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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


葉文琦, Yeh ,Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際連鎖速食業地區經營者(Market Operator)的主要資本投入,包括:原料採購、餐飲設備投資、設計裝修、人員訓練、以及租用不動產時,都牽扯到被陷入或轉換成本偏高的問題,以致對於既有資源供應商之續約談判時處於不利的地位。   本研究主要從交易成本理論、陷入成本及專屬資產、買賣方之交易關係等理論解析國際連鎖速食店的地區經營者提高取得上述資源的議價能力(Bargaining Power)的管理策略,並透過業界專家實證其可行性。   經研究結果顯示,國際速食連鎖業地區經營者可以從「降低專屬陷入成本的投入」、「促使主要供應商投入專屬資產」、「善用其他交易影響者的力量」等三個方向來提高議價能力,並可根據資源特性的不同,而採取不同的策略行動。

Konsten att enas under ett varumärke : Intern varumärkesuppbyggnad på Nordiska Kompaniet / The ability to unite under one brand : Internal brand building on Nordiska Kompaniet

Grönvall, Karin, Talavera, Nicole January 2014 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a company with a single brand is perceived as uniform, as well as how they use internal brand building to reconcile various competing actors within one brand. Furthermore the aim is to examine how staff, through internal brand building processes, perceives and identifies themself with the values of the common brand. Method: A case study with method triangulation was conducted at Nordiska Kompaniet department store in Stockholm. Quantitative data through a questionnaire survey with employees combined with two observations. Qualitative data was given through an email interview with a responsible manager of digital channels and PR from NK AB. Theories: This study has used the following theories; Destination marketing, Corporate brand, internal branding, corporate identity, corporate culture, brand value, service brand values, brand citizenship behaviour. Conclusion: This case study of NK has shown that internal branding building in a department store is a comprehensive work, which all involved must have a unified perception and understanding of the brand, in order to successful unite under one brand. Internal brand building is done primarily to employees through various recurrent trainings and meetings, with the purpose to create behaviour consistent with the brand values. However, there is a lack of communication since staff did not correctly perceive and understand the actual brand values. This results in that staff identify with incorrect values, which means that they have a brand citizenship behaviour that is not consistent with the brand values. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett företag med ett gemensamt varumärke uppfattas som enhetligt, samt hur de använder intern varumärkesuppbyggnad för att förena olika konkurrerande aktörer under ett varumärke. Syftet är således att undersöka hur personalen med hjälp av intern varumärkesuppbyggnad, uppfattar och identifierar sig med det gemensamma varumärkets värden. Metod: En metodtriangulering genomfördes på Nordiska Kompaniet i Stockholm. Kvantitativ data gavs genom en enkätundersökning med anställda kombinerat med två observationer. Kvalitativa ansatsen var genom en e-post intervju med ansvarig chef för PR och digitala kanaler på NK AB. Teori: Studien har använt följande teorier; Destinationsmarknadsföring, företagsvarumärke, intern varumärkesuppbyggnad, företagsidentitet, företagskultur, varumärkesvärden, servicevarumärkets värden samt varumärkesorienterade beteende. Slutsats: Fallstudien på Nordiska Kompaniet har visat att intern varumärkesuppbyggnad i ett varuhus är ett omfattande arbete, där alla inblandade måste ha en enhetlig uppfattning och förståelse av varumärket, för att de framgångsrikt ska förenas under ett varumärke. Intern varumärkesuppbyggnad sker framförallt till anställda genom olika återkommande utbildningar och möten, för att således skapa ett beteende förenligt med varumärkets värden.  Däremot finns en brist i kommunikationen när personalen inte korrekt uppfattar och förstår varumärkets faktiska värden. Det leder till att personalen identifiera sig med felaktiga värden. Vilket gör att de uppvisar ett varumärkesorienterande beteende som inte är förenligt med varumärkets värden.

