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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

One mathematical formula in the science textbook: looking into innovative potential of interdisciplinary mathematics teaching

Freiman, Viktor, Michaud, Danis 13 April 2012 (has links)
Our paper presents some preliminary observation from a collaborative exploratory study linking mathematics, science and reading within a technology enhanced problem-based learning scenario conducted at one French Canadian Elementary and Middle School. Presented in a form of dialogue between teacher and researcher, our findings give some meaningful insight in how an innovative mathematics teaching can be developed and implemented using a real-world problem solving. Instead of a traditional presentation of material about lighting up homes, participating mathematics, science and French teachers were working collaboratively with the ICT integration mentor and two university professors helping students investigate a problem from various perspectives using a variety of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, discussing and sharing the finding with peers and presenting them to a larger audience using media tools. Our preliminary results may prompt further investigation of how innovation in teaching and learning can help students become better critical thinkers and scientifically empowered citizens.

Employing gamification to support sustainable food consumption : Analysis and Redesign of the Too Good To Go mobile app

Nguyen, Thu Huong January 2020 (has links)
An estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted every year, adding to the growing problem of CO2 emissions and global warming. Consequently, there is an urgent need to address this issue. However, while a lot of research in Human-Computer-Interaction has been conducted about food waste in private households, there is still a lack of research about people’s food waste at a retail level in restaurants. This paper explores the potential of gamification in the design of apps intended to support more sustainable food consumption behavior. This study is centered on the existing Too Good To Go app and examines current user behavior and perception through quantitative and qualitative methods. Then through employment of design frameworks and iterative prototype cycles the potential to encourage active sustainable food consumption is examined. Findings show that there are many challenges stopping users from actively using the current app more often.  Findings also suggest that gamification has the potential to increase users’ motivation to use the app beyond reasons of only saving food. The implications of this paper could present new opportunities for applying gamification to reduce food waste that could inspire researchers and practitioners to explore the theme further.

Aspekter på implementeringen av digitala verktyg i bildklassrummet / Aspects of the implementation of digital tools in the visual arts classroom

Persson, Mattias, Widén Wolinska, Jessika January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this research compilation is to show and discuss aspects of the implementation of digital tools in the visual arts classroom in Sweden. The purpose is to find out what approach visual art teachers have to the use of digital tools in their classroom, and how this affects the lessons and interactions between the students and the teachers. The articles have been found through multiple sources, the ones used are ERIC, SwePub and DiVa-Portal. The articles are all peer-reviewed and published after 1996. The main amount of articles are in a Swedish context, but there’s also a few international articles to give a broader perspective. These other articles come from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Some of the articles haven’t been found via the mentioned sites, but were nudged to us by our supervisor. The results show that visual art teachers are still to some degree reluctant to incorporate the use of digital tools in the visual arts classroom. This is mostly due to lack of knowledge, skills or resources available for the teacher. Another part is that the visual arts still are considered a creative hands-on subject, which makes it hard to implement digital tools since they mostly are considered theoretical tools. This research compilation concludes that there’s still further work to be done to implement digital tools in a way that visual art teachers can fully use. And there’s still a need for digital competence among both students and teachers. However, it’s already starting to turn, with more students gaining access to their own personal computers, consequently more opportunities for digital learning appearing.

Att stötta en hälsosam social jämförelse : En kvalitativ studie av sociala medieprofiler

Göransson, Rebecka, Voksepp, Amelia January 2023 (has links)
Sociala medier har blivit en integrerad del av människors liv under det senaste årtiondet, och användare jämför sig ständigt med innehållet de ser. Forskningen pekar på att sociala medieprofiler, med sina anpassningsbara funktioner och feedback-möjligheter, intensifierar social jämförelse och kan ha negativa följder på användares välmående. För att skapa förståelse över hur hälsosam social jämförelse kan stöttas valde vi en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där vi genom fokusgruppintervjuer har tolkat användares utsagor. Studien utgår från användarens perspektiv eftersom det är användarens förmåga att jämföra sig som är i fokus. I slutsatsen presenterar vi sex angreppssätt för hur sociala medieprofiler kan stötta en hälsosam social jämförelse. / Social media has become an integral part of people's lives in the past decade, with users constantly comparing themselves to the content they see. Research indicates that social media profiles, with their customizable features and feedback capabilities, intensify social comparison and can have negative effects on users' well-being. To gain insight into how a healthy social comparison can be supported, we employed a qualitative research approach, interpreting users' statements through focus group interviews. The study focuses on the user's perspective since it is the user's ability to compare themselves that is the central focus. In the conclusion, we present six ways of approaches on how social media profiles can support a healthy social comparison.

