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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstrukce simulátoru kyčelního kloubu / Design of hip joint simulator

Žonda, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The master's thesis is concerned with design and execution of an experimental acetabulofemoral joint simulator. Its primary use is the study of lubrication film thickness in hip implants. The work first describes available hip joint simulators, which simulate particular joint positions. Next, the thesis proposes author’s own designs and solutions. The result is a produced device allowing for dynamic change of load in simulation of hip joint flexion and extension as set by ISO standard. Contact is recorded by an optical apparatus composed of a high-speed camera and a microscope. The work also includes the initial testing experiment and the complete design documentation of the device including electrical wiring diagrams.

Konstrukce odměřovacího systému pro systém reaktivního iontového leptání / Mechanical design of measurement system for reactive ion etching system

Maňka, Tadeáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design fully working measuring system for the reactive ion etching system (RIE). The Michelson interfometer, previously developed in Ústav přístrojové techniky, v.v.i., is used in this work. The theoretical part is aimed at description of interferometric methods for precise measuring of length. In next part the etching proces with RIE is described. In practical part the testing system was constructed from the parts of Thorlabs company . The functionality was controlled with this system and the results of measuring were compared with the profilometer. In next step technical drawings were created and the whole system was made.

The Effect of Synovial Fluid Constituents on Lubrication of Hip Joint Replacements / The Effect of Synovial Fluid Constituents on Lubrication of Hip Joint Replacements

Nečas, David January 2016 (has links)
Dizertační práce se zabývá mechanismy mazání v náhradách kyčelního kloubu. Byla provedena systematická studie formování proteinového filmu při zahrnutí různých materiálů a provozních podmínek. Hlavní pozornost je přitom věnována roli jednotlivých proteinů obsažených v synoviální kapalině při současné přítomnosti dalších proteinů. Jelikož metody aplikované v předchozích studiích neumožňovaly separovat jednotlivé složky maziva, byla vyvinuta optická měřící metoda na principu fluorescenční mikroskopie. Z důvodu verifikace metody byly provedeny dvě nezávislé studie zaměřené na měření tloušťky mazacího filmu a dělení maziva na výstupu mazaného kontaktu. Z důvodu určitých limitací fluorescenční mikroskopie byla dále využita i metoda optické interferometrie, jejíž využití je ilustrováno ve studii zabývající se formováním mazacího filmu v náhradách kyčelního klubu při uvažování reálné konformity třecích povrchů. Závěrečná část práce představuje nový metodologický přístup založený na in situ pozorování kontaktní oblasti umožňující popsat roli jednotlivých proteinů ve vztahu k vývoji tloušťky mazacího filmu. Práce obsahuje originální výsledky, které přináší nové poznání v oblasti biotribologie náhrad kyčelního kloubu vedoucí k dalšímu vývoji implantátů při snaze zabránit jejich selhání v důsledku omezené životnosti.

Automatizované procedury pro Koherencí řízený holografický mikroskop / Automated Procedures for Coherence Controlled Holographic Microscope

Dostál, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
Coherence-Controlled Holographic Microscope (CCHM) and a Fluorescence Holographic Microscope (FHM) were developed particularly for quantitative phase imaging and measurement of live cell dynamics, which used to be a subject of digital holographic microscopy (DHM). CCHM and FHM in low-coherence mode extend capabilities of DHM in the study of living cells. However, this advantage following from the use of low coherence is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the system to its correct alignment. Therefore, the introduction of an automatic self-correcting system is inevitable. Accordingly, in the thesis, the theory of a suitable control system is derived and the design of an automated alignment system for both microscopes is proposed and experimentally proved. The holographic signal was identified as a significant variable for guiding the alignment procedures. On this basis the original basic realignment algorithms were proposed, which encompasses the processes for initial and advanced alignment as well as for long-term maintenance of the microscope aligned state. Automated procedures were implemented in both microscopes unique set of robotic mechanisms designed and built within the frame of the thesis work. All of the procedures described in the thesis were in real experimentally proved at real microscopes in the experimental biophotonics laboratory. In addition, the control software, which contains the needed automated procedures, was developed for FHM.

