Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forminformation asymmetric"" "subject:"informationation asymmetric""
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中國實施新會計準則對新股上市價格影響之研究 / The Effect of China Accounting Standards on the Price of Initial Public Offerings楊子霆, Yang, Tzu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討2007年中國大陸實施以IFRS為基礎的中國會計準則後,是否因為會計準則要求更多資訊的公開,影響新上市公司股票發行折價的幅度。由於中國大陸資本市場有獨特的機制環境,本研究更進一步探討,中國大陸新上市公司在中國會計準則實施後,新上市公司股票發行折價的幅度,是否會因為各省份機制環境背景有不同的影響。實證結果發現,實施中國會計準則後,新股折價的幅度的確顯著降低,新股上市的蜜月期也會因為準則實施後,資訊不對稱的情形降低,有明顯的縮減。亦發現若中國大陸地方機制環境較進步且發達,該地區市場化的程度愈高,新股折價的幅度會也會因資訊更加公開而降低。 / In 2007, China passed the IFRS-based Chinese Accounting Standards (therefore IFRS-based CAS) to converge with IFRS. This paper examines the effect of implementation of IFRS-based CAS on IPO uncerpricing. In addition, there are different institutional features of transition economy from other countries. This paper also examines the effect of the interaction between implementation of IFRS-based CAS and institutional features of transition economy on IPO uncerpricing. The empirical results show that post-2005 IPOs in China are significantly less underpriced, and IPO honeymoon periods have similar outcomes. Furthermore, the results also show that the magnitude of underpricing will be decreased in those provinces with higher degrees of marketization.
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A framework for land information management in GhanaAdiaba, Stanislaus Yaw January 2014 (has links)
Land information management in Ghana, as in many developing countries, remains a practice monopolised by public sector land administration agencies, which are known for being inefficient in delivering services that satisfy the needs of citizens. Under this monopolised regime, landed property related data gathering, processing through land registration, storage and dissemination of the information as final product for public use is entirely based on expert knowledge. Meanwhile, reliance on this kind of knowledge for land information management has continuously failed to promote smooth flow and a broad based access to reliable information for decision making by citizens. This failure has created a huge land information gap between market participants’ especially genuine and fraudulent landed property owners on one hand and potential buyers, lenders, and investors on the other hand. Thus, there is information asymmetry, which this study identifies as a major contributory factor to the challenges of uncertainties and high transaction costs that characterise dealings in urban real estate markets in Ghana. In order to verify how the information gap can be closed, this research adopts quantitative research methodology. The research mainly explores multinomial logistic regression model to test Economic Theory of Knowledge propounded by Hayek (1945) using Ghana as the context of study. Primary data was collected from potential land information suppliers within the private sector and existing users of land information as likely beneficiaries of an efficient land information management regime. Interrater agreement index and Pearson’s bivariate correlation analysis were used to analyse primary data gathered from users of land information in relation to land information needs and competition in land information harnessing. Following verification of the relationship between competition and economic knowledge, the key research finding is that there are two kinds of land information management knowledge and these are expert and entrepreneurial land information management knowledge. Thus, the research presents empirical evidence that out of four types of entrepreneurial knowledge verified, two types namely adaptive and cost-efficient knowledge are most likely to influence competition in land information supply. Also, competition is likely to deliver land information services that satisfy the needs of users of land information. Altogether, the research findings converge with the theory verified. The research outcome suggests that deregulation of state monopoly of land information harnessing for competition among private economic actors in Ghana is due. Removing this barrier is likely to promote dynamic competition in which licensed land information suppliers can use adaptive and cost efficient knowledge in gathering and disseminating land information at competitive prices. The study also provides evidence that all-in-one land information, which is broadly accessible at competitive prices is likely to be required to help address the problem of information asymmetry in the context of Ghana. For purposes of practice in the context of urban real estate markets in Ghana, a framework based on the research findings is developed and validated. The framework is proposed to inform policy decision on deregulation for competition in land information harnessing to enable the real estate sector function well. To kick start the process, deregulation in land data gathering and dissemination of land information is suggested.
