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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre a leitura de A la recherche du temps perdu / On reading A la recherche du temps perdu

Samira Murad 25 June 2012 (has links)
Seguindo uma pista lançada pelo próprio Proust num texto crítico sobre a leitura, a crítica proustiana vem dedicando bastante espaço à compreensão deste tema na Recherche. Em geral, essa compreensão tem sido levada a cabo por meio da análise das figurações da leitura no romance de modo a construir o posicionamento teórico do escritor sobre a leitura que, por sua vez, funcionaria como modelo para a leitura da própria Recherche. Entretanto, essas análises apontam para incoerências e contradições que potencialmente poderiam invalidar seu caráter de modelo. Revisitando algumas das interpretações críticas bem como o próprio ensaio de Proust sobre a questão, esta tese defende que a compreensão da leitura da Recherche vai além da discussão da figuração do tema no texto. Para isso, propõe a análise do papel do leitor dimensão textual virtual que comporta diversas operações interpretativas potenciais. Controladas pela organização do texto, isto é, por sua disposição arquitetônica, em seus mais diversos planos, essas operações, uma vez percebidas pelos leitores (o que não se deu imediatamente na história da recepção da Recherche) sustentam essas leituras (críticas ou não) de modo que podem ser vistas como a base ou as condições de possibilidade de toda e qualquer interpretação. / Following the clue given by Proust himself on his essay on reading, recently, proustian critics have been paying a lot of attention to this theme in A la Recherche. In general, these interpretations analyse the figurations of reading in the text which, in turn, is used as a model for the reading of Prousts text. However, many of these analyses point out to incoherencies in Prousts theoretical discourse which can invalidate its status as a model for the reader. Revisiting some of the analyses on the topic and Prousts own essay On reading, this thesis tries to indicate that the understanding of the subject of reading should move beyond the discussion of its figuration in the text. In order to do that, we propose an analysis of the role of the reader a virtual textual dimension formed by the interpretive operations designed by the text itself. Controlled by the organization of the materials that form the text, these operations, once perceived by the reader, support many of the critical readings of Prousts text and so, they are, as it seems, the foundations for most of the readings of A la Recherche.

Emma entre les lignes : réceptions, lecteurs et lectrices de Madame Bovary de Flaubert / Emma between the Lines : Receptions and Readers of Madame Bovary by Flaubert