Caractérisation 3D d’un nuage de particules par imagerie interférométrique de Fourier : positions relatives 3D, tailles et indices de réfraction / 3D characterization of a cloud of particles by Fourier interferometric imaging : 3D relative positions, sizes and refractive indices

Briard, Paul 05 December 2012 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, je propose une nouvelle technique optique de mesure de positions relatives 3D, tailles et indices de réfraction d’un ensemble de particules, éclairées par un faisceau laser plan pulsé : l’imagerie interférométrique de Fourier (FII). Dans le cadre de ce travail, les particules sont sphériques, homogènes transparentes et isotropes. Lorsque ces particules sont éclairées, elles se comportent comme des sources d’ondes lumineuses sphériques qui interférent entre elles. L’enregistrement des franges d’interférences et leur analyse par transformation de Fourier peut permettre d’accéder aux caractéristiques des particules. Dans ce mémoire, je décris l’influence des caractéristiques de particules sur les représentations spectrales des franges d’interférences crées par les couples de particules éclairées dans l’espace de Fourier 2D. Les franges d’interférences sont simulées numériquement en utilisant la théorie de Lorenz-Mie. Puis j’aborde le problème inverse en montrant comment il est possible de retrouver les caractéristiques des particules, en me servant de l’optique géométrique et du filtrage spatial par transformation de Fourier. / In this thesis, I propose a new optical technique for measuring 3D relative positions, sizes and refractive indices of a set of particles, which are illuminated by a plane and pulsed laser beam. In this work, the particles are spherical, transparent, homogeneous and isotropic. When these particles are illuminated, they have the behavior of sources of spherical light waves which interfere. The recording of interference fringes and analysisby Fourier transform can measure the characteristics of the particles. I describe the influence of particle characteristics on spectral representations of the interference fringes created by the pairs of particles illuminated in 2D Fourier space. The interference fringes are simulated numerically using the Lorenz-Mietheory. The inverse problem is approached by showing how it is possible to measure the characteristics of particles with geometrical optics and spatial filtering by Fourier transformation.

Demodulação digital usando sinais em quadratura e controle de fase óptica aplicada a um vibrômetro baseado em um interferômetro de Michelson modificado /

Gálvez Límaco, Ángel Manuel January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudio Kitano / Resumo: Nesta dissertação de mestrado é apresentado um vibrômetro para a medição de deslocamentos nanométricos. O vibrômetro proposto está baseado em um interferômetro de Michelson modificado, homódino e em malha fechada. A demodulação em tempo real é executada inteiramente em modo digital, utilizando uma plataforma embarcada que realiza a aquisição de dados, processamento dos sinais, controle PI (proporcional-integral) e a geração dos sinais que acionam o modulador de fase óptica (baseado em uma célula Pockels) e o atuador piezoelétrico sob estudo. Dois sinais em quadratura de fase são obtidos a partir de um único sinal interferométrico utilizando uma tensão de modulação principal e, em seguida, a conhecida técnica de multiplicação cruzada é aplicada para calcular a variação da fase óptica de interesse. A condição de quadratura é atingida pelo próprio controlador PI por meio da análise da figura de Lissajous dos sinais fora de fase. O novo vibrômetro óptico é capaz de medir deslocamentos nanométricos, e é simples, barato, exato, imune ao desvanecimento e auto-consistente. O controlador PI é robusto, uma vez que o método de demodulação é capaz de trabalhar com elevado ruído eletrônico, variações indesejáveis no ganho do amplificador e na tensão de meia-onda da célula Pockels com a temperatura e outras perturbações externas. O novo sistema foi utilizado para determinar a magnitude da resposta em frequência de dois protótipos de atuadores piezoelétricos flextensionais multiatuados. As ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: A vibrometer to measure nanometric displacements is presented in this work. The proposed vibrometer is based on a modified closed loop homodyne Michelson interferometer. Real-time phase demodulation is carried out entirely in a digital mode, using an embedded platform that performs data acquisition, signal processing, PI (proportional-integral) control and the generation of signals that drive the electrooptic Pockels cell phase shifter and the piezoelectric actuator under test. Two phase quadrature signals are generated from a single interferometric output, using the interleaving action, in alternation, of a digitally generated principal modulating signal, and then the well-known cross-multiplication technique is applied to perform the computation of the phase shift of interest. The quadrature condition is reached by the PI control itself, using the length difference between the major axis and the minor axis of the ellipse formed by the Lissajous figure associated with the out of phase signals as the controller error signal. The new optical vibrometer is capable of measuring nanometric displacements, and is simple, inexpensive, accurate, immune to fading and self-consistent. The PI controller is robust, since the demodulation method is able to work under high electronic noise, undesirable variations in Pockels cell half-wave voltage with temperature, amplifier gain and other external entrances. The new method was used to determine the displacement frequency response curves of... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Apport des structures ridge pour la détection et l’interférométrie à conversion de fréquence MIR en régime de comptage de photons / Contribution of ridge waveguides for MIR upconversion detection and interferometry in photon counting regime

