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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moving and Jamming : Implications for Social Movement Theory

Wettergren, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
The present compiled dissertation explores culture jamming as a social movement in late capitalist information society. Culture jamming embraces groups and individuals practicing symbolic protest against the expansion and domination of large corporations and the logic of the market into public and private life. The central aim is to understand the meaning of culture jamming; its “model” of collective identification, and its protest and mobilizing strategies. International social movement research mostly focuses upon well established movements that are traditionally organized and directed against conventional political institutions. Studying culture jamming as a social movement therefore entails implications for social movement theory and research. For instance, concepts must be adjusted to cover emerging “individualized” forms of collective action and the effects of cyberspace on collective identification. Furthermore, attention is directed to emotions in culture jamming. It is thereby also argued that social movement research generally may have a lot to gain from incorporating emotion theory. Data consists of texts and visuals from the organization Adbusters Media Foundation, and seven interviews with culture jammers. The groups represented in the interviews are Institute for Applied Autonomy, Reverend Billy’s Church of Stop Shopping, New York Surveillance Camera Players, Bureau of Inverse Technology, Rtmark, and the French Casseurs de Pub. The method of analysis is “abductive” qualitative text analysis inspired by hermeneutic qualitative analysis and the epistemological and ontological foundations of discourse theory and post-structuralism. Analysis is carried out in five separate studies presented in text I-IV (previously published) and in chapter eight. Text I maps the Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF) along the lines of narrative, organization, ends, means, and strategy. Text II offers an analysis of the various nodal points in the AMF discourse and discusses the tensions inherent to the AMF effort to “hegemonize” the meaning of culture jamming. Text III offers an analysis of culture jamming as political activism from the thematic perspective of culture, place and identity, based on four of the interviews. In text IV the AMF visuals are analyzed from the perspective of emotions and social movement mobilization. Chapter eight brings together the seven interviews and the AMF material into an analysis of emotions in culture jamming.

Medhjälpare till brott mot URL? : Vem och när anses man vara medhjälpare?

Jansizian, George January 2011 (has links)
Internettjänsten The Pirate Bay fälldes av Svea hovrätt den 26 november 2010 för medhjälp till brott mot URL med motiveringen att denna tjänst främjat fildelning av upphovsrättsligt skyddat material utan upphovsmännens samtycke. Bestämmelsen i 23 kap 4 § 2 st. BrB lyder, ”ansvar som i denna balk är föreskrivet för viss gärning skall ådömas inte bara den som utfört gärningen utan även annan som främjat denna med råd eller dåd. Detsamma skall gälla beträffande i annan lag eller författning straffbelagd gärning, för vilken fängelse är föreskrivet.” I dagsläget finns ett flertal tjänster av liknande karaktär såsom söktjänsten Google och videotjänsten Youtube. Dessa har inte prövats av svensk rätt men åtnjuter skydd av E-handelslagen trots att de i praktiken kan anses fungera som The Pirate Bay. Skillnaden är att dessa aktivt handlar för att förebygga förekomsten av upphovsrättsligt skyddat material utan upphovsmännens samtycke. Trots detta förekommer en betydande mängd upphovsrättsligt skyddat material som med stor sannolikhet inte gjorts tillgängligt för allmänheten med upphovsmännens samtycke. Dessa aktörer kan teoretiskt sätt upprätta en policy mot spridning av olovligt material som är tillräcklig för att väga upp den skadan som tillförs upphovsmännen, på så sätt åtnjuter de titeln informationssamhällets tjänst, de vill säga samhällsnyttan väger över den tillförda skadan enligt E-handelslagen. Hovrättens deldom i Pirate Bay-målet är nu en milstolpe för dessa aktörer avseende tolkningen av medhjälpsbegreppet i BrB, men det är ändock av vikt att HD samt EU-domstolen klargör den diffusa gränsen mellan definitionen informationssamhällets tjänst och tolkningen av ordalydelsen i 23 kap 4 § 2 st. BrB (medhjälpsbegreppet). / The Pirate Bay was convicted by the Svea Court of Appeals in November 26, 2010 for aiding in crime against Swedish Copyright Law on the grounds that this service promoted the sharing of copyright material without the authors’ consent. The wording in chapter 23, paragraph 4, part 2 of the Swedish Criminal Code reads, "responsibilities in this section are prescribed for a specific act, it shall be imposed not only on those who carried out the deed, but also the one that facilitated this by giving advice or carrying out deeds. The same shall apply in relation to another law or constitutional criminal offense for which imprisonment is prescribed." Nowadays there are several services of similar nature such as the search engine Google and the video streaming service Youtube. These services have not been tested by Swedish law, since they are protected by the Swedish E-Commerce Law. Google and Youtube actively take actions to prevent the occurrence of copyrighted material without the authors' consent. However, there is a considerable amount of copyright material, which most probably has been made available to the public without the authors' consent. These companies can in theory establish a policy against the proliferation of unauthorized materials in an amount sufficient to offset the damage which affects the copyright owners, but still enjoy the title of information society services in the E-Commerce Law, since the social benefits are larger than the caused injury. The Swedish Court of Appeal's judgement is now a landmark for similar services when it comes to the interpretation of aiding crime against the Swedish copyright law. It is nevertheless important that the Supreme Court of Sweden and the EU-court defines the cloudy boundary between the definition information society services and the interpretation of the wording in the 23 chapter 4 § 2 part, Swedish penal code.

