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Identifying Unethical Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Privacy Violations Committed by IS/IT Practitioners: A Comparison to Computing Moral ExemplarsRosenbaum, Mark H. 01 February 2015 (has links)
In some instances, Information Systems and Information Technology (IS/IT) practitioners have been noted to commit privacy violations to Personally Identifiable Information (PII). However, computing exemplars, due to their notable dispositional Hallmark Features of morality, understandings of ethical abstractions, and other components that comprise their virtuous makeups, are theoretically less likely to commit privacy violations to PII. This research attempted to verify if those IS/IT practitioners who identify with some of the Hallmark Features of moral and computing exemplar were less willing to commit privacy violations to PII than were those IS/IT practitioners that did not identify themselves with some of the Hallmark Features of moral and computing exemplars. In order to accomplish this, this research developed and validated two new survey instruments capable of identifying those IS/IT practitioners that were more and less willing to commit unethical privacy violations to PII, and contrast them against some of the Hallmark Features of computing exemplars. The findings of this research supported the conclusion that IS/IT practitioners that identify with some of the Hallmark Features of moral and computing exemplars were less willing to commit privacy violations to PII than were other IS/IT practitioners. Specifically, the results indicated that the most prominent predictor to indicate a lesser willingness to commit privacy violations to PII was that of those IS/IT practitioners that displayed prosocial orientations. Additionally, the predictors of age, level of education, and how ethical IS/IT practitioners assessed themselves to be, proved to be significant markers for those individuals that were less willing to commit privacy violations to PII. While the results are promising, they are also alarming, because the results also indicate that IS/IT practitioners are blatantly willing to commit privacy violations to PII. Thus, two immediate implications resonate from the results of this research. First, there are those individuals that have been given the trusted position of guardianship for society's personal information that should probably not have it, and secondly, further investigations are warranted to determine what other predictors may promote a lesser willingness to commit privacy violations to PII. The contribution of this research to the fields of IS/IT, personnel selection and testing, and organizational assessment and training is unique. This is because, to date, no other discernable literatures have ever investigated the rating and rankings of the severity of PII privacy violations, nor has any other research investigated what Hallmark Features of individuality contribute to a less willing disposition to commit PII privacy violations.
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Who is singing thereFangas, Lungnan Isak 15 September 2010 (has links)
My Master of Fine Arts thesis film is a 60-minute film that blends documentary and feature film elements entitled Who Is Singing There. It’s a story about Totem, a rock band formed seven years ago. Right before it was to release its second album, lead singer Suming and drummer A-shing were determined to leave the group. Band members held a meeting to work out a solution. Before they knew it, however, they were reminiscing about the time they took part in music competitions in from 2003 to 2005. They realized that the root to why they were coming apart could be traced back to that time and if they wanted the band go any further, they needed not only to rekindle their passion for music but something more. This is an account of the filmmaking process from the initial idea to the finished film. / text
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政府支出與融資方式:政府支出內生程度之研究王肇蘭, WANG, ZAO-LIAN Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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I spåret av Islamiska staten : En studie av The New York Times och Dagens Nyheters gestaltning av ISSebastian, Ghafari, Felicia, Vikström January 2015 (has links)
The aim with this study is to compare the American newspaper The New York Times and the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and its framing of the organization the Islamic State. The study uses a selection of articles during the period when Barack Obama ordered airstrikes against the Islamic State. The period is 2014/07/27-2014/08/14 and it gave 107 articles to the analysis. The study undertakes a methodology based on the quantitative content analysis. The study leans on the theory of framing and theories of war journalism which is a common and well suitable theory for the study’s aim. The result shows both differences and similarities between the two newspapers frame. The most notable difference between the newspapers' articles were the appellation of the Islamic State and also how the newspapers used sources and statements. The Swedish newspaper had a more religious orientation in the appellation of IS, while the American newspaper had a military orientation in the appellation of IS.
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Sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) poreikis suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime / The education of healthy lifestyle in informal adult educationPaukštienė, Roma 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema: sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) poreikis suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime.
Mokslinė vadovė doc. dr. Regina Proškuvienė.
Problema – ar reikalingas sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime?
Tyrimo objektas – suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas neformaliame švietime.
Tikslas – ištirti sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) poreikį suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti gyvensenos įtaką sveikatai ir sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo raidą.
