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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace zdravotního pojištění v České republice a v Německu / Comparison of the Czech and the German health insurance

Pavlovská, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the Czech and the German public health insurance system. The main aim is to analyze the public health insurance system in the Czech Republic and Germany and their comparison according to selected criterias. The dissertation is divided into four parts. In the first chapter there are briefly described various methods of financing health care. The content of the second chapter is the analysis of the German public health insurance system. This chapter also presents the basic characteristics of the German private health insurance. In the third chapter we can find the analysis of the Czech public health insurance system. An integral part of the second and the third chapter is the analysis of the income of the public health insurance system in 2005 - 2010. In chapter four there is a comparison of the two systems of public health insurance. Then individual parts are selected from the systems (the insured, the assessment basis, the insurance rate and income of the public health insurance) and they are compared according to selected quantitative and qualitative criterias.

Právní úprava zdravotní péče v ČR / Legal regulation of healthcare in the Czech Republic

Rajchlová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
5 Abstract Legal regulation of healthcare in the Czech Republic The subject matter of this thesis is legal analysis of provision of healthcare in the Czech Republic and outline of basic problems of provision of healthcare, including proposals for their possible solution and comparison with Supreme Court and Constitutional Court jurisprudence. The thesis deals not only with the specific legal regulations in which the provision of healthcare is regulated, but also with the interpretation of their content, as well as with the legal relations between the entities involved in the provision of healthcare. In addition, the thesis discusses the introduction of the electronization of healthcare, which has the potential to improve the healthcare system in the Czech Republic and make the provided healthcare better, cheaper and more accessible. The thesis is divided into five chapters, which are further subdivided into subchapters. The first chapter is about the basic sources of legal regulation of healthcare at international, European and national level. The second chapter deals with the methods of financing the provided healthcare with a particular emphasis on the public health insurance system in the Czech Republic. Subsequently, chapter three deals more closely with healthcare itself and with the interpretation of...

Systém dávek důchodového pojištění / Retirement pension insurance system

Bauer, Vilém January 2017 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the system of retirement pension insurance within the territory of the Czech Republic. In the opening chapters it explains rudimentary terms and other important notions whose - at least sketchy - characterization is necessary for further full comprehension of the complex system of retirement pension benefits. The fifth chapter focusses on elementary terms which make clear the general calculation of retirement pension income. In the thesis different pension incomes (old age pension, disability pension and surviving dependant's pension) are defined by a general introduction into the topic of the respective types of pensions and their caracterization. In some cases there is a brief note about the historical context of the pension, in particular in case of surviving dependants' pensions. The thesis refers to the roots of such an adjustment. Then it is made clear what the legal conditions for the pension claim are, what entitles the benefit duration and when - according to the law - the respective benefit of pension insurance system expires, including the amount and payment of different pension incomes. The thesis includes important judicial verdicts of Czech law courts, principally on the retirement age interpretation, and a significant sentence of the European Court of...

Metodika Solvency II a dopady na hospodaření pojišťovny / Methodology of Solvency II and impacts on economy of insurance company

Černá, Eva January 2008 (has links)
This diploma paper is concerned with new rules of regulation of insurance system. Their name is Solvency II. The aim of work is view of structure of new regime of insurance system and impacts of new rules on economy of insurance company. The work is divided into three parts, the first part is concerned with historical progress of regulation in the czech area and an activity of supervision. In the second part there is comparison of current rules for calculation of solvency with suggested methodology. There are contained structural elements of new metodology. The concept of Solvency II is inspired by rules for banks Basel II and therefore same and different characters are studied. The third part is engaged in possible impacts of new methodology of solvency on insurance market and economy of insurance company.

Možnosti řešení zdravotních rizik / Possible solutions of health risks

Trpišovský, Josef January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is primarily oriented on economic aspects of health systems. It contains the analysis and description of health risks, health-insurance systems (models) and current status of Czech health system. Czech health system is described and scarified. Analysis of weak points, status of reforms and also a design of possible solutions are integral parts of this thesis. Both public and commercial approaches to health and insurance systems are involved, including current commercial insurance products which are available on Czech market.

