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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aten??o psicol?gica ? crian?a em um servi?o universit?rio: um estudo sobre o Projeto Ciranda / Child psychological attention in a university service: a study about the Ciranda Project

Antonialli, Maria Am?lia Sette 27 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Amelia Sette Antonialli.pdf: 772046 bytes, checksum: 0ef6708d6fd4a8518f65ea0d3e47bf3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-27 / This research aims to analyze Ciranda project, held on a Psychological University Service as a different kind of psychological attention, under the perspective of the Person Centered Approach created by the north-american psychologist Carl R. Rogers. It is a project that offers intensive attention to children and teenagers from 8 to 12 years old who show complex problems of emotional or cognitive aspect and/or are on a social risk situation, grouping psychosocial manner practices. The research is characterized as qualitative, of phenomenological nature and exploratory character, been held in three phases: at first, the researcher participated of some week reunions of the staff responsible for Ciranda; after that, it was done an meeting in a inside-class context with members of one of the training supervision groups which was involved with the attendances; finally, individual interviews with the same trainees, with the supervisor professor and also with one of the psychologists responsible for the Psychological Service in which this project is inserted were made. In the sequence, eight narratives about the experience the researcher went through in each one of these situations were composed, focusing to learn the meanings of this protagonists experience based on theoretical conceptions and Person Centered Approach practice. Four trainees, students about to graduate on Psychology Faculty, besides the supervisor professor and the psychologist responsible for that service participated of the research; all them became characters of the scheme built by the researcher. The narrative construction was specially productive, because it helped to preserve the intersubjective experience based on a phenomenological attitude by the researcher, which allowed grouping of the different meetings with a gap to new order, thanks to the complexity of the phenomena to be conceived. This research emerges the originality of Rogers proposal as a psychological approach to human relations, as the members were looking for the redemption of the psychological potential of interpersonal relations provided to Ciranda clients, showing sensibility and ethical attitude which drive them to valorize therapeutic attitudes that preserved the actualizing tendency and promoted retaking of growing and grouping psychological process. It was also possible to make clear how the double mission held by a Psychological Service, been composed inside a learning field for future psychologists and, at the same time, offering clinical frame, provided the Ciranda project responsible ones a defying experience, owing them the need for opening to daily interventions and staff reunion revealed phenomena comprehension. / Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o projeto Ciranda, desenvolvido em um Servi?o Universit?rio de Psicologia, como uma modalidade diferenciada de aten??o psicol?gica, sob a perspectiva da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa desenvolvida pelo psic?logo norte americano Carl R. Rogers. Trata-se de um projeto que disponibiliza aten??o intensiva a crian?as e adolescentes de 8 a 12 anos que apresentam problemas complexos de ordem emocional, cognitiva e/ou est?o em situa??o de risco social, integrando pr?ticas de car?ter psicossocial. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo qualitativa, de natureza fenomenol?gica e de car?ter explorat?rio, tendo sido desenvolvida em tr?s fases: inicialmente, a pesquisadora participou de algumas reuni?es semanais da equipe respons?vel pelo Ciranda; posteriormente, realizou um encontro no contexto de sala de aula com integrantes de um dos grupos de supervis?o de est?gio que esteve envolvido com os atendimentos; finalmente, foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com os mesmos estagi?rios, com a docente supervisora e tamb?m com uma das psic?logas respons?veis pelo Servi?o de Psicologia no qual est? inserido o projeto. Na seq??ncia, foram compostas oito narrativas acerca da experi?ncia vivida pela pesquisadora em cada uma destas situa??es, objetivando apreender os significados da experi?ncia destes protagonistas ? luz dos pressupostos te?ricos e da pr?tica da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa. Participaram da pesquisa quatro estagi?rios, formandos da Faculdade de Psicologia, al?m da docente supervisora e da psic?loga respons?vel pelo referido servi?o; todos tornaram-se personagens no enredo constru?do pela pesquisadora. A constru??o de narrativas foi especialmente fecunda, pois favoreceu a preserva??o da experi?ncia intersubjetiva com base em uma atitude fenomenol?gica por parte da pesquisadora, que permitiu a integra??o entre os diferentes encontros, com uma abertura ao novo, dada a complexidade do fen?meno a ser apreendido. Esta pesquisa fez emergir a originalidade da proposta desenvolvida por Rogers, como a de uma abordagem psicol?gica ?s rela??es humanas, pois os participantes buscavam resgatar a potencialidade terap?utica dos relacionamentos interpessoais disponibilizados aos clientes do Ciranda, revelando sensibilidade e uma atitude ?tica que os conduziu a valorizar atitudes terap?uticas que preservassem a tend?ncia atualizante e promovessem a retomada do processo de crescimento e integra??o psicol?gica. Tamb?m foi poss?vel evidenciar o quanto a dupla miss?o exercida por um Servi?o de Psicologia, ao constituir-se em campo de aprendizagem para futuros psic?logos e, simultaneamente, oferecer um enquadre cl?nico diferenciado ? popula??o, conferiu aos respons?veis pelo projeto Ciranda uma experi?ncia desafiadora, impondo-lhes a necessidade de abertura ? compreens?o dos fen?menos que iam sendo revelados no cotidiano das interven??es e nas reuni?es de equipe.