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A historical analysis of credit access to micro and small enterprises in KenyaMugambi, Kenneth Majau January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree Doctor of Technology: Public Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / In 2006, the government-supported microfinance programmes implemented by the Kenyan government started lending credit to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) using a group-lending mode, a change which represented a paradigm shift from individual lending mode. The overall aim of this research is to provide an investigation of whether the transformation of this lending policy was backed by any theoretical and empirical support. Specifically, the entirety of this study is intended to give an insight of what might have influenced the change, what informed it and what might have been overlooked. To achieve clarity and the study aim, the research is compartmentalised into three discrete studies. In the first study, a historical investigation into the factors which hindered MSEs from acquiring credit was undertaken. The second study investigated the reasons MSEs were credit rationed. The third study investigated whether the problems experienced by MSEs, associated with lack of credit access (lack of credit demand and rationing), could have been mitigated by group lending. The research utilised quantitative research design, the first two studies utilised data derived from National MSEs Baseline survey conducted in 1999. The third study utilised primary data collected from micro credit groups of the Kenya Rural Enterprise Programme (K-REP) in 2006 in Nairobi, Kenya. Various economic models and regression analysis were utilised in analysing different outcomes. In particular, the research utilised Univariate Probit, Bivariate Probit and Heckman Two-Stage Models to model various credit access outcomes. The study found that group lending largely mitigated information asymmetry- the main cause of MSEs failure to access credit. However, the study concludes that asymmetric information was not the only source of credit failure in Kenya. For group lending to work, or to have worked, it required support by other pro-MSE programme dynamics. This suggested that the government decision to change policy was partially informed by theory and practice. / D
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Concentrated market power and information asymmetry within the South African dairy supply chainBandama, Maureen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Concentrated market power and information asymmetry represent forms of market failure within the South African dairy supply chain. Following deregulation, instead of large numbers of buyers and sellers so that no buyer or seller holds significant amount of power to influence the market; and perfect information availability and accessibility, the supply chain is characterised by market concentration at processor and retailer level as well as information asymmetry. South Africa‘s number of dairy farmers has declined by up to 50% since 1997, and they face a small number of processors which have regional dominance. These processors sell to a concentrated retail sector which is the main distribution channel for milk and dairy products. As processors and supermarkets emerge as major drivers within the dairy supply chain; processors in South Africa utilise the information asymmetry to engage in anticompetitive behaviour while supermarkets exert their power through the conditions of sale in contracts with processors as well as the threat of in-house brands. Farmers have less bargaining power and receive lower farm gate prices than they would have in the absence of concentrated market power and information asymmetry. Consequently, these market failures are detrimental to allocative efficiency and the enhancement of equity objectives.
By method of a literature based comparative analysis, this study investigates the nature and extent of concentrated market power and information asymmetry within the selected dairy countries namely; South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA. The dairy supply chains in these countries show a spectrum of government control, such as Canada‘s system of supply management, Australia‘s deregulated system, and the US system which is mostly characterised by government intervention. The study then analyses how the selected countries address market failure within the dairy supply chain. An analysis of agricultural and dairy policies and strategies within the selected countries shows that systems that are designed to consider broader social goals (equity) apart for economic efficiency are more successful in preventing problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry. The ways that the selected countries address the problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry are analysed for applicability to the South African dairy supply chain.
Is it recommended that in order to position the South African dairy supply chain to address problems of concentrated market power and information asymmetry effectively, a departure from the strict adherence to the market, to move towards a reregulated system in which broader social and environmental goals are considered by multiple stakeholders in formulating policy and strategy within the supply chain is required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie as vorme van markmislukkings kom voor in die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelbedryf. Sedert deregulering het die getalle kopers en verkopers steeds nie voldoende toegeneem sodat geen van hulle genoeg bedingingsmag het om die mark beduidend te beïnvloed nie. Verder is markinligting se beskikbaarheid en toeganklikheid steeds ontoereikend. Die suiwelaanbodketing word gekenmerk deur markkonsentrasie op verwerkings- en kleinhandelvlak. Inligting asimmetrie heers ook steeds. Die getal suiwelprodusente in Suid-Afrika het sedert 1997 met 50% gedaal. Die suiwelprodusente verkoop melk aan 'n klein getal melkverwerkers wat die mark op plaaslike vlak oorheers. Hierdie verwerkers verkoop weer aan 'n gekonsentreerde kleinhandelsektor wat as die belangrikste verspreiders van melk en verwerkte suiwelprodukte dien. Die verwerkers en kleinhandelaars is die pasaangeërs in die suiwelaanbodkanaal. Die verwerkers gebruik inligting asimmetrie in onmededingende optrede jeens primêre produsente en supermarkte oefen hul markkrag jeens verwerkers uit deur middel van verkoopsvoorwaardes en afdreiging met voorkeur vir eie handelsmerke. Primêre produsente se bedingingsmag krimp en hulle ontvang laer plaashekpryse as wat hulle sou ontvang in die afwesigheid van markkonsentrasie elders in die aanbodkanaal en in die afwesigheid van inligting asimmetrie. Hierdie markmislukkings benadeel die mark se allokasiedoeltreffendheid en die bevordering van billikheidsoorwegings.
