Spelling suggestions: "subject:"human resource"" "subject:"suman resource""
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Toward an understanding of the impact of discretion upon the hr-performance linkBelsito, Carrie Anne 15 May 2009 (has links)
The field of strategic human resource management attempts to investigate the role and contribution that human resources may provide to organizations. Although various theoretical perspectives have been applied to the field of strategic human resource management, some scholars still label this field as atheoretical. I apply discretion theory to this atheoretical discussion with the expectation that discretion theory will allow a better examination of what may be occurring in the “black box” between human resource practices (i.e. high performance work practices) and organizational outcomes. Specifically, my intent was to determine under what conditions human resource managers might influence the high performance work practices/organizational outcomes relationship. I surveyed dyads consisting of one senior human resource manager and one other human resource employee within various organizations to assess 1) the nature of the human resource practices that each organization employs, 2) the intensity of the senior human resource manager’s individual discretion, and 3) the intensity of the organization’s contextual discretion. Moderated regression analysis was utilized to test each hypothesis. Upon testing each hypothesis, partial support was found for the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 1a: The use of high performance work practices will be negatively related to absenteeism, Hypothesis 1b: The use of high performance work practices will be negatively related to turnover, Hypothesis 2a: The use of high performance work practices will be positively related to ROA, Hypothesis 3b: Individual discretion will moderate the relationship between HPWPs and turnover: specifically, HPWPs will be more strongly related to turnover (i.e. less turnover) when individual discretion is high than when individual discretion is low, and Hypothesis 4a: Individual discretion will moderate the relationship between HPWPs and ROA; specifically, HPWPs will be more strongly related to ROA (i.e. higher levels of ROA) when individual discretion is high than when individual discretion is low. No support was found for Hypotheses 2b, 3a, and 4b. With respect to each of the three-way interaction hypotheses, slope difference tests revealed that none of the slopes for were significantly different from one another, hence no support was provided for Hypotheses 5a-5c, 6a-6c, 7a-7c, and 8a-8c.
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Human resource managment på den svenska hotellmarknaden : Vilka stategier används av aktörerna på den svenska hotellmarknadenSaeedi, Nima, Wikström, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Sammanfattning Den svenska hotellmarknaden domineras till stor del av utländska aktörer. Stora hotellkedjor som Hilton, som representerar Storbritannien, Accor, som representerar Frankrike är bland de dominerande aktörerna. Bland de nordiska representanterna så är First/Tribe Hotels en organisation som ”sticker ut”. Alla dessa organisationer präglas av den organisationskultur som de uppstod i. De har alla arbetat fram framgångsrika strategier i sina respektive hemland. På den svenska marknaden så är konkurrensen bland dessa hotell är väldigt hög. Företagen försöker att åstadkomma fördelar gentemot sina konkurrenter genom olika strategier och koncept. En viktig del av arbetet är vilka Human resource strategier som används. För oss var det intressant att förstå hur dessa strategier var uppbyggda. Tar de olika hotellen med sig de strategier som de utvecklat i sitt ”hemland” eller anpassar man sig till de strategier som karakteriserar den svenska företagskulturen? Med bakgrund av detta kommit fram till följande problem: Vilka HR modeller använder de tre stora aktörerna när de agerar på den svenska hotellmarknaden? Vi har tittat på detta problem genom arbetstagarnas perspektiv och använt oss av en kvalitativ metod. Vi ville först förstå hur organisationskulturen så ut i varje hotells hemland och har därför använt oss av en deduktiv ansats. Vårt syfte var att kartlägga vilka HRM-strategier som används inom den svenska hotellmarknaden. Sedan ska vi undersöka om de aktuella aktörerna har anpassat sina HRM-strategier till den svenska organisationskulturen eller om de använder sig av HRM-strategier som används i deras respektive ”hemländer”. Vi ansåg att Hofstede arbete om olika organisationskulturer och hans fyra dimensioner (maktdistans, individualism gentemot kollektivism, mannlighet gentemot kvinnlighet och osäkerhetsundvikande) var en bra ”grund” för att kunna upptäcka skillnader i de olika hotellens strategier. Vår förförståelse bygger på att vi är Hotell & Restaurang studenter och har en viss erfarenhet av branschen. Denna erfarenhet har präglat arbetet på det sätt att vi har haft vissa förutfattade meningar om vilka human resource som används på marknaden. Vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken respondenter. Vi valde att först transkribera all data som vi samlat in för att sedan sortera ut det data som vi tolkade var relevant för uppsatsen. Genom att vi har tolkat respondenternas svar djupgående för att förstå hur deras arbetssituation såg ut så har vi använt oss av en hermeneutikisk kunskapssyn. Genom att jämföra våra teoretiska antaganden med det empiriska materialet så har vi kommit fram till att aktörerna på den svenska hotellmarknaden anpassar sig till en stor grad till de svenska human resource strategier som präglas av den svenska organisationskulturen. Den enda avvikelse som vi upptäckte var att under variabeln osäkerhetsundvikande så ansåg vi att Accor präglades av den franska organisationskulturen och hade alltså inte fullt ut anpassat sig till de strategier som präglar det svenska human resource arbetet. Vi anser att vi har uppnått vårt syfte med denna uppsats och idag så har vi en större förståelse om vilka human resource strategier som är framgångsrika på den svenska hotellmarknaden.