Plant?o psicol?gico em institui??o de longa perman?ncia para idosos: um estudo fenomenol?gico / Psychological on duty service in long term elderly institutions: a phenomenological study

Ramos, Ma?sa Tordin 06 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maisa Tordin Ramos.pdf: 1073745 bytes, checksum: 4bc3d03e5da060c0240cfca964a7180d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-06 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This research aims to understand and interpret, phenomenologicaly, the therapeutic potencial of psychological on duty services provided by the researcher in a Long Term Elderly Institution located in the interior of the state of S?o Paulo. During eight months, once a week, the researcher remained at the Institution and sessions occured according to the spontaneous demand of those residing there. The theoretical reference was Person Centered Approach developed by north american psychologist Carl Rogers. After each session a narrative was built, containing the most significant elements of the clients' experience as apprehended by the researcher during the clinical event. Based on these individual narratives a synthetic narrative was built developing an interpretation of the meaning of the psychological service when offered to institutionalized elderly people. The results of this study indicate that making available a clinical psychological intervention of this kind - on duty service- in an elderly institution such as this one gave the elderly a unique opportunity of attention, characterized by an attitude of empathy and unconditional positive regard. The basic elements experienced by the clients were: a) they felt welcomed, respected and understood in their complaints and personal yearnings; b) they were able to regain the individuality they had lost in the process of institutionalization; c) they came in contact with their psychological necessities, beyond their physical needs; d) they had a sense of ligitimacy, of being capable of exercising more motivating activities that than those prescribed in their daily routine; e) they also imprinted new meaning to the process of aging, including the importance of sharing feelings and engaging in new projects. This research points to more wholesome alternatives to the care of elderly, who are at the brink of a future where they will be a significant portion of the population; in this way signalizing important challenges to be assumed by psychologists, both researchers and professionals. / Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender e interpretar fenomenologicamente a potencialidade terap?utica de atendimentos de plant?o psicol?gico, disponibilizados pela pesquisadora em uma institui??o de longa perman?ncia para idosos, localizada no interior do estado de S?o Paulo. A pesquisadora permaneceu na institui??o uma vez por semana, durante oito meses e os atendimentos ocorreram a partir da demanda espont?nea das pessoas que l? residiam. Dez dois dezoito idosos institucionalizados foram atendidos em sess?es individuais e tr?s em sess?es grupais. O plant?o tamb?m ocorreu durante o desenvolvimento de atividades rotineiras da institui??o. O referencial te?rico adotado foi a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, desenvolvida pelo psic?logo norte-americano Carl Rogers. Ap?s cada atendimento foi constru?da uma narrativa contendo os elementos mais significativos da experi?ncia dos clientes da forma como a pesquisadora os apreendeu no acontecer cl?nico. A partir destas narrativas individuais foi constru?da uma narrativa s?ntese contendo uma interpreta??o sobre o sentido do plant?o psicol?gico quando oferecido a idosos institucionalizados. Concluiu-se que disponibilizar uma interven??o psicol?gica cl?nica como o plant?o em uma institui??o desta natureza possibilitou aos idosos um espa?o diferenciado de aten??o, caracterizado por atitudes de empatia e considera??o positiva incondicional. Os principais elementos da experi?ncia vivida pelos clientes podem ser assim resumidos: a) sentiram-se acolhidos, respeitados e compreendidos em rela??o a queixas e anseios pessoais; b) puderam resgatar a individualidade perdida no processo de institucionaliza??o; c) entraram em contato com suas necessidades psicol?gicas para al?m das limita??es f?sicas; d) sentiram-se legitimados como pessoas capazes de exercer atividades mais motivadoras do que aquelas previstas na rotina di?ria; e) imprimiram novos significados ao processo de envelhecimento, inclusive a import?ncia de compartilhar sentimentos e empreender novos projetos. Esta pesquisa aponta alternativas para o cuidado integral ?s pessoas idosas no limiar de um futuro no qual ser?o parcela significativa da popula??o. Neste sentido, sinaliza desafios importantes a serem assumidos pelos profissionais e pesquisadores da ?rea de psicologia.

