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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores Sociodemográficos y su Relación con los Conocimientos y Actitudes Sexuales de los Adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres, Tacna 2012

Vanegas Quispe, Lizbeth Yanina 09 May 2013 (has links)
El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos con los conocimientos y actitudes sexuales de los adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres, Tacna 2012; mediante un estudio de tipo descriptivo, correlacional y de corte transversal aplicado a una muestra de 239 adolescentes. A quienes se les aplicó dos instrumentos, un cuestionario de factores sociodemográficos y conocimientos y la escala de Likert modificada, se utilizó la técnica de entrevista; para procesamientos de datos, SPSS versión 18. Para establecer la relación de variables se utilizó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado con un 95% de confiabilidad y significancia p< 0,05. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que los adolescentes presentaron un nivel de conocimiento alto (39,7%) y mostraron una actitud favorable (51%); concluyéndose que existe relación entre los factores sociodemográficos con los conocimientos y actitudes sexuales de los adolescentes. (p<0,05)

Relación Entre el Sobrepeso-Obesidad y la Actividad Física en Escolares de 9 a 11 Años de la I.E. Mariscal Cáceres Tacna – 2012

Callomamani Quispe, Lucenia Grimalda 09 May 2013 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el sobrepeso-obesidad y la actividad física en escolares de 9 a 11 años de la I.E. Mariscal Cáceres–2012. El método que se utilizó fue descriptivo, cortetransversal, correlacional, con una población conformada por 356 escolares de 9 a 11 años. Para su ejecución se utilizó como instrumento de la Mgr. Enf. Fresia Catacora López que contenía preguntas sobre actividad física y evaluación del índice de masa corporal en la población, la técnica fue la encuesta, para lo cual se obtuvo que el 54,3% tiene un índice de masa corporal normal, 25,2% sobrepeso, 18,1% obesos, 2,4% delgados, y el 97,6% realizan educación física, el 41,73% nunca realizan actividades vigorosas, el 86,61% nunca realiza actividades moderadas, el 66,1% se exponen a ver televisión o películas de video; concluyendo que existe relación significativa entre las actividades físicas vigorosas y moderadas, así como ver televisión o películas de video; jugar en la computadora, videojuegos, nintendo, starcraf, gundbound y audition con el sobrepeso obesidad.

Infective Endocarditis : aspects of pathophysiology, epidemiology, management and prognosis

Ekdahl, Christer January 2008 (has links)
Infective endocarditis (IE) is a rare but complex disease that is fatal if untreated. With a modern combination of antimicrobial therapy and heart valve surgery, mortality is still 10-20 %. The structure of the endocarditis vegetation impedes the penetration of phagocytic cells such as monocytes and granulocytes. This leads to high bacterial counts inside the vegetation and the need for long treatment courses with a combination of intravenously administered bactericidal antibiotics. The aim of this thesis was to study the changes in epidemiology, management, and mortality at our hospital between 1980 and 2001, and to identify prognostic factors associated with mortality. To assess the issue of referral bias, differences between referred episodes and episodes from our local community were studied. Additional aims were to study the occurrence of the pro-chemotactic cytokines IL-8 and TNF-α in heart valves and vegetations during the active phase of IE, and to study the effect of the glycopeptide antibiotic vancomycin in dense staphylococcal cultures in vitro. As it is a rare and complex disease, management of IE is usually complicated for non-specialists. For this reason a computerised decision support system for IE was developed and evaluated. Between 1980 and 2001, the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus IE and the use of early heart valve surgery increased significantly, regardless of whether the episodes were referred or of local origin. Glycopeptide antibiotics, mainly vancomycin, were used more frequently, especially among referred patients. Referred patients were younger, predominantly male, had more complications, and received surgical treatment more often than patients from our local community. The reason for the lower frequency of female patients in the referral cohort cannot be explained by more comorbidity or fewer complications. The differences between referred and local episodes seen in our study highlight the need for assessment and adjustment for referral bias in IE studies (Paper I). In six patients who needed early heart valve surgery, the largest numbers of IL-8-containing cells, and the greatest amount of inflammation, were seen in patients with short preoperative antimicrobial treatment courses. No such relationships were seen with respect to TNF-α-containing cells. The IL-8-containing cells and the inflammatory cells were predominantly scattered in the heart valve stroma or in the margin of the vegetation (Paper II). The primary effect of IL-8 is to stimulate chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes. This indicates that there is no deficiency of IL-8 in the area close to the vegetation as a cause of the localised agranulocytosis often present inside the vegetation. Our study revealed a need for computerised decision support systems (DSSs) in the field of IE, but to be used in clinical practice these DSSs need be part of knowledge bases covering larger domains (Paper IV). Some of our initial ideas described in Paper III, especially the use of Internet technology and the combination of rule-based advice and explanatory hypertext, will probably be included in these knowledge bases. In vitro, there is a rapid reduction of free vancomycin in broth containing dense staphylococcal cultures. Consequently, there is a simultaneous increase in broth MICs, particularly in high inocula, which is not caused by a development of resistance (Paper V). These findings need further evaluation in vivo, but indicate that the dosing regimen of vancomycin is of particular importance in staphylococcal infections with dense inocula, e.g. infective endocarditis. Diabetes mellitus and moderate to severe heart failure were independent risk factors for 6-month mortality in left-sided, Duke definite IE episodes, regardless of referral or local origin of the episodes. Early heart valve surgery had a positive impact on the 6-month mortality in the referral cohort of episodes, which may be due to referral bias (Paper VI).

