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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic progress and inbreeding rate in complex breeding programmes – Applications to sport horses and laying hens

Sitzenstock, Florian 21 May 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Optimierung von Zuchtprogrammen. Zum einen wurde eine neue Methode zur Berücksichtigung der mittleren Inzucht in Zuchtplanungsrechnungen entwickelt. Zum anderen werden zwei gänzlich unterschiedliche Zuchtprogramme modelliert und aktuelle Optimierungsansätze validiert. Dabei werden sowohl der naturale als auch der monetäre Zuchtfortschritt und der diskontierte Züchtungsgewinn berücksichtigt. Im Projekt FUGATO+brain wurde die Zuchtplanungssoftware ZPLAN neu programmiert und mit weiteren zuchtplanerischen Werkzeugen versehen. Als Ergebnis des Projektes entstand die Software ZPLAN+. Diese ermöglicht die Modellierung von komplexen Zuchtprogrammen und kann zur Optimierung von Zuchtprogrammen genutzt werden. Die Software ist anwenderfreundlich und umfasst alle Bereiche der Zuchtplanung. Zur Berechnung der mittleren Inzucht wurde eine neue Methode für die Implementierung in der Zuchtplanung entwickelt. Die Methode basiert auf der mittleren Kinship in einer Zuchtpopulation. Die Kinship ist definiert als die Wahr-scheinlichkeit, dass innerhalb einer Gruppe am gleichen Locus zwei zufällig gewählte Allele herkunftsgleich sind. Die Berechnung der Kinship erfolgt auf Grundlage der Genflussmethode. Zur Validierung der Methode wurde eine früher beschriebene Schafpopulation verwandt, die in unterschiedlichen Weisen modifiziert wurde. Insgesamt wurden drei verschiedene Szenarien modelliert, wovon das erste von einem Populationswachstum ausging. Im zweiten Szenario wurde angenommen, dass die Populationsgröße durch einen Flaschenhals verringert wird und sich dann wieder erhöht. Für die dritte Modellierung wurde die Population über einen Zeitraum getrennt und dann wieder zusammengeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich mit der vorgeschlagenen Methode in sämtlichen komplexen Populationsstrukturen die mittlere Inzucht und die effektive Populationsgröße berechnet lässt. In einer Zuchtplanungsrechnung für Reitpferde sollte der gezielte Einsatz von Embryotransfer in einem Pferdezuchtprogramm validiert werden. Hierfür wurde ein Zuchtprogramm in ZPLAN+ modelliert, welches das aktuelle Zuchtprogramm des Hannoveraner Verbandes e.V. näherungsweise abbildet. In verschiedenen Szenarien wurde eine schärfere Selektion auf der Stutenseite modelliert, wobei die besten Stuten des Zuchtprogramms als Spenderstuten für den Embryotransfer eingesetzt wurden. Es wurde davon ausgegangen, dass die zur Selektion zur Verfügung stehenden Stuten sowohl Ergebnisse in der Eintragung, als auch Ergebnisse einer Leistungsprüfung haben. Die Anzahl der zur Selektion verfügbaren Stuten wurde ebenso variiert wie die Anzahl der selektierten Stuten und die Anzahl der geborenen Fohlen je Spenderstute. Deutlich wurde, dass der Embryotransfer die Möglichkeit bietet den Zuchtfortschritt in einem Pferdezuchtprogramm stark zu steigern, wobei dies mit einer Steigerung der Kosten für die Züchter einhergeht. Mit dem vorgeschlagenen Ansatz zur Inzuchtberechnung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die scharfe Selektion und der starke Einsatz der Spenderstuten eine Erhöhung der mittleren Inzucht und daraus folgend eine geringere effektive Populationsgröße nach sich zieht. Im dritten Abschnitt der Arbeit sollten die Auswirkungen der Einbeziehung von genomischen Informationen in ein Legehennenzuchtprogramm gezeigt werden. Dafür wurde in enger Kooperation mit der Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH ein Zuchtprogramm zur Produktion von 500 Mio. Legehennen in ZPLAN+ nachgebildet. Die Produktion der Elterntiere basiert auf einer Kreuzung von vier Nukleuslinien, die konventionelle Selektion stützt sich vor allem auf die Leistungsprüfung von Hennen in den einzelnen Linien. Zur Nutzung der genomischen Informationen wurde von unterschiedlich großen Kalibrierungsstichproben ausgegangen. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die genomischen Informationen der Hähne zusätzlich zu allen konventionellen Selektionskriterien genutzt. Dabei wurde die Anzahl der getesteten Hähne variiert und in einem weiteren Schritt wurde davon ausgegangen, dass die Hennen ebenfalls genotypisiert sind. In einem weiteren Szenario basierte die Selektion nur auf Pedigreedaten und genomischen Informationen. Deutlich wurde, dass in der zweiten Variante das Generationsintervall massiv gesenkt werden konnte. Der Zuchtfortschritt konnte in allen modellierten Varianten erhöht werden, wobei es Unterschiede in den Einzelmerkmalen gab. Die Einführung der genomischen Informationen in die Legehennenzucht ist verbunden mit einem massiven Kostenanstieg. Inwieweit der gesteigerte Zuchtfortschritt den Kostenanstieg rechtfertigt bedarf einer Marktanalyse seitens der Zuchtunternehmen.