Hierdie ondersoek behels 'n vergelykende ontleding van die aard en omvang van markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie in geselekteerde suiwellande gegrond op 'n literatuurstudie. Die suiwellande is Suid Afrika, Australië, Kanada, Nieu Zeeland, Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika. Die suiwelaanbodkettings in hierdie lande bevind hulself op 'n wye spektrum van regeringsbeheer, byvoorbeeld Kanada se aanbodbestuurstelsel, Australië se gedereguleerde stelsel en die VSA se stelsel wat die groter mate van statutêre regulering verteenwoordig. Die ondersoek fokus op die wyse waarop die geselekteerde lande markmislukkings in hul onderskeie suiwelaanbodkettings aanspreek. Die ondersoek toon dat daardie suiwelaanbodkettings wat ingerig is om breër sosiale doelwitte soos billikheid te verreken, en dus wyer te fokus as bloot ekonomiese doeltreffendheid, meer suksesvol is om magskonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie te voorkom. Die wyse waarop die geselekteerde lande magskonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie hanteer word geevalueer in terme van die toepaslikheid daarvan vir die Suid-Afrikaanse suiwelaanbodketting. Teen hierdie agtergrond word aanbeveel dat afgewyk word van 'n streng navolging van die vrye mark beginsel om die probleem van markkonsentrasie en inligting asimmetrie effektief aan te spreek. 'n Meer gereguleerde stelsel waarin verskeie belangegroepe se breër sosiale en omgewingsbewaring doelwitte in ag geneem word by strategie- en beleidformulering in die suiwelaanbodketting, word voorgestel.
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台灣八大類股價量關係 / Price-Volume Relation of Taiwan Industrial Indices杜芸菩, Tu, Yun Pu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以臺灣八大類股指數結合分量迴歸模型進行價量關係研究。有別於過去文獻多使用大盤指數進行分析,本文將以產業類股指數作為研究目標。實證結果顯示 : 「價量背離」與「價量齊揚」的效果同時存在於臺灣股市各個類股的價量關係中,且後者的效果普遍高於前者;而在八個產業類股中,尤以金融業在兩側分量的效果大於其他產業。另外,在相同的交易機制下,並非所有產業的價量關係皆會受到漲跌幅限制的影響而改變。本文更進一步選用法人持股佔該類股市值比作為資訊不對稱之代理變數,結果發現資訊不對稱程度較高的產業,在價量齊揚時,法人持股比的係數為負,代表在市場出現正報酬時,會有抑制股價上揚的效果;反之,在負報酬時,會加深股價下挫的力道。 / This research examines the relation between stock return and trading volume of Taiwan’s eight industries using quantile regression model. Our empirical results show that, for most industry indices, both large positive returns and large negative returns are usually accompanied by a large trading volume, with the effect of large positive returns being stronger. Among all industries, the financial industry has the most significant effect in either situation. But for some industries, the price-volume relations change when returns approach the price limits. In addition, we also emphasize the impact of information asymmetry, using ownership share of institutional investors as the proxy variable. The results show that, in the situation of positive returns with large trading volume, the institutional trading variable will restrain stock price from continually rising. In contrast, in the situation of negative returns with large trading volume, the institutional effect will make the stock price overreact.
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資訊不對稱情況下之轉撥計價陳惠玲, CHEN, HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
以資訊不對稱(information asymmetry )為基本理由。因此合理的移轉價格設計應
以資訊不對稱為前提假設。然而,資訊結構(information structure )這項因素在
過去的論述中並不明顯,因所有的模式均以『完全資訊』(full information)為隱
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Insider Stockholdings: New Light on Rational Expectation Theory胡翔棻 Unknown Date (has links)
We investigate the trading strategy of the insider and propose two models to describe the insider’s behavior. Comparing with previous studies, we add insider stockholdings as a variable to the extension of information asymmetry.
