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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigación en la acción educativa. Las unidades fraseológicas pragmáticas en la didáctica del español y del italiano como lenguas extranjeras

Alessandro, Arianna 14 June 2011 (has links)
En esta investigación se aborda el tratamiento de la fraseología periférica y, más específicamente, de la clase de las Unidades Fraseológicas Pragmáticas (UFP), en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español y del italiano como lenguas extranjeras. Ante el papel que esta unidades juegan en el desarrollo de las competencias fraseológica y comunicativa global, así como las lagunas que, a pesar del creciente interés que despiertan los estudios fraseológicos, siguen afectando a esta parcela, nuestro objetivo es definir las especificidades que su didáctica implica y proponer un acercamiento práctico a la misma. Valiéndonos del marco metodológico de la Investigación en la Acción Educativa combinado con un análisis cualitativo-interpretativo, hemos diseñado y testado en el aula un modelo didáctico operativo, llamado Modelo Fraseológico-Pragmático (Mo.Fra.P.), a través del cual planteamos unos recursos y procedimientos, tanto lingüístico-fraseológicos como pedagógicos, susceptibles de ser aplicados al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las UFP. / This dissertation analyzes the treatment of the peripheral area of the phraseological repertoire, especially Phraseological-Pragmatic Units (UFP), in the teaching environment of Spanish and Italian as foreign languages. This work describes the specificities of UFP pedagogy and, especially, provides a practical approach to it, considering the role played by these units in students’ development of phraseological competence and, consequently, in their global communicative competence, as well as the gaps that, despite increasing interest in phraseological studies, continue to affect this area. Making use of the Action Research framework combined with a qualitative/interpretive analysis, the author designed and tested an operative model, called Phraseological-Pragmatic Model (Mo.Fra.P.), with students in class, by means of suggesting linguistic-phraseological and didactic resources and methods, that can be applied to the teaching and learning of UFP. / Nel presente studio si analizza il trattamento riservato alla fraseologia periferica, in particolare alle Unità Fraseologico-Pragmatiche (UFP), nell’ambito dell’insegnamento e apprendimento dello spagnolo e dell’italiano como lingue straniere. Tenendo conto del ruolo che queste unità svolgono ai fini dello sviluppo della competenza fraseologica y comunicativa globale e, allo stesso tempo, delle lacune che, nonostante il crescente interesse suscitato dagli studi fraseologici, permangono in questa area, l’obiettivo è definire le specificità che la didattica delle UFP implica e proporre un approccio pratico alla medesima. Servendoci della metodologia della ricerca nell’azione educativa combinata con un’indagine qualitativo-interpretativa, abbiamo disegnato e testato in aula un modello didattico operativo, che prende il nome di Modello Fraseologico-Pragmatico (Mo.Fra.P.), mediante il quale proponiamo una serie di risorse e procedimenti, linguistico-fraseologici e pedagogici, da applicarsi nell’ambito del processo di insegnamento e apprendimento delle UFP.

從入櫃到出櫃:陽剛女同志的母親之「新母職」實踐 / Going in and out of the closet: The practice of "new motherhood" by masculine lesbians' mothers.

