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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hedersmotiv som en försvårande omständighet : - En tematisk analys av tingsrättens resonemang / Honour Motive as an Aggravating Circumstance : A Thematic Analysis of the District Court's Reasoning

Jansson, Emelie, Lundström, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Hedersrelaterad brottslighet är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem där brottsoffer ofta utsätts för både psykiskt, fysiskt och socialt våld och förtryck. Sedan den första juli 2020 regleras hedersmotiv som en försvårande omständighet i Brottsbalken, 1962:700 29 kap 2 § p.10. Den nya straffskärpningsregeln syftar till att höja straffvärdet för brott som begås med ett hedersmotiv samt att förtydliga för domstolar vilka omständigheter ett sådant motiv kan utgöras av. För att få en djupare förståelse för hur tingsrätten resonerar kring hedersmotivet syftar studien till att jämföra dessa resonemang före respektive efter införandet av straffskärpningen. Vidare ämnar studien att undersöka hur tingsrätten styrker hedersmotiv samt vilken påverkan som straffskärpningen har inneburit vid värdering av straffvärdet. För att besvara frågeställningar har studien tillämpat en tematisk analys, där totalt 14 domar har analyserats. Resultatet visar att tingsrätten har blivit mer enhetlig och tydlig i sitt resonemang kring hedersmotiv efter införandet av straffskärpningen. Vid styrkande av föreliggande hedersmotiv har den tilltalades olika former av kontroll över målsägande, samt kollektiva omständigheter, beaktats i stor utsträckning. Innan införandet utgick tingsrätten från olika definitioner av fenomenet och motiverade sällan varför ett hedersmotiv förelåg. Vad gäller straffskärpningens påverkan vid värdering av straffvärdet har det inte gått att urskilja en generell påverkan på straffvärdets längd. Däremot har straffskärpningen inneburit en mer konsekvent bedömning av hedersmotivet som en försvårande omständighet under påföljdsbeslut. Då studien endast har inkluderat domslut mellan 2018–2022 rekommenderas framtida forskning inom området att vidga detta tidsperspektiv för att identifiera ytterligare förändring i tingsrättens resonemang samt motivering för hedersmotiv. / Honour-related crime is a serious societal problem where victims are often subjected to psychological, physical, and social violence and oppression. Since the first of July 2020, honour motives have been regulated as an aggravating circumstance in accordance with Chapter 29 2§ p.10 (The Swedish Penal Code, 1962: 700). The aim of this aggravating circumstance is to harshen the penalty value for crimes committed with an honour motive and to clarify to courts what circumstances such a motive may consist of. To gain a deeper understanding of the district court’s reasoning, the study aims to compare these reasonings before and after the introduction of this aggravating circumstance. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine how the district court proves honour motives and what impact this has had on the penal value. To answer these questions a thematic analysis was used, where a total of fourteen verdicts were analysed. The result shows that the district court has become more coherent and clearer in its reasonings regarding honour motives. Furthermore, the district court usually supports the motive based on different circumstances surrounding the defendant's control over the victim and collective circumstances. Before the introduction of this aggravating circumstance the district court used different definitions of the phenomenon and rarely provided an explanation of why an honour motive was present. It has not been possible to distinguish a general impact on the length of the penalty value. However, this change has led to a more consistent assessment of the motive as an aggravating circumstance during penalty decisions. As the study only included verdicts between 2018-2022, future research is advised to identify further changes over time.

New Alternative Masculinities among Iranian Young Men : A Case Study of a Campaign on Social Media

Darvishpour(Bagherishad), Zahra January 2021 (has links)
The current study has been analysing and discussing the rise of alternative masculinities among the younger generation of Iranian men, with the focus on the protest action of part of Iranian social media users to Romina’s honour killing as a case study. This interpretative research was conducted using thematic analysis within a perspective of intersectionality, and the case study in this research is built upon analysing material of the against honour related campaign following the hashtags #NoBelieveInHonour, # IOwnNoNamus and #ManWithoutNamus on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The study argues how young Iranian men are taking initiative to combat violence against women and achieve gender equality. The result demonstrated that among the generation of young, educated and secular men who are against the Islamic Republic in Iran and are more familiar with the values of modernity and gender equality under the influence of globalization and digital media, alternative masculinities have emerged in a small section of society. Reacting against the concepts of namus is one of the most difficult and controversial areas for men in traditional societies, as they feel that their masculine authority is being further questioned by criticizing and tarnishing the culture of honour and sexual restrictions. Therefore, the fact that men are willing to radically critique the concept of namus in this way can be a hope that feminist values have developed among these men.