Návrh systému aktivního ustájení koní

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, the health and psychological problems of horses that are related to the way of housing are perceived. In the Czech Republic breeders are becoming aware of an active housing system. The result of the work is, based on the acquired knowledge of the natural characteristics and needs of horses, the proposal of a project of an active housing system for twenty horses in the locality of South Bohemia. The technology makes it possible to keep all horses in the system together despite the different feed and movement requirements. With detachable chips attached to the underside of the horse's forelegs, management is set up by the breeder in the software that controls the feed ration and the rate of movement of the housed horse individually. It has been found that the system of active housing is suitable for most breeds and also for the differently exploited individuals. It is not advisable to accommodate the horse with a fine to weak constitution due to the poor adaptability of the external conditions. Acquisition costs for realization according to a concrete project proposal were estimated to be less than CZK 3,000,000. These include, in particular, technology, construction and surface costs. The return is 11 years. List of the most important advantages of the housing system: for horses - natural movement in fresh air, herd social contact, long-term feed intake after small doses reducing the risk of colic, thanks to the variety of surfaces of healthy hooves, strengthens the overall immunity, for horse owners - reduce costs for veterinarians, farms, keeping a horse in good physical condition and psychological well being, for breeders - increasing work efficiency, reducing strenuous manual labor, saving and improving feed utilization.

Лексика коневодства: опыт двуязычного словаря : магистерская диссертация / The vocabulary of horse breeding: a variant of a bilingual dictionary

Снесарь, Н. В., Snesar, N. V. January 2023 (has links)
Данная магистерская диссертация, выполненная в форме проекта, описывает опыт создания автором двуязычного (англо-русского) словаря коневодства. / This master degree project describes the author’s experience of creating an English-Russian dictionary of horse breeding vocabulary.

