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Utommusikaliskt komponerande : Texten som konceptuell materialbankTudén, David January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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HTML5 på skrivbordet : En undersökning på Ida Infront / HTML5 on the desktopHalvarsson, Joel January 2015 (has links)
Webbapplikationer har ökat i antal och användning i synnerhet de senaste åren sen tillkomsten av HTML5 som simplifierat processen. Många desktopapplikationer idag är lämplig för en övergång till webb. Så är fallet hos Ida Infront, ett företag med en produkt, iipax, utvecklad i Java som de har för önskan att migrera till webbmiljö. iipax är bl.a. ärendehanterings- och informationssystem. Den här studien utforskar hur iipax skulle kunna utvecklas i webbmiljö och undersöker därför typiska egenskaper hos desktopapplikationer som kan prövas i en prototyp i webbmiljö. En prototyp kommer implementeras för att demonstrera funktioner i webbmiljö. För att kunna utvärdera prototypen utförs användbarhetstester för att studera beteenden mellan desktop och webb. Funktioner som är typiska för desktopapplikationer och relevant för iipax är bl. a. Drag and Drop, högermenyval, kortkommandon, visning och redigering av bilagor (dokument). I mån av tid utvecklades de funktioner/egenskaper som bedömdes mest komplex och ledde i sin tur till att studien fokuserade på filhantering (av bilagor för ärenden). Utöver funktioner så prövas också möjligheterna i responsiv webbdesign d.v.s. anpassning till olika skärmstorlekar och enheter. Användbarhetstesterna utfördes i två omgångar som agil återkoppling och visade en viss förvirring i liknelserna med en desktopapplikation. Resultatet tyder på att webbmiljöer kan behöva mer tydliga anvisningar i det grafiska gränssnittet när det gäller filhantering. Studien har för övrigt i stor utsträckning visat att applikationer som iipax är mycket lämplig för webbmiljö och är helt och hållet implementerbar. / Web applications have increased both in numbers and in use particularly in the last few years since the arrival of HTML5 which has simplified the process. Many desktop applications are candidates for a transition into web environment. As is the case at Ida Infront, a company with a product, iipax, developed in Java which they want to migrate into web environment. iipax is, among other things, a case management- and information system. This study explores how iipax could be developed in a web environment and therefore researches typical properties in desktop applications that can be prototyped in web environment. A prototype will be implemented to demonstrate features in a web environment. In order to evaluate the prototype, usability testing will be conducted to show certain differences between desktop and web. Features which are typical for desktop applications and relevant to iipax are, among other things, Drag and Drop, right click menus, keyboard shortcuts and display and editing of documents (attachments). In regard of time, the most complex features/properties were developed which led to the thesis focusing on file management (attachments in cases). Beyond features were possibilities in responsive web design tested i.e. adaption to different screen resolution and devices. Usability tests were conducted twice and part as agile feedback and the results indicated on certain confusion between the similarities with a desktop application. The results points toward the fact that web applications may need more instructions in the graphical user interface regarding file management. Otherwise the study has largely shown that applications such as iipax are very much suitable for web environment and is completely implementable.
