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Ústavy habsburské monarchie v první polovině 19. století ve srovnání s polskou ústavou 3. května / The Constitution of the Habsburg Monarchy in the first of 19th century in comparison with the Polish Constitution of 3rd MayBurešová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the Constution of first half of the 19th century in Habsburg Monarchy (The Pillersdorf constitution, The Kremsier constitution and The Stadion constitution) and with the analysis of the Polish Constitution of 3rd May from the year 1791. The first section describes constitutionalism as a concept. It is followed by an overview of previous historical events, which have great influence of the constitutional progress in the Habsburg monarchy in the previous period. The third chapter describes The Pillersdorf constitution, the fourth chapter is dedicated to The Kremsier consitution (and The Kremsier Assembly) and the fifth chapter discusses The Stadion constitution. Then is following by short section which is evaluating the influence of Austrian constitution on subsequent development of constitutionalism in Habsburg Monarchy. The seventh chapter is devoted to Polish Constitution of 3rd May and describes naturally also historical reasons for adoption of this constitutional text and an internal political situation in Poland especially during the 18th century. The last one but very important chapter consists from comparison of the Polish constitution and of Austrian constitution. This part compares all the constitutional texts in a brief summary and tries to find main...
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Empires on the edge : the Habsburg monarchy and the American Revolution, 1763-1789Singerton, Jonathan Oliver Ward January 2018 (has links)
Throughout 2013 the governments of the Austrian Republic and United States of America celebrated the 175th anniversary of diplomatic relations between them. This date marks the accreditation of ambassadors in 1838 but obscures the sixty-year prehistory, begun when the first American envoy reached Vienna in 1778. The Habsburg Monarchy became the last European Great Power to recognise the United States, but the reasons behind this also have eighteenth-century origins. The United States and the successor states to the Habsburg Monarchy, therefore, share a much longer, more complex and deeply entangled history stretching back to the American Revolution. This dissertation focuses on how and why attempts to formalise relations failed between these two states in the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period, something which, until now, has received little historical attention. This dissertation uncovers a neglected but illuminating story of US-Habsburg relations between 1763- 1789. In doing so it demonstrates the evolving nature of early modern diplomacy and the wider international struggle of the American founding. In both regards, this dissertation argues the economic motivation of economic agents and the role of personalities were the new and instrumental factors. What follows is a new history of the broader, much deeper impact of the American Revolution and the transatlantic entanglements of the Habsburg Monarchy. A history of a relationship which looks beyond 'desk diplomacy' and towards a more holistic interpretation of the attempted relations between unlikely states. To this end, this dissertation relies upon a broad base of archival material from personal papers to quantative data from both sides of the Atlantic.
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Irská emigrace ve střední Evropě a rod Taafe / The Irish Emigration in the Middle Europe and the Family of TaafeBeštová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The work is focused on the fate of Irish emigration to Central Europe (the Habsburg monarchy) during the 16th and 17th centuries and its subsequent fate in this region. Particular attention is paid to the family of the Counts Taaffe, who especially in the 19th century significantly influenced politics in the Austrian Empire. Irish emigration in the 17th and 18th century can be divided into three major waves. The first hit after the defeat of Ireland Ulster insurgents in Kinsale. Local elites were not willing to accept a subordinate position and four years after the signing of. Mellifontské contract went 30 September 1607 more than ninety Ulstr for the most important nobles in exile. This "escape poke" had far-reaching consequences for Ireland and has contributed greatly to the realization of England's plans. The second and most extensive emigration met Ireland after the Armistice in Kilkeny in May 1652, ie during the era of Oliver Cromwel. The third wave of emigration then caused the victory of William of Orange over James II. in the battle of the Boyne in 1690 and Aughrimu the 1691. Most Irish emigrants resorted to the Catholic powers, particularly Spain, France and Austria. They can be roughly divided into three groups. First it was the Catholic priests, mainly members of the Franciscan order....
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Postavení panovníka podle rakouských ústav / Status of the emperor according to the Austrian constitutionsDanielovský, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Resume Status of the emperor according to the Austrian constitutions The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the position which belonged to the head of the Habsburg Monarchy according to the Austrian Constitutions from the second half of the 19th century. The revolutionary years 1848-1849 caused changes in the constitutional system of the monarchy. These changes were also reflected at the level of head of state. The emperor was no longer to be sole representative of state power, but he had to participate in it together with the parliament and the government. When examining these changes, it is necessary to differentiate the formal position of Emperor, which belonged to him under the Constitutions and his factual position. Realistically, the emperor maintained until the collapse of the monarchy considerable influence on the exercise of state power. The work explores the following constitutions: Pillersdorf (April) constitution of 1848, Kremsier constitution of 1849, Stadion (March) constitution of 1849, Schmerling (February) constitution of 1861 and Beust (December) constitution of 1867. The work is divided into six chapters. The first chapter describes constitutional and political development of the Habsburg monarchy since revolution in 1848 until the release of the December constitution in 1867 and it...