Lehmann, Lucien 21 November 2019 (has links)
La détection faible flux dans le moyen infrarouge (MIR) est fortement pénalisée par le rayonnement thermique de l’environnement. La principale solution à ce problème consiste à cryogéniser la plus grande partie possible de la chaîne de détection. Cette méthode atteint ses limites pour certaines applications,notamment l’imagerie haute résolution en astronomie par méthode interférométrique. Une solution alternative consiste à utiliser le processus non linéaire de somme de fréquences pour convertir ce rayonnement moyen infrarouge vers des domaines de longueur d’onde où les détecteurs ne sont plus limités par le rayonnement de l’environnement et fonctionnent efficacement en régime de comptage de photons. Les travaux effectués au cours ces trois années sont le prolongement direct de plus d’une décennie de recherche pour la détection et l’interférométrie par conversion de fréquence. Ils s’inscrivent dans la continuité des travaux de thèses de L. Szemendera et de P. Darré, ayant, pour l’un, posé les premières pierres de l’interférométrie par conversion de fréquence dans le MIR et, pour l’autre, démontré la possibilité d’utiliser cette technique sur le ciel à1550 nmen tirant parti de la technologie de guidage ridge. Cette thèse constitue donc la jonction fructueuse de ces travaux antérieurs, rendue possible par une collaboration avec l’institut Femto-ST. L’utilisation de leurs guides PPLN ridge nous a permis de nous placer au niveau de l’état de l’art pour la détection par conversion de fréquence dans le MIR (3,5 μm)avec des démonstrations expérimentales à la fois en laboratoire et sur le ciel (C2PU). Intégrée à un interféromètre à conversion de fréquence à ces mêmes longueurs d’onde, elle a également permis d’en améliorer significativement les performances et la répétabilité de cette technique, principalement dans le cas d’une source spectralement large bande. Parallèlement, notre collaboration avec le réseau de télescopes CHARA, nous a offert l’opportunité d’étudier les problématiques soulevées par une future mise en œuvre de l’instrument sur ce site. / Low flux detection in the mid infrared (MIR) is strongly penalized by thermal radiation from the environment. The main solution to this problem is to cryogenize as much of the detection chain as possible.This method is reaching its limits for some applications, including high-resolution imaging in astronomy using interferometric methods. An alternative solution is to use the non-linear process of sum frequency generation to convert this mid infrared radiation to wave length domains where detectors are no longer limited by the radiation from environment and operate efficiently in photon counting regime.The work over these three years is part of more than a decade of research into up-conversion detection and interferometry. It is the expansion of the these works of L. Szemendera and P. Darré. The first one laid the fondation of the up-conversion interferometry in the MIR and the second one demonstrated the possibility of using this technique on the sky at 1550 nm by benefiting from the ridge waveguide technology.Thus, this thesis constitutes the fruitful junction of these earlier works, made possible by a collaboration with the Femto-ST Institute. The use of their PPLN ridge waveguides has enabled us to place ourselves at the state of the art for up-conversion detection in the MIR (3,5 μm) with experimental demonstrations both in the laboratory and on the sky (C2PU). Integrated into a up-conversion interferometer at these same wave lengths, it has also significantly improved the performance and repeatability of this technique,in particular in the case of a spectrally broadband source. At the same time, our collaboration with the CHARA telescope array gave us the opportunity to study the problems raised by a future implementation of the instrument on this site.

L'interféromètre à somme de fréquences ALOHA en bande H : Des tests en laboratoire jusqu'aux premières franges sur le ciel / The upconversion interferometer ALOHA operating in H band : From the laboratory to the first on-sky