Aspectos fisico-espaciais, satisfação e preferência no comércio de varejo

Moretto, Mateus Mengatto January 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa investiga a influência das variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais das lojas na definição da satisfação e preferência pelo comércio de varejo de vestuário feminino. Nessa investigação levam-se em consideração as percepções de dois grupos de usuários: arquitetas e não arquitetas. O objetivo central é fornecer subsídios teóricos para que possam ser produzidos espaços comerciais mais satisfatórios para as usuárias e mais eficientes para os proprietários. As quatro lojas selecionadas como objetos de estudo estão situadas na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS), e possuem características que as agrupam dentro de um mesmo tipo de varejo, nomeadamente, o vestuário feminino destinado à classe econômica A. Da mesma maneira, essas lojas possuem características heterogêneas em termos das variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais que tornam pertinente a comparação entre elas. Os métodos de coleta e análise de dados fazem parte dos utilizados na área de pesquisa do Ambiente e Comportamento. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de levantamentos de arquivo e levantamento de campo, esse incluindo observações e levantamento das variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais, questionários e entrevistas informais. Os resultados dessa investigação demonstram que existem relações bastante evidentes entre a satisfação e a preferência por uma determinada loja e as variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais da mesma. Primeiramente, fica evidente que as variáveis mais importantes para a definição da satisfação geral com uma loja estão associadas à características do interior da loja. Por outro lado, as variáveis mais associadas com a preferência por uma loja são aquelas relacionadas com o exterior da loja e características de seu entorno. Torna-se evidente que para o desenvolvimento de bons projetos e para a manutenção de usuários satisfeitos e fiéis tais variáveis devem ser consideradas. Espera-se que os dados encontrados despertem o interesse pelo desenvolvimento de outros estudos sobre o tema da relação entre o espaço da atividade comercial e seus usuários. / This research investigates the influence of the variables associated to the stores’ physical and spatial aspects in the definition of satisfaction and preference in women’s clothes retail. In this investigation it is taken in consideration the perceptions of two groups of users : architects and people who are not architects. The main objective is to produce theoretical knowledge to create more satisfactory retail spaces for the users and more efficient for the owners. The four stores selected as study objects are located in the city of Porto Alegre (Brazil). Such stores possess characteristics that group them in the same retail type, namely, the feminine clothes destined to the high economical class. Those stores have heterogeneous characteristics in terms of the variables associated to the physical and spatial aspects that make pertinent the comparison among them. The collection methods and analysis of data are part of the Environment and Behavior area of research. The data were obtained from file and field surveys, including observations and survey of the variables associated to the physical and spatial aspects, questionnaires and informal interviews The results of this investigation show evident relationships between satisfaction, preference for a certain store and the variables associated to the physical and spatial aspects. Firstly, it is evident that the most important variables for the definition of the general satisfaction with a store are associated to inner store characteristics. On the other hand, the variables strongly associated with store preference are those related with the exterior and surroundings. It becomes quite clear that the development of good projects and the maintenance of satisfied consumers should consider both variables. It is expected that these findings will arouse an interest in developing further studies on the subject of the relationship between space and the commercial activity.

電子商店之關係品質模式-融合交易成本理論及科技接受模式的觀點 / The relationship quality model of electronic store: Combining transaction cost theory with technology acceptance model