Information systems evaluation in the public sector

Khalifa, Ghassan R. January 2002 (has links)
Investment appraisal techniques (TAT) range from quantitative (financially based) techniques to qualitative (non-financially based) techniques, and represent tools that may be applied during IT/IS evaluation to assess the impact (value, worth or usefulness) of information systems on the organisation. The normative literature review demonstrates that decision makers need to better evaluate their systems as the role of IT/IS systems in organisations and global expenditure on IT/IS continue to rise. In the service oriented public sector, the normative literature indicates that whilst decision makers may continue to depend on financially based TAT to evaluate IT/IS project that cut cost, they may be doing the populace a disservice by not focussing on non-financial benefits of IT/IS (such as improved customer service). This dissertation investigates the application of TAT in the public sector. To do so, a conceptual model is developed to represent the effect of barriers to the application of IAT. The conceptual model is underpinned by three proposition, which indicate that the organisational investment process, time available for evaluation, and fund accessibility can impede the application of TAT. To test the propositions, a suitable research strategy is selected and developed that essentially adopts a multi-case study for the purpose of testing the proposition, and trialling the applicability of the conceptual model in the public sector. In doing so, the multi-case study investigation is used to produce a frame of references that may be employed by decision makers to recognise barriers to the application of TAT. The frame of reference represents the dissertation's contribution to the body of knowledge. The empirical evidence demonstrated that barriers, as suggested by the propositions, do surface in all case studies, thus confirming them as permanent elements in the frame of reference. The empirical evidence also demonstrated that the application of traditional IT/IS life-cycle models was not possible where inherited IT/IS systems were considered, as inherited systems did not have a definitive start/stop point.

Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production

Ashford, Nicholas January 1994 (has links)
Further development of ideas discussed at a joint workshop sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme Industry and Environment Centre (UNEP/IE) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, 7-8 June 1993.

Návrh strategie rozvoje malého podniku poskytující ubytovací služby na Slovensku / The Proposal of Business Development Strategy for Small Company Providing Accommodation Services in Slovakia

Chamraz, Štefan January 2021 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis is a proposal of business development strategy for small company providing accomodation services in Slovakia. The first part is theoretical and defines basic concepts as strategy, strategic management, development and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as its characteristics. It also describes selected analytical-research methods which goal is to reveal the key factors influencing the current situation. These methods are then applied in the second part, the analytical, where the external and internal environment of the company is mapped and analyzed, together with the influencing factors. The third part, the proposing, interprets possible solutions and recommendations based on the results of selected analyzes, which aim to ensure the future development of the company.

