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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från rekryt till topprekryterad : En kvalitativ studie av rekryteringsprocessens roll för homosocial och könsstereotyp reproduktion i den svenska näringslivstoppen / From recruit to top recruited

Nordqvist, Desirée, Ohlzon, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Det svenska näringslivet och i synnerhet svenska börs- och finansiella bolag är nästan helt mansdominerat, där Vd-positionerna utgörs av endast sex procent kvinnor. Vi vet fortfarande mycket litet om rekryteringsprocessen av en verkställande direktör i dessa bolag, vilka påverkande mekanismer som finns i de olika rekryteringsstegen och vilken roll dessa har för valet av en verkställande direktör. Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen och fördjupa kunskapen för hur rekryteringsprocessen ser ut för en verkställande direktör i ett börs- och finansiellt bolag samt huruvida homosociala mekanismer och könsstereotypiska uppfattningar finns i rekryteringsprocessen. Vi vill vidare öka kunskapen på vilket sätt homosocialitet och stereotyping påverkar möjligheten för tillsättandet av likvärdigt kompetenta kvinnor. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ fallstudie metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem börs- och finansiella bolag. Vår teoretiska referensram består av forskning inom organisationsteori, ledarskap, rekrytering och genusvetenskap och som behandlar huvudbegreppen rekryteringsprocessen, homosocialitet och stereotyping. Med hjälp av våra genomförda fallstudier har vi kunnat identifiera vilka steg i en rekryteringsprocess som har använts eller inte använts för en Vd-rekrytering. Vi har vidare funnit i vår empiri återkommande tecken på homosociala mekanismer och könskodade uppfattningar i rekryteringsprocessen vilket påverkar både direkt och indirekt innan och under rekryteringsprocessen. Studien uppvisar att homosocialitet och könskodade uppfattningar i rekryteringsprocessen påverkar både direkt och indirekt innan och under rekryteringsprocessen, kvinnors möjligheter att rekryteras till en Vd-position baserad på kompetens där vikten av framförallt en öppen rekryteringsprocess framträder tydligt. / The Swedish business community and notably Swedish listed companies and financial companies are almost completely male-dominated, with female CEOs accounting for a meager six percent. We still know very little about the recruitment process of an Executive Director in these companies, what influencing mechanisms exist in the different steps of the recruitment process and what role these have in the final selection of a CEO. The purpose of this research paper was to increase awareness and provide insight in to the recruitment process, to explore if homosocial and gender stereotypical influences affect the recruitment process, how they are evident and finally how these perceptions and practices can influence competent women's possibilities to be recruited to a CEO position. We have used a qualitative approach with a case-study method in the form of semi-structured interviews with five listed and financial companies. Our theoretical reference framework consists of research within the fields of organizational theories, leadership, recruitment and gender with emphasis on our three main concepts, recruitment of business executives, homosociality and stereotyping. With help from the empirical data collected from our completed case studies, we have been able to identify how a recruitment process of a CEO is implemented and which steps in the recruitment process that have been used or not used. The results of our study show that there are frequent and recurring signs of homosocial behavior and stereotypical perceptions both directly and indirectly before and during the course of the recruitment process. Our study also shows that homosocial behavior and stereotypical perceptions affect both directly and indirectly women’s recruitment possibilities to a CEO position based on competence where the importance of, above all, an open recruitment process stands out distinctly.

Genusregim i förändring : Jämställdhet och makt i kommunal politik mellan åren 1970 och 2006 / Changing Gender Regime : Gender Equality and Power in Local Politics from 1970 to 2006

