Spelling suggestions: "subject:"7intervjuer."" "subject:"14intervjuer.""
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Bland Bokbaciller och Vingklippta Änglar : En kvalitativ studie kring bestånd och beståndsarbete på fem sjukhusbiblioteks barn- och ungdomsavdelningar / A qualitative study on collection and collection management at five hospital libraries’ children and youth sectionsElfving, Johan, Engman Fingal, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to examine the collection management at five different hospital libraries´ children and youth’s section to discern different roles of the collections. We made qualitative interviews with five hospital librarians. The purpose was also to see how the collection development affected the different roles of the collections. We used two theories. One involves six dimensions of collection development and the other involves the purposes of collections which are divided in to four different roles. The hospital librarians had the users in mind when working with the collections. The users have different needs, not only because they are children and young people but also because they are patients. We could see that many different circumstances had an impact on the collection development, such as limited and narrow spaces, short treatment times for patients and low circulation on children and youth material. The three roles we could distinguish were the Dispensing role, the Advisory role and the Symbolic role. The librarians tried to have a diverse range of materials to satisfy the different needs. The librarians made certain collections visible by different headlines that would appeal to the users. We could see that materials with medical substance were prioritized in many ways. This material is important for both patients and the medical staff. Medical material also justified the patient hospital libraries existence in times when the medical libraries get more and more space. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Riktlinjer för skapandet av digitala arkiv / Guidelines for creating digital repositoriesBerglund, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to present guidelines for making a digital repository. To attain this, useful factors for creating an archive were examined. Also different organisations’ strategies were analysed. The method used is evidence-based practice, including reading literature and e-mail interviews. Five people in Sweden working with digital repositories were e-mail interviewed. The theory behind the investigation is based on Sheila Corrall’s and Elizabeth Orna’s research on the creation of information strategies. Three main areas were identified: environmental issues, strategic focus and strategy formation. The literature study identified different areas that are involved in creating a digital repository. These are administrative factors, technical aspects, content, publication forms, cultural factors and marketing. In a similar way the interviews clarified why the repositories were created, such as administrative factors, technical aspects, how to publish, quality aspects, marketing, cultural factors and good advice. The literature and the interviews were compared and conclusions were made. These conclusions were used to set up guidelines for developing a digital repository. To create a strategy, the chosen organisation has to be evaluated, which was beyond the scope of this thesis. It is suggested that the thesis is suitable for a starting point, initiating work on digital repositories. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Vi kanske skulle tuffa till oss lite på biblioteket! : Konstutställningar på folkbibliotek, en del av bibliotekens funktion som offentliga rum? / Art exhibitions in public libraries : part of the libraries function as public sphere?Eriksson, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis examines the ideas behind the phenomenon art exhibitions in public libraries. My interest is to see if and how the art exhibitions can support the libraries in being a public sphere in Jürgen Habermas’ sense, open for all citizens and their opinions. My study therefore has two purposes. The first is to find out which arguments and ideas that are used to motivate the activity. The second purpose is to see if and how the arguments and ideas can be related to Habermas’ theories about the public sphere. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians who are responsible for the art exhibitions in four libraries, located in three Swedish municipalities; Borås, Kinna and Malmö. The concepts by Jürgen Habermas are used to make sense of the information I got from the interviews. The results show that art exhibitions in the public libraries are seen as having a democratic, pedagogical and informational function. It can be seen as supporting the public libraries role as public sphere by creating meetings and room for the citizens to express themselves. But the function of the exhibitions differs between the four libraries because the art exhibition activity depends on the values of one single person. / Uppsatsnivå: C