Don’t be unfair, Mr Bot! : An empirical study exploring the perception of fairness in non-work settings for human-agent interactions

Bäckström, August, Ekenberg, William January 2023 (has links)
This study aimed to explore the implementation of fairness in intelligent agents to enhance their interactions in our social space. Two distinct investigations, an experiment, and a focus group, were conducted to examine the impact of unfair treatment by non-anthropomorphic and anthropomorphic agents, where we sought to answer the research question: How does experiencing unfair treatment from agents with different appearances influence individuals' perceptions, satisfaction, and trust? The experiment encompassed four experimental conditions combining fair and unfair behaviours with agents displaying human-like or non-human-like appearances. User enactment, Experience prototyping, and the Wizard of Oz technique were employed during the experiment. The focus group aimed to delve into the concept of fairness and its relevance to agents in greater detail. In summary, the study's findings indicate that fairness is a significantly important consideration in agent design. However, the complexity of designing a fair agent proves challenging, due to the subjective and contextual nature where it entangles with various factors. / Toward socially competent AI: Designing multi-user interaction with embodied intelligent agents to support politeness and fairness (SCAI)

Vill du öppna dörren till klassrummet så att AI:n får komma in? : En innehållsanalys av diskursen om AI och utbildning i början av 2023. / Would you like to open the classroom door to let the AI in? : A content analysis of the discourse on AI and education in the start of 2023.

Linderholm, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Denna undersökning har syftat till att undersöka hur AI anses kunna påverka undervisningen i skolan och samhällskunskapsämnet. Studien baseras på den diskurs som råder inom ämnet. Undersökningen baseras på material i form av tidningsartiklar, en intervju med en forskare och en fokusgruppsintervju. Materialet har analyserats genom en kvantitativ respektive kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Undersökningen utgår från uppfattningen att samhällskunskapsundervisningen bör sträva efter att utveckla så kallad AI-literacy hos eleverna. Resultatet bekräftade inte att detta genomförs i undervisningen. Områden som undervisning, fusk, examination och bedömning behandlades i större utsträckning än AI-literacy, AIED (AI in education) och AI&ED (AI and education).  Resultatet antyder att AI-utvecklingen kommer leda till nya examinationsformer och möjligen AI-assistenter som kompletterar lärare. Samhällskunskap som undervisningsämne omnämndes knappt i materialet även om vissa områden som kan relateras till samhällskunskap förekom som källkritik och demokrati. AI-literacy relaterat till samhällskunskap förekom några enstaka gånger. Detta resultat påvisar viken av att utveckla AI:s roll i samhällskunskapsundervinsingen för att möjliggöra säkra studier av ämnet i skolan, samt vikten av att fortsätta forska om AI och utbildning och AI och samhällskunskap. / This survey aims to investigate how AI is considered to influence teaching in school and the social studies subject. The survey is based on the discourse on the subject of AI and education. The survey is based on material from online news articles, an interview with a researcher and a focus group interview. The material has been analyzed through quantitative and qualitative content analysis methods. The survey is based on a theory that claims that social studies teaching should strive to develop students so-called AI-literacy. The survey results did not confirm this theory. Categories such as teaching, cheating, examination and assessment were covered in the material to a greater extent than AI literacy, AIED (AI in education) and AI&ED (AI and education). The results suggests that the development in AI may lead to new forms of examination and possibly AI assistants as a supplement to teachers. Social studies as a teaching subject was barely mentioned in the material, although certain areas that can be related to social studies appeared such as source criticism and democracy. AI literacy related to social studies appeared a few times. This result demonstrates the importance of further research about AI and social studies education to and to enable safe methods to study the subject in schools. It also emphasizes the importance of continued research on AI and education as well as AI and social studies.

What role to play in strategy implementation? : Constructive interplay between middle and frontline managers / Vilken roll ska man spela vid en strategiimplementering? : Konstruktivt samspel mellan mellanchefer och linjechefer