Návrh na zlepšení vybraného pojistného produktu společnosti Česká pojišťovna a.s. / Propsal for Improvement of Selected Insurance Product Company Česká pojišťovna a.s.

Vránová, Markéta January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses problems connected with motor insurance of the company Česká pojišťovna a.s. and contains the project to improvement the offer of this product in order to be competitive and corresponding to the requirements of client.

An evaluation and discussion of a deposit insurance system: Should South Africa adopt such a system?

Khoza, Bongani Terrence January 2020 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The research will evaluate and discuss the importance of Deposit Insurance Systems (DIS) and the necessity of having this system. Important to the evaluation is an analytical consideration of how the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), the National Treasury (NT) and other global financial bodies proposed the approach thereof. Insofar as most jurisdictions had already adopted the DIS as encouraged by the international financial institutions, the study shall determine whether it is plausible for South Africa to derive guidance in her approach taking into account the potential risks posed by the safety-net.

Komparace systémů veřejných zdravotních pojištění v České republice a v Rakousku / The comparation of the health public systems in the Czech republic and Austria

Šturcová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Die beiden Systemen wurden auf die ähnliche Tradition gegründet. Diese Tradition hat seine Wurzeln in Österreich-Ungarn, die bis 1918 in der gleichen Zwischenraum ausgesetzt wurden. Ein weiterer Zusammenhang ist die geographische Beziehung. Die Gesetztformen in der beiden Staaten sind unterschiedlich. In der Tschechische Republik gibt es viele Sozialversicherungsgesetze, in den der jede Typ des Versichertes geregelt ist. In Österreich gibt es für den jeden Type des Versichertes ein Sozialversicherungsgesetz. Die beiden Systemen sind die gesetzlichen öffentlichen Krankenversicherungen. Das tschechische System ist postkommunisch und Österreich ist der korporatische konservative Sozialstaat. Es gibt die Umverteilung in den beiden Systemen, aber in Österreich hat ein Unterschied, weil auch die Umverteilung in der Anstaltspflege enthält. Die vergleichende Systeme der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen haben die gemeinsame ethische Grundsätze, die aber in Österreich mehr in den Gesetze geregelt werden. Dieser Fakt macht den Rahmen des Systemes der Krankenversicherung, das viel auf die Patienten sich konzetriert wird. Der Patient hat ein Recht auf aktive Beteiligung in diesem System und auch in der Behandlung. Ein großes Unterschied ist die Verfassungsschutz der Rechte im beiden Staaten. In Tschechien gibt es die...

Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos įvertinimas ir tobulinimas / Evaluation and improvement of Health insurance system

Atkočiūnaitė, Kristina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistema. Tyrimo dalykas – privalomasis sveikatos draudimas. Darbo tikslas – įvertinus Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemą nustatyti ir pateikti tobulinimo galimybes. Uždaviniai: išnagrinėti sveikatos draudimo teorinius aspektus, sukurti sveikatos draudimo sistemos įvertinimo metodiką, įvertinti Lietuvos sveikatos draudimo modelį, atlikus Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo pajamų ir išlaidų analizę, nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius pajamų ir išlaidų kitimą, nustatyti Lietuvos sveikatos draudimo sistemos perspektyvas, pateikti pasiūlymus sveikatos draudimo sistemos tobulinimui. Iškeltai problemai tirti ir rezultatams gauti naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: specialiosios literatūros bendrieji moksliniai tyrimo metodai – literatūros analizė ir sintezė, loginė analizė ir sintezė, indukcija ir dedukcija, loginio ir grafinio modeliavimo metodai, daugiafaktorinė regresinė analizė, laiko eilutės prognozavimas naudojant statistines funkcijas TREND, LINEST ir GROWTH, LOGEST, laiko eilutės suglodinimas ir prognozavimas. Nagrinėjant Lietuvos autorių mokslinius straipsnius, periodinę spaudą, užsienio autorių mokslinius darbus apie sveikatos draudimo sistemą, atlikta Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos analizė ir pateikti pasiūlymai jos tobulinimui. / Research object: Lithuanian compulsory health insurance system. Research subject: compulsory health insurance. Research aim: to evaluate the financing system of compulsory health insurance in Lithuania and to define the opportunity of improvement. Objectives: to analyse the theoretical aspects of health insurance and process of health insurance system in Lithuania, to delineate the government resources for health insurance, to value advantages and disadvantages of health care model, to analyse income and outcome of compulsory health insurance fund budget, to underline evidences which cause the fluctuation of incomings and expenses, to detect health insurance system prospects and to provide the recommendations for the improvement of Lithuanian compulsory health insurance system. For solving problems and research results are used these research methods: analysis and synthesis of literature, systemic analysis, logical analysis and synthesis, regression analysis, forecast calculations statistical function TREND, LINEST and GROWTH, LOGEST, methods of graphic and logical modeling. During doing the research of Lithuanian health insurance system, scientific articles by Lithuanian and foreign scientist were used to analyse Lithuanian health insurance system and to introduce the recommendations for its improvement.

