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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Tragedy of Shakespeare's Hotspur

Wright, Eugene Patrick, 1936- 08 1900 (has links)
It seems obvious that Shakespeare was interested in Hotspur as something more than a strictly historical character. The firey character found in I Henry IV is no longer recognized as the Ill-fated rebel from Holinshed and Daniel. Holinshed offers only a spark which Shakespeare uses to build a very real flame. The events leading up to the rebellion and the rebellion itself are historical, but the name of Hotspur in Holinshed is no more outstanding than that of Worcester, Glendower, or any of the other rebels. In Shakespeare's drama no other rebel character even approaches the development of Hotspur.

Effets chroniques des peptides angiotensines II et IV dans le système nerveux central

Lochard, Nadheige January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Začlenění Lucemburska mezi země Koruny české / Incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown

Stehlík, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is the incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. This theme was chosen primarily for the reason that it have not been compiled and analyzed by historiography so far. Available literature usually takes the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown automatically as a fact without further reasoning. As a result of this approach there is considerable amount of inaccuracies and mistakes in literature. Primary inaccuracy is in a date or in a time period determining the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown, when literature often indicate the reign of King Charles IV or even the reign of King John of Luxembourg. The purpose of this diploma thesis is not only analyzing the process of incorporation, but also disproves continuing inaccuracies. For this reason the diploma thesis draws and analyzes essential facts primarily from original sources and confront them with available literature. First chapter briefly introduces the institution of the Bohemian Crown for her distinguish from the Kingdom of Bohemia. Further it analyzes the terms "crown" and "incorporation". At last it describes a beginning of the Bohemian Crown and analyzes fundamental documents of this institution. Following second chapter describes the personal union...

Re-thinking the corporate social responsibility regulatory framework in South Africa

Yusuf, Sabrina Gulam Silva January 2018 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Corporate governance is a principle that has had multiple evolving definitions. The Cadbury Report (also known as Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance) of 1992 is a report that sets out recommendations for best practice of a company board. Although the Cadbury Report was ideally formulated to apply to companies in the United Kingdom, its recommendations have formed the basis of many international codes over the years. It refers to corporate governance as the "system by which companies are directed and controlled". Solomons also explores the definitions of corporate governance in her book titled 'Corporate Governance and Accountability'. She acknowledges the existence of ‘narrow’ definitions and ‘broader’ definitions. Narrow definitions are more concerned with corporate accountability to a company’s shareholders. On the other hand, broader definitions seek to identify corporate accountability to shareholders and stakeholders. This definition encompasses a larger group of people, which include the society at large, future generations and the environment. For the purposes of this research, the broader definition will be utilised. Simply put, corporate governance refers to the practice in which companies are managed and controlled. This is achieved through balancing the interests of the many stakeholders of a company such as; employees, shareholders, suppliers, management, the government and many others. Corporate governance aims to create an environment whereby the company is managed in a way which promotes the interests of the stakeholders. These include, but are not limited to; the balance of powers in a company, compliance with laws and regulations, identification and management of potential risks, and ensuring accountability for its actions. In a nutshell, corporate governance can be viewed as the responsible leadership, governing and sustainability of a company. On the other hand, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be viewed as a branch of corporate governance and this shall be discussed further below. In many parts of the world, CSR functions as a voluntary code of conduct. This means that corporate entities are usually guided by a set of principles of good intent. Corporate entities are expected to self-regulate their affairs with their social effects in mind. Some scholars strongly believe that the voluntary nature of CSR is its very essence. It is a value that has to be realized through free will and philanthropy. However on the other hand, other scholars believe that this flexibility can be misused.

