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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modèles multiplicatifs du risque pour des événements successifs en présence d’hétérogénéité / Multiplicative intensity models for successive events in the presence of heterogeneity

Pénichoux, Juliette 17 September 2012 (has links)
L'analyse du risque de survenue d'événements récurrents est une motivation majeure dans de nombreuses études de recherche clinique ou épidémiologique. En cancérologie, certaines stratégies thérapeutiques doivent être évaluées au cours d'essais randomisés où l'efficacité est mesurée à partir de la survenue d'événements successifs marquant la progression de la maladie. L'état de santé de patients infectés par le VIH évolue en plusieurs étapes qui ont pu être définies par la survenue d'événements cliniques successifs.Ce travail de thèse porte sur les modèles de régression du risque pour l'analyse de la survenue d'événements successifs. En pratique, la présence de corrélations entre les temps d'attente séparant les événements successifs est une hypothèse qui peut rarement être écartée d'emblée. L'objectif de la thèse porte sur le développement de modèles de régression permettant d'évaluer une telle corrélation. Dans ce cadre, la méthode le plus souvent utilisée suppose que la corrélation entre les délais successifs a pour origine une hétérogénéité aléatoire, non observée, entre sujets. Le modèle correspondant définit le risque instantané individuel en fonction d'un terme aléatoire, ou « fragilité », de distribution gamma et dont la variance quantifie l'hétérogénéité entre sujets et donc la corrélation entre délais d'un même sujet. Cependant, l'utilisation de ce modèle pour évaluer l'ampleur des corrélations présente l'inconvénient de conduire à une estimation biaisée de la variance de la fragilité.Une première approche a été définie pour deux événements successifs dans une échelle de temps « par intervalles », c'est-à-dire où le risque est exprimé en fonction du temps écoulé depuis l'événement précédent. L'approche mise au point a été obtenue à partir d'une approximation du risque de second événement conditionnellement au premier délai dans un modèle à fragilité pour plusieurs distributions de fragilité. Une seconde approche a été définie en échelle de temps « calendaire », où le risque est exprimé en fonction du temps écoulé depuis le début du suivi du sujet. L'approche retenue a été obtenue à partir d'une approximation de l'intensité conditionnelle au passé dans un modèle à fragilité. Dans les deux échelles de temps, l'approche mise au point consiste à introduire une covariable interne, calculée sur le passé du processus, qui correspond à la différence entre le nombre d'événements observés pour le sujet sur la période passée, et le nombre attendu d'événements pour ce sujet sur la même période compte tenu de ses covariables externes. Une revue de la littérature des études de simulations a montré que le cas d'une hétérogénéité dans la population face au risque d'événement était souvent envisagé par les auteurs. En revanche, dans beaucoup d'études de simulations, le cas d'un risque dépendant du temps, ou d'une dépendance entre événements, n'étaient pas considérés. Des études de simulations ont permis de montrer dans les deux échelles de temps considérées un gain de puissance du test mis au point par rapport au test d'homogénéité correspondant au modèle à fragilité gamma. Ce gain est plus marqué en échelle de temps par intervalles. Par ailleurs, dans cette échelle de temps, le modèle proposé permet une amélioration de l'estimation de la variance de la fragilité dans le cas d'une hétérogénéité faible ou modérée, plus particulièrement pour de petits échantillons.L'approche développée en échelle de temps par intervalles a été utilisée pour analyser les données d'une cohorte de