forme immature de NKCC2. De plus, les expériences d’immunofluorescence ont révélé que cette interaction aurait lieu au niveau du RE. La surexpression d’OS-9 diminue l’abondance totale de NKCC2. Cet effet est aboli suite à l’inhibition de la voie de dégradation protéique par le protéasome par le MG132. De plus, les expériences pulse-chase et cycloheximide-chase ont montré que cette diminution est secondaire à l’augmentation de la dégradation de la forme immature de NKCC2. A l’inverse, le knock-down d’OS-9 endogène augmente l’expression du co-transporteur en augmentant la stabilité de sa forme immature. Enfin, la mutation du domaine MRH (Mannose 6-phosphate Receptor Homology) d’OS-9 n’altère pas son effet sur NKCC2, alors que la mutation des deux sites de N-glycosylation de NKCC2 abolie l’effet d’OS-9. L’ensemble de nos résultats démontre l’implication de la lectine OS-9 dans le système ERAD de NKCC2. Le deuxième volet de ce travail a porté sur l’identification de nouveaux mécanismes Moléculaires impliqués dans le Syndrome de Bartter. Nous avons découvert des mutations dans le gène MAGE-D2, situé sur la chromosome X, responsables d’une nouvelle et très sévère forme du syndrome de Bartter anténatal, caractérisé par un polyhydramnios très précoce avec un risque élevé d’accouchement prématuré et de mortalité. Nous avons montré que les anomalies de MAGE-D2 entraînent un défaut de maturation et d’expression membranaire de NKCC2 ainsi que celle du co-transporteur Na-Cl, NCC, du tubule distal. La comparaison in vitro de l’interactome de MAGED2 sauvage et mutée a révélé que la protéine MAGE-D2 sauvage interagit spécifiquement avec DNAJB1 (HSP40) et/ou GNAS, suggérant l’implication de ces deux partenaires protéiques dans la régulation de NKCC2 et NCC par MAGE-D2 pendant la grossesse. Le troisième volet de ce travail a porté sur l’étude de l’effet de DNAJB1/HSP40, partenaire de MAGE-D2, sur l’expression de NKCC2. HSP40 a été identifiée aussi comme partenaire de NKCC2 par la technique de double hybride réalisée par notre équipe. Nous avons montré que HSP40 et son co-chaperon HSPA1A (HSP70) interagissent avec la forme immature de NKCC2 au niveau du RE. La co-expression de HSP40 et HSP70 augmente l’expression de NKCC2 en augmentant sa stabilité et sa maturation. De plus, ces deux co-chaperons régulent l’expression de NCC de la même manière. Ces observations suggèrent que MAGE-D2 coopère avec DNAJB1/HSP40 et HSPA1A/HSP70 pour protéger NKCC2 et NCC contre la rétention et la dégradation de NKCC2 au niveau du RE durant la grossesse, révélant ainsi une nouvelle voie de régulation du trafic intracellulaire de NKCC2 et NCC. (...) / The kidney-specific Na + -K + -2C1 co-transporter, sensitive to bumetanide, NKCC2, plays an essential role in the body's fluid, electrolyte and acid-base homeostasis. Mutations of NKCC2 cause antenatal type 1 Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disease characterized by arterial hypotension associated with electrolyte abnormalities. In contrast, an increase in NKCC2 activity is associated with salt-sensitive hypertension. Yet the mechanisms underlying the regulation of NKCC2 trafficking in renal cells are scarcely known. The aim of this work was to identify the protein partners involved in the regulation of the expression and the intracellular trafficking of NKCC2, specifically in the quality control of this co-transporter. Using the yeast tow-hybrid system, we identified OS-9 as a specific binding partner of NKCC2. Lectin OS-9 is a key factor in the regulation of protein quality control at ER. Co-immunoprecipitation assay in renal cells showed that OS-9 interacts mainly with NKCC2 immature forms. Accordingly, immunocytochemistry analysis showed co-localization of the proteins mainly in the ER. Overexpression of OS-9 decreased the total abundance of NKCC2. This effect is abolished following the inhibition of the proteasome protein degradation pathway by MG132. In addition, the pulse-chase and cycloheximide-chase assays demonstrated that the marked reduction in the co-transporter protein levels was essentially due to increased protein degradation of NKCC2 immature forms. Conversely, knock-down endogenous of OS-9 increased the expression of the co-transporter by increasing the stability of its immature form. Finally, inactivation of the Mannose 6-phosphate Receptor Homology domain had no effect on its action on NKCC2, while mutation of the two NKCC2 N-glycosylation sites abolished the effect of OS- 9. In summary, our results demonstrate the involvement of lectin OS-9 in the ERAD of NKCC2. The second part of this work focused on the identification of new molecular mechanisms involved in Bartter Syndrome. We found that MAGE-D2 mutations caused X-linked new and severe form of antenatal Bartter's syndrome, characterized by a very early polyhydramnios with a high risk of premature delivery and mortality. We have shown that MAGE-D2 abnormalities lead to a lack of maturation and membrane expression of NKCC2 as well as that of the Na-Cl co-transporter, NCC, of the distal tubule. In vitro comparison of the wild-type and mutated MAGED2 interactome revealed that wild-type MAGE-D2 interacts specifically with DNAJB1 (HSP40) and / or GNAS, suggesting involvement of these two protein partners in NKCC2 and NCC regulation by MAGE-D2 during pregnancy. The third part of this work focused on the study of the effect of DNAJB1 / HSP40, partner of MAGE-D2, on the expression of NKCC2. HSP40 was also identified as a specific binding partner of NKCC2 by the yeast two-hybrid system realized by our team. We have shown that HSP40 and its co-chaperone HSPA1A (HSP70) interact with the immature form of NKCC2 at the ER. The co-expression of HSP40 and HSP70 increased the expression of NKCC2 by increasing its stability and maturation. In addition, these two co-chaperones regulate the expression of NCC in the same way. These findings suggest that MAGE-D2 cooperates with DNAJB1 / HSP40 and HSPA1A / HSP70 to protect NKCC2 and NCC against retention and degradation of NKCC2 at ER during pregnancy, revealing a new pathway for regulating NKCC2 and NCC intracellular trafficking. A better understanding of NKCC2 and NCC regulatory pathways would help to better understand the pathophysiology of sodium retention and ultimately would provide a new target for a pharmaceutical approach to preventing and / or treating kidney disease related to sodium balance.

