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Diagnosing Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM–IV: Parent Version (ADIS–P)Anderson, Scott Robert 04 January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM–IV: Parent Version (ADIS–P) is a valid diagnostic tool in assessing Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in youth. Although there is considerable evidence that the ADIS–P is effective when diagnosing anxiety disorders in youth, no studies have yet examined its utility in assessing ODD, even though the ADIS–P contains an ODD module. In contrast, a number of studies support the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children–Version IV (DISC–IV) as a reliable and valid tool for assessing ODD. The two diagnostic interviews have not been compared to determine whether the ADIS–P might be equally valid to the DISC–IV in diagnosing ODD. In this study, the ADIS–P and DISC–IV ODD modules were administered in a counterbalanced order to the parents of a clinical sample of 53 children between 8 and 13 years of age referred for the treatment of ODD. It was hypothesized that the ODD module of the ADIS–P would be reliable, as evidenced by inter-rater correspondence, and valid as determined by its concurrent validity with the DISC–IV and its relations with the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) Aggression and Conduct Problems scales as well as the Disruptive Behavior Disorders rating scale (DBD). Both of these latter instruments were completed by parents and teachers of the referred youth. Results suggest that the ADIS–P provides a valid assessment of ODD, giving clinicians and researchers another empirically-supported interview to use when assessing children's disruptive behaviors. / Master of Science
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Improvisation i musikterapi : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Improvisation in music therapy : A qualitative interview studyRuokolahti, Annika January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra till att fördjupa kunskapen om musikterapeuters uppfattningar av improvisation i musikterapi genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem musikterapeuter. I bakgrunden presenteras litteratur och forskning inom musikterapi och musikpsykologi. I resultatet presenteras de teman som utkristalliserats i intervjuerna: Det improvisatoriska rummet, Samspel med undertemat Interpersonellt samspel och Intrapersonellt samspel, Det autentiska självet med två underteman Att uppleva och Att uttrycka. Slutligen presenteras temat Kreativitet med undertemat Lek och Estetisk uttryck. I diskussionen lyfts teman Integrerad praktik, Intra- och interpersonella processer samt Multimodal uppmärksamhet. I resultatet framkommer att musikterapeuternas arbete med improvisation kan ses som integrerad praktik med en multimodal uppmärksamhet på klientens varande i improvisationen. Improvisationerna synes behandla intra- och interpersonella relationer. / The purpose of the study is to contribute to deepening the knowledge of music therapists' perceptions of improvisation in music therapy through qualitative interviews with five music therapists. In the background, literature and research in music therapy and music psychology are presented. The results present the themes crystallized in the interviews: The improvisational space, Interaction with the sub-theme Interpersonal interaction and Intrapersonal interaction, The authentic self with two sub-themes, To experience and To express. Finally, the theme Creativity is presented with the sub-theme Play and Aesthetic expression. The discussion highlights the themes of Integral practice,Intrapersonal and interpersonal processes and Multimodal attention. The results show that the music therapists' work with improvisation can be seen as integral practice with a multimodal attention to the client's being in the improvisation. The improvisations seem to deal with intra- and interpersonal relationships.
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Fitting In or Standing Out: Challenges Experienced by Students, Freeters, and Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus in Japan's Interdependent Society / 馴染むか浮くか:日本の相互協調社会において、学生・フリーター・糖尿病を持つ人が直面する課題Liu, I-Ting Huaï-Ching 25 September 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第24916号 / 人博第1090号 / 新制||人||255(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 内田 由紀子, 教授 船曳 康子, 教授 月浦 崇, 教授 宮本 百合 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Marketingová komunikace České olympijské nadace / Marketing communication of Czech Olympic FoundationHrachová, Johana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Marketing communication of Czech Olympic Foundation Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the current marketing communitacion in Czech Olympic Foundation and according to these knowledges to create a project presenting proposals for the improvement of the marketing communication of this organization to increase the efficiency in use of the individual parts of the communication mix and to introduce new unused instruments. Methods: For the evaluation of the marketing communication are chosen both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The method of electronic interrogation with a sample of available respondents is realized. Data collection is carried out thanks to prepared questionnaires which are sent by electronic mail to each interviewee. The method of indepth interview with the manager of the project Czech Olympic Foundation is also used to find out all current communication channels. Results: The outcome of this thesis is a proposal of the marketing communication containing new communication instruments and ways to increase the efficiency of the existing ones which are based on the analysis and evaluation of the current status of exploited marketing instruments. Keywords: communication mix, promotion, non-profit sector, foundation, indepth interview,...