In our setting with information asymmetry between outside investors and the insiders, the insiders could obtain more inside information via increasing their stockholdings. When the insider with large stockholdings purchases more shares, outside investors would take this as a positive signal that the insiders regard the performance of the company in the future as optimistic. On the other hand, when the insider stockholdings is large, outsiders would worry that inside trading may become more.
The insider would deliberate upon the quantities traded at period one and two, which have different impact in stock price. If the insider buys more stocks at period one, he could improve his information precision. However, if the insider buys large stocks, the market makers would take into account the insider’s function of information precision and thus the insider may impact on the stock price. Therefore the insider would evaluate market makers’ pricing rule.
Since increasing stockholdings enhances precision information, intuitively, earlier stage the insider submits a large order. Nonetheless, our study shows that when the insider stockholding is extremely large, then the increasing of information precision is limited because the information precision is increasing with insider stockholding at a decreasing rate. Besides, when the insider stockholdings is large enough at period one, he would place a small order at period two.
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揭露程度與負債資金成本之關係 / The relation between the disclosure level and the cost of debt capital蔡其諭, Tsai, Chi-Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:代理成本,負債資金成本,揭露程度,資訊不對稱 / In recent years, it has become a common phenomenon for listed corporations to issue bonds in Taiwan. Currently in Taiwan, the Securities and Futures Committee (SFC) forbids a corporation to issue bonds unless it has been properly rated by a credit rating agency certified by the SFC. Since the credit rating agency all along have generally placed a great deal of emphasis on the quality of accounting information, this research purports to investigate whether fuller disclosure of accounting information can indeed reduce the cost of debt capital. Only one study by Sengupta (1998) focused on the cost of debt capital, and addressed the issue about the relation between the disclosure level the cost of debt capital, and this study attempts to investigate whether a reverse relationship exists between disclosure and cost of debt capital in Taiwan form the angle of the agency cost.
The method to determine the score of the disclosure level applied by this research is different from the content analysis method applied by prior studies. This research uses the earning estimation disclosure made in the year prior to the bond issuance, for measuring the disclosure level. This research applies the QLS model to test the hypotheses. After controlling for other variables, this research concludes that:
1.There may exist a reverse relation between the incremental cost of debt capital and the disclosure level.
The result shows that there exists a significant reverse relation between the yield to maturity of bond and the corporate disclosure level. This finding leads us to conclude that because of the ability to lower the agency costs and control the information asymmetry, corporate disclosure level, couple with the terms of the bond and the issuing corporation's financial conditions, could be one determinant of the yield to maturity of the bond.
2.If the agency cost of the bond is higher, the reverse relation between the incremental cost of debt capital and the disclosure level could be stronger.
In this research, agency costs are considered low when the bond is convertible or secured, or vice versa. The result shows that for the corporation issuing convertible or secured bonds, the impact of the disclosure is less significant. This finding verifies that when the bond is convertible or secured, the reverse relation between the cost of debt capital and the disclosure level could be weakened since the agency costs are lower. Therefore, this research draws a conclusion that for corporations that attempt to issue straight bonds or unsecured bonds, the disclosure level plays a more important rule to reduce the cost of debt capital.
Key word: Agency Cost, Cost of Debt Capital, Disclosure Level, Information Asymmetry.