張紹勳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來電子商店已成為一種新興的零售通路,在美國有人預估未來幾年內,其市場規模將佔美國零售市場的6~8%(Rosen & Howard,2000)。這種,伴隨著Internet發展而快速成長的電子商務,逐漸的改變了人類的生活習慣,也創造了新的商業行為以及經濟模式,並成為近年來企業經營的熱門話題。   買賣雙方關係管理一直是企業經營之成功關鍵因素,忠誠的顧客可說是企業獲利的直接來源,多數學者認為行銷學的焦點已由過去傳統交易行銷轉移到今日注重建立並維持與顧客關係的關係行銷,這種被視為行銷新典範的關係行銷,其主要目的在提昇顧客的忠誠度及滿意度,建立良好的顧客凝聚力。   本文旨在精緻化Crosby, et al.(1990)所提實體環境之關係品質模式,並在原模式中納入「網路安全性」、「產品失驗(disconfirmation)」、「資產專屬性」等外生變數。企圖由交易成本(Williamson,1975)、關係品質(Crosby, et al.,1990)及科技接受模式(Davis,1989)觀點,來解釋及預測Internet消費者對電子商店關係品質(滿意度、信任)及忠誠度的心理歷程,進而建立具有理論基礎的電子商店關係品質之因果模式。   本研究架構包括前因變數(e.g.產品/服務品質、互動強度、網路安全性、產品失驗、資產專屬性)、中介變數(滿意度及信任)、結果變數(e.g.顧客忠誠度、未來互動)三層徑路關係。本理論架構廣納科技面(網路安全、人機介面易用性)、策略面(資產專屬性)、行銷面(互動強度)、產品面(產品失驗)、心理面(網路實用性、隱私權、信任、滿意度)等5大類影響關係品質及忠誠度之因素。   本研究同時採用定性及定量方法,來交互驗証結果。   定量部份,採隨機問卷抽樣台灣、香港、印度、大陸、美國共3231名Internet使用者的消費行為。分探索性及驗証性兩階段資料分析,前者以效度及信度來篩選量表題目,後者使用LISREL統計工具進行電子商店關係品質之結構性分析,以找出Internet關係品質(滿意度、信任)的前因及後果(e.g.顧客忠誠度、未來互動意願)。定量分析結果發現:(1)本研究B2C電子商店之關係品質模式獲得支持;(2)加強電子商店網站實用性、產品失驗、互動強度,及網路安全性,可提升關係品質;(3)網路安全防範仍是台灣電子商務發展的一項重要工作;(4)電子商店的服務品質、資產專屬性及關係滿意度,可提高顧客忠誠度以及商家的獲利;(5)關係品質的提升,可建立忠誠顧客,強化雙方未來互動。   定性分析方面,本研究訪談國內28家網路券商主管,輔以次級資料(網商內容分析、期刊雜誌、證交所網站等)搜集佐證,結果發現:網站服務品質愈佳、網站交易安全性及互動性愈高,不但可有效提升顧客的信任及滿意度(關係品質),且顧客忠誠也愈高。因此加強網站互動機制、網頁內容的客製化、優惠商品(手續費折扣)、及網站資產專屬性(知識專屬性、時間專屬性),都是券商套牢顧客的好方法。根據研究結果,本研究得到結論如下:(1)網路下單具有多項優勢,在台灣證券市場相當具有發展潛力。(2)網路證券由價格競爭走向商品/服務品質導向。(3)證券商品/服務走向多元化及國際化,朝網路金融服務中心發展。(4)網路券商在客製化服務方面較傳統券商可提供更佳服務。(5)網站加強核心資源的創新及累積,建立難以模仿的資產專屬性,提升顧客忠誠度。(6)網際網路是關係行銷的利器。(7)安全仍是網路證券業發展的障礙因素。 / Recently, The Electronic Store has become an up-and-coming retail channel. In America, some people estimate its market scale will hold six to eight percent of the American retail market in the oncoming years. Such kind of Electronic Commerce that increased rapidly by accompanying the development of Internet has gradually changed human living habits. In addition, Electronic Commerce has created a new commercial behavior and a new economic model. Furthermore, it has become one of the most popular issues in enterprises lately.   The relational management between buyers and sellers is always the key point for enterprises to run a business successfully. Loyal customers have affinitive connections for them to gain profits as well. Most of the scholars mention that the focal point on marketing has transferred from the traditional transaction in the past to relationship marketing that stresses on constructing and maintaining the good enterprise-customer relationship nowadays. The main purpose of relationship marketing regarding as novel mode for selling is to increase customer loyalties and satisfactions, and also to promote fine customer concentrations   For this content, the keynote is to refine the relationship quality model of physical environment, and adopt extraneous variable of net security, product disconfirmation, asset specificity that are from the original model. Additionally, we attempt to use concepts of Transaction Cost (Williamson, 1975), Relationship Quality (Crosby, et al., 1990), and TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action) (Davis, 1989) to explain and predict Internet customers'' psychological process for satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in Relationship Quality of Electronic Store, and then, to build up cause and effect pattern of Relationship Quality of Electronic Store that is provided with theoretical basis.   