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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring Road Traffic Interactions Between Highly Automated Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users

Fabricius, Victor January 2023 (has links)
Understandings of road traffic interactions are largely based on human-human interactions. However, the development of vehicles controlled by highly auto- mated driving systems (ADS) would introduce a radically novel type of road user. This compilation thesis explores encounters between these “autonomous vehicles” (AVs) and human vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and cyclists. The included publications are connected to three research questions. First, empirical studies are reviewed to highlight existing interactive be- haviors and communication cues. This is followed by a methodological question of how to investigate AV-VRU interactions. Finally, VRUs’ experiences from initial experiments on AV crossing encounters are presented. While road user trajectories and kinematic behaviors are viewed as primary mechanisms to facilitate traffic interactions, they might also be influenced by cues such as appearances, gestures, eye-gaze, and external human-machine interfaces (eHMI). Using the Wizard-of-Oz approach, we are able to explore VRU encounters with a seemingly highly automated vehicle. Compared to meeting an attentive driver, AV encounters resulted in a reported lower willingness to cross, lower perceived safety, and less calm emotional state, indicating that the absence of driver-centric cues could lead to interaction issues and impede acceptance of AVs. To further explore this, we included light-based eHMI to signal the driving mode and intent of the vehicle (e.g., intent to yield). Future research should continue to investigate how AVs may co-exist with human road users focusing on aspects such as behavioral adaptations, research methodologies, and the role of various eHMI.

En gåva från gudarna eller förlegad kunskap? : En studie om handskrivningens roll i svenskundervisningen

Bergkvist, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie avser att undersöka svensklärares inställning till handskrivning respektive digitalt skrivande i syfte att utröna hur detta påverkar deras undervisning. Vidare ämnar studien att lyfta fram de arbetssätt och sammanhang i vilka dessa lärare uppmuntrar eleverna till handskrivning i svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet. Ett vidare syfte är att belysa vilka utmaningar lärarna upplever att det finns med att bevara och främja handskriften. För att uppnå detta användes halvstrukturerade, öppna intervjufrågor riktade till verksamma svensklärare på gymnasiet. Resultatet analyserades i förhållande till ramfaktorteorins olika kategorier för att uppmärksamma hur de olika ramarna påverkar undervisningen och lärarnas didaktiska val. Resultatet visade att hälften av lärarna arbetade aktivt för att främja och bevara handskriften, medan den andra hälften arbetade aktivt för digitaliseringen. Det fanns således ingen lärare som var motståndare till vare sig digitalisering eller handskrivning, däremot gick det att urskilja olika faktorer som var utmärkande för det ena eller andra arbetssättet. Det tydligaste resultatet som framkom var den elevorienterade ramen som pekade på elevernas bristande förkunskaper och ovana med att skriva för hand. Detta kunde dock ses som en konsekvens av de pedagogiska och organisationsrelaterade ramarna. Ytterligare ett syfte med studien bestod i att undersöka gymnasieelevers inställning till handskrivning respektive digitalt skrivande och att ta reda på i vilka sammanhang i svenskundervisningen som eleverna valde att skriva för hand, vilket undersöktes med en webbenkät. Resultatet från enkäten jämfördes slutligen med lärarnas intervjusvar. Sammantaget fanns en ömsesidighet i lärarnas och elevernas uppfattning gällande såväl handskrift som digitalt skrivande. De elevrelaterade utmaningarna var något som eleverna själva också höll med om, vilka de ansåg var digitaliseringens nackdelar.

Elevens skrivprocess i klassrummet : Användandet av digitala och analoga verktyg och dess påverkan. / The pupil´s writing process in the classroom : The use of digital and analog tools and its impact

Koschnike, Dennise, Lindgren, Linnea, Ebel, Paulina January 2023 (has links)
Digital competence is a skill that schools must teach. As society becomes more and more digitized, there are good reasons to argue how big a role digital devices should have in the classroom and how it affects the pupil´s learning in contrast to the traditional analogue teaching. Of interest was how pupils` writing process is influenced by digital tools in the teaching. The method chosen to be used in the work was to investigate what previous research says about the research area. It was reviewed through thematic analysis and compiled. The result shows that the balance between digital and analogue is important, and that the tools should complement each other. A digital competence and motivation are factors that influence the writing process, the research highlights. The material does not only deal with studies at the primary level, due to research gaps, which is needed to ensure the contextual relevance. However, all studies are done in a school environment. For further research there is interest in investigating how digital competence can be developed among students and staff in Swedish schools.