Left without protection : A study on how honour-related violence and oppression is being problematised in Swedish public policy

Gudmundsdottir, Margrét January 2022 (has links)
In June 2022, a new law will be implemented in the Swedish legal system, making honour- violence a certain crime. Before the new law has been implemented, investigations have been made by government officials trying to present how honour-related violence and oppression is a problem in the Swedish society. The aim for this thesis is to examine how the policy makers has presented the problematisation according to the method ‘What is the problem represented to be? (WPR). The questions that are being asked are how the policy makers problematise honour-related violence and oppression the Swedish society and how they present the Previous research has shown how social isolation and mobility plays a crucial role to those who experience honour-related violence and oppression. The thesis has therefore undertaken the theoretical framework of intersectionality to show how social and political identities can cause a person to experience a social isolation and subordination in society. The purpose is to examine how the policy makers problematise honour-violence and oppression in the law proposal and if they account for any particular vulnerabilities that can cause social isolation. Results shows that the victims of honour-related violence and oppression are being left without protection from their family, are the government including them in their policy documents to make sure that they are protected by laws and legislations? How the problem with honour-related violence and oppression is produced within policy documents and referral documents and if they account for particular vulnerability is what will be examined in this thesis and see if the government are subordinating an already subordinated group.

”Det finns ju inget svårare än att behöva bryta upp med hela sin familj” : En intervjustudie om hur socialtjänsten och skyddade boenden han- terar ärenden som innefattar hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Allared, Jenny, Wirén, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en fördjupad förståelse för hur socialarbetare inom social- tjänsten och på skyddat boende arbetar med ärenden som innefattar hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Följande frågeställningar preciseras; Vilka dilemman beskriver socialarbetare inom socialtjänsten och på skyddat boende finns i arbetet för att stödja hedersutsatta kvinnor? Hur kan arbetet med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck förstås i relation till en kritisk praktik? Stu- dien baseras på en kvalitativ ansats i form av intervjuer med totalt sex stycken socialarbetare verksamma inom socialtjänst och på skyddat boende med kvinnor utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Studiens resultat visar att hedersvåld och förtryck är ett komplext arbetsom- råde, där det kan ses som en utmaning för socialtjänsten och skyddade boenden att bedöma vart en kvinna kan bosätta sig för att vara säker. Arbetet riskerar dock att skapa stereotypa föreställningar som kan leda till att minoritetsgrupper stigmatiseras. Samtliga respondenter lyfte att beslutet att lämna sin familj som hedersutsatt kvinna är ett svårt beslut som i många fall leder till att kvinnan går tillbaka till sitt gamla liv. När en våldsutsatt kvinna har lämnat sin familj kan det leda till en känsla av isolering och ensamhet. Samtliga respondenter betonade att en stor del av arbetet består i att stärka kvinnans egna resurser och att arbeta för ett själv- ständigt liv. Mot bakgrund av den tidigare forskningen som betonar vikten av samverkan mel- lan aktörer fanns även en enighet hos samtliga respondenter att en samverkan mellan olika aktörer är nödvändig för att i det akuta skedet kunna ge skydd åt kvinnan, men även på längre sikt kunna upprätthålla kvinnans skydd. / The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding how social workers at social ser- vices and sheltered housing work with cases involving honor-related violence and oppression (crimes of honour). The following questions are clarified; What dilemmas do social workers describe at social services and in sheltered housing in the work to support women? How can the work on honor-related violence and oppression be understood in relation to a critical practice? The study is based on qualitative interviews with a total of six social workers active in social services and at sheltered housing with women exposed to honour-related violence and oppression. The study's results showed that honour-related violence and oppression are a com- plex area of work, where it can be seen as a challenge for the social services and sheltered ho- mes to assess where a woman can settle in order to be safe. However, the work risks creating stereotypical ideas that can lead to minority groups being stigmatized. All respondents emphasized that the decision to leave the family for a woman exposed to honour violence is a difficult decision, which can lead a woman to return to her old life. When a woman has left her family, it can lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness. All respondents emphasized that a big part of the work consists of strengthening the woman's own resources and working towards an independent life. Against the background of the previous research that emphasizes the im- portance of collaboration between authorities, there was also an agreement among all respon- dents that a collaboration between different performers is necessary in order to be able to pro- vide protection for the woman in the acute phase, but also in the longer term be able to maintain the woman's protection.

Kan pojkar och män vara offer för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie för att undersöka möjliga skillnader på hjälp och insatser beroende på kön / Can boys and men be victims of honour-related violence? : A qualitative study to examine possible differences in social work depending on gender.