The research structure consists of three-path relations. It is including (1) Ancestor Variables (ex. products, services qualities, contact intensities, Internet securities, product disconfirmations, and asset specificities) and (2) Intervening Variables (such as satisfactions and trusts), and (3) Consequent Variables, (ex. customer loyalties, and future interactions). Meanwhile, the width of this theory focuses on six main reasons of influencing the Relationship Quality and customer loyalty, such as technologies (Internet securities, user interfaces, and eases of uses), strategies (asset specificities), marketings (contact intensities), products (product disconfirmations), psychologies (Internet usefulnesses, privacies, trusts, and satisfactions), and domestic cultures.   According to this research, it simultaneously adopts two ways of the Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis to verify its result.   For Quantitative Analysis, it takes randomly survey samples which amounts to 3,231 consumers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, China, and America to know the psychographics of internet users. In this part, it''s divided into two steps in information analysis. One is the Explorative, and the other one is the Confirmatory. The former one adopts validity and reliability to shift scale item; the later one uses statistic tools, called" LISREL" to carry out structural analysis in the Relationship Quality Model of Electronic Store, and confirms to find out the cause and effect (Customer loyalty and further interaction) of the Relationship Quality (Satisfaction and trust). Through the result of Quantitative Analysis, we can find out: 1) The research, called "B2C Electronic Store" the Relationship Quality Model is able to obtain the support; 2) When strengthening Electronic Store''s internet usefulness, product disconfirmation, contact intensity, and internet security, it can promote the Relationship Quality well; 3) For the development of Electronic Commerce in Taiwan, the internet security precaution still takes as a serious problem to solve; 4) Stressing on Electronic Store''s service quality, asset specificity and relationship satisfaction can increase customer loyalty and enterprise''s profit; 5) Increasing Relationship Quality can posses loyal customer, and further enhance bilateral future interaction.   For the Qualitative Analysis, we interview 28 on-line broker firms in Taiwan, and collect the secondary information (web content of online-broker analysis, periodical magazine, and stock exchange website), as a result, we find out that the better the website''s service quality, the greater transition security and interaction. For this research, it can not only effectively increase the customer trust and satisfaction (the relationship quality), but also build up the high customer loyalty. Hence, it is a good way for brokers to underpin the amounts of customers by uplifting the website interactive mechanism, customized website contents, off-price merchandize (fee discounts), website asset specificities (knowledge and time specificity). Base on the result in this research, we conclude that: (1) An order from the website has varieties of advantages, so it''s equipped the capability of development in Taiwan stock market; (2) Website bond has moved toward merchandize or service quality instead of price competition; (3) Bond merchandize and service has become diversified and global pattern, and it faces toward the Service Center of Online-banking form; (4) Due to the customized service, current online-broker can provide better service than traditional one; (5) For the invention of strengthening core resource, it can have their own asset specificity that is hard to imitate, and promote customer loyalty; (6) Internet is a good toll for the Relationship Marketing; (7) Security is still the main obstacle for the internet stock market development.