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股權結構對股價之影響─以台灣TFT-LCD產業為例 / The Influence of Ownership Structure on Stock Price:An Evidence from the TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan范惠緣, Fan, Hueu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著所有權與經營權日益分離因而引發代理問題,由於所有者與經營者之間存在著資訊不對稱(Information Asymmetry),而引發監督等代理成本。本研究探討股權結構與公司價值之間的關係,究竟是支持「利益收斂假說」或是「利益衝突假說」,並探討公司內部人、機構法人是否能發揮監督功效,而提升公司價值,反應在股價是否為正向關係。而公司內部人若能適當監督產生正面效益,能使公司價值提升。機構法人為理性投資者,由於有專業團隊蒐集資訊進行投資分析,因此機構法人持股比例的高低具參考價值,對於公司股價具有影響力,故機構法人持股可視為另一股監督力量。
本研究採用2001年至2007年台灣TFT-LCD產業的追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型,以股價為公司價值之代理變數,並將股權結構視為其他資訊之代理變數,來探討股權結構對於股價是否具有顯著解釋力。根據實證結果顯示,機構投資持股與公司價值呈顯著且正向關係,結果支持「效率監督假說」。其次,內部人持股比例對股價的造成的影響呈顯著且正向關係,研究結果與「利益收斂假說」吻合。並發現投信持股比例雖低,但其對股價的影響力較外資及內部人來的大。 / The increasing demand for the separation of ownership and management control has led to concerns on agency problems. The existence of information asymmetry between the owner and the management team has resulted in various agency costs, including supervision-related expenses, etc. In this dissertation, we try to study the relationship between ownership structure and corporate value, so as to determine whether the Convergence of interest Hypothesis or the Conflict of interest Hypothesis should be supported. We also try to probe whether the insiders of a company or the institutional investors are able to fully play their supervisory roles to increase the value of the company, and whether these roles have positive correlation with the company’s stock price. The supervisory functions of a company’s insiders, when properly fulfilled, will create positive effects and increase the value of the company. Being rational investors, institutional investors collect information and conduct investment analysis through a professional team. The shareholding by institutional investors, therefore, is indicative and influential to the company’s stock price. Institutional investors are reckoned as another force of supervision.
In this research, we used the panel data of the TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan over the period of 2001 to 2007, supported by the fixed effect model. Stock prices are used as the proxy variables of the corporate value, and ownership structure is reckoned as the proxy variable for other information. The analysis is used to determine whether ownership structure has significant interpretation effect on the stock price. The empirical research results show that the shareholding by institutional investors has a significant and positive
correlation with the corporate value, which supports the Efficient Monitoring Hypothesis. Further, the ratio of insiders’ shareholding also has significant and positive influence on the stock price. The research results therefore agree with the Convergence of Interest Hypothesis. It was also found that, whilst the ratio of shareholding by the SITE industry is relatively lower, its influence on stock price is greater than the institutional investors and insiders.
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Verkligt värde i förvaltningsfastigheter : En studie om den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verkligt värde. / Fair value in Investment Properties : A study about the unrealized change in value in fair value accountingLergård, Andreas, Möller, Sanne January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Tidigare studier som utförts visar vilken betydelse värdering till verkligt värde fått för redovisningen. Det har däremot inte jämförts hur värdeförändringen skiljer sig åt mellan noterade och onoterade bolag, samt om eventuella skillnader beror på om externvärdering tillämpas. Vidare är avsikten att undersöka huruvida bolag redovisar större orealiserade uppvärderingar eller nedvärderingar vid värdering till verkligt värde. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur storleken på de orealiserade värdeförändringarna vid värdering till verkligt värde varierar beroende på upp- eller nedvärdering. Vidare är syftet att studera hur de orealiserade värdeförändringarna påverkas beroende på om bolaget är noterat eller inte, samt om bolaget tillämpar externvärdering. Metod: Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats, där hypoteser byggts upp ifrån befintlig teori. Genom en tvärsnittsanalys för tre jämförande år har kvantitativ data samlats in för att se vad som kan påverka den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verklig värde. Detta har kompletterats med uppföljningsintervjuer för att få en bättre förståelse för hur värderingen påverkas av bland annat externvärdering. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att uppvärderingarna vid värdering till verkligt värde var större än nedvärderingarna och att den orealiserade värdeförändringen blev större vid förekomsten av externvärdering. Om bolaget är noterat eller inte hade i studien ingen betydelse för tillgångsvärderingen. / Introduction: Previous studies have shown the impact of fair value. However, there is a lack of comparison in the academic field, between listed and unlisted companies, and how external appraisers affect the fair value. Further, we will also investigate if the appreciations differ in size from the depreciations. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine how the size of the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting differ between appreciations and depreciations, listed and unlisted companies, and if it is affected by external appraisers. Method: The study was conducted through a deductive approach, where the hypotheses derive from existing theories. With a cross-sectional method, three years have been compared using quantitative data, to see what influences the unrealized change in value. To get a better understanding of our results a number of interviews were conducted. Conclusion: The results show that the size of the appreciations was bigger than the depreciations, and the involvement of external appraisers had a positive effect on the unrealized change in value. If the companies were listed or not did not have any impact on the result of our study.
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