Marpeau, Anne-Claire 21 September 2019 (has links)
Le travail porte sur la lecture de Madame Bovary de Flaubert. Menacée d’être proscrite en 1857, elle devient ensuite progressivement prescrite par les programmes de littérature au lycée et à l’université en France et dans les pays anglo-américains. La chercheuse explore le processus de « classicisation » du roman et l’histoire de la réception de son personnage principal par trois communautés interprétatives : les journalistes et critiques contemporain·e·s de Flaubert, les critiques universitaires français et anglo-américain·e·s des années 1960-1980 et des lycéen·ne·s français·e·s en 2016. Le travail interroge donc la constitution des interprétations dominantes ainsi que la dynamique des phénomènes d’identifications au cœur de ces différentes lectures en relation avec l’esthétique de l’auteur. Des problématiques de légitimation structurent en effet ces discours lectoraux et révèlent dans les valeurs qu’ils convoquent la « valence différentielle des sexes », universelle selon Françoise Héritier, qui fait d’une lecture masculine la référence de toute lecture légitime du roman en invalidant des attitudes lectorales perçues comme féminines. Cette situation a pour conséquence un encadrement pédagogique spécifique des interprétations lectorales dans le cadre scolaire dont la thèse interroge les présupposés et les effets sur les lecteurs et lectrices contemporain·e·s.Diverses méthodologies ont été utilisées pour mener la recherche. Les articles de journaux et les textes judiciaires publiés lors du procès de Madame Bovary ont été analysés. Un corpus de travaux structuralistes et post-structuralistes, des théories de la réception et féministes a également été examiné. La chercheuse a par ailleurs eu recours aux techniques de l’explication de texte pour comprendre l’esthétique de Flaubert et la confronter aux réactions des divers lecter·rice·s. Enfin, la chercheuse a mené une enquête de terrain basée sur un questionnaire, des journaux de lecture et des entretiens avec une classe de lycéen·ne·s français. / This work carries on reading Madame Bovary by Flaubert. Although reading the novel threatened to be prohibited when it was first published in 1857, it progressively became mandatory in French studies in French high schools and at French universities and Anglo-American universities. The thesis explores the « classicisation » process of the novel as well as the reception of its principal character by three interpretive communities: journalists and critics who were Flaubert’s contemporaries, French and Anglo-American academics between the sixties and eighties, and high school French students in 2016. The work thus examines the making of dominant interpretations and the dynamics of identifications at play in relation with the aesthetics of the author. Readers discourses are indeed shaped by self-legitimation purposes and by the universal « differential valency of genders » that Françoise Héritier conceptualized. Masculine reading is thought to be the template of « good » readings of the novel, while all readers’ demeanours perceived as « feminine » are invalidated. This situation results in a specific framing of pedagogical expectations, expectations of which the thesis intents to decipher the assumptions and effects on French high-school readers.To do so, the researcher used a variety of methodologies. She analyzed articles published in newspapers when the book was first published as well as the judiciary speeches and texts written during the trial of Madame Bovary. She also analyzed academic papers and structuralist, post-structuralist, reader-response and feminist theories. She used literary close reading to understand the aesthetics of Flaubert and confront his writing to the reactions of his readers. Finally, she gathered and analyzed empirical data through a survey, reading diaries and interviews with a class of French high school students.This thesis therefore belongs to the field of cultural studies, in the sense that it uses various academic approaches to understand a cultural object and its effects on its readers and because it tries to shift the epistemological viewpoint from which a classic such as Madame Bovary as been examined in Western culture.

An exploratory study of business intelligence in knowledge-based growth small, medium and micro-enterprises in South Africa

Ponelis, S.R. (Shana Rachel) 10 February 2012 (has links)
Small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) play an important part in all economies but particularly in developing economies. Growth 'SMMEs seek to grow either in size, revenue and/or asset value by reinvesting available resources; these enterprises tend to spend their available resources on operational when it comes to information and communication technology (ICT). But these systems, whilst necessary are not sufficient. They are geared toward capturing data but not producing information. Business intelligence (BI) can provide decision-makers, who in SMMEs are predominantly owner-managers, with access to information that enables them to make informed decisions on where to apply limited resources. Because BI requires operational systems to be in place to gather the data it is the logical next step. Despite increasing discussion in the press and amongst BI practitioners, academic research with regard to BI in SMMEs remains sparse. Since the potential contribution of BI to SMMEs can only be assessed by first understanding current information practices and needs in such enterprises, the purpose of this study is to explore the use of use of BI to support strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. This research uses an interpretive approach to collect data using semi-structured interviews from the owner-managers of six knowledge-based growth SMMEs in South Africa selected through purposive sampling. The research results suggest that BI can play an important role in knowledge-based growth SMMEs but that support and guidance is needed to ensure that BI is used appropriately to fully exploit available data for decision-making in addition to expanding available data sources. Future research can adopt a more rigorous positivist approach to confirm the findings of this study, expand the population to other sectors in South Africa and/or SMMEs in other countries. An action research methodology can also be used to apply BI interventions in SMMEs to investigate specific BI solutions in-depth. The research may be of value to participating and other SMME owner-managers, policy makers, government agencies, business advisers, and academic researchers. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Information Science / unrestricted

L'interprétation en Langue des Signes Française : contraintes, tactiques, efforts. / Sign Language Interpreting : constraints, tactics, efforts