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Medarbetarskap och Human Resource Management i en TelekomkedjaLarsson, Erik, Nylund, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Två begrepp som ofta diskuteras inom organisationsteori är Medarbetarskap och Human resource management. Personalen ses ofta som ett företags främsta resurs. Denna uppsats bygger på en kvantitativ undersökning bland personalen inom en Telekomkedja. Vårt syfte är att bringa klarhet i frågan om i vilken utsträckning det ”myndiga medarbetarskapet” existerar, hur olika strategiska åtgärder påverkar försäljningen, vad som påverkar medarbetarnas motivation samt hur deras lojalitet gentemot arbetsgivaren ser ut. Undersökningen visar att personalen i Telekomkedjan trivs bra på sin arbetsplats. Det ”myndiga medarbetarskapet” existerar till stor del och personalen anser sig ha goda möjligheter att påverka. Vi har även lyckats hitta ett antal strategiska åtgärder som påverkar försäljningen positivt. Motivationsfaktorerna är främst beroende av sociala relationer och det har visat sig att relationer medarbetarna emellan är minst lika viktiga som relationen mellan medarbetaren och närmsta chefen. Medarbetarna uppger även att de har en stark lojalitet mot företaget ifråga både till den närmsta butiken där de arbetar, gentemot butikskedjan som helhet samt koncernen de tillhör.
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Produce manpower a flexible usage a studyLin, Wei-yueh 28 July 2007 (has links)
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The study on practices of middle manager's developmentOu, Fang-gung 19 August 2007 (has links)
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Human Resource Management of Volunteers in Nonprofit Organization-on Recruiting the Volunteers of the 2009 World Games KaohsiungHsieh, Ting-chung 10 September 2007 (has links)
This study is to discuss the topic of human resource management on the Volunteer Recruiting and Employ Project of the 2009 World Games Kaohsiung. By documentary analysis and synthesis it is about to find out the internal and external factors which influenced the operation procedure in the KOC organization, and to know the status of volunteer recruiting and volunteer management.
The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
1. At present most of the recruited volunteers are students with high academic degree, and there is only 60% of them with the English ability to communicate to people from different countries.
2. Among the national nonprofit sports organizations, Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation and Chinese Taipei School Sports Federation are suitable to be invited to participate in KOC. Among the national sports associations, it is worthy to invite the members of those associations to be the expert volunteer of KOC. Universities and the student¡¦s clubs are the main objects to be encouraged to join the volunteer group and general volunteer.
3. KOC should encourage people from different areas not only in Taiwan but also from overseas to take a part in the World Games. Inside of the KOC organization, it is needed to take more coordination and communication. And it is necessary to make the precise division of labor between KOC and Kaohsiung City Government. The recruiting of World Games Volunteer Group needs to be paid more attention to.
4. The discrepancy of statistics on the volunteer manpower demand is great different between the World Games Volunteer Recruiting and Employ Project(2004) and the statistics from each bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government in 2007.
5. KOC has the well-planned training and service programme for the volunteers. But the reemploy project following the ending of the World Games is needed to be raised as early as possible.