Darré, Pascaline 29 September 2016 (has links)
La technique de l'interférométrie en astronomie permet d'observer des objets avec une haute résolution angulaire comparativement à l'utilisation d'un unique télescope. L'observation dans l'infrarouge moyen représente aujourd'hui un enjeu en interférométrie notamment pour l'étude des noyaux actifs de galaxie ou de la formation des planètes. Cependant ce domaine spectral est particulièrement contraignant puisqu'il est soumis à l'émission propre des éléments optiques de l'instrument mais également de l'atmosphère. Ce manuscrit développe les travaux effectués sur un nouvel instrument utilisant un processus de conversion de fréquence pour transposer le rayonnement infrarouge vers un domaine spectral permettant de s'affranchir de l'émission propres des optiques. Un prototype fonctionnant dans le proche infrarouge à 1,55 µm et convertissant, via une processus de somme de fréquences, le rayonnement dans le domaine visible autour de 630 nm grâce à une pompe intense à 1064 nm, a été mis en place pour démontrer, en laboratoire, le principe de cette solution innovante notamment dans le cadre de l'analyse de la cohérence spatiale d'un corps noir. L'objectif est maintenant de démontrer la capacité de l'instrument à détecter un objet réel. J'introduis dans cette thèse les notions théoriques essentielles à la compréhension des travaux présentés pour ensuite détailler le fonctionnement de l'instrument et les éléments d'amélioration apportés, notamment en terme de transmission, au cours de ma thèse. Les études préliminaires en laboratoire du comportement de l'instrument ont permis d'aboutir aux premières franges sur le ciel en utilisant la plus petite base (34 m) du réseau interférométrique CHARA et de rechercher la magnitude limite de l'instrument. L'utilisation du processus de conversion de fréquence a pour conséquence de filtrer le spectre converti. Ainsi dans la configuration actuelle de l'interféromètre, seul 0,6 nm du spectre infrarouge en entrée du cristal est converti à travers le processus de SFG. Afin d'augmenter la sensibilité, une solution est de créer plusieurs processus de SFG simultanément dans chaque étage de conversion afin d'échantillonner le spectre infrarouge converti. Cette solution requiert d'utiliser plusieurs sources de pompe indépendantes qui vont créer des systèmes de franges incohérents. Je présente l'analyse de la cohérence temporelle d'une source infrarouge large bande convertie via l'utilisation de deux sources de pompe et un moyen de synchroniser les différents systèmes de franges afin de maximiser le contraste. / Interferometry is an instrumental technique suitable to perform astronomical observations at high angular resolution. Currently, the mid-infrared spectral domain is a real issue for the astronomical interferometry to characterize astronomical objects such as proto-planetary discs or active galactic nuclei. However, this spectral domain is subject to a large thermal background emission from the instrument and from the sky. This manuscript describes an innovative instrument using a nonlinear process of sum frequency generation to convert the mid-infrared radiation to a shorter wavelength domain where the thermal emission from the instrument is negligible. A prototype operating in the near-infrared at 1.55 µm and converting the radiation in the visible domain at 630 nm thanks to a strong pump at 1064 nm has already demonstrated its ability to analyse spatial coherence of a blackbody source. The present goal is to demonstrate its ability to detect an object on the sky. In this manuscript I introduce theoritical concepts necessary for an understanding of the overall operation of the instrument. Then, I describe the main improvements provided in this thesis, in particular concerning the instrumental transmission. The preliminary studies of the instrument operation resulted in the first on-sky fringes on the CHARA array and enabled to determine its limiting magnitude. The upconversion process acts as a filter on the converted spectrum. In the current instrumental configuration, only 0.6 nm of the input infrared spectrum is converted through the SFG process. For the purpose of increasing the instrumental sensitivity, we propose to sample the infrared spectrum by using several independent pump laser lines thus creating different incoherent fringe patterns. I present the temporal coherence analysis of a broadband infrared source converted by a dual-line pump laser and a method to synchronize the different fringe patterns to insure a maximum value of the contrast.