石純宜, Shih, Chun I Unknown Date (has links)
同性戀處在以異性戀為主流的社會中往往被視為奇怪、不正常的一群人。同性戀污名不僅影響同志本身,它也擴散至與其親近的家人身上。本研究即源自於研究者出櫃之後與母親的互動經驗,試圖以陽剛女同志的母親為出發點,運用Denzin的解釋性互動論(interpretive interactionism)為研究方法,深度訪談六位陽剛女同志的母親,探究女兒的同志身分與陽剛氣質帶給母親的個人苦惱與其母職實踐經驗。進一步地,研究者也爬梳主流意識形態與社會政策與母親生命經驗之間的關連。最後,反思助人工作者與同志父母互動時能扮演的角色與倡議之方向。 本研究的主要發現如下:一、母親成長過程中所內化的性別經驗成為她們看待陽剛同志女兒的基礎,越早接觸到同性戀議題或是擁有同性戀友人的母親,女兒的出櫃帶給她們的衝擊越小。二、越能在性別認同與性別氣質觀念上有所解放的母親,越能承接起「陽剛女同志的母親」之身分。三、母親會調整自己的母職工作以因應女兒的同志身分所帶來的議題。此外,「母職意識形態」在母親與同志女兒互動的經驗裡亦作為一把雙面刃,一方面令母親質疑自己是否因為擁有同志女兒而不是一位「好媽媽」;但另一方面,有些母親則轉化「母親」的身分,從私領域進入公領域成為所有同志孩子的母親,嘗試改變同志父母與同志孩子在社會中的處境。四、華人家庭照顧倫理的影響使得同志女兒的老年照顧問題成為母親共同面臨的議題,母親也在此種意識型態之下發展出不同的策略來為女兒的老年作準備。 / Homosexuals are often seemed to be the odd and abnormal ones among the heterosexual society. The stigma is not only tagged to the homosexuals, but spread its unfriendliness to their close families. This research was originated from researcher’s own experience of interaction with her mother after coming out, trying to investigate the trouble brought by masculine lesbian’s identity to her mother, and the mother’s practiced experiences at mothers’ view, through in depth interview of six masculine lesbians’ mothers by using Denzin’s interpretive interactionism as methodology. Further more, researcher went through the connection between the mainstream ideology and social policy, and the experiences they brought to a masculine lesbian’s mother. At the end, researcher rethinks what social workers’ role should be like and how should they provide help when interacting with parents of homosexuals. Findings of this research include: 1. The gender experiences internalized during a mother’s growth process becomes the foundation of how they see their masculine lesbian daughter; the earlier a mother aware of homosexual issue or having a homosexual friend, the smaller impact she have when her daughter coming out. 2. How much a mother could bear the identity of “masculine lesbian’s mother” depends on how liberate she is to the gender identity and gender temperament. 3. A mother will adjust her motherhood in respond to the issue brought by her daughter’s lesbian identity. Moreover, the “motherhood ideology” is a double-edged sword in the interaction experience between a mother and her lesbian daughter; on the one hand, the mother question herself for having a lesbian daughter, on the other hand, some mother convert her motherhood, from one’s mother into all lesbian’s mother, and trying to change the status of homosexual and their parents in the social environment. 4. The concept of traditional oriental family makes nursing care of lesbian daughter in her elder age a common issue for lesbians’ mothers, and because of this ideology, they have developed different strategies to prepare their daughter for their elder age.

Identity re/construction of cross-cultural graduate students

Li, Xuemei 25 April 2008 (has links)
This research explores the identity reconstruction of graduate students in additional language (AL) contexts. It addresses not only the issue of language proficiency in self-representation, but also more complicated factors that influence self-positioning and perceived social positioning in an additional culture, as well as ways of establishing the self in academic writing. The research is grounded in language learning theories in second language education and identity theories in linguistics, sociology, and cultural studies. Eleven graduate students participated in the study, among whom five were international students at a Chinese university and six were Chinese students at a Canadian university. Data were drawn from a questionnaire, writing samples, interviews, and email correspondence. Commonalities and divergences were found between groups and within groups. I developed a framework of writer identity for AL graduate students prior to the study and modified it in the discussion. Based on the data, I elaborated on the connections of personal identity and writer identity, and conceptualized for AL speakers a mediated space incorporating home culture and host culture but going beyond the overlap of the two, as well as a mediated self that is achieved through negotiation with the available options in their respective social context. / Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2008-04-24 23:24:36.208

A Framework for Evaluating an Introductory Statistics Programme at the University of the Western Cape.