Untersuchung von Tryptophanhydroxylase 2 Varianten an Patienten mit Persönlichkeitsstörungen nach DSM-IV-TR / Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 variants in patients with personality disorders according to DSM-IV-TR

Markert, Christoph January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Variationen im Gen der Tryptophanhydroxylase 2 (TPH2), das den geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritt der Serotoninsynthese katalysiert, wurden mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen, die durch emotionale Dysregulation charakterisiert sind, in Verbindung gebracht. Die vorliegende Arbeit evaluierte die Rolle von TPH2 Varianten und Haplotypen bei Persönlichkeitsstörungen der Cluster B und C. Dazu wurden 420 Patienten mit Cluster B oder Cluster C Persönlichkeitsstörung (nach DSM-IV-TR) sowie 336 gesunde Probanden als Kontrollgruppe bezüglich TPH2 SNPs (rs4570625, rs11178997, rs4341581, rs4565946) genotypisiert. Die Persönlichkeitsstörungen wurden mit Hilfe des „Strukturierten Klinischen Interviews für DSM-IV-TR, Achse II“ (SKID-II) diagnostiziert und in die Cluster A, B und C eingeteilt. Die vorliegenden Resultate verknüpfen potentiell funktionelle TPH2 Varianten – insbesondere den rs4570625 SNP – mit Cluster B und Cluster C Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Für beide Patientengruppen zeigte sich eine signifikante globale Assoziation. Das T-Allel von rs4570625 war sowohl mit Cluster B als auch Cluster C Persönlichkeitsstörungen signifikant assoziiert. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen TPH2 als ein Suszeptibilitäts- und/oder Modifier-Gen von affektiven Spektrumsstörungen. Die Relevanz für die Ätiologie von adulten ADHS und dramatisch-emotionalen Cluster B beziehungsweise ängstlich-furchtsamen Cluster C Persönlichkeitsstörungen muss durch weitere Studien untersucht werden. / Variation in the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 gene (TPH2) coding for the rate-limiting enzyme of serotonin (5-HT) synthesis in the brain has been linked to a spectrum of clinical populations characterized by emotional dysregulation. Here, a set of common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in and downstream of the transcriptional control region of TPH2 (rs4570625, rs11178997, rs4341581, rs4565946) was testet for association in two cohorts comprising of 336 healthy individuals and 420 patients with personality disorders. Personality disorders were diagnosed with the Structured Clinical Interview of DSM-IV and were allocated to clusters A, B, and C. Individual SNP and haplotype analyses revealed significant differences in genotype frequencies between controls and cluster B as well as cluster C patients, respectively. In both patient groups, overrepresentation of T allele carriers of a functional polymorphism in the upstream regulatory region of TPH2 (SNP G-703T, rs4570625) was observed. The results link potentially functional TPH2 variants to cluster B and cluster C personality disorders. These findings confirm TPH2 as a susceptibility and/or modifier gene of affective spectrum disorders. The relevance for the etiology of adult ADHD as well as Cluster B and Cluster C personality disorders needs further study.

Winkel- und Temperaturabhängigkeit der magnetokristallinen Anisotropieenergie und der mikroskopischen magnetischen Momente des ferromagnetischen Halbmetalls CrO2 / Angle- and temperature dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy and the microscopic magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic half metal CrO2

