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中学职前教师的专业身份建构: 实习教师的专业学习历程的个案研究. / 实习教师的专业学习历程的个案研究 / Construction of the professional identity of pre-service secondary school teachers: case studies of student teachers' learning to teach / Case studies of student teachers' learning to teach / Zhong xue zhi qian jiao shi de zhuan ye shen fen jian gou: shi xi jiao shi de zhuan ye xue xi li cheng de ge an yan jiu. / Shi xi jiao shi de zhuan ye xue xi li cheng de ge an yan jiu

January 2012 (has links)
身份转变是成为教师的一个重要部分,不少研究者因此强调教师教育在职前教师专业身份形成中的作用,亦有研究者发现实习是职前教师身份转变的关键阶段。然而到底职前教师是如何通过专业学习来建构和发展期专业身份的,却一直缺乏相关实证研究。有鉴于此,本研究尝试从职前教师专业学习历程中去理解专业身份的建构和发展,从职前教师的视角去考察当前教育实习为他们提供了怎样的身份建构情境。 / 研究以情境视角下的学习观和身份建构观为理论背景(Lave&Wenger,1991; Wenger,1998),采个案研究方法,通过深度访谈和田野观察来跟踪两所实习学校内的四名高中实习教师的专业学习历程,以理解实习教师的身份建构和改变的过程,并以此为线索梳理了实习情境中影响其身份建构的主要因素及其互动关系。 / 研究发现,实践参与式的学习确实改变着实习教师的专业身份。四个个案实习教师的专业身份经过实习后都在不同方面不同程度地发生了改变。驱使这种改变的最为核心的力量是他们在实习前业已形成的职业承诺和教师角色认知。而它们也是实习教师在实践场域中定位自我的最为关键的两个身份定位点。职业承诺决定了职前教师参与实践和建构身份的意愿。根据自己的学生身份所形成的教师角色认知则是实习教师识读实习情境扮演角色的主要根据。既有的角色认知与实习场域中的角色脚本的冲突则是启动身份重构的关键。 / 另一方面,实习学校的实践文化、实习指导教师所构成的实习情境共同框定了实习教师的实践参与的方式和内容。而实习教师总是基于自己原有的职业承诺和角色认知投入实习情境,与角色对手展开互动。身份的协商正是在这种互动的参与中展开。传记性因素、情境性因素和经历性因素在这个过程中以不同方式影响着身份的协商和建构,而它们三者之间的互动最后形塑了职前教师在整个实习期间的参与轨迹,导向了不同的专业身份。 / 基于此,研究尝试为学界理解职前教师如何通过专业学习以建构其专业身份提供概念框架和实践启示,并提议建立专业身份建构型的教师学习观。 / As the identity transformation is essential for becoming a teacher, researchers have emphasized the role that the teacher education play in the shaping and forming of pre-service teachers’ professional identities, with teaching practice as the critical stage in transforming the identities of pre-service teachers. However, few empirical studies have been conducted to investigate how the pre-service teachers construct and develop their professional identities through professional learning. To this end, this research explores the professional learning trajectories of pre-service teachers to understand the construction and development of their professional identities. Furthermore, this study looks into the teaching practice from the angle of pre-service teachers in order to depict a picture of the context for the professional identity construction. / Using the framework of learning concept and identity construction (see Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998), the research employed the case study method, carrying out both in-depth interviews and field observations to gather qualitative data. Four student teachers from two placement schools participated in the research as four cases. The four teachers’ learning experiences as well as their identity construction and change were investigated to explore factors constructing and changing the professional identities of the four student teachers. / The research, on the one hand, has confirmed the importance of learning as participation in changing the student teachers’ professional identities. In the four cases, the professional identities of the student teachers were all found to be changed after the teaching practice in different ways and at different levels. The major motivation for the change was attributed to the professional commitment and the concept of teacher role, which had been formed prior to the teaching practice of the four student teachers. Moreover, the professional commitment and the concept of teacher role were the two anchoring points of student teachers to locate themselves in the field of teaching practice. Regarding the two anchoring points, the professional commitment determined the willing of student teachers to participate in the teaching practice and construct their professional identities; the concept of teacher role, taking shape out of their self-as-student, was the frame of reference for the four student teachers’ understanding of the teaching practice context as well as the role playing. The clash between the four student teachers’ concept of teacher role and the role script embedded in the culture of the two schools was the trigger of the four student teachers’ identities reconstruction. / The research, on the other hand, has indicated that, the four student teachers participated in the teaching practice and interacted with the role partners according to their own original professional commitment and concept of teacher role, although the teaching practice context, comprising the