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Övervakningsfunktion för en mätplattform för mätning i bil – erfarenhetsrapport från kandidatprojekt i programvaruutvecklingAndersson, Viktor, Berg, Emil, Bergsten, Emanuel, Classon, Johan, Fredriksson, Tony, Halldén, Max, Ljungberg, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport innehåller de samlade erfarenheterna från ett produktutvecklingsprojekt i kursen TDDD77 vid Linköpings universitet. Projektets mål var att skapa en applikation för att visualisera mätdata från en specialutrustad bil på en surfplatta. Detta var önskvärt då det inte fanns något sätt att se om någon sensor slutade fungera mitt i ett test. Projektet delades upp i en förstudie följd av tre iterationer, där en färdig produkt presenterades på en teknisk mässa i slutet av iteration 3. Resultaten visar att Essence Kernel Alpha States kunde användas som en hälsokontroll för projektet, men då de kunde ses som rätt vaga och lämnade rum för tolkning passade det bäst som ett komplement till exempelvis milstolpar. Att använda Google Protocol Buffers sågs som ett viktigt tekniskt val tillsammans med uppdelningen av klienten i front- och back-end. Protobuf underlättade kommunikationen mellan server och klient som annars krävt ett nyskapat protokoll. Uppdelningen av front- och back-end underlättade inte bara resursfördelningen vid utveckling utan även vid felsökning då det i många fall blev lättare att se precis var felet uppkom. Back-ends uppbyggnad gjorde även att den går att återanvända vid eventuell utveckling till flertalet plattformar. Den arbetsprocess som följdes ses som en hybrid mellan agila metoder och vattenfallsmodellen. Mycket erfarenhet finns att hämta från projektet, bland annat hur krav kan ändras och hur en prototyp kan styra mjukvaruutvecklingen åt rätt håll. På grund av att surfplattan distraherar användaren under körning av bil har designen utgått från att minimera interaktionen som krävs med surfplattan under mätning.
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Simulering av kyl- och värmesystem : -Analys av tre byggnader ovan jord vid slutförvaret för kortlivat radioaktivt avfall i Forsmark / Simulation of Heating and Cooling Demand : for Three Buildings Above Ground at the Final Repository for Short-Lived Radioactive WasteWendin, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) plan to expand their current final repository for short-lived radioactive waste. They also plan to replace the electric boilers with district heating and cooling. This report has focused on obtaining simulation results of the future energy- and efficiency demand for the buildings above ground. The software that was used to achieve this was the simulation tool IDA ICE. The simulation concluded in an yearly energy demand for the future facility which correspond to 610 MWh. The efficiency demand correspond to 390,8 kW for cooling and 685,6 kW for heating the facilities. Indications show that this result is somewhat low due to some inaccurate data, but also because the faicilities today tends to use more energy than is necessary.
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Energirenovering av en kulturhistoriskt värdefull byggnad med LCC-optimering : En fallstudie av Skylten i Linköping / Energy Refurbishment of a Culture Historical Building with LCC Optimization : A Case Study of Skylten in LinköpingTingström, Louise January 2017 (has links)
I dagsläget står bostads- och servicesektorn för cirka 40% av den totala slutliga energianvändningen i Sverige [1], vilket motsvarar utsläpp av cirka 6 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter [2]. Cirka 90% av denna energianvändning har sitt ursprung från hushåll och lokalbyggnader [1]. Eftersom Sveriges nationella klimatmål innefattar att utsläppen år 2020 ska minska med 40% jämfört med år 1990 [3] är det aktuellt att minska energianvändningen i byggnader. Det här examensarbetet har som syfte att ta fram åtgärdsförslag som bör realiseras vid renovering av en ändamålslokal med kulturhistoriskt värde. Åtgärdsförslag har därför tagits fram genom en livscykelkostnadsoptimering i OPERA-MILP. Eftersom det var känt att inomhustemperaturen sommartid ofta översteg normalt sett accepterad maxtemperatur (24°C [4]) har även åtgärdsförslag för ett förbättrat inomhusklimat undersökts. Byggnaden i dagsläget, en planerad renovering samt en livscykelkostnadsoptimerad byggnad har modellerats i IDA-ICE för att simulera energiflöden och inomhusklimat. Modellen av byggnaden i dagsläget resulterade i ett fjärrvärmebehov på cirka 120 000 kWh under ett år, vilket är en avvikelse med 6% mot historisk fjärrvärmedata. Den planerade renoveringen fick ett ökat behov med cirka 5 000 kWh på grund av att källaren kommer att värmas upp. Livscykelkostnadsoptimeringen i OPERA-MILP gav följande åtgärder: byte till energiglas och vindbjälksisolering på 14 cm. Dessa åtgärder minskade fjärrvärmebehovet med cirka 2 000 kWh jämfört med den planerade renoveringen, vilket innebär att behovet fortfarande är större än i dagsläget. Den specifika energianvändningen minskade dock något då den gick från 114 kWh/(m2, år) till 100 kWh/(m2, år), vilket beror på den ökade tempererade