2. Įvertinti suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos žinių lygį.
3. Įvertinti suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos žinių taikymą gyvenime: jų elgesį ir įpročius.
4. Atskleisti suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) problemiškumą ir ugdymo(si) poreikį.
Tyrimo metodai: teorinis, empirinis (praktinis), Content analizės ir matematinės statistikos.
Didžiausią įtaką žmogaus sveikatai daro jo gyvensena, ypač mityba, fizinis aktyvumas, psichikos tausojimas bei žalingų įpročių vengimas, todėl sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas(is) yra viena iš svarbiausių priemonių sveikatai palaikyti ir gerinti.
Pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje daugiau dėmesio yra skiriama vaikų ir paauglių sveikos gyvensenos ugdymui(si). Suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas yra nepakankamas.
Lietuvoje nėra moksliškai pagrįstos suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo programos, apimančios visuminį (holistinį) sveikatos ugdymą, todėl privačia iniciatyva neformaliame švietime atsiranda sveikatos ugdymo programų, kurios ne visada grindžiamos moksliniais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of study – the education of healthy lifestyle in informal adult education.
Scientific leader docent doctor Regina Proškuvienė.
The problem of research – is the education of adult healthy lifestyle necessary in informal adult education?
The object of research – the adult healthy lifestyle education in informal adult education.
The aim of research – to explore the adult healthy lifestyle in informal adult education.
The tasks of research:
1. To analyse the healthy lifestyle influence to health and the evolution of healthy lifestyle education.
2. To estimate the level of the adult healthy lifestyle knowledge.
3. To evaluate the using of adult healthy lifestyle knowledge in life: their behaviour and habits.
4. To reveal the adult healthy lifestyle educational problems and a demand of education.
The methods of research: academic, empirical (practical), Content analysis and mathematical statistics.
Human being lifestyle, especially nutrition, physical activity, consideration of psyche and avoiding of harmful habits make the most influence into his health, therefore the healthy lifestyle education is one of the most important means to maintain and improve health.
The more attention is devoted for children and teenagers healthy lifestyle education in the world and in Lithuania. The education of adult healthy lifestyle is not satisfactory.
There isn‘t the adult healthy lifestyle program in Lithuania, which could cover the holistic (totality) health education... [to full text]
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Vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimo įrankio parinkimo būdas / Requirement specification tool selection methodVisockas, Paulius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Kuriant informacines sistemas ir siekiant jas geriau pritaikyti verslui, pastaraisiais metais vis daugiau dėmesio yra skiriama vartotojų reikalavimų specifikacijai. Vartotojų reikalavimus galima specifikuoti pasinaudojus sistemos reikalavimų specifikacijos (SRS) šablonu, tačiau bet kurį SRS šabloną vis tiek reikia pritaikyti kiekvienam individualiam projektui. Šioje reikalavimų inžinerijos stadijoje susiduriama su problema, nes dar nežinant kokie bus vartotojų reikalavimai reikia pasirinkti tinkamą SRS šabloną bei programinę įrangą. Ne visi šablonai yra suderinami su individualiomis programomis ir ne visos programos pasižymi tomis pačiomis savybėmis. Kadangi šiuo metu nėra būdų, kurie padėtų išsirinkti tinkamą projektui vartotojų reikalavimų specifikacijos įrankį, šiame darbe toks būdas bus kuriamas ir aprašomas. Problemos ištyrimo lygis. Šiuo metu visos sukurtos informacinės sistemos (t.y. vartotojų reikalavimų specifikavimo (VRS) įrankiai) yra skirtos reikalavimams specifikuoti žinant specifinio projekto reikalavimus. Įrankio, kuris leistų pasirinkti tinkamą VRS įrankį, nėra. Darbo objektas: vartotojų reikalavimų specifikavimas. Darbo tikslas: sukurti būdą, kuris leistų pasirinkti tinkamą vartotojų reikalavimų specifikavimo įrankį. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo, yra sprendžiami tokie uždaviniai: • išnagrinėti sistemos reikalavimų specifikavimo (SRS) šablonų sudėtį; • atlikti SRS šablonų analizę, nustatyti jų savybes, privalumus bei trūkumus; • išnagrinėti vartotojų reikalavimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / VISOCKAS, Paulius (2011) Requirement Specification Tool Selection Method. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Department of Informatics. 59 p. S U M M A R Y MBA graduation paper goal is to create a method that would allow consumers to choose the right tool for specifying requirements before knowing them. In order to achieve the goal, following tasks are solved: perform analysis of system requirements specification templates, user requirements specification tools and their compatibility with each other; develop SRS and user requirements specification tools criteria; and investigate a proposed tool with experimental data. Scientific literature, SRS templates and user requirements specification tools summary are used during analysis. The main result of this work is the proposed iVRS tool that solves the problem under investigation, since it allows choosing the exact and correct SRS template and software. This solution differs from existing solutions because it allows users to select the requirements specification tool in the pre-specification stage, where the error price is lowest. This paper also sets out SRS and user requirements specification tool criteria. Paper consists of 59 pages, 14 tables and 19 pictures.