Olofsson, Jennie, Tran, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study is to examine how professionals works with boys and men with honour-related problems and how they describe their work with the vulnerable group and what kind of differences there are in the help depending on what gender the victim have. Method: Qualitative interview study, the interviews are analyzed with a hermeneutic science theory. Result: The study shows that even though boys and men can be victims of honour-related violence they are rarely noticed as victims. They are mostly seen as the perpetrator. But the study shows that they could have a double role as both a victim and a perpetrator. The image and norms of boys and men only as the perpetrator is an obstacle for them to seek help, but also prevents them from getting the help they need. A consequence of this is that the help are limited for boys and men that are victims of honour-related violence. This can be understood from the social constructions of how society regards the rolls of victims and perpetrators, but also how professionals defines honour-related violence. Conclusion: All of the respondents stresses the need of more knowledge about honour-related violence and especially that boys and men can be victims as well. The possibility to get professional help and support are differnt depending on gender, boys and men have fewer options.

Att se utsatta elever : Tre skolkuratorers perspektiv på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Seeing exposed students : Three school-concelor´s perspectives of honour-related violence and oppression

Eriksson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre skolkuratorer. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Hedersproblematiken har sina rötter i kollektivets dominans över individen, patriarkala mönster och kulturkrock. Skolan har ett stort ansvar att se de utsatta eleverna, men det råder skilda meningar om vilka som utsätts. Vanligtvis ses flickor som offer för fäders och bröders våld i familjerna, men skolkuratorernas erfarenheter visar att alla individer i familjer där hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck existerar tycks i varierande grad vara delaktiga i våldet, och att även pojkarna kan vara offer.</p> / <p>This thesis in Social Anthropology is based on interviews with three school-councelors. It´s about their experiences and perceptions of honour-related violence and oppression. Honour-problemacy has it´s roots in the dominance of the collective over the individual, patriarchal patterns and collision between cultures. The school has a large responsibility to see the exposed students, but there are different opinions on who are the exposed. Normally, girls are seen as the victims of the violence of the father and brothers in their families, but the experiences of school-councelors show that all individuals in families where honour-related violence and oppression exists, seems to be perticipants in the violence, and that the boys also can be the victims.</p>

Hjältar och Offer : Om hedersliv, förtryck och frihet / Heroes and Victims : On honorable living, oppression and freedom

Eriksson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer av fyra unga killar med rötter i hederskulturen. Tre av dem är medlemmar i gruppen Sharaf Hjältar och kämpar aktivt mot hedersförtryck. I studien ingår även en fältstudie av Sharaf Hjältars arbete i form av föreläsningar. Fokus ligger på dessa unga killars personliga erfarenheter från sin uppväxt i familjer präglade av hederskulturen, killarnas arbete som Sharaf hjältar och deras erfarenheter i relation till hur andra har det. Det sistnämnda inbegriper så väl invandrare som svenskar, tjejer som killar och närstående/bekanta som för killarna okända individer. Sharaf Hjältar är en verksamhet under Elektra, som syftar till att förändra killars attityder, då det inte räcker med att enbart hjälpa utsatta flickor. Trots att Elektra har en stereotyp grundsyn där flickor oftast ses som offer och pojkar som förövare, visar killarnas erfarenheter, så väl direkta och indirekta, att även killar utsätts för hedersrelaterat förtryck eller tvingas leva ett hedersrelaterat liv.</p> / <p>This thesis in Social Anthropology is based on interviews with four young men with their roots in the “honour-culture”. Three of them are members of “Sharaf Hjältar” (“Sharaf Heroes”) and are actively fighting honour-related oppression. Included in the study is also a field-study of the work of Sharaf Hjältar, consisting of seminars. The focus are on the personal experiences of the above-mentioned young men, from growing up in families inside the honour-culture, their work in Sharaf Hjältar, and their experiences in relation to their views of other’s. The last mentioned part includes both immigrants and Swedes, male and female, and closely related as well as, for the interviewed young men unknown individuals. Sharaf Hjältar is a sub-organisation to Elektra, that strives to change attitudes among young men, as only supporting exposed girls isn’t enough. Despite Elektra having a stereo-typical basic view where the girls are usually seen as victims, and boys and men as perpetrators, the interviewed young men’s experiences – direct as well as indirect – shows that boys also are exposed to honour-related oppression, or are forced into an honour-based lifestyle.</p>

Hedersrelaterad problematik : Fyra socialarbetares och en politikers syn på ungdomar som utsätts för he­­dersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honour-related problems : Four social workers and one politician’s views on youth subject to honour-related violence and oppression