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Počátky moderního vězeňství v českých zemích v 1. třetině 19. století: Trest, věznice, vězeň / Beginnings of the modern prison in the Czech lands in the 1st third of the 19th century: Punishment, prison, prisonerMitáčková, Renáta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the origins of the modern prison system in czech lands at the first third of the 19th century. At first, the theoretical part of the thesis presents the opinions of the authors of existing literature. Afterthen it concentrates at the most famous reformers of criminal law and prison system. In the end it describes the criminal justice system and prison in Habsburg Monarchy. Practical part of the thesis is divided into three parts - punishment, prison and prisoner. The first part deals with the concept of the punishment and its purpose. It presents and analyzes crimes and punishments. The second part is focused on the prison and its functions. Was the purpose of the prison to punish or also to correct the prisoner? Which instruments served to correction of the prisoner? The thesis also compares the functioning of the prison and the other institution of detention - the workhouse. The last part is searching for the answers on this questions: How should the prison act on the prisoner's soul and body? What part did the punishments play within the prison and how should they be realized? The aim of the thesis is to try to capture, how did the new concepts of imprisonment show in the praxis of prison and how they act on organization of prison. Key words: punishment, prison, prisoner,...
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Professional identity of army officers in Britain and the Habsburg Monarchy, 1740-1790Roeder, Tobias Uwe January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the existence and outlook of a European officer class in the mid- to later 18th century by studying the army officers of Britain and the Habsburg Monarchy from the War of the Austrian Succession to the eve of the French Revolutionary Wars. It illuminates the character of such an officer class of ‘Military Europe’ with its own cultural customs and practices. Furthermore, it details similarities, differences and peculiarities of both officer corps. This is achieved by analysing the social and national composition of both armies, with a focus here on the Habsburg Army due to the fact that it took in great numbers of foreigners and that the muster lists give an indication of how great the proportion of nobility was. A comparison with the British case shows striking similarities but also obvious differences. In a further step the ability of individuals for social advancement and national mobility is scrutinised on both sides. In this context, the state’s care for its officers and their social security is also taken into account. One possibility to acknowledge the officers’ service was to raise their status, either by ennoblement or through increasing the prestige of the uniform in court and society, its transformation into an ‘Ehrenkleid’ (garment of honour). As officers increasingly became servants to the state, rather than noble retainers and military enterprisers, they were also subject to professionalization efforts by the sovereigns. What becomes apparent, however, is that the officers did not only react to such measures but that at least a significant part of them actively worked on improving the service, thereby exhibiting a growing professionalism. In order to explore the coherence of the officer corps in those armies, with officers all following the same codes and accepting each other as equals, the thesis looks into core values (including honour, duty, courage and loyalty) binding them together and separating them from the enlisted men. The thesis will also offer a glimpse of their engagement with civilian society and culture as well as their role as ‘foot soldiers of Enlightenment’. On a European level, interaction between these officers proves their general acceptance of and respect for each other, while at the same time acting as state representatives in wartimes. Their interaction with non-European and non-state military forces and their leadership marks out the fluid boundaries of military Europe, but also exhibits the pervasiveness of European military culture.