Aprendizado do forrageamento e desenvolvimento da dieta de potros

Bolzan, Anderson Michel Soares January 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento dos mecanismos de pastejo dos equinos em pastos nativos é fator relevante para a melhor compreensão das relações dos animais com a complexidade da vegetação, possibilitando a otimização das funções ecossistêmicas e viabilização da criação. Com este propósito, foi avaliado por meio de monitoramento contínuo, o comportamento ingestivo de seis potros ao pé de éguas Crioulas, do nascimento aos 130 dias de idade, com intervalos 15 dias. Os animais foram divididos em duas manadas, manejadas em pastoreio contínuo, com oferta de forragem não-limitante, em pastagem natural do Bioma Pampa, região de Campos de solos rasos, Santana do Livramento, RS. Foram verificadas as relações e fatores de influência no aprendizado de pastejo do potro. O monitoramento contínuo por observação direta permitiu avaliar instantaneamente os bocados realizados pelos potros, durante quatro horas a partir do amanhecer, e quatro horas antes do anoitecer. Foram realizadas simulações de bocados para estimativa de MS de cada categoria de bocado e taxas de ingestão de MS instantânea dos animais. A composição e diversidade da dieta do potro em relação à mãe e aos pares demonstrou padrões de distanciamento que evidenciam funções definidas com a idade na evolução da herbivoria do potro. Verificaram-se duas fases bem definidas na evolução do pastejo do potro. A primeira fase exploratória, entre 0 e 60 dias, caracterizada pela grande diversidade de bocados e baixa ingestão de MS vegetal. Neste período, a base do aporte nutricional é via amamentação, e evidencia o maior distanciamento entre componentes da dieta de mãe e respectivo potro. O índice de diversidade da dieta do potro é maior que o índice de diversidade da vegetação, o que ratifica o caráter exploratório. A segunda fase, de especialização, inicia a partir dos 60 dias, onde ocorre uma especialização para a função ingestão de MS, preconizada pelo aumento na MS e diminuição na diversidade dos bocados. O grande aumento na ingestão de MS pelo potro entre 60 e 80 dias de vida denota um alinhamento das funções de égua e potro, com os padrões de composição da dieta semelhantes, se estabilizando ao redor de 100 dias. Entretanto, há diferenças entre as dietas dos grupos familiares (égua-potro), confererindo um fator cultural materno filial. A identificação dos períodos e fatores de aprendizagem do potro pode respaldar estratégias de manejo para melhor condução dos métodos de pastoreio dos equinos em ambientes pastoris, especialmente em pastagens naturais com grande biodiversidade, visando contemplar e ampliar funções ecossistêmicas. / Understanding the foraging mechanisms of horses in native pastures is a relevant factor for better comprehending the relationship of those animals in response to the vegetation complexity. It allows for optimizing ecosystem functions and livestock production. The ingestive behavior of six pairs of Criolo mares and foals was evaluated using continuous bite monitoring, from birth to 130 days, in 15 days intervals. The animals were divided in two groups, managed under continuous stocking, with non-limiting herbage allowance, in the shallow soil Pampa Grasslands, in southern Brazil. The relationships between and within pairs, and other influencing factors for the foraging learning process were assessed. The continuous monitoring allowed for evaluating bites for four hours after dawn and four hours before dusk. Bite simulations were done for estimating bite mass for each category, and calculating instantaneous dry matter intake rate. The diverging patterns of the foals’ diet composition and diversity in relation to their dams and to other peers indicated defined functions that varied with age in the evolution of herbivory. Two distinct phases were identified. First, an exploratory phase from 0 to 60 days, characterized by a great diversity of bites with low herbage intake and very distinct from the dam. During this period, milk is the main dietary component, and the diet (herbal) diversity index was larger than the diversity index for the vegetation. A second phase started at 60 days of age, where dry matter intake increased, by a specialization towards less diverse bites, but with higher mass. The large increase in dry matter intake between 60 and 80 days denoted an alignment of the intake functions of the mare and the foal, with similar diet composition, stabilizing at around 100 days. On the other hand, there was a difference on diet composition between family groups, indicating a cultural maternal filial influence. The identification of periods and factors affecting the foraging learning process of the foals can allow for improving pasture management strategies, especially on high-diversity, natural grasslands, contemplating and amplifying ecosystem functions.