patients infectés par le VIH, montrant une corrélation négative entre le délai entre infection et première manifestation mineure d'immunodéficience et le délai entre première manifestation mineure d'immunodéficience et stade SIDA déclaré. / The risk analysis for the occurrence of recurrent events is a major concern in many clinical research studies or epidemiological studies. In the field of oncology, therapeutic strategies are evaluated in randomised clinical trials in which efficacy is assessed through the occurrence of sequential events that define the progression of the disease. In HIV-infected patients, the infection evolves in several stages that have been defined by the occurrence of successive clinical events. The frame of this work is the regression models for the risk of multiple successive events. In practice, the hypothesis of existing correlations between the inter-event times cannot be a priori discarded. The aim of this work is to develop a regression model that would assess such correlations. In this setting, the most common method is to assume that correlations between inter-event times are induced by a random, unobserved heterogeneity across individuals. The corresponding model defines the individual hazard as a function of a random variable, or " frailty ", assumed to be gamma-distributed with a variance that quantifies the heterogeneity across individuals and incidentally the correlations between inter-event times. However, the use of this model when evaluating the correlations has the drawback that it tends to underestimate the variance of the frailty.A first approach was proposed for two sequential events in a "gap-timescale", in which the risk is defined as a function of the time elapsed since the previous event. The proposed method was derived from an approximation of the risk of second event given the first time-to-event in a frailty model for various frailty distributions. Another approach was defined in "calendar-time", in which the risk is expressed as a function of the time elapsed since the beginning of the subject's follow-up. The proposed method was derived from an approximation of the intensity conditional on the past in a frailty model. In both timescales, the method that was developed consists in including in the model an internal covariate, that is calculated on the history of the process, and that corresponds to the difference between the observed number of events and the expected number of events in the past period given the individual's other covariates.A review of the literature involving simulation studies showed that when defining the generation processes, most authors considered the case of heterogeneity in the population. However, in many simulation studies, only constant hazards are considered, and no event-dependence is introduced. Simulations studies showed that in both timescales, the test of the effect of the internal covariate in the proposed model proved more powerful that the usual test of homogeneity in the gamma frailty model. This gain of power is more noticeable in gap-time. Additionally, in this timescale, the proposed model provides a better estimation of the variance of the frailty when heterogeneity is low or moderate, more particularly in small samples.The method developed in gap-time was used to analyse data from a cohort of HIV-infected patients. It showed a negative correlation between the time from infection to first minor manifestation of immunodeficiency and the time from first minor manifestation of immunodeficiency to AIDS. The method developed in calendar-time was used to study the occurrence of repeated progressions and severe toxicities in a clinical trial for patients with advanced colorectal cancer. In this example, the method corroborated the results obtained with a gamma frailty model which showed a significant heterogeneity.