arean och de energibesparande åtgärderna. Vid simulering av modellerna sågs att byggnaderna var överhettade sommartid. Därför undersöktes inre solavskärmning, fjärrkyla, ventilationsstyrning och olika ventilationstyper. Fjärrkyla resulterade i ett behagligt inomhusklimat med en driftskostnad på cirka 4 000 sek årligen. Slutligen simulerades en kombination av olika åtgärder vilket resulterade i ett minskat fjärrvärmebehov med cirka 13 000 kWh jämfört med dagsläget och en specifik energianvändning på 88 kWh/(m2, år). Detta gjordes genom att kombinera de livscykelkostnadsoptimerade åtgärderna med tätning, fjärrkyla samt närvarostyrd ventilation. / As of today, the housing and service sector stands for about 40% of the total net energy use in Sweden [1], which equal emissions of about 60 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents [2]. About 90% of this energy use originates from households and facilities [1]. Since Sweden's national climate goal includes that the emissions year 2020 should be reduced by 40% in comparison with year 1990 [3] it is up-to-date to reduce the energy use in buildings. This master's thesis aims to develop measure proposals that should be implemented during refurbishment of a facility with a cultural-historical value. Measures has therefore been proposed by a life cycle cost optimization in OPERA-MILP. Since it was known that the indoor temperature during summer reaches over the normally accepted maximum temperature (24°C [4]), indoor climate improving measures has also been investigated. The building of today, the planned refurbished building and the life cycle cost optimized building has been modeled in IDA-ICE to simulate the energy flows and indoor climate. The model of the building of today resulted in a district heating requirement of about 120 000 kWh per year, which is a variation of 6% in comparison to historical district heating data. The planned refurbishment got an increased requirement of about 5 000 kWh due to the fact that the basement will be heated. The life cycle cost optimization in OPERA-MILP gave the following measures: change to energy glas and 14 cm insulation in the attic. These measures decreased the district heating requirement with about 2 000 kWh in comparison with the planned refurbishment, which means that the requirement is still larger than the requirement of the building of today. However, the specific energy use decreased as it went from 114 kWh/(m2, year) to 100 kWh/(m2, year), due to the increased heated area and the energy saving measures. In simulation of the models it was seen that the buildings were overheated during summer. Therefore blinds, district cooling, ventilation controlling and ventilation types were investigated. District cooling resulted in a pleasant indoor climate with an operation cost of about 4 000 sek yearly. Lastly, a combination of different measures were simulated which resulted in a decreased district heating use of about 13 000 kWh compared to the model of today and a specific energy use of 88 kWh/(m2, year). This was done by combining the optimal life cycle cost measures with sealing, district cooling and presence controlled ventilation.
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The impact of building orientation on energy usage : Using simulation software IDA ICE 4.7.1Martin, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The building sector consumes 32% of global energy used, and it is responsible for 20% of total greenhouse gases emissions. In Europe, more than one third of the buildings are 50 years or older, thus, it is critical that new dwellings are designed in the most efficient way from an energy perspective, since the consequences of the decisions taken today will remain during decades. The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) software is promising for the design of a wide range of constructions; from small dwellings to big apartment buildings. These programs allow the architect, designer or civil consultant to perform several simulations of the energy behavior of a building in a timely manner, even before a single brick is put in place. Among them, IDA ICE software utilized in this thesis is a top rated program, situated by some authors within the four main building energy simulation tools. This is an outstanding fact considering that it is estimated in more than 400 the number of available BIM programs. With the help of IDA ICE it will be demonstrated that for a dwelling object of study, located in Madrid (Spain), it is possible to save up to 4 250€ through the entire life of the building if the proper orientation is chosen. The discussed literature and results will also show that orientation is, by far, the most critical passive design parameter related to a building, from which the efficacy of other related measures depends on. It will be also proven that the optimal orientation depends on the weather where the dwelling is located, even though a general trend consisting in orienting the houses located in the northern hemisphere to the south, and vice versa, is observed. Building orientation, BIM programs, building energy consumption, passive design parameters, IDA-ICE simulation tool.