Nilsson, Micael January 2008 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att synliggöra formella och informella maktstrukturer i Norrköpings kommuns politiska ledning mellan åren 1970 och 2006 ur ett genusperspektiv. I inledningen ställs frågan om det är så att kvinnors inlemmande i kommunalpolitiken endast har lett till en jämn könsrepresentation i den politiska toppen, men inte medfört verklig politiskt makt. Utifrån ett samtidshistoriskt perspektiv undersöks den underliggande maktstruktur om den politiska makten i Norrköping kan sägas ha vilat på vid olika tidpunkter mellan 1970 och 2006. Den teoretiska ansatsen är inspirerad av ett feministiskt genusperspektiv och det empiriska materialet analyseras med hjälp av bl a begreppet genusregim. Detta begrepp utgör grunden i avhandlingens teoretiska ram. I den konkreta analysen används sedan begrepp som politisk fält och politiskt kapital, manlighet, manlig homosocialitet, hegemoni och diskursiv makt. Utgångspunkten i avhandlingen är att kvinnor och mäns olika tillgång till informell makt i politiken dels har att göra med makt som baseras på genus, dels har att göra med makt kopplat till relationerna mellan ledande politiker och ledande tjänstemän i kommunens administrativa ledning. Avhandlingen undersöker på vilket sätt kvinnliga och manliga politikers formella deltagande i kommunens nämnder, kommunstyrelsen och andra organ förändrades under perioden 1970–2006. Den belyser också hur politiker och tjänstemän har uppfattat den underliggande maktstruktur som underbygger verklig politisk makt, samt hur denna maktstruktur har förhållit sig till genus. Avhandlingen undersöker även huruvida manliga tjänstemän begränsat kvinnliga politikers maktutrymme. Avhandlingen visar att den makt som underbygger den politiska styrningen har vilat på två slags ordningsrelationer: den mellan kvinnor och män respektive den mellan den politiska ledningen och administrationen. Avhandlingen visar således att problemet med kvinnors brist på informell makt har varit inbyggt i det politiska systemet. / The aim of this dissertation is to examine women’s and men’s access to quantitative and qualitative political power in the municipality of Norrköping between 1970 and 2006. The method chosen is to analyze the substructure underlying political leaders’ ability to govern. The premise of this inquiry is that an unequal distribution of genuine power between women and men in politics depends on gender-based power structures as well as the relationship between politicians in leadership positions and male employees in leading positions in the municipal administration. There are three main questions of interest in this dissertation. Firstly, in what respects does the formal representation of women and man elected as representatives in the municipal council, the municipal executive board, and other boards change in the period 1970―2006? Secondly, how do politicians and employed municipal administrators describe the structures of power that grant genuine power, and how do informal power relations relate to the gender-based power structure? Thirdly, focusing on women’s increasing participation in governing processes I ask in what respects the male dominance in the administration circumscribes the possibilities of female politicians in leadership positions to exercise genuine power. With these questions as the starting point, I have studied political power structures in relation to women and men as well as in relation to actors in political and administrative leadership positions in the municipality of Norrköping. Relaying on the concept of gender regime I have developed an analytical framework to analyze the informal power structures. The concept of gender regime can be understood as the patterning of gender processes in particular social units at a particular historical time. In the theoretical approach of the dissertation, the concept of gender regime in combination with the concepts of manliness, male homosociality and the hegemony of men, offer a complex way of analyzing gender and power relations at a local level. One of the main conclusions is that despite a changing political gender regime in the 21st century, the power was still based on a patriarchal model.

Changing boundaries, defending boundaries : Gender relations in the Swedish Armed Forces

Persson, Alma January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to show how gender is done in the Swedish Armed Forces, against the backdrop of its transition into an international defence organization and the international resolutions that call for gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping operations. In the so-called “New Armed Forces”, traditional demarcations that have separated civilian employees from members of the military officer profession are no longer self-evident. At the same time, what it means to be men and women in the military is changing. Three empirical studies form the basis of the thesis. The first consists of qualitative interviews with women pioneers in the military officer profession, and discusses how gender relations in the Swedish military have changed since the inclusion of women. The second addresses the intersecting relations of gender and occupation and is based on interviews with strategic and executive actors in the Armed Forces Headquarters. The third, ethnographic, study follows a military unit preparing for a peacekeeping mission. It focuses on gender relations in everyday work and shows how the ongoing transformation changes what it means to be military men and women. The thesis is informed by feminist studies of organization, critical studies of men and masculinities, research on professions and occupations, and military studies. A “doing gender” approach and a relational view of both gender and occupations guide the analysis. The analysis shows how established ways of doing gender are changed and reproduced in military practices, how the emphasis on peacekeeping reshapes gender relations in military work, and how organizational boundaries are maintained and deconstructed in organizational practices. Theoretically, the thesis contributes by developing tools for analysing the practising of gender in organizations. The concept of boundary work is elaborated into a tool for analysing how demarcations of gender and occupation are accomplished in work practices. The concept Repair work is employed to capture the complexities of doing masculinities in organizations, by looking closely at situations where the everyday practising of gender is disturbed. / Denna avhandling syftar till att visa hur genus görs i den svenska Försvarsmakten, mot bakgrund av organisationens förändring från invasionsförsvar till insatsförsvar. Denna process kopplas till kraven på jämställdhetsintegrering inom fredsbevarande arbete. I den så kallade ”nya Försvarsmakten” är de gränser som tidigare skilt civilanställda från yrkesofficerare inte längre självklara. Samtidigt förändras de innebörder som kön ges i organisationen. Avhandlingen bygger på tre empiriska studier. Den första består av kvalitativa intervjuer med några av de första kvinnliga yrkesofficerarna i Sverige och diskuterar hur genusrelationerna har förändras sedan kvinnor gavs tillträde till officersyrket. Den andra, som inriktar sig på hur genus- och yrkesrelationer samverkar, bygger på intervjuer med aktörer på ledande och strategiska positioner i Försvarsmaktens högkvarter. Den tredje studien är etnografisk och följer ett internationellt insatsförband under förberedelserna för en fredsbevarande insats. Den undersöker hur genusrelationer skapas i det dagliga arbetet och visar hur den pågående förändringen omformar de betydelser som kvinnor och män tillskrivs i militären. Den tidigare forskning som avhandlingen knyter an till är genus- och organisationsforskning, kritiska studier av män och maskulinitet, forskning om yrken och professioner samt samhällsvetenskapliga militärstudier. Genomgående används ett ”doing gender”-perspektiv samt ett relationellt förhållningsätt till genus såväl som yrke. Analysen visar hur etablerade sätt att göra kön förändras och reproduceras i militära praktiker, hur betoningen på fredsbevarande arbete omformar genusrelationer samt hur gränser upprätthålls och dekonstrueras i organisatoriska praktiker. Avhandlingen bidrar med nya teoretiska verktyg för att förstå genuspraktiker i organisationer. Begreppet gränsarbete vidareutvecklas till ett begrepp som visar hur genus- och yrkesgränser görs i det dagliga arbetet. Begreppet reparationsarbete tydliggör de komplexa praktiker genom vilka maskulinitet görs då det vardagliga genusskapandet sätts ur spel.