Makapela, Nomawabo. January 2009 (has links)
<p>There have been calls both from the government and private sector for Higher Education institutions to introduce programmes that produce employable graduates whilst at the same time contributing to the growing economy of the country by addressing the skills shortage. Transformation and intervention committees have since been introduced to follow the extent to which the challenges are being addressed (DOE, 1996 / 1997 / Luescher and Symes, 2003 / Forbes, 2007). Amongst the list of issues that needed urgent address were the skills shortage and underperformance of students particularly university entering students (Daniels, 2007 / De Klerk, 2006 / Cooper, 2001). Research particularly in the South African context, has revealed that contributing to the underperformance of university entering students and shortage of skills are: the legacy of apartheid (forcing certain racial groups to focus on selected areas such as teaching and nursing), the schooling system (resulting in university entering students to struggle), the home language and academic language. Barrell (1998), places stress on language as a contributing factor towards the performance of students. Although not much research has been done on skills shortage, most of the areas with skills shortage require Mathematics, either on a minimum or comprehensive scale. Students who have a strong Mathematics background have proved to perform better compared to students who have a limited or no Mathematics background at all in Grade 12 (Hahn, 1988 / Conners, McCown &amp / Roskos-Ewoldsen, 1998 / Nolan, 2002).The department of Statistics offers an Introductory Statistics (IS) course at first year level. Resources available to enhance student learning include: a problem-solving component with web-based tutorials and students attending lectures three hours per week. The course material and all the necessary information regarding the course including teach yourself problems, useful web-sites and links students can make use of, are all stored under the Knowledge- Environment for Web-based learning (KEWL). Despite all the available information, the students were not performing well and they were not interested in the course. The department regards statistical numeracy as a life skill. The desire of the department is to break down the fear of Statistics and to bring about a perspective change in students&rsquo / mindsets. The study was part of a contribution to ensuring that the department has the best first year students in Statistics in the Western Cape achieving a success rate comparable to the national norm.</p>

Public interpretation of historic archaeology at historic sites in eastern United States

Bailey, Charlene Anne Beaty January 1991 (has links)
Fourteen historic sites in the Eastern United States were evaluated for ways archaeological evidence was used in the development of living history, public education, and other interpretive programs. A wide range of sites, such as outdoor living history museum villages, active urban public archaeology programs, sites associated with well-known archaeologists, and sites where the author had personal experience, were studied.Techniques used to interpret archaeological resources to the public were identified to ascertain which were found to be the most effective in spreading the word about preservation and conservation. Technological advances have expanded interpretive possibilities and allowed innovations not thought possible ten years ago. These advances will continue, and archaeologists will need to stay abreast of innovative techniques in public interpretation in spite of excitement or trepidation. This study may serve as guidelines for museums wishing to establish innovative, but low-budget, interpretive programs. / Department of Anthropology

An exploratory study of mothers perceptions and experiences of an unplanned Caesarean section / Samantha Lynne Roux

Roux, Samantha Lynne January 2010 (has links)
Objective The present study aimed to explore women's perceptions and experiences of childbirth by unplanned Caesarean section. Background New motherhood is characterised as a profound change, and research suggests that the psychological effects of childbirth can be significant and far–reaching for some women. The processes occurring during a traumatic birth experience could affect a woman's emotional and psychological state, and she may experience considerable adjustment difficulties in adapting to unfulfilled expectations of delivering her baby naturally. Methods In–depth interviews explored 10 women's lived experiences of childbirth, after which thematic content analysis was used to synthesise data. The elements of phenomenological theory served as a broad framework for the structuring, organizing and categorizing of data, with interpretation aimed at gaining a greater understanding of women's internalised childbirth accounts. Findings Women described their contact with medical personnel, as well as the physical, environmental, and emotional aspects of their unplanned Caesarean sections, as distressing and traumatic. A sense of loss of control was the most significant contributor to women's negative childbirth experiences. Feelings of failure and disappointment were primarily related to unmet expectations and a lack of preparedness. Negative experiences were mediated by attentive caregiving, inclusion in decision–making, and support from loved ones. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

An exploratory study of mothers perceptions and experiences of an unplanned Caesarean section / Samantha Lynne Roux