Räumlich-zeitliche Dynamik der laserinduzierten Hsp70-Expression in einem humanen Hautexplantatmodell

Konz, Maximilian 06 October 2016 (has links)
Die Narbenbildung des Hautorgans stellt für die gegenwärtige Medizin weiterhin eine schwierige Aufgabe dar. Die frühzeitige Beeinflussung des Wundheilungspro- zesses hin zu einer verminderten oder narbenlosen Heilung scheint von entschei- dender Bedeutung. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz ist die präoperative Laserthe- rapie und dadurch erzeugte Hitzeschockantwort. Auf molekulare Ebene kommt es u.a. zur Expression von Hitzeschockproteine. Die vorliegende in-vitro Studie beschäftigte sich mit der laserinduzierten Hochregulation des Hitzeschockproteins 70 in den epidermalen Schichten. Hierfür wurden drei nicht ablative Lasersysteme mit insgesamt 12 verschiedenen Parametereinstellungen verwendet (1.540-nm Er:Glass- , 755-nm Alexandrit-, 1.064-nm Nd:YAG-Laser). Mithilfe eines humanen Hautexplantatmodells sollte unter gleichbleibenden Bedingungen Zeitpunkt und Konzentration der maximal induzierten Hsp70-Expression sowie epidermale Schä- digungen dargestellt werden. In der verfügbaren Literatur waren hierzu nur begrenzt Daten vorhanden. Alle drei Lasersysteme zeigten signifikante Hsp70-Expressionen. Der Zeitpunkt der maximalen Hsp70-Expression konnte zwischen Tag 1 und 3 festgehalten werden. Dabei zeigten die Lasersysteme unterschiedliche Hsp70- Maxima und unterschiedliche Epidermisschädigungen. Die Ergebnisse ließen schlussfolgern, dass eine potenzielle präoperative Narbenprävention tendeziell ein Tag vor dem chirurgischen Eingriff und mit den stärkeren Parametereinstellungen des 1.064-nm Nd:YAG Lasers durchgeführt werden sollte.

Regulace genové exprese HSP70 genů a její závislost na genotypu HSP70 genů. / Regulation of gene expression of HSP70 genes and its dependence on the genotype of HSP70 genes.

Ambrož, Antonín January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the presented thesis is the regulation of gene expression level of the three HSP70 genes in mononuclear cells. We investigated the dependence of expression regulation (induction) abiliy on selected point mutations, so-called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) in the observed genes. The mononuclear cells were obtained from peripheral blood samples of healthy individuals. In order to analyze their gene expression, we selected individuals who were homozygous for at least one of the monitored point mutations. Taking into account the chosen criteria for healthy individuals we based on interviews with these individuals and their personal history. We determined the polymorphisms observed in two cell stress-inducible HSP70-1 (HSPA1A) and HSP70-2 (HSPA1B) genes and in one constitutively expressed gene HSP70-Hom (HSPA1L). Further, we have analyzed HSP70s gene expression regulation and the relation between the expression regulation and studied polymorphisms. We determined the degree of regulation of a gene expression in the studied genes in relation to two SNPs -110A/C (rs1008438), +190G /C (rs1043618) gene HSP70-1, and two SNPs +1267A/G (rs1061581), +2074G /C (rs539689 ) of the HSP70-2 gene, and the mutation of one five-nucleotide (rs9281590) HSP70-2 gene, and one SNP +2437T/C (rs2227956) of...