LCC-analys av en elmotordrift

Östlund, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
AFRY är ett ingenjörsföretag som har efterfrågat en studie som går ut på att ur ett elkonstruktionsperspektiv hitta enklare åtgärder för att bespara industrier pengar ge-nom att utföra energieffektiva investeringar i kontinuerliga elmotordrifter. Detta är extra relevant idag då energikostnaderna ökat anmärkningsvärt de senaste åren. Målsättningen har varit att skapa ett underlag baserat på data från motorer, kablar och frekvensomriktare som talar om vilka investeringar som gör störst nytta ur ett energisparperspektiv vid ett antal olika fall. Arbetet är uppdelat i tre delar där bety-delsen undersöks för systemutförande, dimensionering och IE-klasser och deras på-verkan på energiförbrukningen och livstidskostnaderna. Metoden går ut på att hämta tillverkningsdata från komponenterna som testas, simulera energiåtgången i olika mjukvaruprogram och sedan jämföra utfallen i olika konstellationer mot inköpspri-set. Resultatet är ett underlag där det går att påvisa vilka investeringar ur en elkon-struktionssynpunkt som är mest ekonomiskt gynnsamma. Räkneexempel och olika scenarion finns med eftersom förutsättningarna är beroende av faktorer som elpris, materialkostnader, drifttid, med mera. Initialt var planen att simulera samtliga tre delområden med ett energianalyserings-program utvecklat av AFRY. Flertalet långa fördröjningar och oförmågan att köra programmet på nuvarande operativsystem såg till att planeringen ändrades av stor betydelse under projektets gång. Programmet fick därmed ersättas av andra pro-gram och arbetet har lagt större tyngd på teorin föra att täcka upp samtliga delar.

Abrahams barn – en studie om hur lärare arbetar med de gemensamma rötterna och hur de metoderna kan gynna det interkulturella lärandet

Imamovic, Sanela January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Die Rolle des Proteasoms für die Replikation des humanen Cytomegalievirus

Kaspari, Marion 15 September 2009 (has links)
Das Humane Cytomegalievirus (HCMV) ist ein ubiquitäres Pathogen, welches den Metabolismus der Wirtszelle auf vielfältige Weise manipuliert, um seine eigene Vermehrung zu begünstigen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass auch das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System in die HCMV-Replikation involviert ist. So konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die Chymotrypsin-ähnliche (CT-L) Aktivität des konstitutiven Proteasoms in HCMV-infizierten Zellen signifikant erhöht ist. Wurde die CT-L Proteasomaktivität durch Proteasominhibitoren (PI) blockiert, so hatte dies die Hemmung der HCMV-Replikation zur Folge. Die Charakterisierung des Einflusses von PI auf die virale Proteinexpression ergab, dass bei niedriger MOI (MOI 0.1) deutlich verringerte Mengen der sehr frühen Proteine vorlagen, dieser Effekt jedoch bei hoher MOI (ab MOI 1) aufgehoben war. Die Expression früher Proteine war MOI-unabhängig reduziert. Hingegen war die Expression der späten Proteine MOI-unabhängig vollständig unterdrückt. Studien mit dem Nukleosidanalogon BrdU ergaben zudem, dass die de novo Synthese viraler DNA blockiert war. Um erste Hinweise auf den Wirkungsmechanismus von PI zu erhalten, wurde untersucht, ob der Transkriptionsfaktor NF-kappaB oder zelluläre Transkriptionsrepressoren wie z.B. hDaxx am anti-HCMV-Effekt beteiligt sind. Durch die Charakterisierung einer Virusmutante mit Deletion der NF-kappaB-Bindestellen im MIE-Enhancer/Promotor konnte gezeigt werden, dass der antivirale Effekt von PI nicht auf der Hemmung der Aktivierung von NF-kappaB beruht. Experimente mit hDaxx-knockdown Zellen ergaben hingegen, dass die Stabilisierung des Transkriptionsrepressors hDaxx partiell zum anti-HCMV-Effekt von PI beiträgt. Darüber hinaus müssen jedoch weitere virale oder zelluläre Zielproteine existieren, deren Beeinflussung durch PI kritisch für die Virusreplikation ist. Zusammenfassend stellt das Proteasom somit einen neu identifizierten potentiellen Angriffspunkt für die anti-HCMV-Therapie dar. / The Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous pathogen that manipulates many aspects of the host cell metabolism to enhance viral replication. This work demonstrates that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is also involved in HCMV replication. First of all, the chymotrypsin-like (CT-L) activity of the constitutive proteasome was significantly increased in HCMV infected cells. In the presence of proteasome inhibitors (PI) viral replication was efficiently blocked. Characterisation of the influence of PI on viral protein expression showed that immediate early protein expression was clearly reduced at low MOI (MOI 0.1); however, this effect was abolished at high MOI (starting from MOI 1). Expression of early proteins was significantly decreased independently of the MOI used for infection. In contrast, late protein expression was completely suppressed at both low and high MOI. Additionally, studies using the nucleoside analogue BrdU showed that PI block the de novo synthesis of viral DNA. In order to gain insight into the working mechanism of PI the involvement of the transcription factor NF-kappaB and cellular repressors of transcription (e.g. hDaxx) in the antiviral effect of PI was examined. Studies using a mutant virus carrying deletions of the NF-kappaB binding sites in the MIE-enhancer/promoter revealed that the anti-HCMV effect of PI is not due to inhibition of NF-kappaB activation. Analyses using hDaxx-knockdown cells showed that stabilisation of the transcriptional repressor hDaxx partially contributes to the antiviral effect of PI. However, the existence of additional viral or cellular target proteins of PI is very likely. In summary, the proteasome thus represents a newly identified and promising target for anti-HCMV therapy.

