Spelling suggestions: "subject:"harmonics"" "subject:"armonics""
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Αρμονικές και ποιότητα ισχύοςΤσιούρβα, Μαρία 07 June 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία καταπιάνεται με τα προβλήματα Ποιότητας Ισχύος των Συστημά-
των Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας και ειδικότερα με τη διαταραχή της Αρμονικής Παραμόρφωσης. Συγκεκρι-
μένα με τη διείσδυση των Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας και την τάση για Κατανεμημένη Παραγωγή
Ενέργειας αυξήθηκε το ενδιαφέρον για την Ποιότητα Ισχύος των Συστημάτων Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας.
Οι βασικές εξελίξεις στο πεδίο της ενέργειας και ο εκσυγχρονισμός του εξοπλισμού κυρίαρχα με τη
χρήση των ηλεκτρονικών ισχύος αποτέλεσαν αιτία για έγχυση ανώτερων αρμονικών στο ηλεκτρικό
Επιδίωξη της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να εισάγει τον αναγνώστη στις βασικές έννοιες των
Αρμονικών και της Ποιότητας Ισχύος, καθώς και να παρουσιάσει τη μελέτη έγχυσης αρμονικών μιας
κατανεμημένης παραγωγής, συγκεκριμένα ενός φωτοβολταϊκού συστήματος, όταν αυτή συνδέεται με
το δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης. Αναλυτικότερα, αναπτύσσεται η έννοια της Ποιότητας Ισχύος και κατηγοριο-
ποιούνται τα προβλήματα Ποιότητας Ισχύος που εμφανίζονται σε ένα ΣΗΕ. Περιγράφεται λεπτομερώς
το πρόβλημα της Αρμονικής Παραμόρφωσης της τάσης και του ρεύματος λόγω της μη γραμμικής συ-
μπεριφοράς των φορτίων, παρουσιάζεται η θεωρία ισχύος υπό την παρουσία ανώτερων αρμονικών,
καθώς επίσης παρατίθεται η ανάλυση Fourier ως βοηθητικό και χρήσιμο εργαλείο για την ανάλυση του
φασματικού περιεχομένου ενός σήματος τάσης/ρεύματος. Στη συνέχεια αναλύεται ο όρος της Κατανε-
μημένης Παραγωγής και παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές ανανεώσιμες και μη-συμβατικές πηγές ενέργειας
που χρησιμοποιούνται σε συστήματα Κατανεμημένης Παραγωγής Ενέργειας, υπό το πρίσμα στατιστι-
κών στοιχείων για την παγκόσμια ενεργειακή κατάσταση.
Για την εξυπηρέτηση των στόχων της διπλωματικής εργασίας επιλέχθηκε η προσομοίωση μιας Κα-
τανεμημένης Παραγωγής, εκείνης ενός φωτοβολταϊκού συστήματος 5.5kW συνδεδεμένου στο δίκτυο
χαμηλής τάσης, μέσω ενός μετατροπέα υποβιβασμού τάσης και ενός τριφασικού αντιστροφέα. Η μο-
ντελοποίηση και προσομοίωση του συστήματος έγινε με τη χρήση του πλέον διαδεδομένου προγραμ-
ματιστικού περιβάλλοντος MATLAB/Simulink. Τελικά, παρουσιάζεται μια σειρά αποτελεσμάτων που
αφορούσαν στην απόκριση του συστήματος σε απότομες διαταραχές, στη μελέτη σωστής λειτουργίας
του Maximum Power Point Tracking ελεγκτή και στη μελέτη έγχυσης αρμονικών του φωτοβολταϊκού συ-
στήματος στο δίκτυο με χρήση φίλτρου και χωρίς χρήση φίλτρου. Το εργαλείο του φασματογραφήματος
αποδείχτηκε χρήσιμο για την κατανόηση των βασικών χαρακτηριστικών των σημάτων της τάσης και
του ρεύματος και του αρμονικού τους περιεχομένου στην έξοδο του αντιστροφέα.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 1 δίνεται ο ορισμός της Ποιότητας Ισχύος, καταγράφονται τα Διεθνή Πρότυπα για
την Ποιότητα Ισχύος, καθώς επίσης κατηγοριοποιούνται τα διάφορα προβλήματα Ποιότητας Ισχύος
βάσει του χαρακτηριστικού της τάσης που επηρεάζουν.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 2 ερμηνεύεται το φαινόμενο της παρουσίας αρμονικών τάσεων και ρευμάτων στο