The effect of a three dimensional growth environment on cell death and stress protein expression

Song, Alfred Seunghoon 02 July 2012 (has links)
Understanding the cellular response thermal stress is important for improving thermoablative treatments of cancer. Cells generally respond to thermal stress by expressing heat shock proteins, or undergoing cell death by apoptosis or necrosis. Most of our detailed knowledge regarding these cellular phenomena has been gathered in vitro in two dimensional (2D) environments. Yet, little is known about how prostate cancer cells respond to thermal stress in a more physiologically relevant three dimensional (3D) environment. Several approaches were used to investigate this question, all of which focused on controlled heating of cells in both two dimensional (2D) and 3D culture. Tools and assays were developed to investigate cellular response to thermal stress in 2D and 3D environments. A computer-controlled heating apparatus was constructed to heat cell cultures to precise temperatures and durations. Three dimensional growth environments were produced using Matrigel, a commercially available extracellular matrix (ecm) mixture. Transcriptional expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) was measured using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene under the control of an HSP promoter. Apoptosis, necrosis and HSP70 transcription was measured using flow cytometry analysis. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and microscopy revealed that transmembrane targets may be involved in the mechanism of the effect which 3D culture has on the cellular response to heat shock. The results herein demonstrate that the 3D growth environment, may be protective to the cell in that the percentage of cells that undergo apoptosis or necrosis when exposed to heat shock are reduced. Furthermore, HSP70 expression is enhanced in 3D culture at a specific thermal dose and integrins and heat shock proteins may be part of the mechanism by which the ecm exerts its protective effect against thermal stress. / text

Programmation néonatale de l'infertilité mâle : rôle de la dérégulation de l'expression des microARNs dans l'apoptose des cellules germinales

Lakhdari, Nadjem 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Un certain nombre d'études épidémiologiques font état d'une augmentation de l'infertilité masculine durant ces cinquante dernières années, en particulier dans les pays industrialisés, mais aussi d'une augmentation des malformations de l'appareil reproducteur masculin telles que la cryptorchidie (absence de migration des testicules dans les bourses) ou l'hypospadias (malformation du pénis), et des cancers testiculaires. Des données expérimentales suggèrent que ces anomalies du tractus génital mâle sont liées. Ces symptômes forment le syndrome de dysgénésie testiculaire. Les causes d'apparition ce syndrome semblent être d'origine environnementale. En effet, les évolutions relativement rapides de ce syndrome suggèrent des facteurs dynamiques, en lien avec le mode de vie ou l'environnement. Une des hypothèses est que, l'exposition durant la vie fœtale ou néonatale à des composés présents dans l'environnement capables d'interférer avec le système hormonal (perturbateurs endocriniens environnementaux, PEEs), serait responsable de l'augmentation de l'incidence de ces pathologies. Au banc des principaux accusés, les molécules qui possèdent des activités de type estrogénique ou antiandrogénique. A ce jour, les mécanismes d'action à l'origine du syndrome de dysgénésie testiculaire sont encore mal connus. Certaines études suggèrent des mécanismes de type épigenétique dans les effets à long terme des PEEs. L'objectif de notre travail était d'identifier et caractériser les mécanismes d'action de type épigenétique impliqué dans l'infertilité mâle. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé un modèle expérimental (rats nouveau-nés) reposant sur une exposition développementale à un estrogène (estradiol benzoate). Ce modèle induit chez le rat adulte un phénotype d'hypospermatogenèse liée à une à apoptose chronique des cellules germinales testiculaires. Nous montrons que ce phénotype est lié à l'altération de deux voies, impliquant en amont des effecteurs épigénétiques. La première voie implique la famille des miR-29s. Ainsi, nous observons une augmentation de l'expression des miR-29a, b, c qui provoque une diminution de deux de ses cibles: la protéine antiapoptotique MCL-1 et les enzymes de méthylation de l'ADN DNMTs. La chute des DNMTs entraine une hypométhylation globale (estimée à travers le gène Line-1) et spécifique du facteur de choc thermique HSF1. Ceci provoque une réexpression de ces facteurs entrainant l'apoptose des cellules germinales adultes. La deuxième voie implique le miR-18a. L'augmentation de son expression provoque une chute de l'expression de sa cible HSF2 qui régule la protéine de choc thermique HSP70/HSPA2. Le faible taux d'HSPA2 est une autre explication de l'apoptose des cellules germinales dans notre modèle. Nous montrons aussi que ce phénotype est irréversible lorsque l'exposition à lieu chez le nouveau-né alors qu'il est réversible quand l'exposition à lieu à l'âge adulte. Ces données suggèrent que l'exposition néonatale à l'estradiol benzoate induit une programmation développementale de l'hypospermatogenèse.Enfin, les anomalies tissulaires d'expression des miRNAs se retrouvent au niveau sanguin, suggérant leur utilisation potentielle comme biomarqueurs. Nous avons validé cet aspect chez l'homme en montrant que l'expression des miR29s et du miR-18a était plus élevée chez les patients oligo- ou azoospermiques que les chez patients normospermiques.En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent que l'hypospermatogenèse due à une apoptose chronique des cellules germinales observée chez l'animal adulte après exposition néonatale à l'EB met en jeu une modification d'expression de plusieurs effecteurs épigénétiques clés: miR-29s, miR-18a et DNMTs. De plus, les miR-29s et miR-18a pourraient être de nouveaux biomarqueurs circulants non invasifs de la stérilité masculine dans le contexte d'une oligo ou azoospermie chez l'homme.

