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CHEMICAL HYDRIDE REACTOR DESIGNS FOR PORTABLE FUEL CELL DEVICESBenjamin Hynes (8086172) 05 December 2019 (has links)
<p>This research addresses the issues
of electrical energy storage that warfighters in the U.S. military face. A device is presented that combines an
on-demand hydrogen reactor with a state of the art proton exchange membrane
fuel cell. This thesis focuses on the
design criteria and analysis of the chemical hydride reactor. On demand hydrogen release can occur by
controlling the hydrolysis reaction of Ammonia Borane (AB). Maleic acid is used to promote rapid release
of hydrogen and trap the ammonia released from AB. Reactor designs are categorized as either
delivering liquid or solid ammonia borane into an acid filled reactor. In an effort to design as simple of a system
as possible, the delivery mechanisms presented do not use electronically powered
devices. The primary safety criterion is
that the hydrogen does not overly pressurize and meets the consumption rate of
the fuel cell. Two liquid delivery
architectures are proposed and tested using the assumption that a pressure
differential between two chambers will deliver ammonia borane solution into a
reactor. Methods of controlling the
exposure of solid ammonia borane to a promoter is also presented. Pressed AB pellets were experimentally
analyzed in order to characterize the interaction of solid AB in acidic
solution. Designs are ranked against
each other using system parameters that are applicable to man portable device. Liquid delivery architectures provided a safe
and robust method of hydrolysis control.
A bag reactor system that met the hydrogen requirements of a fuel cell was
developed and tested. When used to
compliment a fuel cell and military grade batteries, such a reactor will save
weight and volume for extended missions requiring electronic equipment.<b></b></p>
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Ekonomiska förutsättningar för vätgasproduktion som stöd till vindkraftNilsson, Henrik, Larsson, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Världen står inför utmaningen att minska sin klimatpåverkan som till en del beror på utsläpp av växthusgaser såsom koldioxid. Detta samtidigt som behovet av energi spås öka markant. Förnybara källor, företrädesvis vind- och solkraft, spås öka sin andel av den globala energiförsörjningen. Förnybar elkraftgenerering är dock inte oproblematisk då produktionen är svår att förutspå. När solen lyser eller vinden blåser sammanfaller dessutom inte alltid med när behovet av elektricitet finns vilket skapar stabilitetsproblem i elnätet. Att lagra energi för att sedan kunna återföra är ett sätt att både lösa stabilitetsproblem i elnätet och säkerställa att energi finns när den behövs. I den här studien undersöks möjligheten att, med el från vindkraft, genom elektrolys framställa vätgas som sedan lagras för att senare återföras som el via bränslecell eller säljas som råvara. Avsikten är att motverka negativa ekonomiska konsekvenser vid försäljning av intermittent vindkraft. I studien används modeller som gör simuleringar utifrån historiska data för 2019 från en vindpark. Detta för att undersöka om regleravgifter vid prognosavvikelser går att undvika eller delvis motverka samt om det går att flytta elproduktion i tid med en vätgasanläggning för att förbättra det ekonomiska utfallet för en vindkraftsproducent. Resultaten visar att detta i dagsläget inte är lönsamt utifrån de antaganden som gjorts. Detta främst för att alltför få drifttimmar uppnås i båda fallen. Studien visar att det dock kan vara lönsamt om syftet är att producera vätgas istället för att vara ett stöd för en vindkraftsproducent. / The world faces the challenge of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases in order to mitigate climate change. At the same time, global energy demand is predicted to increase significantly. Renewable power generation like wind and solar power are believed to dominate the increase of needed power generation. These renewables power sources do not come without problems. Power fluctuations, due to their variable production causes grid stability problems and does not necessarily correspond to the demand for energy. Energy storage is a possible solution for both grid stability as well as for non-corresponding production/demand situations. This study investigates the feasability of hydrogen production by water electrolysis with electricity from a wind park. The produced hydrogen could either be sold or stored and used in a fuel cell to generate electricity at a later point in time. The aim is to mitigate negative economic consequenses from selling intermittent wind power. In the study simulations are made with historic data from 2019 from a wind park. Two models were created to investigate if imbalance costs due to forecast errors could be avoided or partially avioded and to investigate the possibility to move production of electricity in time and avoid unfavourable spot market prices. This in order to enhance the finacial results. The results from the study shows that at the present moment this is not a profitable approach with the assumptions made. The foremost reason for this is that too few system operating hours is obtained in each case. However, the results also shows that if the objective shifts from supporting wind power to producing hydrogen, the outcome could be profitable.