placement school culture and the mentors, shaped the way and the content of the four student teachers’ participation. Therefore, the negotiation of identity took place between the four student teachers and the teaching practice context, which was influenced in different ways by the three factors, namely, the biography, the context and the experience. The interaction among the three factors subsequently built up the participation trajectories of the four student teachers through the whole teaching practice, guiding the four student teachers to achieve different professional identities. / On the whole, the research has contributed to conceptual understanding as well as practical implications in the construction of pre-service teachers’ professional identities through professional learning. In future research and practice, it is proposed that learning to teach be explored from the perspective of professional identity construction. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 张倩. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 304-315). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhang Qian. / 中文摘要 --- p.I / 英文摘要 --- p.II / 致谢 --- p.IV / 目录 --- p.V / 图表目录 --- p.VII / 导言 --- p.VIII / Chapter 第一章 --- 问题陈述 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究的缘起--寻惑与解惑的起点 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究的背景 --- p.3 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师身份的提出 --- p.3 / Chapter 二、 --- “学教的再概念化 --- p.4 / Chapter 三、 --- 情境学习的视角 --- p.5 / Chapter 四、 --- 教育实习的样貌 --- p.6 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究的目的与问题 --- p.8 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究的意义 --- p.9 / 本章小结 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文献述评 --- p.13 / Chapter 第一节 --- 西方研究中的“学教 --- p.13 / Chapter 一、 --- “学教研究的脉络梳理 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 再概念化的“学教 --- p.17 / Chapter 三、 --- 本研究的“学教概念框架 --- p.22 / Chapter 四、 --- 小结 --- p.32 / Chapter 第二节 --- 教师专业身份的研究脉络 --- p.34 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师专业身份的意涵 --- p.35 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师专业身份研究的主要理论脉络 --- p.41 / Chapter 三、 --- 实习教师专业身份研究的现状 --- p.46 / 本章小结 --- p.58 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究的设计与方法 --- p.59 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究框架与研究问题 --- p.59 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究的概念框架 --- p.59 / Chapter 二、 --- 相关概念的操作性定义 --- p.61 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究问题的阐述 --- p.63 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究的设计与方法 --- p.64 / Chapter 一、 --- 质化研究取向 --- p.64 / Chapter 二、 --- 个案研究的策略 --- p.64 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究的整体设计 --- p.65 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究的效度与伦理 --- p.75 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究的效度 --- p.75 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究伦理 --- p.76 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究局限 --- p.78 / 本章小结 --- p.79 / Chapter 第四章 --- 实习教师的专业身份发展 --- p.80 / Chapter 第一节 --- 个案实习教师的专业身份发展 --- p.80 / Chapter 一、 --- 薇的专业身份发展 --- p.81 / Chapter 二、 --- 凯的专业身份发展 --- p.96 / Chapter 三、 --- 玲的专业身份发展 --- p.108 / Chapter 四、 --- 慧的专业身份发展 --- p.122 / Chapter 第二节 --- 实习教师专业身份发展的特点 --- p.139 / Chapter 一、 --- 实习前职前教师的专业身份特点 --- p.139 / Chapter 二、 --- 实习前职前教师专业身份的主要区别 --- p.145 / Chapter 三、 --- 实习后职前教师的专业身份特点 --- p.147 / Chapter 第三节 --- 小结 --- p.152 / Chapter 第五章 --- 实习情境中的学教与身份发展 --- p.156 / Chapter 第一节 --- 个案实习教师的实习故事 --- p.156 / Chapter 一、 --- 薇的实习故事 --- p.157 / Chapter 二、 --- 凯的实习故事 --- p.176 / Chapter 三、 --- 玲的实习故事 --- p.191 / Chapter 四、 --- 慧的实习故事 --- p.209 / Chapter 小结 --- p.227 / Chapter 第二节 --- 专业身份的形塑--实习情境的识读与应对 --- p.228 / Chapter 第三节 --- 专业身份的建构--情感体验与自我反思 --- p.236 / Chapter 第四节 --- 小结 --- p.240 / Chapter 第六章 --- 实习教师身份发展的主要影响因素 --- p.243 / Chapter 第一节 --- 传记性因素 --- p.243 / Chapter 第二节 --- 情境性因素 --- p.247 / Chapter 第三节 --- 经历性因素 --- p.263 / Chapter 第四节 --- 小结 --- p.275 / Chapter 第七章 --- 结论 --- p.277 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究的结论 --- p.277 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究意义 --- p.285 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究反思与建议 --- p.292 / Chapter 附录一 --- 第一次访谈提纲 --- p.296 / Chapter 附录二 --- 第二次访谈提纲 --- p.298 / Chapter 附录三 --- 第三次访谈提纲 --- p.300 / Chapter 附录四 --- 文献综述中的“学教 --- p.300 / 参考文献 --- p.304