Internet et la liberté d'expression : l'exemple des critiques dirigées contre les oligopoles

Toussaint, Marie-Hélène 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une situation dans laquelle un citoyen ordinaire tente de diffuser sur Internet une opinion critique qu'il dirige contre une grande entreprise commerciale et tente d'analyser les éléments favorables à la diffusion de cette opinion critique ainsi que les embûches qui sont à prévoir. Cet exemple permet d'illustrer les forces et les faiblesses d'Internet en matière de liberté d'expression. Il permet de poser une mise en garde concernant les dangers de transposer les limites actuelles à la liberté d'expression des citoyens au contexte d'Internet. La première partie de l'analyse souligne les caractéristiques d'Internet et les différentes façons d'aborder la question de la liberté d'expression sur Internet selon les approches libertaire, libérale ou interventionniste, pour finalement faire le point sur l'apport d'Internet en matière d'information et de communication. La deuxième partie de l'analyse aborde la question de l'efficience en identifiant les éléments qui encouragent l'exercice de la liberté d'expression et ceux qui découragent les utilisateurs de s'exprimer sur Internet. L'exemple des critiques dirigées contre les oligopoles permet d'illustrer la nécessité d'établir des règles propres à Internet en matière de liberté d'expression. Cet exemple fait ressortir le caractère inadéquat des limites actuelles à la liberté d'expression établies par le droit de la presse, le droit de la radiodiffusion, le droit de propriété et le droit de la propriété intellectuelle. L'auteur vient à la conclusion qu'en matière de liberté d'expression, il serait souhaitable: 1) Que Internet soit considéré comme un espace public de discussion; 2) Que la préséance des intérêts économiques sur les intérêts démocratiques au niveau du développement de la société de l'information soit avouée; 3) Que les inégalités en termes d'opportunités d'expression soient reconnues; 4) Que les limites imposées en vertu des règles du droit de la propriété soient reconsidérées à la lumière des caractéristiques d'Internet. / This master thesis presents a case in which an ordinary citizen tries to spread on the Internet a criticizing opinion aimed at a large company, and attempts to analyse what are the elements in favour of this criticism broadcasting, as weil as the obstacles to be expected. This example allows us to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet in matter of freedom of speech. It also allows to put forward a warning concerning the risks of transposing current Iimits of freedom of speech in an Internet context. The first part of the analysis underlines the Internet's characteristics and the different ways to broach the subject of freedom of speech over the Internet, following severaI approaches, to finally focus on the Internet's contribution in matter of information and communication. The second part of the analysis deals with the question of efficiency, while identifying the elements that encourage the exercise of freedom of speech and those that discourage Internet users from expressing themselves. The example of criticism aimed toward large companies allows to illustrate the need to establish the Internet's own rules in matter of freedom of speech. What emerges from this example is the inadequate character of current limits to freedom of speech as set up by freedom of the press, broadcasting law, property and intellectual property law. The author concludes that in matter of freedom of speech, it wouId be recommended: 1) that the Internet be considered as a public forum; 2) that the predominance of economic interests over democratic interests in the development of the information society be admitted; 3) that the inequalities in terms of expression opportunities be recognized; 4) that the limits imposed in accordance with property law be reconsidered in an Internet context. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit option droit des technologies de l'information"