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”Det är en pärs att ligga sjuk, man är ju lite i underläge” Upplevelser av att bli vårdad på en utbildningsvårdavdelningAgnarsson, Erika, Mellberg, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Det finns idag begränsade kunskaper om hur patienter upplever att bli vårdade av sjuk-sköterskestudenter på en utbildningsvårdavdelning, UVA, där antalet studenter är större än på en vanlig vårdavdelning. På Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus utbildningsvårdavdelningar utgår vården från ett etiskt patientperspektiv. Patientperspektivet innebär ett förhåll-ningssätt hos vårdaren som kännetecknas av integritet och värdighet. Patienten ska kän-na ett förtroende får vårdaren och vården. Utbildningsvårdavdelningarna, ”UVORNA”, skall ur detta perspektiv organisera det praktiska arbetet. Syftet med denna studie är att ge ökad förståelse över hur patienter upplever vårdandet på en UVA. För att erhålla patienters erfarenheter valdes en empirisk studie med öppna intervjuer och kvalitativ innehålls analys med induktiv ansats av intervju materialet. Resultatet visar på både livsgivande relationer med student och övriga vårdare samt relationer som leder till vårdlidande i hälsoprocessen. Livsgivande relationer var när informanten blev sedd och lyssnad på samt när informanten fick ”kroppslig omvårdnad”. Detta skapade ett förtro-ende och tillit till vårdarna. Vårdlidande uppstod när ingen uppföljning av lidandet gjor-des samt bristande integritet och kompetens. Trots att patienten beskriver problem i sin vårdprocess så tyckte ändå patienterna vården i sin helhet är god. I diskussionen förs frågan om studenternas behov av träning står över patientens önskan om att få möta en sjuksköterska. Studenterna behöver utveckla sina färdigheter i kommunikation för att möta patientens behov. Reflektion tillsammans med handledaren är nödvändig för att få ihop teoretisk kunskap med erfarenhet. Vidare diskuteras om vården alltid kan förhindra att ett vårdlidande uppstår men att det i vilket fall är viktigt att medvetenheten kring vårdlidandet ökar. / Program: Fristående kurs
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Bilden av bibliotekarier och bibliotekarieyrket : En diskursanalytisk studie av hur användare talar om bibliotekarier och bibliotekarieyrket / The image of librarians and the librarian profession : A discourse analytic study of how users talk about librarians and the librarian professionStorm, Madeleine January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study through discourse analysis how users talk about librarians and the librarian profession and what perceptions they have regarding it. I have tried to do this by asking the questions: How do the users describe librarians and the librarian profession? Are there any patterns in what they say? The method and theory I have used is Laclau and Mouffes’ discourse theory and partially structured interviews. The material consists of interviews with eight users that are both women and men, both students and members of the public and they were between 25 and 50 years old. In the material I found two discourses: the discourse about librarians and the discourse about the librarian profession. I have come to the conclusion that images exists of librarians being older women who are caring and forthcoming but also inaccessible. The image of the librarians also includes them working with books in different ways and that they read and know a lot about literature. When the users have talked about the librarians’ knowledge they have described that librarians have different knowledge based on what they work with. Some librarians work with inter library loans and therefore have more knowledge about that.
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Biblioteket som integrerande resurs i samhället. En exemplifiering med målgruppen romer / Library as an integrating resource in the society. An exemplification with the Roma people as a target groupCarlsson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
This essay is about how the library can make a difference inintegrating the minority Roma people into the Swedish society.Roma people have been subjected to persecution anddiscrimination for a long time. In this essay, I examine theactivities, functions and capabilities of libraries that can have apositive effect for the integration of the Roma people. Myquestions are: How can libraries reach out to the Roma people andwhat function do the library have for the integration of the Romapeople? I have used Marianne Anderssons and Dorte Skot-Hansens theory the four functions of the library – the culutralcenter, the knowledge center, the information center and the socialcenter. Based on this theory, I have interpreted and analyzed thematerial that I have gathered through interviews and literaturestudies such as thesis, dissertations, repors and parliamentdocuments. The results of my studies show a predominance of twoof the four library functions – the cultural center and theknowledge center. It was largely about literature, learning andknowledge. Some informants associated the library only withbooks and silence, which can be a result of how the librarypromote itself. As the four functions overlap, activities can oftenbe interpreted from several angles. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Biblioteksprofiler : kvalitativa fallstudier på tre folkbibliotek / Library profiles : qualitative case-studies on three public librariesFriberg Arvesved, Therése January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the roles ofthree different public libraries in three differentcommunities. In order to get some answers about the roles ofthe public libraries I have used the following questions: Howis the local cultural policy formulated? How is the locallibrary structured? What or which profiles has the publiclibraries in the three communities?I have made three qualitative case-studies in three differentcommunities. These three communities are somewhatlocated in the same area in order to identify any cooperationbetween them. The communities differ in sizes so that thereis a possibility to identify if the roles of the public librarydiffer according to population.I have used an analysis model created by MarianneAndersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen as my theoretical base.The model categorises the function of the public library infour different, yet overlapping centres; as a cultural centre,as a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as asocial centre.The analytical findings show that each of the three differentpublic libraries can be identified with all four functions ofthe theoretical model, however in different degrees. The firstlibrary is more distinct as a cultural centre, the second libraryis most distinct as a knowledge centre and the third is mostdistinct as a social centre. The libraries have got differentnumbers of cooperative partners. Cooperation is viewed asimportant by all three libraries, mostly by the economicaland inspirational contributions they provide. Cooperationalso makes the libraries more visible in their respective localcommunities. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Gastric bypass Den subjektiva upplevelsen efter operationNikola, Joanna, Borglund Kronander, Pernilla January 2012 (has links)