Social movement and identity: right of abode seekers in Hong Kong.

January 2005 (has links)
Lee Chun Wing John. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 169-181). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.1 / Acknowledgements --- p.3 / Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.6 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- Literature Review and Methodology --- p.13 / Theories in Social Movements --- p.13 / High-risk Activism --- p.20 / Collective Identity and Personal/Individual Identity --- p.22 / Frame Analysis and Identity --- p.29 / Sources of Data --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- Who are They? --- p.36 / The Emergence of the Hong Kong Identity --- p.37 / Phase One --- p.42 / Phase Two --- p.46 / Phase Three --- p.51 / Phase Four --- p.57 / Phase Five --- p.62 / Phase Six --- p.66 / Summary --- p.69 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- Who are We? --- p.71 / What is Collective Identity? --- p.72 / A Common Objective --- p.75 / Negotiation --- p.80 / Consciousness: Rule of Law? --- p.84 / Consciousness: Rights --- p.86 / Affection Developed through Interaction --- p.92 / Lack of Unity --- p.98 / ´بSaiWan´ة --- p.100 / Summary --- p.103 / Chapter Chapter 5: --- Who am I? (I) --- p.107 / Social Identity Theory and Social Movements --- p.108 / Relative Deprivation --- p.114 / Illegitimate Inequality --- p.120 / Views on Outgroups --- p.120 / Movement Not the Best Option --- p.123 / Fighting for Individual Status Improvement? --- p.127 / Chapter Chapter 6: --- Who am I? (II) --- p.131 / Identity Theory --- p.132 / A 'Child' Identity --- p.136 / Psychological Centrality --- p.139 / Commitments --- p.142 / Changes after Participation --- p.145 / Summary --- p.147 / Chapter Chapter 7: --- Conclusion --- p.150 / Why They Participated? --- p.150 / Why Some of Them are so Committed? Why Some of them Want to Quit? --- p.153 / Politics and the Right of Abode Movement --- p.156 / Implications --- p.159 / Identity Politics? --- p.163 / Appendix --- p.167 / Bibliography --- p.169

The construction of movement identity in lifestyle movements: a case study of Choi Yuen Village livelihood place.