Sveriges mäktigaste kvinnor är fortfarande underordnade män : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag upplever maktförhållanden inom politiken i relation till det globala delmålet 5.5 / Sweden's most powerful women are still subordinate men : A qualitative study on how women in the Swedish Parliament perceive power relations in politics in relation to The Sustainable Development Goal 5.5

Ericsson, Ellen, Jarlén, Joanna January 2020 (has links)
Jämställdhet är någonting som diskuteras flitigt i politiska debatter. Det blir bättre och bättre världen över men kvinnor ses fortfarande inte ha lika mycket inflytande över beslutsfattande processer som män. Maktpositionerna domineras än idag av män och Sverige är ett av de länder som ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. Den här studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utförda med kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag. Studien identifierar vilka upplevelser kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag har gällande förväntningar på kvinnor, bemötande mot kvinnor samt deras möjligheter till höga positioner i politiken. Den ser också över hur de själva upplever sin maktposition samt hur makten är könad. Studien undersöks med de Globala Målen, närmare bestämt delmål 5.5, som grund. Tidigare forskning visar hur kvinnor har det betydligt svårare än män gällande att både ta sig in och stanna kvar i politiken samt uppnå ledarskapsroller. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv är i stort sett frånvarande i den tidigare forskningen, därför har den här studien ett fokus på det. Genom en analys utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna homo- och heterosocialitet, glastak, intersektionalitet, ojämlikhetssystemet samt genussystemet identifieras problematik kring det motstånd kvinnor inom politiken möter samt den rådande könsmaktsordningen. Resultatet visar bland annat att kvinnor i riksdagen i stort begränsas inom politiken men att de trots detta ändå är de mäktigaste kvinnorna i Sverige. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för olika maktförhållanden inom svensk politik samt ger en insyn i hur det egentligen kommer sig att Sverige ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. / Gender equality is something that is frequently discussed in political debates. It’s getting better all over the world, but women are still not seen to have as much influence over decision-making processes as men. The positions of power are still dominated by men and Sweden is one of the countries that has not yet had a female prime minister. This study is based on a qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews conducted with women in the Swedish Parliament. The study identifies what experiences women in the Swedish Parliament have regarding expectations of women, treatment towards women and their opportunities to reach high positions in politics. It also focuses on how the women themselves perceive their position of power as well as how the power is gendered. The study is examined with The Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically sub-goal 5.5, as the basis. Previous research shows how women have a much harder time than men in terms of both entering and stay in politics and achieving leadership roles. An intersectional perspective is to a high degree absent in previous research, so this study has a specific focus on it. An analysis based on the theoretical principles of homo- and heterosociality, glass ceiling, intersectionality, the inequality system and the gender system identifies problems regarding the resistance women in politics encounter and the prevailing gender power system. The results show, among other things, that women in the Swedish Parliament are largely limited in politics, but that they are nevertheless the most powerful women in Sweden. The study contributes to an increased understanding of different power relations in Swedish politics and gives an insight into why Sweden has not yet had a female prime minister.