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The frequency of social dysfunction in a general population sample and in patients with mental disordersHecht, Heidemarie, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 19 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The frequency of social dysfunctions in a general population sample and in different diagnostic groups was investigated by using the Social Interview Schedule (SIS). Based on the results of the general population sample, several of the a priori derived cut-off scores of the SIS were modified. The analysis of the general population sample revealed sex-specific relationships between age and different aspects of social functioning. Especially for younger women significantly more objective social restrictions, were found due to the burden of multiple role responsibilities. With regard to different diagnostic subgroups including patients and mostly untreated cases from the community sample with Affective Disorders and Anxiety Disorders, results indicate that the degree of social impairment and dysfunctions and the degree of satisfaction with different role areas are strongly dependent on type of disorder and on former treatment status. Specific findings are: (1) The highest number of social impairments and dysfunctions were found in cases and patients with affective syndromes and in schizophrenic patients, but not in schizoaffective patients. (2) Management difficulties and dissatisfaction in intimate relationships were primarily found in depressed women. (3) Unlike anxiety patients, anxiety cases, although mostly chronically ill, had significantly less objective impairments and a lower rate of dissatisfaction than depressed cases. The results are discussed with special reference to the possible key role of depression for the development of social dysfunctions, as measured by the SIS. (4) Problems were, however, acknowledged concerning the use of the SIS with severely disturbed chronic schizophrenic patients.
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Fünf Fragen an Dr. Achim Bonte, den neuen Stellvertreter des Generaldirektors der SLUBGolsch, Michael 15 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
SLUB-Kurier: Herr Dr. Bonte, Umberto Eco hat einmal sinngemäß festgestellt, die Dresdner fragten Neuankömmlinge - und das wird wohl auch für neue Mitbürger gelten - nie danach, wie ihnen die Stadt gefalle, weil sie voraussetzten, dass sie ihnen gefällt.....
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Willkommen in Sachsen19 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Zu den grundlegenden Rechten aller Menschen gehört der freie Zugang zu allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung, zu Information und Kultur. Bibliotheken haben die Aufgabe diesen Zugang zu ermöglichen. Sie sind aber auch Orte der Begegnung, des Austausches und der Integration. Mit ihren vielfältigen Angeboten und Veranstaltungen heißen die sächsischen Bibliotheken die Flüchtlinge willkommen und unterstützen sie bei ihrer Integration.
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Efficacy of the informal confidential voting interview in enhancing self-disclosure and reducing social desirability bias : a comparative analysis with the SAQ and FTFI.Pienaar, Jacqueline C. January 2009 (has links)
Background and Objectives Self - report data is known to be unrel iable and susceptible to factors such as social desirability bias. Methods used for collecting self - report data has thus far been unsuccessful in ameliorating known obstacles to honest self - disclosure. Considering the current HIV/AIDS pandemic and relate d health crises, it is imperative that self - report data is an accurate depiction of reality, since it informs research requirements and designs as well as intervention designs and the evaluation of the efficacy of the interventions. Aim To evaluate and co mpare the efficacy of the Informal Confidential Voting Interview (ICVI) to the FTFI (Face - to - Face Interview) and the SAQ (Self - Administered Questionnaire) in enhancing self - disclosure and minimizing social desirability bias on sensitive topics of sexual ex perience and sexual activity. Study Design A sample of 110 undergraduate and post - graduate students at various tertiary education institutions in Pietermaritzburg were randomly allocated to the ICVI, the SAQ or the FTFI. The ICVI combined a face - to - face interview with a voting box method devised to enhance response anonymity. The FTFI and the SAQ were administered according to a standardized procedure to maximize confidentiality and self - disclosure. Results The self - disclosure scores were significant ly higher for the ICVI in comparison to the FTFI and the SAQ, with a p = 0.005. Post - hoc tests revealed that the ICVI performed significantly better in self - disclosure scores than the FTFI with p = 0.022 and the SAQ with p = 0.015. There was no significa nt difference in self - disclosure scores between the SAQ and the FTFI. Using the Marlowe - Crowne scale of social desirability bias, a significant difference in social desirability bias scores were achieved with p = 0.043. However, the post - hoc analysis ind icated no affirmative significant mean difference in social desirability score among any of the methods. Males displayed greater self - disclosure than females with p = 0.013, but for both sexes the ICVI group achieved the highest mean self - disclosure score s than the FTFI - and the SAQ group. Conclusion The results of this study concluded that the employment of ICVI fundamentally resulted in better quality data than the SAQ and the FTFI on topics of sensitivity and controversial behaviours. The findings ar e suggestive of the successful implementation of the ICVI method across potentially diverse research contexts that rely on self - report data, as the method is adaptable to the target population and its characteristics. Further research is warranted to buil d on its current design and facilitate the implementation of the ICVI across the wide disciplines of self - report data. / Thesis (M.Sc.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, [2009]
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Vold og Trusler om vold i arbejdet med stofbrugere : Et studie af problemets størrelse og mulige minimering / Work related violence and threats during substance abuse treatment. : A study of the problem and its extent, and how to minimise it.Kjær, Aggi January 2005 (has links)