δίκτυο. Παρατίθενται παράλληλα βασικές έννοιες της ανάλυσης Fourier, η οποία αποτελεί εργαλείο
ανάλυσης σημάτων και συστημάτων στο πεδίο της συχνότητας. Καταγράφονται επίσης οι πηγές που
παράγουν αρμονικά ρεύματα και τάσεις, ενώ παράλληλα αναπτύσσεται η θεωρία ισχύος υπό μη ημιτο-
νοειδείς συνθήκες. Το κεφάλαιο κλείνει με την παράθεση των βασικών δεικτών που περιγράφουν την
Αρμονική Παραμόρφωση.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 3 παρουσιάζεται στατιστική μελέτη που αφορά στην παγκόσμια ενεργειακή κατά-
σταση, πιο ειδικά στην παγκόσμια παραγωγή και κατανάλωση ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας και το μερίδιο
των Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας επί αυτών. Εισάγεται η έννοια της Κατανεμημένης Παραγωγής
και αναπτύσσονται οι επιπτώσεις της διείσδυσής της στο δίκτυο. Επιπλέον, αναφέρονται οι βασικές
τεχνολογίες Κατανεμημένης Παραγωγής.
Στο Κεφάλαιο 4 αναπτύσσεται η προσομοίωση ενός Φωτοβολταϊκού Συστήματος συνδεδεμένου
στο δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης με τη χρήση του λογισμικού MATLAB/Simulink. Αναλύονται διεξοδικά τα
επιμέρους υποσυστήματα, δηλαδή η φωτοβολταϊκή γεννήτρια, ο DC-DC μετατροπέας, ο ανιχνευτής
σημείου μέγιστη ισχύος-MPPT, αντιστροφέας, το φίλτρο αποκοπής ανώτερων αρμονικών, το δίκτυο
χαμηλής τάσης και παρουσιάζονται τα μοντέλα τους και οι παράμετροί τους.
Τέλος, στο Κεφάλαιο 5 μετά από μια παρουσίαση του ολικού μοντέλου προσομοίωσης, παρουσιάζο-
νται οι διάφορες μελέτες προσομοίωσης, ήτοι μελέτη απόκρισης της φωτοβολταϊκής γεννήτριας, μελέτη
προσομοίωσης του συστήματος και ανάλυση αρμονικών για σταθερή και μεταβαλλόμενη ένταση της
ακτινοβολίας, μελέτη μεταβολής φορτίου και μελέτη διακοπής. / This Diploma Thesis addresses the problem of Power Quality in Power Systems and particularly the disturbing
effect of harmonic distortion. The field of power quality analysis gained further attention due to the extended
spread of renewable power sources and distributed generation. The technological breakthroughs in the field of
power electronics enabled the efficient utilization of distributed power systems but at the same time increased
the undesired infusion of higher harmonics to the power network.
The main goal of this thesis is to provide a concrete introduction to the concepts and methodological tools
of harmonics and power quality analysis as well as to present a simulation-based study of harmonic infusion of
a distributed generation example. In particular, the case of a Photovoltaic array connected to the low voltage
grid is considered.
Initially, the concept of power quality is presented and the power quality problems that arise in power
systems are categorized. The effect of harmonic distortion is described in detail and the analytical methods of
power system analysis subject to the disturbing effects of higher harmonics are presented. The basic theory as
well as the tools of frequency domain Fourier-based analysis of the voltage and current harmonics are described
in detail, followed by an overview of the concept of distributed power generation and the dominal renewable
and unconventional power sources found in such systems as concluded from statistical analysis of worldwide
power generation.