Independência funcional e capacidade para o autocuidado de pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico / Functional independence and self-care ability of patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment

Oller, Graziella Allana Serra Alves de Oliveira 26 July 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) está associada à alta morbidade e mortalidade, com aumento progressivo nas populações mundiais. A DRC e o tratamento hemodialítico podem desencadear mudanças no estilo de vida dos pacientes como alterações em seu cotidiano, na capacidade para desempenhar atividades do seu dia a dia e no autocuidado. Objetivos: Caracterizar os pacientes atendidos nos serviços de hemodiálise de uma cidade do interior paulista quanto aos aspectos sociodemográficos, econômicos e clínicos; descrever a independência funcional utilizando o instrumento de Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF); descrever a capacidade de autocuidado utilizando a escala para avaliar as capacidades de autocuidado (ASA-A); verificar a associação da independência funcional e da capacidade do autocuidado com as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas e verificar correlação entre a independência funcional e a capacidade de autocuidado. Material e Método: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, populacional e descritivo com abordagem quantitativa nos três serviços de diálise do município de São José do Rio Preto-SP, nos quais foram entrevistados 214 pacientes com 18 anos ou mais de idade, residentes nesse município, em tratamento por hemodiálise e que aceitaram participar do estudo. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para a avaliação do estado cognitivo; instrumento para caracterização dos dados sociodemográficos, econômicos e clínicos; a MIF e a ASA-A. Os dados foram analisados por meio do programa estatístico SAS®9.0, no qual foram gerados as análises descritivas, os testes de associação e a correlação entre as variáveis do estudo. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto - FAMERP. Resultados: Dos 214 pacientes, 108 eram adultos e 106 idosos, dos quais 136 eram homens e 78 mulheres. O número médio de comorbidades para cada paciente foi de 2,3, e o número médio de complicações físicas foi de 4,7 por paciente. Foram evidenciados um nível de independência completa ou modificada nessa população (média MIF total 118,38; dp12,4) e um relativo conhecimento dos pacientes referente a sua capacidade de autocuidado (média 94,53; dp12,86). A MIF se correlacionou positivamente com a ASA-A e as duas negativamente com as variáveis idade, complicações relacionadas ao tratamento hemodialítico e comorbidades. Conclusão: Os pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico apresentaram resultados satisfatórios de independência funcional e a capacidade de autocuidado. À medida que aumentam os escores de independência funcional, aumentam também os de capacidade de autocuidado. As variáveis sexo, idade, comorbidades, complicações relacionadas ao tratamento hemodialítico constituíram fatores importantes que prejudicaram a independência funcional e a capacidade de autocuidado dessa população. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram compreender aspectos referentes a essas variáveis que poderão subsidiar intervenções para a melhoria da assistência de enfermagem prestada a essa população. / Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is associated with high and progressively increasing morbidity and mortality levels around the world. CKD and hemodialysis treatment can trigger changes in patients\' lifestyles, such as changes in their daily lives, in their ability to perform daily activities and in self-care. Aims: To characterize the patients attended at hemodialysis services in an interior city in São Paulo State, Brazil regarding sociodemographic, economic and clinical aspects; to describe their functional independence using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scale; to describe their self-care ability using the Appraisal of Self-Care Agency Scale (ASA-A); to check the association between functional independence and self-care ability and sociodemographic and clinical variables and to check for the correlation between functional independence and self-care ability. Material and Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive population study with a quantitative approach was developed at the three dialysis services in the city of São José do Rio Preto- SP, where 214 patients were interviewed, aged 18 years or older, living in this city, under hemodialysis treatment and who accepted to participate in the study. The instruments used for data collection were: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for cognitive state assessment; instrument to characterize sociodemographic, economic and clinical data; FIM and ASA-A. Data were analyzed in SAS®9.0, used to generate descriptive analyses, association tests and correlations among the study variables. Approval for the project was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee at São José do Rio Preto Medical School - FAMERP. Results: Out of 214 patients, 108 were adults and 106 elderly, with 136 men and 78 women. The average number of comorbidities for each patient was 2.3, and the mean number of physical complications was 4.7 per patients. Complete or modified independence levels were evidenced in this population (mean total FIM 118.38; sd12.4) and patients\' relative knowledge about their self-care skills (mean 94.53; sd12.86). The FIM was positively correlated with the ASA-A and both instruments were negatively correlated with age, hemodialysis treatment-related complications and comorbidities. Conclusion: Patients under hemodialysis treatment presented satisfactory functional independence and self-care ability results. Gender, age, comorbidities, hemodialysis treatment-related complications represented important factors that impaired this population\'s functional independence and self-care ability. These study results permitted understanding aspects related to these variables that can support interventions to improve nursing care delivery to this population.

Does Chinese outside directors' use of Guanxi affect their independence and fiduciary duties?

Li, Ting January 2015 (has links)
As China has become one of the largest economic entities in the world, many studies focus on corporate governance in China. In 2001, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) transplanted the outside director mechanism from the United States and the United Kingdom. CSRC hoped that outside directors could play a control role to monitor the behaviours of controlling shareholders, protecting the interests of minority shareholders. However, since it was established, the Chinese outside director mechanism has played an unsatisfactory control role because they are not truly independent of the controlling shareholders. In contrast, many Chinese outside directors use their Guanxi connections (a particular kind of social connections in China) to play a resource acquisition role very well. Based on the theories of the firm, the resource dependence theory, studies of Guanxi and the path dependence theory, this thesis finds that when Chinese outside directors use their Guanxi connections to play their resource acquisition role, their independence and fiduciary duties required by CSRC is compromised.