Gold, Stefan January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die magnetischen Eigenschaften des Halbmetalls CrO2 untersucht. CrO2 hat in den letzten Jahren erneut ein sehr starkes Interesse erfahren. Der Grund hierfür liegt darin, dass dieses Material, aufgrund seiner theoretisch vorhergesagten und inzwischen nachgewiesenen Spinpolarisation von nahezu 100 % an der Fermikante und seiner metastabilen Eigenschaften, ein stark diskutierter Kandidat für Spintronic-Anwendungen wie den Quantencomputer ist. Die Möglichkeit der Spininjektion ist für CrO2 gegeben und in der Zwischenzeit auch erfolgreich umgesetzt worden. Die Untersuchungen zielten auf eine Erklärung für die intrinsischen Eigenschaften wie magnetokristalline Anisotropie, magnetischer Dipolterm und dem eigentlich gequenchten Bahnmoment. Die Untersuchungen fanden an den Cr L2,3 und an der O K Kante statt. Insbesondere für die Auswertung an den Cr L2,3-Kanten war es notwendig, mit einer neuartigen Auswertemethodik sämtliche aufgenommenen Daten zu analysieren, da eine herkömmliche Summenregelauswertung leider nicht durchgeführt werden konnte. Der Grund hierfür lag in der zu geringen L2,3-Aufspaltung des leichten 3d-Übergangmetalls Cr. Mit Hilfe der so genannten Momentenanalyse war es nun möglich, die überlappenden Strukturen voneinander zu separieren, und darüber hinaus auch verschiedene Anteile der Bandstruktur verschiedenen spektralen Beiträgen zuzuordnen. Die Ergebnisse an CrO2 zeigten eine sehr starke Abhängigkeit des magnetischen Bahnmomentes, der Summe von Spin und magnetischem Dipolterm sowie der magnetokristallinen Anisotropieenergie vom Winkel zwischen den rutilen a- und c-Achsen. Noch mehr als das Gesamtbahnmoment zeigen zwei, mit Hilfe der Momentenanalyse separierbare, spektrale Beiträge starke Änderungen der einzelnen Bahnmomente. Dieses unerwartete und ausgeprägte Verhalten konnte mittels eines Vergleichs mit den Sauerstoff K-Kanten XMCD-Daten bestätigt werden, was auf eine sehr starke Hybridisierung der beiden Zustände schließen lässt. Die Trennung der stark anisotropen Summe von Spin-Moment und TZ-Term über die Summenregel für den magnetischen Dipolterm liefert eine Größenordnung des TZ-Terms, wie er bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht vorgefunden wurde. Ein Vergleich der magnetokristallinen Anisotropieenergie, gewonnen durch die Messung von elementspezifischen Hysteresekurven mit Hilfe des XMCD-Effektes, mit dem Brunomodell, das eine magnetisch leichte Richtung für die Achse mit dem größten Bahnmoment vorhersagt, kommt zu keinem positiven Ergebnis. Erst die von G. van der Laan aufgezeigte Erweiterung, in der auch der TZ-Term mit aufgenommen ist, liefert für das System CrO2 ein quantitativ übereinstimmendes Ergebnis der MAE mit den gemessenen experimentellen Momenten. Erwähnenswert in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Tatsache, dass das Bahnmoment und der magnetische Dipolterm unterschiedliche leichte Richtungen bevorzugen und beide Anteile fast gleich groß sind, wobei der magnetische Dipolterm die Überhand hat. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde nun auch eine Temperaturabhängigkeit untersucht. Ziel war es, Aussagen über die Entstehung von Bahnmomenten, Dipolterm und MAE in Abhängigkeit des vorliegenden Spinmomentes zu gewinnen und diese mit vorhandenen theoretischen Modellen zu vergleichen. Das gemessene Spinmoment wurde mit SQUID-Daten verglichen und zeigte eine qualitative Übereinstimmung. Die extrahierten Bahnmomente zeigten wie der magnetische Dipolterm ein identisches Temperaturverhalten wie das Spinmoment. Dies ist ein Beweis, dass beide Momente in einem solchen System nur durch eine Kopplung mit dem Spinmoment entstehen und durch dieses verursacht sind. Im Weiteren konnte auch eine quadratische Abhängigkeit der MAE vom Spinmoment nachgewiesen werden. Dieses von G. van der Laan und in Vorarbeiten von P. Bruno vorhergesagte Verhalten konnte erstmalig in dieser Arbeit verifiziert werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass in dieser Arbeit das ungewöhnliche magnetische Verhalten, insbesondere die Winkelabhängigkeit der magnetischen Momente, durch die Kombination von XAS- und XMCD-Spektroskopie, mit der Verwendung der Momentenanalyse sowie der Untersuchung durch elementspezifische Hystereskurven, ein geschlossenes Bild des Probensystems CrO2 aufgezeigt werden konnte. Das Gesamtbild, das sich ergeben hat, zeigt ganz deutlich auf, dass eine Bandstrukturbeschreibung das gefundene Verhalten erklären kann. Die allgemein vorherrschende, und sicherlich im ersten Moment deutlich intuitivere Vorstellung, dass man im Falle von CrO2 eine Art ionische Bindung hätte, mit einer d2-Konfiguration und erwarteten 2 µB magnetischem Moment am Cr-Platz kann insbesondere die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Anisotropieenergie nicht erklären. Auch in diesem Zusammenhang liefert das Bandmodell eine sehr gute Beschreibung. / In this