Lietuvos Respublikos pensijų sistemos reformos praktiniai aspektai / Pension system reform practice aspects in the Lithuanian Republic

Fedaravičienė, Vera 24 February 2010 (has links)
Viešojo sektoriaus ekonomikos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, kadangi darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos valstybinių pensijų sistema. Pensijų sistema – tai vienas iš socialinės apsaugos elementų. Socialinis draudimas yra pagrindinis institutas, apsaugantis pilietį rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis. Prieš penkis metus Lietuvoje pradėta įgyvendinti valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistemos reforma. Ši reforma reiškia dalinį valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistemos privatizavimą. Šis žingsnis susilaukė ir kritikos ir pritarimo. Lietuvos mokslininkai, atlikę skaičiavimus ir statistinius tyrimus labai kritikavo ir tebekritikuoja atliktą reformą. Pasak juos, reformuota pensijų sistema nėra teisinga, daugiausia nuo jos nukentės dabartiniai pensininkai, bei vyresni dabartiniai darbuotojai, nepatenkantys į sistemą (Gylys, 2002). Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistema sukuria didesnį socialinį saugumą, nei privačių pensijų sistemos (Bitinas, 2008). Beje Lietuvoje privačios pensijų sistemos kuriamos valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sąskaita. Įgyvendinus pensijų reformą, turi būti nagrinėjama, kokį socialinį poveikį pensijų sistema turės ateityje. Pensijų sistema turi būti valdoma siekiant socialinio teisingumo. Laisvosios rinkos instituto ekspertai pritaria pensijų sistemos privatizavimui, jie teigia, kad norint išgelbėti žmonių pensijas, o ne dabartinę socialinio draudimo sistemą, reikia esminių reformų, kurių galutinis tikslas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Public Sector Economics Master's final thesis topic is of interest because we consider the Lithuanian state pension system. Pension system - is one of the elements of social protection. Social security is the basic institution which protects the national market economy. Five years ago Lithuania was launched in the state social insurance pension system reform. This reform is part of the state social insurance pension system privatization. This step and the context of criticism and support. Lithuanian scientists perform calculations and statistical analysis is very critical and critical carried out the reform. According to the reformed pension system is not fair, they will suffer most from the current retirees and older workers today, outside the system (Gylys, 2002). Studies have shown that the state social insurance pension system creates greater social security or private pension systems (Bitinas, 2008). By the way Lithuania private pension system developed state social insurance pension account. The implementation of pension reform should address the question of the social impact of the pension system will in the future. Pension system should be managed in the interest of social justice. Free Market Institute, experts agree the privatization of the pension system, they argue that in order to save people's pensions, rather than the current Social Security system needs radical reform, with the ultimate aim of the mandatory state social insurance waiver. However, the social... [to full text]

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