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ЂОРЂЕ СТРАТИМИРОВИЋ У РЕВОЛУЦИЈИ И РАТУ 1848–1849. / ĐORĐE STRATIMIROVIĆ U REVOLUCIJI I RATU 1848–1849. / Đorđe Stratimirović in the Revolution and Warof 1848-1849Dimić Žarko 22 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Средином 19. века настављају се<br />европски револуционарни процеси који су<br />захватили и просторе Хабзбуршке<br />монархије. У овим процесима нашао се и<br />српски народ који је, својом<br />„густином“,заузимао јужни део<br />Mонархије.Захваљујући привилегијама<br />добијеним од аустријског цара Леополда I, а<br />које је „заслужио“ српски патријарх Арсеније<br />III Чарнојевић, Срби су се у политичком<br />смислупоставиликао верски одређен народ.<br />У периоду од 1690. до 1918. године српска<br />црквена хијерархија, српски политички<br />прваци и други значајни представници<br />српског народа трудили су се да очувају<br />статус и права српског становништва. Са<br />своје стране, бечке власти су константно<br />настојале да српске привилегије сузе и<br />оспоре, да би их пред крај Монархије и<br />потпуно укидале. Било је то питање<br />опстанка и очувања верског, националног и<br />културног идентитета српског народа,најпре<br />у Хабзбуршкој монархији, а 60-их година 19.<br />века у Аустроугарској. Надолазећи догађаји<br />који су 1848-1849. године усталасали средњу<br />Европу, прелили су се и на аустријску<br />царевину. Она није била национално<br />компактна држава, већ је у свом саставу<br />имала разне народе (Мађари, Чеси, Словаци,<br />Срби, Румуни...), који су бројчано<br />надмашили немачко становништво. У овим<br />догађајима, који су у суштини део<br />историјских токова,значајну, а неретко и<br />пресудну улогу, имају личности које се у таквим околностима појављују на</p><p>политичкој сцени.<br />Таква личност у српском народу био је<br />и Ђорђе Стратимировић. Потицао је из<br />значајне српске породице Стратимировић,<br />која своје порекло води из Херцеговине.<br />Родоначелници ове породице били су Петар<br />Стратимировић и његов син Вучко<br />Петровић-Стратимировић. Вучков син био је<br />Богић Вучковић - Стратимировић.<br />Окончањем првог аустро-турског рата<br />Пожаревачким миром 1718. године,<br />порастао је углед Аустрије међу Србима у<br />Херцеговини, тако да у следећем аустро-<br />турском рату 1737-1739. године, Срби нуде<br />своје услуге и узимају учешће у рату. Богић<br />Стратимировић је,1737. године,заповеднику<br />грофу Херберштајну понудио 30.000 војника<br />за рат против Турака. Ипак, цео пројекат се<br />није остварио због мира који је 1739. године<br />склопљен између Аустрије и Турске. Након<br />тога, у периоду од 1743-1745. године, Богић<br />и његов брат Никола преговарају у Бечу о<br />насељавању Стратимировића у Аустрији.<br />Најпре им је додељена пустара Сириг у<br />Бачкој, а када је тај посед предат бачком<br />владики, Богић и његова три брата (Јован,<br />Тома и Никола) у замену су добили посед<br />Кулпин. Када је царица Марија Терезија<br />отпочела са интензивнијим издавањем<br />племићких диплома знаменитијим српским<br />породицама, са циљем да их придобијеза<br />своје војне и друге планове, племство је<br />стекла и породица Стратимировић.Из ове<br />породице је знаменити и утицајни<br />карловачки митрополит Стефан<br />Стратимировић, стриц Ђорђа<br />Стратимировића, што је, како се<br />испоставило, било итекако важно за будућу<br />судбину и улогу Ђорђа у наступајућим<br />историјским догађајима.<br />Ђорђе пл. Стратимировић рођен је 19.<br />фебруара 1822. године у Новом Саду, у кући<br />свог деде по мајци Јована Петровића. Његов<br />отац Василије био је „миран и озбиљан<br />човек“, кулпински велепоседник уз то и<br />образован. Слободно време проводио је<br />читајући научну литературу. Радио је и као<br />фишкал (адвокат) фрушкогорских<br />манастира. Мати му је рано преминула 1841. године.Школовао се у Кулпину, уз надзор</p><p>лутеранског свештеника Словака Рохоњија и<br />кућног пријатеља познатог српског писца<br />Милована Видаковића. Снажне утиске на<br />младог Ђорђа остављале су приче о<br />херојским подвизима из јуначког рода<br />Стратимировића и живо сећање, на истина<br />ретке, али упечатљиве доласке митрополита<br />Стратимировића у Кулпин. И поред<br />противљења родитеља определио се за<br />војнички позив који је тада између осталог<br />нудио прилику за брзо напредовање,<br />посебно Србина племенитог рода. Похађао је<br />нижу Евангелистичку гимназију у Новом<br />Врбасу. Након изненадне смрти оца,поред<br />попустљиве мајке,испунила му се жеља да<br />постане војник. Похађање академије у<br />Тителу, на кадетском курсу (тзв.