Utvärdering av miljöarbetet vid nybyggnad av butik : miljöledning och avfallshantering

Othén, Anna, Persson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
According to recent statistics the construction industry is responsible for the largest waste discharges of both dangerous and non-dangerous waste, when disregarding the "non-dangerous" amount of granite waste produced by the mining industry and the waste produced by the pulp and paper industry. Preventive work within waste management is an ongoing practice so to be able to reduce negative environmental effects. One of the most common actions for the companies to take is to separate the different kinds of waste from one another at the construction site. Although by working with the problem in earlier stages of the process a large amount of the waste could already have been reduced. Companies in the construction business that are actively working to decrease environmental impact in their operations often use an EMS (Environmental Management System). By using environmental management as method the company can manage their environmental work so that actions can be taken where they are needed the most. It may though be difficult to adapt the tool for a project-oriented organization such as a construction project. Which effect the environmental work will have does not depend on the fact that the company uses EMS, it depends on how they use it. ICA Real-estate Sweden AB is about to have a new "ICA Kvantum" store built in Avesta, the company has chosen to use an EMS in their environmental work in order to reduce their environmental impact. ICA Real-estate’s environmental review showed that a considerable environmental aspect was waste management in new constructions and rebuilding’s and as a result they have a new environmental goal for the year 2010. The goal was that they would conduct a pilot project within waste management which is currently realized through the construction of the ICA Kvantum store in Avesta. In order to specify how the environmental work should be done in the project and which environmental demands that have been demanded ICA Real-estates has established an environmental program that the entrepreneurs have received and will abide by. Based on the notion from ICA Real-estate concerning the fact that the contractor’s should have high-quality environmental work the company ByggPartner i Dalarna AB was granted the entire contract for the new ICA Kvantum store. ByggPartner also have their own agenda and goals for waste management in the project and are working towards fulfilling them through coordination and planning. The results presented from the investigation that have been done in this report shows that both companies has got many good factors in their environmental work but compared to contemporary research in the area there are still things that could be improved so that the environmental work will be even more successful. / Enligt statistik bidrar byggsektorn med mest farligt och icke-farligt avfall i Sverige, bortsett från ”ofarligt” gråberg från gruvindustrin och avfall från massa- och pappersindustrin. Det arbetas förebyggande med avfallshantering inom sektorn för att minska den negativa miljöpåverkan avfall utgör. Den vanligaste åtgärden företag utför är att källsortera på byggarbetsplatsen men en stor mängd av avfallet kan reduceras genom att arbeta med problemet i byggprocessens tidigare skeden. Majoriteten av företag inom byggbranschen som arbetar med att minska miljöbelastningen använder ett miljöledningssystem. Miljöledning är en metod där företagets miljöarbete styrs så åtgärder utförs där de är mest behövliga. En svårighet som finns inom branschen är att anpassa verktyget till projektorienterade organisationer som ett byggprojekt. Vilket resultat miljöarbetet får beror på hur företaget använder miljöledningssystemet inte att de använder verktyget. ICA Fastigheter Sverige AB skall låta uppföra en ICA Kvantumbutik i Avesta. Företaget använder ett miljöledningssystem i arbetet med minskning av verksamhetens miljöbelastning. ICA Fastigheters miljöutredning visade att en betydande miljöaspekt är avfallshantering vid nyproduktion och ombyggnader, därför sattes ett miljömål upp för 2010. Målet är att bedriva ett pilotprojekt inom avfallshantering vilket nu realiseras genom uppförandet av en ICA Kvantumbutik i Avesta. För att specificera hur miljöarbetet skall gå till i projektet och vilka miljökrav som ställs har ICA Fastigheter upprättat ett miljöprogram som entreprenören skall följa. Baserat på att entreprenören skall ha ett bra miljöarbete inom företaget erhöll ByggPartner i Dalarna AB totalentreprenaden för ICA Kvantumbutiken. ByggPartner har satt upp egna mål angående avfallshanteringen i projektet. Genom samordning och planering arbetar företaget för att uppnå dessa mål samt ICA Fastigheters krav. Resultatet av företagens miljöarbete som beskrivs i rapporten visar att båda företagen har flera bra faktorer i sitt miljöarbete. Jämfört mot forskning inom området finns det delar inom miljöarbetet hos ICA Fastigheter och ByggPartner som har förbättringspotential.