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Wind resources are highly intermittent and fluctuant, making wind turbines less reliable and the unstable power output will affect grid stability and security. This paper presents an idea of integrating the solar PV plant and energy storage system into an existing wind project, project Rödene in Gothenburg. The hybrid renewable system, which consists of two or more renewable energy sources, is considered the renewable energy development trend. An economic analysis of a 1.2 MW PV plant, 5 MW lithium-ion battery storage system and 300 kg hydrogen fuel cell storge system are assessed in terms of LCOE and LCOS of plants. The revenue stream is discussed separately, consisting of electricity tariff, ancillary services and energy arbitrage. The results show that both PV plant and energy store systems are unprofitable. When the PV panel cost is reduced more than 30% and the annual production increases at least 30%, the LCOE of the PV plant arrives at the break-even point. Also result shows the hydrogen fuel cell energy storage system is too expensive of commercial use, and the battery energy storage system has a high potential of profitable if the ancillary service in Sweden is well organized in the future
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Integrated micro PEM fuel cell with self-regulated hydrogen generation from ammonia boraneZamani Farahani, Mahmoud Reza 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / An integrated micro PEM fuel cell system with self-regulated hydrogen generation
from ammonia borane is reported to power portable electronics. Hydrogen is generated
via catalytic hydrolysis reaction of ammonia borane solution in microchannels
with nanoporous platinum catalyst electroplated inside the microchannels. The self-regulation of the ammonia borane solution is achieved by using directional growth
and selective venting of hydrogen bubbles in microchannels, which leads to agitation
and addition of fresh solution without power consumption. The device is fabricated
on combination of polystyrene sheets cut by graphic cutter, a stainless steel layer
cut using wire electrical discharge machining and bonding layers with double-sided
polyimide tape. Due to the seamless bonding between the hydrogen generator and
the micro fuel cell, the dead volume in the gas connection loops can be significantly
reduced and the response time of self-regulation is reduced.
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Hydrogen Absorption in Metal Hydrides : Transmission of light in relation to hydrogen concentration and site occupancy of ultrathin vanadium filmsSörme, David January 2022 (has links)
In this study the effect of hydrogenation on the optical properties in the wavelength range 400-1023 nm of an ultrathin iron-vanadium superlattice is investigated. Specifically, mea- surements of transmission are performed under different states of hydrogenation, along with measurements of absolute hydrogen concentration and hydrogen site occupancy. The trans- mission measurements are used to construct pressure-concentration isotherms. Isotherms and transmission data are in turn correlated to concentration and hydrogen occupancy. The results show a wavelength dependent decrease in transmission with hydrogenation. The decrease is greatest around 550 nm, and the wavelength of maximum decrease shifts to higher wavelengths with increasing hydrogen pressure. The non-uniform decrease will make the use of transmission as a measurement of hydrogen concentration dependent on the wavelength of the probing light. 15N resonant NRA is used to perform direct, real-space measurement of absolute hydro- gen concentration. The achieved concentrations are 0.092, 0.38 0.40 H/V. Comparing the concentrations and corresponding transmissions to the location of the plateau region in the transmission based isotherms, it appears that the system is in a single phase at 0.38 and 0.40 H/V, and in a mixed phase at 0.092 H/V. Using a combination of resonant NRA and RBS, while exploiting crystal lattice ion channeling, indirect measurements of hydrogen site occupancy are performed. At all investigated concentrations the system does not display tetrahedral site occupancy, but it remains uncertain whether the occupancy is octahedral or some dislocated octahedral-tetrahedral intermediate. The relation of hydrogen concentration and optical transmission is investigated via a linear regression analysis. The data points generally deviate by more than one standard deviation from the fitted lines, and lie outside of the error estimation. These deviations might indicate that a linear model is inappropriate, where one possible explanation could be that the mapping from transmission to concentration is dependent on the phase of the system. / Den här studien undersöker upptag av väte i en supertunn kristallstruktur bestående