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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamique des rôles managériaux dans une administration publique en transformation : du manager idéal au management réparti / Managerial identity work in a French public administration in transformation : from the perfect manager to shared management

Cognat, Aurélie Sara 09 December 2013 (has links)
Quand le contexte organisationnel d'une entreprise évolue, quelles sont les conséquences sur le rôle des managers ? La littérature traitant du travail managérial a longtemps considéré que le rôle du manager était stable et unique quel que soit l'environnement organisationnel dans lequel il prenait place. Pourtant les recherches en design organisationnel montrent que les évolutions profondes des modes de coordination ont un impact sur la hiérarchie et la chaîne d'encadrement verticale qui la caractérise, donc sur le rôle des managers dans la coordination. On peut alors se demander comment procéder pour faire évoluer les rôles managériaux. Quels leviers peuvent servir à transformer les pratiques des managers ? Pour étudier cette question, nous avons suivi pendant plusieurs années en recherche intervention une administration publique qui a entrepris de transformer ses rôles managériaux suite à une évolution forte de son environnement et de ses missions. Nous avons appliqué une grille d'analyse conçue à partir des travaux sur les dynamiques de rôles des managers qui permet d'étudier le nouveau rôle de manager et la capacité des managers à entrer dans ce rôle. Pour parvenir à jouer leur rôle les managers mobilisent des ressources cognitives, stratégiques et subjectives. Un diagnostic des ressources disponibles individuellement et collectivement est donc nécessaire pour étudier la capacité des managers à entrer dans le nouveau rôle.L'étude de la démarche de professionnalisation des managers mise en place dans cette administration montre la volonté de faire acquérir des compétences aux managers. Or nous démontrons la difficulté à expliciter et à transmettre ces compétences via ce type de formation. D'autre part les managers ne disposent pas collectivement des ressources stratégiques nécessaires pour faire ce qu'on leur demande. Et on constate parfois individuellement des déficits de ressources subjectives. On pourrait donc anticiper un blocage dans la dynamique d'appropriation des rôles.Une étude des évolutions sur plusieurs années permet de constater trois situations où les blocages sont levés :1. les rôles ne sont pas les mêmes pour tous les managers et certains disposent de davantage de ressources que les autres quand l'activité requiert une évolution forte de leur rôle. 2. quand ils ne disposent pas des ressources suffisantes, certains managers s'efforcent d'acquérir de nouvelles ressources 3. ou bien, il arrive que l'organisation évolue vers des situations de management partagé pour prendre en charge une fonction managériale que les managers ne peuvent prendre en charge, faute de ressources individuelles et/ou collectives suffisantes. / When organisational context is evolving, what are the consequences for the role of managers ? Litterature about managerial work considered for a long time that the managerial role was single and steady whatever was its organisational background. Nevertheless, researches in organizational design point that a deep development of organizational configuration impact the company's hierarchy and the managerial role of coordination. How to proceed to change managerial roles ? Which actions can transform managers practices?This thesis adressed this issue on the basis of a several years collaborative research in a public administration. This administration decided to transform managerial roles after a deep change of its environment and its missions. We applied an analytical framework built from a review of managerial identity work litterature. The framework guides us to study the new managerial role and how managers can perform this new role. The study implies a diagnosis of cognitive, strategic and subjective ressources available for managers individually and collectivelly.The case of a procedure of management professionalization, set up in this administration, shows the means used to have managers acquire new competences. This also shows how difficult it is to explicit and to transfer the managerial competences by this type of training. Moreover, managers don't have collectively the required strategic ressources to do what they are supposed to do. Besides, some managers don't have individually the needed subjective ressources. Hence a block of role dynamic could be anticipated.A study of evolutions during severals years allow to show three situations where block are resolved :1. roles are not the same for all managers and some of them have more ressources than others when activity requires a deep role evolution. 2. when ressources are insufficient, some managers tried to acquire new ressources. 3. or, sometimes the organization evolved towards situations of shared management to take charge of the managerial function, which managers can't stand because of a lack of ressources, collectively and/or individually.