January 2012 (has links)
本研究關注以文化改變為目標的生活風格運動的身份建構過程。以往身份研究主要集中於以政治為目的的傳統社會運動。傳統運動的運動身份是由社會結構所決定的,並由社會運動團體所代表。傳統運動的身份建構過程基本上是建立起「我們」,以别於敵人的「他們」。但由於生活風格運動的目標是文化改變,主要手段是將運動價值透過個人和群體的生活風格展示出來,組織和行為更為私人化和分散。故此,傳統社會運動的理論並不足以描繪生活風格運動的運動身份建構過程。為補充此社會運動理論的不足,我提出生活風格運動的運動身份建構是一個將運動價值實踐的過程。參加者透過個人反省將抽象的價值具體化成演繹和行動,建立另類生活風格或組織,以回答「我們應如何生活?」的問題及引發社會的意識轉變。具體來說,在群體層面,運動身份的建立過程包括(1) 透過加入其他生活風格運動的元素、(2) 按成員個人理解將運動與其他運動區別出來和(3) 協調衝突的價值;在個人層面,(4) 參加者需要結合運動和個人追求以個人化運動身份。本文研究菜園村生活館,探討生活風格運動的運動身份建構過程。研究顯示,由於運動身份不再是由社會結構導向,運動身份建構過程變得更流動,而個人的反思及小組的身份工作也成為生活風格運動的身份建構的重要部份。本研究的重要性是補充傳統社會運動理論對生活運動身份建構解釋的不足及豐富我們對香港生活風格運動的認識。 / This study is concerned with movement identity construction processes in lifestyle movements (LMs). Identity in social movements is mostly studied in the context of traditional social movements, in which the movement identity is derived from a social structure and embodied in formal social movement organizations aiming at affecting state policy. Its identity construction is a process differentiating “we“ from “our enemy“. However, as LMs are value-oriented, diffused, individualized in action, small-sized group in organization and aimed at cultural change, the traditional social movement literature does not help us to understand the identity construction of LMs. It is the gap to be studied here. I argue the process of movement identity construction of LMs is fluid. It is a reflexive actualization of conceptual movement values into concrete interpretations and repertoires of actions. Alternative lifestyles and examples are set up to answer “how should we live?“ and for promoting conscious shifts of specific issues. The actualization of values at the group level takes place in (1) the incorporation of movement ideas in accordance to the local needs, (2) interacting with people of other movements, and (3) negotiation over other conflicting values and practices. The actualization at individual level is (4) a personalization of the movement by blending the movement with a pursuit of authentic self. I conclude that the distinctiveness of LMs’ movement identity construction is the fluidity of the process, group identity work and reflexivity. A case study of Choi Yuen Village is carried out to examine the movement identity construction in LMs, filling the gap in social movement literature and enriching our understanding of LMs in Hong Kong. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Lo, Sin Chi. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-95). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / ABSTRACTS --- p.i / 論文摘要 --- p.ii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.iv / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.iv / ABBREVIATIONS --- p.iv / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1. --- Diffused Lifestyle Movements in Post-capitalist Society --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2. --- Defining Movement Identity --- p.5 / Chapter 2. --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1. --- Identity work --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2. --- Movement Identity Construction in Traditional Social Movements --- p.10 / Chapter 2.3. --- Identity Work in Diffused Lifestyle Movements --- p.11 / Chapter 3. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.13 / Chapter 3.1. --- Case Study --- p.13 / Chapter 3.2. --- Case Description --- p.14 / Chapter 3.3. --- Data Collection --- p.21 / Chapter 3.4. --- Sample Profile --- p.23 / Chapter 3.5 --- Gaining Access and Gaining Trust --- p.23 / Chapter 3.6. --- Informed Consent and Ethical Issues --- p.25 / Chapter 4. --- THE MOVEMENT IDENTITY CONSTRCUTION OF LMS --- p.25 / Chapter 4.1. --- Background - Movement Values of and Needs Shared among LP --- p.26 / Chapter 4.2.1. --- Incorporating Movements’ Ideas as Participants’ Need --- p.35 / Chapter 4.2.2. --- Interacting with other Social Movement Participants to create Personal Interpretation --- p.63 / Chapter 4.2.3. --- Negotiation over Conflicting Values --- p.68 / Chapter 4.2.4. --- Blending Movement Values and Personal Lives --- p.76 / Chapter 5. --- CONCLUSION --- p.84 / APPENDIX --- p.89 / REFERENCES --- p.91

Wine consumption in Hong Kong: negotiating identity through taste.