av omväxlande lager av vanadin och järn, samt vätets inverkan på de optiska egenskaperna i våglängdsområdet 400-1023 nm. Specifikt genomförs mätningar av genomsläpp av ljus, under olika nivåer av väteupptag. I samband med dessa mätningar genomförs också mätningar av absolut vätekoncentration och av väteatomernas position i kristallstrukturen. Mätningarna av ljusgenomsläpp används för att skapa isotermkuror över tryck och koncentration. Isotermkurvorna och genomsläppligheten av ljus korreleras till vätekoncentration och väteatomernas position i kristallstrukturen. Resultaten visar en våglängdsberoende minskning av ljusgenomsläppligheten med en ökande mängd väte i kristallstrukturen. Minskningen är som störst omkring 550 nm, samtidigt som våglängden för störst minskning flyttas mot högre våglängder med högre koncentration av väte. Att minskningen i genomsläpplighet är beroende av våglängd innebär att ljusgenomsläpp som metod för att mäta vätekoncentration är beroende av den ljusvåglängd som används. Metoden 15N resonant NRA används för att genomföra direkta mätningar av absolut vätekoncentration. De uppmätta koncentrationerna är 0.092, 0.38 och 0.40 H/V. När dessa koncentrationsmätningar jämförs med genomsläpplighet och tillhörande isotermkurvor, så verkar det som att systemet befinner sig i en enskild fas vid koncentrationerna 0.38 och 0.40 H/V, och i en blandad fas vid koncentrationen 0.092 H/V. Indirekta mätningar av vätets position i kristallstrukturen genomförs baserat på en kombination av resonant 15N NRA och RBS, där det utnyttjas att projektiljonerna under vissa förutsättningar kan komma att styras in i kristallstrukturen (på engelska crystal lattice ion channeling). Vid de tre uppmätta koncentrationerna så visar systemet inga tecken på att väteatomerna finns på tetrahedrala positioner. Det är inte helt uppenbart om väteatomerna istället finns på oktahedrala positioner, eller om det handlar om förskjutna positioner som är mellanliggande till oktahedrala och tetrahedrala. Relationen mellan vätekoncentration och optisk genomsläpplighet analyseras med linjär regression. Datapunkterna avviker generellt med mer än en standardavvikelse från de anpassade linjerna, och ligger utanför feluppskattningen. De här avvikelserna kan indikera att en linjär modell inte är lämplig, och en möjlig förklaring kan vara att ljusgenomsläppligheten beror av den fas i vilken systemet befinner sig.
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On direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicles modelling and demonstrationHaraldsson, Kristina January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, direct hydrogen Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell systems in vehicles are investigated through modelling, field tests and public acceptance surveys.</p><p>A computer model of a 50 kW PEM fuel cell system was developed. The fuel cell system efficiency is approximately 50% between 10 and 45% of the rated power. The fuel cell auxiliary system,<i> e.g.</i> compressor and pumps, was shown to clearly affect the overall fuel cell system electrical efficiency. Two hydrogen on-board storage options, compressed and cryogenic hydrogen, were modelled for the above-mentioned system. Results show that the release of compressed gaseous hydrogen needs approximately 1 kW of heat, which can be managed internally with heat from the fuel cell stack. In the case of cryogenic hydrogen, the estimated heat demand of 13 kW requires an extra heat source. </p><p>A phase change based (PCM) thermal management solution to keep a 50 kW PEM fuel cell stack warm during dormancy in a cold climate (-20 °C) was investigated through simulation and experiments. It was shown that a combination of PCM (salt hydrate or paraffin wax) and vacuum insulation materials was able to keep a fuel cell stack from freezing for about three days. This is a simple and potentially inexpensive solution, although development on issues such as weight, volume and encapsulation materials is needed </p><p>Two different vehicle platforms, fuel cell vehicles and fuel cell hybrid vehicles, were used to study the fuel consumption and the air, water and heat management of the fuel cell system under varying operating conditions, <i>e.g.</i> duty cycles and ambient conditions. For a compact vehicle, with a 50 kW fuel cell system, the fuel consumption was significantly reduced, ~ 50 %, compared to a gasoline-fuelled vehicle of similar size. A bus with 200 kW fuel cell system was studied and compared to a diesel bus of comparable size. The fuel consumption of the fuel cell bus displayed a reduction of 33-37 %. The performance of a fuel cell hybrid vehicle,<i> i.e.