Anerkennung und Alter. Die Rolle von Biografie und Medien

Baetge, Caroline, Harnisch, Tobia 03 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden qualitativen Studie wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Biografie und Identitätsarbeit im höheren Lebensalter untersucht. Die Autorinnen betrachten hierbei vor allem die Rolle von Anerkennung als Teil der Identitätsarbeit in ihrer biografischen Verfasstheit sowie die Rolle von Anerkennung im sozialen Kontext einer intergenerationellen Gruppe. Den Medien kommt dabei aufgrund ihres zentralen Stellenwerts innerhalb der Gruppe und den Möglichkeiten, die sie den Subjekten als Orientierungsangebote und Ausdrucksmittel bieten, eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Neben Einblicken in den Zusammenhang von Identitätsarbeit und Biografie diskutiert die Untersuchung ebenso die Bedeutung von Medienkompetenz als Ressource für Anerken-nung und leitet Handlungsempfehlungen für die (intergenerationelle) pädagogische Praxis ab.

Trans Library Experience : A qualitative research of trans experience and identity work in Swedish public libraries

Blick, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines how trans people experience Swedish public libraries, as well as how the library can be an integral part of their trans identity work. The data sample was collected through semi-structured phenomenological interviews with five trans and non-binary library users. The analysis of the interview data was done using the method of thematic analysis (TA), following an inductive approach. The theoretical framework focuses on five different, but connecting, concepts. Mainly, theories about intersectionality; whiteness; the heterosexual matrix; orientation; and categorization. The results of this study show that trans people use and experience the library in a myriad of different ways. It is clear, however, that all the informants look to libraries to provide them with material that they can see themselves represented in, to get a sense of validation for their gender identity. Even though the library provides this in some ways, other aspects connected to libraries function to hinder trans people in their identity work. There are several ways that libraries can improve on their services toward trans patrons, and one of these are to better facilitate meetings between different trans people through more activities catering towards this group. In short, libraries need to be mindful about this specific group both when it comes to the services they offer, as well as the physical layout of the library space. These are all aspects which affect and influence trans people and their ability to construct and express their gender identity. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur transpersoner upplever Svenska folkbibliotek, och dessutom hur biblioteken kan fungera som en viktig faktor i deras identitetsarbete. Dataansatsen samlades in via semi-strukturerade fenomenologiska intervjuer med fem trans- och icke-binära biblioteksanvändare. Analysen denna intervjudata gjordes med hjälp av metoden tematisk analys (TA), utifrån en induktiv ansats. Det teoretiska ramverket fokuserar på fem olika, men integrerade, koncept. Detta baserat på teorier kring intersektionalitet; vithet; den heterosexuella matrisen; orientering; och kategorisering.  Resultatet av denna studie visar att transpersoner använder och upplever bibliotek på en rad olika sätt. Det framgår dock tydligt att informanterna alla ser till biblioteken för att erhålla material de kan se sig själva representerade i för att få en känsla av erkännande av deras genusidentitet. Även om biblioteken lyckas erbjuda detta i vissa fall lyckas andra apsekter av biblioteken fungera för att hindra dem i deras identitetsarbete som transpersoner. Det finns flera sätt som biblioteken kan förbättra deras tjänster gentemot sina användare som är trans, ett av sätten vilket relaterar till att arbeta mer mot att skapa mötesrum för transpersoner genom att erbjuda mer aktiviteter som riktar sig mot denna grupp. I korthet kan man säga att bibliotek måste vara medvetna kring hur de vänder sig mot den här användargruppen, både när det kommer till vilka tjänster de erbjuder samt hur biblioteket som fysisk plats utformas. Dessa är alla aspekter som påverkar och har en inverkan på transpersoners möjlighet att konstruera och uttrycka sin genusidentitet.