ÖBERG, JENNY, STENLÖF, ELIN January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to study the interplay between middle managers (MMs) and front-line managers (FLMs) in strategy implementation (SI). To successfully manage and run a complex technology corporation a well-performed strategy is essential. By comparing MMs’ and FLMs’ different views and responsibilities in the SI process, both theoretical and empirical. Methodology: Theoretical material regarding leadership, middle and front-line manager roles and responsibilities, as well the strategy implementation process, obstacles and success factors are compared in the study. Supplemented by a general pilot study and primary interviews covering their view of the SI-process, obstacles and leverages, leadership, and their roles description. In total, ten pilot interviews and 12 primary interviews have been conducted, with MMs and FLMs, equally represented. Findings: In large, the main findings regarding the creation of a dynamic interplay between MMs and FLMs were three identified key attributes. Firstly, success in the SI process and constructive dynamic require a clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities between MMs and FLMs or the key responsibilities in the process. Secondly, select key people for the SI process, picked from different levels in the organization with different viewpoint and expertise. Making sure that there are total transparency and knowledge sharing between all key members and organizational levels. This will enable a greater involvement and commitment in the SI-process. Finally, to create a successful SI-process and a dynamic interplay between MMs and FLMs, strategic work must be rewarded equally compared to operational excellence and product-development efforts. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att få en förståelse för samspelet mellan Mellanchefer (MM) och Linjechefer (FLM) vid genomförandet av en strategiimplementering (SI). För att lyckas kontrollera och driva en komplex teknikorganisation är en väl genomförd strategi essentiell. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra MMs och FLMs olika syn och ansvarsområden i SI-processen, både teoretisk och empirisk. Metodik: Det teoretiska materialet som har jämförts i studien inkluderar ledarskap, Mellanchefers och Linjechefens roller och ansvar, samt strategiimplementeringsprocessens hinder och framgångsfaktorer. Detta kompletterades med en övergripande pilotstudie och med primära intervjuer som visade på MMs and FLMs respektive syn på hinder, hävstänger och ledarskap under SI-processen samt deras syn på sin roll. Sammantaget hölls 10 pilotintervjuer och 12 primära intervjuer, där mellanchefer och linjechefer var lika representerade. Resultat: Rapporten konkluderar tre viktiga attribut för skapandet av ett dynamiskt samspel mellan mellanchefer och linjecheferna. För det första, krävs en tydlig fördelning av uppgifter och ansvar mellan MMs och FLMs alternativt mellan de nyckelpersonerna som är inblandade och ansvarig i processen. För det andra, är det viktigt att välja rätt nyckelpersoner i SI-processen och att plocka dessa från olika nivåer i organisationen då de besitter olika erfarenheter. Viktigt är att skapa en total transparens och kunskapsöverföring mellan alla nyckelpersoner i processen samt mellan de olika organisatoriska nivåerna. Detta kommer att resultera i ett större engagemang och en känsla av mer inflytande på SIprocessen. Slutligen, för att skapa en framgångsrik SI-process och ett dynamiskt samspel mellan MMs och FLMs, måste det strategiska arbetet belönas lika mycket som operativa och produktspecifika insatser.

Naturvetenskaplig undervisning med en dator per elev: möjligheter och utmaningar utifrån lärarnas perspektiv

Winter, Julia Franziska January 2014 (has links)
Trots intensiva satsningar på skolans digitalisering visar forskningen att den inte lederautomatiskt till förbättrat lärande och kunskapsutveckling hos eleverna. Syftet medexamensarbetet var att undersöka pedagogernas syn på frågan hur IT och 1:1 kontextenkan utnyttjas för att främja elevers lärande i naturvetenskaplig undervisning.Empirin omfattar djupintervjuer med fyra lärare som undervisar i biologi, kemi ellerNO. Syftet var att få insikt i lärarnas funderingar och sätt att använda IT och 1:1kontexten för att stötta elevers lärande och det pedagogiska arbetet. Dessutom gjordesen enkätstudie bland åtta lärarstudenter för att ta reda på deras uppfattningar om 1:1kontextens användning och effekt vid observerade naturvetenskapliga lektioner. Detempiriska materialet analyseras utifrån utvalda teoretiska utgångspunkterna somomfattar teorier av Vygotskij och Dewey kring sociokonstruktivistiskt läranderespektive inquiry-based learning samt Mishra och Koehlers TPACK modell.Kopplingar görs också till aktuell evidensbaserad pedagogisk forskning kring IT-stöddlärandet som beskrivs i forskningsöversikten.Arbetets resultat visar på konkreta exemplen på hur IT och 1:1 kontexten kanutnyttjas för att främja elevers lärande, t.ex. vid utveckling av förmågor som lära attlära, metakognition, kommunikation och digital kompetens. Identifierade positivafaktorer för en effektiv IT användning är ett elevcentrerat undervisningsupplägg,lärarnas IT-intresse och elevernas guidning kring datoranvändning och kunskapsmålen.I arbetet identifieras också en rad utmaningar och riskfaktorer som kan lätt äventyrapositiva effekter av IT och 1:1 kontexten. Som mest besvärlig upplevs ITsdistraktionskraft på eleverna samt lokala förutsättningar som är svårare att påverka(teknisk utrustning, klassens sammansättning, elevernas motivation och förmåga tillsjälvkontroll, samt lärarnas möjligheter till att kunna utveckla sin TPACK).Analysen visar att positiva effekter för undervisningen och elevers lärande uppstårmer sannolikt när IT och 1:1 kontexten används selektiv för att stödja effektivaläraktiviteter som är aktiva, elevcentrerade, kognitiv utmanande, skapande och (social-)konstruktivistiska samt för att ge formativ bedömning. / Teaching science with one computer per pupil:opportunities and challenges from teachers’ perspective