Tests de permutation d’indépendance en analyse multivariée

Guetsop Nangue, Aurélien 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est rédigée par articles. Les articles sont rédigés en anglais et le reste de la thèse est rédigée en français. / Le travail établit une équivalence en termes de puissance entre les tests basés sur la alpha-distance de covariance et sur le critère d'indépendance de Hilbert-Schmidt (HSIC) avec fonction caractéristique de distribution de probabilité stable d'indice alpha avec paramètre d'échelle suffisamment petit. Des simulations en grandes dimensions montrent la supériorité des tests de distance de covariance et des tests HSIC par rapport à certains tests utilisant les copules. Des simulations montrent également que la distribution de Pearson de type III, très utile et moins connue, approche la distribution exacte de permutation des tests et donne des erreurs de type I précises. Une nouvelle méthode de sélection adaptative des paramètres d'échelle pour les tests HSIC est proposée. Trois simulations, dont deux sont empruntées de l'apprentissage automatique, montrent que la nouvelle méthode de sélection améliore la puissance des tests HSIC. Le problème de tests d'indépendance entre deux vecteurs est généralisé au problème de tests d'indépendance mutuelle entre plusieurs vecteurs. Le travail traite aussi d'un problème très proche à savoir, le test d'indépendance sérielle d'une suite multidimensionnelle stationnaire. La décomposition de Möbius des fonctions caractéristiques est utilisée pour caractériser l'indépendance. Des tests généralisés basés sur le critère d'indépendance de Hilbert-Schmidt et sur la distance de covariance en sont obtenus. Une équivalence est également établie entre le test basé sur la distance de covariance et le test HSIC de noyau caractéristique d'une distribution stable avec des paramètres d'échelle suffisamment petits. La convergence faible du test HSIC est obtenue. Un calcul rapide et précis des valeurs-p des tests développés utilise une distribution de Pearson de type III comme approximation de la distribution exacte des tests. Un résultat fascinant est l'obtention des trois premiers moments exacts de la distribution de permutation des statistiques de dépendance. Une méthodologie similaire a été développée pour le test d'indépendance sérielle d'une suite. Des applications à des données réelles environnementales et financières sont effectuées. / The main result establishes the equivalence in terms of power between the alpha-distance covariance test and the Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC) test with the characteristic kernel of a stable probability distribution of index alpha with sufficiently small scale parameters. Large-scale simulations reveal the superiority of these two tests over other tests based on the empirical independence copula process. They also establish the usefulness of the lesser known Pearson type III approximation to the exact permutation distribution. This approximation yields tests with more accurate type I error rates than the gamma approximation usually used for HSIC, especially when dimensions of the two vectors are large. A new method for scale parameter selection in HSIC tests is proposed which improves power performance in three simulations, two of which are from machine learning. The problem of testing mutual independence between many random vectors is addressed. The closely related problem of testing serial independence of a multivariate stationary sequence is also considered. The Möbius transformation of characteristic functions is used to characterize independence. A generalization to p vectors of the alpha -distance covariance test and the Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC) test with the characteristic kernel of a stable probability distributionof index alpha is obtained. It is shown that an HSIC test with sufficiently small scale parameters is equivalent to an alpha -distance covariance test. Weak convergence of the HSIC test is established. A very fast and accurate computation of p-values uses the Pearson type III approximation which successfully approaches the exact permutation distribution of the tests. This approximation relies on the exact first three moments of the permutation distribution of any test which can be expressed as the sum of all elements of a componentwise product of p doubly-centered matrices. The alpha -distance covariance test and the HSIC test are both of this form. A new selection method is proposed for the scale parameter of the characteristic kernel of the HSIC test. It is shown in a simulation that this adaptive HSIC test has higher power than the alpha-distance covariance test when data are generated from a Student copula. Applications are given to environmental and financial data.

Založení podniku a jeho rozvoj / Set up and development of the business

Šebl, Roman January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with beginnings of entrepreneur, who is going to set up his first company. The objective of thesis is checking hypothesis that visionary company is viable, with economic potencial and possibilities for growth. Theoretical part descripes major factors, which are important for health and strength of the enterprise. In these factors belong demands on entrepreneur's personality, knowledge and skills. Further protection of company -- how protect company and its own know-how before rivals. Chosing suitable legal form and choise of compaion. Thesis also saying about usefulness to have a mission. Practical part shows how the business is conceived for real market. Thesis also thinking about growth of the business and how to do it to not be such a little company with one branch. Financial statements show economical potencial, which the business is able to generate to all investors and companions in this concept of the business. The conclusion is dedicated to commentary related to objectives of this Diploma thesis.