Anerkennung und Alter. Die Rolle von Biografie und Medien

Baetge, Caroline, Harnisch, Tobia 03 February 2016 (has links)
In der vorliegenden qualitativen Studie wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Biografie und Identitätsarbeit im höheren Lebensalter untersucht. Die Autorinnen betrachten hierbei vor allem die Rolle von Anerkennung als Teil der Identitätsarbeit in ihrer biografischen Verfasstheit sowie die Rolle von Anerkennung im sozialen Kontext einer intergenerationellen Gruppe. Den Medien kommt dabei aufgrund ihres zentralen Stellenwerts innerhalb der Gruppe und den Möglichkeiten, die sie den Subjekten als Orientierungsangebote und Ausdrucksmittel bieten, eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Neben Einblicken in den Zusammenhang von Identitätsarbeit und Biografie diskutiert die Untersuchung ebenso die Bedeutung von Medienkompetenz als Ressource für Anerken-nung und leitet Handlungsempfehlungen für die (intergenerationelle) pädagogische Praxis ab.

Women in a leadership development context constructing a leadership identity

Naidoo, Kerrina 11 1900 (has links)
Female managers in the mining industry face unique challenges not experienced by their male counterparts. They need to perform identity work to overcome these barriers successfully so that they can create a leadership identity. Leadership development contexts may foster identity construction. To enhance employment equity in historically male-dominated professions and environments, an understanding of women’s leadership identity construction in leadership development contexts is beneficial. The purpose of this research was to explore the identity work of female managers working in a leadership development context in the mining industry, to determine how they construct a leadership identity. This was an exploratory and descriptive qualitative study conducted within the hermeneutic phenomenological research paradigm. A purposive sample consisting of five women working in a mining company was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and data were analysed using the phenomenological hermeneutical method. The main findings indicate that four main identity bases influence how female managers in a leadership development context create a leadership identity. These include: (i) the impact of life spheres, (ii) integrating personal and professional roles, (iii) the role work facets play and (iv) the changing self. Moreover, four leadership identity work strategies are used to counter the effects of the identity bases. These are: (i) being guided by personal philosophies, (ii) balance and negotiation between personal and professional lives, (iii) building relationships both personally and professionally, and (iv) assuming ownership for careers and lives using career management strategies. Based on these findings, a conceptual framework was developed. The findings may guide organisations in developing and implementing effective and well-informed policies, strategies and initiatives geared at the attraction, retention, development and appropriate support of women who are or who wish to be employed as female managers in the mining industry. This study contributes to the knowledge base concerning female leadership in the mining industry in South Africa. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

"Jag känner mig mer hemma i dövvärlden även om jag kan prata" : Ungdomars erfarenheter av att byta från en auditivt orienterad till en visuellt orienterad skolmiljö / "I feel more at home in the Deaf world even though I can speak" : Adolescents' experiences in changing from an auditory oriented to a visually oriented school setting