Phylogénie et évolution des Archaea, une approche phylogénomique

Petitjean, Celine 27 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
En 1977, Carl Woese sépare les procaryotes en deux grands groupes en proposant une nouvelle classification basée sur des critères phylogénétiques. Les Archaea deviennent ainsi un domaine à part entière aux cotés des Bacteria et des Eucarya. Depuis, la compréhension de ce nouveau groupe et de ses relations avec les deux autres domaines, essentielles pour comprendre l'évolution ancienne du vivant, est largement passée par l'étude de leur phylogénie. Presque 40 ans de recherche sur les archées ont permis de faire évoluer leur image : de bactéries vivant dans des milieux spécialisés, souvent extrêmes, on est passé à un domaine indépendant, très diversifié aussi bien génétiquement, métaboliquement ou encore écologiquement. Ces dernières années la barre symbolique de cent génomes complets d'archées séquencés a été franchie et, parallèlement, les projets génomiques et métagénomiques sur des groupes peu caractérisés ou de nouvelles lignées de haut rang taxonomique (e.g. Nanohaloarchaea, Thaumarchaeota, ARMAN, Aigarchaeota, groupe MGC, groupe II des Euryarchaeota, etc.) se sont multipliés. Tout ceci apporte un matériel sans précédent pour l'étude de l'histoire évolutive et de la diversité des Archaea. Les protéines ribosomiques ont été utilisées de façon courante pour inférer la position phylogénétique des nouvelles lignées d'Archaea. Néanmoins, les phylogénies résultantes ne sont pas complètement résolues, laissant des interrogations concernant d'importantes relations de parenté. La recherche de nouveaux marqueurs est donc cruciale et c'est dans ce contexte que mon projet de thèse s'inscrit. À partir de l'analyse des génomes de deux Thaumarchaeota et d'une Aigarchaeota, nous avons identifié 200 protéines conservées et bien représentées dans les différents phyla d'archées. Ces protéines sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus cellulaires, ce qui peut apporter un signal phylogénétique complémentaire à celui des marqueurs de type informationnel utilisés par le passé. En plus de confirmer la plupart des relations phylogénétiques inférées à partir de ces derniers (i.e., protéines ribosomiques et sous unités de l'ARN polymérase), l'analyse phylogénétique de ces nouveaux marqueurs apporte un signal permettant une meilleure résolution de la phylogénie des archées et la clarification de certaines relations jusqu'ici confuses. Un certain nombre de ces nouveaux marqueurs sont aussi présents chez les bactéries. Les relations entre les grands phyla d'archées restant encore non résolues, nous avons utilisé ces protéines pour essayer de placer la racine de l'arbre des Archaea en utilisant comme groupe extérieur les bactéries. Nous avons ainsi pu identifier 38 protéines, parmi les 200 sélectionnées précédemment, ayant un signal phylogénétique suffisamment fiable pour cette étude, auxquelles nous avons ajouté 32 protéines ribosomiques universelles. L'utilisation conjointe de ces données nous a permis de placer la racine entre les Euryarchaeota, d'une part, et un groupe rassemblant les Thaumarchaeota, les Aigarchaeota, les Korarchaeota et les Crenarchaeota, d'autre part. Ce nouvel éclairage sur l'évolution ancienne des archées nous a amené à proposer une révision de leur taxonomie avec, principalement, la création du nouveau phylum "Proteoarchaeota" contenant les quatre phyla actuels que nous proposons de rétrograder en classes : Thaumarchaea, Aigarchaea, Korarchaea et Crenarchaea.Finalement, l'analyse des protéines codées dans les trois génomes qui ont servi de point de départ de ma thèse nous a permis de générer une masse considérable de données qui ont révélé des traits particuliers ou encore des histoires évolutives inattendues. Un exemple est l'histoire du complexe formé par la chaperonne DnaK et de ses co-chaperonnes GrpE, DnaJ, et DnaJ-Fer chez les Thaumarchaeota, impliquant plusieurs transferts horizontaux entre les trois domaines du vivant.

Estudos sobre as interaÃÃes das proteÃnas seminais com as cÃlulas espermÃticas e componentes dos diluidores usados na criopreservaÃÃo do sÃmen e sobre marcadores moleculares de parÃmetros do sÃmen em animais de produÃÃo / Studies on the interactions of proteins with seminal sperm cells and components of thinners used in sperm cryopreservation and molecular markers on the semen parameters in farm animals