Carisma e poder no discurso religioso: um estudo do legado de Masaharu Taniguchi A Seicho-No-Ie no Brasil / Charisma and Power in Religious Discourse: A Study of Masaharu Taniguchi s Legacy Seicho-No-Ie in Brazil

Diniz, Ediléia Mota 09 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:20:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edileia Mota Diniz.pdf: 1326755 bytes, checksum: 54aef30316ab5381b474629c5c2215be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Japanese religions in Brazil, including Seicho-No-Ie, was directly linked to Japanese immigration, which began in 1908. These immigrants brought with them cosmologies and religious practices that were part of a rich and ancient cultural legacy. A variety of New Religious Movements had begun to appear in Japan primarily during the modernizing "Meiji Restoration" (1868-1912), including Oomoto, Tenrikyô, Soka Gakkai, the Messianic Church, and Seicho-No-Ie. In 1930, Masaharu Taniguchi (1893-1985) founded Seicho-No-Ie, a philosophical-religious movement whose name means "home of infinite progressing". Its doctrine is based in a series of revelations that Taniguchi claimed to have received from a Shinto divinity; it draws on Buddhist and Shinto traditions, later mixed with Christian concepts. The propagation of Taniguchi s teachings in a magazine led to Seicho-No-Ie s expansion, first in Japan and later in other parts of the world. Taniguchi was a prophetic and charismatic leader. He installed a peculiar system of symbolic domination that is amenable to analysis using the theories of Max Weber and Pierre Bourdieu. The institutionalization process took Taniguchi s family as idealized model and articulated a hybrid system of patriarchal, charismatic and bureaucratic domination, establishing an androcentric order initially inspired on the Japanese imperial tradition in which feminine roles are subordinate. This structure privileged the succession to leadership of Master Taniguchi s son-in-law, Seicho Arachi (who adopted his father-in-law s surname) and, years later, of the eldest grandson, Masanobu Taniguchi (first-born of Seicho and his wife, Emiko). In the early 1930s, Japanese immigrants to Brazil discovered Seicho-No-Ie, due in large part to reading a magazine edited in Japan by Taniguchi. However, the key factor in establishing Seicho-No-Ie in Brazil was the missionary work of two Japanese immigrants, brothers Daijiro and Miyoshi Matsuda. The Brazilian organization was officially recognized as a branch office of the Japanese headquarters on May 30, 1951. The initial growth of Seicho-No-Ie in Brazil was bounded by the ethnic and cultural limits of the Japanese community. It began to attract native-born Brazilians in the 1960s, as it sought to acculturate its doctrinal activities. This study describes Seicho-No-Ie s doctrinal and administrative structure in Brazil, presenting them as a reproduction of International Headquarters in Japan. It analyzes the religious discourse found in books and magazines, and, currently, in television programs. It argues that these media, along with the teachings of a select body of lecturers, were the primary means of