To enable numerical analysis, a simulation model that captured the behaviour and dynamics of a 5.5kW
Photovoltaic array connected to the low voltage power grid through a buck converter cascaded with a 3-phase
inverter, was developed. The MATLAB/Simulink(R) environment was chosen to perform the simulation studies
due to its extended spread within the engineering community. Based on this model, several results were derived
that present the functionality of the photovoltaic array itself, the role of the Maximum Power Point Tracking
controller and the response of the overall system to input and external disturbances. Extended studies of the
harmonic context of the voltage/current signals both in the case of using an LC filter a well as without were
conducted employing frequency-domain signal processing tools. Apart from the well established method of
Fast Fourier Transform calculations, the intuitive method of spectrograms was also developed and utilized for
the analysis.
This thesis is structured as follows:
In Chapter 1, the definition of Power Quality is given, followed by a literature review of the international
standards and regulations regarding power quality analysis. Moreover, categorization of the several power
quality problems according to the voltage properties is provided.
Chapter 2 deals with the presence of higher harmonics in the voltage and current signals of the power grid.
An overview of the Fourier Analysis is provided and the specific tools used to aid in frequency-domain power
systems analysis are further elaborated. The sources of voltage and current higher harmonics are listed and the
theory of power systems in non perfect sinusoidal conditions is derived. This chapter ends with a brief overview
of metrics describing the level of harmonic distortion.
In Chapter 3, statistical analysis on the worldwide power systems status is presented with a special focus
on the role and share of renewable power sources. The concept of distributed power generation is introduced
followed by its undesired effects on the public power grid. The dominant technologies for distributed generation
are also detailed.
Within Chapter 4, the development of a MATLAB/Simulink simulator of a Photovoltaic Array connected
to the low voltage power grid is presented. The simulator is based on modules that provide the functionality of
the corresponding physical systems including the photovoltaic array itself, the DC-DC converter, the Maximum
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller, the inverter, the filter responsible for cutting-off higher harmonics
and the low voltage network. Each module, its simulator model and parameters as well as the interconnections
that form the overall simulator are described in detail.
Finally, in Chapter 5 the simulation based studies are presented. Particularly, the conducted studies include
analysis of the photovoltaic array response, study of the efficiency of the MPPT controller and analysis of the
3-phase voltage and current signals with a special focus on examining their harmonic context. The conducted
simulations contain cases under constant as well as varying irradiance, load variation and short-circuit faults.
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Supressor eletromagnético de componentes harmônicas de sequência zero /Freitas, Stefani Carolline Leal de. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luís Carlos Origa de Oliveira / Banca: Júlio Borges de Souza / Banca: Olivio Carlos Nascimento Souto / Resumo: O acelerado desenvolvimento da eletrônica de potência vem desencadeando uma série de transformações no sistema elétrico, sendo possível destacar a constante alteração da natureza das cargas consumidoras, a proliferação da co-geração e o peso crescente de questões ambientais relacionadas à questão da geração. Grande parte das cargas atuais é composta por dispositivos não-lineares que, por muitas vezes, são a causa de problemas relacionados à qualidade da energia elétrica. Considerando a variedade da distribuição sequencial das harmônicas de corrente na utilização dos filtros passivos, destacam-se os filtros e bloqueadores eletromagnéticos, os quais têm merecido especial atenção devido à sua robustez e baixo custo de implantação. Este trabalho está particularmente direcionado à investigações relacionadas ao uso desses dispositivos que possibilitam uma atenuação do fluxo das principais componentes harmônicas que compõe as distorções harmônicas de sequência zero. Neste contexto, esta dissertação apresenta contribuições inéditas relacionadas com o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos no domínio da frequência para bloqueadores eletromagnéticos, e um estudo de modelos matemáticos para filtros eletromagnéticos, compondo então, o aqui denominado supressor eletromagnético de componentes de sequência zero. Apresenta-se ainda, a utilização de metodologias para análise de desempenho baseado no comportamento das componentes harmônicas sequenciais. É estabelecida uma base comparativa de natureza experimental que possibilita a avaliação do desempenho e da aderência do modelo proposto. São utilizados protótipos de baixa potência de um filtro e um bloqueador, ambos eletromagnéticos, construídos a partir de análises teóricas. Os modelos desenvolvidos são utilizados na composição de um aplicativo computacional para análise... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The accelerated development of power electronics has promoted a series of changes in the electrical system, so it is possible to highlight the constant changing of consumer loads, the proliferation of co-generation and the growing importance of environmental issues related to generation. Much of the current loads are composed of non-linear devices which, in many cases are the cause of problems related to power quality. Considering the sequential distribution variety of harmonic currents in the use of passive filters, highlight the electromagnetic filters and blockers, which have received special attention due to its robustness and low cost of deployment. This work is particularly directed to investigations related to the use of these devices which enable an attenuation of the flow of the principal harmonic components that compound the zero-sequence harmonic distortion. In this context, this work presents unedited contributions related to the development of mathematical models in the frequency domain for electromagnetic blocking, and a study of mathematical models of electromagnetic filters, making then, the here called electromagnetic zero-sequence components suppressor. It presents also, the use of methodologies for performance analysis based on the sequential behavior of harmonic components. It is established a comparison basis of experimental nature that enables the performance and adherence analysis of the model. Are used a low-power prototypes of a filter and a blocker, both electromagnetic, constructed from theoretical analysis. These models are used in the composition of a software for performance analysis and optimal project of harmonic filtering systems. This tool allows an individualized and systematic investigation of the electrical system behavior for distinct harmonic sequence components. Thus, through a detailed investigation it is possible to identify appropriated actions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Analysis of laboratory and field measurements of directionally spread nonlinear ocean wavesMcAllister, Mark Laing January 2017 (has links)
Surface gravity waves exist in the oceans as multi-directional nonlinear phenomena. Understanding how these two properties interact is intrinsically important in itself. Furthermore, an understanding of this relationship may be used to gain insight into other oceanic phenomena. This thesis first describes an experimental investigation into the relationship between directionality and non-linearity (Part I). This relationship was then used as a tool to estimate the directional spreading of field data (Part II). Experiments have been conducted in which directionally spread focused wave groups were created in a wave tank. The relationship between the degree of directional spreading and the second-order bound harmonics of the wave groups was examined, in particular the formation of a `set-up'. These measurements were then compared to predictions from second-order theories, finding good agreement. The two-dimensional structure of the bound waves was explored giving new insight into the underlying physics. Experiments were then carried out for directionally spread crossing wave groups. It is believed that the crossing of two sufficiently separated wave groups may be the cause of an anomalous set-up in the second-order bound waves observed for some extreme and potentially freak waves. This set-up is reproduced experimentally. Again, the results of these test agreed very well when compared to second-order theory. The insight gained from the foregoing experiments was then utilised in the analysis of field data. A method, which requires only a single measurement to estimate the observed degree of directional spreading, was applied to a large dataset of field measurements from the North Alwyn platform in the North Sea. This method was then compared to conventional approaches, which require multiple concurrent measurements. The method that requires only a single measurement was shown to be effective, and presents a promising approach to gaining additional insight about the directional spreading of point observations.