Formål: Bestemme omfangen, typen, udløsende årsager, bagvedliggende faktorer og konsekvenser af vold og trusler om vold mod behandlere i Københavns Amts Behandlingscenter for Stofbrugere samt at udvikle kliniske retningslinier for håndtering og minimering af vold og trusler om vold. Metode: Omfanget af voldsepisoder blev vurderet ved to metoder: 1) Retrospektiv anonym tværsnitsspørgeskemaundersøgelse af samtlige 84 fastansatte medarbejder 2) Kohorte undersøgelse med prospektiv registrering af alle psykiske og fysiske voldsepisoder i en tre måneders periode i 2001-2002. Årsager, faktorer og konsekvenser blev undersøgt i semi-strukturerede interviews med den voldsramte medarbejder og den voldelige klient. Håndteringen af voldsepisoderne blev vurderet i en audit procedure og kliniske retningslinier i relation til håndtering af arbejdsrelateret vold og trusler om vold blev udviklet . Resultat: I tværsnitsundersøgelsen svarede 73 (87%), 45% (n=33) af medarbejderne havde været udsat for vold af psykisk eller fysisk karakter indenfor det sidste år, 48% (n=35) indenfor de sidste fem år. Hyppigheden var uafhængig af medarbejderens alder, køn og arbejdserfaring. Kohorteundersøgelsen afslørede, med en svar procent på 57%, 16 tilfælde af ren psykisk vold medførende en incidens på 0.77 pr. arbejdsår pr. medarbejder eller 0.24 psykisk voldsepisode pr. dag, 11 tilfælde af kombineret psykisk/fysisk vold medførende en incidens 0.53 pr. arbejdsår pr. medarbejder eller 0.17 psykisk/fysisk voldsepisode pr. dag (ca. een ugentligt). Politi blev tilkaldt 5(19%) gange. Bagvedliggende faktorer inkluderede dybe frustrationer mod behandlersystemet, lavt selvværd og dårlig kommunikationsevne hos klienterne. Hovedparten af medarbejderne oplevede efterfølgende angstreaktioner. Sygemelding og psykologisk krisehjælp forekom kun i få tilfælde. På basis af audit-panelets rekommandationer blev der udviklet kliniske retningslinier for håndtering af vold og trusler om vold. Konklusion: Prævalenses og incidensen af vold og trusler om vold i arbejdet med stofbrugere er højere end i andre fagområder både i og uden for sundhedsvæsenet med væsentlige konsekvenser for både medarbejderen og specielt for den voldelige klient. Resultaterne i dette studie kvantificerer arbejdsrelateret vold som ikke fremgår af officielle registre (”mørketal”) / Purpose: To determine the extent, type, precipitating factors, causality and consequences of work related threats and violence at the Copenhagen County Substance Abuse Treatment Centre and to develop clinical guidelines in order to minimise threats and violence. Methods: The extent of violent episodes was estimated using two methods: 1) Retrospective anonymous questionnaire issued to all (n=84) full-time employed staff-members. 2) In a tree months period 2001-2002 prospective registration of all physical and psychological violent episodes at the Copenhagen County Substance Abuse Treatment Centre was performed. Precipitating factors, causality and consequences were investigated in semi-structured interviews including all abused staff-members and violent clients. The management of violent episodes was audited in an audit panel and clinical guidelines regarding work related threats and violence were developed. Results: 73 (87%) staff-members completed the questionnaire. 33(45%) staff-members had experienced work related violence in the last year, 35(48%) in the last 5 years. There were no sub-group differences. The prospective registration identified 16 episodes of psychological violence, constituting an incidence of 0.77 pr. work-year pr. staff-member or 0.24 psychological violent episodes pr. day at the centre. 11 combined physical and psychological violent episodes were identified ending up with an incidence of 0.53 violent episode pr. work-year pr. staff-member or 0.17 violent episodes at the centre pr. day. Police was called in 5(19%) of the cases. The clients were characterized by harboring deep frustrations towards the system, low self-esteem and poor communication skills. The majority of the abused staff-members experienced anxiety reactions. Only a few required sick-leave and psychological crises counseling. On the basis of the audit-panel’s recommendations clinical guidelines regarding threats and violence were developed. Conclusions: The prevalence and incidence of work related threats and violence is higher among staff-members treating substance users than in other fields both in- and outside the Health Service. There are consequences of significance for both the abused staff-member and the violent client. The results of this study quantify the extent of violence not registered in official registers. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-109-1</p>
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Psychosociální efekt bariatrických operací a spokojenost pacientů s operací / Psychosocial Effect Of Bariatric Surgery and the Patient's Satisfaction with the SurgeryKravarová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The doctoral dissertation is focused on the evaluation of the effect of bariatric surgery and on identifying the parameters that are related to the patients' satisfaction with the surgery. Telephone survey was used to collect data. 122 bariatric candidates were inquired, 86 of them were operated. The average time after the surgery was 20,2 months. The average weight loss was 26.6 kgs. There was a significant improvement in the monitored domains - physical appearance, general health, self-esteem, marital satisfaction, occupational functioning and social functioning. The negative effects of the surgery (post-surgery vomiting, difficulties in dietary adherence, other complications) were also experienced by significant number of patients. In total, 87% respondents were satisfied with the surgery and 13% were dissatisfied. The chi-square test was used to identify factors influencing subjective satisfaction with the surgery and the results were recorded at 95% and 99% significance levels. The satisfaction is associated with the improvement of general health and self-esteem (p<0.01), physical appearance, marital satisfaction, occupational functioning and social functioning (p<0.05). Less satisfied were patients who had troubles with postoperative dietary adherence and those with an insufficient weight...
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