Pointurier-Pournin, Sophie 30 June 2014 (has links)
En partant du cadre conceptuel des modèles IDRC (Interprétation-Décisions-Ressources- Contraintes) et du modèle d'Efforts de l'interprétation simultanée de Daniel Gile entre langues vocales, nous tenterons d'analyser le processus de l'interprétation en langue des signes et étudierons la charge cognitive inhérente au passage d'une langue vocale (canal audio-vocal), à une langue signée (canal visuo-gestuel). Nous analyserons en premier lieu l’ensemble des contraintes concourant à l’exercice de l’interprétation en langue des signes pouvant se distinguer de celles généralement observées en interprétation entre langues vocales (nous incluons les langues vocales syntaxiquement très éloignées) telles que les contraintes socio-économiques, les contraintes linguistiques et enfin les contraintes d’espace. Nous procéderons ensuite à une analyse cognitive du processus de l’interprétation en nous référant au modèle d'Efforts de l’interprétation simultanée de Gile (Effort d'Écoute et d'Analyse, Effort de Mémorisation à court terme, Effort de Production, Effort de Coordination de ces trois activités simultanées), et nous chercherons à envisager sa transposition aux langues des signes. Pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes constitutifs du processus, nous observerons particulièrement le concept de scénarisation (Séro-Guillaume, 2008) pour une première analyse de la charge cognitive de l’interprète en action. Cette capacité de représentation synthétique visuelle est-elle plus ou moins grande si on prend en compte le degré d'abstraction du discours, la technicité de l'énoncé, le manque de correspondances lexicales, le contexte de l'interprétation (pédagogique, conférence, etc.), la préparation ? Notre analyse du processus se base sur un corpus constitué de plusieurs études empiriques d’interprétations vers la langue des signes : une étude semi-expérimentale, une étude de cas naturaliste et une étude expérimentale, ainsi que sur des interviews d’interprètes et un focus group. Les observations faites sur l’ensemble de ces études nous ont permis de croiser nos données et de dégager les éléments pertinents de nos résultats pour une avancée dans la compréhension du processus cognitif de l’interprétation en langue des signes. / Taking as its point of departure the conceptual framework provided by the IDRC models (Interpreting-Decisions-Resources-Constraints) and Daniel Gile’s Effort model of simultaneous interpreting between spoken languages, this thesis aims to analyse the process of sign language interpreting and study the cognitive load inherent in encoding information from a spoken language (an auditory-vocal modality of language production) into signed language (a vision and gesture-based modality). The first part of the work analyses the set of constraints involved in the exercise of sign language interpreting, as distinguished from those generally observed to apply between spoken languages (including languages syntactically far apart), such as socio-economic constraints, linguistic constraints and, finally, spatial constraints. There follows a cognitive analysis of the interpreting process with reference to Gile’s Effort model of simultaneous interpreting (Listening and Analysis Effort, Memory Effort, Production Effort, Effort of Coordination of these three simultaneous activities), with an attempt to envisage transposing its application to sign language. In order to gain better understanding of the constituent mechanisms of the process, initial analysis of the cognitive load of the interpreter in action accords particular attention to the concept of scénarisation (scene-staging) (Séro-Guillaume, 2008). Is this capacity for creating a visual picture from sequential meaning greater or lesser when factors such as the degree of abstraction of the speech, the technicality of its content, a lack of lexical correspondence, the interpreting context (educational setting, conference setting, etc), and the amount of preparation are taken into account? Analysis of the process is based upon a corpus comprising several empirical studies of interpreting into sign language: a semi-experimental study, a naturalistic case study, and an experimental study, as well as on interpreter interviews and a focus group. The observations drawn from all of these studies have enabled cross-referencing of our data and the identification of the relevant elements of our research results in order to advance understanding of the cognitive process of sign language interpreting.