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Mechanisms of place recognition and path integration based on the insect visual systemStone, Thomas Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
Animals are often able to solve complex navigational tasks in very challenging terrain, despite using low resolution sensors and minimal computational power, providing inspiration for robots. In particular, many species of insect are known to solve complex navigation problems, often combining an array of different behaviours (Wehner et al., 1996; Collett, 1996). Their nervous system is also comparatively simple, relative to that of mammals and other vertebrates. In the first part of this thesis, the visual input of a navigating desert ant, Cataglyphis velox, was mimicked by capturing images in ultraviolet (UV) at similar wavelengths to the ant’s compound eye. The natural segmentation of ground and sky lead to the hypothesis that skyline contours could be used by ants as features for navigation. As proof of concept, sky-segmented binary images were used as input for an established localisation algorithm SeqSLAM (Milford and Wyeth, 2012), validating the plausibility of this claim (Stone et al., 2014). A follow-up investigation sought to determine whether using the sky as a feature would help overcome image matching problems that the ant often faced, such as variance in tilt and yaw rotation. A robotic localisation study showed that using spherical harmonics (SH), a representation in the frequency domain, combined with extracted sky can greatly help robots localise on uneven terrain. Results showed improved performance to state of the art point feature localisation methods on fast bumpy tracks (Stone et al., 2016a). In the second part, an approach to understand how insects perform a navigational task called path integration was attempted by modelling part of the brain of the sweat bee Megalopta genalis. A recent discovery that two populations of cells act as a celestial compass and visual odometer, respectively, led to the hypothesis that circuitry at their point of convergence in the central complex (CX) could give rise to path integration. A firing rate-based model was developed with connectivity derived from the overlap of observed neural arborisations of individual cells and successfully used to build up a home vector and steer an agent back to the nest (Stone et al., 2016b). This approach has the appeal that neural circuitry is highly conserved across insects, so findings here could have wide implications for insect navigation in general. The developed model is the first functioning path integrator that is based on individual cellular connections.
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Resonances in two- and three-body nuclear systemsStott, J. O. January 2003 (has links)
Halo nuclei are formed when the last protons or neutrons are weakly bound to a tightly bound core. This allows the halo nucleons to tunnel far away from the core, resulting in a large r.m.s radius and therefore a large reaction cross section. Usually, halo nuclei possess only one bound state, the ground state, with all excited states being more or less unbound. When a nuclear potential is too weak to form a bound ground or excited state, the state can nevertheless be manifest physically as a positive energy resonance. Experimentally, low energy resonance like structures have been observed in the three-body continuum of certain halo nuclei eg. 6He → alpha + n + n. However, from a strict theoretical point of view, a resonance corresponds to a pole in the scattering amplitude at a complex energy. Halo nuclei have been successfully modelled as three-body systems in the hyper-spherical harmonic calculation scheme. Here the R-matrix method is used in solving the coupled hyperradial equations. It is critical that the long-range nature of the couplings in this system are incorporated correctly when evaluating the S-matrix. This is achieved through the use of coupled asymptotic solutions to the radial equation. These procedures have enabled a number of resonance-like S-matrix poles to be located for the 2+, 0+ and 1- spin-parity states in the low energy continuum of 6He.
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Uso de pseudomedidas em estimador de estados para cálculo de distorção harmônica em sistemas elétricosPulz, Lucas Tupi Caldas January 2017 (has links)
A maior presença de correntes harmônicas no sistema de distribuição, principalmente devido à geração distribuída, tem chamado atenção sobre suas possíveis consequências. O trabalho apresenta um método para a avaliação de harmônicas em um sistema elétrico através de um estimador de estados. A proposta é um método de supervisão da rede de distribuição utilizando o menor número de medidores possível. Isso foi feito identificando topologias de rede que viabilizam o uso de pseudomedidas no lugar de medidores. O método é aplicado a um estudo de caso baseado no modelo IEEE 13 barras e os resultados do estimador de estados foram comparados a uma simulação. Também é feita uma análise de sensibilidade do código, observando os resultados quando se adicionam erros sobre as medidas e sobre os parâmetros das linhas do sistema. / The growth of harmonic currents in distribution system, mainly due the distributed generation, is calling attention of the specialists to its possible consequences. This work presents a method to assessment of harmonics in an electric power system through a state estimator. The proposal is a method to monitor the distribution network using as few measurement devices as possible. It was performed identifying network topologies where a pseudomeasurement can replace a measurement device. The method was applied to a study case based on the IEEE 13 buses model and its results were compared to a simulation. A sensitivity analysis of the code also was performed, errors were added to measurements and lines parameters to assess the errors in the state estimator results.