AlethÃia CarÃzia Baracho de Lima Souza 27 February 2014 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A tese à composta por dois capÃtulos. O primeiro capÃtulo inclui o trabalho cujo objetivo foi investigar o potencial uso de pares de transcritos correlativos baseados em microarranjos como marcadores de fertilidade masculina usando a displasia da bainha fibrosa (DFS) como modelo afetado. Atualmente à bastante reconhecido que a tecnologia de microarranjos pode ser limitada pelos custos e que a qualidade dos transcritos permanece relativamente desconhecida. Para responder essas questÃes, nÃs analizamos pares de transcritos estÃveis por qPCR com um processo sistemÃtico de desenho de primers sistemÃtico. Nesse estudo experimental, nÃs utilizamos amostras de homens com fertilidade comprovada e de homens com diagnÃtico de DFS. Nossa abordagem foi baseada nas sequÃncias de primers dos seis genes de interesse, os quais foram desenhados utilizando os programas Oligo7 e Primer3Plus. A especificidade do primer foi inicialmente analisada in silico atravÃs de pesquisas nos bancos de dados ENSEMBL, University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC), e National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) para uso de sequÃncias especÃficas aos genes alvos. A habilidade dos pares de transcritos em classificar as amostras de homens de fertilidade comprovada das amostras de DFS foi avaliada. Nossos resultados mostraram que em conjunÃÃo com a identificaÃÃo de quatro novos pares estÃveis, a comparaÃÃo dos coeficientes de correlaÃÃo dos valores de C(t) dos DSF revelou a interrupÃÃo de quatro pares estÃveis identificados nas amostras de homens normais. Esta seleÃÃo de pares estÃveis resolve a questÃo sobre a DSF. Em conclusÃo, os resultados mostram efetivamente que o desenho de primers e qPCR podem fornecer um ensaio molecular de baixo custo para avaliar a fertilidade masculina. O segundo capÃtulo divide-se em dois estudos e avalia em carneiros os efeitos de uma dieta suplementada com farelo de castanha de caju. No estudo 1, nosso objetivo foi detectar a presenÃa de transcritos para Heat Shock Protein (HSP70), clusterina (CLU), proteÃna semelhante à subunidade alfa do complexo T (TCP1) e proteÃna do complexo T subunidade 8 (CCT8) no espermatozÃide de ovinos, seguindo a mesma metodologia para qPCR utilizada no capitulo 1. As sequÃncias de primers foram desenhadas utilizando os programas Primer3Plus e Oligo Analyzer. Gene para protamina 2 (PRM2) foi usado como controle interno de reaÃÃo. O sÃmen foi coletado de machos pÃberes Morada Nova utlizando eletroejaculador. As amostras selecionadas para extraÃÃo de RNA espermÃtico seguiram as recomendaÃÃes do ColÃgio Brasileiro de ReproduÃÃo Animal quanto aos parÃmetros de motilidade, vigor e concentraÃÃo. Nossos resultados mostraram a presenÃa de mRNA para a HSP70 nos espermatozÃides de ovinos. Maiores estudos sÃo necessÃrios a fim de confirmar ou refutar a presenÃa das chaperonas TCP1 e CCT8 no espermatozÃide ovino. A presenÃa do transcrito da HSP70 no espermatozÃide de ovinos abre perspectivas para estudos futuros sobre os efeitos do mRNA HSP70 no desenvolvimento embrionÃrio, de modo a avaliar se essa expressÃo ocorre de modo espontÃneo, programado e seqÃencial, e se esses mecanismos se refletem na fertilidade e no desenvolvimento embrionÃrio. O segundo estudo tem como principal objetivo avaliar os efeitos de uma dieta contendo farelo de castanha de caju (FCC) na expressÃo de genes relacionados ao metabolismo dos lipÃdios no mÃsculo Longissimus dorsi de carneiros Morada Nova. Vinte carneiros maduros sexualmente foram divididos em dois grupos baseando-se no peso vivo. Os animais foram mantidos em baias individuais. Durante trÃs meses, o grupo castanha (GCA) foi alimentado com raÃÃo contendo FCC, enquanto o grupo controle (GCO) recebeu raÃÃo à base de milho e soja. As duas dietas eram isocalÃricas e isoprotÃicas, adicionadas de suplemento mineral. Os carneiros tambÃm receberam feno de Tifton e Ãgua à vontade. A quantidade de alimento ofertado (raÃÃo e feno) foi ajustada diariamente para sobra de 10%. Sete genes codificantes de proteÃnas envolvidas direta ou indiretamente foram selecionados como alvos, incluindo: GH, ACACA, CAST, CAPN3, LPL, SCD e FASN. Para normalizaÃÃo, foram selecionados cinco genes candidatos: ACTB, GAPDH, RPL4, RPS18 e TBP. Dentre os sete genes alvos selecionados anteriormente, os alvos GH, ACACA e CAST foram removidos. Os dois primeiros foram removidos devido amplificaÃÃo de alinhamento mÃltiplo (baixa especificidade do primers), enquanto CAST apresentou baixa eficiÃncia de amplificaÃÃo. Da lista de gene alvo final, a expressÃo de somente dois genes foi afetada pela dieta, SCD (p<0.01) e FASN (p<0.05), enquanto LPL (p=0,1022) e CAPN3 (p=0,0939) nÃo apresentaram diferenÃa significativa (p<0.05). Os genes SCD e FASN foram reprimidos no GCA comparada ao GCO. Este à o primeiro relato de que uma raÃÃo contendo FCC afetou a expressÃo gÃnica de proteÃnas envolvidas na deposiÃÃo de lipÃdios no mÃsculo em ovinos. Considerando que uma dieta contendo FCC altera a expressÃo de genes lipogÃnicos sem afetar o ganho de peso nem a eficiÃncia reprodutiva de ovinos, faz da castanha de caju uma importante alternativa para o sistema de produÃÃo de ovinos criados em regiÃes tropicais. / This thesis presents two chapters. In the first chapter, its objective was to investigate the potential use of correlative microarray-based transcript pairs as candidate markers for male fertility using dysplasia of the fibrous sheath (DFS) as an affected model. It is widely recognized that microarray technology may be limited by cost and that the quality of the transcript remains relatively unknown. To address these issues, we analyzed the stable transcript pairs by qPCR with a systematic primer design process. On this experimental study, we used men with proven fertility and men with a diagnosis of DFS. Our approach was based on primer sequences for six genes of interest were designed using Oligo7 and Primer3Plus. Primer specificity was initially assessed in silico by searching the ENSEMBL, University of California Santa Cruz, and National Center for Biotechnology Information databases for nontarget complementary sequences throughout the genome. The ability of transcript pairs to classify samples from males of proven fertility away from DFS was assessed. Our results showed that in conjunction with identifying four new stable transcript pairs, comparison of the DFS qPCR C(t) correlation coefficients revealed the disruption of four stable fertile sample transcript pairs. This suite of transcript pairs resolves DFS. In conclusion, the results show that with effectively designed primers, qPCR may provide an affordable molecular assay to assess male fertility status. Second chapter includes two studies regarding evaluations of ram feeded with supplemented diet with cashew nut. On the frist study, our goal was detect transcripts for Heat Shock Protein (HSP70), Clusterin (CLU), Ovis aries T-complex protein 1 alfa subunit-like protein (TCP1) e Ovis aries chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta) (CCT8) on ram sperm by. For primer designing we used published ESTs from NCBI and manually annotated by us using Primer3Plus and OligoAnalizer. PRM2 was used as internal qPCR control. Semen samples from mature Morada Nova ram were collected by eletroejaculator, washed in PBS and prepared for further RNA extraction. Selected samples followed quality recommendatios from ColÃgio Brasileiro de ReproduÃÃo Animal regarding motility, vigor and concentration. Our results showed presence of mRNA HSP70 on ram sperm and they can possible be envolved in early embryo development, oocyte activation and post fertilization events. Further analyses will be necessary to confirm presence of TCP1 and CCT8 on ram sperm. Our findings indicate new perpectives about the effects of these chaperones during embryo development mesuring if its expression reflects male fertility on the early embryo development. On the second study the the main goal is to evaluate the effects of a lipid-enriched diet containing cashew nut brain on the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism in the longissimus dorsi muscle of Morada Nova rams. Twenty sexually mature and reproductively sound rams were divided in two groups based on ram live weight, and each ram was kept on individual pens. During three months, group 1 (G1) rams were fed with a lipid-rich diet, containing cashew nut bran (CNB), while group 2 (G2) was fed with a meal based on corn and soy. Both diets were isocaloric and isoproteic, and had a mineral mix added-in. The rams also were offered Tifton grass hay and had free access to water. The amount of diet offered (ration plus hay) was adjusted everyday to a maximum waste of 10%. Seven genes coding for proteins directly or indirectly involved in lipid metabolism were initially selected as targets, incluiding GH, ACACA, CAST, CAPN3, LPL, SCD, and FASN. Also, five genes were selected as reference genes, ACTB, GAPDH, RPL4, RPS18 and TBP. From the seven genes originally selected as targets, GH, ACACA and CAST were removed, leaving the final list with four targets. The first two genes were removed due to alternative pairing of the primers (low specificity), while CAST showed low amplification efficiency during PCR reaction. From the final target list, the expression of only two genes was affected by diet, SCD (p<0.01) and FASN (p<0.05), while LPL (p=0,1022) and CAPN3 (p=0,0939) were not different at the p<0.05 level. Both SCD and FASN genes were down-regulated in G1 (lipid-rich diet containing CNB) compared to G2. These genes are involved in lipogenic pathways, related to tissue lipid deposition; therefore, these results were expected. This is the first time that a fat-rich diet based on CNB was shown to affect gene expression of proteins involved in fat deposition in carcass muscles of rams. Longissimus dorsi is one of the finest meat cuts. Considering that human diets rich in poli-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) can decrease the risk of heart and other chronic diseases, a change in the fatty acid profile of this muscle could contribute to a healthier diet, aggregating value to the end-product of the lamb meat market. The effects of CNB-based diet on the gene expression of SCD and FASN support the notion that such diet, as previously shown for other sources of lipid in ruminants, can potentially change the fatty acid composition of L. dorsi, but this hypothesis needs to be experimentally verified by profiling fatty acids in animals fed CNB versus carbohydrate-based diets. CNB use as an ingredient in animal feeding is environmentally-friendly, since it contributes to by-product recycling from the agroindustrial plants in Northeast Brazil. Also, considering that CNB-based diet changes lipogenic gene expression without affecting weight gain or reproductive status of the rams, as shown in another work from our team, makes CNB a very important alternative food in ram production systems in tropical regions.