work, the magnetic properties of the half metal CrO2 were analyzed. CrO2 has attracted a very strong interest due to its theoretical predicted and meantime proven spin polarization of near 100 % at the Fermi-edge, which makes it a strong candidate for a spintronic device or quantum computing. Even a spin injection is possible for CrO2 and has been shown in literature. The aim of this work was to examine, by use of XMCD-effect and additional measurements with SQUID-magnetometer, spin moments and hysteresis loops, but also to clarify the intrinsic properties like magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetic dipole term, and the nearly quenched orbital moment. The XMCD-measurements were done at the Cr L2,3- and the O K-edge. Especially for the analysis at the Cr L2,3-edges it was necessary to work with a completely new analysis method, because a “normal” sum rule analysis was not possible. The reason for that is the very small L2,3-exchange energy for the light 3d-transition metal CrO2. By the use of the so called moment analysis it is possible to separate the two transitions from each other and even more to address different features of the XMCD-spectra to different parts of the CrO2-band structure. The idea of this new analysis method for XMCD-spectra is the opportunity to fit spectral forms and analyze these with the use of the ground state moments. With this method, one can draw conclusions, even if there is a spectral overlap between L2 and L3 edges like for CrO2. The results for CrO2 show a strong dependence of the orbital, the sum of spin moment and magnetic dipole term, and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy from the angle between rutile a- and c-axis. Even more than the complete orbital moment, two separable and different spectral features show strong alterations of the different orbital moments. This unexpected and pronounced behaviour was approved by a comparison with the O K-edge XMCD spectra, indicating a strong hybridisation of both states. The strong anisotropy of the O K-edge XAS spectra give comparable results to literature. The quantitative analysis of the strong anisotropic sum of spin moment and TZ-term by the use of the magnetic dipole sum rule results in an order of magnitude, which was not found up to now. The comparison of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy with the Bruno model, has a negative result. Taking into account the TZ.term, the extension discussed by G. van der Laan, CrO2 shows a good and qualitative agreement between MAE and the measured magnetic moments. Mentionable in this context is the fact, that orbital moment and TZ-term prefer different easy axis. They nearly cancel out each other, but TZ-term is a bit stronger. This might be the reason why CrO2 changes its magnetic easy axis for thin films, because due to the reduction of nearest neighbours and the therefore enhanced orbital moment in thin films, this unstable disequilibrium is distorted. In a second part of this work the temperature dependence was investigated. The aim was to clarify the origin of the orbital moment, dipole term, and MAE in dependence of the spin moment and compare the results to different theoretical models. The measured spin moment was first of all compared with SQUID data. It shows a qualitative agreement, but it shows not the quantitative same behaviour. This was attributed to two reasons, the element specifity of the XMCD effect and its surface sensitivity. The extracted orbital moments and the magnetic dipole term show the same temperature dependence as the spin moment. This is a clear proof, that both, orbital moment and TZ-term, are generated by a coupling to the spin moment. In the following a dependence of the squared measured spin moment could be found for the MAE. This was predicted by Bruno and van der Laan and could be proven for the first time. Recapitulating one can say, that in this work the unusual magnetic behaviour, especially the angle dependence of the magnetic moments, was shown a conclusive description of CrO2 by the combination of XAS and XMCD together with the new moment analysis and the use of element specific hysteresis loops. For the first time the magnetic dipole term could be identified as the reason of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy. This proves the model of G. van der Laan, even verified by the temperature dependence for a wide temperature range. A strong Cr – O hybridisation was found, which shows in a similar structure and temperature dependence of the orbital moments for Cr L2,3 and the XMCD effect at O – K edge. The general view shows clearly, that a band structure description can explain the measured dependencies. The intuitional and widely common belief of an ionic binding for CrO2, two electrons at the Cr with a magnetic moment of 2 µB, cannot elucidate especially the temperature dependence of the MAE, which is again good represented by a band structure description.