Roux, Samantha Lynne January 2010 (has links)
Objective The present study aimed to explore women's perceptions and experiences of childbirth by unplanned Caesarean section. Background New motherhood is characterised as a profound change, and research suggests that the psychological effects of childbirth can be significant and far–reaching for some women. The processes occurring during a traumatic birth experience could affect a woman's emotional and psychological state, and she may experience considerable adjustment difficulties in adapting to unfulfilled expectations of delivering her baby naturally. Methods In–depth interviews explored 10 women's lived experiences of childbirth, after which thematic content analysis was used to synthesise data. The elements of phenomenological theory served as a broad framework for the structuring, organizing and categorizing of data, with interpretation aimed at gaining a greater understanding of women's internalised childbirth accounts. Findings Women described their contact with medical personnel, as well as the physical, environmental, and emotional aspects of their unplanned Caesarean sections, as distressing and traumatic. A sense of loss of control was the most significant contributor to women's negative childbirth experiences. Feelings of failure and disappointment were primarily related to unmet expectations and a lack of preparedness. Negative experiences were mediated by attentive caregiving, inclusion in decision–making, and support from loved ones. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Développement et mise à l'essai d'un outil pour analyser des albums jeunesse afin d'élaborer un répertoire d'oeuvres québécoises propices au travail interprétatif

Turgeon, Elaine 02 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche porte sur la lecture littéraire dans un contexte d’enseignement primaire et concerne plus précisément les albums jeunesse qui favorisent le développement des habiletés interprétatives. Il s’agit d’une recherche-développement qui comporte trois objectifs. Le premier objectif consiste à développer un outil pour analyser les procédés narratifs des albums jeunesse et y cerner les éléments propices au travail interprétatif. Le second objectif vise à mettre à l’essai l’outil d’analyse afin d’en mesurer la validité et la fidélité, alors que le dernier objectif consiste à élaborer, à l’aide de l’outil développé, un répertoire d’albums jeunesse québécois susceptibles de favoriser le développement des habiletés interprétatives des élèves du primaire. La méthodologie mise en œuvre afin d’atteindre les trois objectifs a d’abord permis d’analyser les besoins, c’est-à-dire, les finalités et les utilisateurs de l’outil d’analyse, puis d’en concevoir et d’en élaborer une première version, de la mettre à l’essai afin d’en évaluer la validité auprès d’experts, avant d’en produire une deuxième version, d’en évaluer la fidélité à l’aide de codeurs et finalement, d’en produire une troisième puis une quatrième version afin d’élaborer un répertoire d’albums jeunesse québécois propices au travail interprétatif. Bien que la mise à l’essai ne permette pas de conclure de façon tout à fait satisfaisante à propos de l’objectivité des indicateurs de l’outil développé, l’analyse des commentaires des experts permet d’affirmer que les indicateurs de l’outil d’analyse présentent un très haut degré de pertinence, ce qui donne à penser que l’outil développé de même que le répertoire de quinze albums jeunesse québécois susceptibles de favoriser le développement des habiletés interprétatives des élèves du primaire élaboré, dans le cadre de cette recherche, peuvent s’avérer de premiers outils utiles et pertinents pour le milieu scolaire. / This research paper examines literary reading in the context of primary education and focuses specifically on picturebooks that foster the development of interpretive skills. It gives an account of research and development in which we pursued three objectives. The first objective was to develop a tool to analyse the narrative processes of picturebooks and identify elements conducive to interpretive work; the second aimed to test the analysis tool in order to measure its reliability and validity; and the final objective was to use the tool we developed to put together a collection of Quebec children’s books that favour the development of interpretive skills in primary students. To achieve these three objectives, we adopted a methodology that enabled us to first analyse the needs, namely the users and purposes of the analysis tool, and then to design and develop an initial version. This version was tested with experts to determine its validity. A second version was then produced and its reliability was evaluated using encoders. Lastly, a third and forth version was produced to assemble a collection of Quebec picturebooks conducive to interpretive work. Although our test did not allow us to draw an altogether satisfactory conclusion about the objectivity of the indicators of our analysis tool, an analysis of comments by the experts confirms that the indicators of our analysis tool are highly relevant, which suggests that the tool we developed and the collection of 15 Quebec picturebooks that favour the development of interpretive skills in primary students we assembled may be important and useful tools within a school environment.