Revolução em pauta: o debate Correo del Orinoco - Correio Braziliense (1817-1820) / Revolution on the agenda: the debate Correo del Orinoco - Correio Braziliense (1817-1820)

Ana Claudia Fernandes 20 April 2010 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre o debate entre dois periódicos publicados em meio aos processos de independências políticas da América ibérica: o Correio Braziliense e o Correo del Orinoco. Ocorrido entre os anos de 1817 e 1820, o diálogo motivado pelos acontecimentos de Pernambuco em 1817, converteu-se em um debate sobre revolução, conceito-chave para o entendimento daquela conjuntura, tendo como perspectiva a interação e influência mútua entre duas de suas vertentes: Brasil e Venezuela. / This is a study about the debate between two periodicals published during the Iberian America political independence process: Correio Braziliense and Correo del Orinoco. Occurred between 1817 and 1820, the dialog motivated by the events from Pernambuco in 1817, became a debate about revolution, key concept to understanding that conjuncture, through the perspective of the interaction and mutual influence between two of its exponents: Brazil and Venezuela.

Insurgência impressa: uma análise do periodismo no primeiro movimento de independência mexicano (1810-1814) / Printed insurgency: an analysis of periodism in the first movement of Mexican independence (1810-1814)

Lais Olivato 03 August 2012 (has links)
A imprensa insurgente encomendada por Miguel Hidalgo e por José Morelos, durante o movimento de independência da Nova Espanha, marcou uma ruptura com a imprensa oficial no início do século XIX. Ao levantar os problemas sociais do Vice-Reino e estratégias para combatê-los, configurou um novo espaço de debate político que respondia prioritariamente às urgências de notícias da guerra e à publicação de constantes manifestos em que se justificava a causa separatista. Analisar o desenvolvimento dos impressos durante a independência constitui um mecanismo para compreendermos a formação de espaços de sociabilidade num momento de debate intenso sobre a formulação de uma identidade mexicana. Os jornais revolucionários podem ser lidos, a partir desta perspectiva, não apenas como um lugar de discussão, mas como um elemento que se vincula a outras instâncias de ação social e estabelece uma comunicação a fim de formar opiniões políticas. / The insurgent press demanded by Miguel Hidalgo and José Morelos, during the independence movement of New Spain, established a rupture with the official media from the early 19th century. When putting through the light the social problems of the Vice-Reign and the strategies to fight against it, a new space for political debate was created, answering mainly to the urgency of the news from the war and the publication of constant manifests in which the independence is a mechanism for us to understand the formation of places for sociability in a moment of intensive debates on the construction of a Mexican identity. The revolutionary newspapers can be read, through this perspective, not only as a place for arguments, but also an element connected to other social practices and establish a communication with the mission to create political opinion.

Elementos indígenas na construção da identidade nacional brasileira (1750-1850) / Indigenous elements during the construction of Brazilian National Identity (1750-1850)