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Modelling and assessment of energy performance with IDA ICE for a 1960's Mid-Sweden multi-family apartment block houseArnaiz Remiro, Lierni January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis has been carried out during the spring of 2017 on behalf of Gavlegårdarna AB. This is a public housing company in Gävle (Sweden) which is a large energy consumer, over 200 million SEK per year, and has the ambitious goal of reduce its energy consumption by 20 % between 2009 and 2020. Many multi-family apartment blocks were built during the "million programme" in the 60’s and 70’s when thermal comfort was the priority and not the energy saving. Nevertheless, this perspective has changed and old buildings from that time have been retrofitted lately, but there are many left still. In fact, one of these buildings will be retrofitted in the near future so a valid model is needed to study the energy saving measures to be taken. The aim of this thesis is to get through a calibration process to obtain a reliable and valid model in the building simulation program IDA ICE 4.7.1. Once this has been achieved it will be possible to carry out the building’s energy performance assessment. IDA ICE has shown some limitations in terms of thermal bridges which has accounted for almost 15 % of total transmission heat losses. For this reason, it is important to make a detailed evaluation of certain joints between elements for which heat losses are abundant. COMSOL Multiphysics® finite element software has been used to calculate these transmittances and then use them as input to IDA ICE to carry out the simulation. Through an evidence-based methodology, although with some sources of uncertainty, such as, occupants’ behaviour and air infiltration, a valid model has been obtained getting almost the same energy use for space heating than actual consumption with an error of 4% (Once the standard value of 4 kWh/m2 for the estimation of energy use in apartments' airing has been added). The following two values have been introduced to IDA ICE: household electricity and the energy required for heating the measured volume of tap water from 5 °C to 55 °C. Assuming a 16 % of heat losses in the domestic hot water circuit, which means that part of the heat coming from hot water heats up the building. This results in a lower energy supply for heating than the demanded value from IDA ICE. Main heat losses have been through transmission and infiltration or openings. Windows account 11.4 % of the building's envelope, thus the losses through the windows has supposed more than 50 % of the total transmission losses. Regarding thermal comfort, the simulation shows an average Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) of 12 % in the worst apartment. However, the actual value could be considerably lower since the act of airing the apartments has not been taken into account in the simulation as well as the strong sun's irradiation in summer which can be avoided by windows shading. So, it could be considered an acceptable level of discomfort. To meet the National Board of Housing Building and Planning, (Boverket) requirements for new or rehabilitated buildings, several measures should be taken to improve the average thermal transmittance and reduce the specific energy use. Among the energy saving measures it might be interesting replace the windows to 3 pane glazing, improve the ventilation system to heat recovery unit, seal the joints and intersections where thermal bridges might be or add more insulation in the building’s envelope.
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Varsam solavskärmning med fönsterfolie : En fallstudie som simuleras i IDA ICE avseende termisk komfortRosendahl, Karl-Magnus, Vedin, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The buildings included in Sweden's old building stock rarely meet the requirements of authorities regarding the indoor environment or energy consumption. Since they are often designed with self-draught ventilation, the cost of switching to mechanical ventilation is high. The windows in the building receives poorer values in terms of u- values, g-values, etc. than produced windows do today, which negatively affects the thermal comfort of people staying in the indoor environment. This case study examines the thermal comfort of two hotel rooms at Elite Grand Hotel since guests experience the hotel rooms in a southerly direction as warm during the summertime. This is due to the direct solar radiation that affects the thermal comfort in negative term. By simulating the building in IDA ICE and comparing hotel rooms with the same design and location on its windows, a room with existing properties is examined with respect to the window and a room where the characteristics of the window have been modified with the window film 3M Prestige 70. According to the manufacturer, this window foil is to reduce the heat from the solar radiation, which can lead to a better thermal comfort for hotel guests. The results of the simulations showed that the 3M Prestige 70 window foil reduced the heat from the solar radiation while improving the thermal comfort of the hotel room. Even during the warmest simulated days, the room is perceived as neutral/just right for an applied window foil when it without foil is perceived as warm. After comparing the installation of window foil and window change, it separated about 716 000 SEK for one floor to the advantage of the window foil. Key words: Thermal comfort, IDA-ICE, window foil, simulations.