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How newly appointed chief information officers take charge : exploring the dynamics of leader socializationGerth, Anthony B. January 2013 (has links)
The transition for any executive into a new appointment is a challenge. This transition for the newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) is especially challenging given the complexity and ambiguous nature of their role. Investment in information technology (IT) has steadily increased over the past twenty years and contributes to enabling business changes that drive organizational performance improvements. The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has evolved into an executive who holds significant responsibility for leading the organization in realizing these investment benefits. Therefore unsuccessful CIO transitions can negatively impact the extent to which the organization’s IT benefits are fully realized. This research has one objective: to increase our understanding of the process of taking charge for the newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO). This increased understanding contributes to academic research as well as provides insights to practicing CIOs that will increase their probability of successfully taking charge of a new appointment. The project explores this phenomenon in depth from both the CIO’s and non-IT executive’s (CxO) perspective through semi-structured interviews with 43 executives. Participants included twenty-one Chief Information Officers and twenty-two C-suite, non-IT executives. The study integrates concepts from role theory and leader socialization with CIO leadership challenges. Findings indicate that the newly appointed CIO experiences a mutual adjustment process when they take charge. This adjustment occurs within their role set; the IT leadership team, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the other top management team members (CxOs). The data suggests that CIOs experience three overlapping phases of taking charge; Entry, Stabilization and Renewal. These phases result in confidence, credibility and legitimacy as a new leader in the organization. The data further reveals that the type of transition (Start-up, Turnaround, Realignment or Success-sustaining) encountered by the CIO is a significant influence on the taking charge process. CIO socialization is influenced heavily by their role set and the expectations within it. CIOs will encounter CxO peers with varying preferences on interaction style and focus. In addition the CxOs in the study identified three different views of CIOs that reinforce the role ambiguity for the newly appointed CIO. The study reveals that CIOs experience organizational socialization in two domains of leadership. These domains are supply-side and demand-side leadership. The data suggests that supply-side socialization occurs prior to demand-side socialization. These socialization outcomes are dependent on transition type. This research extends previous work done on CIO transitions by identifying phases, activities and outcomes. An additional contribution is the first empirical model of new CIO socialization. Leader socialization research is enhanced with the study of a non-CEO executive. This model contributes a deeper understanding of the mutual adjustment process experienced by a newly appointed CIO. Practicing CIOs can apply these findings in developing transition plans and actions for taking a new appointment. The CxO types and attitudes can inform the newly appointed CIO on customizing their relationship building approaches. Understanding that taking charge requires 2-3 years can lead to more realistic expectations of the executive. The findings of this study can lead CIOs to a higher probability of success in taking charge of a new appointment.