Andersson, Sara, Fröberg, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Varje år byter ett antal elever som är döva eller har hörselnedsättning (D/HN) skolform under pågående grundskoleutbildning. Det har inte funnits en samlad bild av varför bytet sker och hur eleverna upplever omställningen. Vi har i denna studie genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio högstadieelever med syftet att bidra med kunskap om elevers erfarenheter av att byta skolform från en auditivt orienterad skolmiljö (grundskola) till en visuellt orienterad skolmiljö (regional specialskola). Den tematiska analysen har inspirerats av Schlossbergs (1981; 2011) transitionsmodell, vilken kan appliceras på alla typer av övergångar, förändringar och byten oberoende av om de är förväntade eller ej. Elevernas byte av skolform kan ses som en flytt från en språklig och kulturell kontext till en annan, och deras erfarenheter har delats in i tre huvudteman; flytta ut, flytta in samt göra sig hemmastadd. I intervjuerna framkom varierande erfarenheter, vilket visade att gruppen D/HN-elever som byter skolform var en heterogen grupp. Resultatet visade dock på en del likheter mellan eleverna, exempelvis att en majoritet av eleverna har upplevt ett socialt utanförskap i den auditivt orienterade skolmiljön där de inte känt sig jämlika sina skolkamrater eller fått likvärdiga möjligheter till fungerande lärsituationer. Byte av skolform har påverkat elevernas identitetsarbete och de flesta eleverna beskrev efter bytet en känsla av att vara samma som de andra, känna sig hemma och känna tillhörighet med andra D/HN-elever. Vidare visade resultatet även en förskjutning i elevernas syn på teckenspråk från att ha varit ett hjälpmedel till att vara en del av deras sociala och kulturella identitet. Bytet av skolform har lett till att elevernas identitetsarbete påverkats positivt, och eleverna har gått från att vara marginaliserade till att vara inkluderade. Slutsatser som drogs utifrån resultatet var att D/HN-elever behöver få möjlighet att utveckla en positiv social identitet istället för en marginell sådan, och för att kunna göra detta är tillgång till visuellt orienterade miljöer av vikt. / Every year a number of deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students change school settings during their years in compulsory school. Why the decision is being made and how the students themselves experience the transition are questions that have not been asked when researching school placement for DHH students. This study aims to contribute with knowledge about DHH students' experiences in changing from an auditory oriented school setting (compulsory school) to a visually oriented school setting (compulsory special needs school for deaf and hard-of-hearing students). The thematic analysis is informed by Schlossberg's (1981;2011) transition model, which is a model that can be applied to any form of change or transition whether expected or unexpected. The change in school settings can be seen as a move from one linguistic and cultural context to another, and the students' experiences have been divided into three themes; moving out, moving in and making oneself at home. The interviews point to different sorts of experiences which show that this group of students is vastly diverse, although with some significant similarities. The change in school setting has had an effect on their identity work and the students describe it as feeling at home, being the same as the others and as a sense of belonging with other DHH students in the visually oriented school setting. The result shows that the students have gone from seeing sign language as a tool that can facilitate communication to recognizing it as a language that is a part of them and their social and cultural identity. As stated above there has been a positive effect on the students’ work on their identities and they feel included instead of marginalized. For DHH students to develop a positive rather than a marginal social identity, the students need access to visually oriented settings.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship as a Driving Force for the SDGs? : A Case Study about the Identity of Sustainable Entrepreneurs and Their Potential within Contemporary Social Structures

Pérez Aleth, Lukas January 2022 (has links)
This master’s thesis explores the case of sustainable entrepreneurs in Malmö to examine how they perceive themselves and their situation compared to the social imagination of how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are connected to entrepreneurship. The case study follows a hermeneutic approach intending to generate a deeper understanding of the subjective realities of sustainable entrepreneurs in an interpretative dialogue between the preunderstanding of the phenomenon based on three theoretical aspects of identity work that are considered important in contemporary identity research (power relations, authenticity, identity economics) and the understanding of the phenomenon based on empirical text collected in interviews. The more profound comprehension of the participants’ situation simultaneously creates knowledge about the specific context, which reveals the relationship between the individual and their social environment and implications for the identity of sustainable entrepreneurs and their behaviour. As a result, the findings contribute to the overall development of identity work research and with insights into the perceived realities of sustainable entrepreneurs in the discourse about their role in the SDGs and whether they have the capabilities to be the spearheads of sustainable development as proclaimed by the United Nations. The findings of the case study build a foundation to argue that sustainable entrepreneurs have the potential to become the drivers for sustainable development due to the compatibility of societal challenges with their interpretation of entrepreneurship and their commitment to sustainable practices based on their set of self-values which is required to satisfy their need for authenticity. However, the material limitations of modern social systems impede the performance of their full potential as agents of sustainable development. As a consequence, sustainable entrepreneurs expand their set of self-values to enable the adoption of identities that allow them to access required resources in society to realise the identity they perceive to possess.

A Sociological Study of Atheism and Naturalism as Minority Identities in Appalachia.