Piliečių nuomonės tyrimas e-įtraukties politikos kontekste / Citizens opinions research in e-inclusion policy context

Būraitė, Lina 23 June 2014 (has links)
Elektroninė atskirtis yra natūralus procesas, kuris atsiranda su naujomis galimybėmis. Ne visi žmonės turi vienodas galimybes naudotis IRT prieinama informacija ir paslaugomis. Dažnai labiausiai pažeidžiamos socialinės grupės (neįgalieji, pagyvenę žmonės, mažiau išsilavinę, emigrantai, imigrantai ir kt.) neturi tokių galimybių kaip kiti naudotis IRT bei jų teikiama nauda, ir tampa atskirti nuo informacinės visuomenės, o tai skatina šių grupių socialinę atskirtį bei didina diskriminaciją. Elektroninė įtrauktis – tai veikla, kurią vykdant siekiama sudaryti galimybes visiems pageidaujantiems žmonėms visapusiškai dalyvauti informacinėje visuomenėje, nepaisant asmeninių ar socialinių kliūčių. Vykdant el. įtraukties politiką siekiama socialinio teisingumo, užtikrinant lygybę žinių visuomenėje. El. įtrauktis yra vienas iš inicijuotos ES programos “i2010 – Europos informacinė visuomenė augimui ir užimtumui skatinti” prioritetų, norint pagerinti žmonių kasdieninio gyvenimo kokybę, kovai su diskriminacija, sukuriant naujas įsidarbinimo galimybes, naudojantis įvairia informacija bei paslaugomis. Norint vykdyti atskirtų socialinių grupių el. įtrauktį, pirmiausia reikia apibrėžti grupes žmonių, kurioms labiausiai gresia el. atskirtis, pažymint tokių grupių amžių, gyvenamąją vietą, lytį, kompiuterinį raštingumą, el. įgūdžius, bei nustatyti, kokiomis priemonėmis reiktų šią atskirtį sumažinti. Šio tiriamojo darbo tikslas – atlikti Lietuvos piliečių nuomonės dėl tolimesnės el. įtraukties... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / E-inclusion is one of the main duty of society which aspires to be the Information Society. The essence of e-inclusion is an adaptation of all participants to new reality where everyone thanks to Information and Communication technologies (ICT) can take part in wider society. The main goal of this work: to define social groups of people, which are particularly threatened with exclusion in Lithuania and what course of action should be chosen to include them. To compare if European IT specialists and citizens have the same opinion for future e-inclusion policy at European level. It is going to achieve the main goal through the completion of the following tasks: · To point main e-inclusion problems and international targets to solve it ; · To see how these problems have been solved in Eastern Europe over 2007 year. · To make a survey in Lithuania which results would define social groups of people which are particularly threatened with exclusion and what course of action should be chosen to include them · To compare the results with similar surveys in Europe and Poland to see if European IT specialists have the same opinion as Lithuanian and Polish citizens for the future e-inclusion policy.

E-Government auf „Wiedervorlage“ - Stand der Entwicklung im internationalen Vergleich

Bernnat, Rainer 29 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Informacinių technologijų plėtros Lietuvos rajonuose ypatybės / The Peculiarities of the Development of Information Technologies in the Lithuanian Regions

Tarčauskaitė, Eglė 21 December 2006 (has links)
Approaching towards the global information society, the development of information technologies in the Lithuanian regions in which there is a high level of digital divide becomes very topical. To develop the topic of the paper, the analysis of literary sources, legal documents, projects under implementation was carried out and qualitative questionnaire of experts was done. Having analysed the e-government situation, factors constructing digital divide, the present policy of the development of information technologies and the projects under implementation, solution models enabling to integrate separate regions successfully were suggested.

The Role Of The Global Media In World Politics: A Case Of Iraq War Of 2003

Askin, Berrin 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the role of the global media in world politics. The global media as a major source of information performs many functions in world politics. Due to the technological innovations both the global media and world politics has extended their scope and content. It is the aim of this thesis to explore to what extent the global media and world politics changes and to what extent the global media affect world politics. Moreover, this thesis aims to analyze the actors that play a significant role in the relation of global media and world politics. This thesis will also question the importance and effects of global media in world politics through the examples of Iraq War of 2003. This thesis argues that global media are the important actor of world politics by their agenda-setting, impediment and accelerant effects which influences public opinion. The aim of this thesis is to question the power of the global media on public opinion through the existential media structures, while showing the effects of global media by the examples of Iraq War of 2003.