January 2011 (has links)
Siu, Kit Wah Lydia. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-207). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Aim of the Study --- p.1 / Background --- p.3 / Literature Review --- p.10 / """Conspicuous"" Wine Consumption" --- p.14 / Taste as a Combination of Symbols of Class Distinction --- p.17 / "Hong Kong, a City of Consumption" --- p.19 / Methodology --- p.21 / Challenges and Limitations --- p.25 / Summary of the Thesis --- p.26 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- The Wine Market in Hong Kong --- p.28 / Introduction --- p.28 / Consumption and Identity --- p.29 / The Beginning of Wine Consumption in Hong Kong --- p.33 / The Beginning of the Mass Consumption of Wine in the 1960s --- p.36 / Popularization in the 1980s to the Early 1990s --- p.39 / The Years of Turbulence 1997-2002 --- p.40 / The Current Wine Market --- p.44 / General Market Features --- p.46 / Conclusion --- p.48 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- The Wine-Tasting Community in Hong Kong --- p.51 / Introduction --- p.51 / The Meaning of Taste --- p.52 / Who are the People in the Wine Tasting Community? --- p.58 / Gender --- p.59 / Age --- p.60 / Level of Economic Capital --- p.61 / Education level --- p.62 / Four Types of Wine-Tasting Events --- p.64 / Large-scale Public Tasting Events --- p.64 / Medium-scale Tasting Events --- p.67 / Private Wine-tasting Events --- p.69 / Wine dinners --- p.70 / Conclusion --- p.72 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- The Rituals of Wine Tasting as Expressions of Identity --- p.75 / Introduction --- p.75 / "Sight, Aroma and Flavor" --- p.77 / The Practices of Tasting Rituals in Large-Scale Public Wine-Tasting Events. --- p.80 / Assessment of Sight --- p.84 / Assessment of Aroma --- p.85 / Assessment of Flavor --- p.87 / The Final Step: Spitting --- p.88 / Beyond Tasting: Wine Talk --- p.91 / Conclusion --- p.94 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- The Symbols of Social Distinction in Wine Consumption --- p.99 / Introduction --- p.99 / The Relationship of Wine and Social Distinction --- p.100 / Westernness --- p.102 / Uniqueness --- p.105 / Wealth --- p.107 / Knowledge --- p.112 / Leisure --- p.118 / Art and Aestheticism --- p.121 / Health Consciousness --- p.123 / Conclusion --- p.127 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Wine as Individual Identity --- p.131 / Introduction --- p.131 / Brief Description of YC and its wine group --- p.133 / Setting --- p.133 / Becoming a member of YC --- p.137 / The structure of the YC wine group --- p.139 / The Core Value: Tasting vs Drinking --- p.143 / Taboos in the YC Wine Group --- p.144 / The Role of Alcohol and Intoxication --- p.145 / Demeaning Wine's Taste --- p.149 / Learning about Taste: Hierarchical or Equal? --- p.154 / Objective Evaluation.. --- p.157 / Subjective Appreciation --- p.160 / Searching for Oneself: a Favorite Wine and a Preferred Taste --- p.165 / Conclusion --- p.171 / Chapter Chapter 7 --- Comparing San Francisco and Hong Kong as to Wine --- p.174 / Introduction --- p.174 / Fieldwork in San Francisco --- p.175 / Drinkers´ة society vs Tasters' society --- p.176 / "Drinkers, Tasters and Producers" --- p.179 / Learning to Taste Wine in San Francisco --- p.182 / The Understanding of Wine and Taste in San Francicso --- p.185 / Chapter Chapter 8 --- Conclusion --- p.192 / Chapter Appendix: --- Reference --- p.201

Facing connective complexity: a comparative study of the effects of kinship foster care and non-kinship foster care placements on the identity of African American adolescents

Schwartz, Ann Elizabeth 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Views from the center: Middle-class white men and perspectives on social privilege

Cross, Sandra Jane 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to provide a space in which white, middle-class men could consider and discuss their identity and its relationship to privilege. Transcripts from focus group number three is included in the thesis' appendix.