Aprendizado do forrageamento e desenvolvimento da dieta de potros

Bolzan, Anderson Michel Soares January 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento dos mecanismos de pastejo dos equinos em pastos nativos é fator relevante para a melhor compreensão das relações dos animais com a complexidade da vegetação, possibilitando a otimização das funções ecossistêmicas e viabilização da criação. Com este propósito, foi avaliado por meio de monitoramento contínuo, o comportamento ingestivo de seis potros ao pé de éguas Crioulas, do nascimento aos 130 dias de idade, com intervalos 15 dias. Os animais foram divididos em duas manadas, manejadas em pastoreio contínuo, com oferta de forragem não-limitante, em pastagem natural do Bioma Pampa, região de Campos de solos rasos, Santana do Livramento, RS. Foram verificadas as relações e fatores de influência no aprendizado de pastejo do potro. O monitoramento contínuo por observação direta permitiu avaliar instantaneamente os bocados realizados pelos potros, durante quatro horas a partir do amanhecer, e quatro horas antes do anoitecer. Foram realizadas simulações de bocados para estimativa de MS de cada categoria de bocado e taxas de ingestão de MS instantânea dos animais. A composição e diversidade da dieta do potro em relação à mãe e aos pares demonstrou padrões de distanciamento que evidenciam funções definidas com a idade na evolução da herbivoria do potro. Verificaram-se duas fases bem definidas na evolução do pastejo do potro. A primeira fase exploratória, entre 0 e 60 dias, caracterizada pela grande diversidade de bocados e baixa ingestão de MS vegetal. Neste período, a base do aporte nutricional é via amamentação, e evidencia o maior distanciamento entre componentes da dieta de mãe e respectivo potro. O índice de diversidade da dieta do potro é maior que o índice de diversidade da vegetação, o que ratifica o caráter exploratório. A segunda fase, de especialização, inicia a partir dos 60 dias, onde ocorre uma especialização para a função ingestão de MS, preconizada pelo aumento na MS e diminuição na diversidade dos bocados. O grande aumento na ingestão de MS pelo potro entre 60 e 80 dias de vida denota um alinhamento das funções de égua e potro, com os padrões de composição da dieta semelhantes, se estabilizando ao redor de 100 dias. Entretanto, há diferenças entre as dietas dos grupos familiares (égua-potro), confererindo um fator cultural materno filial. A identificação dos períodos e fatores de aprendizagem do potro pode respaldar estratégias de manejo para melhor condução dos métodos de pastoreio dos equinos em ambientes pastoris, especialmente em pastagens naturais com grande biodiversidade, visando contemplar e ampliar funções ecossistêmicas. / Understanding the foraging mechanisms of horses in native pastures is a relevant factor for better comprehending the relationship of those animals in response to the vegetation complexity. It allows for optimizing ecosystem functions and livestock production. The ingestive behavior of six pairs of Criolo mares and foals was evaluated using continuous bite monitoring, from birth to 130 days, in 15 days intervals. The animals were divided in two groups, managed under continuous stocking, with non-limiting herbage allowance, in the shallow soil Pampa Grasslands, in southern Brazil. The relationships between and within pairs, and other influencing factors for the foraging learning process were assessed. The continuous monitoring allowed for evaluating bites for four hours after dawn and four hours before dusk. Bite simulations were done for estimating bite mass for each category, and calculating instantaneous dry matter intake rate. The diverging patterns of the foals’ diet composition and diversity in relation to their dams and to other peers indicated defined functions that varied with age in the evolution of herbivory. Two distinct phases were identified. First, an exploratory phase from 0 to 60 days, characterized by a great diversity of bites with low herbage intake and very distinct from the dam. During this period, milk is the main dietary component, and the diet (herbal) diversity index was larger than the diversity index for the vegetation. A second phase started at 60 days of age, where dry matter intake increased, by a specialization towards less diverse bites, but with higher mass. The large increase in dry matter intake between 60 and 80 days denoted an alignment of the intake functions of the mare and the foal, with similar diet composition, stabilizing at around 100 days. On the other hand, there was a difference on diet composition between family groups, indicating a cultural maternal filial influence. The identification of periods and factors affecting the foraging learning process of the foals can allow for improving pasture management strategies, especially on high-diversity, natural grasslands, contemplating and amplifying ecosystem functions.