<br />математика), омогућило му је да буде одмах<br />примљен у други разред инжењеријске<br />академије у Бечу. Тамо је провео следећих<br />пет година, од 1837. до 1841.,где је као<br />узоран ученик стекао многобројне<br />пријатеље. Један од најбољих другова био<br />му је Фердинанд Бауер, који је касније<br />постао барон и министар рата. Из академије<br />је изашао у чину потпоручника дакле постао<br />је официр. Био је распоређен на службу у<br />регименту у Милану, где је био омиљен<br />међу својим колегама. Истицао се као частан<br />и храбар човек. Ускоро је стицајем пре свега<br />приватних разлога 1843. године напустио<br />војну службу.<br />Већ почетком бурних догађаја 1848.<br />године Стратимировић је узео активно<br />учешће у њима. Образован, родољубив, млад<br />и пун енергије а при томе разумевајући<br />политичку и друштвену ситуацију и стање у<br />коме се нашао српски народ пре свега у<br />односу на Мађаре био је одмах између<br />осталог и захваљујући свом пореклу<br />прихваћен од српских првака и српског<br />народа. Након састанка српске делегације<br />чији је био члан са Лајошем Кошутом и<br />Мађарима у Пешти 1848. године,стекао је<br />велике симпатије и поверење народа. Његово<br />војничко умеће, храброст, способност и<br />неоспорна харизма показали су се већ у<br />првом значајнијем сукобу Срба и Мађара,<br />приликом напада генерала Храбовског на Сремске Карловце 12. јуна 1848. године.</p><p>Тада је, захваљујући енергичној команди<br />Ђорђа Стратимировића, овај напад је<br />одбијен, а Мађари су претрпели свој први<br />пораз. То је Стратимировићу у народу<br />донело велики углед и титулу „вожда“.<br />Доказао се Стратимировић и у многим<br />будућим биткама и догађајима,али је ова<br />популарност,са друге, стране навукла и<br />омразу, пре свега духовног поглавара Срба у<br />монархији патријарха Јосифа Рајачића и<br />његовог утицајног окружења. У том сукобу<br />са конзервативним делом српског друштва,<br />Стратимировић није имао успеха као на<br />бојном пољу, на челу српске војске.<br />У суштини, Ђорђе Стратимировић се,<br />обзиром на своје младе године, веома добро<br />носио са проблемима у овим тешким<br />исудбоносним догађајима. Показао се као<br />успешан стратег и командант. Добро се<br />снашао и у замршеним политичким играма и<br />при томе је дао велики допринос стварању<br />Српске Војводине и поред свих потешкоћа<br />којима је био изложен српски народ на<br />просторима Јужне Угарске.<br />У раду су коришћени постојећа литература,<br />објављена и необјављена, а пре свега богата<br />архивска грађавезана за револуционарне<br />догађаје 1848. и 1849. године и активности<br />Ђорђа Стратимировића у њима, затим<br />успомене савременика, посебно Ђорђа<br />Стратимировића, домаћа и страна<br />периодика, посебно немачка, српска и<br />мађарска, архивска грађа. Рад је организован<br />по тематско-хронолошком принципу уз<br />оцену кључних односа Ђорђа<br />Стратимировића са патријархом Рајачићем и<br />Стеваном Книћанином.</p> / <p>Sredinom 19. veka nastavljaju se<br />evropski revolucionarni procesi koji su<br />zahvatili i prostore Habzburške<br />monarhije. U ovim procesima našao se i<br />srpski narod koji je, svojom<br />„gustinom“,zauzimao južni deo<br />Monarhije.Zahvaljujući privilegijama<br />dobijenim od austrijskog cara Leopolda I, a<br />koje je „zaslužio“ srpski patrijarh Arsenije<br />III Čarnojević, Srbi su se u političkom<br />smislupostavilikao verski određen narod.<br />U periodu od 1690. do 1918. godine srpska<br />crkvena hijerarhija, srpski politički<br />prvaci i drugi značajni predstavnici<br />srpskog naroda trudili su se da očuvaju<br />status i prava srpskog stanovništva. Sa<br />svoje strane, bečke vlasti su konstantno<br />nastojale da srpske privilegije suze i<br />ospore, da bi ih pred kraj Monarhije i<br />potpuno ukidale. Bilo je to pitanje<br />opstanka i očuvanja verskog, nacionalnog i<br />kulturnog identiteta srpskog naroda,najpre<br />u Habzburškoj monarhiji, a 60-ih godina 19.<br />veka u Austrougarskoj. Nadolazeći događaji<br />koji su 1848-1849. godine ustalasali srednju<br />Evropu, prelili su se i na austrijsku<br />carevinu. Ona nije bila nacionalno<br />kompaktna država, već je u svom sastavu<br />imala razne narode (Mađari, Česi, Slovaci,<br />Srbi, Rumuni...), koji su brojčano<br />nadmašili nemačko stanovništvo. U ovim<br />događajima, koji su u suštini deo<br />istorijskih tokova,značajnu, a neretko i<br />presudnu ulogu, imaju ličnosti koje se u takvim okolnostima pojavljuju na</p><p>političkoj sceni.<br />Takva ličnost u srpskom narodu bio je<br />i Đorđe Stratimirović. Poticao je iz<br />značajne srpske porodice Stratimirović,<br />koja svoje poreklo vodi iz Hercegovine.