Exploring place-identity at work

Segalo, Puleng Josephine 30 June 2004 (has links)
In this study the stories of Unisa academic employees and fashion models were explored. The aim was to understand the nature of place-identity at work and to also look at what impact do changes to these working environments have on place-identity. Another aim of this study was to compare these two work contexts. The data was collected through interviews combined with an auto-ethnographic approach. The study suggested that people form an identity towards their places of work and also that changes within the workplace can be perceived as a threat. The study also showed that there are similarities between Unisa and the catwalk as contexts of place-identity. / Psychology / M.A.(Psychology))

The role and functioning of ego development in grade nine learners: implications for personality development

Ristow, Liesel Allison 30 November 2007 (has links)
This study examined the nature and prevalence of ego strength among early adolescent learners in grade nine attending an independent school. An in-depth literature review was conducted in order to explore the role and theories of ego development. Thereafter, theories and key aspects of various dimensions of adolescent development were highlighted. The empirical investigation included both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. A questionnaire was administered to one hundred and ten grade nine learners in order to obtain a broad measure of the respondents' ego and superego strength. Thereafter, two learners were selected in order to explore their experiential life worlds. The findings of the empirical investigation were compared with information that emerged from the literature study. The study was concluded by offering recommendations to parents, educators and professionals working in the field of psychology of education in empowering them in addressing the phenomenon of ego development among early adolescent learners. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

The mediating role of emotional intelligence to identity development of African adolescents in multicultural schools

Simelane, Moses Thomas 09 1900 (has links)
The deseg regation of schools in the post-1994 era in South Africa has led to an exodus of African children from township schools to multicultural suburban and inner city schools. This migration places African children in a multicultural school environment where the dynamics pose challenges for coping and adaptation if these children are to succeed academically. The challenge is even greater for adolescents who are also wrestling with critical developmental issues of adolescence in their quest for identity development and consolidation. Goleman (1995: 34) asserts that in order to succeed in any aspect of living, an individual requires emotional intelligence. Likewise, African adolescents who attend school in multicultural environments need to be emotionally literate to cope successfully and to adapt to the demands of the new schooling environment. In the light of this assertion, this study aimed to determine the extent to which emotional intelligence mediates the identity development of African adolescents in multicultural schools. The five domains of emotional intelligence investigated in this respect were: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and effective relationships. Six schools were selected for the empirical investigation: three from the townships and three from the suburbs. 226 African adolescents from suburban and 240 from township schools participated: a total of 466 participants. The findings revealed that self-awareness, empathy and effective relationships play stronger mediating roles in the identity development of African adolescents in township schools while self-regulation plays a stronger mediating role for African adolescents in suburban multicultural schools. The two groups did not, however, differ significantly regarding the mediating role of self-regulation in their identity development. Further mediating roles of emotional intelligence to the identity development of African adolescents were investigated according to gender, stage of adolescence and a preferred language for learning and teaching. Finally, a model was proposed for developing empathy among African adolescents who attend schools in suburbs. / (D.Ed. (Psychology of Education))

A support group programme for single-parent families based on relational theory

Reddy, Thainaigie 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibility ofusingJlelational Theory as a basis for the design of a support group programme for divorced single-parent families. This programme aimed at improving their interpersonal relationships and then to form new identities realistically, thus helping them to self-actualise. The categories of involvement, experience and meaningful attribution as well as the stages of awareness, exploration, personalisation and change initiation formed the basis of the programme. The effects of marital disruption on the interpersonal relationships and identities of singleparent families were also examined through a literature review. Pre and posttest interviews were conducted individually with single parents and their children to evaluate the effectiveness of the support group programme. The pretest interviews were administered a month before the implementation of the programme and the posttest interviews done two months after to gauge the longitudinal effect of the programme. The interviews and the progranune included the following aspects : awareness, exploration and evaluation of relationships (including aspects such as parental and spousal conflicts, parent alignment and parent availability, sibling rivalry and parent-child interaction); awareness, exploration and evaluation of identities (including identity conflicts stemming from role strain, role reversals and parent alignment); self-evaluation and selfactualisation. The conclusions from the literature study, the outcome of the support group progranune and the results of the interviews confirmed that marital disruption does adversely affect the interpersonal relationships of single-parent families and their formation of new, realistic identities. Single-parent families attribute unrealistic meaning to relationships and identities causing problematic relationships and identity conflicts. The nature and quality of the relationships also affect the formation of realistic identities resulting in a failure to self-actualise. In conclusion, the support group programme helped the single-parent families to attribute realistic meaning to their relationships and identities, resulting in improved relationships and the formation of realistic identities / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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