Resistência ao Deslocamento de Restaurações de Classe IV com e sem Pinos Dentinários, sob Cargas de Compressão / Displacement resistance of a Class IV restorations with and without pins under compression loads

Souza, João Batista de 04 August 2000 (has links)
A finalidade deste estudo foi verificar a resistência ao deslocamento de restaurações de Classe IV, ressaltando a sua capacidade de retenção com e sem a associação de pino(s) dentinários, bem como a comparação entre dentes humanos e bovinos, visando este último como possível substrato a dentes humanos em testes laboratoriais. Foram realizadas 60 cavidades de Classe IV com 6mm no sentido incisocervical e 3mm no sentido mesiodistal, tanto em dentes humanos como bovinos, com um bisel de 1mm de extensão, as quais foram divididas nos seguintes grupos: · G1- restaurações sem pino, sem condicionamento + adesivo (controle); · G2- restaurações com condicionamento ácido + adesivo; · G3- restaurações com um pino, sem condicionamento ácido + adesivo; · G4- restaurações com dois pinos, sem condicionamento ácido + adesivo; · G5- restaurações com um pino, com condicionamento ácido + adesivo; · G6- restaurações com dois pinos, com condicionamento ácido + adesivo. A aplicação do sistema adesivo (Single Bond) e a inserção da resina composta (Z 100) deu-se de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Após a realização das restaurações, os corpos-de-prova foram armazenados por um período de 72 horas a 37+1oC antes de serem levados à máquina de ensaios universal para serem submetidos à carga de compressão. A análise estatística aplicada aos resultados obtidos segundo as condições experimentais em que foi realizado este trabalho permitiu as seguintes conclusões: - a presença de um ou dois pinos rosqueados em dentina apresentou tendência em aumentar a resistência ao deslocamento das restaurações de Classe IV quando associadas ao sistema adesivo; - a utilização de um pino dentinário proporcionou aumento na retenção das restaurações de Classe IV, todavia, não suficiente para suplantar estatisticamente as restaurações adesivas sem essa variável; - a utilização de dois pinos dentinários proporcionou aumento estatisticamente significante na resistência ao deslocamento das restaurações,em relação às realizadas apenas com o sistema adesivo; - não existiu diferença na resistência ao deslocamento das restaurações de Classe IV realizadas em dentes bovinos e em dentes humanos. / The goal of this study was to verify the resistance to displacement of Class IV restorations, emphasizing their retention capacity with and without the association of retentive pins (Pinlock), as well as the comparison between human and bovine teeth, aiming at the latter as a possible substrate to human teeth in laboratory tests. Sixty Class IV cavities with 6 mm in the incisal-cervical plane and 3 mm in the mesio-distal plane and with bevel 1mm were performed, both on human and bovine teeth, which were divided into the following groups: · G1 - restorations without acid conditioning and pin + adhesive (control); · G2 - restorations with acid conditioning + adhesive; · G3 - restorations without acid conditioning + one pin + adhesive; · G4 - restorations without acid conditioning + two pins + adhesive; · G5 - restorations with one pin + acid conditioning + adhesive +; · G6 - restorations with two pins + acid conditioning + adhesive. The application of the adhesive system (Single Bond) and the insertion of composite resin (Z100) were according to the manufacturer's instructions. Following restoration procedures, the specimens were stored for a period of 72 hours at 37+ oC prior to being taken to the Universal testing machine, so as to be submitted to compression load. The statistical analysis applied to the results obtained, according to the experimental conditions in which this study was performed, allowed the following conclusions:- the presence of one or two dentin-threaded pins showed a trend in increasing the displacement resistance of Class IV restorations when associated with the adhesive system; - the utilization of one dentinal pin afforded an increase in the retention of Class IV restorations, nevertheless, not sufficient to supersede the adhesive restorations statistically without this variable; - the utilization of two dentinal pins afforded a statistically significant increase in the displacement resistance of restorations, in relation to those performed only with the adhesive system; - there was no difference as to displacement resistance of Class IV restorations performed on both bovine and human teeth.