To Transform a Culture: The Rise and Fall of the U.S. Army Organizational Effectiveness Program, 1970–1985

Young, James Michael 30 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The needs of FET learners for personal well-being

Mothamaha, Lomile Victorian 28 February 2007 (has links)
Personal well-being is a state that involves feelings and thoughts. This concept is investigated in learning area Life Orientation and integrated in the curriculum as a learning outcome for Further Education and Training learners in grades 10-12. A literature study was done to discuss/clarify dimensions of personal well-being that is general subjective, psychological, social and spiritual well-being and mental health. Perspectives, theories, principles and features pertaining to well-being were investigated from an international and local context. An exploratory study used a qualitative approach to investigate and observe perceptions of a small sample of learners of personal well-being. Data gathering used focus groups which completed structured group work activities. The results indicate that learner participants have needs to be satisfied to reach a sense of personal well-being. Based on findings, recommendations regarding coping strategies, intervention strategies and support were made. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Psigometriese ondersoek na psigologiese optimaliteit

Visser, Chrisna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie ondersoek handel oor die psigometriese verwantskappe tussen verskeie konseptualiserings van psigologiese optimaliteit. Die konsepte selfaktualisering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk), gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese en salutogenesis paradigma) is vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek gekies. Die gekose meetinstrumente, naamlik die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys vir selfaktualisering, die Lewensorientasievraelys vir gevoel van koherensie en die Selfkontroleskedule vir aangeleerde vernuftigheid, is op 'n steekproef van 200 middelvlakbestuurders in 'n semi-staatsdiensorganisasie afgeneem. Pearsonkorrelasiekoeffisiente is bereken en 'n faktorontleding is gedoen. Daar is verskeie beduidende korrelasies verkry tussen die subskale van die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Lewensorientasievraelys, maar slegs enkele beduidende korrelasies tussen die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule. Die Lewensorientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule het egter beduidend gekorreleer. Die faktorontleding het getoon dat selfaktualisering aan die een kant, en gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid aan die ander kant as twee verskillende konstrukte van psigologiese optimaliteit beskou kan word. / The relationships between various conceptualisations of psychological optimisation are investigated. The concepts of self-actualisation (from a humanistic paradigm), sense of coherence and learned resourcefulness (from a salutogenesis paradigm) are relevant. The measuring instruments were the Personal Orientation Inventory (POl), the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) and the Self Control Schedule (SCS). They were administered by means of random sampling of 200 middle level managers in a semi-government organisation. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated and a factor analysis was done. Several significant correlations were obtained between the subscales of the POl and the OLQ, but limited correlations were found between the POl and the SCS. However, significant correlations between the OLQ and the SCS were apparent. The factor analysis demonstrated that self-actualisation on the one hand and sense of coherence as well as learned resourcefulness on the other hand may be regarded as two seperate constructs of psychological optimisation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Thesis (M.Com.)--Universiteit van Suid Afrika, 1994.

The needs of FET learners for personal well-being

Mothamaha, Lomile Victorian 28 February 2007 (has links)
Personal well-being is a state that involves feelings and thoughts. This concept is investigated in learning area Life Orientation and integrated in the curriculum as a learning outcome for Further Education and Training learners in grades 10-12. A literature study was done to discuss/clarify dimensions of personal well-being that is general subjective, psychological, social and spiritual well-being and mental health. Perspectives, theories, principles and features pertaining to well-being were investigated from an international and local context. An exploratory study used a qualitative approach to investigate and observe perceptions of a small sample of learners of personal well-being. Data gathering used focus groups which completed structured group work activities. The results indicate that learner participants have needs to be satisfied to reach a sense of personal well-being. Based on findings, recommendations regarding coping strategies, intervention strategies and support were made. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Psigometriese ondersoek na psigologiese optimaliteit

Visser, Chrisna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie ondersoek handel oor die psigometriese verwantskappe tussen verskeie konseptualiserings van psigologiese optimaliteit. Die konsepte selfaktualisering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk), gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese en salutogenesis paradigma) is vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek gekies. Die gekose meetinstrumente, naamlik die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys vir selfaktualisering, die Lewensorientasievraelys vir gevoel van koherensie en die Selfkontroleskedule vir aangeleerde vernuftigheid, is op 'n steekproef van 200 middelvlakbestuurders in 'n semi-staatsdiensorganisasie afgeneem. Pearsonkorrelasiekoeffisiente is bereken en 'n faktorontleding is gedoen. Daar is verskeie beduidende korrelasies verkry tussen die subskale van die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Lewensorientasievraelys, maar slegs enkele beduidende korrelasies tussen die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule. Die Lewensorientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule het egter beduidend gekorreleer. Die faktorontleding het getoon dat selfaktualisering aan die een kant, en gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid aan die ander kant as twee verskillende konstrukte van psigologiese optimaliteit beskou kan word. / The relationships between various conceptualisations of psychological optimisation are investigated. The concepts of self-actualisation (from a humanistic paradigm), sense of coherence and learned resourcefulness (from a salutogenesis paradigm) are relevant. The measuring instruments were the Personal Orientation Inventory (POl), the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) and the Self Control Schedule (SCS). They were administered by means of random sampling of 200 middle level managers in a semi-government organisation. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated and a factor analysis was done. Several significant correlations were obtained between the subscales of the POl and the OLQ, but limited correlations were found between the POl and the SCS. However, significant correlations between the OLQ and the SCS were apparent. The factor analysis demonstrated that self-actualisation on the one hand and sense of coherence as well as learned resourcefulness on the other hand may be regarded as two seperate constructs of psychological optimisation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Thesis (M.Com.)--Universiteit van Suid Afrika, 1994.

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