Erklärung von Rechtschreibleistungen durch phonologische und auditiv-sensorische Informationsverarbeitungskompetenzen: Eine Untersuchung mit lese-/rechtschreibgestörten Kindern / Predicting spelling skills by competences of phonological and auditory sensory processing: a study with dyslectic children

Ulrich-Brink, Anette 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

台北市連鎖便利商店展店行為的動態分析 / An Entry Analysis of Convenience Stores in Taipei

黃伊平, Hwang, I Pyng Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣的連鎖式便利商店密度居世界之冠,為數眾多的門市使得便利商店與臺灣人 民的生活息息相關,就直覺來說,便利商店門市的數量也影響了廠商設立新門市 的決策。本研究建構了一離散選擇的動態賽局,分析臺北市各個行政區便利商店 門市數量對不同廠商設立新門市的影響。實證結果顯示當競爭對手門市數量剛開 始增加時,門市數量對便利商店的利潤有正向的影響,但是當對手門市數量太多 時,此數量的增加對便利商店的利潤產生負向影響。這結果表示一開始門市之間 的互補效果大於替代效果,但是門市數量太多造成過度競爭,此時門市之間的替 代效果大於互補效果。而同品牌的門市數量對於廠商的總利潤也有類似的影響。 另外,本研究也估計便利商店歷年來在臺北市各行政區展店的機率,其中大安區 和中山區是便利商店廠商最想展店的行政區,相對而言,南港區、大同區和萬華 區則是展店機率較低的行政區。 / The density of convenience stores (CVS) in Taiwan is ranked as number one in the world. The highly concentrated market of convenience stores has dramatically changed the lifestyle of Taiwanese people. The number of existing outlets in a region is also an important factor in regard to the entry decisions of new outlets. In this study, we construct a model of the dynamic discrete game, and examine the influence of the rival outlet number on CVS entry decisions in Taipei, Taiwan. The empirical evidence we find is that the CVS profits first rise and then decline as the own or rival outlet number increases. This result implies that the complement and substitution effects vary with the number of the CVS outlets in a specific region. Furthermore, we estimate the probabilities that the CVS companies will set up additional outlets in any district of Taipei during the data period. The results show that it is most likely for the companies to enter the Da’an and Zhongshan districts, while Nangang, Datong and Wanhua are districts with low entry probabilities.