Church-Hearl, Kelly E. 13 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative study aims to provide a sociological understanding of people who hold minority beliefs about spirituality and religion and to improve our sociological and social-psychological understanding of a-religious and alternatively religious people. Data were collected through indepth interviews with 10 atheist and 11 naturalist respondents. The study examines the religious histories of the respondents, how they left mainstream religion, how they adopted a minority identity with regard to religion/spirituality, and their personal experiences living in a predominately Christian area. I hypothesized that atheists and naturalists would hold minority identities and feel subordinated or oppressed by the dominant group: Christians. Analyses of interviews provided strong support for the idea that the respondents experienced a minority identity in the sociological sense.

No contradictions : Identity work of managers working for sustainable enterprises

Richter Olsson, Anna, Stark, Ana Lucia January 2022 (has links)
This is a study about the identity work of managers working for sustainable enterprises. Contrary to CSR managers who are constantly managing tensions between achieving social and environmental goals while working at a company whose aim is to maximise profits, the identities of managers working for sustainable enterprises, do not indicate that they are experiencing contradictions between sustainable and commercial discourses. We show how the managers' self values and beliefs are aligned with their role and the organisational goals of the company. These managers, above all, focus on facilitating sustainability and use commercial and economic tools to reach their goals. In addition, our study shows a dominant theme of self- actualization that surrounds and influences the managers' identities. Drawn by the sustainability field, these managers seem to have found in their workplaces, a perfect platform to fulfil themselves. Finally we show how these managers become political actors directing their actions towards changing systems in society. We argue that our findings can be an example of a broader shift towards sustainable discourses in businesses, where we can also see reflexivity gaining ground as a form of managerial practice in organisations. We suggest that there can be hope found in these new organisations, and that it might be possible to strive towards social, environmental and economic goals at the same time.

“Är du en sån där?” : -En kvalitativ studie om HR-arbetarnas yrkesidentitet

Olsson, Johanna, Karlsson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
A common conversation starter is to ask for someone's working title, this title is then often used as a label to define an individual. To label an individual affects how they perceive themself both at work and outside of work. Therefore work plays a big part in an individual's life and is also strongly connected to one's identity. It is in the social interactions that the identity process takes place, both the professional identity and the personal identity. The aim of this study is therefore to study how interactions and perceptions about the HR-profession affects HR-working professionals' own views of their working identity and personal identity. The method that is used to answer the study's aim and research question is a qualitative method based on six semi-structured interviews. Working HR-professionals within the public sector were interviewed. Theories used in this paper to analyze results are Mead's theory about “I and Me” as well as Berger and Luckammans theoretical concept including: socialization, internalization and typification. The findings of the study conclude that HR-professionals do not perceive that their own perception of the profession is coherent with other individuals' perception. Lastly the results show that HR-professionals personal identity is affected by their working identity but in different ways. Their personal identity is affected by both working life experience and social interactions, this is because work is present in a lot of conversations outside of work. / Arbetet är många gånger en konversationsstartare och yrkestiteln blir ofta en etikett på hur en människa är. Denna etikett kan påverka hur en individ uppfattar sig själv både på arbetet och utanför arbetet. Yrket blir därav en stor del av människans liv som också kan bli starkt förknippad med en identitet. Det är i de sociala interaktionerna som identitetsskapandet sker, såväl yrkesidentiteten som den personliga identiteten. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur omgivningens interaktioner och föreställningar om HR-yrket påverkar HR-arbetarnas syn på deras yrkesidentitet och personliga identitet. Metoden som används för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar är en kvalitativ metod baserat på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Yrkesverksamma HR-arbetare inom den offentliga sektorn intervjuades och den teoritillämpning som används för att analysera studiens resultat är Meads teori om “I and Me”. Samt Berger och Luckmanns begrepp: socialisering, internalisering och typifiering. Slutsatserna av studien visar att HR-arbetarna inte upplever att deras egen uppfattning om yrket överensstämmer med den föreställning som de upplever att omgivningen har. Slutligen visar studien att HR-arbetarnas personliga identitet påverkas av yrkesidentiteten men detta sker på olika vis. Deras personliga identitet påverkas av både arbetslivserfarenheter och sociala interaktioner då yrket är närvarande i många konversationer utanför arbetet.

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