Aprendizado do forrageamento e desenvolvimento da dieta de potros

Bolzan, Anderson Michel Soares January 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento dos mecanismos de pastejo dos equinos em pastos nativos é fator relevante para a melhor compreensão das relações dos animais com a complexidade da vegetação, possibilitando a otimização das funções ecossistêmicas e viabilização da criação. Com este propósito, foi avaliado por meio de monitoramento contínuo, o comportamento ingestivo de seis potros ao pé de éguas Crioulas, do nascimento aos 130 dias de idade, com intervalos 15 dias. Os animais foram divididos em duas manadas, manejadas em pastoreio contínuo, com oferta de forragem não-limitante, em pastagem natural do Bioma Pampa, região de Campos de solos rasos, Santana do Livramento, RS. Foram verificadas as relações e fatores de influência no aprendizado de pastejo do potro. O monitoramento contínuo por observação direta permitiu avaliar instantaneamente os bocados realizados pelos potros, durante quatro horas a partir do amanhecer, e quatro horas antes do anoitecer. Foram realizadas simulações de bocados para estimativa de MS de cada categoria de bocado e taxas de ingestão de MS instantânea dos animais. A composição e diversidade da dieta do potro em relação à mãe e aos pares demonstrou padrões de distanciamento que evidenciam funções definidas com a idade na evolução da herbivoria do potro. Verificaram-se duas fases bem definidas na evolução do pastejo do potro. A primeira fase exploratória, entre 0 e 60 dias, caracterizada pela grande diversidade de bocados e baixa ingestão de MS vegetal. Neste período, a base do aporte nutricional é via amamentação, e evidencia o maior distanciamento entre componentes da dieta de mãe e respectivo potro. O índice de diversidade da dieta do potro é maior que o índice de diversidade da vegetação, o que ratifica o caráter exploratório. A segunda fase, de especialização, inicia a partir dos 60 dias, onde ocorre uma especialização para a função ingestão de MS, preconizada pelo aumento na MS e diminuição na diversidade dos bocados. O grande aumento na ingestão de MS pelo potro entre 60 e 80 dias de vida denota um alinhamento das funções de égua e potro, com os padrões de composição da dieta semelhantes, se estabilizando ao redor de 100 dias. Entretanto, há diferenças entre as dietas dos grupos familiares (égua-potro), confererindo um fator cultural materno filial. A identificação dos períodos e fatores de aprendizagem do potro pode respaldar estratégias de manejo para melhor condução dos métodos de pastoreio dos equinos em ambientes pastoris, especialmente em pastagens naturais com grande biodiversidade, visando contemplar e ampliar funções ecossistêmicas. / Understanding the foraging mechanisms of horses in native pastures is a relevant factor for better comprehending the relationship of those animals in response to the vegetation complexity. It allows for optimizing ecosystem functions and livestock production. The ingestive behavior of six pairs of Criolo mares and foals was evaluated using continuous bite monitoring, from birth to 130 days, in 15 days intervals. The animals were divided in two groups, managed under continuous stocking, with non-limiting herbage allowance, in the shallow soil Pampa Grasslands, in southern Brazil. The relationships between and within pairs, and other influencing factors for the foraging learning process were assessed. The continuous monitoring allowed for evaluating bites for four hours after dawn and four hours before dusk. Bite simulations were done for estimating bite mass for each category, and calculating instantaneous dry matter intake rate. The diverging patterns of the foals’ diet composition and diversity in relation to their dams and to other peers indicated defined functions that varied with age in the evolution of herbivory. Two distinct phases were identified. First, an exploratory phase from 0 to 60 days, characterized by a great diversity of bites with low herbage intake and very distinct from the dam. During this period, milk is the main dietary component, and the diet (herbal) diversity index was larger than the diversity index for the vegetation. A second phase started at 60 days of age, where dry matter intake increased, by a specialization towards less diverse bites, but with higher mass. The large increase in dry matter intake between 60 and 80 days denoted an alignment of the intake functions of the mare and the foal, with similar diet composition, stabilizing at around 100 days. On the other hand, there was a difference on diet composition between family groups, indicating a cultural maternal filial influence. The identification of periods and factors affecting the foraging learning process of the foals can allow for improving pasture management strategies, especially on high-diversity, natural grasslands, contemplating and amplifying ecosystem functions.