Sobre el lloc de la filosofia en la societat de la informació i del coneixement

Sarsanedas Darnés, Anna 17 January 2007 (has links)
La tesi defensa la transmutació de la filosofia en la societat de la informació i del coneixement, tant pel que fa referència als nous espais d'aplicació, com als dels temes objecte d'estudi i els mètodes a seguir en la recerca i activitat filosòfica. La tesi està dividida en tres parts: la primera analitza les diferents perspectives filosòfiques de la tècnica i la tecnologia al llarg de la història; la segona reflexiona sobre les característiques de la societat de la informació, la comunicació i del coneixement; i, per últim, la tercera part, com a conseqüència de les dues anteriors, tracta del sentit i de la funció de la filosofia en relació amb la tecnologia i societat actuals. / The thesis defends the transmutation of the philosophy in the society of the information and of the knowledge, as much regarding the new spaces of application as in those of the subjects to treat and the methods to employ in the research and philosophical activity.The thesis is divided into three parts: the first analyzes the different philosophical prospects of the technique and the technology along the history; the second reflects on the characteristics of the society of the information, the communication and of the knowledge; and, as last, the third part, as a consequence of the former two, is of the meaning and of the function of the philosophy in relation to the technology and society today.

Hybride Sinnsysteme in Informationsnetzwerken : moderne Identitätsbildung und Heilsuche über den menschlichen Körper /

Knijff, Melanie. January 2006 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2006--Regensburg.

Η κοινωνία της γνώσης στη μεταβιομηχανική εποχή / The knowledge society to the post-industrial era

Γαβαλά, Ελένη 01 October 2012 (has links)
Ο 20ος αιώνας θεωρείται ως ο αιώνας της ακμής αλλά και του τέλους της βιομηχανικής κοινωνίας, ενώ ο 21ος ως η απαρχή μιας καινούργιας εποχής η οποία κυριαρχείται από μια νέα μορφή οικονομικής και κοινωνικής οργάνωσης και λειτουργίας. Η νέα αυτή μορφή της κοινωνίας χαρακτηρίζεται ως Κοινωνία της Γνώσης. Το νόημα, όμως, που λαμβάνει το εκφώνημα Κοινωνία της Γνώσης δεν αφορά σε μία μορφωτική διαδικασία που απευθύνεται σε όλα τα μέλη της κοινωνίας και συνιστά συλλογική ευθύνη της κρατικά οργανωμένης κοινωνίας. Η ανάδυση αυτού του νέου τύπου κοινωνίας σχετίζεται άμεσα με το πέρασμα από τις βιομηχανικές κοινωνίες στις μεταβιομηχανικές και τις αλλαγές που εκτυλίσσονται όσον αφορά τις βασικές αξίες τους, την κοινωνική και πολιτική δομή τους καθώς και τους βασικούς θεσμούς τους. Η παρούσα Διπλωματική Εργασία έχει ως στόχο να διερευνήσει το ρόλο της γνώσης στις μεταβιομηχανικές κοινωνίες μέσα από τις απόψεις τόσο των υπέρμαχων της Κοινωνίας της Γνώσης όσο και των υπερασπιστών του προτάγματος του Διαφωτισμού ώστε να καταδειχθεί στο τέλος η ανάγκη για μια γενική παιδεία έναντι της απόλυτης εξειδίκευσης. / The 20th century is considered as the century of prosperity and the end of industrial society, and the 21st as the beginning of a new era dominated by a new form of economic and social organization and operation. This new form of society is characterized as a knowledge society. The point, however, received the Society of Knowledge broadcasters does not relate to a cultural process that appeals to all members of society and a collective responsibility of government organized society. The emergence of this new type of society is directly related to the transition from post-industrial societies and the changes taking place in basic values, social and political structure and the key institutions. The present thesis aims to investigate the role of knowledge in postindustrial societies through the views of proponents of the knowledge society and the defenders of the Enlightenment project to show in the end the need for a general education versus absolute specialization .

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