倪志琦 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是在agent-based計算經濟體系下,利用Holland(1975)所提的遺傳演算法(genetic algorithms)作為計算工具,分別探討連鎖店賽局及寡占市場廠商價格策略的生態演化。 在連鎖店賽局的研究中,藉由agent-based計算經濟分析掠奪性定價的特性,並進一步探討參賽者價格策略的共演化(co-evolutionary)特性,及多元均衡賽局中均衡移轉的動態過程。針對賽局中不同的不確定性進行模擬,結果顯示廠商長期總合行為是否穩定,和賽局中的不確定程度有相當的關聯。另外,弱獨占者和潛在競爭者的價格策略存在著共演化特性。在此演化賽局中,Nash均衡雖非穩定均衡解,但卻最常浮現在長期總合行為中。因此,Nsah均衡對agent-based演化賽局的結果而言,相當具有參考價值。在特定的不確定程度下,長期總合行為似乎只在某些特定的Nash均衡中徘徊。這些移轉途徑並不具有對稱性,甚至移轉速度也非對稱。本研究所呈現的演化結果跳脫一般對均衡的觀念,展現出傳統理論所無法預知的共演化特性,並呈現出非對稱的吸引環。 此外,同樣在Agent-based計算經濟下探討寡占市場廠商策略生態。本研究首先闡明N參賽者囚犯兩難重複賽局和N廠商寡占賽局之間的異同,經由寡占賽局廠商償付矩陣(payoff matrix)的狀態相依馬可夫移轉矩陣( state-dependent Markov transition matrix)性質,說明N廠商寡占賽局和N參賽者囚犯兩難重複賽局的差異。其次,透過三家廠商寡占賽局的模擬實驗,以遺傳演算法建構參賽廠商的適應性行為,分別以寡占市場生態上的表現型(phenotypes)和基因型(genotype)進行分析。20次模擬結果所呈現的最終市場狀態相當分歧,有形成吸引環的三廠商寡占市場、有收斂到價格戰的三廠商寡占市場。另外也成功的模擬出三廠商寡占市場演化至雙佔市場、甚或獨占市場的過程。但是,在眾多模擬中並沒有發現持續的勾結定價狀態,反而掠奪性價格是較主要的價格策略。這些結果相對於實際經濟社會中的寡占市場,給予一個活潑生動的範例。 / Recently, genetic algorithms have been extensively applied to modeling evolution game in agent-based computational economic. While these applications advance our understanding of evolution game, they have generated some new phenomena that have not been well treated in conventional game theory. In the first topic, we shall systemize the study of one of these new phenomena, namely, coevolutionary instability. We exemplify the basic properties of coevolutionary instability by the chain store game, which is the game frequently used to study the role of reputation effects in economics. In addition, we point out that, while, due to uncertainty effects, Nash equilibria can no longer be stable, and they can still help us predict the dynamic process of the game. In particular, we can see that the dynamic process of the game is well captured by a few Nash equilibria and the transition among them. A careful study can uncover several interesting patterns and we show the impact of uncertainty on these patterns. In the second topic, the relation between the N-person IPD game and the N-person oligopoly game is rigorously addressed. Our analytical framework shows that due to the path-dependence of the payoff matrix of the oligopoly game, the two games in general are not close in spirit. We then further explore the significance of the path-dependence property to the rich ecology of oligopoly from an evolutionary perspective. More precisely, we simulated the evolution of a 3-person oligopoly game, and showed that the rich ecology of oligopoly can be exhibited by modeling the adaptive behavior of oligopolists with genetic algorithms. The emergent behavior of oligopolists are presented and analyzed. We indicate how the path-dependence nature may shed light on the phenotypes and genotypes coming into existence.

Aspectos fisico-espaciais, satisfação e preferência no comércio de varejo

Moretto, Mateus Mengatto January 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa investiga a influência das variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais das lojas na definição da satisfação e preferência pelo comércio de varejo de vestuário feminino. Nessa investigação levam-se em consideração as percepções de dois grupos de usuários: arquitetas e não arquitetas. O objetivo central é fornecer subsídios teóricos para que possam ser produzidos espaços comerciais mais satisfatórios para as usuárias e mais eficientes para os proprietários. As quatro lojas selecionadas como objetos de estudo estão situadas na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS), e possuem características que as agrupam dentro de um mesmo tipo de varejo, nomeadamente, o vestuário feminino destinado à classe econômica A. Da mesma maneira, essas lojas possuem características heterogêneas em termos das variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais que tornam pertinente a comparação entre elas. Os métodos de coleta e análise de dados fazem parte dos utilizados na área de pesquisa do Ambiente e Comportamento. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de levantamentos de arquivo e levantamento de campo, esse incluindo observações e levantamento das variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais, questionários e entrevistas informais. Os resultados dessa investigação demonstram que existem relações bastante evidentes entre a satisfação e a preferência por uma determinada loja e as variáveis associadas aos aspectos físico-espaciais da mesma. Primeiramente, fica evidente que as variáveis mais importantes para a definição da satisfação geral com uma loja estão associadas à características do interior da loja. Por outro lado, as variáveis mais associadas com a preferência por uma loja são aquelas relacionadas com o exterior da loja e características de seu entorno. Torna-se evidente que para o desenvolvimento de bons projetos e para a manutenção de usuários satisfeitos e fiéis tais variáveis devem ser consideradas. Espera-se que os dados encontrados despertem o interesse pelo desenvolvimento de outros estudos sobre o tema da relação entre o espaço da atividade comercial e seus usuários. / This research investigates the influence of the variables associated to the stores’ physical and spatial aspects in the definition of satisfaction and preference in women’s clothes retail. In this investigation it is taken in consideration the perceptions of two groups of users : architects and people who are not architects. The main objective is to produce theoretical knowledge to create more satisfactory retail spaces for the users and more efficient for the owners. The four stores selected as study objects are located in the city of Porto Alegre (Brazil). Such stores possess characteristics that group them in the same retail type, namely, the feminine clothes destined to the high economical class. Those stores have heterogeneous characteristics in terms of the variables associated to the physical and spatial aspects that make pertinent the comparison among them. The collection methods and analysis of data are part of the Environment and Behavior area of research. The data were obtained from file and field surveys, including observations and survey of the variables associated to the physical and spatial aspects, questionnaires and informal interviews The results of this investigation show evident relationships between satisfaction, preference for a certain store and the variables associated to the physical and spatial aspects. Firstly, it is evident that the most important variables for the definition of the general satisfaction with a store are associated to inner store characteristics. On the other hand, the variables strongly associated with store preference are those related with the exterior and surroundings. It becomes quite clear that the development of good projects and the maintenance of satisfied consumers should consider both variables. It is expected that these findings will arouse an interest in developing further studies on the subject of the relationship between space and the commercial activity.