Observation of dynamic processes with seismic interferometry

Gassenmeier, Martina 14 April 2016 (has links)
In this study, seismic interferometry is used to analyze dynamic processes in the Earth’s shallow subsurface caused by environmental processes and ground shaking. In the first part of the thesis, the feasibility of a passive monitoring with ambient seismic noise at the pilot site for CO2 injection in Ketzin is investigated. Monitoring the expansion of the CO2 plume is essential for the characterization of the reservoir as well as the detection of potential leakage. From June 2008 until August 2013, more than 67000 tons of CO2 were injected into a saline aquifer at a depth of about 650 m. Passive seismic data recorded at a seismic network around the injection site was cross-correlated in a frequency range of 0.5-4.5 Hz over a period of 4 years. The frequency band of 0.5-0.9 Hz, in which surface waves exhibit a high sensitivity at the depth of the reservoir, is not suitable for monitoring purposes as it is only weakly excited. In a frequency range of 1.5-3 Hz, periodic velocity variations with a period of approximately one year are found that cannot be caused by the CO2 injection. The prominent propagation direction of the noise wave field indicates a wind farm as the dominant source providing the temporally stable noise field. This spacial stability excludes variations of the noise source distribution as a spurious cause of velocity variations. Based on an amplitude decrease associated with time windows towards later parts of the coda, the variations must be generated in the shallow subsurface. A comparison to groundwater level data reveals a direct correlation between depth of the groundwater level and the seismic velocity. The influence of ground frost on the seismic velocities is documented by a sharp increase of velocity when the maximum daily temperature stays below 0 C. Although the observed periodic changes and the changes due to ground frost affect only the shallow subsurface, they mask potential signals of material changes from the reservoir depths. To investigate temporal seismic velocity changes due to earthquake-related processes and environmental forcing in northern Chile, 8 years of ambient seismic noise recorded by the Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) are analyzed. By autocorrelating the ambient seismic noise field, approximations of the Green’s functions are retrieved and velocity changes are measured with Coda Wave Interferometry. At station PATCX, seasonal changes of seismic velocity caused by thermal stress as well as transient velocity reductions are observed in the frequency range of 4-6 Hz. Sudden velocity drops occur at times of mostly earthquake-induced ground describing the seismic velocity variations based on continuous observations of the local ground acceleration. The model assumes that not only the shaking of large earthquakes causes velocity drops, but any small vibrations continuously induce minor velocity variations that are immediately compensated by healing in the steady state. The shaking effect is accumulated over time and best described by the integrated envelope of the ground acceleration over one day, which is the temporal resolution of the velocity measurements. In the model, the amplitude of the velocity reduction as well as the recovery time are proportional to the strength of the excitation. The increase of coseismic velocity change and recovery time with increasing excitation is confirmed by laboratory tests with ultrasound. Despite having only two free scaling parameters, the model fits the data of the shaking-induced velocity variation in remarkable detail. Additionally, a linear trend is observed that might be related to a recovery process from one or more earthquakes before the measurement period. A clear relationship between ground shaking and induced velocity reductions is not visible at other stations. The outstanding sensitivity of PATCX to ground shaking and thermal stress can be attributed to the special geological setting of the station, where the subsurface material consists of a relatively loose conglomerate with high pore volume leading to stronger nonlinearity compared to the other IPOC stations. / In dieser Studie werden mit Hilfe von seismischer Interferometrie kleinste dynamische Prozesse in der Erdkruste beobachtet, welche beispielsweise durch umweltbedingte oder anthropogene Einflüsse sowie Bodenerschütterungen hervorgerufen werden können. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Änderungen in der seismischen Geschwindigkeit am Pilotstandort für CO2-Speicherung in Ketzin untersucht. In einer Tiefe von 650m wurden dort zwischen Juni 2008 und August 2013 über 67000 Tonnen CO2 eingelagert. In einem Frequenzbereich vom 0,05-4,5 Hz wurden Kreuzkorrelationen des seismischen Hintergrundrauschens an einem kleinräumigen Netzwerk über einen Zeitraum von 4 Jahren berechnet. Der Frequenzbereich zwischen 0,5 und 0,9 Hz weist eine hohe Sensitivität von Oberflächenwellen in der Tiefe des Reservoirs auf, ist aber nur sehr schwach angeregt und eignet sich deswegen nicht für die Analyse. In einem Frequenzbereich von 1,5-3 Hz zeigen sich periodische Geschwindigkeitsänderungen mit einer Periode von einem Jahr, welche nicht durch die Einlagerung von CO2 erzeugt werden können. Eine Analyse des seismischen Hintergrundrauschens zeigt, dass dieses über den gesamten Zeitraum hinweg hauptsächlich aus der Richtung eines Windparks kommt. Durch die Stabilität des Wellenfeldes können Änderungen in den Quellpositionen, welche sich in scheinbaren Geschwindigkeitsänderungen zeigen können, ausgeschlossen werden. Eine Amplitudenabnahme der Geschwindigkeitsänderungen hin zu späteren Zeitfenstern in der Coda lässt auf oberflächennahe Prozesse als Ursache schließen. Ein Vergleich zwischen den jährlichen Geschwindigkeitsänderungen mit Schwankungen im Grundwasserspiegel zeigt eine direkte Korrelation. Ein sprunghafter Anstieg in der Geschwindigkeit zeigt sich im Winter, wenn die Tageshöchsttemperaturen unter den Gefrierpunkt sinken und der Boden zufriert. Obwohl Bodenfrost und Änderungen im Grundwasserspiegel nur einen sehr oberflächennahen Bereich betreffen, so überdecken sie dennoch mögliche Signale durch die Einlagerung von CO2. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Geschwindigkeitsänderungen in Nordchile untersucht, welche durch erdbebeninduzierte Prozesse und umweltbedingte Einflüsse hervorgerufen werden. Dazu wurden über einen Zeitraum von 8 Jahren Autokorrelationen des seismischen Hintergrundrauschens des IPOC Netzwerkes (Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile) berechnet und mit seismischer Interferometrie ausgewertet. An der Station PATCX können in einem Frequenzbereich von 4-6 Hz periodische Geschwindigkeitsänderungen beobachet werden, welche durch thermisch induzierte Dehnung hervorgerufen werden. Außerdem treten transiente Geschwindigkeitsabnamen nach Bodenerschütterungen auf, welche hauptsächlich von Erdbeben verursacht werden. Die seismische Geschwindigkeit kehrt daraufhin langsam wieder auf ihr vorheriges Niveau zurück. Für die Geschwindigkeitsänderungen wurde ein empirisches Modell entwickelt, welches auf Messungen der lokalen Bodenerschütterung basiert. Dabei wird angenommen, dass nicht nur große erdbebeninduzierte, sondern auch kleinste Bodenerschütterungen einen Abfall der Geschwindigkeit erzeugen, welche wiederum innerhalb kürzester Zeit durch Heilung in den Gleichgewichtszustand zurückkehrt. Dabei summieren sich die Effekte durch die Bodenerschütterungen mit der Zeit auf und werden am besten mit dem Integral der lokalen Bodenbeschleunigung über die Messwerte eines Tages beschrieben. Die Diskretisierung von einem Tag entspricht der zeitlichen Auflösung in der Messung der Geschwindigkeitsänderungen. Sowohl die Amplitude der Geschwindigkeitsabnahme als auch die Zeit bis der Gleichgewichtszustand wieder erreicht ist (Heilungszeit) werden im Modell als proportinal zur Größe der Anregung angenommen. Eine Korrelation der Heilungszeit und der Amplitude der koseismischen Geschwindigkeitsabnahme mit der Größe der Anregung konnte mit Hilfe von Laboruntersuchungen mit Ultraschall bestätigt werden. Mit nur zwei Parametern beschreibt das Modell die transienten Geschwindigkeitsänderungen in bemerkenswerter Genauigkeit. Desweiteren beinhaltet das Modell einen linearen Verlauf in den Geschwindigkeitsänderungen, welcher vermutlich durch einen Heilungsprozess hervorgerufen wird, der auf ein oder mehrere Erdbeben vor dem Messzeitraum folgte. Eine Beziehung zwischen Bodenerschütterung und Geschwindigkeitsänderung ist an anderen Stationen des IPOC Netzwerkes nicht erkennbar. Die herausragende Sensitivität von PATCX im Hinblick auf Bodenerschütterung und thermische Dehnung kann den speziellen geologischen Gegebenheiten an der Station zugeschrieben werden. Bei dem dort vorliegenden Material handelt es sich um ein relativ loses Konglomerat mit großem Porenvolumen, welches ein starkes nichtlineares Verhalten aufweist, was an anderen IPOC Stationen nicht zu erwarten ist.

Rozložení zdrojů šumu zaznamenaných stanicemi sítě WEBNET a rychlostní model šíření S-vln ve svrchní kůře seismoaktivní oblasti západních Čech získaný na základě seismické interferometrie. / Distribution of noise sources recorded by the WEBNET network and the uppermost S-wave velocity model in the West Bohemia seismoactive region based on seismic interferometry.

Mityska, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis consists of two parts. The first part contains the azimuth -- slowness analysis for period 3s<=T<=6s, which was conducted by the FK analysis for 10 stations of the WEBNET network. In the second part there is the surface wave group velocity measurement for every station pair of 10 WEBNET stations. The interstation group velocity was obtained by the cross--correlation of microseismic noise records. Local group velocities are connected with the instantaneous period data. The Love wave group velocities are visualised by the 2D tomography calculation. The thesis also contains the additional Love waves dispersion analysis for just one station pair. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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