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Energy Performance of Dynamic Windows in Different Climates / Energiprestanda för dynamiska fönster under olika klimatförhållandenReynisson, Hannes January 2015 (has links)
The European Union (EU) has expressed determination of reducing its energy consumption and the EU’s 2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive states that all new buildings must be nearly zero energy by the end of the year 2020. Dynamic or “smart” windows have been shown to be able to reduce HVAC energy consumption, lighting energy and peek cooling loads in hot climates in the US but it is difficult to find any work concerned with colder climates. This study is intended to capture the performance of dynamic windows in a variety of European climates to explore potential contributions to reaching the EU’s energy goals. The building energy simulations of this study have been conducted in IDA ICE for an office section with a large window. Three model variants are compared: without a window shading, with an external window blind and with a dynamic window. This comparison is repeated for six different locations; Kiruna, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Paris and Madrid. The results of this study show that the dynamic window can reduce the total consumed energy for lighting, heating and cooling in the range of 10%-30% more than the external blind, depending on location. The reduction is 50%-75% when compared to the unshaded window. This level of performance can move Europe a step closer to zero energy buildings.
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Analysis of building energy use and evaluation of long-term borehole storage temperature : Study of the new ferry terminal at Värtahamnen, SwedenKauppinen, Robin January 2015 (has links)
In 2013, Stockholms Hamnar began a development project for Värtahamnen, one of Stockholms most important harbors, and also decided to build a new ferry terminal that is better suited to meet the increasing capacity demand. The new terminal will feature a borehole storage that will be used to cover the building’s heating and cooling demands. The boreholes have already been drilled and currently the construction of the building is being planned. The overall objective of this project is to study the new terminal and its borehole storage regarding certain input parameters (such as internal heat gains and the U-value of windows) that affect the building’s annual heating and cooling demands, as well as long-term temperature of the borehole storage. To do this, two modeling programs are used: IDA ICE and EED (Earth Energy Designer). The project focuses on three main parts. Part one is a sensitivity analysis of internal loads and construction specific parameters that shows how a variation in these affects the heating and cooling demands. To accomplish this, several models are created and simulated in IDA ICE. In part two, the long-term ground temperature is studied for two of the models analyzed in part one. This is done in both IDA (through a new borehole module) and EED, followed by a comparison of these results. The last part presents the possible amount of free cooling that can be taken from the ground. This estimation is made through simulations in EED, using altered load profiles of the two previously mentioned models. Additionally, this part covers the effects of a changed borehole configuration (number of boreholes, depth, layout, etc.). The results of the first part (the sensitivity analysis) show that there is a rather large variation in annual heating and cooling demands depending on what approach is used for estimating a reasonable amount of internal loads. One way to do this is to first determine the maximum possible load in each zone and then, when simulating the annual energy demand, reduce the total load in the whole building by a certain factor. Another approach is to, from the start of the building modeling, more accurately try to estimate the average amount of internal loads in each zone. In the second part, due to unbalanced load profiles for both analyzed models, the temperature of the borehole storage will increase over time if there is no limitation of the amount of cooling taken from the ground. The results of IDA generally agree with those of EED. In the last part of the project it is shown that a thermally more favorable borehole installation could increase the relative amount of free cooling from the ground, compared to the current installation.
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