Safety and security of consumers at retail stores in the Gauteng province : an assesment of security measures

Mahambane, Misaveni Abel 27 July 2018 (has links)
Retail stores rely on consumers to maintain their businesses and growth. Much of their success depends on the safety and security of consumers. The more people come and buy the products, the more profitable the stores become. If the safety and security of consumers (or their perceptions thereof) at a shopping centre where a retail store is sited is in question, consumers may well stop frequenting such centres and do their shopping at other retail centres at which they perceive to be more safe and secure to do their shopping. Consumers’ ‘peace-of-mind’ plays a vital role in their selection of which retail store(s) to frequent and will often determine whether a repeat visit will occur. The extent of incidents of crime of whatever nature at a particular shopping centre will also impact negatively on shoppers’ perceptions of ‘how safe it is to shop’ at particular centres. Security measures differ from one retail store to another and also between the size and layout, as well as the location of the retail store. The rate at which criminal offences take place at retail stores is currently vague or unknown. Therefore, it is vital that specific risks confronting these retail stores should be identified and analysed with the intention of recommending specific security measures. Business crime and violence present significant threats to consumers’ safety and security in South Africa. High levels of business associated crimes have compelled communities and business bodies such as retail stores to provide their own security for the protection of their assets, as well as consumers. Effective security measures are a prerequisite at retail stores to ensure the safety and security of consumers whilst visiting retail stores. Precaution ought to be taken when dealing with any crime problem that affects consumers at any business environment, in this study more precisely: retail stores. The study explored the existing security measures at retail stores for the protection of consumers. The researcher employed qualitative methods: one-on-one interviews with participants and site observations at selected retail stores. There were 30 participants (20 consumers and 10 security officers). The study found the following:  Retail stores were exposed to security risks such as theft; shoplifting; common robbery; armed robbery; fraud; arson and assaults (grievous bodily harm) and burglary.  The security measures that are currently in place are not adequate to protect retail stores. These security measures differ from one retail store to the next.  In order to improve safety and security at retail stores there should be a security standard that is applicable to the retail stores. Based on the findings, some of the recommendations were as follows:  Retail stores should be protected in line with the level of risk of the area where the retail store is situated: low risk; medium risk; and high risk.  Security managers should conduct security awareness regularly.  Threat assessments should be conducted regularly as well.  Consumers are encouraged to report to the Security manager at the retail store any suspicious actions; persons; objects; and vehicles. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)

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