Sayed Abdu, Ahlam, Schulze, Emelie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative study with a case study research design, where we studied social workers and politicians view on honor-related problems of underage girls and boys in the age 13-17. We need knowledge about honor related violence and oppression in the political community and social services to work with honor-related problems. Political decisions affect how social work is developed around the honor problem; therefore, it is also important to highlight this direction for the work. It requires a knowledge complement of honor-related problems not to risk exposing the child to further risk from the family (Hedersförtryck, 2009). This is to live up to, for example the law of Social Services, school law and Human Rights (Hussein &amp; Kinuka-Svedberg, 2010). We conducted semi-structured interviews with two social workers, a social worker at the women's shelter, a women's safety coordinator and a chairman of the Social Welfare Committee in the selected commune. When we analyzed the results, we made a hermeneutic analysis with interpretation from an intersectional perspective based in postmodern feminist theory. The result that we have reached as regards the design of the work with honor-related problem is that it is highly influenced by the decisions of women's safety coordinator and politicians. The respondents mentioned the concepts controlling, limiting young people, married off by the family, and that they have little autonomy. Also the patriarchal family pyramid was raised in the definition and that there may be integration problems as a result of the norm-breaking lifestyle that comes with their own culture. The viewpoints which the respondents had on the honor problem we have seen influence how they wish to work. They said that they wanted to educate and inform the newly arrived adults who immigrate to the country, about Swedish laws and regulations. Social workers said that in time they have learned to apply the youth perspective as much as the family perspective which is more than they did before when they rather applied more of a youth perspective.

Hjältar och Offer : Om hedersliv, förtryck och frihet / Heroes and Victims : On honorable living, oppression and freedom

Eriksson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer av fyra unga killar med rötter i hederskulturen. Tre av dem är medlemmar i gruppen Sharaf Hjältar och kämpar aktivt mot hedersförtryck. I studien ingår även en fältstudie av Sharaf Hjältars arbete i form av föreläsningar. Fokus ligger på dessa unga killars personliga erfarenheter från sin uppväxt i familjer präglade av hederskulturen, killarnas arbete som Sharaf hjältar och deras erfarenheter i relation till hur andra har det. Det sistnämnda inbegriper så väl invandrare som svenskar, tjejer som killar och närstående/bekanta som för killarna okända individer. Sharaf Hjältar är en verksamhet under Elektra, som syftar till att förändra killars attityder, då det inte räcker med att enbart hjälpa utsatta flickor. Trots att Elektra har en stereotyp grundsyn där flickor oftast ses som offer och pojkar som förövare, visar killarnas erfarenheter, så väl direkta och indirekta, att även killar utsätts för hedersrelaterat förtryck eller tvingas leva ett hedersrelaterat liv. / This thesis in Social Anthropology is based on interviews with four young men with their roots in the “honour-culture”. Three of them are members of “Sharaf Hjältar” (“Sharaf Heroes”) and are actively fighting honour-related oppression. Included in the study is also a field-study of the work of Sharaf Hjältar, consisting of seminars. The focus are on the personal experiences of the above-mentioned young men, from growing up in families inside the honour-culture, their work in Sharaf Hjältar, and their experiences in relation to their views of other’s. The last mentioned part includes both immigrants and Swedes, male and female, and closely related as well as, for the interviewed young men unknown individuals. Sharaf Hjältar is a sub-organisation to Elektra, that strives to change attitudes among young men, as only supporting exposed girls isn’t enough. Despite Elektra having a stereo-typical basic view where the girls are usually seen as victims, and boys and men as perpetrators, the interviewed young men’s experiences – direct as well as indirect – shows that boys also are exposed to honour-related oppression, or are forced into an honour-based lifestyle.

Att se utsatta elever : Tre skolkuratorers perspektiv på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Seeing exposed students : Three school-concelor´s perspectives of honour-related violence and oppression

Eriksson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre skolkuratorer. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Hedersproblematiken har sina rötter i kollektivets dominans över individen, patriarkala mönster och kulturkrock. Skolan har ett stort ansvar att se de utsatta eleverna, men det råder skilda meningar om vilka som utsätts. Vanligtvis ses flickor som offer för fäders och bröders våld i familjerna, men skolkuratorernas erfarenheter visar att alla individer i familjer där hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck existerar tycks i varierande grad vara delaktiga i våldet, och att även pojkarna kan vara offer. / This thesis in Social Anthropology is based on interviews with three school-councelors. It´s about their experiences and perceptions of honour-related violence and oppression. Honour-problemacy has it´s roots in the dominance of the collective over the individual, patriarchal patterns and collision between cultures. The school has a large responsibility to see the exposed students, but there are different opinions on who are the exposed. Normally, girls are seen as the victims of the violence of the father and brothers in their families, but the experiences of school-councelors show that all individuals in families where honour-related violence and oppression exists, seems to be perticipants in the violence, and that the boys also can be the victims.

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