Jak sami sebe vnímají členové politických stran? Případ KDU-ČSL / How Do Ordinary Party Members Perceive Themselves? The Case of the KDU-ČSL

Minářová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis How Do Ordinary Party Members Perceive Themselves? The Case of the KDU-CSL explores both the relation between an ordinary party member and his political party and his role within the party. Therefore, the subject or our research represents the ordinary party member of the KDU-CSL defined as a member without any elected or executive political office. The theoretical framework of the thesis refers to a range authors concerning with political parties and their organisational aspects. The principal empirical part of the thesis is devoted to an analysis of party members in two Czech regions - Prague and the South Moravian region. The thesis is based on the primary qualitative research (semi-structured in-depth interviews and content textual analysis) conducted by the author herself.

Hälsa. Fast på ett djupare plan liksom.Om den existentiella hälsans betydelse för arbetsrelaterad hälsa. : - En kvalitativ studie av en hälsofrämjande intervention för vårdpersonal. / Health. But on a deeper level.About the importence of existential health for work-related health. : - A qualitative study of a health-promoting intervention for healthcare professionals.

Ahlin, Eva, Asklöv, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Existentiell hälsa är ett relativt nytt begrepp i Sverige och handlar om vårt sätt attse på och förhålla oss till livet i stort. Trots vissa påvisade hälsoeffekter, harmöjligheten att träna den existentiella hälsan på arbetstid ännu inte nått sammastatus som möjligheten att träna och förbättra den fysiska och psykosocialahälsan.Studiens syfte var att undersöka erfarenheter och upplevda effekter av enarbetsplatsförlagd hälsointervention under en serie av åtta tillfällen, medutgångspunkt i den existentiella hälsoaspekten. Semistrukturerade intervjuergenomfördes med sex informanter som genomgått hälsointerventionen under detsenaste året. Studien är kvalitativ och materialet analyserades med den tolkandefenomenologiska analysmetoden (IPA). Fyra huvudteman identifierades varav detre första kopplas till erfarenheter och det sistnämnda till egenupplevda effekter:Att bli sedd och uppskattad; Vikten av delandet; Existentiell hälsa – en del av migoch Ett nytt förhållningssätt. Resultatet visar på mycket positiva erfarenheter avatt ha blivit sedd som människa mer än som arbetstagare samt en stark gemenskapmed övriga deltagare. Resultaten indikerar en ökad grad av öppenhet och tillit,både till sig själv och till sina kollegor, i takt med träffarna. Detta gav pågruppnivå en upplevd ökad effektivitet i dagliga arbetsuppgifter tack vareförbättrad samarbetsförmåga. På individnivå indikeras en upplevd ökad inrestyrka tack vare starkare självkänsla och integritet. Slutsatsen vi drar av studienär att gruppträning i existentiell hälsa är ett kompletterande verktyg i kampen förförbättrad hälsa, ökad arbetsglädje och effektivitet. / Existential health is a relatively new concept in Sweden and is about our way oflooking at and relating to life in general. Despite some proven health effects, theopportunity to exercise existential health during working hours has not yetreached the same status as the opportunity to exercise and improve physical andpsychosocial health.The purpose of the study was to investigate experiences and perceivedeffects of a workplace-based health intervention over a series of eight occasions,based on the existential health aspect. Semi-structured interviews were conductedwith six informants who had undergone the health intervention during the pastyear. The study is qualitative and the material was analyzed using the interpretivephenomenological analysis method (IPA). Four main themes were identified, ofwhich the first three are linked to experiences and the latter to self-perceivedeffects: Being seen and appreciated; The importance of sharing; Existential health- a part of me and A new approach. The results show very positive experiencesof having been seen as a human being more than as an employee and a strongcommunity with other participants. The results indicate an increased degree ofopenness and trust, both to oneself and to one's colleagues, during the meetings.At a group level, this resulted in a perceived increase in efficiency in daily tasksthanks to improved collaboration skills. At the individual level, a perceivedincreased inner strength is indicated thanks to stronger self-esteem and integrity.The conclusion we draw from the study is that group training based on existentialhealth is a complementary tool in the fight for improved health, increased jobsatisfaction and efficiency.