</i> a 50 kW fuel cell system and a 12 Ah power-assist battery pack in series configuration, was studied. The simulation results show that the vehicle fuel consumption increases with 10-19 % when the altitude increases from 0 to 3000 m. As expected, the air compressor with its load-following strategy was found to be the main parasitic power (~ 40 % of the fuel cell system net power output at the altitude of 3000 m). Ambient air temperature and relative humidity affect mostly the fuel cell system heat management but also its water balance. In designing the system, factors such as control strategy, duty cycles and ambient conditions need to taken into account.</p><p>An evaluation of the performance and maintenance of three fuel cell buses in operation in Stockholm in the demonstration project Clean Urban Transport for Europe (CUTE) was performed. The availability of the buses was high, over 85 % during the summer months and even higher availability during the fall of 2004. Cold climate-caused failures, totalling 9 % of all fuel cell propulsion system failures, did not involve the fuel cell stacks but the auxiliary system. The fuel consumption was however rather high at 7.5 L diesel equivalents/10km (per July 2004). This is thought to be, to some extent, due to the robust but not energy-optimized powertrain of the buses. Hybridization in future design may have beneficial effects on the fuel consumption. </p><p>Surveys towards hydrogen and fuel cell technology of more than 500 fuel cell bus passengers on route 66 and 23 fuel cell bus drivers in Stockholm were performed. The passengers were in general positive towards fuel cell buses and felt safe with the technology. Newspapers and bus stops were the main sources of information on the fuel cell bus project, but more information was wanted. Safety, punctuality and frequency were rated as the most important factors in the choice of public transportation means. The environment was also rated as an important factor. More than half of the bus passengers were nevertheless unwilling to pay a higher fee for introducing more fuel cell buses in Stockholm’s public transportation. The drivers were positive to the fuel cell bus project, stating that the fuel cell buses were better than diesel buses with respect to pollutant emissions from the exhausts, smell and general passenger comfort. Also, driving experience, acceleration and general comfort for the driver were reported to be better than or similar to those of a conventional bus.</p>
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Heating and separation using nanomagnet-functionalized metal–organic frameworksLohe, Martin R., Gedrich, Kristina, Freudenberg, Thomas, Kockrick, Emanuel, Dellmann, Til, Kaskel, Stefan 31 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A magnetic functionalization of microcrystalline MOF particles was realized using magnetic iron oxide particles. Such magnetic MOFs can be separated using a static magnetic field after use in catalytic processes and heated by an external alternating magnetic field to trigger desorption of encaged drug molecules. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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A study of the crystallographic, magnetic and electronic properties of selected ZrM2-H systemsRichard, Laura Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Dissolution of hydrogen into intermetallic compounds characteristically occurs at interstitial sites, causing little alteration to the base metal substructure but often bringing about substantial electronic and magnetic changes to the material. These hydrogen-induced alterations in the intermetallic hydrides are of interest both on a fundamental research level and in terms of technological applications; however, there exists no general theory as to how and why these alterations arise. The objective of this research is to elucidate to general effect of hydrogen on intermetallic compounds through the study of crystallographic, magnetic and electronic properties. An investigation has been carried out on the properties of three intermetallic compound - hydrogen systems of general formula ZrM₂, where M = V, Cr, Mn. All three compounds reversibly absorbed hydrogen with no change in crystal symmetry: powder diffraction studies showed that hydrogen was accommodated in interstitial sites of the existing metal sublattice via lattice expansion. The measurement of the magnetic properties of these systems was combined with the determination of conductivity and dielectric properties in order to describe the electronic e¤ects of hydrogen absorption. Despite the lack of signi
cant structural alteration in these systems, electron transfer between the metal sublattice and hydrogen may occur, as manifested in the appearance/disappearance of magnetic phenomena and the increase/decrease of electrical conductivity. Whilst the hydrogen addition in ZrM₂-H occurs simply via an expansion of the crystal structure, hydrogen does not act purely as null dilutant - there exist subtle electronic changes connected with the hydriding process as well.