Yao Liu (5930000) 04 January 2019 (has links)
<i>Legionella pneumophila,</i> the etiological agent of Legionnaires’ disease, replicates intracellularly in protozoan and human hosts. Successful colonization and replication of this pathogen in host cells requires the Dot/Icm type IVB secretion system, which translocates over 330 effector proteins into the host cell to modulate various cellular processes. In this study, we identified RavK (Lpg0969) as a Dot/Icm substrate that targets the host cytoskeleton and reduces actin filament abundance in mammalian cells upon ectopic expression. RavK harbors an H<sub>95</sub>E<sub>XX</sub>H<sub>99</sub> (x, any amino acid) motif associated with diverse metalloproteases, which is essential for the inhibition of yeast growth and for the induction of cell rounding in HEK293T cells. We demonstrate that the actin is the cellular target of RavK and that this effector cleaves actin at a site between residues Thr351 and Phe352. Importantly, RavK-mediated actin cleavage occurs during <i>L. pneumophila </i>infection. Cleavage by RavK abolishes the ability of actin to form polymers. Furthermore, an F352A mutation renders actin resistant to RavK-mediated cleavage; expression of the mutant in mammalian cells suppresses the cell rounding phenotype caused by RavK, further establishing that actin is the physiological substrate of RavK. Thus, <i>L. pneumophila</i> exploits components of the host cytoskeleton by multiple effectors with distinct mechanisms, highlighting the importance of modulating cellular processes governed by the actin cytoskeleton in the intracellular life cycle of this pathogen.

Påverkar grupptryck beslutsfattande? : Belägg från allsvenska domare

Cunha Byström, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This paper studies the effects of peer pressure in relation to football audiences’ possible impact on how the referees judge. The data used is new data from the highest Swedish football league, Allsvenskan, for the seasons 2016-2018. The paper treats the problem with the size of the audience not being random by using weather as an instrument. The OLS-estimations suggest that the referee is affected by the audience in the sense that more spectators increase referee stringency. The IV-estimations are precise and close to zero suggesting that it is important to account for omitted variables when studying the effect of peer pressure on referees.

A Linkage Study of Chromosome IV in Barley

Smith, Earl William 01 May 1953 (has links)
Barley (Hordeum sp.) is a principal cereal crop throughout much of the world and is of great economic importance in the United States. Spring barley is a leading cereal crop in Utah. Barley has many desirable characteristics which make it an excellent plant for genetic studies. Some of these characteristics are low chromosome number, almost complete self-fertilization, relative ease of hybridization, and easily classified hereditary characters. The establishment of genes or factors at definite loci in linkage groups is a valuable aid in furthering breeding programs and the ultimate improvement of barley. All seven linkage groups have been established although the location of only a small number of genes is known in some of them and most of these genes were mapped from information obtained from crosses involving only two or three factor pairs. Theis thesis deals with determining the location of five genes belived to be in linkage group IV and to establish new linkages if possible. specifically planned crosses involving from tow to five of these genes were used in this study.

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