Kampen om Kvinnan : Professionalisering och konstruktioner av kön i svensk gynekologi 1860-1925 / The Politics of Woman : Professionalisation and Constructions of Gender in Swedish Gynaecology 1860-1925

Nilsson, Ulrika January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates how gynaecology was established as a medical speciality in Sweden in the 1860s and onwards. Gender, power, professionalisation and the production of scientific knowledge are central themes. While previous research has shown that gynaecology as a discipline depends upon notions of Woman as radically different from Man, I show how this was manifested within Swedish gynaecology, an initially all male environment. Of special interest is institutionalisation, early career-paths and the development of therapy methods and theory. I argue that gynaecology reproduced and contributed to notions of sex-difference and a gender complementary way of thinking. </p><p>While gynaecology was formed as a surgically interventionist speciality with strong manly connotations, an education reform aiming at opening higher education to women was simultaneously discussed and eventually carried out during the 1860s and 70s. The advocates of this reform portrayed women as especially fit for becoming teachers and physicians, particularly treating women and children. Thus, two opposing gendered professional ideals operated. By focusing an elite group of early women physicians, I outline how the gynaecological construction of womanliness related to women physicians and how women physicians engaged with this notion: what strategies they used to enter a profession as manly as gynaecology had become; and how women gynaecologists engaged with their men colleagues’ therapeutic methods and views on patients and women.</p>

Kampen om Kvinnan : Professionalisering och konstruktioner av kön i svensk gynekologi 1860-1925 / The Politics of Woman : Professionalisation and Constructions of Gender in Swedish Gynaecology 1860-1925

Nilsson, Ulrika January 2003 (has links)
This thesis investigates how gynaecology was established as a medical speciality in Sweden in the 1860s and onwards. Gender, power, professionalisation and the production of scientific knowledge are central themes. While previous research has shown that gynaecology as a discipline depends upon notions of Woman as radically different from Man, I show how this was manifested within Swedish gynaecology, an initially all male environment. Of special interest is institutionalisation, early career-paths and the development of therapy methods and theory. I argue that gynaecology reproduced and contributed to notions of sex-difference and a gender complementary way of thinking. While gynaecology was formed as a surgically interventionist speciality with strong manly connotations, an education reform aiming at opening higher education to women was simultaneously discussed and eventually carried out during the 1860s and 70s. The advocates of this reform portrayed women as especially fit for becoming teachers and physicians, particularly treating women and children. Thus, two opposing gendered professional ideals operated. By focusing an elite group of early women physicians, I outline how the gynaecological construction of womanliness related to women physicians and how women physicians engaged with this notion: what strategies they used to enter a profession as manly as gynaecology had become; and how women gynaecologists engaged with their men colleagues’ therapeutic methods and views on patients and women.

IngenMansLand : om män som feminister, intervjuframträdanden och passerandets politik / No Man's Land : Men as Feminists, Interview Performances and the Politics of Passing

Egeberg Holmgren, Linn January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores constructions of gendered and gender political positions and practices of men identifying as ‘feminist’. The analysis is based on qualitative interviews with 28 men aged 20-34. At issue is how seemingly contradictory positions for men as feminists are made comprehensible in theory and practice. An introduction showcase theoretical discussions on gendered experiences and the possibilities of men being feminist, mainly from standpoint, radical feminist and poststructuralist radical constructionist perspectives. Men doing feminism emerge as an unresolved complex matter. This is followed by a critical discussion of state feminism, double emancipation and research on men and masculinities in the welfare state. The support for men’s participation, predominantly as white heterosexual fathers, in the Swedish gender equality project has consequences for the construction of men as potentially ‘new’, ‘good’ gender equal feminist subjects. In the construction of profeminist positions in interview performances, interviewees are located in-between the radical feminist, poststructuralist and gender equality perspectives on men, masculinity and feminism. Two themes involve an implementation of the concept of passing and introduce the analytical concept of co-fielding. Passing consists of the microsociological process of making radical and deconstructive profeminist positions authentic and yet being able to manage masculinity in homosocial contexts. Co-fielding refers to the conjoint interlacing of experiences, knowledge and meaning-making in interview interaction where relations of researcher-researched are characterized by discursive closeness and overlapping positions. Co-fielding practices affect the outcomes of co-construction of interview performances, the negotiation of gender and power relations and the reflexive use of (in this case feminist) knowledge in qualitative interviews. In analyzing the presentations of self, ambiguous meanings of profeminist positions emerge and the doing, undoing and redoing of feminism and masculinity appear multi-faceted. Radical feminism and radical constructionism seem intersected in making men’s feminist positions comprehensible. Such rebellious positions emerge as oxymoronic and, when critically brought into the gender equality context, located in a no man’s land out of place. In all, the thesis seeks to bring together theoretical, national and empirical locations of profeminist men, and in a concluding chapter also explore issues of ethics in feminist research and cross-gender interviewing.

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