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Att bygga arbetsgivarvarumärke - en uppgift för Human ResourceLindqvist, Märta, Karlsson, Elin January 2008 (has links)
En personalomsättning på 70 procent och en minskning av antalet sökande på 50 procent ledde till att Gröna Lunds arbetsgivarvarumärke ifrågasattes, eftersom ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke bidrar till ökad arbetslojalitet samt ökar arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. För att se hur Gröna Lunds Human Resource (HR) avdelning förmedlar arbetsgivarvarumärket internt gentemot säsongsansanställda, genomfördes intervjuer med HR-personal och personer i företagsledning samt bearbetades ett flertal dokument. HR kommunicerade arbetsgivarvarumärket i enlighet med teorier och tidigare forskning, ändå kvarstår problemen. Gröna Lund måste visa ett större engagemang för långsiktiga satsningar på sin personal genom att undersöka möjligheterna till utvecklingssamtal, utbildning och tillsvidareanställningar. Alternativt acceptera sin situation och lägga resurserna på att göra det bästa utav det. / Employee commitment and employer attractiveness is influenced by a good employer branding. Having an employee turnover rate of 70 percent and 50 percent decreasing in job applications, Gröna Lund’s employer branding started to be questioned. Interviews were made and different document was processes to see how Gröna Lund´s Human resource department worked with employer branding inside the organisation to affect their seasonal employees. Human Resource communicated the employer brand according to previous research but their problem still remains. Gröna Lund need to show greater interest in the long-term investment of their employees by investigating possibilities to employee dialogue, training, permanent position or alternatively accept the situation and make the best of it.
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I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse! : Hur används personalekonomiska kalkyler som beslutsunderlag?Hallström, Alexandra, Larsson, Hanna, Söderlund, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: Our purpose with this essay was to see how a health promotion initiative could be profitability and how human resource cost accounting could be used for decision making. Does it cost more than it taste? Method: We have been using qualitative interviews with politicians, human health developerand accountants in a municipality. We have also collected data from a university lecturer which shows numbers from the health promotion initiative and how it is been affecting the involved staff. Result: The result show us that the politicians, human health developer and accountants all want to introduce physical exercising at work. Although, different problems makes this hard to introduce one example is not enough money. The decision makers say that there are more important things to put the money on and therefore, health care is seldom prioritized. If we compare to earlier theory, we can see that the staff is a very important tool for organizations and that makes it important to focus on. Human resource accounting is a legitimate ground for certain decisions. Conclusion: The most important thing we learned and our biggest contribution is that human resource accounting can be used as a ground for decision making. If you can show with numbers that an investment is profitable, that shows that it is legitimate for the decision makers.
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Sowing is not as difficult as reaping : A study of expatriate evaluation in Swedish-based MNCsHellmér, Maria, Lind, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Several recent articles stress that enough research has not been devoted to the performance management of expatriates. The cost of an expatriate is two to three times higher than the cost of a local employee. Therefore it is important to ensure that the investment made is returned to the company. Hence, this study aims to investigate how MNC’s evaluate their expatriates. By interviewing expatriate managers in four Swedish MNC’s we came to the conclusion that companies tend to rely much on informal measurements to evaluate expatriates whereas using formal measurements of hard criteria was done in the same way as for all employees. Our findings suggest that companies, in order to get the most out of their expatriates, ought to put more emphasis on the selection process and the repatriation process.
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Practicability and Affection of Enterprise Manpower InventoryHsu, Yu-Fang 23 December 2010 (has links)
In a competitive environment, how enterprises keep their advantages is becoming more and more significant. From many theoretical and practical researches, employees seem to be the key resource in a working place, which means to have a proper worker in a right position. However, some enterprises do not have a great understanding of making a good use of human resource to make things go smoothly and effectively.
Thus this essay emphasizes on the issue of Manpower Inventory by interviewing eight enterprises. I analyzed the results from these eight enterprises to obtain the similarities and dissimilarities of using Manpower Inventory, like background, purpose, and goal. I hope this research will be a useful reference for all the enterprises. I highlighted the major points below:
1. These eight enterprises have different backgrounds and purses but all are willing to have a change to make a good use of human resource by using Manpower Inventory.
2. Manpower Inventory can be distinguished into regularity and particularity. The former one means to put manpower inventory in routine, in other words, to have manpower inventory regularly. The later, particular inventory will be brought up when the organization probably needs it.
3. Quantity inventory depending on the qualities of employees has different inventory means. Generally speaking, however, multi-index is the better method. Skill inventory is supposed to have some related aids to promote workers¡¦ special skills.
4. Manpower Inventory is connected with working achievement, resigning improper employees and promoting proper employees, to make the company stay strong and effective. Adjusting by the entire environment is the key to gain effects.
5. Manpower policy depends on the predictable produce. When the shortage of employees happens in a short term, asking for more hours working, taking shift turns or having helpers from outsider, can solve the problem. On the other hand, when a company has a quilter business, some workers might be asked to have days off without getting paid or even be let go.
6. Human resource department is supposed to follow the future development and find the solutions for the predictable problems. However, planning cannot always follow the changes. Being flexible and having well communication, therefore, will be the best way to untangle unexpected problems and achieve manpower inventory plan.
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