reproducing Masaharu Taniguchi s legacy to his Japanese, Brazilian, and other followers. / A inserção das novas religiões japonesas no Brasil, entre elas a Seicho-No-Ie, está diretamente ligada à imigração japonesa, iniciada em 1908. Esses imigrantes trouxeram com eles cosmovisões e práticas religiosas, que faziam parte de um antigo e rico legado cultural. No Japão, o surgimento dessas novas religiões se deu, principalmente, em decorrência da Restauração Meiji (1868-1912), um período de modernização daquele país. Nessa época apareceram a Oomoto, Tenrikyô, Soka Gakkai, Igreja Messiânica Mundial e a Seicho-No-Ie. Masaharu Taniguchi (1893-1985) fundou a Seicho-No-Ie em 1930, um movimento filosófico-religioso, cujo nome significa lar do progredir infinito . A sua base doutrinária está fundamentada nas tradições budistas e xintoístas mescladas, posteriormente, com preceitos do cristianismo. O fato fundante dessa nova religião são as revelações que Taniguchi afirma ter recebido de uma divindade xintoísta. Foi, no entanto, a divulgação de seus ensinamentos, por meio de uma revista, que deu início à sua expansão no Japão e depois em várias partes do mundo. Taniguchi foi um líder profético e carismático, que instaurou um sistema de dominação simbólica peculiar, mas passível de ser analisada à luz das teorias de Max Weber e Pierre Bourdieu. O processo de institucionalização tomou a família Taniguchi como o modelo ideal, articulando-se a partir dela um sistema de dominação misto de patriarcal, carismático e burocrático. Assim se formou um legado, inicialmente inspirado na tradição imperial japonesa, em que o papel feminino está subordinado à ordem androcêntrica. Esse fator privilegiou a sucessão do Mestre Taniguchi por seu genro, Seicho Arachi, que adotou o sobrenome do sogro e, anos mais tarde, se reproduziu na ascensão do primogênito do casal Seicho e Emiko, Masanobu Taniguchi. No Brasil, os imigrantes japoneses, já no início dos anos 30, descobriram a Seicho-No-Ie, graças ao recebimento do mensário editado no Japão por Taniguchi. Foi, entretanto, o trabalho missionário dos irmãos Daijiro e Miyoshi Matsuda, imigrantes japoneses no Brasil, que a Seicho-No-Ie aqui se estabeleceu e se desenvolveu, obtendo o seu reconhecimento oficial como filial da sede japonesa, em 30/05/51. Inicialmente a Seicho-No-Ie se restringiu às fronteiras étnicas e culturais da colônia japonesa, porém, a partir de 1960, passou a atrair brasileiros, enquanto buscava aculturar as suas atividades doutrinárias. Busca-se neste estudo descrever a organização assumida no Brasil pela Seicho-No-Ie, a sua estrutura doutrinária e administrativa, apresentando-as como uma reprodução da Sede Internacional situada no Japão. Procuramos valorizar o discurso religioso da Seicho-No-Ie contido nos livros e revistas publicados, e atualmente, em programas de televisão. Acreditamos serem esses meios, ao lado dos ensinamentos transmitidos por um seleto corpo de preletores, as principais formas de reprodução desse legado que Masaharu Taniguchi deixou aos seus seguidores, japoneses, brasileiros e de outras nacionalidades.

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