Jaqueline Lourenço 12 May 2016 (has links)
Esta tese analisa diferentes imagens e concepções elaboradas por protagonistas da cena política, pintores, literatos, viajantes e cronistas acerca dos povos indígenas da América portuguesa e do Brasil entre 1750, - ano em que D. José I assumiu o trono português e começou a introduzir as reformas pombalinas - e 1850, um dos marcos de consolidação do Estado nacional brasileiro. A periodização supracitada toma os dois marcos, inicial e final, como balizas cronológicas preliminares e estratégicas, e por isso, aproximativas e flexíveis. Resulta de um recolhimento exaustivo dessas visões em documentação de tipo variado: memórias, cartas, imprensa periódica (1808-1850), debates parlamentares (1826-1850), relatos de viajantes, textos literários e fontes iconográficas dos séculos XVIII e XIX, analisando-as de modo a entender como os indígenas eram vistos na cena pública pelos protagonistas de diferentes momentos políticos na América Portuguesa e posteriormente Brasil. Em última instância, objetivou-se compreender como, em meio à multiplicidade de imagens do indígena plasmadas por séculos, surgiram imagens positivas em momentos historicamente cruciais, a exemplo do processo de gestação de múltiplas identidades da América Portuguesa, das quais surgiu, no século XIX, uma brasileira capaz de satisfazer a um projeto incipiente de identidade nacional amparado em partes na figura do indígena. Tal projeto seria forjado no curso das lutas políticas independentistas e reiterado posteriormente, durante os primeiros anos do Segundo Reinado (1840-1889). Esta tese de doutorado é decorrente da dissertação de mestrado desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo intitulada Um espelho brasileiro: visões sobre os povos indígenas na construção de uma simbologia nacional no Brasil (1808-1831), orientada pelo Prof. Dr. João Paulo Garrido Pimenta e financiada pelo CNPq. A dissertação acercou-se da identificação de um esboço de identidade nacional construída a partir de elementos simbólicos indígenas durante o processo de independência do Brasil. Esta primeira pesquisa deu margem ao aprofundamento de questões nela apenas sinalizadas, sendo fundamental o alargamento do período e das fontes estudados de modo, inclusive, a alargar o escopo analítico para além do tema da identidade nacional. / This thesis analyzes different images and concepts developed by the protagonists of the political scene, painters, writers, travelers and writers about the indigenous people from Portuguese America and Brazil between 1750, year that D. Joseph I took the Portuguese throne and began to introduce the Pombaline reforms - and 1850, one of the landmarks of consolidation of the Brazilian national state. The period of time in between those years, has made these two facts as preliminary and strategic chronological boundaries, and therefore, turn them approximate and flexible. It results of an exhaustive self-communion of these views on varied types of documents: memoirs, letters, periodical press (1808-1850), parliamentary debates (1826-1850), travelers\' accounts, literary texts and iconographic sources from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, analyzing them in order to understand how the indigenous people were seen on the public scene by the protagonists of the different political moments in Portuguese America and later on in Brazil. Ultimately, the objective was to understand how, through the multiplicity of images of indigenous molded along the centuries, there were positive images in moments historically crucial, like the gestation process of multiple identities of Portuguese America, which emerged in the nineteenth century, a Brazilian able to satisfy an incipient project of national identity supported in part by the figure of the indigenous. Such a project would be forged in the course of the political struggles for independence and reiterated later on, during the early years of the Second Empire (1840-1889). This doctorate degree thesis is a result of the dissertation developed at the postgraduate Program in Social History at the University of São Paulo entitled A brazilian mirror: visions of indigenous peoples and the construction of a national symbology in Brazil (1808-1831), oriented by Prof. Dr. João Paulo Garrido Pimenta and funded by CNPq. The approach of that dissertation was to identify a national identity sketch constructed from indigenous symbolic elements during the process of independence of Brazil. This first research has allowed a deeper discussion of elements that were just mentioned, and it is essential to extend the period and the sources that have been studied previouly, as well as to extend the analytical scope beyond the matter of national identity.

Um espelho brasileiro: visões sobre os povos indígenas e a construção de uma simbologia nacional no Brasil (1808-1831) / A brazilian mirror : visions of indigenous peoples and the construction of a national symbology in Brazil

Jaqueline Lourenço 11 August 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa as diferentes visões sobre os povos indígenas criadas, veiculadas e reproduzidas em meio ao processo de independência política do Brasil, considerando este em uma periodização larga: 1808 a 1831. Prevê a identificação dessas visões, elaboradas por protagonistas de tal processo em espaços públicos de discussão, analisando-as de modo a entender o seu papel nas lutas e no pensamento político da época, bem como sua interface com as políticas oficiais em relação aos povos indígenas do Brasil no mesmo período. Em última instância, trata-se de buscar compreender uma dimensão ainda pouco estudada do fenômeno de construção de uma identidade política brasileira de tipo nacional em seus momentos iniciais. / This dissertation analyzes the different views about the indigenous groups created, transmitted and reproduced through the process of political independence of Brazil, considering a long period of time: from 1808 to 1831. Provides an identification of these views, elaborated by the protagonists of this process on public discussion, analyzing them in order to understand its role in the struggles and political thought. Of that time, as well as its interface with the official politics related to indigenous people of Brazil in the same period. Ultimately, it is the seek of understanding the dimension not very studied yet of the phenomenon of building a political brazilian identity of a national type in your initials moments.