Influences of simulated XAI explanations on players of economic games : A pilot study

Tomasson Izquierdo, Hannibal January 2023 (has links)
This pilot study has the twofold purpose of analyzing the effect of XAI explanations on the mental models of economic games participants, and testing the feasibility of the methodology devised for it. To achieve this, we compared the contribution behavior and mental models of 30 participants playing a public good game. Playing in pairs, a total of 10 participants played in each of three different conditions: i) a condition with a decision support system providing suggestions for contributions; ii) a condition with the decision support system and explanations for its suggestions; iii) a control condition. Upon finishing the game, all participants completed a Retrospection Task questionnaire to elicit their mental models about the game’s goals and partner’s behavior. Our results showed differences in the contribution behavior and mental models of the participants between the three conditions, with the condition with explanations presenting consistently higher contributions and participants reporting prosocial attitudes. Through these findings, this pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of the methodology and argues for the need of a larger-scale study to further investigate the effect of XAI explanations on the users’ mental models. / Denna pilotstudie har det dubbla syftet att analysera effekten av XAI-förklaringar på de mentala representationerna hos deltagarna i ekonomiska spel och att testa genomförbarheten av den metod som utarbetats för studien. För att uppnå detta jämförde vi bidragsbeteendet och de mentala representationerna hos 30 deltagare som spelade ett spel om kollektiva nyttigheter. Totalt 10 deltagare spelade parvis i var och en av tre olika behandlingar: i) en med ett beslutsstödsystem som ger förslag på bidrag, ii) en med beslutsstödsystemet och förklaringar till dess förslag, iii) en kontrollgrupp. Efter att ha avslutat spelet fyllde alla deltagare i ett frågeformulär om en retrospektionsuppgift för att utvärdera deras mentala representationer om spelets mål och partnerns beteende. Våra resultat visade skillnader i deltagarnas bidragsbeteende och mentala modeller mellan de tre behandlingarna, där behandlingen med förklaringar presenterade genomgående högre bidrag och deltagare som rapporterade prosociala attityder. Genom dessa resultat visar den här pilotstudien att metoden är genomförbar och argumenterar för behovet av en studie i större skala för att ytterligare undersöka effekten av XAI-förklaringar på användarnas mentala modeller.

Navigating the Evolving World of Fashion In-Game Advertising

Botini, Evgenia Maria January 2023 (has links)
Abstract This study addresses gaming as an interactive digital advertising tool, aiming to explore its effectiveness in digital marketing overall and to examine its impact on digital marketing for the fashion industry in particular. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an analytical framework for explaining the appeal of games for fashion brand advertising. More precisely, this paper aims on investigating in detail how, if and what factors make games an appealing medium for fashion brand advertising, through a uses and gratifications perspective. Design/methodology/approach In the zeitgeist of infoxication and information anxiety, in which modern consumers must form their consumption identity habits, advertisement experts and academics are called to revise traditional advertising channels, exposed to the urgent need of finding new mass-mediated mediums to successfully reach their goal-market. While the advertising industry is striving to “consume” every freshly designed communicational platform and utilize it for marketing purposes, the uses and gratifications theory (UGT), will guide the researcher to uncover why and if audiences are choosing to perceive games as an advertising channel. Originality/value The present study contributes to the existing literature by investigating the uses and gratifications (U&Gs) that motivate gamers to adopt a positive attitude towards fashion ingame advertising (IGA) and brand recognition, and therefore influence their purchase intentions. Additionally, the study will contribute to confining the research gap between what fashion brands think they will achieve with IGA and what they are actually achieving. The study hopes to pose significant theoretical and practical implications for both researchers and practitioners who are eager in the metaverse economy, IGA advertisement and virtual world marketing communication. Findings Whilst fashion advertising in games poses a new challenge for both advertisement and mass communication practitioners, the present study concluded that games – as a mass-mediated environment – equip advertisement with the benefit of engaging audiences in interactive and immersive experiences. This unique IGA advantage allows for the creation of more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns, tapping into the specific gratifications sought by players, such as social interaction, self-expression, and achievement. By leveraging these insights, fashion brands can effectively connect with their target audience, and cultivate brand loyalty, brand recognition and brand engagement.

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