Bland bollar och bloggar - en studie av lärares och elevers inställning till IKT i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Luczak, Markus, Wäss, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken inställning elever och idrottslärare har till att använda mobiltelefoner, film och bloggar i samband med undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Urvalsgruppen bestod av 225 grundskole- och gymnasieelever samt 5 lärare fördelat på 5 skolor i Skåne. De metodologiska tillvägagångssätten utgjordes av intervjuer med lärarna och en enkätundersökning med eleverna. Resultaten har analyserats med utgångspunkt i Roger Säljös vidareutveckling av Lev Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande, samt Thomas Ziehes teori om kolliderande livsvärldar. Vidare har resultaten ställts i relation till tidigare resultat inom forskningsfältet. Undersökningen visar att både lärare och elever, generellt sett, har en positiv inställning till de IKT-praktiker och användningsområden som varit i fokus. Eleverna var, till skillnad från lärarna, emellertid negativa till att använda bloggar i samband med undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Resultatet pekar på att elever som använt en IKT-praktik är mer positivt inställda till praktiken än de elever som inte använt praktiken. / The purpose of this study was to examine the attitude amongst students and physical education teachers towards using mobile phones, films, and blogs during physical education teaching. The selection group consisted of 225 students and 5 teachers from 5 schools in the Skåne region, Sweden. Questionnaires have been issued to the students and the teachers have been interviewed. The results have been analyzed with the help of Roger Säljös further development of Lev Vygotskij’s sociocultural perspective on learning, and Thomas Ziehe’s theory on colliding realities. Furthermore, the results have been put in relation to earlier studies within the research field. The results show that both students and teachers, generally, have a positive attitude towards the studied ICT-practices and uses. The students did however, unlike the teachers, have a negative attitude to using blogs in physical education. The results indicate that students who have used an ICT-practice have a more positive attitude towards that practice than students that haven’t used it.

Making a Mess : Sociomaterial collaboration in a library renovation

Wranning, Joel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the roles played by digital information and communication technologies in a Swedish public library’s three-year long renovation project. As a case study of technology-influenced collaboration in a cultural heritage institution, this study addresses a gap in digital humanities research on the practical details of sociotechnical collaboration, as well as a lack of documentation of an ongoing trend of renovations and rebuildings of Swedish public libraries.  A large number of internal materials produced at the library during the course of its renovations was studied, and semi-structured qualitative interviews with three of the cultural heritage workers involved were conducted. Reading these materials with an actor-network theory approach, an account was constructed of the renovation project and the usages therein of digital technologies, in order to examine these technologies as actors and their effects on the project. It was found that, throughout the project, information and communication technologies were used to think, plan, organize, discuss, and make decisions about the work, that limitations and affordances of these technologies shaped how they could be used, and that this thus had effects on the project. Digital technologies are shown to have been active and agential, and avenues for future research are suggested.

User Experience for Digital Onboarding : Examining fragmented system environments

Lorenzo, Sarah, Herrgård, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
As system environments become more complex, digital onboarding plays an increasingly vital role in helping new hires adapt to their digital surroundings. However, the user experience for new employees during digital onboarding in the workplace remains understudied compared to non-digital onboarding. In this Research through Design project spanning almost five months, we investigated the key aspects of digital onboarding that impact new hires' user experience and devised strategies to overcome challenges posed by fragmented systems. Through interviews and vast data collection at a tech company, “Company X”, in Sweden, we identified pain points in the current digital onboarding process. Creative methods were employed to address these challenges, resulting in the creation and testing of a high-fidelity prototype. Feedback from new hires indicated that several of their experienced challenges had been successfully addressed. This study provides valuable insights for improving digital onboarding and user experience in fragmented system environments.

Datadrivna beslut inom Livslångt lärande : En process för att organisationer ska lyckas med strategisk kompetensförsörjning / Data-driven Decision-making in Lifelong Learning : A Process for Organizations to Succeed with Strategic Competence Provision