Periódicos servis e a crise do Império Hispânico (1811-1815) / Servils pappers and the crisis of the Hispanic Empire (1811 - 1815)

Bruno Santos Sobrinho 03 October 2016 (has links)
Entre 1808 e 1814, a monarquia hispânica foi acometida por uma grande crise. O território peninsular espanhol foi ocupado por tropas francesas e, com isso, o legítimo monarca espanhol, Fernando VII, foi sequestrado por ordem de Napoleão Bonaparte e o trono hispânico passou para as mãos do irmão do imperador francês, José Bonaparte. Como consequência desses fatos, a crise do Antigo Regime espanhol foi acelerada por uma série de eventos intimamente ligada à ocupação francesa. A resistência espanhola, após as vicissitudes dos embates contra os franceses, organizou-se na cidade de Cádis, onde as mais diversas forças políticas se uniram para combater o inimigo francês e reorganizar os vínculos com os territórios do ultramar. Nesse sentido, durante os anos iniciais do século XIX espanhol, ao mesmo tempo em que se configurava uma nova Espanha, com características modernas através, entre outros motivos, do debate constitucional existente nas Cortes de Cádis (1810- 1814) , o império hispânico era acometido pelos primeiros levantes autonomistas americanos. No ano de 1810, foram convocadas Cortes, que deveriam contar com a presença de representantes escolhidos pelos americanos. Naquele mesmo ano, os deputados eleitos, tanto na península como no ultramar, para as Cortes reunidas em Cádis iniciaram o processo de debate constitucional que, em 1812, culminou no texto da Constituição de Cádis. Essa pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar como os grupos tradicionalistas, identificados como servis, viram o processo de crise do império hispânico por meio da publicação de dois periódicos editados ao longo dos anos de 1811 a 1815, buscando compreender como a crise do império hispânico foi apresentada nesses jornais. A categoria servil surgiu, nos debates públicos realizados na imprensa, para qualificar os opositores dos liberais espanhóis. Servis e liberais defenderam, na maior parte das vezes, posições distintas tanto nas Cortes quanto na imprensa. O grupo antiliberal estava ligado ao tradicionalismo espanhol e era contrário às transformações sugeridas pelos liberais. Diante disso, serão analisados dois periódicos classificados como servis: El Censor General e El Procurador General de la Nación y del Rey, buscando sistematizar as nuances existentes entre os servis a partir da problemática americana. / Between 1808 and 1814, the Spanish Monarchy faced a great crisis. The peninsular territory was occupied by French troops, thereby Napoleon Bonaparte kidnapped the legitimate Spanish monarch, Ferdinand VII, and placed his brother, Joseph Bonaparte on the Spanish throne. Consequently, the crisis of the Ancient Regime in Spain was hastened by a sequence of events closely related to the French occupation. The Spanish resistance, following the circumstances of the conflict against the french, gathered in the city of Cádiz, where a diversity of political forces were united to fight the french enemy and reorganize the bonds with the ultramarine dominion. Therefore, during the first years of the 19th century, while a new Spain was taking shape, developing modern characteristics through, among other means, the constitutional debate in the Cádiz Cortes (1810-1814) , the Spanish empire was shaken by the first American autonomist revolts. In 1810, the Cortes were summoned up, and they should consider the presence of representatives chosen by American provinces. In this same year, the elected deputies both in American and in the Peninsula, began the constitutional debate in the Cádiz Cortes that in the next year, would result it the Cádiz Constitution. The present research objective is to analyze the manner in which traditionalist groups, identified as servils, beheld the crisis process of the Spanish empire through the edition of two papers published between 1811 and 1815. Our aim is to understand how the Spanish Empire crisis was presented in both these journals. The denomination servil appeared, in the public debates of the press, to label the opponents of the Spanish liberals. Servile and liberals usually advocated opposite positions not only in the Constitutional Assembly but also in the press. The anti-liberal group was associated to the Spanish traditionalism and opposed the changes suggested by the liberals. Bearing this in mind, two periodicals, classified as servils, will be analyzed: El Censor General and El Procurador General de la Nación y de Rey, trying to trace the different nuances among the servils regarding the American question.

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