Synergizing Systems : Using SSM in prototypical system development

Zafar, Ali, Svensson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a research project conducted with a Swedish company to provide recommendations for developing a prototypical information system for the company. The system’s goal was to consolidate data regarding the company’s supply chain and packaging conditions in order to find improvements in packaging development. The thesis employed the use of Soft Systems Methodology to aid with the system development process. A qualitative explorative study was designed for this purpose. Soft Systems Methodology was used after exploring alternative methodologies. This was chosen as the researchers found it important to engage the case company in the system development process. Four semi-structured interviews and two workshops with the relevant officials were the main methods of collecting data. Models such as a rich picture, CATWOE and PQR formula were utilized during the research to visualize important aspects of the system development process. As a result of the research, the researchers were able to provide the company with recommendations for how to further proceed with the development process. Another result of the study was that Soft Systems Methodology was able to unlock tacit information. The methodology also allowed for a consideration of the implementation of an iterative process to support the development. The results of this research suggest that introducing and making use of Soft Systems Methodology is very stimulating in an environment not already using it. The research provided insights needed for progress towards a successful implementation of a new information system, and contributes a real-world SSM case in a corporate environment. The researchers also suggest future opportunities for research that could further build on the work presented in the thesis.

The role of film in enhancing intern clinical psychologists’ understanding of borderline personality disorder / The role of film in enhancing the understanding of BPD

Nowack, Stephanie Katharina 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Psychologists-in-training are often presented with textbook definitions and descriptions of individuals presenting with psychopathologies. A major challenge for such texts is to effectively convey the relational issues and interpersonal dynamics of the mental disorders. The current study explores the role of film in enhancing intern clinical psychologists’ understanding of borderline personality disorder by specifically utilising the films Sylvia and Black Butterflies. A qualitative, phenomenological study was conducted with 15 clinical psychology interns at a tertiary psychiatric hospital in Gauteng, South Africa. The collected data consisted of responses to open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and was analysed according to an interpretive phenomenological analysis. Although the analysis was conducted inductively, the researcher also made deductive inferences from the data based on contemplations about the link between archetypes and images and learning and archetypal experiences. The importance of and connection to 21st-century learning skills, the creative learning spiral and a pedagogy of play were also taken into consideration while analysing the data. The findings of the current study suggest the ability of the two films to draw one in and to cause one to emotionally connect with the characters. Furthermore, films form an opportunity for trainees to practice psychodynamic formulations and not only focus on biological reductionisms of the disorder. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Afro-Caribbean Marriage and Family Therapists working with Persons who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and/or Questioning: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study

Campbell, Raquel Yvonne 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study explored and highlighted the experiences of trained Marriage and Family Therapists of Afro-Caribbean descent in working with persons who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning (LGBTQ). The researcher utilized collected data to help to advance our understanding on the potential impact of the cultural experiences and how they may or may not contribute to institutionalized homophobia within the Caribbean, by Mental Health professionals, specifically Marriage and Family Therapists. The researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with 3 practicing Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) with strong Caribbean upbringing, values, and influences. For the purpose of this study, strong has been defined as having being born and/or raised in the Caribbean. This qualitative study employed the use of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to aid in making sense of the data that was collected. Data gathered from the interviews of three participants revealed two prominent superordinate themes: “Homophobia” and “Evolving Views” with emerging subthemes that explored culture, religion, “checking yourself at the door” and connecting with persons who identify as LGBTQ. The findings from the study helped to add to the limited research available on the lived experiences of Marriage and Family Therapists of Afro-Caribbean descent and their work with persons who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning (LGBTQ).

LatinX Diversity Officers in Higher Education: Capacitating Cultural Values as Champions of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Chavez-Haroldson, Maria Teresa 08 March 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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