"...a musí umět jezdit především na koni a pak až na gramatice." Šlechtic a kůň v 19. a na počátku 20. století. / "..and he must be able to ride the horse primarily, and the grammar afterwards." The nobleman and the horse in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

KRAMPEROVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The presented degree work sets the aim of introducing one of typical displays of aristocratic life - horse riding and horse racing ? in the actual example of primogeniture and secondo geniture of the noble family Schwarzenberg in the 19th and early 20th centuries. As the basic information sources there were used aristocratic large estates collections, some sources of personal character and, last but not least, iconographic sources. The first part of work deals with the horse-breeding at aristocratic estates. It acquaints with the organization of horse raising on Schwarzenberg horse-breeding farms, raised horse breeds, and clarifies the purposes of raising such animals. Above all, this part asks the question to what extent the nobleman himself participated in the organization of horse breeding and what personal relationship to these creatures he experienced. The second part introduces in detail some activities which brought gentlefolk diversion and enjoyment, especially horse races, equestrianism, carousels, and of course, hunts and hunting pastime. All these activities were the privilege of upper classes, but in the 19th century they greatly influenced the other social classes and became the base for modern equestrianism we know today. The last part dwells on horses with relation to the arts. This noble animal has always been the Muse of artists and the symbol of nobility, elegance, speed and power. Till now in the castle collections we have been tracing a large number of horse portraits (either with their noble owners or without them) and horse- riding scenes. Even the horse equipment - harness, sledge or horse-drawn couches - were reflected in arts. And such equipment could have been displayed as a work of art in noble family galleries, or at least created the period atmosphere of magnificent winter man?ges.

Proyecto de aplicativo móvil EQUIVAPP

Alarcón Caballero, Rocio Anali, Bazalar Yllatopa, Frank, Meneses Velarde, Bryan Fabricio, Soto Basilio, Isabel Ventura, Urrutia Navarro, Victor Enrique 08 July 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo, se presentará el desarrollo del prototipo del aplicativo móvil EQUIVAPP, el cual busca conectar personas que laboran dentro de la industria ganadera y equina, facilitando de esta manera la comunicación con una cartera de clientes y servicios especializados en el sector, otorgando un nivel alto de confianza mediante la oferta de una gran variedad de productos valorados y puntuados por los mismos usuarios. En otras palabras, lograr posicionarnos dentro de los clientes como un aplicativo que les ayuda ahorrar tiempo y pérdidas por contar con un gran número de posibles socios con valoraciones que les aseguran una calidad premium de los servicios que requiere. Asimismo, estarán presentes, dentro del aplicativo, todos los servicios que quieran acceder que estén dentro de reproducción, transporte, venta de alimentos balanceados o especiales y veterinaria. La elaboración de este proyecto está centrada en acabar con el gran nivel de pérdidas registradas dentro del sector, puesto que la gran mayoría de contactos que poseen muchas de las empresas son obtenidas por recomendaciones de vecinos o trabajadores aledaños. Asimismo, la implementación de tecnología dentro de un sector rural no es un gran problema, puesto que la mayoría de las familias dedicadas a este sector, cuentan con las nuevas generaciones que vienen actualizadas con el manejo de celulares, computadoras, laptops y demás dispositivos tecnológicos. / In this paper, we will present the development of the prototype of the mobile application EQUIVAPP, which seeks to connect people working in the livestock and equine industry, thus facilitating communication with a portfolio of customers and specialized services in the sector, providing a high level of confidence by offering a variety of products valued and rated by the same users. In other words, to position ourselves within the customers as an application that helps them save time and losses by having a large number of potential partners with ratings that will ensure a premium quality of the services required. Likewise, all the services they want to access in the areas of reproduction, transport, sale of balanced or special feed and veterinary services will be present in the application. The development of this project is focused on putting an end to the high level of losses registered within the sector, since most of the contacts that many of the companies have are obtained through recommendations from neighbors or neighboring workers. Likewise, the implementation of technology in a rural sector is not a big problem, since most of the families dedicated to this sector have new generations that are up to date with the use of cell phones, computers, laptops and other technological devices. / Trabajo de investigación

Caledon Township: A Geographical Appreication

Davies, Leonard Llewellyn 02 1900 (has links)
No abstract provided / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

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