The dynamics of learning partnerships : case studies from Queensland

Peirce, Heather Jean January 2006 (has links)
This study examines the emerging notion of learning partnerships. As the study of such partnerships is a nascent research field, no single definition has yet emerged in the literature. However, within an uncertain and rapidly changing global context, two strategic initiatives have been identified which will support individuals, communities and organisations in their transition to a knowledge-based economy whilst building capacity for change and renewal. These two strategies are fostering learning communities/regions/towns and developing learning partnerships between multiple stakeholders. The term "learning partnership" has appeared in a wide variety of literatures including those of adult learning, management, social science and education. Working papers and emerging case reports identify a diversity of applications and a range of operational models or configurations that link multiple stakeholders. Learning partnerships have been associated with vocational education and training, innovation and research, lifelong learning, organisational learning and knowledge cultivation. These literatures reveal a paucity of Australian research to explain how multiple stakeholders form and develop these configurations, particularly in the Queensland context. The purpose of this study is to build deeper understanding of the meaning of a learning partnership in the Australian and (more precisely) the Queensland context. A working definition of a learning partnership, adopted as the basis for the research, indicates a strategy designed to foster continuous learning, collaboration, innovation and renewal in response to the demands of the knowledge-based economy and knowledge and learning societies. The research focuses on organisational arrangements in order for the researcher to gain deeper understanding from the key stakeholders in their work environments. Three diverse situations were selected for detailed exploration of their issues, relationships, activities, processes and working knowledge. With a view to contributing to emerging theory, an organisational case study methodology was adopted to identify and explore the nature of the relationships and issues confronting the key stakeholders in three Queensland-based learning partnerships. An interpretive theoretical framework draws on the social theory of symbolic interactionism and the "systems thinking" of General Systems Theory. An interpretivist perspective influenced the case study research strategy and guided data collection, analysis and reporting. Within the case studies, data collection methods included observations, informal meetings, synergetic focus groups, semi-structured interviews, diary notes, researcher memos and documents. From these multiple data sources, the researcher was able to assemble three case files. The inductive process for within-case analysis for the case reports, and later, cross-case analysis, integrated as a form of constant comparison technique, was used as a basis for presenting findings. These findings are reported as three separate "in progress" models to address three interrelated research questions. The case reports explain complex and interconnected organisational arrangements - evolving, adapting and responding to internal and external tensions. While there is considerable activity which could be regarded as representing learning partnerships, there is no cohesive policy framework to support such partnerships, and much ambiguity, "muddy" definitions and unclear terminology. It appears that a "new breed" of knowledge-worker is emerging - linking, networking, interacting, exchanging - to work across organisational intersections. The study shows that like "herding cats", co-ordinating and managing the inter relationships at the organisational intersection take time, resources, vision, processes for interaction, individual willingness and "in-kind" support. Whilst there is opportunity for linking disparate groups to cross-fertilise ideas, working knowledge, and information, and there is the potential to cultivate a knowledge and learning ecosystem (a fertile compost heap for knowledge generation and an innovative learning system) - "intellectual horsepower" - such configurations may also derail, realign or stagnate. It is individual stakeholders who form the relationships, interact, share ideas, and build networks, and it is the individual who maintains the relationships, engages in the process and learns from the experience. Therein lies a paradox between the strength of diversity of the collective (synergies) and their weakness as the relationships may be compromised by a single individual who withdraws or transfers. Drawing on a computing analogy, this could be akin to "corruption" in a system which may not be sufficiently robust to tolerate ambiguity, or a system that is too inflexible to survive threats while maintaining the momentum to adapt and renew. On the basis of this research it would appear that a more robust or resilient paradigm is emerging with interconnected, blurred boundaries and much "talking and thinking" about more sustainable futures. The study identifies these as indicative of wider social and economic changes. The thesis proposes three conceptual models as particularly useful in interpreting these "shifting systems and shifting paradigms": the concentric, the centripetal, and the plutonic.