<br />Rodonačelnici ove porodice bili su Petar<br />Stratimirović i njegov sin Vučko<br />Petrović-Stratimirović. Vučkov sin bio je<br />Bogić Vučković - Stratimirović.<br />Okončanjem prvog austro-turskog rata<br />Požarevačkim mirom 1718. godine,<br />porastao je ugled Austrije među Srbima u<br />Hercegovini, tako da u sledećem austro-<br />turskom ratu 1737-1739. godine, Srbi nude<br />svoje usluge i uzimaju učešće u ratu. Bogić<br />Stratimirović je,1737. godine,zapovedniku<br />grofu Herberštajnu ponudio 30.000 vojnika<br />za rat protiv Turaka. Ipak, ceo projekat se<br />nije ostvario zbog mira koji je 1739. godine<br />sklopljen između Austrije i Turske. Nakon<br />toga, u periodu od 1743-1745. godine, Bogić<br />i njegov brat Nikola pregovaraju u Beču o<br />naseljavanju Stratimirovića u Austriji.<br />Najpre im je dodeljena pustara Sirig u<br />Bačkoj, a kada je taj posed predat bačkom<br />vladiki, Bogić i njegova tri brata (Jovan,<br />Toma i Nikola) u zamenu su dobili posed<br />Kulpin. Kada je carica Marija Terezija<br />otpočela sa intenzivnijim izdavanjem<br />plemićkih diploma znamenitijim srpskim<br />porodicama, sa ciljem da ih pridobijeza<br />svoje vojne i druge planove, plemstvo je<br />stekla i porodica Stratimirović.Iz ove<br />porodice je znameniti i uticajni<br />karlovački mitropolit Stefan<br />Stratimirović, stric Đorđa<br />Stratimirovića, što je, kako se<br />ispostavilo, bilo itekako važno za buduću<br />sudbinu i ulogu Đorđa u nastupajućim<br />istorijskim događajima.<br />Đorđe pl. Stratimirović rođen je 19.<br />februara 1822. godine u Novom Sadu, u kući<br />svog dede po majci Jovana Petrovića. NJegov<br />otac Vasilije bio je „miran i ozbiljan<br />čovek“, kulpinski veleposednik uz to i<br />obrazovan. Slobodno vreme provodio je<br />čitajući naučnu literaturu. Radio je i kao<br />fiškal (advokat) fruškogorskih<br />manastira. Mati mu je rano preminula 1841. godine.Školovao se u Kulpinu, uz nadzor</p><p>luteranskog sveštenika Slovaka Rohonjija i<br />kućnog prijatelja poznatog srpskog pisca<br />Milovana Vidakovića. Snažne utiske na<br />mladog Đorđa ostavljale su priče o<br />herojskim podvizima iz junačkog roda<br />Stratimirovića i živo sećanje, na istina<br />retke, ali upečatljive dolaske mitropolita<br />Stratimirovića u Kulpin. I pored<br />protivljenja roditelja opredelio se za<br />vojnički poziv koji je tada između ostalog<br />nudio priliku za brzo napredovanje,<br />posebno Srbina plemenitog roda. Pohađao je<br />nižu Evangelističku gimnaziju u Novom<br />Vrbasu. Nakon iznenadne smrti oca,pored<br />popustljive majke,ispunila mu se želja da<br />postane vojnik. Pohađanje akademije u<br />Titelu, na kadetskom kursu (tzv.<br />matematika), omogućilo mu je da bude odmah<br />primljen u drugi razred inženjerijske<br />akademije u Beču. Tamo je proveo sledećih<br />pet godina, od 1837. do 1841.,gde je kao<br />uzoran učenik stekao mnogobrojne<br />prijatelje. Jedan od najboljih drugova bio<br />mu je Ferdinand Bauer, koji je kasnije<br />postao baron i ministar rata. Iz akademije<br />je izašao u činu potporučnika dakle postao<br />je oficir. Bio je raspoređen na službu u<br />regimentu u Milanu, gde je bio omiljen<br />među svojim kolegama. Isticao se kao častan<br />i hrabar čovek. Uskoro je sticajem pre svega<br />privatnih razloga 1843. godine napustio<br />vojnu službu.<br />Već početkom burnih događaja 1848.<br />godine Stratimirović je uzeo aktivno<br />učešće u njima. Obrazovan, rodoljubiv, mlad<br />i pun energije a pri tome razumevajući<br />političku i društvenu situaciju i stanje u<br />kome se našao srpski narod pre svega u<br />odnosu na Mađare bio je odmah između<br />ostalog i zahvaljujući svom poreklu<br />prihvaćen od srpskih prvaka i srpskog<br />naroda. Nakon sastanka srpske delegacije<br />čiji je bio član sa Lajošem Košutom i<br />Mađarima u Pešti 1848. godine,stekao je<br />velike simpatije i poverenje naroda. NJegovo<br />vojničko umeće, hrabrost, sposobnost i<br />neosporna harizma pokazali su se već u<br />prvom značajnijem sukobu Srba i Mađara,<br />prilikom napada generala Hrabovskog na Sremske Karlovce 12. juna 1848. godine.</p><p>Tada je, zahvaljujući energičnoj komandi<br />Đorđa Stratimirovića, ovaj napad je<br />odbijen, a Mađari su pretrpeli svoj prvi<br />poraz. To je Stratimiroviću u narodu<br />donelo veliki ugled i titulu „vožda“.<br />Dokazao se Stratimirović i u mnogim<br />budućim bitkama i događajima,ali je ova<br />popularnost,sa druge, strane navukla i<br />omrazu, pre svega duhovnog poglavara Srba u<br />monarhiji patrijarha Josifa Rajačića i<br />njegovog uticajnog okruženja. U tom sukobu<br />sa konzervativnim delom srpskog društva,<br />Stratimirović nije imao uspeha kao na<br />bojnom polju, na čelu srpske vojske.