Fetma är allt vanligare idag, och de senaste åren har förekomsten av fetma ökat och bara i Sverige kan en halv miljon vuxna anses lida av fetma och 2.5 miljoner vara överviktiga. Gastric bypass är en kirurgisk behandling mot övervikt som har fyrdubblats inom en femårs period. En bättre livskvalitet har i olika kvantitativa studier kunnat påvisas efter viktminskning, men osäkert hur livskvaliteten ökar efter kirurgi då det ofta speglas negativt i media. I de kvantitativa studierna kan inga nyanser av upplevelser urskiljas. Syftet med denna undersökning var därför att beskriva den subjektiva upplevelsen hos personer som genomgått en gastric bypass. En empirisk studie gjordes med öppna frågor och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Resultatet av studien styrker den tidigare forskning som gjorts, då informanterna beskriver en ökad livskvalitet och förbättrad hälsa såväl fysiskt som psykiskt. Operationen har förbättrat informanternas självbild och bidragit till en ökad frihetskänsla. Det tydliggörs hur informanterna upplevt sig vara stigmatiserade och de har skämts för sin fetma. De negativa erfarenheter som framkommit, såsom dumping, har inte haft setts som ett stort problem, utan viktnedgången och de positiva hälsoeffekterna har dominerat. I diskussionen framkommer hur viktigt det är att öka förståelsen för individens problematik samt hur viktig sjuksköterskans roll är att hjälpa individen att tillgodogöra sig aktuell information. Vidare diskuteras att om förväntningarna är orealistiska skapas en större besvikelse vilket eventuellt kan leda till ett missnöje. Det är viktigt att en operation inte ses som en helhetslösning utan som ett verktyg. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning
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Antropologins informationsvärldar : En biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig studie kring socialantropologer och etnografiska fältarbeten.Fridholm, Axel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine information behavioursamongst a group of social anthropologists. The thesis alsohas a special focus on issues concerning information andinformation behaviour during periods of ethnographicfieldwork. As a empirical foundation for this studyinterviews where made between may – september in 2011with seven social anthropologists active at a swedishuniversity. The results from the conducted interviews areanalysed with the theoretical framework of the informationbehaviour theory as presented by T.D Wilson. Furthermorethe concept of “information worlds” by Paul T. Jeager andGary Burnett is another theoretical viewpoint in this thesis.Results in this study shows that the social anthropologistsduring periods of ethnographic fieldwork, in addition to theempirical data gathering process by participant observationand similar methods, actively search for relevant informationin other information sources. These types of informationseeking amongst the social anthropologists in this studyshows strong connections to the intervening variablespresented in T.D Wilson´s models of information behaviour.Overall the study shows that it´s possible to observe anotable change in the information behaviour amongst thesocial anthropologists during ethnographic fieldwork. Theempirical data collection presents by natural reasons a bigtime consuming part of the fieldwork. But the study alsoreveals different perceptions and views amongst the socialanthropologists on issues concerning searching and usingdifferent types of information sources, and especially issuesconcerning theoretical literature and likewise duringfieldwork. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Skolledares syn på biblioteket : intervjuer med två rektorer och två gymnasiechefer / School leaders’ view on the library : interviews with two principals and two heads of upper secondary schoolMattsson, Sofia, Södergren, Sophia January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to explore how principals and school administrators work to develop their school libraries. To narrow our area of study we chose to only include gymnasiums run by the municipality and conducted four semi-structured interviews with two principals and two heads of upper secondary school. We formulated two questions: (1) what perceptions of the school library and its functions can be found among our four respondents? And, (2) how do they work with developing the school library? As a theoretical framework we used Loertscher’s taxonomy of the school leader. The results from our interviews indicated that our respondents have a broad view of what role a library can play in the school, but mainly they wanted it to be an information center. How much they sought to develop the library ranged from not at all to very much. It seemed to depend on personal interest, authority, money, time and a librarian’s willingness to cooperate. The librarians and teachers also needed time to improve the cooperation. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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