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Indices for supersymmetric quantum field theories in four dimensionsEhrhardt, Mathieu January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate four dimensional supersymmetric indices. The motivation for studying such objects lies in the physics of Seiberg's electric-magnetic duality in supersymmetric field theories. In the first chapter, we first define the index and underline its cohomological nature, before giving a first computation based on representation theory of free superconformal field theories. After listing all representations of the superconformal algebra based on shortening conditions, we compute the associated Verma module characters, from which we can extract the index in the appropriate limit. This approach only provides us with the free field theory limit for the index and does not account for the values of the $R$-charges away from free field theories. To circumvent this limitation, we then study a theory on $\mathbb{R}\times S^3$ which allows for a computation of the superconformal index for multiplets with non-canonical $R$-charges. We expand the fields in harmonics and canonically quantise the theory to analyse the set of quantum states, identifying the ones that contribute to the index. To go beyond free field theory on $\mathbb{R}\times S^3$, we then use the localisation principle to compute the index exactly in an interacting theory, regardless of the value of the coupling constant. We then show that the index is independent of a particular geometric deformation of the underlying manifold, by squashing the sphere. In the final chapter, we show how the matching of the index can be used in the large $N$ limit to identify the $R$-charges for all fields of the electric-magnetic theories of the canonical Seiberg duality. We then conclude by outlining potential further work.
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Identificação dos parâmetros modais utilizando apenas as respostas da estrutura: identificação no domínio do tempoNunes Júnior, Odair Antônio [UNESP] 16 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2006-05-16Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:31:07Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
nunesjr_oa_me_ilha.pdf: 970524 bytes, checksum: 9726745cf5f299c04ce31a23c4988b5c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A Análise Modal envolvendo apenas as respostas da estrutura é ainda um desafio que requer o uso de técnicas de identificação especiais. Este trabalho discute a identificação baseada apenas na resposta utilizando um método de identificação no tempo, mais especificamente, o método Identificação Estocástica de Subespaço. É mostrado que uma estrutura vibrando excitada por forças não conhecidas, pode ser modelada como um modelo de espaço de estado estocástico. A partir da aplicação de técnicas numéricas robustas como fatorização QR e Decomposição em Valores Singulares para a matriz bloco de Hankel semi-infinita, contendo os dados de resposta, é obtida a estimativa dos estados do modelo. Uma vez que os estados são conhecidos, o sistema de matrizes é encontrado através da solução de um problema de mínimos quadrados. Encontrado o modelo matemático da estrutura, os parâmetros modais são estimados diretamente através da decomposição em autovalores. O trabalho apresenta ainda uma metodologia que utiliza a função densidade de probabilidade para identificar possíveis componentes harmônicos contidos nos sinais de respostas. Os sinais são filtrados em uma faixa de freqüência contendo um provável modo e é verificado se este corresponde a um modo natural ou operacional. A metodologia é avaliada com dados simulados e experimentais e os resultados obtidos mostraram-se promissores para identificação dos parâmetros modais de sistemas estocásticos lineares e invariantes no tempo, utilizando apenas as respostas. / Modal analysis using output-only measurements is still a challenge in the experimental modal analysis community. It requires the use of special modal identification techniques. This work discusses the concepts involved in the output-only modal analysis and the implementation of the Stochastic Subspace Identification time domain method. It is shown that a vibrating structure excited by an unknown force can be modelled as a stochastic state space model. In this approach, the SSI method estimates the state sequences directly from the response data and the modal parameters are estimated by using the eigenvalues decomposition of the state matrix. The steps of the procedure are implemented using the well-known numerical linear algebra algorithms, Singular Value Decomposition and the QR decomposition. It also includes a methodology based on the Probability Density Function to identify harmonic components of the response signals. The signals are filtering in a range of frequency containing a mode, to verify if it is a natural or operational mode. The approach is evaluated with simulated and experimental data and the results have shown to be promising to identify the modal parameters of stochastic linear time-invariant systems, based only on the output data.