<br />U suštini, Đorđe Stratimirović se,<br />obzirom na svoje mlade godine, veoma dobro<br />nosio sa problemima u ovim teškim<br />isudbonosnim događajima. Pokazao se kao<br />uspešan strateg i komandant. Dobro se<br />snašao i u zamršenim političkim igrama i<br />pri tome je dao veliki doprinos stvaranju<br />Srpske Vojvodine i pored svih poteškoća<br />kojima je bio izložen srpski narod na<br />prostorima Južne Ugarske.<br />U radu su korišćeni postojeća literatura,<br />objavljena i neobjavljena, a pre svega bogata<br />arhivska građavezana za revolucionarne<br />događaje 1848. i 1849. godine i aktivnosti<br />Đorđa Stratimirovića u njima, zatim<br />uspomene savremenika, posebno Đorđa<br />Stratimirovića, domaća i strana<br />periodika, posebno nemačka, srpska i<br />mađarska, arhivska građa. Rad je organizovan<br />po tematsko-hronološkom principu uz<br />ocenu ključnih odnosa Đorđa<br />Stratimirovića sa patrijarhom Rajačićem i<br />Stevanom Knićaninom.</p> / <p>In the mid-19th century, the ongoing European<br />revolutionary processes spread out to the area of<br />the Habsburg Monarchy. The Serbian nation<br />found itself amidst these processes, being<br />densely populated in the southern region of the<br />Monarchy. Thanks to the privileges granted by<br />the Austrian Emperor Leopold I, and which<br />were “deserved” by the Serbian patriarch<br />Arsenije III Čarnojević, the Serbs imposed<br />themselves in a political sense as a religiously<br />determined nation. In the period between 1690<br />and 1918, the Serbian church hierarchy, the<br />Serbian political leaders and other significant<br />representatives of the Serbian nation strived to<br />keep the status and rights of the Serbian<br />population. The Viennese authorities, however,<br />on their side made every effort to cut and deny<br />privileges, and finally abolished them<br />completely before the fall of the Monarchy. It<br />was a question of survival and preservation of<br />the religious, national and cultural identity of<br />the Serbian nation, first in the Habsburg<br />Monarchy, and later in the 1860s in Austro-<br />Hungary. The ensuing events which in 1848-<br />1849 shook Central Europe affected the<br />Austrian Empire too. It was not a nationally<br />homogenous country but it consisted of several<br />nations (Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs,<br />Romanians…) that outnumbered the German<br />population. In these events, which were<br />essentially parts of historical processes,<br />important roles, and often decisive ones, were<br />held by people who in such circumstances<br />appear on the political scene.<br />Among the Serbs, such a remarkable<br />personality was Djordje Stratimirović. He came<br />from the prosperous Serbian Stratimirovic<br />family originating from Herzegovina. His<br />forefathers were Petar Stratimirović and his son<br />Vučko Petrović-Stratimirović. Vučko’s son was<br />Bogić Vučković-Stratimirović. With the end of<br />the Austrian-Turkish war and signing the<br />Požarevac peace treaty in 1718, Austria’s<br />population increased among the Serbs in<br />Herzegovina, so in the next Austrian-Turkish<br />war in 137-1739, the Serbs rendered their<br />services and participated in the war. In 1737,<br />Bogić Stratimirović offered 30,000 soldiers to<br />Commander Count Herberstein for the war<br />against the Turks. Nevertheless, the whole<br />project failed due to the peace agreement signed<br />by Austria and Turkey in 1739. Afterwards, in<br />the period between 1743-1745, Bogić and his<br />brother Nikola negotiated in Vienna on settling<br />the Stratimirović family in Austria. First the<br />family received a piece of dry land Sirig in<br />Bačka, but when that property was given to the<br />Bishop of Bačka, Bogić and his three brothers<br />(Jovan, Toma and Nikola) got property in<br />Kulpin in exchange. When Empress Mary<br />Therese commenced a widespread grant of<br />nobility charters to prosperous Serbian families,<br />with the aim of gaining their services for<br />military and other purposes, the Stratimirović<br />family was also granted nobility. The eminent<br />and influential Metropolitan of Sremski<br />Karlovci Stefan Stratimirović, uncle to Djordje<br />Stratimirović, was also from this family, which<br />was – as it turned out – particularly important<br />for Djordje’s the future role in the upcoming<br />historical events.