Uncovering the Role of Mitochondrial Co-chaperones and Artificial Antioxidants in Cellular Redox Homeostasis

Srivastava, Shubhi January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The role of mitochondria is multidimensional and ranges in vast areas, including apoptosis, cellular response towards stress, metabolism, which is regulated by a plethora of proteins, acting together to maintain cellular and organellar homeostasis. In spite of the presence of mitochondrial DNA, most of the mitochondrial proteins are nuclear encoded and translocated inside the organelle through dedicated translocases present on outer and inner membrane of mitochondria. To fulfil the cellular energy demand, mitochondria efficiently generate ATP by oxidative phosphorylation, and thus are considered as "power house of cell." There occurs a transfer of electrons from various oxidizable substrates to oxygen, which is achieved by a series of redox reactions with generation of water as a byproduct. This process is coupled with ATP synthesis, involves five protein-complexes present in the inner mitochondrial membrane. During this process, it generates extremely reactive intermediate species of oxygen as a byproduct collectively referred as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) through partial reduction of oxygen. These intermediate metabolites of oxygen include superoxide anion (O2-º), H2O2 and highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (OHº). Although ROS are produced by different cellular sources, such as widely expressed and evolutionary conserved NADPH Oxidases, xanthine oxidase, cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases and cytochrome P450 enzymes but mitochondria are one of the major contributors of cellular ROS. Earlier, reactive oxygen species were considered as harmful but for past few decades, the role ROS has been appreciated as signalling molecules. Because of their high reactivity, these species can cause redox mediated modifications to cellular components and thus have an ability to participate in signalling process. The regulation of signalling pathway by ROS is governed by either alterations in cellular redox conditions or by oxidative modifications of certain residues in proteins, which are involved in signalling cascades. Reactive Oxygen Species can modify amino acid residues, interact with Fe-S clusters or other metal complexes and induce dimerization of proteins to alter protein structure and function. ROS causes modifications to critical amino acids, mainly by oxidation of cysteine residues, where oxidation of sulfhydryl group (-SH) of a single cysteine residue leads to formation of sulfenic (-SOH), sulfinic (-SO2H), sulfonic (-SO3H), or S-glutathionylated (-SSG) derivatives. Thus, by incorporating these modifications, ROS affects the function of proteins, thereby modulating the cellular signalling process. On the other hand, the accumulation of higher level of reactive oxygen species may damage cellular components causing oxidative stress. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the ROS levels and regulation of intracellular redox homeostasis depends upon a complex network of antioxidant molecules. These antioxidants range from low molecular weight glutathione to large proteins like glutathione peroxidases. Cell has an array of antioxidants with different subcellular locations. Superoxide Dismutase which catalyzes dismutation of superoxides and converts them to H2O2, localizes in cytosol, mitochondrial intermembrane space and extracellular matrix. Different isoforms of Glutatione Peroxidases (GPx) and Peroxiredoxins (Prx) are located in cytosol as well as in mitochondria and scavenge H2O2 by using glutathione (GSH) and thioredoxin (Trx) respectively, as co-factors. During this peroxidase activity of GPx and Prx, GSH and Trx get oxidized and recycled back to the reduced form by Glutathione Reductase (GR) and Thioredoxin Reductase (TR) correspondingly, with the help of NADPH. Thus, GPx system (GPx, GR, GSH and NADPH) and Prx system (Prx, Trx, TR and NADPH) helps in maintenance of redox balance by scavenging H2O2. Catalase is present in peroxisomes for the catalytic degradation of H2O2. Along with Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin (Grx) also reduces protein disulphides and maintains the redox homeostasis. Although, reactive oxygen species are important for normal physiological process, oxidative stress caused by imbalanced ROS levels is thought to be involved in progression of many disorders. However, in most of the diseases, the role of ROS is not yet clear. Elevated oxidative stress is observed with insulin resistance and progression of type II diabetes mellitus, and the resultant high glucose levels alter mitochondrial physiology, leading to the fragmentation of organelle. However, on contrary it has also been observed that ROS improves insulin sensitivity. ROS is directly involved in progression of neurodegenerative disorders, which are characterized by oxidative stress mediated neuronal loss. Interestingly, in case of cancer ROS plays a differential role. At moderately higher levels, ROS helps cancer cells to detach from the matrix and thus assist in metastasis but the higher accumulation of ROS leads to oxidative stress mediated cell death. Thus, cancer cells have an enhanced expression level of antioxidants to maintain the optimum ROS concentration for their survival and proliferation. The role of ROS in cellular signalling and progression of diseases highlights the importance of redox regulation. Mitochondria being the major source of ROS, harbours various redox regulators such as a mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), inner membrane anion channel (IMAC), Ca++ ions, etc. In addition, certain proteins like Hsp31/DJ1 class also translocate into the organelle in a stress dependent manner to maintain redox homeostasis. These proteins are encoded by the nuclear genome and translocated in the organelle, suggesting the importance of mitochondrial import machinery in regulation of redox balance. Another such example is MIA pathway of protein import, where MIA40 regulates ROS indirectly by catalyzing folding of disulfide containing proteins such as SOD-1 in a redox coupled process. However, under most cases, the physiological disorders lead to uncontrolled production of reactive oxygen species, thereby overloading the cellular antioxidant defence machinery. The failure of the antioxidant machinery leads to enhanced disease progression. Under such disease conditions where the upheaval of redox homeostasis leads to the