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Caracterização do conteúdo harmônico em ambientes residenciais: estudo de caso / Characterization of harmonic content in residential environments: case study.Carvalho, Flavio Gomes de 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Suzana Diniz (msuzanad@hotmail.com) on 2015-11-06T13:34:11Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 8252204 bytes, checksum: ee6c84ddd82f31470862718d3b1b3abc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-06T13:34:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 8252204 bytes, checksum: ee6c84ddd82f31470862718d3b1b3abc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work a characterization of harmonic content in residential electrical systems
through a set of measurements over various periods of time is performed. For each
reported case it was a statement of charges that make up the installation and an
individual analysis of each of them as a way to assess their influence on the
harmonic behavior of the installation as a whole. / Neste trabalho é realizada uma caracterização do conteúdo harmônico em
instalações elétricas residenciais por meio de um conjunto de medições realizadas
por diversos períodos de tempo. Para cada caso avaliado fez-se um levantamento
das cargas que compõem a instalação e uma análise individual de cada uma delas
como forma de avaliar sua influência no comportamento harmônico da instalação
como um todo.
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Levantamento de harmônicas em redes de distribuição de uma concessionária de energia / Harmonic Survey on Distribution Network of Concessionaire EnergyPinto, Leandro Mayron de Oliveira 27 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cristhiane Guerra (cristhiane.guerra@gmail.com) on 2017-01-26T15:09:50Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 2406047 bytes, checksum: 59f32e05e759280c4daa39da945d2707 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-26T15:09:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-27 / To know the disorders that affect the distribution networks originating from a power utility consumers and its evolution to the power substations, comparing measurements with literature and standards exercise. Material and Methods: We conducted three stages of measurement and analysis, using a three-phase digital analyzer, was measured the harmonic profile in different feeders of a substation for seven days each, then held the same measurement in a single residence and then this residence investigated the generators appliance harmonics. Results: In the first step, measuring feeders, they had low THD's voltage and current within the limits of standard, single-family residence already had maximum voltage THD equal to 2.84 and a maximum THD current 28.7. There was predominance of 3rd and 5th harmonic voltage and the 3rd, 5th and 7th harmonic current, with a few moments of supremacy of the 2nd harmonic. Investigating the appliance, the less power with switching power supplies introduces the greatest amount of harmonics on the network. Conclusion: distribution transformers filter low voltage harmonics, serving as a barrier to the medium voltage, which were not detected significant harmonics. The measurements reveal that in any case there was a violation of the voltage THD, in either whole or individual above the limits established by regulation, yet for the current THD presented several times above acceptable limits when analyzing the low voltage. The study shows that for power substation harmonic consumers do not evolve to the middle / high voltage. / Conhecer os distúrbios, originados dos consumidores, que acometem as redes de distribuição de uma concessionária de energia, bem como sua evolução até as subestações de energia, comparando, ainda, as medições com a literatura e as normas em exercício. Material e Método: Foram realizados três estágios de medições e análises, utilizando-se um analisador digital trifásico. Mediu-se o perfil de harmônicas em diferentes alimentadores de uma subestação, durante sete dias cada um, posteriormente realizou-se a mesma medição em uma única residência e em seguida, investigou-se, nessa mesma residência, os eletrodomésticos geradores de harmônicas. Resultados: Na primeira etapa, a medição dos alimentadores apresentou baixos THD’s de tensão e corrente dentro dos limites em norma; já a residência unifamiliar apresentou THD máximo de tensão igual a 2,84 e um THD máximo de corrente de 28,7. Observou-se predominância das 3ª e 5ª harmônicas de tensão e das 3ª, 5ª e 7ª harmônicas de corrente, com alguns momentos de supremacia da 2ª harmônica. Investigando os eletrodomésticos, constatou-se que os de menor potência com fontes chaveadas introduzem a maior quantidade de harmônicas na rede. Conclusão: Os transformadores de distribuição filtram as harmônicas de baixa tensão, servindo como uma barreira para a média tensão, onde não foram detectadas harmônicas consideráveis. As medições revelam que em nenhum caso houve violação do THD de tensão, nem total nem individual, acima dos limites estabelecidos por norma. Contudo, o THD de corrente apresentou diversos momentos acima dos limites aceitáveis quando analisada a baixa tensão. O estudo demonstra que, na subestação de energia, as harmônicas dos consumidores não evoluem até a média/alta tensão.
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