<br />Djordje Stratimirović was born on 19th<br />February 1822 in Novi Sad, in his the house of<br />his grandfather on his mother’s side, Jovan<br />Petrović. His father Vasilije was a “timid and<br />serious man,” a landowner from Kulpin, and an<br />educated one. He spent his leisure time reading<br />scientific literature. He worked as a lawyer of<br />the monasteries in Fruška Gora. His mother died<br />very early, in 1841. He was educated in Kulpin<br />under the guidance of a Slovak Lutheran priest<br />Rohonji, a family friend of the famous Serbian<br />poet Milovan Vidaković. The young Djordje<br />was deeply impressed by the stories of the<br />heroic deeds of the Stratimirović ancestors, as<br />well as by the vivid memories of the rare but<br />noteworthy visits of Metropolitan Stratimirović<br />to Kulpin. Against his parents’ wish, he opted<br />for military service, which at the time, among<br />others, offered an opportunity of fast prosperity,<br />especially for a Serb of noble origin. He<br />attended the lower Evangelist Gymnasium in<br />Novi Vrbas. After his father’s sudden death,<br />thanks to his mother’s conciliatory nature, he<br />fulfilled his wish to become a soldier. Attending<br />the cadet course (the so-called “matematika”) at<br />the military academy in Titel, enabled him<br />direct admittance to the second grade of<br />engineering academy in Vienna. He spent the<br />following five years there, from 1837 to 1841,<br />where as an outstanding student he made<br />numerous friends. One of his best friends was<br />Ferdinand Bauer, who later became a baron and<br />War Minister. He left the academy with the rank<br />of lieutenant, in other words he became a<br />military officer. He was assigned to the service<br />of the regiment in Milan, where he was highly<br />respected by his fellow officers. He excelled as<br />an honorable and courageous man. Soon, as a<br />result of personal reasons, he left military<br />service in 1843.<br />At the very beginning of the turbulent<br />events of 1848, Stratimirović took an active role<br />in them. Educated, patriotic, young and full of<br />energy, he well understood the political and social circumstances and the situation in which</p><p>the Serbian nation was primarily in relation to<br />the Hungarians, he was immediately accepted<br />among the Serbian leaders and nation owing to<br />his family background, among other reasons. As<br />a member of the Serbian delegation, he met<br />with Lajos Kossuth and the Hungarians in Pest<br />in 1848, and deserved approval and confidence<br />of his own nation. His military skills, courage,<br />abilities and undeniable charismatic personality<br />became prominent in the first battle between the<br />Serbs and Hungarians, on the occasion of<br />General Hrabovsky’s attack on Sremski<br />Karlovci on 12th June 1848. Owing to Djordje<br />Stratimirović’s energetic command, this attack<br />was resisted and the Hungarians suffered their<br />first defeat. This brought Stratimirović immense<br />reputation and the title of Supreme Leader.<br />Stratimirović approved himself in many<br />successive battles and events, but this<br />popularity, on the other hand, brought along<br />certain enmity, primarily of the spiritual leader<br />of Serbs in the Monarchy, Patriarch Josif<br />Rajačić and his influential circle. In this conflict<br />with the conservative fraction of Serbian<br />society, Stratimirović did not win as he did in<br />the battlefield as the leader of the Serbian army.<br />Essentially, regarding his young age,<br />Djordje Stratimirović dealt with problems<br />skillfully in those difficult and ominous times.<br />He proved a successful strategist and<br />commander. He handled the intricate political<br />games well, and at the same time contributed<br />greatly to the creation of Serbian Vojvodina,<br />despite all the hardships the Serbian nation was<br />facing in the region of Southern Hungary.<br />For the purpose of this study various<br />existing literature has been used, both published<br />and not published, but predominantly archival<br />materials in connection with the Revolution of<br />1848 and 1849, and regarding the activities of<br />Djordje Stratimirović in it. Other sources<br />included the memories of his contemporaries,<br />and especially those of Djordje Stratimirović;<br />Serbian and foreign periodicals; archival<br />sources, predominantly German, Serbian and<br />Hungarian. The paper is organized and based on<br />a thematic-chronological principle, with the<br />assessment of the relationship between Djordje<br />Stratimirović with Patriarch Rajačić and Stevan Knićanin.</p>