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A framework of practices influencing IS/business alignment and IT governanceOrozco Vargas, Jorge January 2011 (has links)
The alignment of information systems (IS) strategies with business strategies has been a managerial priority in modern organisations. Information Technology (IT) governance is an alternative perspective that has recently been used as a management solution that can drive to desired levels of IS/business alignment. From a pragmatic perspective, both IS/business alignment and IT governance appear to be managerial solutions that corporations desire to implement in order to get the most of the business and IT relationship. Empirical research has addressed the idea that effective designs of IT governance enable IS/business alignment, however, the extent of such impact and related interactions are still unclear. This research is focused on those claims to contribute with pragmatic solutions towards IS/business alignment and IT governance by means of collective management practices. This research explored challenges, assumptions and conceptualisations around IS/business alignment and focused on the assessment process of IS-business alignment to identify management practices for both IS/business alignment and IT governance. First, a quantitative analysis from data collected of an international survey was performed. This survey was conducted to identify extreme outcomes of relevant management practices in the IS/business alignment dynamics and links with IT governance. Second, a qualitative analysis from data collected of two leading large companies, one in the manufacturing and other in the financial sector, was performed by using a three-level (strategic, tactical and operational) assessment method. This case research aimed to identify how common relevant management practices interact across strategic, tactical and operational organisational levels. Results of both analyses were integrated to elaborate the constructors of the framework derived from this research, namely ALIS-G. The results from this research can be summarised as follows: First, ALIS-G exhibits four core management practices (IT investment management, budgetary control, strategic and tactical program management, strategic and tactical understanding of IT-business) and four supportive (IT-business planning, IT projects prioritisation, sponsorship & championship and change readiness) to show collective and compelling influence over the IS-business alignment dynamics and the effectiveness of IT governance arrangements. Second, a well-established IT investment management process holds the most substantial positive impact in the IS-business alignment dynamics and design of IT governance arrangements. Finally, results highlights the fact, perhaps obvious, that the arrangement of IT governance and the dynamics of IS/business alignment are very much conditioned by the resilient assignment, allocation and administration of budgets
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Information systems assessment: development of a comprehensive framework and contingency theory to assess the effectiveness of the information systems function.Myers, Barry L. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive, IS assessment framework using existing IS assessment theory as a base and incorporating suggestions from other disciplines. To validate the framework and to begin the investigation of current IS assessment practice, a survey instrument was developed. A small group of subject matter experts evaluated and improved the instrument. The instrument was further evaluated using a small sample of IS representatives. Results of this research include a reexamination of the IS function measurement problem using new frameworks of analyses yielding (a) guidance for the IS manager or executive on which IS measures might best fit their organization, (b) a further verification of the important measures most widely used by IS executives, (c) a comprehensive, theoretically-derived, IS assessment framework, and by (d) the enhancement of IS assessment theory by incorporating ideas from actual practice. The body of knowledge gains a comprehensive, IS assessment framework that can be further tested for usefulness and applicability. Future research is recommended to substantiate and improve on these findings. Chapter 2 is a complete survey of prior research, subdivided by relevant literature divisions, such as organizational effectiveness, quality management, and IS assessment. Chapter 3 includes development of and support for the research questions, IS assessment framework, and the research model. Chapter 4 describes how the research was conducted. It includes a brief justification for the research approach, a description of how the framework was evaluated, a description of how the survey instrument was developed and evaluated, a description of the participants and how they were selected, a synopsis of the data collection procedures, a brief description of follow-up procedures, and a summary. Chapter 5 presents the results of the research. Chapter 6 is a summary and conclusion of the research. Finally, included in the appendices are definitions of terms, and copies of the original and improved survey instruments.
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”Vi älskar döden mer än ni älskar livet” : En studie om fyra unga svenska muslimers motiv att stödja Islamiska staten utifrån medier och rättegångsprotokoll.Hemrin, Molla January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to analyse IS-sympathizers and their commitment to the Islamic State; however, this study will not be able to establish a representative result. The study has instead made an attempt to provide knowledge about four young Swedes who chose to leave Sweden in purpose to sympathize with, and to participate in the Islamic State. By announcing the aim of the study and the complexity of the subject area, the study has a hypothesis appropriated from earlier research which has been investigating young western Muslims. Hence, three question formulations derived; the first question intends to identify the previous research within two subject areas: religious identity and radicalization. The second question intends to analyse which common aim the four IS-sympathizers had for participating with the IS. In conclusion, the third question will analyse the possibility of a correlation between previous research and the collected empirical data. The study used a qualitative content analysis which also applied a deductive approach based on theories of deprivation and radicalization. The result of this study underlines that young Muslims acquire a stronger conflict between their individual and social concept of the world in relation to youths with the major ethnic background. The Western culture is being held up as a factor for a strengthened religious identity among the young Muslims when they are constantly forced to defend their religion. It appears that with a strengthened religious identity and a weakened national identity, the four Swedish IS-sympathizers chose to participate in the fighting in Syria after observing how the Western world had a passive standpoint regarding the prevailed situation in Syria. In this way, the four IS-sympathizers fought in favour of a religious identity in a country that they previously did not acquire a national belonging to.
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