Bäckelin, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta fram en process för hur modern teknik kan användas för att organisationer ska lyckas med strategisk kompetensförsörjning. Begreppet datadrivna beslut används när så kallade klassificeringsalgoritmer kan hjälpa oss att upptäcka en ’önskad kompetens som saknas’ eller ’föreslå ett område som vi behöver utveckla’. Metoden utgår från tjänstedesign och denna studie använde sig av en empati karta, som skapades från en enkät studie på det sociala yrkesnätverket LinkedIn med virtuell snöbollsmetod (jmf. respondentdriven sampling). Den utgår från kvalitativa data som beskriver insikter utifrån användarnas upplevelser och drivkrafter. Sedan var det viktig att definiera vilka aktörer som berörs av utmaningen för att kunna beskriva stegen i en användarresa och ta fram en designskiss. Design processen inkluderade även intervjuer med huvudaktörerna för att kunna undersöka rotorsaker och sålla idéer med hjälp av klusteranalys. Slutligen testades en digital prototyp och för att utvärdera vad som fungerade och titta på förbättringar skapades feedback matris. Underlaget för att undersöka problemet kommer från behovet inom användargruppen och perspektiv från aktörer, som sedan validerats genom att använda flera olika verktyg hämtade från tjänstedesign. Slutsatsen var att datadrivet beslutsfattande går ut på att använda mätbara indikatorer och data för att fatta beslut som är i linje med strategiska mål inom kompetensförsörjning. Detta redovisas som en användarresa som består av stegen ”Initiera & kartlägga”, ”Genomföra & uppföljning” och ”Utvärdera & reflektera”. / The purpose of this study was to develop a process for how modern technology can be used for organizations to succeed in strategic competence provision. The concept of data-driven decisions is used when so-called classification algorithms can help us discover a 'desired competence that is missing' or 'suggest an area that we need to develop'.  The method is based on service design and this study used an empathy map, which was created from a survey on the professional social network LinkedIn using the virtual snowball method (cf. respondent-driven sampling). It is based on qualitative data that describes insights based on the users' experiences and driving forces. Then it was important to define which stakeholders that are affected by the challenge in order to be able to describe the steps in a journey map and produce a design sketch. The design process also included interviews with the main stakeholders in order to investigate root causes and sorting ideas using cluster analysis. Finally, a digital prototype was tested and to evaluate what worked and look for improvements, a feedback matrix was created. The basis for investigating the problem comes from the need within the user group and perspectives from stakeholders, which are then validated by using several different tools taken from service design. The conclusion was that data-driven decision-making involves define measurable indicators and data to make decisions that are in line with strategic goals in competence provision. This is reported as a user journey consisting of the steps "Initiate & map out", "Implement & follow up" and "Evaluate & reflect".

Enhancing the meaning of urban biking through implicit interaction

von Loeper, Jan January 2023 (has links)
Fundamentally, interaction design is about getting in between: Between people and what is important to them. While it often makes sense to make mediated interactions explicit, implicit interactions can integrate harmoniously into the here and now and happen almost unnoticed. In this master’s thesis, I explore different approaches to harmoniously integrate interactions with mobile and wearable devices into cycling. Cycling can be treated as a modality. It can influence the behaviour of the operating system or provide considerations for the design of applications. Rather than adding to the existing flow of signals, I propose to tap into that flow and even take it a step further: I explore ways to add meaning to what people are already doing as if there were no interface. Wearable devices, such as the current Apple Watch, can provide comprehensive insight into ongoing activities. The name "smartwatch" suggests that this device is meant to be attended to, but the greater opportunity lies in sensing and adding meaning to what is already happening. This allows people to immerse themselves in their ‘natural’ environment with their heads up and their hands free.

Förtroende för digitala vårdtjänster : En kvalitativ studie om hur patienters förtroende för digitala vårdtjänster skapas och stärks

Johnsson, Alex, Johansson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
I takt med digitalisering och IKTs (informations- och kommunikationsteknik) framväxt skapas nya vårdlösningar för både patienter och vårdgivare. Under Covid-19 pandemin har behovet för alternativa vårdlösningar lett till en ökad användning av digitala vårdtjänster som MinDoktor, Kry och 1177s vårdapp. Dessa digitala vårdtjänster har erbjudit patienter vård på distans då fysiska vårdcentraler inte varit ett lättillgängligt alternativ. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad som krävs för att patienter ska uppleva digitala vårdtjänster som förtroendeskapande och -stärkande. En studie med elva medverkande respondenter som använt sig av digitala vårdtjänster genomfördes. Empiri från intervjuerna analyserades och utvärderades för att möjliggöra en representation av de medverkande respondenternas åsikter. Studien bidrar med insikter till hur förtroende för digitala vårdtjänster kan skapas och stärkas för patienter genom tillgång till personlig kontakt, videomöten och företagsrykten. / With the continued growth of digitalization and ICT (Information and communicationtechnology) new healthcare solutions for both patients and healthcare providers have been made readily available. During the recent outbreak of the Covid-19 virus the necessity for digital healthcare options have been made apparent. Services such as MinDoktor, Kry and 1177’s healthcare app have all seen an increase in use. In this study we have conducted research on what patients on digital healthcare apps thought was necessary for them to create and strengthen trust for these applications. The study was conducted with eleven participating respondents who had previously used a digital healthcare app. The empirical data was then analyzed to enable a representation of the participants opinions and thoughts. This study contributes with insights on how trust for digital healthcare can be created and strengthenedfor patients through access to personal contact, video consultations and company reputation.

Framtidens UX-design : En empirisk och explorativ studie om yrkesverksammas inställning till generativa AI-verktyg inom UX-design / The future of UX-design : An empirical and exploratory study of professionals' attitudes towards generative AI tools in UX design

Lind, Tova January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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