O consumidor envergonhado: uma investigação das relações entre o sentimento de vergonha e os significados do consumo

Sauerbronn, João Felipe Rammelt 03 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Rafaela Moraes (rafaela.moraes@fgv.br) on 2016-08-02T18:34:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE completa.pdf: 1130341 bytes, checksum: 8c2f0bfc12b534c348d5b1e1c2609a2c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafaela Moraes (rafaela.moraes@fgv.br) on 2016-08-02T18:35:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE completa.pdf: 1130341 bytes, checksum: 8c2f0bfc12b534c348d5b1e1c2609a2c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafaela Moraes (rafaela.moraes@fgv.br) on 2016-08-02T18:36:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE completa.pdf: 1130341 bytes, checksum: 8c2f0bfc12b534c348d5b1e1c2609a2c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T18:36:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE completa.pdf: 1130341 bytes, checksum: 8c2f0bfc12b534c348d5b1e1c2609a2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03 / Consumer researchers from multiple tendencies had already noticed the importance of understanding the emotional phenomena associated to consumption. Emotions are key components of the human behavior and help understand the consumer behavior as well. In my thesis I present an analysis of the relationship between the feeling of shame and the meanings of consumption. Following Bagozzi, Gürhan-Canli, and Priester (2002) proposal, I had adopted an approach focused on the social basis of emotions. Although people can experience emotions privately, some emotional responses emerge from interpretations triggered by social events. In order to access the feelings experienced by the individuals during consumption I had chosen an interpretative perspective for the research. As a consequence of my epistemological option it was necessary for me to use a coherent methodological approach. The interpretative interactionism had provided a very useful resolution to the problems of analyzing the voluminous data that results in a qualitative research. The use of the interpretive interactionism was very helpful not only during the data analysis but also during the writing process. Each chapter of my thesis present a phase of the method as proposed by Denzin (1989). I could remain fully focused on the phenomenon under study because of the progressive (step-like) character of the analysis. This method made it possible to reach the perspectives of the respondents through their languages, attitudes and thoughts. I had achieved a rich and complete interpretation of the consumption experiences related to the feeling of shame. Three cases broadly represent the data retrieved and present to the reader a close examination of the elements used on the interpretation process. It was clear that the feeling of shame could influence and change the meanings of consumption of goods and services and change the consumer evaluation about it. Such clarification can be useful to marketers and researchers interested in the unpredictability of the consumer behavior. / O estudo das emoções no consumo é fundamental para a expansão do conhecimento da área de marketing. Pesquisadores de consumo de múltiplas tendências já perceberam a importância de se compreender mais profundamente os fenômenos emocionais associados ao consumo. Esta tese apresenta uma análise das relações entre o sentimento de vergonha e os significados de consumo. Utilizei uma abordagem de orientação sociológica, focada nas relações entre o indivíduo e o grupo na construção de seus sentimentos. Para poder penetrar no mundo dos sentimentos vividos pelos indivíduos, adotei uma perspectiva interpretativa para a pesquisa. Como conseqüência direta de minha opção epistemológica, foi necessária a utilização de uma abordagem metodológica capaz de alcançar os conjuntos de significados subjetivos dos indivíduos organizados dentro de um contexto social. Essencialmente, ficou demonstrado que o interacionismo interpretativo (DENZIN, 1989) ofereceu uma solução útil e consistente para os problemas de análise dos volumosos dados resultantes da abordagem qualitativa. A utilização do interacionismo interpretativo permitiu que eu permanecesse totalmente focado no fenômeno sob estudo devido às características progressivas (step-like) da análise. Além disso, a abordagem adotada tornou possível o acesso às perspectivas dos participantes através de suas linguagens, atitudes e pensamentos. Como resultado, obtive uma interpretação mais rica e completa das relações de consumo que envolvem a vergonha. Foram construídos três casos que representam de forma abrangente as entrevistas capturadas. Estes três casos ofereceram indicações suficientes para a discussão acerca dos principais pontos levantados. Ficou claro que a vergonha pode agir de maneira a constituir e modificar o significado de consumo de bens e serviços e alterar a avaliação do consumidor com relação a estes. Além disso, o estudo da vergonha pode ter conseqüências práticas para o marketing uma vez que este sentimento está relacionado ao estímulo ou desestímulo do consumo, além de surgir como resposta para algumas experiências de consumo.

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