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Élaboration et caractérisation d'alliages hydrurables de type ABx (A=Pr, Nd, La, Mg ; B=Ni; x=3, 3.5, 3.8, 5) en vue de leur utilisation comme matière active pour électrode négative d'accumulateurs NiMH / Elaboration and characterization of ABx (A=Pr, Nd, La, Mg ; B=Ni; x=3, 3.5, 3.8, 5)hydride forming alloys to be used as active material for negative electrode in NiMH batteryLemort, Lucille 08 December 2010 (has links)
Une alternative aux énergies fossiles comme vecteur énergétique peut se présenter sous la forme de l'hydrogène et de son stockage. Les hydrures métalliques sont une des options possibles pour le stockage de l'hydrogène. Les accumulateurs alcalins Ni-MH présentent une technologie intéressante pour les applications portables et pour le développement des véhicules électriques hybrides (HEV). Afin de répondre à la demande d'augmentation de la capacité massique des accumulateurs, de nouveaux composés intermétalliques hydrurables de type ABx (3etlt;xetlt;5) sont étudiés. Le groupe A est constitué de terres rares partiellement substituées par du magnésium, le groupe B contient du Ni. Après un état de l'art sur ce type de composés, le travail de cette thèse consiste à rechercher les conditions d'élaboration des composés A1-yMgyNix (3etlt;xetlt;5, 0etlt;yetlt;1, A= La, Pr, Nd) ainsi que de les caractériser d'un point de vue structural et physico-chimique (DRX, microsonde électronique, ICP) et de déterminer leurs propriétés vis-à-vis de l'hydrogène (réac tion solide-gaz et électrochimique). Durant ce travail de nouvelles phases ont été découvertes et caractérisées : les phases (A1-yMgy)5Ni19 / One solution to overcome the diminution of fossil fuel resources is to use hydrogen as an energy vector. The main issue concerning hydrogen systems is its storage. NiMH batteries are promising candidates for portable devices and hybrid vehicles (HEV) applications. In order to answer to growing need for higher capacity, new compounds such as ABx (3etlt;xetlt;5) are under investigation. A is a rare earth element that can be partially substituted by Mg. B is Ni. After careful examination of the state of the art on this family of compound, the synthesis routes to prepare A1-yMgyNix (3etlt;xetlt;5, 0etlt;yetlt;1, A= La, Pr, Nd) alloys were investigated and optimized during this PhD work. The structure and chemical composition of the samples were determined using X-ray diffraction, microprobe analysis and ICP. The hydrogen sorption properties (solid-gas and electrochemical reactions) were studied as well. During this work the (A1-yMgy)5Ni19 new phase s have been reported and characterized
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Impact of Post-Synthesis Modification of Nanoporous Organic Frameworks on Selective Carbon Dioxide Captureİslamoğlu, Timur 10 December 2012 (has links)
Porous organic polymers containing nitrogen-rich building units are among the most promising materials for selective CO2 capture and separation applications that impact the environment and the quality of methane and hydrogen fuels. The work described herein describes post-synthesis modification of Nanoporous Organic Frameworks (NPOFs) and its impact on gas storage and selective CO2 capture. The synthesis of NPOF-4 was accomplished via a catalysed cyclotrimerization reaction of 1,3,5,7-tetrakis(4-acetylphenyl)adamantane in Ethanol/Xylenes mixture using SiCl4 as a catalyst. NPOF-4 is microporous and has high surface area (SABET = 1249 m2 g-1). Post-synthesis modification of NPOF-4 by nitration afforded (NPOF-4-NO2) and subsequent reduction resulted in an amine-functionalized framework (NPOF-4-NH2) that exhibits improved gas storage capacities and high CO2/N2 (139) and CO2/CH4 (15) selectivities compared to NPOF-4 under ambient conditions. These results demonstrate the impact of nitro- and amine- pore decoration on the function of porous organic materials in gas storage and separation application.
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