accumulation of ROS, artificial antioxidants can be used to protect cells against oxidative damage. Artificial systems such as Cyclodextrins, metal complexes, porphyrins, polymers, supramolecules and biomolecules such as nucleic acids, catalytic antibodies and proteins, have been created to mimic the structures and functions of natural enzymes through various approaches. In the present thesis, we have elucidated the role of two mitochondrial proteins, which are part of mitochondrial import motor, as redox regulators and the effect of artificial antioxidants in maintenance of redox homeostasis under stress. A detailed description on importance of ROS in cellular signalling and disease progression has been included in Chapter I, which gives a preface for the work mentioned in this thesis. Chapter II to chapter V elucidates the main objectives of the present thesis, which are: 1. Identification of novel human mitochondrial regulators of redox homeostasis • Role of NEF in redox sensing (Chapter II) • Evolved function of J-like protein in ROS regulation (Chapter III) 2. Characterization of potential artificial antioxidants as redox therapeutics • Organo-selenium compounds as potential artificial antioxidants (Chapter IV) • Use of nanoparticles as a natural antioxidant mimics (Chapter V) Chapter II: Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) plays a critical role for the import of the precursor proteins. The import activity of mtHsp70 is attributed by cyclic binding and release of precursor proteins which in turn is regulated by co-chaperones J-proteins and nucleotide exchange factor (NEF). The affinity for substrate is governed by the binding of ADP or ATP at the N-terminal nucleotide binding pocket of mtHsp70. The affinity for substrate is higher in ADP bound state as compared to ATP bound state. mtHsp70 by its ATPase activity hydrolyze ATP (low-affinity state) to ADP (high-affinity state), which is replaced back to ATP by NEF thus maintaining the mtHsp70 cycle for protein import. In the present study, we have biochemically and functionally characterized GrpEL1 and GrpEL2 as a nucleotide exchange factor for mtHsp70. We observed that like their yeast ortholog Mge1, both the mammalian NEFs interacts with mtHsp70 and exchange ADP from ATP to maintain the cycle of mtHsp70. Interestingly, we observed that both the NEFs are part of human mitochondrial import motor and are recruited at the import motor as hetero-subcomplex. The formation of GrpEL1-EL2 hetero-subcomplex is important to maintain the stability of both the NEFs. In this study, we have elucidated that the interplay between the two NEFs governs organellar response towards oxidative stress. Chapter III: Redox imbalance generates multiple cellular damages leading to oxidative stress mediated pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, ageing and cancer progression. Therefore, maintenance of ROS homeostasis is most important, that involves well-defined antioxidant machinery. In the present chapter, we have identified for first time a component of mammalian protein translocation machinery, Magmas, to perform a critical ROS regulatory function. Magmas overexpression has been reported in highly metabolically active tissues, cancer cells and tissues of developmental origin that are prone to oxidative damage. We found that Magmas regulates cellular ROS levels by controlling its production as well as scavenging. Magmas promotes cellular tolerance towards oxidative stress by enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity, thus preventing induction of apoptosis and damage to cellular components. Magmas enhances the activity of ETC-complexes, causing reduced ROS production. Our results suggest that J-like domain of Magmas is essential for maintenance of redox balance. The function of Magmas as an ROS sensor was found to be independent of its role in protein import, underlying its dual role in human mitochondria. The unique ROS modulatory role of Magmas is highlighted by its ability to increase cellular tolerance to oxidative stress even in yeast model organism. The cyto-protective capability of Magmas against oxidative damage makes it an important candidate for future investigation in therapeutics of oxidative stress related diseases. Chapter IV: The dysregulation of antioxidant machinery in oxidative stress mediated disorders lead to accumulation of excess ROS, highlighting the importance of artificial antioxidants. For the therapeutics of oxidative stress related disorders, artificial antioxidants have been used as combination redox therapy. In order to realize potent biocompatible antioxidants with minimum toxicity, we have utilized two approaches – synthesis of organic compounds and nanoparticle based enzyme mimetics. We have synthesized novel isoselenazoles with high glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and peroxiredoxin (Prx) activities, which provide remarkable cytoprotection to human cells, mainly by exhibiting antioxidant activities in the presence of cellular thiols. The cytotoxicity of the isoselenazoles is found to be significantly lower than that of ebselen, which is being widely clinically evaluated by several research groups for the treatment of reperfusion injuries and stroke, hearing loss, and bipolar disorder. The compounds reported in this study has the potential to be used as therapeutic agents for disorders mediated by reactive oxygen species.. Chapter V: Nanomaterials with enzyme-like properties have attracted significant interest, although limited information is available on their biological activities in cells. Here, we show that V2O5 nanowires (Vn) functionally mimic the antioxidant enzyme, glutathione peroxidase by using cellular glutathione as a co-factor. Although a bulk V2O5 is known to be toxic to the cells, the property is altered when converted into a nanomaterial form. The Vn nanozymes readily internalize into mammalian cells of multiple origins (kidney, neuronal, prostate, cervical) and exhibit robust enzyme-like activity by scavenging the reactive oxygen species, when challenged against intrinsic and extrinsic oxidative stress. The Vn nanozymes fully restore the redox balance without perturbing the cellular antioxidant defense, thus providing an important cytoprotection for biomolecules against harmful oxidative damage. Based on our findings, we envision that biocompatible Vn nanowires can provide future therapeutic potential to prevent ageing, cardiac disorders and several neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

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