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Ludwig Zinzendorf's political economy in the Habsburg monarchy, 1750-1774Adler, Simon January 2018 (has links)
This study examines Ludwig Zinzendorf’s political economy and the intellectual inspiration of his thinking. Zinzendorf, a protégé of Kaunitz, was a sophisticated economic thinker in the mid eighteenth-century Habsburg monarchy who was part of the wider intellectual movement in Europe dedicated to understanding political economy and presenting it as an independent and important activity. Self- educated, polyglot and hard-working, Zinzendorf was formidably well read and impressively numerate. His output was detailed and analytical. With an exceptionally wide knowledge, he offered a more original way to discuss the economy than the essentially didactic approach of cameralist writers. He was a reformer dedicated to propagating the most advanced European ideas and practices. This study is divided into five chapters: chapter one covers the relationship between Zinzendorf and Kaunitz and Zinzendorf’s formative years in France from 1750 to 1752. The influence of French economic thinkers on Zinzendorf’s intellectual development, Jean-François Melon and Vincent de Gournay in particular, is the subject of chapter two. Chapter three is devoted to Zinzendorf’s German translation of John Law’s Money and Trade. The development of Zinzendorf’s ideas on state credit, notably the creation of a new stock exchange and political bank in the monarchy, modelled on the Bank of England, is discussed in chapter four. The final chapter examines how Zinzendorf operated as a sophisticated financial expert in the monarchy. He sought to provide a different kind of economic advice and attempted to open-up government to new concepts on the economy. He was influenced by the important contribution in France made by Gournay and his circle of writers in disseminating foreign ideas by publishing in French a range of economic texts from rival nations. Zinzendorf, it is argued, attempted to apply a moderate format of Gournay’s initiative in the monarchy.
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Habsburkové a slezská knížata. Postavení a pozice vládců slezských knížectví v rámci habsburské monarchie a říše v raném novověku / The Habsburgs and the Silesian Princes. The Status of Silesian Principalitiesˈ Rulers within the Habsburg Monarchy and the Holy Roman Empire in the Early Modern PeriodSchindlerová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Silesia greatly differed from other lands of the Bohemian Crown with regard to its specific political, administrative, religious and cultural development. This situation was caused partly due to the fragmentation of Silesian territory. In the Middle Ages, Silesia was divided among many independent principalities ruled by the members of the Piast Dynasty. During the 14th century the Silesian princes accepted the sovereignty of the Bohemian king. When the ruling dynasties died out, these principalities were inherited by the Crown. The king could then grant the principality to the members of noble families. At the same time as the Habsburgs entered the Bohemian throne, reformation began to spread in Silesia. By the end of 16th century most of the Silesian princes had converted to lutheranism. The only Catholic prince was the bishop of Wrocław as a master of Nysa principality. Approximately 90 percent of the Silesian inhabitants had become Lutheran by the end of 16th century. Confesinal tensions were simmering throughout the Habsburg Monarchy. With the help of Bohemian estates, the protestant Silesian princes received the letter of majesty containing religious rights (1609). Due to the violations of religious freedom, the Silesian princes and estates joined the Bohemian revolt (1619) After the defeat...
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Pedagogické myšlení Jana Valeriána Jirsíka v letech 1826-1843 / The pedagogical thinking of Jan Valerián Jirsík in the years 1826-1843NOVOTNÁ, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with pedagogical thinking of Jan Valerián Jirsík in the years 1826-1843. The aim of this work is an introduction of Jan Valerián Jirsík´s opinions and ideas which are contained in his literary works. These opinions and ideas are classified to the context of thinking in Jirsík´s time. The work first describes time which Jirsík lived in, what spiritual environmental was around him and how education looked in the Habsburg monarchy. Then the examples of Jirsík´s pedagogical opinions are listed and commented, the examples were chosen from "Škola nedělní" book and "Časopis pro katolické duchovenstvo" magazine.
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